St Mary s Catholic Primary School...St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Cnr Byng and Park Street /...

St Marys Catholic Primary School Cnr Byng and Park Street / PO Box 8007 ORANGE NSW 2800 Ph: 6362 7926 [email protected] 30th January 2020 Term 1 Week 1 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Gospel, Matthew 4:12-23 Hearing that John had been arrested he withdrew to Galilee, and leaving Nazara he went and settled in Capernaum, beside the lake, on the borders of Zebulun and Naphtali. This was to fulfil what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah: Land of Zebulun! Land of Naphtali! Way of the sea beyond Jordan. Galilee of the nations! The people that lived in darkness have seen a great light; on those who lived in a country of shadow dark as death a light has dawned. From then onwards Jesus began his proclamation with the message, 'Repent, for the kingdom of Heaven is close at hand. 'As he was walking by the Lake of Galilee he saw two brothers, Simon, who was called Peter, and his brother Andrew; they were making a cast into the lake with their net, for they were fishermen. And he said to them, 'Come after me and I will make you fishers of people.' And at once they left their nets and followed him. Going on from there he saw another pair of brothers, James son of Zebedee and his brother John; they were in their boat with their father Zebedee, mending their nets, and he called them. And at once, leaving the boat and their father, they followed him. He went round the whole of Galilee teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and curing all kinds of disease and illness among the people. Gospel Reflection Matthew wants to show that Jesus is the fulfillment of the prophecies given to the people of Israel, and he refers to Isaiah to do so. Isaiah says that the Messiah will begin his ministry in Galilee, the land of the Gentiles. When Jesus begins to preach in Galilee, Matthew points to his ministry as a fulfillment of Isaiah s prophecy, proof that Jesus is the Messiah. When Jesus called his first disciples, the Gospel tells us that the fishermen (Peter and Andrew, James and John) dropped everything to follow Jesus immediately. Yet this Gospel tells us little about the prior experience that the fishermen had of Jesus. Did they know him? Had they heard him preach? What kind of person must Jesus have been to invoke such a response? We can imagine that Jesus was a powerful presence to elicit a response as immediate and complete as these first disciples gave. Our Vision With Jesus Christ as our inspiration and guide, St Mary's Catholic Primary School Orange is a Professional Learning Community that works in collaboration with family, church and community to celebrate high levels of learning for all. In this new liturgical year, the Gospel of Matthew will be the primary Gospel proclaimed (Lectionary Cycle A).

Transcript of St Mary s Catholic Primary School...St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Cnr Byng and Park Street /...

Page 1: St Mary s Catholic Primary School...St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Cnr Byng and Park Street / PO Box 8007 ORANGE NSW 2800 Ph: 6362 7926 30th

St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Cnr Byng and Park Street / PO Box 8007 ORANGE NSW 2800

Ph: 6362 7926

[email protected]

30th January 2020 Term 1 Week 1

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Gospel, Matthew 4:12-23 Hearing that John had been arrested he withdrew to Galilee, and leaving Nazara he went and settled in Capernaum, beside the lake, on the borders of Zebulun and Naphtali. This was to fulfil what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah: Land of Zebulun! Land of Naphtali! Way of the sea beyond Jordan. Galilee of the nations! The people that lived in darkness have seen a great light; on those who lived in a country of shadow dark as death a light has dawned. From then onwards Jesus began his proclamation with the message, 'Repent, for the kingdom of Heaven is close at hand. 'As he was walking by the Lake of Galilee he saw two brothers, Simon, who was called Peter, and his brother Andrew; they were making a cast into the lake with their net, for they were fishermen. And he said to them, 'Come after me and I will make you fishers of people.' And at once they left their nets and followed him. Going on from there he saw another pair of brothers, James son of Zebedee and his brother John; they were in their boat with their father Zebedee, mending their nets, and he called them. And at once, leaving the boat and their father, they followed him. He went round the whole of Galilee teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and curing all kinds of disease and illness among the people. Gospel Reflection Matthew wants to show that Jesus is the fulfillment of the prophecies given to the people of Israel, and he refers to Isaiah to do so. Isaiah says that the Messiah will begin his ministry in Galilee, the land of the Gentiles. When Jesus begins to preach in Galilee, Matthew points to his ministry as a fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy, proof that Jesus is the Messiah. When Jesus called his first disciples, the Gospel tells us that the fishermen (Peter and Andrew, James and John) dropped everything to follow Jesus immediately. Yet this Gospel tells us little about the prior experience that the fishermen had of Jesus. Did they know him? Had they heard him preach? What kind of person must Jesus have been to invoke such a response? We can imagine that Jesus was a powerful presence to elicit a response as immediate and complete as these first disciples gave.

Our Vision With Jesus Christ as our inspiration and guide,

St Mary's Catholic Primary School Orange is a Professional Learning Community that works in collaboration with family, church and community to celebrate high levels of learning for all.

In this new liturgical year, the Gospel of Matthew will be the

primary Gospel proclaimed (Lectionary Cycle A).

Page 2: St Mary s Catholic Primary School...St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Cnr Byng and Park Street / PO Box 8007 ORANGE NSW 2800 Ph: 6362 7926 30th
Page 3: St Mary s Catholic Primary School...St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Cnr Byng and Park Street / PO Box 8007 ORANGE NSW 2800 Ph: 6362 7926 30th

Introducing our new teachers here at St Mary’s…

Liz Varcoe Kindy Blue

Abbie Powell Six Blue

Angela Smith Four Gold

David Duncan Five Gold

Chloe Brooks Six Gold

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Mon 03-Feb-20

Tue 04-Feb-20 Opening School Mass 9.30am in the hall

Wed 05-Feb-20 Reconciliation & First Communion Parent Meetings 9.30-10.30am & 7-8pm at Kenna Hall

Thurs 06-Feb-20 St Mary’s Swimming Carnival

Fri 07-Feb-20


Dear Parents, You are invited to our

Opening School Mass Tuesday, 4th January 2020

9.30am in the school hall


Hello and welcome to the 2020 school year.

Welcome back to all our familiar families and a special welcome to the seventeen new

students and their families that began with us on Wednesday. We will also welcome forty

six new Kindergarten students and their families on Thursday.

During this year may we all learn and grow in mind and body. May we continue to show the

kindness and friendship to everyone and let the light of faith grow strong in our hearts.

- Kerry Maher

Kindergarten - Friday Year 1 - Friday Year 2 - Wednesday & Friday Year 3 - Friday Year 4 - Wednesday Year 5 - Friday Year 6 - Friday

Page 5: St Mary s Catholic Primary School...St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Cnr Byng and Park Street / PO Box 8007 ORANGE NSW 2800 Ph: 6362 7926 30th

School Photo’s It’s that time of year again that we need to spruce ourselves up and

put on our biggest smile. On the 10th of February, Creative School

Portraits are coming to snap our beautiful faces.

If you have several children at St Mary’s and would like to get a

family photo please make sure to pick up the envelope from the

office and put cash or a cheque into the envelope.

The deadline to return these envelopes is Friday 7th February

The codes to access your child’s portrait photos will be sent home after the 10th.

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Children are expected to be attired in the correct school uniform each day of the school year and to present themselves in line with school dress policy, which stipulates:

Extremes of hairstyle are not permitted, these include coloured hair and haircuts or undercut less than a ‘two’ or rats tails. Hair below the shoulders must be pulled back off their face.

No bracelets (including friendship bracelets & silicone wristbands) , bangles, necklaces or anklets - a religious cross or medal on a fine chain may be worn

One small ring only

No nail polish

One set of earrings only sleepers or studs (no coloured gems)

T-shirts under short sleeved shirts are not permitted

Black school shoes must be worn

In Term 1 and Term 4 boys are permitted to have their shirt out

In cold weather children are permitted to wear jackets, scarves and/or beanies in the playground (Preferably plain navy blue or maroon).


Lessons commence each morning at 9.10am and conclude at 3.10pm.

All students should be on school grounds by 9am each day.

The grounds are open to our students from 8.30am until 3.30pm Monday-Friday,

with the exception of a small group of bus students whose bus arrives a little later than 3.30pm.

Please note that supervision of students outside these hours cannot be guaranteed and no responsibility will be

taken by the school for any consequences of the activities of students outside these hours.

In the interest of student safety, please assist us by ensuring that your child does not enter or

remain on school grounds outside the above stated hours.

The school will not be responsible for the supervision or care of students outside the school premises unless

the student is engaged in a school sanctioned activity e.g. excursion, sporting event.

The school will not be responsible for the supervision or care of students on their journey to or from school.

In particular, the school will not be responsible for the supervision of students at bus stops or on buses as they

travel to school or on their way home from school. Each student's journey to and from school shall be the

responsibility of the parent/guardian.


Parents are reminded that students are not to play on the equipment as they leave the school grounds on their way home.

Insurance is one issue we have with this. Children are not covered by insurance after school hours.

Secondly, it becomes very confusing for our new students, particularly those in Kindergarten, who think that it is

another sanctioned play time and then we have difficulties getting them to their bus or exit point.

Thank you for helping us keep our students safe and well.


Students at St Mary's are not to keep mobile phones, iPods, iPads or other personal electronic devices in their pockets or

school bags. All students are expected to hand these personal devices to the front office each morning when they arrive at

school. The devices are collected at the end of the day from the front office by individual students.


Class Facebook pages are not official school communication channels. However, standard social media protocol still applies. If you need information in regards to school practice you are advised to contact the school

to be assured that you are receiving correct information.


School fees are currently being processed and will be emailed out by Tuesday 25th February

Page 7: St Mary s Catholic Primary School...St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Cnr Byng and Park Street / PO Box 8007 ORANGE NSW 2800 Ph: 6362 7926 30th

St Mary’s Swimming Carnival

Thursday 6th February 2020

We are looking forward to a wonderful day at the pool next Thursday, the 6th of February. Thank you in advance to all of our

parent helpers! The carnival would not run without you. Children are reminded to wear hats and t-shirts when not competing

in races, to reapply sunscreen throughout the day and drink plenty of water. Please remember to label your child’s belongings.

Swimming caps are available to be purchased on the day for $5 each.

Please see attached order of events

This year the INFANTS students will not be going to the pool.

Only the competitive swimmers from Year 2 who are aged 8 will be attending the Carnival.

Page 8: St Mary s Catholic Primary School...St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Cnr Byng and Park Street / PO Box 8007 ORANGE NSW 2800 Ph: 6362 7926 30th

Can you Volunteer to help our school???

Calling all our new families…

Please complete the form below

if you can offer 1 to 4 hours of your time,

between 10am till 2pm to support our

St Mary’s Canteen.

We would love to hear if you can help any

day from Tuesday to Friday.

Without the help of our volunteers our

Canteen would not run.

Please could you contact the office on 6362

7926 if you can help.

Or pop in to let us know face to face that

you’d like to volunteer.

How do I order my child’s lunch?

Please download the Flexischools App

or sign in on your computer.

In order to search for

St Mary’s Catholic Primary School - Orange,

please search the word “Orange” because understandably there

are too many St Marys to search through.

How do I order my child’s uniform?

Please order uniform through Flexischools if you can’t

come to the uniform shop on a Friday morning. The

uniform will be packed on the Friday morning and it will be

sent home with your child Friday afternoon.

You can pay with card, Paypal or load your

Flexischools account for regular lunch purchases.

Page 9: St Mary s Catholic Primary School...St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Cnr Byng and Park Street / PO Box 8007 ORANGE NSW 2800 Ph: 6362 7926 30th


Our school is active in school waste reduction. We do this by using green and yellow bins to

reduce the amount of recyclable materials and food scraps in our red general waste bins. We

have compost to maintain our enviro garden.

Much of the school rubbish we generate and send to landfill comes from food packaging we

buy for lunch boxes. With this in mind we will continue to further implement

“waste free lunches”

During our lunches, reusable containers are

favoured and disposable packages are discouraged.

Any packaging waste brought to school is

taken home.

If you are looking for lunchbox inspiration, check out


& the website for recipes, inspiration and more

Thank you for helping

our students become

more environmentally


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Page 11: St Mary s Catholic Primary School...St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Cnr Byng and Park Street / PO Box 8007 ORANGE NSW 2800 Ph: 6362 7926 30th