St. Martin of Tours Anglican Church Crossword Newsletter


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Page 1: St. Martin of Tours Anglican Church Crossword Newsletter

The Crossword: Newsletter of St. Martin of Tours, Gabriola V5#7 July 2012


The CROSSWORD: Newsletter of ST MARTIN’S PARISH July 2012 Vol. 5 #7


I can’t quite believe it is July and already time to write my last contribution for the Crossword. At this point, I think I can only say one thing: thank you!

Thank you for receiving me (another Bishop-appointed-cleric!) so warmly and helping

form a priest in the middle of her curacy. Thank you for your many kindnesses: loaning furniture, cups of tea and conversations,

meals, gluten-free goodies; your hospitality of heart, hearth and home. Thank you to those who worked faithfully on our committees especially Parish Council,

Shared Ministry/Ad Hoc Committee and Altar Guild.

Thank you for your lives lived in Christ. I am deeply moved by the examples of Christian love and charity that I have seen and learned amongst you. You serve one another

faithfully. Thank you for your willingness to continue learning new things, to trust, to step out in faith with Gabriola United Church and see what God will do.

Thank you. I will miss you and will miss the Island! You will remain in my thoughts and prayers. The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face shine upon you and be

gracious to you, the Lord look upon you with favour and grant you peace. Anne

Calling All Books!

If I’ve lent you a book, please finish reading it by the end of July so I can make sure it

gets into a moving box!

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The Crossword: Newsletter of St. Martin of Tours, Gabriola V5#7 July 2012



White Pews looking for a new home about 8 ft long $5 each OBO stored at Peter Eastick’s

Caregivers Meeting Wed July 4 at 2:00pm Gabriola United Church, for more information call

Judy at 247-9153.

Bible Study: 10 am Wed, July 4 (readings for Sunday, July 8) at Brockley’s 465 Bruce Lynn

10 am Wed, July 11, (readings for July 15) at McKillop`s 2473 Spring Beach

A Way Less Travelled: In April and May of 2012, Susan & Rob Brockley walked 450 kilometres

of El Camino Mozárabe, one of the lesser-known pilgrimage routes to Santiago de Compostela in

Spain. At the Roxy, on Sat. July 7, Susan and Rob will give an illustrated presentation about

the pilgrimage & what it meant to them. Doors open at 6:30 pm, the presentation is from 7:00-

8:15 pm, followed by an opportunity for questions & discussion. By donation.

Gabriola Ecumenical Society Summer Picnic Thurs. Jul 26 from3 - 6 pm at Anne Sims’

bring a lawn chair by donation

Worship Service: Sun July 29 11 a.m. at the Westarp’s [Rain or Shine] followed by Church

Picnic: please bring a lawn chair, sun hat, sun screen, a picnic lunch, a finger snack, or dessert

to share. Significant others included.

Prayer Shawl Ministry: Check out for more information contact: Susan

Brockley [9467] [email protected]

Prayer Wheel: [to participate; to make a request for prayers and/or thanks for prayers]

Please contact Phyllis Reeve 250-247-7889 at [email protected].

Donations for the PHC Food Basket

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS VITAL MINISTRY TO THOSE IN NEED. Donations continue on a weekly basis - money jar or food basket


Progressive Potluck & Conversation Fri June 15, 2012 5:30 pm Twenty one people from both St Martin’s and the United Church came out to enjoy an evening of good food, conversation and fun.

Lady’s Lunch & outing to Coombs Tues. June 19, 2012 10 am ferry Ten women ventured forth in three vehicles to “Goat’s on the Roof” Coombs for Lunch

at Cuckoo in Coombs Trattoria & Pizzeria, Italian Restaurant and their Tuscan Countryside Menu. This was followed by a tour of the market and other shops and many ended their visit with an ice cream cone!

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The Crossword: Newsletter of St. Martin of Tours, Gabriola V5#7 July 2012


A Celebration of the 100th Anniversary 1912-2012 Dear Friends,

“This is the day that the Lord has Made. Let us rejoice and be glad.”

This August 11th 2012, we commemorate a milestone in our journey as a Poor Clare Community. We

will be celebrating 100 years of our foundation as Poor Clare Sisters in the Diocese of Victoria. We are

filled with gratitude and thanksgiving for the goodness of God which has been exemplified in those who

have accompanied us on this journey of faith, trust and outpoured love.

The invitation warmly extends our desire for you to join us in celebrating this sacred event. We know

this will not be possible for some because of distance or health reasons, but you will be present in our

hearts on this important day.

One hundred years on this Island - one hundred years of being steeped in God’s Beauty and Presence

is an inexpressible privilege. We, in turn, share the charism of St. Clare lived in prayerfulness,

simplicity and gratitude. You are never far from our hearts as we hold you before the Heart of our living

God. It is this ONENESS in Christ that enkindles compassion for others and life is born anew.

Our own 100th anniversary of foundation is but a beam of light reflected from the original foundation of

Poor Clares which was started in Assisi in 1212 by St. Clare herself. So in reality, we are celebrating

two foundation anniversaries. 2012 is also the closing date of the 800th year of celebration for Poor

Clares throughout the world. Truly, it has been a year of praise and gratitude for the gift of God’s love

experienced through Clare’s response to God and for our own vocation.

Now let us take a step into the past so that we may bring perspective to the present. As we reflect on

the events that span these 100 years we recognize the poverty, so dear to the heart of Clare, present

in each new beginning. This was true for the Bentivoglio sisters who, in 1834, left their monastery in

Rome to establish the Poor Clare presence in North America. Their perseverance and undaunting faith

in God’s plan enabled them to endure many hardships and rejections as the foundation in New Orleans

became a reality. Building on their courage, our own journey began in 1912 when three faith-filled

sisters left New Orleans to bring a contemplative presence to the West Coast of Canada. The early

years in Victoria saw rapid growth in the community followed by a major exodus that took place as the

foundresses and their newer members returned to the United States, leaving only three sisters to

continue the Poor Clare life on Haultain Street. The littleness of beginnings reflect the hidden power of

God at work in those who openly trust. This is a stream that flows throughout the history of any Poor

Clare foundation. The fruit that results is watered by pain-filled tears of letting go and trusting God.

As Poor Clares we respond joyfully and faithfully to our call as contemplatives who probe deeply the

mystery of God’s love - allowing this mystery to permeate the unfolding of each day. We live in the

light of our heritage while recognizing the shadows of our time. The plights of poverty, injustice and

violence present in our world can only be extinguished by an openness to transformation of the human

heart. Prayer is the catalyst to make this happen. We are among the many whose lives are dedicated to

being an intercessory force through prayer, silence and contemplation.

Reflecting back, we are most conscious of all the women who have embraced their vocation in this

Monastery over the past one hundred years. We remember and are grateful for their vision and fidelity

to our charism. They are the ones who have taught us by their lives that our contemplative vocation is

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The Crossword: Newsletter of St. Martin of Tours, Gabriola V5#7 July 2012


not for us alone, but for the Church, the world and for all of you who have encouraged and supported

us and believed in the power of prayer and witness of faith.

We have reason to celebrate with ecstatic joy, endless gratitude and overflowing love. August 11th, as

well as all the days leading up to it, and all those to follow are days that ring with our heartfelt

thanksgiving and praise. Join us in this jubilation. You are integrally a part of this event.


Sister Doreen and all the Sisters

You are cordially invited to celebrate with us our Centenary of Service on Vancouver Island on Saturday, August 11th, 2012 The celebration of the 100th Anniversary opens with A Solemn Eucharist

of Thanksgiving at St. Andrew’s Cathedral in Victoria at 10:00 AM, celebrated by our Bishop, the Most Reverend Richard Gagnon This will be followed by a come and go reception at St. Patrick’s Church Hall in Oak Bay from 12:30 to 2:15 PM. As a closing there will be a Short Contemplative Prayer Service in the adjoining Church. As Franciscans, we are very conscious of our environment and so we have asked the assistance of the

Knights of Columbus to provide transportation to and from the reception for those wishing to attend. Your presence at this great event will bring us much joy,

The Poor Clare Sisters 2359 Calais Road Duncan, BC V9L 5V5 Canada

Our Church Our Conversations

The Community is a place for Canadian Anglicans to get together and talk about life in the church. Use the Online Lectionary, or log in to join the conversations about hospital chaplaincy, liturgy, congregational development, French language ministry, children’s ministry, ministry and technology, ecumenism, everyday Christianity, administration or start your own topic in our forums.

Christ Church Cathedral [Victoria] Summer Recital Series 2012 at 4 pm [by donation]

July 7 Rebecca Genge, Soprano, Paul Winkelmans, Baritone

July 14 Anne Fraser, baroque violin; Robert Fraser, baroque trombone; Michael Gormley, organ

July 21 Mary-Ellen Rayner, soprano; Kelly Charlton, piano

July 28 Mary Byrne, flute; Kelly Charlton, piano

Aug 4 Natasha Galitzine, viola; Kelly Charlton, piano

Aug 11 Jimmy Wang, piano

Aug 18 David Palmer Trio

Aug 25 Russell Bajer, oboe; Kelly Charlton, piano

Diocesan FAMILY CAMP at Sorrento Centre Aug 5-11, 2012

Live, Pray & Play; Creativity and Practical Spirituality

For more information 1-866-694-2409

Follow the Yellow Brick Road: lessons in honesty, empathy, and self care Anglican Women’s Retreat Cost: $135 [$50 cancellation fee]

October 19-21, 2012 Fri. 7 pm to Sun noon Camp Pringle, Shawnigan Lake

Facilitator: Marion Little email Brenda Dhaene [email protected] phone 250-748-7183

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The Crossword: Newsletter of St. Martin of Tours, Gabriola V5#7 July 2012


MINUTES St. Martin’s Parish Council Tues. June 12, 2012 7pm at GUC Hall

Present: Anne, Angela, Jacquie, Corinne, Vic, Rob, Pam, Linda

Round Robin Catch up none Opening Prayer: Vic Welcome: Chair

Approval of Agenda additional items M/S Corinne/Anne

Minutes of the Meeting on May 15, 2012 - errors or omissions none M/S Angela/Corinne

Warden’s Report Angela

Firstly, we congratulate Anne on her appointment to St Mary’s in Oak Bay. What wonderful news

for her. Of course we shall miss her and we know that St Mary’s realizes what a talented person they

have appointed and congratulate St Mary’s canonical committee on their choice. We also know how

lucky we have been to share her with St Paul’s for the past year. We thank the Bishop and Archdeacon

Evans for arranging this

As is usual with this congregation, people leave to travel, visit friends etc and so others take

over the positions temporarily so things run smoothly. We thank those who do this so efficiently. Our

pastoral care team works quietly in the back ground and we are blessed with their caring.

So now we look ahead to the shared ministry. We had an evening service and party to celebrate

the signing of our mutual agreement. Thank you to the shared ministry team who worked so hard,

organized the party AND provided the food (over and above the call in my opinion, but appreciated

nonetheless), The Joint Search team tasked with hiring a priest has met once. Our representatives are

our canonical committee of wardens, synod delegate and alternate. We met with the United church

delegation and also Archdeacon Evans and two officials from the Nanaimo Presbytery. We are now

working on the format for interviewing. Our next meeting is in early July.

Clergy Report May 15 to June 12, 2012 Anne

Worship: Thank you to our Altar Guild for the preparations for, and the beautiful decorations on,

Pentecost! Thank you to the Worship Committee for its creative ideas around our Pentecost

celebrations. Our Service of Celebration with GUC was warm and full of good energy! Thank again to

everyone who served on the Shared Ministry Committee and to Jacquie and Nancy, our co-chairs.

Our next 8:00 am BCP service will be July 8th & I will be on Gabriola the fifth Sunday (July 29).

Pastoral: I continue to visit our parishioners both on and off island, making a number of visits to

Michael in hospital. I continue to take communion to Amy S. and Joan P.

Diocesan: This month saw two trips to Victoria for meetings of the Bishop’s liturgical commission and

the catechetical committee. Our next catechetical meeting is a full-day writing bee on my scheduled

day off, so I will be taking Thursday June 28th in lieu.

Profile and Search Committee: Thank you to Jacquie and the Council for the writing and proofing of our

parish profile. Please pray for our search process:

Gracious God, you know the needs of your Church in every place. Guide and direct our search

committee and all who will give leadership during this time of transition. Through your Holy Spirit, call

to us a minister who will wisely and faithfully care for your people, who will strengthen us and minster

with us. Open our hearts, keep us faithful in prayer, and ever thankful for one another, through Jesus

Christ, Amen.

Other happenings, celebrations & notes:

Wonderful celebrations for Barbara Huston’s 90th birthday!

The Rev’d David Chillman from St. Anne’s Bagshot, England came to Gabriola on May 31st as

part of his continuing education research. He is researching ministry in “isolated locations”. Anne

Sims kindly shared stories and information about the Gabriola Ecumenical society and its

creation with David over a cup of coffee. Thank you Anne.

The parish received a letter from Bishop James informing us that I will next be serving the

parish of St. Mary’s Oak Bay.

My Gabriola phone line will be disconnected on June 23rd according to the Telus billing cycle.

Please used my cell phone call or text250 616 6873, email [email protected] or St. Paul’s

(250 753 2523) to reach me. I will be commuting to the island for the 2nd,4th and 5th weeks of


Respectfully submitted, The Rev. Anne Privett


Anne has verified the St Martin list for the Anglican Journal for 2012

Report from George Pell re: Official Anglican Lutheran Congregation Anne

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An Anglican-Lutheran parish is one that has status with both the Anglican Diocese and Lutheran Synod

(i.e. a legally constituted Lutheran congregation in association with the BC Synod, and an Anglican

Parish in association with the BC Diocese). To be a Lutheran Parish there needs to be a minimum

number of Lutheran members, and a petition to be constituted by the BC Synod as a Congregation.

Then, both BC Synod and Diocese could recognize your church as a Full Communion Parish. Need to go

through proper channels. ACTION: Anne has asked how many Lutherans it takes to become a Lutheran

Parish. We are waiting for a response.

Treasurer’s Report

May 2012 [as distributed] M/S Corinne/Rob

Business Arising from Minutes

1. Musician’s Contract Leah’s Resignation as of Aug 31, 2012 Angela

Angela asked Leah for a written resignation.

ACTION Vic will consult with Steve about finding a replacement or if Steve will be full time.

2. Criminal Record Checks Anne/Jacquie

Still needed Carolyn, Susan B, Diane P, Angela, Corinne In process: Vic, Jill

Jacquie will fax the completed CRC’s to the Diocese when returned by RCMP to the requesters.

3. Changing the Time of PC Meeting Rob/Vic

Decision re change tabled until September. We will continue until then with PC meeting at 7 pm on

second Tuesday of the month.

4. Church Pews in Eastick’s Barn Linda to check with Commons Linda

Linda confirmed that the Commons does not have a need or storage for the Pews. It was suggested

that we offer them to the Congregation for $5/pew on Sunday and if no takers then they will be taken a

few at a time to GIRO. ACTION: Rob will announce on Sunday.

New Business

1. PC invited to a Bag Lunch with GUC Board Thurs. June 21, 2012 at noon Jacquie

Topics to discuss: Supply Ministry, Joint Advisory Committee ACTION: those that can attend will attend.

2. Advertising Social Events – Rob asked if the GUC were invited to the upcoming events.

They were invited on Sunday night and by email via Cathy Tanner.

3. Linda asked if the Church contact in the local phone book could be an advertisement next year.

ACTION: referred to the communications committee

Altar Guild No Report Rose

Communications No Report Hilary

Fellowship/Fundraising Jacquie

Reminder: Progressive Potluck & Conversation Fri June 15, 2012 5:30 pm

Ladies Lunch & outing to Coombs Tues. June 19, 2012 10 am ferry

Annual Picnic July 29, 2012 after Church at the Westarp’s

Outreach No report Diane

Pam asked a question if there will be a follow up to the Family Night.

ACTION: Perhaps there can be a planned family activity around the Nativity Event in the fall.

Pastoral Care/Caregivers Jill/Angela

Pastoral Care: for the past month there have been: 21 home visits which involved several

parishioners, 11 telephone calls, several rides to NRGH, 3 hospital visit, the Congregation contributed

goodies for Barbara Huston’s 90th Birthday Party. The Prayer Wheel group continues to pray for all those

in need.

Caregivers Support Group: Although there was much laughter as usual, the group discussed

some serious issues, for example, the anger that some of us feel at this turn in our lives at the

beginning of this stage of our journey. This group has the wonderful ability to hear these things and to

listen in a very non judgmental way. Everyone was grateful for the group’s existence which made the

organizers feel good too! Next meeting July4th

Search Committee Jacquie

The Co-chairs are Jacquie Jessup (ACC) and MJ Patterson (UCC) see Warden’s Report

Stewardship No report Rob

Rob will plan something for the fall and will meet with David for ideas and follow up with the contact in

Duncan suggested by Anne.

Worship No report Jacqui

Announcements & Reminders - sick/needy Adjournment: 8:05 pm M/Rob Closing Prayer: Rob Next Meeting: July 10, 2012 7pm GUC Hall [Opening: Pam Closing: Corinne]