St Margaret's Prep School Newsletter - 6 November 2015

Prep Newsletter Friday 6 th November 2015 Dear Parents and Friends, Welcome back after half term. The children certainly are refreshed and tackled this week’s learning enthusiastically. E-Safety Our School At Work morning on Thursday allowed us to show off all that is good about St Margaret’s. The Year 5 and 6 tour guides were fantastic, as always, and received many congratulations and comments about their enthusiasm, passion and knowledge of the Prep School - true ambassadors! Poppies and other Remembrance Day related items from The Royal British Legion are on sale during break times. We will have a special assembly to remember those who died for our country next Wednesday. Throughout the week the children have been developing their awareness and knowledge of how to keep safe online. Monday’s Upper Prep assembly, led by Miss Smith, reminded us of the positive uses of technology. The children suggested how they could help to create a better and safer online community. Throughout the week there has been a poster competition and a guess how many USB sticks are in the jar - more on this in next week’s Newsletter.



Transcript of St Margaret's Prep School Newsletter - 6 November 2015

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Prep Newsletter Friday

6th November 2015

Dear Parents and Friends,

Welcome back after half term. The children certainly are refreshed and

tackled this week’s learning enthusiastically.



Our School At Work morning on Thursday allowed us to show off all that

is good about St Margaret’s. The Year 5 and 6 tour guides were fantastic,

as always, and received many congratulations and comments about their

enthusiasm, passion and knowledge of the Prep School - true


Poppies and other

Remembrance Day related

items from The Royal British

Legion are on sale during

break times. We will have a

special assembly to remember

those who died for our country

next Wednesday.

Throughout the week the children have been

developing their awareness and knowledge of how

to keep safe online. Monday’s Upper Prep assembly,

led by Miss Smith, reminded us of the positive uses

of technology. The children suggested how they

could help to create a better and safer online

community. Throughout the week there has been a

poster competition and a guess how many USB

sticks are in the jar - more on this in next week’s


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On Thursday next week the Upper Prep are going to the theatre to see

Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’. The children are so excited as they

have continued studying the play following their workshops in October.

Work Sharing

The girls enjoyed

sharing their books

with parents on

Thursday afternoon.

This was followed by a

BBQ. Unfortunately the

weather was not as kind

as we would have

wished therefore we

were unable to light the

bonfire. However, the

guys (and a special

thank you to Kitty who

brought in her home

made pink unicorn to

add to the bonfire!) that

had been made for the

bonfire were on display

and much admired!

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Mrs C Aisthorpe

Head of St. Margaret’s Preparatory School


Lower Prep Star of the Week

(last week)

Reception: Saiya

Year 1: Kaitlin

Year 2: Anneliese

Rehearsals are underway for our Lower Prep Nativity which will be

performed to the Lower Prep parents on Thursday 10th December.

Details for this will follow nearer the time. The Upper Prep will be putting

on a play at a later date in the academic year.

St Margaret’s Day

St Margaret's Day next Friday will be a real treat as the day begins with a

whole school assembly involving everyone from Reception Class

through to Year 13. Throughout the day there will be a variety of

activities, including the discovery of the new House names. At lunchtime

a buffet has been organised with St Margaret's cupcakes, which the girls

asked for in their recent House meeting. There will also be an opportunity

to add to the whole school coin trail, organised by the Senior School

Heads of Houses. Therefore please would you send in a few 1p and 2p

coins which your daughter can add to the coin picture. All money raised

through the coin pictures will go

to the House charities. All in all St

Margaret's Day looks to be very

interesting and exciting!

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12th Years 3 – 6 Visit to Young Shakespeare’s Company

13th St Margaret’s Day

23rd 16:15-17:15 No Monday Swimming Training

16:15-17:30 Years 3-6 Swimming Gala


10th 14:00-15:00 Lower Prep Nativity Play Performance, Senior School Hall

11th Year 2 visit to Kestrel Grove

09:00-09:30 Prep School Christingle Service

14TH Prep School Christmas Dinner

15th Lower Prep Pantomime Visit

16th Prep School Mufti Day

14:00 End of term reports available online



11th Spring Term commences


020 8416 4501


[email protected]

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Lower Prep

"I liked it when we went to look for things."


"I liked it when we picked up things." Kishi

"I liked it when I found the acorn." Tara

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”I liked it when we

were collecting

stuff." Isabella

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“I enjoyed painting round the edges of the

leaves." Meghana and Sofia

“I liked it when we picked up all the twigs from

the ground and it looked like we had a tree in

a bag!" Annabelle

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Year 3

We have been making invitations for

the masked ball in Romeo and Juliet

using the laptops. Not only did we

have to think what information

needed to be on the invitation, but

we also had to use many skills in

order to make them look effective.

We have learnt to centre text, change

font size and style, choose a border

and how to find pictures on clip art.

We can position the pictures and

vary the size of them too. We are

very proud of our work.

We can’t wait for our visit to the

theatre to see Romeo and Juliet next


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Year 5

It was lovely to have two

weeks for half term this

year. Year 5 girls all had

an amazing time and

wrote some fabulous

accounts describing the

fun activities they had


Karisma, Anais and

Heeya all did some

wonderful writing - well


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In Year 6 we have

been reading the

novel ‘The Silver

Donkey’ by Sonya

Hartnett. This book

tells the story of a

soldier, blinded by

war, who is found in

the woods by two

young girls. As their

unlikely friendship

develops, the soldier

repays their kindness

by sharing stories,

each one connected

to the keepsake in his


Year 6

This week Year 6 took the role of different

characters in the novel, when the sisters were

presented with the dilemma of whether or not to let

their brother in on their secret. The girls took a very

active role in presenting their own interpretation of

the same scene. They also asked insightful

questions about their peers’ role play which

allowed them to write interesting diary entries from

the brother’s perspective.

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