Welcome to Welcome to Welcome to Welcome to ST. MARGARET MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH 12686 Central Avenue, Chino, California 91710-3508 Saints Peter and Paul, Saints Peter and Paul, Saints Peter and Paul, Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles/Santos Pedro y Pablo, Apostles/Santos Pedro y Pablo, Apostles/Santos Pedro y Pablo, Apostles/Santos Pedro y Pablo, Apóstoles Apóstoles Apóstoles Apóstoles June 29, 2014 June 29, 2014 June 29, 2014 June 29, 2014 Parish Office (909) 591-7400 Parish School (909) 591-8419 Priests Administrator: Father Michael Miller In-Residence Priest: Father Eugene Eburuche In-Residence Priest: Father Declan Fogarty, O.S.A. Parish Office Hours Monday: 8-7:00 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday: 8-5:00 p.m. Friday: 8-12:00 p.m. (Open during lunch!) Mission Statement We, the people of Saint Margaret Mary Parish in Chino, We, the people of Saint Margaret Mary Parish in Chino, We, the people of Saint Margaret Mary Parish in Chino, We, the people of Saint Margaret Mary Parish in Chino, California, welcome you to our Roman Catholic Community. California, welcome you to our Roman Catholic Community. California, welcome you to our Roman Catholic Community. California, welcome you to our Roman Catholic Community. We are blessed to have a variety of different ethnic We are blessed to have a variety of different ethnic We are blessed to have a variety of different ethnic We are blessed to have a variety of different ethnic communities that join together on our journey towards the communities that join together on our journey towards the communities that join together on our journey towards the communities that join together on our journey towards the fulfillment of Christ’s Kingdom. It is a parish goal to provide fulfillment of Christ’s Kingdom. It is a parish goal to provide fulfillment of Christ’s Kingdom. It is a parish goal to provide fulfillment of Christ’s Kingdom. It is a parish goal to provide the sacraments to the life of our community, with the source the sacraments to the life of our community, with the source the sacraments to the life of our community, with the source the sacraments to the life of our community, with the source and summit of that life being the Eucharist. We are committed and summit of that life being the Eucharist. We are committed and summit of that life being the Eucharist. We are committed and summit of that life being the Eucharist. We are committed to the challenge of the Gospel message: to make Jesus Christ to the challenge of the Gospel message: to make Jesus Christ to the challenge of the Gospel message: to make Jesus Christ to the challenge of the Gospel message: to make Jesus Christ more known and more loved. more known and more loved. more known and more loved. more known and more loved. Teaching Moment: Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas Monday, June 30 through Saturday, July 5: 7:00 a.m. Daily Mass (Church) Saturday, July 5: 7:30 a.m. Sacrament of Penance 4:00 p.m. Vigil Mass (English) 6:00 p.m. Vigil Mass (Spanish) Sunday, July 6: 7:30 a.m. Mass 9:00 a.m. Mass 11:00 a.m. Mass 1:00 p.m. Mass (Spanish) 5:00 p.m. Mass Friday (7:00 a.m.) — Saturday (7:00 a.m.): 24-Hour Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament NEW WEBSITE! Please visit our new website at What are The “Corporal works of Mercy”? Seven forms of Charity or mercy directed to the physical well-being of a needy person. The Corporal works of Mercy” are: 1. To feed the hungry. 2. To clothe the naked. 3. To give drink to the thirsty. 4. To visit the sick. 5. To visit the prisoners. 6. To give shelter to the stranger. 7. To bury the dead. If you have a question, comment or suggestions please contact: Tony Mandala at [email protected] or the Parish Office: 909-591-7400


  • Welcome to Welcome to Welcome to Welcome to


    12686 Central Avenue, Chino, California 91710-3508

    Saints Peter and Paul, Saints Peter and Paul, Saints Peter and Paul, Saints Peter and Paul,

    Apostles/Santos Pedro y Pablo, Apostles/Santos Pedro y Pablo, Apostles/Santos Pedro y Pablo, Apostles/Santos Pedro y Pablo,


    June 29, 2014June 29, 2014June 29, 2014June 29, 2014

    Parish Office — (909) 591-7400 Parish School — (909) 591-8419


    Administrator: Father Michael Miller

    In-Residence Priest: Father Eugene Eburuche

    In-Residence Priest: Father Declan Fogarty, O.S.A.

    Parish Office Hours

    Monday: 8-7:00 p.m.

    Tuesday-Thursday: 8-5:00 p.m.

    Friday: 8-12:00 p.m. (Open during lunch!)

    Mission Statement

    We, the people of Saint Margaret Mary Parish in Chino, We, the people of Saint Margaret Mary Parish in Chino, We, the people of Saint Margaret Mary Parish in Chino, We, the people of Saint Margaret Mary Parish in Chino, California, welcome you to our Roman Catholic Community. California, welcome you to our Roman Catholic Community. California, welcome you to our Roman Catholic Community. California, welcome you to our Roman Catholic Community. We are blessed to have a variety of different ethnic We are blessed to have a variety of different ethnic We are blessed to have a variety of different ethnic We are blessed to have a variety of different ethnic communities that join together on our journey towards the communities that join together on our journey towards the communities that join together on our journey towards the communities that join together on our journey towards the fulfillment of Christ’s Kingdom. It is a parish goal to provide fulfillment of Christ’s Kingdom. It is a parish goal to provide fulfillment of Christ’s Kingdom. It is a parish goal to provide fulfillment of Christ’s Kingdom. It is a parish goal to provide the sacraments to the life of our community, with the source the sacraments to the life of our community, with the source the sacraments to the life of our community, with the source the sacraments to the life of our community, with the source and summit of that life being the Eucharist. We are committed and summit of that life being the Eucharist. We are committed and summit of that life being the Eucharist. We are committed and summit of that life being the Eucharist. We are committed to the challenge of the Gospel message: to make Jesus Christ to the challenge of the Gospel message: to make Jesus Christ to the challenge of the Gospel message: to make Jesus Christ to the challenge of the Gospel message: to make Jesus Christ more known and more loved.more known and more loved.more known and more loved.more known and more loved.

    Teaching Moment:

    Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas

    Monday, June 30 through Saturday, July 5: 7:00 a.m. Daily Mass (Church) Saturday, July 5: 7:30 a.m. Sacrament of Penance 4:00 p.m. Vigil Mass (English) 6:00 p.m. Vigil Mass (Spanish) Sunday, July 6: 7:30 a.m. Mass 9:00 a.m. Mass 11:00 a.m. Mass 1:00 p.m. Mass (Spanish) 5:00 p.m. Mass Friday (7:00 a.m.) — Saturday (7:00 a.m.): 24-Hour Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament


    Please visit our new website at

    What are The “Corporal works of Mercy”?

    Seven forms of Charity or mercy directed to the physical well-being of a needy person. The “Corporal works of Mercy” are:

    1. To feed the hungry. 2. To clothe the naked. 3. To give drink to the thirsty. 4. To visit the sick. 5. To visit the prisoners. 6. To give shelter to the stranger. 7. To bury the dead.

    If you have a question, comment or suggestions please contact: Tony Mandala at [email protected] or

    the Parish Office: 909-591-7400

  • Page TwoPage TwoPage TwoPage Two St. Margaret Mary ParishSt. Margaret Mary ParishSt. Margaret Mary ParishSt. Margaret Mary Parish June 29, 2014

    READINGS FOR THE WEEK/ LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Monday: Am 2:6-10, 13-16; Ps 50:16bc-23; Mt 8:18-22

    Tuesday: Am 3:1-8; 4:11-12; Ps 5:4b-8; Mt 8:23-27

    Wednesday: Am 5:14-15, 21-24; Ps 50:8-13, 16bc-17;

    Mt 8:28-34

    Thursday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 20:24-29

    Friday: Am 8:4-6, 9-12; Ps 119: 10, 20, 30, 40, 131;

    Mt 9:9-13

    Saturday: Am 9:11-15; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Mt 9:14-17

    Sunday: Zec 9:9-10; Ps 145:1-2, 8-11, 13-14;


    First Reading — Peter was in prison, but prayer by the church was

    made to God on his behalf (Acts 12:1-11).

    Psalm — The angel of the Lord will rescue those who fear him (Psalm


    Second Reading — I have finished the race; I have kept the faith

    (2 Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18).

    Gospel — Simon Peter said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living

    God (Ma9hew 16:13-19).

    The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass (c) 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corpo-ration. All rights reserved.

    Saturday, June 28: 7:00 a.m. † Nunes Family † Conceso Bejec 4:00 p.m. † Caroline Ford † Joe & Narcissa Enzmann 6:00 p.m. † Herlinda Estrada † Basilia Rodriguez

    Sunday, June 29: 7:30 a.m. Sp. Int. People of the Parish Sp. Int. Guadalupe Pelayo 9:00 a.m. † Zoilo & Maxima Perlas † Narding &Rita Gabe 11:00 a.m. † Manuel & Carmelia Sousa † Adelino Avila 1:00 p.m. † Ana Maciel † Bill Mallan 5:00 p.m. † Olivia Olan Sp. Int. Dory Cruz Monday, June 30: 7:00 a.m. † Edison Inay

    Tuesday, July 1: 7:00 a.m. Sp. Int. Melissa Haynes † Apolonio Manzano Wednesday, July 2: 7:00 a.m. † Mary Brown † Maria Martinez Thursday, July 3: 7:00 a.m. † Yolanda Arriola Friday, July 4: 7:00 a.m. † Ruth Silva † Brigida Tampico Saturday, July 5: 7:00 a.m. † Dr. Vicky Ybanez † Antonio Arayata Sr. 4:00 p.m. † Joe & Narcissa Enzmann † Jacinto Bento 6:00 p.m. Sp. Int. Emma Mendez Sunday, July 6: 7:30 a.m. † Carlos Bento Sp. Int. Rosie Ulloa 9:00 a.m. † Herbert Gosselin † Richard and Estella Barboza 11:00 a.m. † The Nunes Family † Irenea Marcelino 1:00 p.m. Sp. Int. People of the Parish † Refujio y Antonia Aguilera 5:00 p.m. † Eugene Hasson † Ruth Alvarez

    Ministry of the Homebound, Sick & Elderly

    ♦ Any parishioner who is confined to their home because of illness or age can have a Homebound Minister visit.

    ♦ Our homebound ministers will visit on a weekly basis with prayers, Holy Communion, and spiritual support.

    ♦ If you know of a parishioner who would like to receive weekly visits from our Homebound Ministry, please contact:

    Richie Garcia, Pastoral Care at 909-591-7400 ext. 226

    ♦ If you are in need of emergency assistance, please call the Parish Office at 909-591-7400 and follow the prompts.

    Ministerio de los Enfermos y ancianos que están confinados en su casa

    ♦ Cualquier parroquiano que está confinado en su casa debido a la enfer-medad o la edad puede tener una visita de un ministro de los enfermos.

    ♦ Nuestros ministros de los enfermos visitarán una vez por semana con oración, la Santa Comunión, y apoyo espiritual.

    ♦ Si usted sabe de un parroquiano que le gustaría recibir visitas semanales de nuestro Ministerio de los enfermos, por favor comuníquese con:

    Richie Garcia, Pastoral Care al 909-591-7400 ext. 226

    ♦ Si usted tiene una emergencia y necesita asistencia, por favor llame a la Oficina Parroquial al 909-591-7400 y siga las instrucciones.

  • Page Three St. Margaret Mary Parish June 29, 2014

    A Note from our Parish...

    Sandra Rankin, a catechist and parishioner of St. Margaret Mary has recently completed the Advanced Specialization course for Master Catechist. This course is a 70 hour intensive study course for those catechists who wish to go beyond the basic level of certification. On behalf of Fr. Mike Miller and the entire parish staff, we congratulate Sandra on this wonderful achievement. I had a chance to sit down with Sandra and discuss this achievement along with some of the goals she has for her future in ministry here at St. Margaret Mary and with the Diocese of San Bernardino

    Interview with Sandra Rankin;

    Question: What led you to seek the Master Catechist cer tificate? Answer: I was talking to Bishop Barnes and he said that everyone needed to be formed in their faith. He pointed out how formation in catechesis is so very important so that we know who Jesus is. I looked around and saw that our Director needed help and knew that with more catechists taking a leadership role, her job would be easier.

    Question: What led you to catechesis as a ministry in the fir st place? Answer: W hen I became a Catholic I had a dream. This was Holy W eek leading up to my full initiation into the Catholic Faith at the Easter Vigil. In this dream Jesus asked me to help Him, and to teach His word. When I discussed the dream with the priest, he told me to pay attention to the dream because Jesus was telling me that he wanted me. One week after Easter the Director of Religious Education of the parish called and asked me to take over the adult formation for English and Spanish. I agreed. After I moved to Chino I started coming to Mass at St. Margaret Mary and felt I had found my home. I spoke to Nancy, (our director) and she very enthusiastically encouraged me to teach here. I was very reluctant at first, but Nancy said, we teach Jesus here and I could not say no. I found myself so much in love with Jesus I had to share Him with others.

    Question: What did you enjoy most about the Advanced Specialization course? Answer: Learning about the Church and the teachings of Jesus was very rewarding. I also enjoyed working and learning with catechists from all over the Diocese.

    Question: What's next for you? Answer: I am currently attending the Coordinator of M inistry Formation Program, I have two years of that left. I am also currently attending the Catholic Bible Institute through our Diocese and Loyola Marymount University. The more I learn the more I love Jesus. The more I love Jesus the more I want to learn.

    Submitted by Nancy Keegan, Director of Catechetical Ministries



    We will have a 3 part series on

    “The Magisterium”

    The living, teaching office of the Church.

    Who gave this authority to the Church ? Why does the Church need it ?

    If you have any questions.

    Contact Tony Mandala at amandala@sbdiocese. org or (909) 591-7400

    Come Join Us:

    Tuesdays AM Lower Room/Library

    June 24th, July 1st and 8th 7:30–9:00PM

    Wednesdays Multi-Purpose Room/TC

    June 25th, July 2nd and 9th 7:00-8:30 PM

    Thursdays, Science Lab/SMM School

    June 26th, July 3rd and 10th 7:00-8:30 PM


  • Page Four St. Margaret Mary June 29, 2014


    Service Ministries and Prayer Parish Organization Diocese of San Bernardino ( …..…909-475-5300 U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops……………..

    2014 Diocesan Development Fund Campaign School News

    Goal set by Diocese: Meta establecida por la Diócesis:

    Parish Pledge Totals

    Total de Promesas a partir del

    As of June 9, 2014

    Amount Pledged/Prometido Total: $118,372.00

    Received/Recibido: $32,229.28

    Donors/Donantes: 518

    Father Michael Miller (Administrator)……………………...………….ext. 225 [email protected]

    Father Declan Fogarty (In Residence)

    Marianne Hacker (Pastoral Administrator)……………………….… ext. 223 [email protected]

    Nancy Keegan (Director of Religious Education)……………..…….ext. 231 [email protected]

    Joe Chiuppi (Director of Confirmation/Youth Minister)……………..ext. 232 [email protected]

    Parish School (909) 591-8419

    Joan Blank (Principal)……………….([email protected]) Annette Wendling (Office Mgr.).([email protected]) Monica Silva (Secretary)…………...([email protected])

    Parish Staff

    Master of Ceremony Javier and Ana Alcala…… …………….....(909) 248-3403 [email protected] EMHC (English) Simone Zimmer……………………….…..(626) 378-5737 [email protected] EMHC (Spanish) Mary Monroy ………………………………(909) 994-6653 [email protected] Lectors (English) Javier and Nancy White…………..……….(909) 217-2144 [email protected] Lectors (Spanish) Elvia Aguilar ……….………………………(909) 927-2882 [email protected] Ushers/Hospitality (English) David and Rita Wettengel…………...…...(909) 627-4138 [email protected] Ushers/Hospitality (Spanish) Eva Bustamonte…………………………..(909) 465-3048 [email protected]

    Altar Servers (English) OPEN ……………………………………..(909) 591-7400 Altar Servers (Spanish) Ixchell Martinez ……………………….......(909) 680-6583 [email protected]

    Homebound — Germaine Lanathoua................ ………….909-627-9357 Altar Ministry —- Josephine Almirantearena…........... ……….909-627-9017 Art & Environment Ministry —- Laurie Worden ......................909-591-8820 Women’s Fellowship/Bible Reflection—Teresa Farr…. ……909-627-6054 Pro-Life Ministry — Debbie Cruz………….………………..…..909-591-2720 Grupo de Oracion — Jose Luis Isidro.…...…………….….…...909-994-6144 Legion of Mary — Terry Medina…………….......................909-627-1478 Cursillo — David Montoya....……..………….………………909-627-0760 Men’s Bible Study — Jesse Isom …………………… …….….909-627-3765

    Filipino Ministry — Dinia Anonuevo ………...............................909-248-1361 Knights of Columbus — James Hernandez……………..…....909-591-5541 Men’s ACTS Retreat—Richard Soto………………………. .. ...909-463-8095 Women’s ACTS Retreat—Melinda Ramirez………….…...909-346-5088 Wedding Coordinator—Ana Alcala…………………….…..323-209-7474 Table of Plenty (Food Pantry)- Monica Vasquez………...909-229-0463 Rosary Makers — Ed Gomez…………………………….....951-285-3529 Portuguese Prayer Group —Rose Avila…………………..909-591-7651 2000 Hail Mary— Rose Avila………………………..……….909-591-7651 Library Ministry— Angie Alvo……………………………....909-627-1912

    Richie Garcia (Pastoral Care)………………...………………..……...ext. 226 [email protected]

    Nancy Haynes (Asst. to Pastoral Administrator)……………..…..…ext. 222 [email protected]

    Paulette Burandt (Asst. to Religious Education)………………….... ext. 230 [email protected]

    Tony Mandala (Adult Faith Formation)………………………………..ext.221 [email protected]

    Parish School Staff

    $73,400.00 Congratulations to Jacob Turner

    St Margaret Mary Class of 2014. Jacob is this year's winner of The Knights of Columbus, St Margaret Mary Council,

    $1,000 scholarship awarded to a graduating 8th grader attending parochial high school. Jacob will be attending

    Damien in the fall.

  • Page Five St. Margaret Mary June 29, 2014





    INFORMES: JOSE LUIS ISIDRO: (909) 994-6144 MARINO TORRES: (909) 591-3193


    Nancy Keegan, Directora del Ministerio de Catequesis

    Sandra Rankin, catequista y Parroquiana de Santa Margarita María recientemente ha completado el Curso avanzado de especialización para Maestro Catequista. Este curso es un curso de estudio de 70 horas intensivas para aquellos catequistas que quieran ir más allá del nivel básico de certificación. De parte de Padre Mike Miller y todo el personal de la parroquia, felicitamos a Sandra en este maravilloso logro. Tuve la oportunidad de sentarme con Sandra y hablar sobre su logro junto con algunas de las metas que tiene para su futuro en el ministerio aquí en Santa Margarita María y con la Diócesis de San Bernardino

    Entrevista con Sandra Rankin:

    Pregunta: ¿Qué la motivó para buscar el certificado de Maestro Catequista? Yo estaba hablando con el Obispo Barnes y me dijo que todo el mundo tenía que estar formado en su fe. Señaló cómo es tan importante la formación en la catequesis para que sepamos quién es Jesús. Miré a mí alrededor y vi que nuestra Directora necesitaba ayuda y sabía que con más catequistas tomando el rol de liderazgo, su trabajo sería más fácil.

    Pregunta: ¿Qué te motivó como ministro de catequesis en el primer lugar? Cuando me convertí en Católica, tuve un sueño. Fue en la Semana Santa que tuve mi iniciación en la fe Católica en la Vigilia de Pascua. En este sueño Jesús me pidió que le ayudara, y que enseñara a Su palabra. Cuando compartí el sueño con el sacerdote, me dijo que prestara mi atención al sueño porque Jesús me estaba diciendo que me quería. Una semana después de Pascua la Directora de Educación Religiosa de la parroquia llamó y me pidió que me hacerse cargo de la formación de adultos de Inglés y Español. Estuve de acuerdo Después que me mudé a Chino empecé a venir a misa a Santa Margarita María y sentí que había encontrado mi hogar. Hablé con Nancy, (nuestra directora) y ella muy entusiasta me animó a enseñar aquí. Yo estaba muy reacia al principio, pero Nancy dijo, enseñamos a Jesús aquí y no pude decir que no. Me encontré tan enamorada con Jesús que tuve que compartir con los demás.

    Pregunta: ¿Qué es lo que más disfruto del curso Especialización avanzada? Aprender acerca de la Iglesia y las enseñanzas de Jesús fue muy gratificante. También me gustó mucho trabajar y aprender con los catequistas de toda la Diócesis.

    Pregunta: ¿Qué sigue para ti? Al momento estoy asistiendo un Programa como Coordinadora de Formación de Ministerio y me faltan dos años. También estoy asistiendo al Instituto Bíblico Católico a través de nuestra Diócesis y la Universidad Loyola Marymount. Cuanto más aprendo, más amo a Jesús. Cuanto más amo a Jesús más que quiero aprender.

  • Page Six St. Margaret Mary June 29, 2014

    Bringing Teens Closer to Christ through Prayer, Friendship, and Christ Centered Events

    All events are in the Teen Center on Sundays after the 5:00 p.m. Youth Mass and end at 8:30 p.m.



    High School Leadership TrainingHigh School Leadership TrainingHigh School Leadership TrainingHigh School Leadership Training Leadership Training star�ng Monday, June 16

    th at 7pm:

    Everyone has the power and ability to influence others. This is

    the core of leadership, “influence.” If you would like to fully

    exercise the gi=s given to you by God to influence people in a

    posi>ve way, we would love for you to join us for leadership

    training. Starts at 7pm and all high school aged students are


    Sports NightSports NightSports NightSports Night Sports nights star�ng Wednesday, June 11

    th at 6pm:

    Wednesday nights we will be playing sports in the field. Join

    us as we have some fun and enjoy sports. No sports

    experience required!

    Registra>on for the 2014 – 2015 confirma>on

    program will start on Monday, July 7th

    , 2014.

    All New and Returning students must enroll. During

    registra>on we will be handing out calendars,

    parent packets and much more.

    New students should bring a copy of their bap>smal


    Hello Friends!

    On June 7th & 8th, I shared with you my acceptance to join NET Ministries and asked for your support. I have been invited to be one of 150 Catholic young adults across the country who will volunteer for a year serving with NET Ministries. NET (National Evangelization Team) is based in St. Paul, MN and since 1981, they have been sending out teams of young adults, to travel across the United States to share their faith with youth on NET retreats.

    I cannot express my gra>tude and thanks for all of the

    support, prayers and contribu>ons towards my

    missionary trip. I am extremely blessed to have a parish

    that is very suppor>ve, a parish that truly cares about

    one another. With your help and the rest of the parish, I

    was able to achieve my goal!! A total of $5,300 was

    fundraised in one weekend from your contribu>ons!!

    THANK YOU! $5,000 will be covering housing, meals,

    healthcare, and a small monthly s>pend to cover my 9

    months of service with NET Ministries. Anything excess

    will be used towards my flights to and from Minnesota.

    Thank you again for all of your support as I begin this

    new adventure!



    Adora�on Night

    Sunday June 29, after the 5:00pm


    Join us as we pray in front of

    the blessed sacrament.

  • Page Seven St. Margaret Mary June 29, 2014

    Volunteers Needed

    Vacation Bible School – "Son Treasure Island"

    “S:on Treasure Island”

    When: Monday, July 21— Friday, July 25, 2014

    Time: 5:30—8:30 pm

    Where: Parish Hall

    Cost: $25.00/1 child

    $40.00/2 children

    $50.00/3 or more children

    We will end the week of fun with Mass at 7:00 pm

    on Friday followed by a family ice cream social.

    To register, please call:

    (909) 591-7400, ext. 231


    Sponsorships for children or families who

    may not be able to afford to send their


    To volunteer your time, to donate

    Items or if you have any questions

    contact: Nancy Keegan in the

    Religious Education office.

    (909)591-7400 X231

    We are looking for more Vacation

    Bible School Volunteers. We have

    approximately 15 – 20 volunteers

    already, but in order to have a safe/

    fun environment for the children we

    are looking for more.

    In order to keep our costs low we asking our

    parish family for help with some of the items

    we will need. Below is a list of items that can

    be donated:

    Chips-individual bags, sliced jalapenos, hot

    dog, hamburger buns, lemonade, bottled

    water, ranch dressing, fruit snacks, fruit

    drinks, cookies and candy, baby carrots,

    paper plates, napkins and hand sanitizer.