St. Jospehs College Open House 2011 Campaign Recap


Transcript of St. Jospehs College Open House 2011 Campaign Recap

Highbrid created a video presentation

using Transforming Lives - One Student

at a Time video and 30/60 sec spots

provided to us by St. Joseph’s College

Highbrid created static advertisement

to run as companion ads to video


Static ads highlighted St Joseph’s

college credentials i.e. US News Best

College America 2011

Static ads gave passengers

instructions about how to RSVP either

inside commuter vans or on their own

Static ads highlighted open house date

and time

Static ads created a sense of urgency

by providing the countdown of weeks

and days left to open house

Scrolling Marquee reinforced open house

dates and encouraged passengers to visit St.

Joseph’s Website, Facebook page, Twitter

Second scrolling Marquee of real time St.

Joseph’s College Twitter timeline.

Two sets of follow up phone calls were

made to passengers who RSVP’D for open

house inside the vans to confirm attendance

Twenty two RSVP’s were secured inside

the commuter vans

Over 2k pieces of Open House and Show

Piece literature distributed to passengers