St. Joseph School - Sliema PARENTS’ MEETING 1 st October 2015.

St. Joseph School - Sliema PARENTS’ MEETING 1 st October 2015

Transcript of St. Joseph School - Sliema PARENTS’ MEETING 1 st October 2015.

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St. Joseph School - SliemaPARENTS’ MEETING

1st October 2015

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Inspired by Gospel values and the teachings of Saint Emilie, our school aims at creating a team of dedicated professionals to give our girls a holistic education, developing their individual, intellectual, spiritual, emotional, creative and physical potential to the full, in the knowledge that such gifts come from a loving God who asks us to use them for our good and that of others.

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To inculcate in the girls the right Christian values.

To inspire our girls to be sensitive to the needs of others and to do all the good they can.

To foster an environment which will encourage every girl to reach her full potential and self esteem.

To develop an appreciation of the beauty in the world around us.

To instil a love and desire for learning.

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To encourage the highest possible achievement and to recognize and celebrate success in all areas.

To expose the girls to the appropriate use of modern technology.

To encourage the girls to realize the importance of fitness and good health and to develop an awareness of sporting ideals.

To establish a working partnership between school, parents and community and to encourage parents to play a supportive role in the life of the school.

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School Motto



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Assistant Head

A warm welcome to Ms Marika BettsAssistant Head,

who joins Ms Joselle Bonett

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Action Plans to date have dealt with:

E-Learning and E-communication Klikks School Management System Strengthening Inclusion School Ethos Assessment for Learning

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St Joseph Sliema Anti-Bullying Policy[based on the Respect For All Framework, MEDE 2015]

A draft policy is in place Staff workshops Anti-bullying awareness Student and parent consultations

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School Library Complete refurbishment of the Library over the

Summer holidays that included electrical wiring, air-conditioning, air-ventilation and ergonomic lighting design in a soffit

Plastering and painting New custom-built library shelving New student desks Laptop for student research Fully-computerised Oliver library system with on-line

access for staff, students and parents (kindly sponsored by the PTA)

Ms Stephanie Gatt is the new school librarian

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Second Floor Bathrooms The student bathrooms on the second

floor have been totally refurbished with new tiling and new aluminium doors and windows.

General Refurbishment Perimeter of Our Lady’s Yard, Front

Desk area and Senior IIX.

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School Diary

Information is available in the School Diary about:

School administration contact details St Emilie de Vialar and the Sisters of St

Joseph of the Apparition Our School Ethos and Aims The School Curriculum School Life The Student Code of Behaviour

The School Diary should be the first point of reference for parents and students

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Secondary School Certificate and Profile

The SSC&P will record student performance in: All academic subjects All non-formal activities organised by the

school but which do not feature in the National Curriculum

Informal learning which takes place outside school hours

Personal qualities which the student acquires during her school days

Attendance during the school yearMQF Level 3

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Secondary School Certificate and Profile

The data will be collected by the school every year in May and will cover all the years spent in senior school.

More detailed information, including all the necessary forms, will be emailed to parents and posted on the school website.

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Formative Assessment

Assessment for Learning

November Assessments prior to Parents’ Day Parents’ Day Mid-Yearly Examinations & feedback Corrected scripts shown to students Annual Examinations Conduct and Appraisal on the Klikks School

Management System Coursework mark included in annual exams

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Parents’ Day : Term 1

Parents’ Day for term one will take place on Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th November 2015

Students are to accompany parents, and they are to bring the November Assessment Folder

Parents and students can visit any teacher for feedback

Parents and students are to use the feedback in the folder to prioritise who they need to visit

Students must take responsibility for their progress

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Parents’ Day : Term 2

Parents’ Day for term two will take place on Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th March 2016

Parents and students are to bring their Mid-Yearly Exam Report to Parents’ Day

Parents and students can visit any teacher for feedback on performance and progress

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Mid-Yearly Exams

Mid-Yearly Exam papers will include a marks grid to give students an indication where marks were lost and gained

All students will be given the opportunity to see their corrected exam scripts in class, during lessons, and receive feedback on areas for improvement

All exam scripts remain the property of the school

Past Exam Papers on CD will be on sale from the school in the first term

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School Outings

School outings are organised regularly to enhance the educational, spiritual and pastoral programme we offer our students.

All students are expected to participate actively in school outings.

Information forms with the details of the outing will be emailed to parents; consent forms will not be sent home with students.

If parents object to their daughter attending a particular outing it is their responsibility to contact the Head or Assistant Head to let her know.

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Travelling to and from school

The school Gates are open at 7.20am Students meet in the yard every morning and

are expected to be in school by 7.50am Assembly is at 7.55am School finishes at 1.30pm All students leave school premises at 1.30pm

unless instructions have been given to the Head of School or Assistant Head for a particular student to be picked up from Reception at the Gate House

Students travelling on school transport are to come straight into school on arrival

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Klikks School Management System

School calendar Time-tables Attendance Conduct Reports [i.e. behaviour in breach of

school rules] Appraisals [i.e. positive behaviour to be

rewarded] Mid-Yearly and Annual assessments and

exam marks Home-work

Exam Reports will not be posted home

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Confidential Information

on Klikks Parents will only be able to see information

related to their own daughter.

Teachers can only see the Conduct Reports and Appraisals that they have given to the students they teach – they cannot see any Conduct Reports or Appraisals given by other teachers.

The Head of School, the Assistant Heads and the Mistress of Discipline only are able to see the Conduct Reports and Appraisals of all students.

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Student Absence : less than 3 days

Student Attendance is taken by the Mistress of Discipline every morning during the first lesson.

Students who are absent will be marked ‘absent’ on the Klikks system.

When an absent student returns to school she will be given an ‘Absentee Form’ by her class teacher to be filled in by parents.

Once this form is returned, ‘absent’ will be changed to ‘certified’ or ‘medical’ on the Klikks system.

If the ‘Absentee Form’ is not returned to the class teacher, the student will remain listed as ‘absent’.

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Student Absence :3 days or more

Students who are absent from school for 3 or more days are required to present a doctor’s medical certificate together with the Absentee Form on their return to school.

When the medical certificate is returned to the Class Teacher, the ‘absent’ will be changed to ‘medical’ on the Klikks system.

Your timely co-operation is needed for us to record the proper data.

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Student Absence:days excused

Parents are encouraged to fix any necessary medical appointments for their children outside school hours where possible.

Parents are discouraged from taking their children abroad during term time. On occasions when this cannot be avoided, the school must receive a signed written note in advance.

Only written notes will be accepted for your daughter to be excused from school [not an email]. This must be handed to the Head or Assistant Head, who will sign it and pass it on to the Class Teacher.

Students who need to leave school early must be signed out at Reception.

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Student Absence:SSC&P

Student absences are recorded in the Secondary School Certificate and Profile for every single year in the secondary school.

Student absence from school is monitored monthly and reported to the Education Authorities.

Students with a high school absence rate will not be eligible for the additional Children’s Allowance Supplement.

On the school Exam Report sheets we will put down the total number of missed school days.

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School Communication

General communication by email should be addressed to the school secretaries at:

[email protected]

Confidential communication by email can be addressed to the Assistant Heads:

Ms Joselle Bonett: [email protected] Ms Marika Betts:

[email protected]

Or the Head, Ms Fleri Soler at:

[email protected]

Every effort will be made to answer your emails as soon as possible

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ECDL is taught during ICT lessons from Senior I to Senior V; ICT lessons are compulsory

ECDL modules are offered in collaboration with ‘Holistic Courses’, Fgura

ECDL exams will all be held in the school ICT Lab during lessons; parents will be notified in advance

Each student will be given a username and password and will be able to take online diagnostic tests (practice tests) and receive feedback

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ECDL information and forms will be sent home next week.

All payments will be made through the school; receipts are to be kept as proof of purchase.

Payment will be collected at the start of the scholastic year.

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SEC Exams : Practicals/Course Work/ProjectsBiology, Chemistry, Physics: practicals are compulsory and make

up 15% of the final SEC Exam mark Practicals must be completed over 3

years, starting in Senior III Strict deadlines must be respected;

late work will not be accepted Practicals are moderated by MATSEC in

Senior V

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SEC Exams : Practicals/Course Work/ProjectsComputer Studies, Home Economics, Art,

PE Option Course work/ Project work/ Portfolios

are assigned in Senior IV and contribute towards the final SEC Exam grade

Strict deadlines must be respected; late work will not be accepted

Course work and Portfolios are moderated by MATSEC in Senior V

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Data Protection Policy re Internet Use

No image or reference to staff, students, school building, school uniform or regalia that pertains to St Joseph School Sliema may be reproduced on the internet without the written consent of the Head of School.

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To this end it is unlawful for any of our students to post photos or details on the internet that can in any way identify them as students at our school. We are asking for your co-operation to ensure that if any such images or references are available, they are removed at once. Serious disciplinary measures will be taken against students caught abusing this policy.

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Code of Behaviour

Punctuality: Assembly starts at 7.55 am

Belongings: All uniform and other personal items should

be clearly marked. Any unmarked items that are found and remained unclaimed will be disposed of at the end of the school year.

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Code of Behaviour

Students should not be encouraged to bring mobile phones, cameras or music players to school. If, for a valid reason, mobile phones, cameras or music players are brought to school, they must be put inside an envelope marked with the student’s name and class and handed in at reception on entering the school. They will be returned at 1.30pm.

Mobile phones, cameras or music players that are taken to class without permission will be confiscated and returned after one week-end following the incident. A report will be logged on Klikks.

Students are allowed to use the school mobile phone against payment.

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Code of Behaviour



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Code of Behaviour

School Uniform

Complete school uniform is to be worn at all times. The school case with school logo, and the school outing bag, are compulsory. The padded rain jacket is optional.

Students are to come to school wearing their school tracksuit on days when they have PE, PSCD, Home Ec Practical lessons, Drama or Dance lessons.

Blazers must be worn on entering and leaving school when the winter uniform is worn.

Skirt lengths are to be decent and faded or torn uniforms are to be replaced. Parents are to ensure that uniforms are smart, in good condition and fit well.

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Code of Behaviour

Hair is to be tidy and tied back if it is long. Hairstyles unbecoming the school uniform, hair gel and extravagant hair dye is strictly forbidden. No make up or nail varnish is allowed.

Girls are allowed to wear a matching pair of stud earrings on their ear lobe; any other piercings are strictly forbidden and will be confiscated.

Girls who enter the school premises and who, for any reason, are not wearing their uniform, should be dressed in a way that is suited to a church school environment.

The School Dress Code is available in the School Diary.

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A signed written note (not an email) is required:

- For permission to leave the school grounds during school hours; students must be signed out at reception when they leave school during school hours

- For not wearing the full school uniform

- For permission to be exempted from PE lessons

- To explain why homework has not been done

- For permission to be away from school. All absences must be fully explained.

- To explain any medicine which the pupil needs to take on the school premises

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Parental Co-operation

Parents are very welcome to approach Senior Management with any concerns by telephone or email, and appointments can be given for meetings.

Parents must not approach teachers without prior permission from School Management. Appointments can be set.

Parents should not phone teachers at home.

Parents are kindly reminded that they should be dressed in a way that is suited to a church school environment on their visits to the school.

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Ensure regular attendance and punctuality. Inform the school promptly of any absences. Ensure that the correct school uniform is

worn at school and in journeying to and from school.

Support high standards of work and behaviour.

Support the Code of Behaviour and Discipline Policy.

Check their emails and Klikks account regularly.

Ensure that the school is made aware of any problems which might affect the child’s work or behaviour.

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Ensure that the school is kept aware of current emergency contact numbers and email address/es.

Give support and encouragement for home-learning.

Attend Parent-Teacher Consultations. Encourage their child to get involved in

all aspects of school life. Get to know about their child’s life at


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The PTA regularly organises fund-raising initiatives and your support is really appreciated.

The PTA funds are all used to enhance the school environment and to purchase school resources.

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Spiritual Welfare

Mass is celebrated in school on Wednesday and Friday morning at 7.30am.

Mass and the Sacrament of Reconciliation take place on a regular basis. The Marian Pilgrimage, Lenten Preparation Mornings, School-Leaving Masses, the Crowning of Our Lady, Live-Ins and Adorations are all important parts of our student spiritual programme.

We offer a varied spiritual programme and we expect all our students to participate actively. Staff members voluntarily dedicate time and energy towards these activities, many times after school hours. Parent attendance at these spiritual activities is also greatly appreciated.

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School Live-Ins and Trips Abroad

Over the years it has been our pleasure to organise school live-ins and trips abroad because we feel our students can benefit greatly from the experiences we offer them.

As you can appreciate, these live-ins/trips depend on the generosity of the staff volunteers who voluntarily give up their time and energy to organise the activities as well as to be responsible for the well-being of the students in their care.

Students will be allowed to go to the live-in/trip at the discretion of the Head of School.


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Senior II Option Choices Senior II parents will be guided on option

choices available in school, as well as further education opportunities, in an Options Meeting that will be held in school on Tuesday 8th March 2016 at 8.45am.

Senior II students will attend an Options Seminar in school on Wednesday 9th March 2016.

Senior II students will have an ‘Options Taster Morning’ on Friday 11th March 2016.

One-to-one session if required. Options information is available on the school

website in the Guidance section.

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Senior IV and V Guidance re choice of post secondary education MATSEC Talk for Senior V students

and their parents Talks from representatives of

various post secondary institutions

Visits to post secondary institutions, example ITS and MCAST

Career Seminar

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Senior V : SEC Exams

A meeting to explain the SEC Exam system, together with details regarding applications for the May 2016 session, will be held in the school hall on

Tuesday 6th October at 8.15am

Attendance by students and parent/s is compulsory

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Guidance Department

various talks/seminars to tackle important issues such as smoking, bullying, sexuality

one-to-one /group appointments; We try our best to educate the

students to confide in appropriate people, at appropriate moments.

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Guidance Teachers

Ms Sarah Grech Senior I & II

Ms Nathalie CamilleriSenior III, IV & V

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School Counsellor:Ms Patricia Stilon The School Counsellor is available in school

on two mornings. Parental consent is required for the student

to be able to visit the School Counsellor. Parents can also avail themselves of the

services of the Counsellor to discuss issues related to their daughters’ well-being.

The Counsellor liaises with parents and agencies concerned with the welfare of the student

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Mistress of Discipline: Ms Linda Refalo

All staff is responsible for general order and discipline in school

The Mistress of Discipline sees to general disciplinary matters/Code of Behaviour . She also liaises with the pastoral team to address any particular difficulties students may have.

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Class Teacher/Deputy

The Class Teacher and the Deputy Class Teacher are responsible for monitoring the personal and academic progress of each girl in their class. They tackle issues that arise in the class as well as assign places and see to general order and cleanliness. Class Teacher Time is held as the need arises.

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Stationery Contribution

In October we collect €50 from each student to partly cover stationery and printing expenses for the whole scholastic year. The School Diary and yearly student subscription to Klikks is also included in this amount.

Please note that this amount will be collected once and will also cover all handouts given by subject teachers throughout the scholastic year [excluding ECDL CD and booklets listed on the official School Booklist, that are produced instead of commercial textbooks]

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We are grateful for your support, which helps us to work hard to offer the best education possible to our students, in a school environment they deserve.

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Kindly do not hesitate to inform the school of any situation that is hindering your daughter’s progress, or affecting her behaviour.

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Thank-youfor your attention