ST. JOHNS MINISTRY NEWSLETTERDo we repeat worship? Or is once enough? Do we commune often, or is...

ST. JOHNS MINISTRY NEWSLETTER 208 E. Washington St. 307 Church Street Farmersburg, Iowa 52047 Luana, Iowa 52156 PHONE: 563-536-2800 563-539-2321 E-MAIL: [email protected] [email protected] Pastor: Harold R. McMillin, Jr. 272 Grand Ridge Rim Way, Garnavillo, IA 52049 E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: (Home) 563-252-3006 (Cell) 563-880-5052 Established 1900 VOLUME 1 MARCH 2019 ISSUE 4 Established 1893 Dear Members of St. John: February 18,2019 Do you remember that game that we used to play on one another once in a while? It went like this! You would say: There were two crows, by the name of Pete and Repeat who sat on a fence, Pete fell off, who was leſt?They would reason it out and answer Repeat!Then you would say: There were two crows, by the name of Pete and Repeat who sat on a fence, Pete fell off, who was leſt?They might wonder if they said the right answer, so they reasoned it out and reply: Repeat!So once again you would say: There were two crows, by the name of Pete and Repeat who sat on a fence, Pete fell off, who was leſt?Aſter feeling frustrated at not figuring it out they might again reply Repeat!!This would keep on unl one or the other got frustrated or they tumbled upon the riddle and then just pulled the plug on responding. How much of life is like that – Repeat!I have been experiencing that lately. I start the snow blower, clean off the driveway and sidewalk - then clean it up, gas it up, and put it away, and two days later I REPEAT it all over again. That has been the repeous roune for a number of weeks now and it sounds like it will connue for another week at least. How many things in life do you find repeous? How about the simple survival things like eang – get out the pans and food to prepare, prepare the food, clean up the pans and dishes, put away the leſt overs, and for two more mes during the day we REPEAT it all over again. That applies to many acvies, such as bathing, washing, dressing, going to work, etc. etc. Somemes that applies to learning, we somemes have to RELEARN. ALL of these repeatable acvies are necessary for life. We dont even think about many of them. How the heart beats on a regular basis, how the lungs pump and pull in air on a regular basis, eyes and ears taking in informaon to allow us to movate, the muscles moving when necessary to respond to acvies and situaons. That same thing applies to our faith. Do we repeat worship? Or is once enough? Do we commune oſten, or is once enough? Do we hear the same stories of Christ oſten, or is once enough? In order for our spiritual life to remain strong, we need to hear it oſten, the same as the use of our mathemacs, language, muscles, other acvies oſten or we eventually lose them. In the stories of Christ, He oſten used examples of nature to illustrate faith, Gods will and wisdom, how we should live in order to survive. How we should see Gods will and way in our life and the world. Things we overlook very oſten and take for granted or choose to be absent from. The seasons of the Church year REPEATthemselves for many reasons. They help us to be mindful of the – Life, Love, Witness of Christ and what it means for us. Connued on Page 2

Transcript of ST. JOHNS MINISTRY NEWSLETTERDo we repeat worship? Or is once enough? Do we commune often, or is...

Page 1: ST. JOHNS MINISTRY NEWSLETTERDo we repeat worship? Or is once enough? Do we commune often, or is once enough? Do we hear the same stories of hrist often, or is once enough? In order

ST. JOHNS MINISTRY NEWSLETTER 208 E. Washington St. 307 Church Street Farmersburg, Iowa 52047 Luana, Iowa 52156 PHONE: 563-536-2800 563-539-2321

E-MAIL: [email protected] [email protected]

Pastor: Harold R. McMillin, Jr. 272 Grand Ridge Rim Way, Garnavillo, IA 52049

E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: (Home) 563-252-3006 (Cell) 563-880-5052

Established 1900 VOLUME 1 MARCH 2019 ISSUE 4 Established 1893

Dear Members of St. John: February 18,2019

Do you remember that game that we used to play on one another once in a while? It went like this!

You would say: “There were two crows, by the name of Pete and Repeat who sat on a fence, Pete fell off, who was left?”

They would reason it out and answer “Repeat!”

Then you would say: “There were two crows, by the name of Pete and Repeat who sat on a fence, Pete fell off, who was left?”

They might wonder if they said the right answer, so they reasoned it out and reply: “Repeat!”

So once again you would say: “There were two crows, by the name of Pete and Repeat who sat on a fence, Pete fell off, who was left?”

After feeling frustrated at not figuring it out they might again reply “Repeat!!”

This would keep on until one or the other got frustrated or they tumbled upon the riddle and then just pulled the plug on responding.

How much of life is like that – “Repeat!” I have been experiencing that lately. I start the snow blower, clean off the driveway and

sidewalk - then clean it up, gas it up, and put it away, and two days later I REPEAT it all over again. That has been the repetitious routine for a number of weeks now and it sounds like it will continue for another week at least.

How many things in life do you find repetitious? How about the simple survival things like eating – get out the pans and food to prepare, prepare the food, clean up the pans and dishes, put away the left overs, and for two more times during the day we REPEAT it all over again. That applies to many activities, such as bathing, washing, dressing, going to work, etc. etc.

Sometimes that applies to learning, we sometimes have to RELEARN. ALL of these repeatable activities are necessary for life. We don’t even think about many of them. How the heart beats on a regular basis, how the lungs pump and pull in air on a regular basis, eyes and ears taking in information to allow us to motivate, the muscles moving when necessary to respond to activities and situations.

That same thing applies to our faith. Do we repeat worship? Or is once enough? Do we commune often, or is once enough?

Do we hear the same stories of Christ often, or is once enough? In order for our spiritual life to remain strong, we need to hear it often, the same as the use of our mathematics, language, muscles, other activities often or we eventually lose them.

In the stories of Christ, He often used examples of nature to illustrate faith, God’s will and wisdom, how we should live in order to survive. How we should see God’s will and way in our life and the world. Things we overlook very often and take for granted or choose to be absent from.

The seasons of the Church year “REPEAT” themselves for many reasons. They help us to be mindful of the – Life, Love, Witness of Christ and what it means for us.

Continued on Page 2

Page 2: ST. JOHNS MINISTRY NEWSLETTERDo we repeat worship? Or is once enough? Do we commune often, or is once enough? Do we hear the same stories of hrist often, or is once enough? In order


LENT: This year for our Lenten services we will be looking at and thinking about the things of nature, the witnesses around the life of Christ that have a lot to tell us about the life of our Lord and Savior.

Our prayer is that you will choose to “REPEAT” this experience in order to bring to the fore again in our lives the importance of the life, death, and witness of our Lord and Savior. This is necessary for our Spiritual survival.

Always depending on my light of life,

Pastor Harold R. McMillin, Jr.

Our emphasis will be on the “Silent Witnesses” around the last week of Christ’s life. Each Wednesday in Lent (March 6th – April 10th) during our Worship we will experience what it was like to be a witness to the events leading up to Christ’s crucifixion. Not as human witnesses, but as some unusual “Silent Witnesses”.

What might they have to say to us about the life, witness, and meaning of God in the life of our Lord and Savior

What might they say to us? We will see and hear about these events through conversations from these eye witnesses: The Thorn, The Robe, The Spear, The Nail, The Shroud, and the Stone. What do they have to say to us? COME and find out! WE INVITE YOU TO JOIN US and experience how much God cares for us! How much he loves us! He loves us so much he sent his only Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins and to make us his own. Come and Join us on this

Lenten Journey.

We will not put out a particular schedule because of the tenable and crazy weather that we have been having. Chances are they would change considerably. However, we will have this worship schedule beginning on Ash Wednesday, March 6th: Worship at 11:00 AM each Wednesday at Luana. Dinner and fellowship time to FOLLOW worship Worship at 7:00 PM each Wednesday at Farmersburg. Supper and Fellowship to PRECEED beginning at 5:30 PM. We will keep you informed on the Holy Week schedule for the April Calendar.

PARAMENTS AND LINENS The TRANSFIGURATION of Our Lord, Sunday, March 3rd occurs on the last Sunday after Epiphany. This festival commemorates the event in our Lord’s life when He took Peter, James, and John up onto the mountain, and revealed His divine glory to them as a preview of the glory of the resurrected Christ. The color for this festival is WHITE!

On Wednesday, March 6th, we observe Ash Wednesday, a major festival which marks the beginning of Lent and falls 40 days before Easter, not counting Sundays. Its name originated from the medieval custom of imposing ashes on the foreheads of the penitent. The Liturgical color will be changed to Purple, the color of royalty, but also of sorrow and repentance. Purple is used during the Lenten season until after the Maundy Thursday service.


Page 3: ST. JOHNS MINISTRY NEWSLETTERDo we repeat worship? Or is once enough? Do we commune often, or is once enough? Do we hear the same stories of hrist often, or is once enough? In order



CHURCH COUNCIL Pres: John Fuelling (20) V. Pres: Brad Hoth (21) Sec: Heather Crogan (19) Treas: Lindelle Scherf (19) Council Members: Jeff Klinge (21) Ryan Moon, (19) Tammy Muller (20) CHURCH SECRETARY: Kelly Shaw FINANCIAL SECRETARIES: Kelly Shaw & Brenda Hoth OUTSIDE JANITOR: Loren Scherf INSIDE JANITOR: Mary Beth Tielbar WELCA: Pres: Becky Fuelling V. Pres: Kathy Klinge Sec: Nancy Moon Treas: Sharon Henning Mission Action: Bev Moon, Nancy Moon, Marlene Glawe MEN’S GROUP: Pres: John Fuelling V. Pres: Brad Hoth Sec/Treas: Ryan Moon ALTAR GUILD: Directress: Cheryl Bossard Sec: Loretta Weipert Treas: Sharon Henning ST. JOHNS MINISTRY YOUTH Pres: Logan Engelhardt V. Pres: Braden Landt Sec: Ashley Shaw Treas: Ethan Goltz ST. JOHN MINISTRY TEAM Pres. John Fuelling (19) Sec. Sherri Johnson (21) Members: Theresa Rodas (19)

Jeff Krambeer (20) Brenda Hoth (20) Vicki Baade (21) Tammy Muller (21) NEWSLETTER EDITORS; Cheryl Bossard & Tammy Muller Church Website: Remember to like St. John Facebook Page.


ASH WEDNESDAY LENTEN MEAL March 6 5:30— 6:30 pm Group 3 will be Serving

Turkey Noodle Soup

Corn Bread Desserts

Coffee and Milk

Worship with Holy Communion 7:00 pm.

Wednesday, March 13 5:30—6:30 pm Group 1 Serves Turkey Dressing Sandwiches

Pickles Potato Chips Salads Desserts Milk and Coffee

Worship @ 7:00 pm

Wednesday, March 20 5:30 pm—6:30 pm Group 2 serves

Turkey Casserole Salads & Desserts

Milk and Coffee Worship @ 7:00 pm

The Evangelism Committee is hosting an APPRECIATION MEAL on March 17 at 5:00 pm for those that work and volunteer for the service of others, such as FIRE DEPT., EMS, LAW ENFORCEMENT, NURSES/HOME HEALTH, MILITARY. We also extend this invitation to our parishioners over 65, who have worked and given their time and

talents to help others. There is no cost for the meal, this is our way of showing appreciation of what you have done and continue to do for others. THANK YOU It will be in the basement of St. John Lutheran, Farmersburg, hope you will join us.

Please RSVP by March 10 to Becky Fuelling– 563-880-0657 or Lindelle Scherf - 563-880-3697

Wednesday, March 27 5:30 pm—6:30 pm YOUTH serves Spaghetti

Lettuce Salad/Dressing Garlic Bread Bars/Cookies Milk/Coffee

Worship @ 7:00 pm

Page 4: ST. JOHNS MINISTRY NEWSLETTERDo we repeat worship? Or is once enough? Do we commune often, or is once enough? Do we hear the same stories of hrist often, or is once enough? In order


FARMERSBURG NEWS Scripture Readers March 3 John Klinge 10 Heather Crogan 17 Becky Fuelling 24 Shirley Marmann 31 Volunteer Needed

Known March Baptisms 1 – Diana Miller 11 – Don Bossard 15 – Alexis Feldman 19 – Ali Crogan

KNOWN Anniversaries

March 28 – LuVerne & Jeannette Krambeer


March 3 Isabelle Kirby 10 Dacia Schoulte 17 Ashley Shaw 24 Ethan Goltz 31 Autumn Shaw

ALTAR GUILD Meeting: March 2 9:00 am

Loretta Weipert Velma Kuehl


Bev Moon & Guest

WELCA Lenten Suppers served from 5:30 pm-6:30 pm March 1 World Day of Prayer—St. John Farmersburg 6 Group 3 Serves (Ash Wednesday) 13 1:00 pm Unit Meeting Thought for the Day: Becky Fuelling Devotions: Kathy Klinge Snack: Nancy Moon 13 Group 1 Serves Lenten Supper 17 Appreciation Meal 20 Group 2 Serves Lenten Supper 20 Confest Postville St. Paul 27 Youth Group Serves Lenten Supper


March 3 Brad & Kathy Scherf 6 John & Kathy Klinge Ash Wednesday 10 Paul & Loretta Weipert 17 Don & Cheryl Bossard 24 Lyn & Mary Beth Tielbar 31 Brad & Brenda Hoth


March 3, March 6 (7:00 pm) & March 10 Captain Brad Scherf 964-2240 Martyn Geick 563-329-0917 Randy Muller 539-2651 John Fuelling 539-2339

March 13 (7:00 pm), March 17 & March 20 (7:00 pm) Captain John Klinge 536-2287 Mike Reardon536-2266 Don Bossard 536-2369 Justin Fuelling 783-2631 March 24, March 27 (7:00 pm) & March 31 Captain Ivan Meisner 536-2327 Jeff Klinge 536-2314 Wyatt Geick 563-867-5309 Zach Radloff 563-880-6977

Altar Flowers were shared In honor of Don & Cheryl Bossard’s 48th Wedding Anniversary.

The 2019 Church Yearbook can be picked up at the church in the narthex on the counter.

Sunday School Excellent Attendance Kaylee Hoth, Brayden Hoth & Rylan Hoth

Worship Attendance

January 6 - 54 13 - 39 20 - 37 27 - 51

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St. John Farmersburg Council Meeting January 9, 2019

The meeting was called to order by John at 7:04pm. Present: John Fuelling, Ryan Moon, Heather Crogan, Lindelle Scherf, Tammy Muller and Brad Hoth.

Motion to Approve the amended agenda by Heather/Brad/Motion Carried. Secretary’s Minutes: Motion to approve the December 12 regular minutes as printed by Justin/Ryan/Motion Carried. Treasurer’s Report: Motion to approve the treasurer report as printed by Brad/Heather/Motion Carried. Alliant Energy billing will be increasing due to new street light, as well as City Sewer/Water. Lindelle noted InterChurch Council fee of $50 will be paid for 2018 & 2019 at the same time. Pastor’s Report: No report, as Pastor is in the hospital. Prayer Chain started on Tuesday. An arrangement was ordered

to delivered to Pastor in hospital. Old Business:

St. John Shirts- Lindelle will have order forms available on Sunday thru through Feb 3, at annual mtg. New Business:

Sharon Henning wanted to address the council. She requested altar guild memorials be given to her to deposit and record, as she is the new treasurer at this time, due to checks being held and not being cashed in a timely manner. Council thanked her for coming to council to show her concern. Council to review the by-laws, to see what our current regulations state is acceptable and have time to review with church secretary on the matter. Discussion held. The concern is tabled till February meeting.

Council was presented a flow chart, which shows the direction of leadership from the Synod Level to Church to Council to Groups & Committee’s. The Flow Chart shows the direction our groups and commit-tee’s should proceed with any concerns or issues they would like to report. Flow Chart will be presented with the Annual Meeting Booklet.

January 20th Service Time Change: 9am. Heather to make Facebook Notice. February 3rd, 2019 – Annual Meeting will follow 10:30 worship. After discussion, a motion was made

by Justin/Brad/Motion Carried for no potluck following the annual meeting due to low participation in recent years.

March 1st - World Day of Prayer will be held at Farmersburg this year. Welca providing refreshments.

Pastor would like to have the Cross Set-up following March 3 Worship Service.

Discussion held on the Confirmation Youth Ushering at Lenten Services. A motion was made by

Heather/Brad/Motion Carried. A request was made for youth to usher during February as well. John will visit

with Pastor regarding this request.

2019 Budget was presented to Council. After updating the changes, a motion was made to present

2019 Budget to Congregation at the Annual Meeting by Heather/Brad/Motion Carried.

The new light was installed in the parking lot. A concern has been made that it is too bright. Council

members will monitor till next month.

Pastor in the hospital – if he will be out longer than this weekend, may need to use a supply pastor as

we have not had communion this month yet.

Committee Reports:

Evangelism – a dinner is still in planning stages to be held in town.

Parish Education/Sunday School – Congregation liked Christmas Program.

Property – no new report

Stewardship – Envelope order – Heather verified proof on 1/9/19. Envelopes to be printed and mailed by next


Worship – Jan 13 Service- No pastor: John to lead, Jeremy Wolfe to provide Sermon. Choir sings Jan 20, Ash

Wednesday, Good Friday may be combined choir.

Memorial – 2 white tables purchased late December for basement; is there a bill for spoons? Revisit needs of

church during annual meeting.

Page 6: ST. JOHNS MINISTRY NEWSLETTERDo we repeat worship? Or is once enough? Do we commune often, or is once enough? Do we hear the same stories of hrist often, or is once enough? In order


Fascher Scholarship Program St. John Lutheran Church with gift monies from Otto & Ardee Fascher has established a scholarship fund. $1000 is awarded annually. Applicants must be in the top half of the class, must exemplify high moral standards, academic achievement, and have a need for financial assistance. Applicant must be an active member in good standing of the St. John Lutheran Church of Farmersburg, Iowa. Contact the church office or Tammy Muller for an application. Application deadline is March 15. Schoenfeldt Scholarship Program St. John was graciously given $15,000 from the estate of Marilyn Schoenfeldt to be used for scholarships to graduating high school seniors who are members of St. John Lutheran Church. Each year graduating high school seniors who are members of St. John Lutheran Church may apply for a scholarship. All members who apply will receive some funding. Contact the church office or Tammy Muller for an application. Application deadline is March 15.


Our St. John Memorial

Committee asked Congregation

Members at the Annual Meeting for

ideas regarding the needs of the

church. What could the church

benefit from? Are we overlooking

the small items? Does the church sanctuary need to be

painted? Do windows need to be replaced? Do you have

an idea for an item, that the committee could purchase

in a loved one’s honor with funds earmarked for your

loved one? Do we need to start fundraising for some of

those expenses that are greater than the memorial

committee can offer? No idea, big or small, will be over-

looked. Please feel free to reach out to a committee

member and share your ideas!

Heather Crogan, Chr & Treasurer

Loretta Weipert & Tracey Phillips

Men's Group Meeting Highlights *Project for the year We agreed to gather info and estimates for redoing the sidewalk and curb on the east side of the building. This will take more money than we have in our account. If anyone would like to contribute specifically

to this project please send/give money to Kelly in the office (or in regular offering) and mark that it is for

this project. Thank you in advance!! *Elected the same officers: President-John Fuelling Vice Pres. Brad Hoth Sec/Treas. Ryan Moon *Lent meal-will serve chicken breasts *Set pork dinner for August 11 Ryan Moon-Secretary

SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT The men of St. John are planning as a project the REPLACEMENT OF THE SIDEWALK from the East door to the North and South in front of where we park our cars. This is a costly project in which the men will be having a money raising project, but we can also use some financial assistance. If you are interested in contributing to this project specifically, please make a check PAYABLE to St. John and put SIDEWALK PROJECT in the memo. Your church contribution report for 2019 will have that recorded and it will get to the proper project. Thank you for your kind assistance.

Fat Tuesday Taco Supper

St. Paul Lutheran Monona March 5th from 5-7 p.m.

Tacos with all the fixings Spanish Rice, Refried Beans

Chips Bars and Beverage Free Will Donation

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BAPTIZED (Non - Members) @ Luana 2-11 Keegan Lee Zinnel

6-3 Denver Elaine Pape

9-23 Keaten Arthur Oleson

9-30 Kyson Ryan Freitag

BAPTIZED (Members) @ Farmersburg 4-8 William Robert Scherf V

4-15 Emery Jean Rodas

(NON MEMBERS) BAPTIZED WHO WERE CONFIRMED – Sunday, May 6th @ St. John, Luana Amber Sue Moeller

Jade Marie Moeller

Karli Jade Tilson

BAPTIZED WHO WERE CONFIRMED – Sunday, May 6th @ St. John, Farmersburg Dacia Ann Schoulte

FUNERALS (Members) @ St. John, Farmersburg 1-12 John Verdine Kluth

2-5 John Henry Ferdinand Miller

3-5 Iva Nell Klinkenberg

3-17 Donald Dean Marmann

3-26 Devin Joseph Tielbar

7-22 Donna Mae Radloff

8-17 Marcia Jane Fox Graveside Service @ Farmersburg/Wagner Cemetery

8-22 Joyce Ann Kuenster

9-24 Edward Kenneth Wiedenman

11-3 L’Dean Fred Tielbar

FUNERALS (Non-Members) performed by Pastor Harold 1-6 Richard James Clefisch @ Tuecke/Allyn Funeral Home, Guttenberg

4-4 Linda Kay Friday @ Tuecke/Allyn Funeral Home, Guttenberg

4-21 Sandra J. Kann @ Tuecke/Allyn Funeral Home, Guttenberg

6-22 Dallas Wayne Landt @ St. John, Luana

7-14 Donald Eugene Bugenhagen @ St. John, Luana

8-11 Debra Rae Turner @ Tuecke/Allyn Funeral Home, Guttenberg

11-24 Maria Denea (Price) Richardsen @ Tuecke/Allyn Funeral Home, Guttenberg

11-30 Robert Richard Sheber @ Tuecke/Allyn Funeral Home, Guttenberg

WEDDINGS performed by Pastor Harold 6-23 Cyrus David Landt & Ashley Marie Steckel @ St. John, Luana

9-1 Aaron Michael Schroeder & Jamie Ann Johanningmeier @ St. John, Farmersburg

9-29 Cody Lee Schlueter & Becky Lynn Voshell @ St. John, Farmersburg

12-31 Joshua Ron Formanek & Keisha Marie Miller @ St. Paul, Monona

COUNCIL MINUTES CONTINUED: Committee Reports (cont):

Youth Group – Dec 19 held a Candlelight Xmas Service w/approx. 27 tenants, 8 youth plus leaders & parents. End of year party at TJ’s following service. Next meeting Jan 23. Sunrise Service led by Youth Apr 21 @ 630am, breakfast to follow.

Men’s Group – February will elect new officers Women of the ELCA – Doo Days held this week. Good participation this year. Will hold in February as well.

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Tammy/Lindelle/Motion Carried. Meeting Closed with Lords Prayer at 8:45pm. Next meeting Wednesday February 13, 2019 at 7:00pm. Heather Crogan, Church Council Secretary ****************************************************************************************

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January, 2019 – Treasurer's Report Income: 4639.00 845.00 964.25 1506.00 Loose: 24.00 15.00 22.00 91.00 Initial Offering: 32.00 Rental income: 450.00 Thrivent Dep. 205.00 Missions: NE Iowa Synod: 265.00 SOTH: 215.00 EWALU: 35.00 St. Pt. Home: 60.00 LSI: 45.00 Food Shelf: 80.00 Staff Compensation: Pastor: 2691.25 Portico: 780.46 Secretary: 200.00 (G.C. Kwik Star) Inside Cust.: 209.33 Outside Cust.: 120.05 Organists: 110.82 Expenses: Debit to 182 day CD 2500.00 United States Treasury: 238.68 (4th quarter 2018) Black Hills (gas): 284.49 Alliant (elec): 154.40 NEIT: 79.72 Water/Sewer: 217.56 (1st quarter) Safe Deposit Box Rent: 5.00 Quill 251.40 ( 5 cases paper) Dubuque Relig. Cntr 53.45 (advent candles) Interchurch Council 100.00 (pd 2018 & 2019) c/o Rochelle Fabert Elkader Floral Shop 69.55 (Pastor – Hosp. Floral & choc.) 1517 Media 61.50 (Devotionals) Joe & Matt’s Plmbg. 170.54 (Replace sink line) Total Income: 8159.25 Total Expenses: 8998.20 General Checking Balance – January 1, 2019: 13,973.86 January 31, 2019: 13,134.91 Lindelle Scherf, Treasurer

March 1 John Leuchtenmacher

2 Andrea (Lnenicka) Byroade

Jacob Meyer

3 Corbin Gardner

Nick Henkes

5 Sophia (Glawe) Rose

6 Rachel Henning

9 Kris Wikner

Zachery Radloff

Chloe Lynn Fuelling

10 Brianna Hoth

11 Diane Wiedenman

12 Dorothy Kluth

13 Jessica Preuser

14 Emery Rodas

15 Heather Radloff

17 Terene Hauschild

18 David Schoenfeldt

20 Don Erickson

23 Lisa Berns

24 Loretta Davis

25 Bill Scherf Jr.

26 Kyle Moon

27 Jim Fuelling

Iris Fuelling

Arthur James Hatlan

28 Pastor Harold McMillin

Daniel Wagner

29 Hilary Scherf

Joleen Schoulte

Marjorie Henderson

Ashley Shaw

30 Jacob Morley

Erica Scherf

Diezel Fuelling

Souper Bowl Sundays THANK YOU to the members of St. John. 100% to the Food Shelf 2019 Monetary Donations $510.00!!!! (Envelopes $475.18 plus Noisy Offering $34.82) 2018 Monetary Donations $186.00

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Karla Schrader

CHURCH COUNCIL: President: Keith Johnson (20) V. Pres: Jeff Krambeer (19) Sec: Sonya Anderson (21) Cur. Treas: Linda Davis (20) Bene. Treas: Cindy Landt (21) Financial Counters: Council COUNCIL MEMBERS: Tim Donlon (19), Loren Lenth (20), Doug Schlein (21), Erma Swenson (19), Jerry Schroeder (19), Duaine Palas (20), & Braden Landt (Youth) (19)

CUSTODIAN: Jeff Krambeer

WELCA: Pres: Betty Handke V. Pres: Anna Schroeder Sec: Marj Schrader Treas: Linda Davis Mission Action: Carol Goettler

ALTAR GUILD: Pres: Sherri Johnson (2020) Sec: Darci Engelhardt (2020) Banners/Linens/Candles: Mary Schroeder(2021) Linda McMillin (2019) Special Services/Flowers: Betty Handke (2021) Diane Kraus (2019) Bapt./Comm.: Sherri Johnson, Darci Engelhardt Seasonal Banners: Jeff Krambeer

ST. JOHNS MINISTRY YOUTH: Pres: Logan Engelhardt V. Pres: Braden Landt Sec: Ashley Shaw Treas: Ethan Goltz

ST. JOHN MINISTRY TEAM Pres. John Fuelling (19) Sec. Sherri Johnson (21) Members: Theresa Rodas (19)

Jeff Krambeer (20) Brenda Hoth (20) Vicki Baade (21) Tammy Muller (21)



St. John – Luana Parishioners –

Thank you for supporting Christmas Just 4 Kids. With your monetary or physical donations, gifts like yours make it possible for Shepherd to continue the ministry we feel is so very important right here in Clayton County! Your thoughtfulness and unselfish giving make this possible. We served 528 kids this year! Again, Thank You and God Bless! Thank you for your gifts this Xmas! Heather Crogan, Director

Shepherd of the Hills would like to say Thank You to your church and Parishioners for the continued Mission Support! Gifts like yours make it possible for Shepherd to continue the ministry we feel is important here in Clayton County & its outlying areas! Again, Thank You & God Bless! Heather Crogan, Director

Shepherd of the Hills

Shepherd of the Hills

WORSHIP ATTENDANCE Att. Comm Jan. 27 31 Feb. 3 48 46 Feb. 10 45 Feb. 17 36 34 TOTAL 160 80 AVERAGE 40 40

LENTEN LUNCHES following 11:00 am Worship each Wednesday starting March 6th: March 6th – Ash Wednesday - ____________ March 13th – served by Faith/Joy Circle March 20th – served by Hope Circle March 27th – served by Faith/Joy Circle April 3rd – served by Hope Circle

April 10th – served by Faith/Joy Circle Maundy Thursday, April 18th – “Last Supper Drama” –

Lisa & Tim Donlon & family in the loss of Lisa’s sister, Patricia Connor, who passed away January 27th @ the Great River Care Center, McGregor.

Memorial Service was held Saturday, February 2nd @ St. Patrick’s Catholic

Church, Monona.

Page 10: ST. JOHNS MINISTRY NEWSLETTERDo we repeat worship? Or is once enough? Do we commune often, or is once enough? Do we hear the same stories of hrist often, or is once enough? In order


PRESENT: Cindy Landt, Loren Lenth, Doug Schlein, Erma Swenson, Jerry Schroeder, Jeff Krambeer, Karla Schrader, Linda Davis, Pastor Harold, Sonya Anderson ABSENT: Braden Landt, Keith Johnson, Duaine Palas, Tim Donlon

ELECTION: Meeting called to order with election of officers. President: Keith Johnson Vice President: Jeff Krambeer

Secretary: Sonya Anderson Current Fund Treasurer: Linda Davis Benevolence Fund Treasurer: Cindy Landt

COMMITTEES: INTERCHURCH: Jo Schlitter, Mary Schroeder, Tim Donlon SCHOLARSHIP: Stephanie Steele, Dawn Dull, Neil Landt, Cyrus Landt WORSHIP: Linda Davis, Carol Goettler, Marj Schrader EDUCATION: Janelle Smith, Sherri Johnson, Luke Steege BUILDING: Jim Meyer, Wayne DeSotel, Cyrus Landt, Chad Davis AUDITING: Vicky Baade, Diane Kraus, Edith Searles STEWARDSHIP: Jeff Krambeer, Keith Johnson, Luke Steege EVANGELISM: Council TOTAL BAPTIZED: 325 TOTAL CONFIRMED: 274 NOMINATING: Ervin Bugenhagen, Luke Steege, Chad, Amber & Jade Moeller DEACONS: Loren Lenth, Tim Donlon, Jeff Krambeer TRUSTEES: Erma Swenson, Jerry Schroeder, Linda Davis, Duaine Palas, Keith Johnson, Doug Schlein, Sonya

Anderson, Braden Landt ST. JOHNS MINISTRY TEAM: Sherri Johnson, Vicky Baade, Jeff Krambeer All nominations approved.

COMMUNION SIGN-UP: Karla will look for communion sign-up sheet and have Loren pass it around at church next Sunday. The council will review communion distribution at the next Council meeting.

PASTOR’S REPORT: Update on self – given with current medical happenings and restrictions. INSTALLATION – Sunday, February 17th (Karla to send letter out to all committee members regarding

Installation Sunday). INTERCHURCH: Mary Schroeder is the only active member serving as Secretary. May need to add one more

person. They meet the 5th Monday. VBS ORGANIZER: St. John Lutheran, Luana is this year’s VBS organizer which will be held at the Methodist

Church in Monona. Need to coordinate helpers. AUDITING: Need a new member.

NEW BUSINESS: SOTH Annual Meeting – Sunday, February 17 @ 2:00 pm at St. Paul, Volga. Pastor Harold, Jeff & Edith

Krambeer, Duaine and Linda Davis are the Representatives. LENT BEGINS: Wednesday, March 6th – Ash Wednesday – 11:00 am @ Luana with lunch following

and 7:00 pm @ Farmersburg with supper @ 5:30 pm FINANACIAL REPORT by Karla Schrader: In December, insurance annual premiums were paid. Motion to

approve Financial report by Cindy Landt and seconded by Doug Schlein THANK YOU’S: Pastor thanked the Council for the generous Christmas bonus along with Jeff Krambeer and Karla

Schrader thanking the council for their bonuses as well. Carol Goettler submitted a thank you for the gift card she received and is paying it forward.

FURNACE: There has been maintenance done on the furnace. Is working fine for now. PARSONAGE: 1). Will need to separate or display separated funds – Parsonage funds, etc. 2). Tree in the driveway needs trimming. Will contact Matt Baade. COUNCIL MEMBERS: Discussed dropping Council members to nine or change to six vs. twelve.

Will revisit at next month’s council meeting FRONT STEPS: There is carpet with chunks of carpet mission LAITY NEEDED: Pastor Harold will be gone April 1st -8th for Grandson’s National Hockey Tournament. Meeting adjourned at 8:37 am closing with the Lord’s Prayer. Respectfully submitted, Sonya Anderson


Sunday, February 10, 2019


Page 11: ST. JOHNS MINISTRY NEWSLETTERDo we repeat worship? Or is once enough? Do we commune often, or is once enough? Do we hear the same stories of hrist often, or is once enough? In order



Pastor McMillin 2,691.25 Jan. 6 3,266.00

Black Hills Utilities –Nat. Gas 210.76 Jan. 13 1,121.00

Portico - Pension 1,560.93 Jan. 20 1,038.00

Jeff Krambeer – Custodian 307.83 Jan. 27 591.00

Karla Schrader –Secretary 277.05 6,016.00

NEITEL 117.26 Farmersburg 869.28

IRS – ss/medicare 86.70 Thrivent 209.00

Church Budget – envelopes 179.84 Total Income 7,094.28

Access Systems – Maintence agmt 306.17

St John Farmersburg - postageDec/Jan 110.30

Monona Computer Services – backup 15.90 Bal. Dec. 31, 2018 5,800.95

5,863.99 Total Income 7,094.28 12,895.23 Less Expenses 5,863.99 Bal. Jan. 31, 2019 7,031.24 PARSONAGE/REPAIR FUND Bal. 12-31-18 72,664.17 Rent – Feb 500.00 Interest 92.59 Bal. 01-31-19 73,256.76

SPECIAL FUNDS Ruby Breitsprecher CD 5,075.86 St John Scholarship Fund CD 39,302.67 Willard & Anne Kamin CD 4,117.88

CURRENT FUND Envelopes Plate Int. Total Jan. 6 3,160.00 1.00 105.00 3,266.00 Jan. 13 1,061.00 35.00 25.00 1,121.00 Jan. 20 1,018.00 5.00 15.00 1,038.00 Jan. 27 591.00 591.00 5,830.00 41.00 145.00 6,016.00 Submitted by Karla Schrader

BENEVOLENCE submitted by Cindy Landt Jan. 6 Offering 99.00 Food Shelf 50.00 Xmas 50.00 Expenses Jan. 13 Offering 57.00 not yet disbursed Jan. 20 Offering 49.00 Jan. 27 Offering 304.00 FS Offering 50.00 659.00

2 – Jordan Schubert 3 – Keisha Formanek 4 – Ervin Bugenhagen 7 – Karsten Steege 8 – Braden Landt 11 – Cheryl Wagner 12 – Lance Donlon 16 – Cindy Brink Ethan Schroeder 18 – Dale Bugenhagen 20 – Jay Schroeder 21 – Kyle Tilson 22 – Ashley Bente 24 – Chris Baade Elaine Gehring 26 – Wade Wolter 27 – Cory Donlon Courtney Handke 28 – Pastor Harold Candice Schlein 31 – Dwain Wolter

Annually St. John Lutheran, Luana collects items to fill Personal Care Kits during Lent. This is a great time to use your Thrivent Cards to purchase the items on the list as follows. Please let Betty Handke,

President of WELCA know if you plan to use your Thrivent Cards for this great gift! The following items need to be collected to complete ONE (1) Personal Care Kit.

ONE light or medium weight bath size towel (52” x 27”) DARK COLOR (Please check the size also) TWO (2) bath size bars (4-5 oz) of soap, any brand, in original wrapping ONE Adult-size toothbrush* in its original packaging *(Toothbrush multi-packs may be used by sealing an individual toothbrush in a business sized envelope --- NO plastic bags or wrap) ONE sturdy comb (remove packaging) ONE metal nail clipper (remove packaging – attached file optional)

LAST YEAR 2018 - WE COMPLETED AND SENT 67 Personal Care Kits!

Page 12: ST. JOHNS MINISTRY NEWSLETTERDo we repeat worship? Or is once enough? Do we commune often, or is once enough? Do we hear the same stories of hrist often, or is once enough? In order



March 8 – Heath & Chris Landt 31 – Travis & Shanda Spiker

Theresa Rodas, Choir Director of St. John, Farmersburg, extends an invitation to the members of St. John, Luana to join the Farmersburg Choir at practice which will be held each Wednesday evening @ 6:30 pm. During Lent, practice will be held following Worship – No Choir Practice on March 13th! LENTEN SEASON:

With the upcoming Lenten Season and schedule of Worship services, Theresa would like to welcome members of St. John, Luana to join in a “Combined” Choir to sing on – Ash Wednesday – March 6th @ 7:00 pm~~ as well as Good Friday – April 19th @ 7:00 pm.

All are most welcome. If you have any questions, please contact Theresa on her cell phone 563-880-4534

March 3 – Rodney Schlitter 6 – Paul Engelhardt 10 – Mitchell Doerring Larry Lenth 16 – Jared Schroeder 18 – Dixie Johnson Jeanne Miller 19 – Stephanie Wikner 21 – Kevin Tilson 22 – Keith Johnson 23 – Heather Mohs 26 – Michelle Gieseke 28 – Sarah Landt 29 – Randy Mohs 29 – Grace Doerring 30 – Linda McMillin

Monetary donations to the Clayton County Food Shelf. 100% of the Monetary Gifts STAY at the Clayton County Food Shelf


BINGO @ Good Sam - Postville at 2:00 pm Friday, March 29th by ~~~Betty Handke & Jo Schlitter

DO DAYS – Tues. & Thurs. March 12th & 14th @ 8:30 am

Tues. & Thurs. March 26th & 28th @ 8:30 am

First Day of Spring in 2019 is on Wednesday, the 20th of March. In 2019, the exact time of the Start of Spring is at 21:58 UCT (Coordinated Universal Time). On the day of the equinoxes, the Sun shines directly on the equator and the

length of day and night is nearly equal – but not quite. The Vernal or March

Equinox is when the Sun crosses the celestial equator, moving from south to

north. This date is considered to be the first day of Spring for countries in

Page 13: ST. JOHNS MINISTRY NEWSLETTERDo we repeat worship? Or is once enough? Do we commune often, or is once enough? Do we hear the same stories of hrist often, or is once enough? In order



PROBERT SCHOLARSHIP AVAILABLE FOR MFL MARMAC SENIORS The Probert Scholarship Fund was established with a bequest from the estate of James & Marie Probert. Available scholarships are based on earnings each year. At least one scholarship must be given to a graduate who is a member of our parish. Per the will this scholarship fund is administered through St. John Lutheran Church. Scholarships are available to graduating seniors of the MFL MarMac School. Applicants must be in the top half of the class, exemplify high moral standards, academic achievement, and have a need for financial assistance. Students may contact the MFL MarMac High School Guidance Office for application information. Application deadline is March 15.

World Day Of Prayer March 1st 1:00 pm @ St. John Lutheran Farmersburg

The host country for WDP 2019 is Slovenia. The focus is on Jesus’ parable of the Great Dinner (in Lk. 14:15–24) with the theme “Come – Everything is Ready”. One phrase in the worship service especially captures the ideas we will explore: “Welcoming God, in your love, you have prepared a table for all, and you inspire us to open our hearts and our homes to offer a place to the ones who are not yet at the table.” Who isn’t at your table yet? Who isn’t at your World Day of Prayer service . . . yet? The women of Slovenia challenge us all to widen our circles, to expand our communities. .

• It is symbolized by an annual day of celebration observed

“Combined” WELCA BIBLE STUDY Members of Farmersburg invited to attend! Tuesday, March 5th – 1:30 pm Hostess: Carol Goettler SESSION THREE: Friends for life in Christ We meet a woman caught in adultery, a man born blind, and Jesus’ friends Mary, Martha and

Lazarus. Through their stories, we come to see how Jesus meets us with mercy, healing and hope in the face of judg-ment, rejections and grief. We share in Jesus’ final conversation with His disciples before His arrest, where He shows us His love and prays for us.

DURING LENTEN SEASON Starting Wednesday, March 6th Classes will be held WEDNESDAYS @ Farmersburg

3:00 pm (March 6th, 13th, 20th, April 3rd & 10th) 4:00 pm (March 27th)

^^If the school decides to make up some of the missed days due to weather and there is NO early out, please notify Pastor Harold @ 563-880-5052. Thank you.

MEMORY WORK – WOW! Since we have had only ONE (1) class since Christmas vacation, WHEN we get together we will talk about the

memory work and what needs to be caught up, etc. All students have the list of Memory work so please follow through on those as much as you can and come ready to take the tests!

REMINDER – continue to go over your 100 Question Quiz as that will be taken following Easter!!!!!

NON FOOD ITEMS: ---REALLY in need of!!! Toilet Tissue Laundry Soap Dish Soap Toothpaste Shampoo Bar Soap

FOOD ITEMS: >>Really need – Canned fruit – Hamburger Helper Tomato Juice – Saltines – Chili Beans

FOOD COLLECTION the first Sunday of the Month

Clayton County Food Shelf POB 48 – St. Olaf, IA 52072

Monday – Friday: 9-Noon 1 – 4:00 pm Ph #563-783-7794 Utoni Ruff, Director

Page 14: ST. JOHNS MINISTRY NEWSLETTERDo we repeat worship? Or is once enough? Do we commune often, or is once enough? Do we hear the same stories of hrist often, or is once enough? In order






Shepherd of the Hills Ministry 100 W. Hill Street, PO Box 36

Saint Olaf, IA 52072-0036 Telephone: 563-783-2409

Fax: 563-783-2428 E-mail: [email protected]

Hours: 9am-12pm and 1pm-4 pm. Monday-Friday

Heather Crogan ~Director



Greetings From the Hill: Winter...Snow... And More Snow... As we are looking forward to Lent, Daylight Savings time & the First Day of Spring in the Month of March, we are reminded that we have been fortunate the past couple of winters with snowfall. Our Annual SOTH Assembly was recently postponed from Feb 17 to March 3, 2019. The location and time remain the same - St. Paul Lutheran in Volga at 2pm. Refreshments to follow. As a reminder to our Conference Churches, the Confest Gathering of our Confirmation Students is on March 20 at St. Paul, Postville beginning at 5pm. Invitations were sent to all the conference churches. Worship begins at 5:30pm, followed by a Lasagna Supper, with the gathering of our students after. RSVP's are appreciated for the number of youth, Pastors or Leaders attending for meal planning purposes. I wanted to also take time to talk about a decision regarding Coats, Hat's and Gloves as part of the Christmas Giveaway. In recent years, the local youth have needed winter gear long before our giveaway in December. After much discussion, that part of the giveaway will now happen in late October/ early November time frame. Specifics are still being ironed out, however for those of you that like to shop around for the best deals, we thought you might like to utilize clearance deals at the end of this current winter season. Also, please remember...We are not prepared to receive those items until closer to the event date! Thank you seems very redundant, however we continue to be blessed with the financial support, as well as the physical donations to help meet the needs of those less fortunate! We are very fortunate to have such caring communities that support the ministry work, that is so very important, right here Clayton County !

Remember to

like us

on Facebook !

COMING EVENTS =====================

Mar 3-5 ~ Rural Ministry Conference Best Western Conf. Center, DBQ

Mar 6 ~ Ash Wednesday

Mar 20 ~ Confest Gathering - St .Paul Postville, beginning at 5:30pm

Apr 19 ~ Good Friday - SOTH CLOSED

May 30 ~ Ascension Day Service - Ceres

Church, Garnavillo 5:30pm

June 14-16 ~ Synod Assembly, Waverly

Shepherd of the Hills Needs : The Operating Fund pays the utilities, insurance on the

building, supplies and salary for the Director. The Crisis Fund is used to help families in need with

rent, utilities or fuel assistance.

Please prayfully consider making regular donations to these funds in order to ensure its sustainability as a

charitable organization for Clayton County.

Please utilize the MEMO LINE on your check to specify Crisis or Operating Fund !

Page 15: ST. JOHNS MINISTRY NEWSLETTERDo we repeat worship? Or is once enough? Do we commune often, or is once enough? Do we hear the same stories of hrist often, or is once enough? In order


Members of: SJ Luana & SJ Farmersburg (Italicized) **IF THERE ARE UPDATES of those listed in the prayers, please let us know. We have been leaving them in the prayers until you tell us to remove them.

REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: Bryant Spiker, Dawson Spiker, Doug Schlein, Shannon Jones, Tom Meuleman, Kevin Krambeer, Mitzi Collins, Mary Jones, Greg Snitker, Juanita Mohs, Doug Schrader; Dallas Tielbar,

Ricky Tuecke, Sonya Stagman, Bishop Steve Ullestad, Pastor Harold McMillin, Dallas Thompson, Beth Abel

POSTVILLE GOOD SAM: Ellenore Doerring EAGLE RIDGE INDEP. & ASSISTED LIVING: Lawrence Linderbaum ELKADER CARE CENTER: Cheryll Scherf, Vila Schroeder, Vivian Nuehring STRAWBERRY POINT: Russ Pate WEST UNION GOOD SAM, Rm #410: Gertrude Lee GARDEN VIEW: Nadyne Reardon, Elaine Gehring, Robert Schultz MAPLE CREST MANOR, Fayette: Mary Miller 100 BOLGER Dr. Room #110 Fayette, IA 52142 McGREGOR ASSISTED LIVING (Turner Point): Reva Radloff HOMEBOUND: Mary Russett, Mae Mueller, JoAnn Meyer, Don & Chris Baade, LuNida Landt;

Glenda Henkes; Isabel Kurth, Ivan & Imogene Ihlenfeldt


MARCH National Professional Social Work Month March is National Professional Social Work Month, a time to recognize social workers and thank them for all they do. At Lutheran Services in Iowa (LSI), we’re grateful for the many

social workers who have dedicated their lives to serving our community! Maybe you’ve never had a social worker involved in your life. Yet, whether you realize it or not, you’ve had the benefit of their behind-the-scenes work in your community. Social workers help people help themselves in overcoming life’s most difficult circumstances or managing challenges of everyday living: poverty, abuse, mental illness, depression, addiction, disability, and many other situations. Iowa wouldn’t be the same without the patience, guidance, and empowerment that social workers provide. Happy National Professional Social Work Month! Our Mission: Lutheran Services in Iowa responds to the love of Jesus Christ through compassionate service. LSI is an affiliated social ministry partner of the Iowa congregations of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) and a member of LSA (Lutheran Services in America). We proudly serve people of all ages, abilities, religions, sexes, gender identities, national origins, ethnicities, races, and sexual orientations. Learn more at and

Finding a Support System

Aubreigh knew something needed to change. She was struggling with substance use and alcohol. She couldn’t find a way to take care of her mental health. She was unable to provide a safe home for her son, who needed to move in with his dad. When she finally took a step in the right direction and found a home, all her belongings were stolen. Through LSI’s Family Safety, Risk, and Permanency Services, Aubreigh connected with her worker, Kelsy. Together, the duo is working on budgeting Aubreigh’s money, finding a good job, and building a safe home environment for her son. “I was in a bad situation, and I’m really thankful for LSI,” she says. “Without them, who knows where I’d be.” Aubreigh now meets with Kelsy once a week and feels like she is finally on the right path after plenty of hard work. She is working with her son and his father to build a healthy co-parenting relationship, and she knows Kelsy will always be in her corner, ready to cheer her on. “Kelsy has been an awesome resource. She helps if we have issues co-parenting, and we do a lot better now as a fami-ly,” Aubreigh says. “If I have any problems, Kelsy is there.”

Remember to set your clocks 1 hour

ahead on Saturday

March 9th.