St. John of the Cross Parish · 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 5, 2020 St. John of the Cross...

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 5, 2020 St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs, Illinois ~ 708-246-4404 ~ Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.

Transcript of St. John of the Cross Parish · 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 5, 2020 St. John of the Cross...

Page 1: St. John of the Cross Parish · 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 5, 2020 St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs, Illinois ~ 708-246-4404 ~

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 5, 2020

St. John of the Cross Parish

5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs, Illinois ~ 708-246-4404 ~



Page 2: St. John of the Cross Parish · 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 5, 2020 St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs, Illinois ~ 708-246-4404 ~

From the Desk of Fr. Marc Reszel



Today is celebrated as the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Welcome Home! While no one is obligated to attend and some, for reasons of health, should not attend, we are pleased with our phased-in reopening of the church doors to the faithful. This week we offer our full schedule of Masses at the current maximum allowable capacity of 20% or 160 attendees. More Masses with more parishioners attending means that more volunteers are needed for us to comply with safety precautions. Please consider helping at the Mass you will be attending. Registration/Reservation, wearing a mask, maintaining proper distancing, and hand sanitizing are still required of all. The necessary information, including a “what to expect” video, is available at The Independence Day holiday forced an earlier than usual bulletin deadline for this week’s issue. While I remain confident that a priest of the Archdiocese will be assigned to our parish as an Associate Pastor and have agreed to the recommendation of the Priests’ Placement Board, the assignment will be official only after our Archbishop, Blase

Cardinal Cupich, signs the appointment letter to be effective July 15. The pandemic continues to remind me/us that patience is still a virtue. Congratulations to our young parishioners who will soon be receiving their First Holy Communion. Recently their parents were invited to schedule their second graders’ First Communion at any parish Mass during the month of July or at First Communion Masses at 11:00am and 2:00pm on Saturdays August 1 and 8. While we will still need to abide by the guidelines of the State of Illinois and the Archdiocese of Chicago, we are elated to welcome these children to the Eucharistic banquet. Kindly remember them, their parents, godparents, and teachers/catechists in your prayers. Saturday July 11 is the Memorial of St. Benedict. The sixth century abbot is considered the Patriarch of Western Monasticism. On my desk in the priests’ residence is the quote: Prefer Nothing Whatever to Christ taken from Chapter 4 of the Rule of Benedict. Area Benedictine communities include Marmion (in Aurora) and St. Procopius (in Lisle). Edward Dart, who later designed our parish church, was the architect of the abbey church and monastery at St. Procopius, which was completed in1967. The annual summer mission co-operative is now scheduled for the weekend of August 1-2. Let us continue to pray for one another and for our parish. Father Reszel

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Welcome Back SJC is excited to welcome you back to Mass! We still advise that the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions stay at home and participate through livestreamed and televised Masses. The dispensation from Sunday Mass and Holy Days of Obligation continues. Here is an outline of what you can expect at Mass. Please watch our VIDEO on our website before you come to Mass. 1 BEFORE YOU ARRIVE •Check your temperature: if you have a fever, please do not come

to church. Stay home if you are ill. •Make sure you have a face covering to bring and wear. •Please watch the video on our website that describes how we will

celebrate Mass together. 2 WHEN YOU ARRIVE •Enter only in marked doorways. •Wait patiently to be checked in by a greeter. •Keep your face covering or mask on at all times except for

receiving Communion. •Sanitize your hands as directed by greeter. •Observe social distancing at all times (look for marks on the floor). •Ushers will direct you to pews with markings showing where to sit. •Since there will be no passing of baskets for your offering please

leave your offering in the baskets provided at the entrance and exit areas.

3 DURING THE MASS •Do not change seats during a service. Family members residing in

the same home can be seated together. •There will be no passing of offering baskets. •No physical sign of peace will be exchanged during Mass. •Follow instructions for Communion:

•Leave your seat only when directed by usher or greeter. •Maintain six feet social distancing in the Communion line – look

for marks on the floor. •When 12 feet or two people away from the priest, sanitize your

hands using the sanitizer from the usher. After sanitizing do not touch any surfaces.

•Approach the priest only after you are called forward. DO NOT remove your face covering.

•Extend a single hand to receive the Host. •After moving six feet to the right or left, remove your mask and

consume the Host. •Replace your face covering or mask. •Follow instructions to return to your pew.

4 AFTER MASS •Please take any worship aids and place them in the recycling bin

as you exit. •You will be dismissed by pew or seating area. •Follow the instructions of the greeter or usher. •Use only the designated exit doors. •Do not congregate outside the church doors. •Continue to wear your face covering or mask until you leave the

area where worshipers are.

Sign Up to Attend Weekday and Sunday Mass!

Each week the schedule of Masses

will be open for sign up on our website on Thursdays at 5pm.

Due to attendance limitations, only those parishioners who

have signed up will be admitted to Mass.

Here is our Mass schedule: Weekdays:

Monday-Saturday: 9am Mass with 160 people in attendance

Beginning July 4-5:

4pm Saturday, 7:30am, 9am, 11am and 5pm

with 160 people at each Mass Mass will continue to be

livestreamed on Facebook and available on our parish website

Daily Mass is recorded at 9:00am Monday-Saturday. Sunday Mass is recorded

at 4pm Saturday. The Parish Center continues

to be closed to visitors. Staff is available to assist you by phone or email. To schedule a baptism,

funeral, wedding, or anointing, or if you need other assistance,

please call MJ Martin,

Director of Operations: 708-822-1627

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Throughout the month of July at regularly scheduled Masses and on Saturday, August 1st and 8th, approximately one hundred and eighty parish second graders will experience a very special day in their lives. After waiting for over two months, it will soon be the day on which they will be making their First Holy Communion at St. John of the Cross Parish. Our Catechism teaches that the Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith. When we receive the Lord in the Eucharist, it is an act of thanksgiving to God. It recalls the Lord’s Supper with his Apostles. The Eucharist is essential to the communal dimension of our faith. It is the nourishment that enables us to remain spiritually strong and healthy. Pope Francis refers to the Eucharist as a gift. He reminds us about how important the Eucharist is to our faith journey. He encourages us to receive the Eucharist as a family as often as possible. Our Holy Father spoke to a group of children in Italy as he recalled his First Holy Communion many years ago. He addressed the children and stated, “You will make your First Communion, always remember that day your whole life: the first day that Jesus came to us. He comes, makes himself one with us, makes himself our food, our nourishment to give us strength.” As we reflect on these words of Pope Francis, we give thanks for all the parents, who are the primary educators of the children in the ways of the faith, as well as for our teachers and catechists, relatives, and friends of these children who have helped prepare them for First Holy Communion, and who will assist them in their future growth in faith through their prayers and actions.

Celebrating the Sacrament of First Holy Communion

Lord, give us the wisdom and the courage to help our children as you would

to develop in them a Christ-like love for all people … To nurture in them a desire

to give and not simply to take … to teach them to be doers of Your Holy Word.

Guide us in our parental responsibilities strengthen our love as a family so that we may work together

in coming closer to You. May we be the expression of Your love to our children

so that each day will be as today … Your love received and shared …

to help us be one in the Body of Christ. Amen.

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Every year our First Communicants together with their parent and other family members to make a banner with felt and glue as a special way to prepare for and commemorate the celebration of this sacrament. Keep this special tradition alive for your child to forever remember this holy moment. This year families are encouraged to make the banner as a keepsake and hang it on the front door of your home or in a special place in your home. Here are the directions: • Gather felt, foam, fabric, glitter, paint pens,

ribbon, fabric glue, etc. • Cut a rectangular piece of felt for the body of

the banner; about 9 x 12 inches. • Put your child’s name somewhere on the front

side of the banner. • Decorate it with symbols relating to Eucharist

and our faith. Some ideas for symbols include: Heart: shows our loving God Cross: represents our faith as Christians Wheat: represents the gift of bread which becomes the Body of Christ Bread: represents the Body of Christ present in the Eucharist Grapes: represents the gift of wine which becomes the Blood of Christ Chalice: represents the Cup of our Faith & Blood of Christ present in the Eucharist Bible: represents the Word of God Rainbow: represents our Covenant with God Butterfly: represents New Life in Christ 3-Leaf clover: represents the Holy Trinity Holy Flames or Dove: represents the Holy Spirit

• Use these samples for inspiration. • After Holy Communion save the banner and

certificate in your child’s sacrament box where all his or her important keepsakes are kept.

God’s richest blessing on our

First Communicants.

Celebrating the Sacrament of First Holy Communion


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Back to Normal?


Three months ago, I was co-directing the Kairos 35 retreat for our seniors and juniors in high school. When we left for the retreat, everything was ‘normal’; when we returned, everything had changed. Students (and parents) were embarking on e-learning, activities and sports were cancelled, and we were in lockdown. As I headed home from the retreat, I stopped at the grocery store, and I was startled by the empty shelves and the worried energy of the shoppers and employees. After weeks of uncertainty, fear, masks, and distancing, life is starting to open back up. We can eat at restaurants’ outside patios, churches are holding services again, and schools are making decisions about how to go back in August. While it may be tempting to go full force into ‘regular life’, it is important to be aware of how things may not be the same – and how we may not be the same. All transitions take time and often offer challenges – even in good or positive transitions. Just as the abrupt shift into lockdown was shocking and difficult, we can also anticipate some shocks to our system as we re-enter into the new phases of re-opening. Work and school may still be affected; there are still restrictions for gatherings; businesses are still figuring out how (and if) they can sustain. We may experience frustration if we are unable to ‘go back’ to everything as we would like, and we also may have residual effects from the time in lockdown. People may have experienced trauma due to job loss or insecurity, some may have emotional trauma due to concerns about the health and safety

of themselves and loved ones, and issues that people have been able to avoid with busy-ness may have surfaced when everything else was taken away. Students who did not get to end their school year traditionally may lack a sense of closure, particularly if there was a missed graduation and other traditional festivities. Major life events, from births to baptisms to weddings to funerals, may have been significantly altered over the last few months. We may have experienced the grief of not being able to see certain family and friends due to travel restrictions or health concerns. Three months ago, we were in the Lenten season. Someone mentioned to me how hard it was to ‘do’ Lent while in lockdown; to the contrary, I thought Lent was even more powerful, because we were truly in the desert – dependent and isolated. Our Lenten season concludes with Holy Week and the Triduum, resulting in death and then resurrection. The new life of Christ was not about going back to normal – no, the Resurrected Christ was the advent of a new way of life. We, too, need not run back to how it once was – we can participate in the re-creation with our renewed understanding of who and whose we are. And that may not always be an easy or smooth path – we owe it to ourselves to process the experience we have been enduring. Talk with each other about how we are feeling. Share our uncertainties and frustrations. Celebrate with new eyes and new perspectives. Bring the complexity our emotions into prayer. And be gentle if ‘normal’ feels, in fact, different.

Kristen Ras, MAPS, MA, LPC

Parishioner and counselor, Kristen Ras,

periodically shares insights and reflections for

both adults and kids. Here Kristen provides

insights into life as it slowly returns

to normal To reach Kristen email:

[email protected]






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For Families


Read: Matthew 11:25-30 Gospel Summary Jesus called those who would follow him "infants." Compared to the Scribes and Pharisees they lacked social standing and religious expertise, but these infants were open to understanding. It was the "wise" who were prevented from hearing Jesus' message because they were arrogant about their position and knowledge. Jesus offered his followers a lighter burden than that of the Jewish teachers. Reflection for Families By the nature of parenting, we often find ourselves in positions of authority, power, and just being the person who "knows" the answer. But how many times do we learn from our children? They express their understandings of abstract ideas in such simple terms. Pay close attention to your children this week and be quick to point out when they have taught you something or helped you see an old idea in a new way. Bringing the Gospel Into Your Family Share a human interest story from the local newspaper. With the whole family try to determine how the people in the story either understood today's Gospel as they simply acted as a child of God or how they received help from a child of God. Try to recall a time when your family had such an experience. Discussion Starters 1. The best example of a child's simplistic understanding of the Good News was when . . . 2. One way outsiders see Christ in our family is when . . .

Bible Trivia Quiz: Print this page out for each person in your family and see who can get the most number of correct answers. Does Father know best? Maybe the children will win!! Do not use your electronic devices. Find the answers on page 14 of this bulletin. Don’t peak! 1. True or False? Jesus walked on the water of the Sea of Galilee. 2. Where was Jesus when he said, “I and the Father are one.” 3. Jesus told people not to focus on the speck of sawdust in their

brother’s eye when they had what in their own eye? 4. True or False? Jesus spent about ten years teaching and performing

miracles with his disciples. 5. In which of the Gospels is Jesus called “the Lamb of God”? 6. Who was the only person to call Jesus “the Lamb of God”? 7. True or False? Jesus said he was a good farmer. 8. Who did Jesus take in his arms and bless? 9. True or False? Jesus’ first miracle took place at a wedding. 10. Which Gospels state that Jesus taught with authority and not like the

teachers of the law? 11. Who said to Jesus, “What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth?

Have you come to destroy us?” 12. True or False? When Jesus needed money to pay the temple tax,

he told Peter to go fishing and to look in the mouth of the first fish he caught. There Peter found the money he needed.

13. Where did Jesus make his base in Galilee? 14. True or False? Jesus spoke Aramaic. 15. When did Jesus make a whip of cords? 16. What did Jesus say it is hard for a rich man to do? 17. What was the name of the Pharisee who invited Jesus for a meal? 18. Which Gospel was written by a doctor? 19. Before Jesus started his ministry, what work did he do? 20. What were the first words of Jesus recorded by Matthew? 21. To whom did Jesus say, “Do not put the Lord your God to the test?” 22. In what town could Jesus perform very few miracles because of the

people’s lack of faith? 23. According to the Pharisees, Jesus broke the law when he healed on

the Sabbath. What other Sabbath law did he break? 24. True or False? Jesus was so pure he was never tempted. 25. Complete the first beatitude, “Blessed are the poor in spirit….” 26. Who asked Jesus, “How many times shall I forgive my brother when

he sins against me? Up to seven times?” 27. To whom did Jesus ask for a drink at the well? 28. True or False? When Jesus was a teenager baseball was his

favorite sport. 29. Complete the second beatitude, “Blessed are those who mourn…” 30. What did Jesus say about a city on a hill?

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Lifelong Learning


Background on the Gospel Today’s reading from Matthew’s Gospel comes after a discourse in which Jesus reproaches people who have witnessed his mighty deeds yet still lack belief. In this context, today’s Gospel explains the reason for this unbelief and reveals what is necessary for faith. Today’s Gospel also continues to enhance our understanding of discipleship as last week’s Gospel did. Jesus first prays in thanksgiving to God who has made himself known to Jesus’ disciples. He praises God who has made himself known to the “little ones” and not to the wise and learned. As in other recent readings from Matthew’s Gospel, a contrast is made here between the unbelieving Pharisees, who are wise and learned, and the faithful disciples, tax collectors, and sinners with whom Jesus keeps company. The second part of this reading calls to our attention the unity between the Father and the Son. God has made himself known through Jesus, and in knowing Jesus, we come to know the Father. In Jesus’ life and in his person, God reveals himself to us. In the concluding sentences of today’s Gospel, Jesus’ teaching is again contrasted to the teaching of the Pharisees. This common theme of Matthew’s Gospel probably reflects tension that existed between Jesus and the Pharisees and between the Pharisees and the community of Christians for whom Matthew wrote. Pharisaic Judaism became the predominant form of Judaism after the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem about 70 A.D. Here that tension is expressed as alternative paths of holiness. The careful observance of the Mosaic law taught by the Pharisees could be experienced by some as difficult and burdensome. In contrast, Jesus’ way of holiness is presented as uncomplicated and even restful. Loyola Press

Living the Gospel As we journey with Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew, we encounter him teaching, preaching, praying, and praising. In today’s gospel, he seems to do all at once! The passage opens with Jesus addressing God as “Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth.” In some ways this prefigures the language later creeds will use and that we proclaim in the Nicene Creed when we say, “[O]ne God, Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.” The phrase “heaven and earth” may also call to mind the opening verse of Genesis, though there the first term is plural: “heavens and earth.” The phrase refers to all of creation. It is the handiwork of the Lord and there is nothing that stands apart from it that is not under his dominion.

The relationship between the Father and Son is intimate and dynamic. Jesus beckons the disciples into this relationship with the invitation “come to me.” The term “yoke” that follows would have conjured up the image of Mosaic Law. Of course, a yoke is a type of wooden harness, bar, or frame used to keep oxen (or cattle) driving in the same direction, at the urging of a master. Wisdom is sometimes referred to as a yoke (Sirach 51:26), as is the law, but not in a negative way. In the New Testament (not only in Matthew but elsewhere), Jesus’ ways are also referred to as a yoke.

Jesus tells his disciples that he himself is the yoke, meek and humble of heart. The rest he promises comes from emulating his ways, his attitudes, his dispositions, and his general way of being in the world. The disciple is yoked to Jesus, and the disciple finds this to be a lightness in his or her way of being. As followers of Jesus, we imbibe his attitudes and our lives will not be burdened but filled with joy or, as Pope Francis might refer to it, the joy of the gospel. ©Living Liturgy

Lord God Almighty, your Son acts as a helpmate for us,

and even used the image of yoke to express that.

May we find the yoke of your Son to be light as he promised.

With his guidance and assistance may we always follow

the right path, leading to your will.

By so doing, we will be filled with the

Spirit of joy. In the triune God we pray.


I will praise your name for ever,

my king and my God.

Monday Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22 Ps 145:2-3, 4-9 Matt 9:18-26

Tuesday Hos 8:4-7, 11-13 Ps 115:3-4, 5-6, 7ab-8, 9-10 Matt 9:32-38

Wednesday Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12 Ps 105:2-3, 4-7 Matt 10:1-7

Thursday Hos 11:1-4, 8e-9 Ps 80:2ac and 3b, 15-16 Matt 10:7-15

Friday Hos 14:2-10 Ps 51:3-4, 8-9, 12- 13, 14, 17 Matt 10:16-23

Saturday Isa 6:1-8 Ps 93:1ab, 1cd-2, 5 Matt 10:24-33

15th Sunday OT Isa 55:10-11 Ps 65:10, 11, 12-13, 14 Rom 8:18-23 Matt 13:1-23 or 13:1-9

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Independence Day

God our Father, giver of life, we entrust the United States of America to your loving care. You are the rock on which this nation was founded. You alone are the true source of our cherished rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Reclaim this land for your glory and dwell among your people. Send your Spirit to touch the hearts of our nation’s leaders. Open their minds to the great worth of human life and the responsibilities that accompany human freedom. Remind your people that true happiness is rooted in seeking and doing your will. Through the intercession of Mary Immaculate, patroness of our land, grant us the courage to reject the “culture of death.” Lead us into a new millennium of life. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen. Source:

God, source of all freedom, this day is bright with the memory

of those who declared that life and liberty

are your gift to every human being.

Help us to continue a good work begun long ago.

Make our vision clear and our will strong:

that only in human solidarity will we find liberty,

and justice only in the honor that belongs

to every life on earth. Turn our hearts toward the family of nations:

to understand the ways of others,

to offer friendship, and to find safety

only in the common good of all. We ask this through

Christ our Lord. Amen.

Heavenly Father, on this day of national celebration,

as we recall the lives and hopes of our country’s founders, we pray that their vision

may inspire us anew to protect the weak,

to comfort the fearful, to defend the mistreated, to welcome the stranger, to provide for the needy,

to challenge the greedy and hate-filled, to relieve the exploited,

to respect the rights and beliefs of others and to hold our nation to its pledge

of liberty and justice for all. For this task

we ask your blessing and strength now and forever.

Amen. Blessings and Prayers through the Year

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Outreach: How You Can Help

Even in the world’s greatest food-producing nation, children and adults face poverty and hunger in every county across America. The coronavirus pandemic has left

millions of families without stable employment. More than 54 million people, including 18 million children, may experience food insecurity in 2020.

Food insecurity describes a household’s inability to provide enough food for every person to live an active, healthy life.

Food insecurity is one way to measure and assess the risk of hunger.

You can help families in our community by donating to our Food Pantry Ministry.

Come, Holy Spirit, and open our hearts, minds, and souls to your presence. Grace us with the strength to follow the examples of Jesus.

Like Jesus, may the Spirit provide us with a voice to cry out for justice for the poor. Remind us that what we do to the least of those among us, we do to you.

Answering the Voice of the Spirit, The Catholic Campaign for Human Development

Help area food pantries help those in need through our

SJC FOOD PANTRY MINISTRY Bring your food donations to our church narthex

when you come to Mass or send a check to SJC (note Food Pantry Donation)

and our Outreach Committee will give your monetary donations to the Food Pantries we serve.

Food Donations are also accepted

at our neighboring parishes, St. Cletus Parish

(donate in the bin outside the rectory door any day)

and St. Francis Xavier Parish (bring your donations on Monday mornings to the rectory door).

Diane and Bruce Harken,

Outreach Advisory Committee members, will also continue to accept food on their front porch

(3832 Lawn Avenue, Western Springs) for the Precious Blood community.

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High School Youth Ministry







Mark Your Calendar for Our Local Mission Trip! July 26—July 29… Come one day or all 4 days! All high school teens are invited to participate in serving others

right in our backyard. Stay tuned for more details next week as we work to SERVE: Give back to our local communities, EAT: share a meal,

PRAY together and HAVE FUN! while adhering to safety guidelines.

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Congratulations SJC 2020 Graduates! June 25, 2020


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Page 14: St. John of the Cross Parish · 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 5, 2020 St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs, Illinois ~ 708-246-4404 ~

Call the Parish Center Office to place a loved one’s name in your immediate family on our prayer list.

We Pray for Our Sick Kathy Antczak Beth Beutell

Leo Bressanelli Robert Bright Amanda Cook Sarah Cook

Jean Culligan Cary Czarnecki

Donna Czarnecki Fran Domanskis

Irene Friend Aggie Frolik

Frank Gembala Greg Gnat

Magdalena Goslawski Tommy Grady

Karen Hult Thomas Ivaska John Johnson

Kathleen Johnson Peggy Koucky

Ray Kula Lee Lepinske Nancy Lohr Jesse Lurito

Bobbie Misiora Ernie Misiora Rita Munch

Baby Evi O’Brien Loretta Palekas Al Piorkowski Suzie Potter

Alison Saegebrecht Michael Sheehan

Wendy Workman Stulgim Shawn Sweeney

Robert Vitale

We Pray for Our Loved Ones Serving Our Country Col. Mark Blanek, US Army

Staff Sgt. Steven Foody Sergeant Sebastian Grabacki

Sgt. Michael Grabarek 2nd Lt. Nathaniel Greenberg, US Army

LCDR Kyle Harken, US Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class John Ilg

Spc. Douglas Junius Captain Emily Kopec

ETN3 Joseph Kula, US Navy PFC Kevin Lawinger

First Lieutenant Caroline Lorenzini MAJ. James Maicke

Chandler Muszynski, Master of Arms, US Navy Fr. Filbert Ngwila, Army Chaplain 2nd Lt. Ryan A. Peters, US Army

Seaman Emily Strafaci Petty Officer 2nd Class Matthew Strafaci

Seaman Riley Strafaci Staff Sgt. Joshua Tischler, USAF Pararescue

Lieutenant James Viano Staff Sgt. Larry Waszak

Prayer For Renewed Strength O Lord, my God, Please give me the grace to maintain my hope in you through all of life’s changes and to taste and see your goodness. I praise you for the gifts you have showered on me for so many years. Help me find joy in a renewed strength of spirit. Please bless me with good health, and inspire me to be a good example to others. For you are Lord, forever and ever. Amen. A Blessing Prayer for Those Who Are Sick All praise and glory is yours, Lord our God, for you have called us to serve you in love. Bless N., so that he/she may bear this illness in union with your Son's obedient suffering. Restore him/her to health, and lead him/her to glory. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. usccb

Answers to Bible Quiz on page 6. 1. True (John 6:19) 2. Solomon’s Colonnade in the temple 3. A plank 4. False. It was about three years. 5. John’s Gospel 6. John the Baptist 7. False. Jesus said he was the good shepherd. 8. Little children 9. True (John 2:11) 10. Matthew 7:29 and Mark 1:22 11. A man possessed by evil spirits 12. True (Matthew 17:24-27) 13. Capernaum 14. True (John 6:41) 15. When he threw the money-changers out of the temple. 16. Enter the kingdom of heaven. 17. Simon 18. Luke’s Gospel 19. He was a carpenter. 20. “Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all

righteousness.” (Matthew 3:15) 21. The devil 22. Nazareth 23. He allowed the disciples to pluck and eat corn on the Sabbath. 24. False. Jesus was often tempted, but never gave in to temptation. 25. “...for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” 26. Peter 27. A Samaritan woman 28. False. The Gospels give no details about Jesus’ teenage years. 29. “...for they will be comforted.” 30. It cannot be hidden.


We all need one another, much and often. CHARLOTTE PERKINS GILMAN. GRATEFULNESS.ORG

Page 15: St. John of the Cross Parish · 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 5, 2020 St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs, Illinois ~ 708-246-4404 ~


Monday, July 6, 9am Weekday; St. Maria Goretti † Muriel Albertson † Mary Kay McGorey † Arthur Holmes † Rachael Schopp Tuesday, July 7, 9am Weekday † Janet Balzer Wednesday, July 8, 9am Weekday † Patricia Fitzgerald † Daniel Josephs Thursday, July 9, 9am Weekday; St. Augustine Zhao-Rong † Fr. David Dowdle Mary Nowicki Friday, July 10, 9am Weekday Bill Moore Saturday, July 11, 9am St. Benedict † Our Beloved Dead 4pm Evening Mass † Martin Grady † Don King † Rachael Schopp Sunday, July 12 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30am † Fr. Joe McDonnell 9am † Patrick McNaughton † Dan Mulcahy † Messina and Kotleba Families † Jon Neidlinger † Rachael Schopp 11am † Francesco Brotto † Patricia Fitzgerald † Sarah LoSavio † Sharon Pawlowski 5pm † Scott Biszewski Living Remembrances in Italics

Rev. Marc W. Reszel, Pastor [email protected] Senior Deacon Joe Pepitone [email protected] Deacon John Schopp [email protected] Deacon Rich Voytas [email protected] Bill Bright, Director of Outreach [email protected] Janet Caschetta, Director of YC [email protected] Marguerite Chrusciel, Finance Mgr [email protected] Frank DiPompeo, Plant Mgr [email protected] Mary Beth Drafz, Digital Comm Coor [email protected] Kathleen Gorman, Principal [email protected] Jessica Koch, Director of Music [email protected] MJ Martin, Director of Operations [email protected] Katie Pruitt, HS Youth Minister [email protected] Theresa Reyes, Receptionist [email protected] Elizabeth Russell-Jones, Welcome [email protected] Christina Turlek, Finance Assistant [email protected] Gale Voytas, Ministry Assistant [email protected] Steven Weigand, Pastoral Associate [email protected]

SJC Parish Center 5005 Wolf Road

Western Springs, IL 60558 708-246-4404

Visit our parish website:

Sign up to attend Mass on our parish website. Call the Parish Center if you need assistance.

Confessions A priest will hear your confession

after daily Mass Monday-Saturday.

Please sign up for Mass and see the priest afterwards.

SJC Parish School 708 51st Street

Western Springs IL 60558 708-246-4454

Blessed are they who, setting aside their own

pleasure and inclination, consider things according

to reason and justice before doing them.

— St. John of the Cross

Our Staff Mass Remembrances

Volunteers are needed as we welcome parishioners back to Mass! Greeters We are looking for help at weekend Masses to greet people in the narthex, check their name on our sign up list, pump sanitizer in their hand, and direct them to the regular ushers who will seat them in the pews. If you can help out each week for July and August at your favorite Mass or would like more information please email Margie Connelly at [email protected]. Cleaners We are also in need of volunteers to assist with cleaning the church pews after each Mass. Volunteers can be jr. high students and teens needing service hours, YC home groups, friend groups as well as adults and whole families. Cleaners will be shown how to sanitize the church pews. Gloves and cleaning spray are provided. Sign up on our parish website.

Page 16: St. John of the Cross Parish · 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 5, 2020 St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs, Illinois ~ 708-246-4404 ~

Lord Jesus Christ, bless the children coming forward to receive Holy Communion for the first time. May this day be the step toward a life-long love of the Eucharist. Give them a hunger for this sacred food so that they turn to you for comfort, guidance, and wisdom as they grow into full discipleship. Thank you for their innocence and goodness. May their hands, extended in anticipation of your body and blood, inspire all of us to cherish this sacred Sacrament. Amen.

Together we pray for the children who will receive First Holy Communion in the coming weeks at our parish.

Page 17: St. John of the Cross Parish · 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 5, 2020 St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs, Illinois ~ 708-246-4404 ~

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Page 18: St. John of the Cross Parish · 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 5, 2020 St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs, Illinois ~ 708-246-4404 ~

009239 St John of the Cross Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170

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Consider RememberingYour Parish in Your Will.

For further information, please call the Parish Office.