St. John Catholic Church · St. John Catholic Church ... La solemnidad de Cristo Rey nos ayuda a...

St. John Catholic Church 301 South Cottage Grove Avenue Glenwood, IL 60425 St. John Catholic Church 301 South Cottage Grove Avenue Glenwood, IL 60425 Phone: 708-758-5098 Fax: 708-758-0408 Rev. Karol Tybor - Pastor [email protected] Deacon Jim Detloff Religious Education: Andy Perz Music Director: Andy Perz Parish Secretaries: Karen Donlon Betsy Díaz-Kudra Parish Email: [email protected] Visit us at: Parish Office Hours: M—F 9:00—2:30 Like us on Facebook at MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. Holy Days: 8 am and 7 PM on Holy Day Weekday Mass: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 8:00 a.m. Adoration of the Holy Eucharist Mondays 3-6 Confessions: Saturdays, 4:30 p.m.; or by appointment. First Friday: Benediction after 8:00 a.m. Mass. First Saturday: Sorrowful Mother Novena after 8:00 a.m. Eucharistic Service Sacrament of Baptism: Please call the Parish Office to schedule Sacrament of Marriage: Please call Fr. Karol to plan a wedding date. Sick Calls: Call the Parish Office to arrange for a visit RCIA: For information on becoming a Catholic, adult sacramental preparation or Adult Ed, call the parish office. We, the people of St. John Parish, being brothers and sisters in Christ, accept as our mission: to know our faith to live by truth and love to serve the needs of others to teach by example to strengthen, inspire and improve the Parish family. November 26th, 2017

Transcript of St. John Catholic Church · St. John Catholic Church ... La solemnidad de Cristo Rey nos ayuda a...

St. John Catholic Church 301 South Cottage Grove Avenue Glenwood, IL 60425

St. John Catholic Church 301 South Cottage Grove Avenue

Glenwood, IL 60425 Phone: 708-758-5098

Fax: 708-758-0408

Rev. Karol Tybor - Pastor [email protected]

Deacon Jim Detloff

Religious Education: Andy Perz Music Director: Andy Perz Parish Secretaries: Karen Donlon Betsy Díaz-Kudra

Parish Email: [email protected] Visit us at: Parish Office Hours: M—F 9:00—2:30

Like us on Facebook at


Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00 a.m.

Holy Days: 8 am and 7 PM on Holy Day

Weekday Mass: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,

8:00 a.m.

Adoration of the Holy Eucharist Mondays 3-6

Confessions: Saturdays, 4:30 p.m.; or by appointment.

First Friday: Benediction after 8:00 a.m. Mass.

First Saturday: Sorrowful Mother Novena after 8:00 a.m. Eucharistic Service

Sacrament of Baptism: Please call the Parish Office to schedule

Sacrament of Marriage: Please call Fr. Karol to plan a wedding date.

Sick Calls: Call the Parish Office to arrange for a visit

RCIA: For information on becoming a Catholic,

adult sacramental preparation or Adult Ed, call the parish office.

We, the people of St. John Parish, being brothers and sisters in Christ,

accept as our mission: to know our faith

to live by truth and love to serve the needs of others

to teach by example to strengthen,

inspire and improve the Parish family.

November 26th, 2017

Annulment Ministry: 758-5098 Arts & Environment: Trudy Miller 758-6123 Baptism Program: Chuck and Kim Arvia 877-8818 Domestic Violence Awareness Karen LeLuga 754-1782 Evangelization: 758-5098 Finance Committee: 758-5098 Knights of Columbus: Rick Michalak 747-3045 Ministry of Care: Bob Leluga 754-1782 Parish Council: 758-5098 Parish Fellowship: Serena Hewitt 895-5123 Prayer Link: Judy Konieczka 758-6276 RCIA: 758-5098 Right to Life 758-5098 Server Training: Ralph Sobie 877-7653 Server Schedule: 758-5098 St. John’s Women’s Club: Anna Davis 757-6727 Stewardship Committee: Judy Konieczka 758-6276 Ushers: Charles Lazzara 219-515-2530 Young Adult Ministry: Nancy Galbreath 296-8704

27th Adoration of the Holy Eucharist 3:00 PM 29th Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM 30th Mardi Gras-Fellowship Meeting 7 PM 2nd A&E set-up 8:30 AM 3rd Hospitality Sunday Turkey Shoot Tickets Pull 10:30AM CCD Classes 9:00 AM Women’s Club set-up 11:00 AM 4th Adoration of the Holy Eucharist 3:00 PM Women’s Club Christmas Party 5th Youth Group Meeting 6:30 PM 6th CRHP Meeting 6:00 PM Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM 7th K of C Meeting 7:30 PM 10th CCD Advent Reconciliation 9:00 AM K of C Breakfast with Santa 9:00 AM 11th Adoration of the Holy Eucharist 3:00 PM Outreach Ministry Meeting 6:30 PM 12th Fellowship Movie Night 6:00 PM 13th Liturgy Board Meeting 1:00 PM A&E Meeting 6:30 PM Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM 17th CCD Class 9:00 AM A&E Christmas Set-up 11:00 AM 18th Food Committee Set-up for food drive 8:00 AM Adoration of the Holy Eucharist 3:00 PM 19th Food Committee Distribution of food 8:00 AM Youth Group Meeting 6:30 PM 20th CRHP Meeting 6:00 PM Choir Rehearsal & Christmas Party 7:00 PM Finance Committee Meeting 7:00 PM

New Members WELCOME!

If you have been attending St. John and have been unsure about joining, don’t be. We are a welcom-ing community and would love to have you with us.

To become a member of St. John Parish, fill out the information below and place this in the Offer-tory Collection or mail it to the parish office. You may also call the parish secretary at 758-5098. If you have a new address or new phone number please call the office or make changes on the form below so we can keep our records updated. Name_______________________________ Address_____________________________ Phone_______________________________

Despite the weather and the outcome of the game, we had a fun time at our Bears, Brats and Beers gath-ering. Thanks to all who came and for the delicious food and friendship. Not sure who the crazy guy in the orange wig was though.

Archdiocese Celebrates Hispanic Ministries On the evening of November 10th, the Archdiocese of Chicago held its 19th annual Noche de Gala. The event celebrated and honored the generosity, goodwill and good works of the members of our Hispanic Community throughout the Archdiocese. Cardinal Cupich was on hand to present awards to several individuals and organizations for their efforts of service to the Church and their communities. Our group from St. John attended to congratulate and show our gratitude, as well as witness the vitality of the Hispanic community in the Archdiocese, as it is also growing here at St. John. Congratulations and Felicidades to all the award recipients!

GOSPEL MEDITATION - ENCOURAGE DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF SCRIPTURE November 26, 2017 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe "Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me." Today we celebrate the feast of an unusual kind of king. Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, does not run his kingdom in the stan-dard fashion. Instead of insisting upon the pomp and cir-cumstance that usually surrounds earthly royalty, Jesus has a different focus. He thinks not of himself, but of those he loves. And in today's Gospel, his interest is especially fo-

cused on the poor and suffering in our midst. Our King asks us to care for those in need--the hungry, the homeless, the foreigner, the sick and suffering. But then, he goes farther; he tells us that in caring for these least brethren, we will be ministering to HIM! What an incredible promise. Not only do we carry out the command to love our neighbor when we protect those in need, but we also show our love for Jesus in a direct and concrete way. This love for Christ through others is so real that Jesus actually tells us that our place on Judgment Day will depend on it: "'What you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.' And these will go off to eternal punishment." On the other hand, the "righteous" who ministered to the weak and poor will enjoy eternal life. Our King has spoken loud and clear. Now comes the question of whether or not we are obeying his orders? Each of us is called to examine how well we are caring for the least among us. Sometimes, this means giving our time and energy for special ministries or missions, but often it means caring for those right in front of us--the sick or suffering in our own homes, families, neighborhoods, or parishes. Whatever our situation, may we have the eyes to see Christ in our midst and serve him. ****************************************************************************************

MEDITACIÓN EVANGÉLICO - ALENTAR ENTENDIMIENTO MÁS PROFUNDO DE LA ES-CRITURA (Gospel Meditation) 26 de noviembre de 2017 Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo La solemnidad de Cristo Rey nos ayuda a reflexionar en lo que pretendemos como comunidad de creyentes a lo largo del año. Ver el valor que damos a Jesucristo y el hecho de ser miembros de su Reino. Cerramos el año pro-clamando a Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo. El Papa Pío XI instituyó esta fiesta al finalizar el año santo en 1925. Pero el mismo Señor Jesús, a la pregunta de Pilato de si él era en verdad el rey, contesto: “Tú lo has

dicho. Soy rey” (Jn 18, 37). Mateo termina su año y durante éste, nos mostró lo fundamental del Reino. Es-cuchamos a Juan Bautista al principio del Evangelio. “Arrepiéntanse, porque el Reino de los cielos está cerca” (Mt 3, 2). El Papa Francisco, en su homilía de noviembre 23 de 2014 dijo. “Las lecturas que hemos escuchado nos mues-tran cómo realizó Jesús su reino; cómo lo realiza en el devenir de la historia; y qué nos pide a nosotros. “Ante todo, cómo realizó Jesús su reino: lo hizo con la cercanía y ternura hacia nosotros. Él es el pastor, de quien habló el profeta Ezequiel en la primera lectura (cfr. 34, 11-12. 15-17). Todo este pasaje está entrelazado por verbos que indican la premura y el amor del pastor hacia su rebaño: buscar, cuidar, reunir a los dispersos, conducir al apacentamiento, hacer descansar, buscar a la oveja perdida, recoger a la descarriada, vendar a la herida, fortalecer a la enferma, atender, apacentar. Todas estas actitudes se hicieron realidad en Jesucristo: Él es verdaderamente el «gran pastor de las ovejas y guardián de nuestras almas» (cfr. Hb 13, 20; 1 Pe 2, 25)”. ¡Viva Cristo Rey!

GETTING TO KNOW…. Dan Genesio What is your role on the Finance Committee? I am the Co-Chair of the Finance Committee with Jim Adduci. What does the Finance Committee do? We review and sign off on the annual budget including general accounting of all income and expenses for the church. We monitor what we take in and what goes out. The committee also discusses large expenditures that need to be undertaken. We review costs for work that needs to be done. We discuss ideas to generate additional revenue for the church. Who is Joe Dillon? Joe is the bookkeeper for the Archdiocese who oversees general finance and accounting for St. John as well as for other parishes. What type of expenses does the Finance Committee review? We review all major church income and expenses with Fr. Karol and Joe Dillon. We discuss needed improvements to the church and any costs or potential costs related to those improvements. We have lengthy discussions and exchange ideas that we feel will benefit St. John now and in the future. How is St. John Church looking budget wise? The church is in good shape financially. Now that the finance committee has been together for a full fiscal year, we have a much clearer picture of how the church is doing financially. We are in an upturn financially from prior years and are moving forward in a positive direction. With everything costing more and more, and many improve-ments still needed, we understand that nothing is free. For these reasons, we continue to encourage everyone to donate and fulfill their pledges to the “To Teach Who Christ Is” campaign. What major projects have we made expenditures for in 2017? The sewers in the parking lot have been repaired. Repairs to the sidewalks in front of the church were completed this summer. Fr. Karol purchased the AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) that is now in the vestibule. LED lighting has been installed in various areas and security cameras are now in place around the church. Though I believe that was done in 2016. Are there any areas that the Finance Committee is particularly focused on? We are looking for ways to increase income for the church without creating a hardship on our parishioners. One of the ways we recently did this was to enhance our 50/50 raffle. Going forward we will be reviewing activity on the “To Teach Who Christ Is” campaign, making sure people are keeping up with their pledges. If we have questions about the finances of St. John Church, who do we talk to? If anyone has questions they can contact me, our other co-chair, Jim Adduci and/or any members of the Finance Committee. Tell me about your family? My wife’s name is Tammie. We have been married for 32 years. Both of our sons Joe and Tony went to Marian Catholic High School. The boys both made their First Communion and were confirmed at St. John. Both were al-tar servers when they were younger. Where did you grow up? Tammie and I both grew up in Harvey. We’ve been in Glenwood for 23 years. What is your favorite food? Too many to name here! What’s the one thing we should know about Dan Genisio? OK, so I used to get this a lot . . . “you always look so serious”. Tammie refers to it as “that wrinkle”. I’m never as serious as I look sometimes. Is there anything else that we have not covered that you would like to share? Just that St. John is moving in a positive direction. A lot of improvements are being made and there are many more to come. The finance committee is here to oversee the finances of the church and to be transparent in its reporting to the parishioners. The finance committee is a great group of people and parishioners should have faith in the fact that we are always looking out for what is in the best interest for the parish, now and for the future.

PILGRIMAGE TO ITALY 12 Days: November 5 – 16, 2018

Visiting Florence, Siena, Assisi, Sorrento, Amalfi Coastline, Pompeii, Monte Cassino & Rome with Vatican City and a Papal Audience!!!

hosted by

FR. KAROL TYBOR Pastor of St. John in Glenwood, IL

$3499 per person from Chicago (Air/land tour price is $2869 plus $630 gov’t taxes/airline surcharges)

TOUR PRICE INCLUDES: Roundtrip air from Chicago, first class/select hotels, most meals, comprehensive sightseeing with our professional English-speaking guides, all hotel service charges,

porterage, entrances fees and more!!!

For a Brochure & More Information, Please Contact Fr. Karol: Tel: (708) 758-5098 / Email: [email protected]



The Women’s Club is in need of donations for our Christ-mas Raffle to be held after all the weekend Masses the 2nd & 3rd of December and the 9th & 10th of December. Mark donations (for Christmas Raffle) and place in the Social Hall or you may drop off your donations Monday through Friday from 9 am to 2 pm at the church office. Thank you in advance for your donations and if you have any questions, please call Carolyn Gindl at 708-474-5961.


The Saint John Parish Giving Tree is decorated with Christmas wishes. Help make a child’s Christmas dreams come true by taking a tag. Return the gift (with the tag) by December 17th. The gifts for the Crisis Center are to be returned by December 10th. The Gifts and Food Baskets for Saint John families will be deliv-ered on December 19th. If you are a member of Saint John and in need of help this Christ-mas, or you know of a Saint John family in need, please contact Lynn Unyi at 708-251-8037. Thank you!

PLASTIC BAGS FOR OUR CHURCH BENCH As of right now, we are at the half-way point of our first church bench. As of November 5th, we reached 250 lbs. Thank you so much for donating all of your plastic bags. Keep up the good work and before you know it we will have the first of our two benches.


From now until the 26th of November, Nancy Galbreath will be collecting all sorts of books, from children’s books to adult books, com-edy, romance, fiction and non-fiction for the new library that is being built in Ford Heights. Please bring any books you wish to donate and place in the box in the vestibule labeled “Books for the New Library” Any help you can give will be most appreci-ated. Nancy

MILITARY Trevor Blaszczyk, Chaplain Marcin Bulinski, Matthew Daliege, Jeffrey Frjelich, Mike and Lauren Fruehling, Matthew Golden, Sgt. James Grunhard (Middle East), Jordan Hasberger, Joshua Hasberger, Jeff Hefner, Lt. Alex Holba, Lt. Andrew Holba, Lt. Nicholas Holba, USAF, Giana Koce, Corey Longo, Jared Lopez, Jose M. Morfin, Sgt. USMC; Mark Nicola, Tom Raines, Robert Richmond, Steve Schluntz, USMC, John Smalley, Col. Donald Tomich, Lance Cor-poral George Trikolas, DanTucker, Michael Westervelt (Afganistan)


Monday: Dn 1:1-6, 8-20; Dn 3:52-56; Lk 21:1-4 Tuesday: Dn 2:31-45; Dn 3:57-61; Lk 21:5- 11 Wednesday: Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28; Dn 3:62-67; Lk 21:12-19 Thursday: Rom 10:9-18; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 4:18-22 Friday: Dn 7:2-14; Dn 3:75-81; Lk 21:29- 33 Saturday: Dn 7:15-27; Dn 3:82-87; Lk 21:34-36 Sunday: Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7; Ps 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19; 1 Cor 1:3- 9; Mk 13:33-37

REMEMBER TO PRAY FOR Fr. Rochford, Jessie & Ray Auron, Rita Burke, George Carollo, Mary Ann Daliege, Brian Dowling, Jr., Charlotte Drozdowski, Linda Foley, Edward Glynn, Elsie Grunhard, Millie Gunther, Cindy Hanus, Linda Jones, Mary Kieta, Monica Kummerer, Joe and Mary Lamacki, Marie Lendi, Barbara Lundquist, Dorothy Malkowski, Elaine Marczewski, Mary Michelon, Bob Mischke, Annie Nicks, Pete Panozzo, Donna M. Ross, Amy and Charles Ruiz, Louise Ryan, Ann Sardella, Joanne Sebben, Valeria Tomich, Karen Truesdale, Seana Valentine


The Women’s Club will attend 8:00 AM Mass on Sunday, December 3rd. Please meet in the Social Hall by 7:45 AM. We will have a potluck dinner on Monday, December 4th at 6:00 PM. Please bring a dish to share. Please also bring a $5.00 gift for the grab bag. We are still collecting rosaries and medals for Guatemala until the end of November. Please leave donations on the table inside the Social Hall.


Our latest award comes from the Supreme Council in Connecticut. It is called the “Columbian Award.” This award is given to the council that fulfills all of the required Pro-grams each year. The six categories are: CHURCH ACTIVITIES COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES COUNCIL ACTIVITIES CULTURE OF LIFE FAMILY ACTIVITIES YOUH ACTIVITIES The council must have completed at least 3 success-ful activities in each category. My brother Knights should be very Proud. God Bless, Sir Joel

December 3rd, 2017

Eucharistic Ministers

5:00 PM Kitty Crescent, Albert Djondo Annette Matusik, Kim Dirck Ralph Sobie 8:00 AM Janice Wenckus (Sacristan) Ken & Lorraine Giovannetti, Joe Wenckus, Judy Konieczka 10:00 AM Bob & Karen Leluga Kim Arvia, Joe Mokry Sandy Kalemba

Lectors 5:00 PM Laura Nowak 8:00AM Kathy Lazzara 10:00 AM Susan Gates

Altar Servers 5:00 PM Ron Glaum Terri Glaum 8:00 AM Vince DeLaurentis Michael Herrick

10:00 AM Lori Lucente

Kitty Branch

Sunday, November 26th, 2017 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

to Sunday, December 3rd, 2017

8:00-Deceased Members of the K of C 10:00-Henrietta Szala by Kalemba Family Monday-Weekday (Thirty-fourth or Last Week of Ordinary Time) 8:00–World Peace Tuesday-Weekday 8:00–Dolores Leluga by Rosalie Prystalski Wednesday-Weekday 8:00–Edward Prystalski, Sr. Rosalie Prystalski Thursday-Saint Andrew, Apostle 8:00– Raleigh Fairgood by Roslon Seals & Burns Family Friday-Weekday 8:00-Dolores Leluga by Judy Konieczka Saturday-Weekday 8:00-Eucharistic Service Vigil of First Sunday of Advent 5:00-Louise Mitchell by Phyllis Drewno & Family Sunday-First Sunday of Advent 8:00-Robert Lewis, Sr. by Diane Akers 10:00-Kathleen Franiak, sister of Val Tomich by Val & Carl Tomich


Today we have a modern feast, less than a century old, and placed at the very end of the liturgical cycle of Sundays only in 1969. In 1925, the world was in a sorry state from the vantage point of Pope Pius XI. The winds of war had swept the map of Europe raw, and ancient Christian dynasties had fallen in Russia and Spain. Although the Great War had ended, wars were breaking out everywhere. Fascism was already in con-trol in Italy, and Nazism was on the horizon for Germany. The disorder making its claim on the human race was, the pope felt, an insult to the Divine Order. Pius XI designated the last Sunday in October as a day of uni-versal recognition of the kingship of Christ. Creating this feast was an act of bravery by the pope, who was standing up against idolatry of the state and the dehumanizing forces of the modern world, things that are not hard to detect in today’s world as well. In 1969 it seemed fitting to move the feast to a place of honor at the end of the year, a way of summing up the whole movement of the liturgical year toward the perfection of the Kingdom of God. In recent decades, many Protestant churches have adopted this day from the new Roman calendar, so it is shared now with the Church of England, the Episcopal, Presbyterian, and Lutheran churches, and others. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

50/50 RULES:

All proceeds from the drawing will benefit St. John Church All registered members of St. John Church are eligible for the 50/50 raffle (please call our Parish Of-

fice if you would like to register at our Parish) Attend any weekend mass and be sure to drop your weekly envelope and your 50/50 envelope into the

collection basket If you are on vacation or away for the weekend you may drop off your 2 envelopes in advance at the

parish office To be eligible for the 50/50 raffle a minimum of $5.00 must be included in BOTH the 50/50 envelope

AND your Sunday envelope If you are a participant in the Give Central Program, you must give a minimum of $5.00 a week for

each Sunday of the month, and you will still need to give a 50/50 envelope with a minimum of $5.00 for each weekly drawing you wish to participate in

The winner will be randomly drawn each Tuesday from the registered parishioners database 50/50 envelopes are available at all the entrances of the church

November 19, 2017

Due to the bulletin submission deadline, the re-sults for November 19, will be posted in the

next bulletin.

St. John 50/50 Raffle

The St. John Parish Food Drive is Underway!!! Please be as generous as possible with your food donations. Mone-tary donations are also greatly appreciated. Please mark your dona-tion envelope “food drive” and place in the offertory basket. The money is used to buy dairy products. The food collected will ensure that members of our parish who are in need of help will have a very merry and blessed Christmas.. Leave your donations in the Social Hall. Food will be accepted

until December 17th. Distribution of the family Food Baskets and the Children’s gifts will be December 19th.

Listed below are the non perishable foods needed for the baskets:

Powdered Milk Mustard Boxed Stuffing Pancake Mix White Sugar Syrup Flour Mayonnaise White Rice Salad Dressing Brown Rice Juice Cooking Oil Boxed Potatoes Pasta Sauce Mac & Cheese Pie Crust Pie Filling Pasta Brown Sugar Jiffy Mix Cake Mix Canned Meats Frostings Soup Powdered Sugar Tuna Pizza Crusts Canned Beans

As always, thank you for your continued support.

St. John Food Drive Committee

PARISH COUNCIL COMMITTEE Lori Lucente-Chairperson Karen Leluga-Secretary

Ora Adams John Kennerk Ricki Biank Judy Konieczka Ron Carine Ginny Williamson David Galbreath Maria Zambrano

Next Meeting: TBD

PARISH FINANCE COMMITTEE Joe Dillon/Bookkeeper Jim Adduci-co chair Dan Genisio-co chair Bill Miller-Secretary

Susan Gates Phyllis Giroux

Lynn Unyi Janice Wenckus

Next meeting: December 20 @7PM

SUNDAY COLLECTION Weekly Goal: $4,100.00

November 18/19

Due to the bulletin submission dead-line, Sunday collection for November 18/19, will be posted in the following




Total Pledges/Donations:$426,374 Parish Share: $320,374

# of Pledges/Donations: 122 Actual Collections through October 2017:


Did not have a chance to donate? Questions? Call the Parish Office or the

Campaign Office at 312-534-8500! ——————————————————

Please consider signing up for electronic giving.

It’s simple, safe and secure. Go to, select St. John Parish, and set up your contribution today!




Treatment Center 219-230-3622 Celebrate Rec 219-864-0300

Crisis Center For South Suburbia


Faith Church Support Group 219-864-0302

COURAGE For single mothers

And unplanned Pregnancies


Grief Support Center for New

Beginnings 708-985-3010

So. Sub Council on Alcoholism

& Substance Abuse
