St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John...

DIOCESE: S t . H elena PARISH: C0UMr«.y CHuftCH F<Un l?(d - S t - PAUL. F rom i *72. ' S t P avl' s C athc I mi . R egiste .^. &APTISM .. 5. DATE.IV. g- l- I8b.q ~ <V II- Igg* i n 3 >&y. N. 6 . Q^ji^SJuOrv^oX^A^ "t© 5 o*«. irvcu^e-S I jj U m C ^ . ArtJL.iUVr , SV 7*.

Transcript of St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John...

Page 1: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64


St. HelenaPARISH:

C0UMr«.y CHuftCHF<Un l?(d - St - PAUL.From i*72. ' St Pavl's CathcImi.

Registe.^.&APTISM .. 5.

DATE.IV.g- l- I8b.q ~ <V II- Igg*

i n 3>&y.N. 6 .

Q ^ ji^ S Ju O rv ^ oX ^ A ^

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C ^ . A rtJ L .iU V r , S V 7 * .

Page 2: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

Name B irth Rapt j sm Pace

Isaac Samuel Anderson 20.10.1*9 2.11.1*9 3 1

M aria A l ly 3.9.1*9 2.12.1*9 1*

George Watkin Alexander 1 3 . 1 . 5 0 .0 .3 .50 5

Agnes Sarah Andrews 5.11.'t9 3 .2 .50 6

Martha Ross A lva rez 7.1*.50 6 . 1 0 . 5 0 8

Arthur S ta v e ly A lexander 9 .7 .50 1 6 . 1 0 . 5 0 11

John Armcs 1 8 2 5 2 2 . 1*.51 11

Mary Ann Euphemia A lexander 22.1*.51 15.6.51 11

Margaret Sophia Arms 9.5.51 27.7.51 13

Charles Eden Thomas Augustus 11.5.51 10.8.51 11*

Charles W illiam Alexander 19.12.51 15.2.52 1 6

A lic e E leanor Alexander 17.5.52 1.8.52 1 8

E liza Augustus 31.5.52 15.8.52 19

W illiam R azette Anthony 19.1.53 15.5.53 23

Mary Ann Arms 1 0 . 1*.53 1*.9.53 2 l*

E l l i s Burton Augustus 17.9.53 29.1.51* 27

Mira Louisa A lexander 1l*.5.5li 6 . 8 . 5 I1 31

Mary Anne A lexander 27.12.55 IO .2 . 5 6 1*2

W illiam Henry Augustus 9.12.55 1 7 . 2 . 5 6 1*2

Rosabel Arms - 2 .3 .56 1*3

James Matthew Augustus 26.1.56 18.5.56 1*5

W illiam Samuel Augustus 17.11.55 18.5.56 1*5

Is a b e lla C h a r lo tte P . A lexander 5*4*57 10.5.57 50

Lydia C h a r lo tte Alexander 21.10.57 6.12.57 5<*

Charles Andrews - 2 0 . 2 . 5 8 59

Frederick A q u illan Andrews 3.1.58 16.5.58 62

Mira C o rd e lia Augustus 8 .^ 5 8 15.8.58 63

John C orneliu s Augustus 1 6 . 1 . 5 8 15.8.58 63

James A lexander - 31 .1 0 . 5 8 6U

Eleanor Ann Augustus 21* . 1 0 . 5 8 1 2 . 1 2 . 5 8 66

E lizabeth Jane Andrews - 26.3.59 68George Ashton - 6 . 1 . 6 0 75

Page 3: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

A (continued)


E lea n o r H e n r ie t t a A lexa n d e r

i James A lexan der

Jacob Adams

John Arms

R ich ard P h i l i p V . Anthony

A l fr e d L o u is Augustus

Thomas A lexa n d e r

James Edward Andrwws

John A l f r e d L eo p o ld Andrews

A l i c e Maud A n c e l l ?

W illia m F r e d e r ic k Augustus

Agnes E l iz a b e th Augustus

F lo ren ce L o u isa A lex a n d e r

F lo ren ce E l iz a b e t h Andrews

F r e d e r ic k A lb e r t A lexa n d er

F ra zer F r e d e r ic k A lex a n d e r

Mary Jane Augustus

John A rc h ib a ld Augustus

P e rcy T o rb e t t A le x a n d e r

Mabel C a r o l in e A le x a n d e r

Laura E l iz a b e th Augustus

Charles D a n ie l Augustus

W illia m Henry Augustus

A lb e r t W ill ia m A lex a n d e r

John Thomas Andrews

Stammers W il l ia m Adams

Charles Edward Augustus

E lean or Ann Augustus

Ada Sabina Augustus

W illia m H enry Augustus

Susannah Augustus

E lle n Andrews

B ir th Baptism page

- 8 . 1 . 6 0 76

- 2 . 2 .6 0 77

- 2 5 .3 .6 0 79

2 1 .1 1 .5 9 3 .6 .6 0 81

5 .1 1 .5 9 2 4 * 6 .6 0 81

8 . A . 60 1 2 . 5 .6 0 87

- 26 .5 .61 88

1 5 .9 .61 25 .9 .61 91

21 .7 .61 29 .9 .61 91

13 .12 .61 1 6 . 3 .6 2 96

2 6 . 1 0 .6 2 2 8 . 1 2 . 6 2 10 1

23 . 7 . 62 1 .2 .6 3 10 2

2 8 , 1*. 63 1 1 . 6 .6 3 1 0 3

1 8 . 1 0 .6 3 20 .1 2 .6 3 10 6

- . 1 . 6/t 8 . 5.6/t 109

2 7 .1 .6 5 2 5 .3 .6 5 115

2 6 . 3 .6 5 2 5 .6 .6 5 117

3 0 . 8 .6 6 2 5 . 1 1 . 6 6 125

9 .1 .6 7 6 . 3 .6 7 1 2 6

2 5 .6 .6 8 2 7 .9 .6 8 135

2 3 . 1 2 . 6 8 2 5 .h . 69 139

23 .9 .71 1 4 .2 .7 2 153

1 0 . 1 . 7 2 2 9 .3 .7 2 154

1 1 ./t.72 1 7 .5 .7 2 154

8 .9 .7 2 1 3 . 1 2 . 7 2 157

1 1 .1 2 .7 3 1 5 .2 .7 4 163

U . 6 .7 4 2 6 .7 .7 4 16 5

7 . 8 .74 1 1 .1 0 .7 4 16 6

2 5 .8 .74 8 .4 .7 5 16 8

2 3 .6 .7 7 2 4 .8 .7 7 1 7 8

1 3 .9 .7 7 1 8 . 1 0 . 7 7 1 7 8

5 .7 .7 8 8 .1 1 .7 8 182

Page 4: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

: m

A (c o n t in u e d )

Name B irth Baptism Page

ro i/ f lJ i e i iM ’ ■< r ■j George Thomas Augustus 1 3 .5 .7 9 5 .9 .7 9 185

•■.-■; 'j:'- hrr-£-X ' ■■■ ■ ■ •• j P e rc iv a l Warren Alexander - 9 .4 .8 0 187

Adelaide Am elia Avery-

ccc<NiCMCM 27 .2 ,81 190

Art hur Charles A lexander 10 .2 .81 2 0 . 5 .8 1 191

•:l f. . ' Joseph Andrew Andrews 5 .1 .8 2 3 .3 .8 2 195

■ Florence I s a b e l la Andrews 13.12.81 7 1 9 .3 .82 195

^obtiaxolA «•■ ■■''] Rebecca Arms 8 .9 .8 2 5 .1 .8 3 198

•evtrrknrA Ir ia v r- s

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Mary Ann M a rga re t B a g le y 2 4 .2 .4 9 1 0 .6 .4 9 1

John Orlamdo B a g le y 2 .6 .4 9 1 6 .9 .4 9 2

J u lian a Bath 5 .8 .4 9 21 .1 0 .4 9 3

‘V?. v*s Agnes J u l ia B ark er 1 0 .8 .4 9 18 .1 1 .4 9 3

George B la c k fo rd 2 3 .1 .4 7 22 .1 1 .4 9 3

C h arles B la c k fo rd 3 0 .8 .4 8 22 .1 1 .4 9 3

Mary Ann Benjam in 2 4 .9 .4 9 2 5 .1 1 .4 9 4

R obert G eorge Benjam in 1 0 .9 .4 9 3 0 .1 2 .4 9 5

W illia m R ic h a rd Bowers 1 1 .4 .5 0 2 4 .1 1 .5 0 8

C a ro lin e Rose M. B la c h fo rd 2 9 .7 .5 0 2 6 .1 1 .5 0 8

L ou isa B a g le y 21 .4 .51 22 .6 .51 12

Orlando W estbroolce B a g le y 30 .4 .51 29 .6 .51 12

lew.-;'Ann L in d sa y M cLaren Bowers 20*5.51 10 .8 .51 13

Mary Bath 9 .7 .51 24 .8 .51 14

W illia m B ark er 3 .5 .51 U> 00 14

Thomas D avid Benjam in 8 .6 .51 28 .9 .51 15

A m elia M a rga re t B a g le y 7 .1 .5 2 8 .3 .5 2 17

2 4 .4 .5 2 1 •y3m r. vA

Mabyl H e len a Gore Browne • 7

C a ro lin e Ben jam in 1 9 .1 .5 2 9 .5 .5 2 1 7

W illia m Buxton 1834 6 .6 .5 2 18

R obert W il l ia m B a g le y 1 6 .5 .5 2 1 8 .7 .5 2 18


Page 5: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

(p»nu-(4U03) a

Page 6: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

B (continued)

Vane B irth Baptism Page

Thomas Bennett - 1*57 57

Orlando VI111am Bagley 17.*.57 20.12.57 57

Tames Bishop 1*7* 7.1.5* 57

Kate Bargo 21.12.S7 7.2.5* 59

John Stephen Bar no 25.12.52 7.215* 59

Matilda E lisa Baron 10.10.50 7.7.5* 60

Bobert W alter Baron *.6.52 7.7.5* 60

Elisabeth Sana Baron 6.1.95 7.7.5* . 60

Caroline Bo*era 11.*.57 7.7.5* 60

V IIlia n Benjamin 70.5.5* 27.5.5* 62

■mwid Henry Benjamin 11.5.5* 5.0.5* <7

Mary Ann Benjamin 29.5.5* 26.9.5* 67

Vi 111am Nathaniel Bowers 51.5.5* 26.9.5* 67

Henry Thomas Bowers 1.5.59 26.6.59 70

iarah Louisa Benjamin 70.*.59 2*.7.59 71

Hachael Angemia Bowers 7.*.59 21.*.59 71

Frederick Louis Baglay - 5.59 18.9.59 7*

Johanna Sarah Benjamin 6.1.60 29.1.60 76

W ill lam Eden Bowers 1*.11.59 22.1.60 77

William Benjamin 5.12.59 29.1.60 77

William B ailey - 25.7.60 79

Tames John Ikickley *.10.59 1.*.60 79

Anna Marla Baglay 2.5.59 2*.6.60 *1

Ada Henrietta Benjamin 50.5.60 29.7.60 82

James Bargo 29.9.** 29.7.60 B2

Margaret Esther Benjamin S*.6.<o 2.9.60 87

Julia Ann Kan jam! n 1.9.60 16.12.60 85

Hannah Rebecca Rovers 17.10.60 *5

Tane Louisa Rowers 26.9.60 10.2.61 86

Cornelius Ragley 15.2.61 2.6.61 88

R tsy Benjamin 8.5.61 11.S.61 «9

Mary Ann Amelia Ragley 5.*.6 l 25.*.61 90

Susanna E llen Rovers 16.6.61 *.9.61 90

n» *


Page 7: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

llchard Vi 11 la * Benjamin

B irth



1 5 . 9.61



In ah Rebecca Benjamin 5.7.61 6. 10 .6 1 92

Mary Susanna Bowers 8. 9.61 3 . 11*61 92

1ouisa Barton 8.7.61 24 . 1 1 .6 1 93

John Benjamin - 1 5 . 12 .6 1 93

Edward .Tames Burroughs 20.1.62 16 . 3.62 95

Kary Sussanna Buckley 0. 12 .6 1 8. 6.62 07no t •v M Sarah Benjamin 5.7.62 6.7.62 98

Catherine Jemima Bowers 12.1.62 10.8.62 98

Melon Raphael Benjamin 7 . 6.62 9.11.62 IOO

Sarah E llen Benjamin 20.11.62 26.12.62 100

Margaret E lisabeth Bowers 5.<>.65 10.5.63 103

t m h t ' i f . n n r - j Benjamin Charles Bagley - 5.8.63 104

►*o 'H Martha Ann Lena Bowers 26.7.65 l 8.IO .63 105

| Mm n't a«mo Helena Gertrude Benjamin 1.11.63 —

Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105

John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108

H l . n j A V llfred V a lte r Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64 108

Gerald Neuon 0» Grade Beers 19.3.64 7.5.64 109

Georgina Mary Louisa Burrows 18.3.64 16.5.64 109

Charles Henry Benjamin 22.12.63 6.3.64 109

Richard Cl trice Bowers 8.5.64 28.8.64 110

nrfr John V llllam Booko - 9.10.64 111

Bpp»l3nfi »•; Charles Hen ry Bowers 29.12.64 2.2.65 113

«*:: I- Blaanor Bowers 9.1.65 19.2.65 114

Sarah Barton 18.11.64 2.4.65 115

Rllen Mary Benjamin 25.1.65 4.6.65 116

. • & * ■ : ’ | n n . Susa Ann Bagley 18.9.64 14.6.65 117

1 Joseph Henry Benjamin 10.6.65 9.7.65 117

Cornelius Henry Benjamin 17.4.65 16.7.65 117

Robert Thomas Benjamin 18 . 8.65 15.10.65 119

Florence Helena Bowers 4.1.66 25 . 2.66 121

■Uf * i r Sarah Jane Bowers 29.6.66 12.8.66 123

Page 8: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

B irth Baptl

Page 9: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

B (continued)

\«BM. B irth Baptism Page

V Robert Barley 23.1.81 10.6.81 192

■ t i l Hmino) ye Sydney Sim novers 8.5.81 2fc.6.81 192

t » l * M M l ' IB Martha Ann Bowers 12.11.B1 22.1.8? 19k

T » i\ '.!•(»:' Harriot Marla B e lla lr 20.k.82 10.5.82 196

new< M « r Ellon Olga Bowers 28. It. 82 30.6.82 196

t i l t m i Hi. i ( i Sarah Buckley 31.8.82 5.1.83 197

H IM K M i»< Honcho Amelia Bowers 12.fc.83 8.6.83 199

I1HO MVn [ |Bl Hannah Christina Bowers - 27.6.83 199

*•*»■»> »q « i Mary E lisabeth Bowers - 27.6.83 199

■•♦XriJM «TI! k it3 sybil J u lie t C o ffin Bolton 5.8.83 15.7.83 199

»•*»': afataJn Arthur Edward Bowers 8.fc.83 lfc.9.83 200

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VI11lam Carter lfc.8.fc9 30.9 .k9 2

Matilda A.ene* Carrol 13.1.50 10.3.50 5

,mma E liza Constantine 22.8.52 2fc.10.52 19

C liffo rd Gore-Brown W. Chambers30.12.52 5.2.53 21

M ice Edith Constantine 30. 5. 5fc 20 .8 .5fc 31

Sthel James Chari. Chambers 12 .7 .5k 29.8. 5fc 31

James John Coleman 5 .10 .5fc 19.11.5k 32

Susan Carey 1836 27.5.55 37

n i l lam Thomas C li f fo r d 18.7.55 16.9.55 fco

Richard Scott Constantine 11.9.55 11.11.55 fcl

Daniel Croey 3.11.5# 't.3.56 fc5

Paul C li f fo r d 12.12.56 •CO fc8

Elizabeth Jane Croey -.1 .50 1.2.57 fc9

Samuel Charles C r o e y 6.9.56 8.3.57 fc9

16.8.57Sabina Louisa Constantine 30.3.57 52

Page 10: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

Ur. i



C (continued)


- i-UI

V illlam Charles

Christopher Votleu r Coleman

Francis Jamie Colquhoun

""homas Coleman

Kate Careon

Rachael Martha Cismsins

Mary Sophia C li f fo r d

Helena Constantine

V illiam Charles Carr

nianche Constantine

Elisabeth H enrietta Coleman

•Tohn Carson

Villiam Thomas Coleman

Tohn Cumins

John A lfred Coleman

"'homes Martin Constantine

’illia m Louis Constantine

Joanna Louisa Constantine

Frederick Ceorce Constantine

illia m Nathaniel n. Coleman

tsria Carson

Christina Louisa Cumins

I Elizabeth H arriet Coleman

vary Anne Charles

Alexander Valton Constantine

Amy C h itter

>aniel Connolly

Richard Coleman

Seraphina E lizabeth Cons tan t i l

^dith Mary Cummin

Ceorglna M argtret Coleman

Alfred Verron Connolly

Rhilip Joseph Connolly

ISirth Tapttum

3.8.6* 18.12.6** 11325.12.6* 19.2.65 1 1 *

11.*>.65 25.5.65 116

3.12.65 16 . 9.66 12 *

9.6.66 28.10.66 125

13.10.66 7 .*>.67 127

17.5.67 1*>.7.67 1299.9.67 3.11.67 131

23.1.6* 29.3.68 13328.9.6* 22 . 11.6 8 1 ?625.11.6* 3.1.69 137

2 . 1 1 . 6* 20.1.69 13710 . 1 2 . 6* * 2*1. 1.60 137

23.*>.69 16.7.69 1*0

12.6.69 5.10.69 1*2

22.11.69 26.12.69 1*3

22.5.70 21.8.70 1*5

28.5.70 9.10.70 1*6

30.1 ’ .70 17.2.71 1*7’ 0 . 2.71 2.6.71 1*9

9.*.71 13.10.71 151

7.3.71 13.10.71 151

?7.*.71 17.1*. 72 1 5*

3.2.71 6.10.72 1?6

11.8.72 11.10.72 157

7.11.72 7.2.73 158

26.*>.73 28.3.73 16021.5.68 11.7.73 1 60

17.12.7? 23.1.7*> 163

8. 1 . 7<> ’ <•*>. 7»* 16*

’ 7.7.72 2*>.6.7*> 165

13.8.7** 5.2.75 167

15.7.7** 26.3.75 168

Page 11: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

C (co n tinued)

Birth Baptism Paga

John F orb es C o n n o lly 12.2.75 13.8.79 169

! arionetta Caesar 3.9.75 H .1 .76 172

IDmily Jane Cummins 8.9.76 29.10.76 17*>

John Edward C o n n o lly 26.9.76 30.3.77 179

Clara Sabina Constantino 18.1.78 19.2.78 179

183Joseph Henry Cumins 19.11.78 19.1.7?

Christina Caroline Constantine 25*12.79 A 2 . I 0 186

Earnest V i I l i a * Corker 21.12.79 22.2.80 186

Rosa Beatrice Caesar 29.10.79 16.U.80 187

Dva E lisabeth Crovther 9.12.79 2 6 .t .8 0 187

n,ichard Scott Constantine 9.8.80 10.9.80 189

Harriet Jane Constantine 27.2.82 7 .* .«2 199

| Tna de la Garde Cameron 19.9.82 3.7.82 196

JNevile John Constantine 20.6.82 Jt.7 .82 196

Janes A lfred Constantine 16.9.83 28.9.83 200

e / - n < 4

(i e e *6 ,r

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t f . S 't f

t ?

3 /

J /

T.anbe Dove ton 20.6.49 T 2.12.k9 *

Ann Margaret Duncan 9 .'1150 7 .7 .<*9 6

Henry Charles Desfountain 27.6.50 IP .8.50 7

John Donaldson Donaldson 19.6.90 29.9.50 8

Richard David 27.10.90 19.1.31 9

Maria E lisa Dixon 2 1 . 12.90 9.2.51 10

Mary Ann Dove ton 29.10.90 22.6.51 11

\ndrev Dunn 183* 20. 7.5 1 13

Mary Ann A#rnes Doveton 28.9.91 23.7.51 13

\nne Mary Desfountain 30.1.52 29.2.52 17

Gordon Duncan 11.10.52 5.12.52 20

Daniel David 11.12.52 5.3.53 21

Page 12: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64
Page 13: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64
Page 14: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

xee »'e t I


u n b o lt* t»0 n «f id

D ( con ttim ed )

C lem lntina Hight'and E l i * . Darid

A lfred indraw Dickenson

V illla m a im

Charles inn Dickenson

"hones Dickson

Alexander C o lin Duncan

Vi I l ia n Matthew Dickenson

Teorgina E liza b e th Dunn

Mi chard James Duncan

'Tartha Ann Dixon

Tames V l l l ia n Duncan

E llen Duncan

T ouls Sydney Downes

Bertha Lou isa Duncan

Alexander Orant Duncan

Ceorgs Kenneth Duncan

Owen Edward Dickenson

Andrew Dunn

Adelaide Lou isa Duncan

Cordon Munro Duncan

raises Duncan

'.rthur Cameron Duncan

I aursnce T rin gton D en n ev llle

V l l l ia n Charles Duncan

E llen V ic to r in a rxmcan

Any E liza b e th Duncan

E lizab eth Anno Duncan

'a rga re t Jane Duncan

A lfred Henry Duncan

B irth Baptism Page

3 .6 .65 24.12.63 120

5.12.65 14.1 .66 120

9 .4 .6 7 t o . 10 .6 7 131

7.11 .67 26 . 1 .6 8 13 2

18.3 .68 13.9.68 135

1 3 .7 .6 * 27.9.68 135

23.8 .68 1 5 . 1 1 .6 8 136

12.5 .69 21.7.69 140

10.11.69 10.12.69 142

5 .3 .70 14.8.70 145

7 .3 .7 0 14.10 .7 0 146

10 . 6 .7 0 18 . 1 1 .7 0 146

1 0 . 1 2 .7 0 27.1.71 147

25.10.70 3 . « .7 t 147

13.1.71 3.3.71 147

19.3.71 2.6.71 149

1 . 6 .7 1 21.7.71 150

2 . 6 .7 2 2 2 . 9 .7 2 156

21.10.72 29.11.72 157

14.1.73 14.3.73 159

1 .5 .73 27.6.73 160

6.12.73 16.1.74 162

25.6.74 23.8.74 165

21.3 .75 30.4.75 168

10.3.77 4 .4 .77 176

25.2 .77 20.4.77 176

31.8 .78 4.10.78 182

26.7.78 4.10.78 182

8.6.81 29.7.81 192

Page 15: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64


%■!— B irth Baptism Page

Rebecca C i l ia 14 .3 .49 ' - 1

Robert Sanuel Easthop 8.1.119 6. 1.50 5

Samuel Henry Eaathop 21.5 .80 1. 9.50 7

Sr!ward Thomas Can top 26.7.52 10. 10.52 19

V irg in ia C aro lin e E rrington 27.9.52 21. 11.52 20

James Josiah Edmonds 22.12.52 17. *•.55 22

John P»uben E rrington 26.12.55 12. 5.54 29

J ess ie Indianna Edmonds 3.8.54 5. 12.54 33

Emna E ll ic k 1841 27. 5.55 37

Emu Errol 1 I & 3 * ' 17. 6.55 3«

Deborah Walden E rrington * .5 .5 5 7. 10.55 40

Jacob A lb ert E l l i c k 6 .8 .55 , 10. 2.56 42

James W illiam E l l i s 2*1.1.56 4. 5.56 45

C aroline E liza b e th E l l ic k 11.8.57 29. 11.57 54

Richard Ewans - 1857 57

C la ris sa In ez Edmonds 29.10.57 27. 12.57 58

E lizab e th Jane E l l i s 15.11.57 51. 1.58 59

l.m iisa Agnes Georgina Edwards 7.11.58 9. 1.59 67

John Percy Edmonds - 4. 5.60 78

Daniel Joseph E l l l a 7 . 1 1 .6 1 5. 1 .6 2 94

E lizab eth Mary Edmonds 25.2.62 15. 6.62 97

Charles Edward E l l in 22.12.59 1. 1.65 113

W illiam Henry E l l i s 11.6.64 1. 1.65 113

Vathan iel Luke E rrington 22.5.66 15. 5.66 122

Diana Holden E rr in g ton 28.5.67 25. 8 .6 7 129

A lic e Ann E rrin g ton 27.4.67 25. 8.67 129

Jessie C o l l i e r E rrington 25.7.67 22. 12.67_ 131

A rabe lla Heat.rice E rrington 12.10.68 11 12.68 137

B ea trice Walden E rrington 50.12.68 4. 4.69 138

V ie to r in e I s a b e l la E rrington 29.10.69 5. 4.70 143

Madeline B. E rrin g ton ’i.lO .f.o 4. 9.70 145

John Bonbon E rrin g ton 19.11.70 30. 12.70 146

Thomas W alter E l l i s 11.2.75 4. 5.73 160

Page 16: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

n ir th Raptlam p «e *

A1 fred I w n n e r 23.12.71 11.7 .73 16 1

,'51 Horn 7 a lto r n rr in c ton 23.6 .77 18.7 .73 161

.Tnmoa L i t e Arnold A rrin gton 15 .8 .7 * 7 .5 .75 169

•larthu I yd ia ^bonoaer 7 .3 .77 5.10.77 178

Carolina juaannah J w rto n * .9 .8 2 15.12.82 197


Vnn Sarah Francia 2 0 .3 .*9 17.6 .49 1

S llen Mary Richmond Frey 21.5 .50 27.6 .50 6

Eleanor C aro lin a Fow ler 11.12.51 21.3.52 17

S llon Louisa Ford 10.7.52 24.10.52 20

John Rdgar Francia 29 .8 .52 4 .9 .53 24

Thnmaa Francia 183*; 70.10.57 25

Mary Penelope F rey 23.12.57 10.2.54 38

Jeaaie Ion ian Fow ler 8 .1 .5 * 70.4.54 30

Ooorge F riday - 10 .12 .5* 34

•Tames Henry Fow ler 1 .9.54 17.12.54 74

C ra n v ille Dela M otte Faunce 17.1.55 17.4.55 37

Nelson James Frank 8 .5 .55 22.7.55 39

Marla Ford 24 .8 .55 11.11.55 41

C la rissa Ind iana Fow ler 28.11.55 27.3 .56 *3

Ceorge F u lle r - 70.7.56 *5

Henry David F rancis 22.9 .56 7.12 .56 *7

Thomas Webbe F ran cis 1838 ’ 4 .5 .57 51

Somerset Charles Francis - 21.6.37 51

Ceorge W illiam Fow ler 5 .9 .57 22.11.57 54

Sarah F u lle r - 1857 56

E lizab eth Frey - 1857 56

Page 17: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64


Pose E liz a Francis

t l i -nor E liza b e th Fow ler

'i l l ia m Francis

[Poslna Mary Ann Frey

-.*-ah Maria Fow ler

E velin e Mary Francia

I ' i l l l a a Fow ler

ra ro lin e Agnes Fow ler

• ary Emily Fow ler

Thomas Francia

John Jamea Francia

arah Ann Fow ler

I'.’ l 111am R ich . George Frey

[Edward John F u lle r

■Eleanor Ann Francia

|john thomaa Fow ler

amuel Fow ler

jr .liza b eth Fow ler

ptary Ann Dorcaa Francia

Sarah Ann Francia

[R ose tta Martha Fow ler

•A lic e E liza b e th Fry

Jpichard Eden Fow ler

Deborah Walden Francia

E lizab eth F u lle r

Margaret Ann Fow ler

Charles O l iv e r Francia

C lara O f ie ld Fry

Agnes Ada Fow ler

ary Ann Fow ler

Toulsa Francia

John Edward Francis

Thomas Henry Fry

B irth Baptism Page

1 1 . * .5 7 3 .1 .5 " 58

24.12.57 2 8 .2 .5 " 39

20.1.58 4.4.558 60

21 .>1.58 9 .5 .5 " 6l

12.3.58 23.5.58 62

- 19.12.58 66

15.10.58 2 6 . 12 . 5" 67

23.1.59 1.3 .59 68

18.10.59 22 . 1 .6 0 77

20 . 2 .6 0 8 .4 .60 79

12 . 6 .6 0 19.8.60 83

4 .8 .60 16.9.60 84

12 . 9 .6 0 4.11.60 84

2 . 6 .6 0 6. 1 .6 1 85

1 2 . 1 .6 1 9. 6 .61 89

1 2 . 9 .6 1 2 7 . 10 .6 1 92

13 . 1 .6 2 14.12.62 100

8 .3 .63 5.4 .63 ioa

27.2.63 7 .6 .63 103

30.5.63 1 2 . 6.63 104

20.3.63 14.6.63 104

13.5.63 2.8 .63 104

20 . 7 . 6>i 11.12.64 112

13.7.64 15.1.65 113

3 .5 .6 * 5.2.65 114

1 8 . 3.6 5 21.5.65 116

3.5 .65 23.7.65 118

1.6 .65 27.8.65 118

14.8.65 15.10.65 119

8 . 1 1 .66 2 3 . 1 2 .66 125

4.10.66 2.1 .67 125

19.11.66 27.1.67 126

8 .4 .67 11.8.67 129

Page 18: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

F (con tin u ed )


m k im n -

’m l * o

• iM

t M l t f


f ophia M arram t F u lle r

E leanor Fowler

I ' l l Ham Arch ibald Fow ler

1 Richard A lb ert Franel e

r^orc# Fill le r

E llen Fry

Emma M atilda Fow ler

' Helen Dora Fow ler

' Rargaret lo u ls a Jane F ran c !•

' James F u lle r

' Jane Catherine Fow ler

Reginald P e t le y Fox

Anne C aro lin e Fry

Edith Jemima F ran cis

Edith Myra Fow ler

Ibsolam Fow ler

.nclcwood Fow ler

Joseph A lexander F rancis

] Louisa Rebecca Fow ler

nea Edvard Fow ler

R o b e r t R il l lam F ran c is

Eva E liza b e th Francis

r'a r o lin e Fow ler

E liza b e th Sabina Fow ler

John Herbert Fow ler

F red e r ic V a lte r F ran cis

J ary Anne Fow ler

I nulsa F u lle r

">omlnlc Mark F ran cis

11 an

B ir th Baptism Page

?7.11 .<57 5 . 1 .6 8 13 2

? 9 .3 .6 * 1 7 .5 .6 * 135

2 . 2 . 6ft 3 1 .5 .6 * 13*

1 5 . " . 6ft 23 .10 .6 * 136

29.2 .<9 20 . 6.60 139

* .* .6 9 2 1 . 1 1 .6 0 1* 2

1B.12.R59 30.1 .70 1*3

3.1.71 2.3.71 1*7

23.1.71 5 .*.71 1 * *

29 . 12 .7 0 1*.7 .71 1*9

3.11.71 2*.12.71 152

13.2.72 17.3.72 153

2 5 . 1 1 . 7 1 29.3 .72 15*

1 2 . 10 . 7 ? 1.12.72 157

21.3 .73 2 *.9 .7 3 161

3 .* .7 3 * 25 .2 .7 * 163

3.11.72 2 *.6 .7 * 165

’ 2 .9 .7 * 30 . 1 0 . 7 i1 166

1 «.10 .75 5.12.75 171

1 6 . 10 .7 5 5.12.75 171

^..R.76 5. 10 .7 6 173

* .5 .7 6 2 .3 .72 175

17.1.77 13 .* .7 7 176

19J*.7R 31.1.79

2 * . * .7 * 31 .1 .79 1*3

lO.A.RO *.6 .ft0 18*

* .1 .* 1 * .2 .R i 190

It. 10.82 2 5 .1 .*3 19*

22 .5 ,*3 2 ft.10.*3 200

Page 19: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64


James George

l i ly P u r c l l l G « l l i t » r

Richard W illiam George

Richard T orb ett Gunnell

Charles Georce

Helena George

Henry Samuel Gambia

Lou isa Ann O e r ife

Rtary G u lliv e r

Vargaret George

Tsnnv Mary Bomb la

John W illiam decree

►'ary Ann George

Iou laa H a rr ie t George

Seorge Vornald Gunnell

V il l ia m Farbutecur urn’ l l

(ary Ann C atherine Green

Samuel George

George George

"hornas Gunnell

Richard George

Ksthan iel George

Fachael George

E liza Governor

"a ry Ann George

Anno B e lla I.ou isa George

Francis Samuel Green

I.ouisa Sophia George

E lizab eth Rose George

"11 Ham George

'Xvard T a y lo r Gunnell

Vmy E liza b e th George

Bi r th Baptism Page

23.5 .49 2fi.8 .49 2

27.7 .49 21.9 .49 2

16.6.49 14.10.49 2

14.5.49 4.11 .49 3

2 .3 . 30 2 f i . 3.50 5

11.3.51 <5.7.51 12

- 13.7.51 12

10 . 5 .5 1 27.7.51 13

4 .1 .52 15

<1.12.51 4 .1 .52 Ifi

23.R.52 1 2 . 10 .5 2 19

8 .7 .52 24.10.52 19

28 . f i .5 2 2 f i . 1 1 . 5 2 20

25-4.52 3 .1 .53 21

14.9.50 15.5 .53 23

7.'•.52 15.5.53 23

12.9.53 lfi.1 0 .5 3 25

1837 5.2.54 28

1.4.54 29

6.2.54 14.4.54 29

12. 5. 5<( 20.5.54 30

10.7.52 9.7 .54 30

l4 .fi.5 0 6 .8.54 31

- 10.12.54 34

11.12,54 18.3.55 35

13.12.54 15.4.55 36

4 .fi.53 19.8.55 39 16.9.55 39

1.11.55 27.4.56 44

24.12.55 27 .4 .5 6 44

5.11.55 2 7 . 4 .56 44

31.5.56 7 .0 . sfi 47

- 25.12.56 48


Tames Gower

Page 20: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

" a t o

Kaar n i* th

Idward Denis George 5«11»5<>

rah C hrletianna George 6 .2 .57

ry Ann George 29,7 .37

la ro lln a Georg*

lory Ann Georg*

r is t in a GeorgeU

George “

on Marla Green 2*1.8.57

a ry Ion ian Georg* 1.11.57

ohn Richard George 2 .7 .57

a t the* Richard George 12.7.58

i l l l a m Gough, -

ohn Ooonza -

1111am Georg* 20.10.35

r ia H vellne Gunnell k .12.58

rtha Adela ide George 2k . R. 59

izabeth Gunnell 27.10.59

'1 I l ia n Franc la George 1 5 .1 °. 59

11011108 TTanikin George ? 7 .11.59

loalna Jane Green R.k.60

«n a Gertrude Em ily George 18.9.59

!1 Izabeth George 1 9 .10 .lk

Jhnrles George 1827

lavid George 25.3.52

runes George 5.11.20

lelena Gunnell 16.3.61

id ward Henry Greenland 22.7.60

C harlotte Io n is e Green 1 6 . 1 1 . 6

Irch ib a .d .ohn George 5.11.58

Thomas A lb e rt George 6.12.62

1izabeth J u lia Groen 16.5.63

1 chard W illiam Green 20.12.63

’ -iche Gra* I . .

r achael E llen M argaret Gj-een 8 .8.6k











2 k .1.58


1 2 .9 .5 «





1 . 1 .60



19 . 2 .60


2 0 . 5.60





11,k .6 i

20 . 5.6 1

2 1 . 12 .6 1


28. 12.62





Page 21: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64


N'arac f i r t h Gantiem Page

»rah E lisab eth Georg* - 17.*.63 116

t rd e l la Agnes M atilda George 29.5.«5 20.8.65 118

•1 y S lb e lla Gideon ?*.8.65 8.11.65 119

(mo* Gdvard Green 9.11.63 7.1.66 120

lomas Garbett Georg* 2?.5.66 lA . 10.66 12A

Ither E lisab eth Green A.10.66 16.12.66 125

I r ia Ann Ferguson George 10.1.68 22.3.68 133

rvan Corentry George 3.8.68 15.11.68 136

lomns Henry Green 1.12.68 1A.2.69 138

ir o lin e Maria George 8.11.68 21.2.69 138

rederiek George George - .1 .69 28.3.69 138

Una* F rederick George 8.5.6® 11.7.69 139

l ic e E lisabeth George 26.3.71 16.6.71 1*9

knr Marie Green 3.3.72 6.7.72 155

liana Louiaa George 12.6.73 21.9.73 161

inny Louisa George v 27.11.63 lA .3 .f3 169

Irb e rt Gambia 23.A .76 15.10.76 17A

Ichard A lfr ed Green 27.6.76 2.3.77 175

kmes Josiah Graham 12.12.76 2.3.77 175

»hn V a lte r Graham 2.12.76 11.A .77 176

Meph lenjamin Green 26.1.78 13.3.78 180

rana L i l i a G reatorex 19.3.78 1A.6.78 181

ahn 'amucl Graham 12.12.78 2.3.79 18*

slfcor ■'enjamin Graham 25.12.80 2A.A.81 191

harlea A lexander Gunnell 12.3.81 22.5.81 192

an* Graham - .3 .67 16.10.81 193

gnas Graham - .11.69 1 6 . 10 .8 1 193

i l l ia m Graham ♦865 16.10.81 193

arah Graham -.9.71 1 6 . 10 .8 1 193

With Vnne Kent George 11.3.83 18.5.83 198

rth u r Alexander Graham 21.A .83 15.7.83 199

iharles nonj ami n Green 29.7.83 A .11.83 200

Page 22: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64


(ohn Nathaniel Henry .

E lizabeth Ann Henry

l a r i sea E lisab eth Henry

.oulaa Bosina Henry

i l ia Hostclne

ulna H olm es Hayes

111am Henry

"ltVonv Henry

ohn Henry Henry

ne Maria Henry

ton io H erbert

oteu r ’ cO regor Henry

tzabeth Miriam Haekett

lharles Henry

ohn V a lte r Henry

Me aran Henry


tichard John Henry

lleanor HI 1 man

bnham Henry

ohn H arris

hosts Hammond

lertha V ir g in ia Henry

llnn le Maud M argaret H a rtley

la t th e* George Henry

1111am Charles Henry

e r th in ia C onstan tia Henry

arah Hagget

a rga re t Hagget

B irth Baptism Page

15.5.10 7 .7 .50 6

* .6 .51 17.8.51 ' 1 *

12.12.51 *.2 .5 2 16

5 .5 .55 5.6.53 23

12.7.53 * .9 .5 3 2*

1*33 30.10.53 26

11.12.53 6 .1 .5 * 27

- 1 0 . 1 2 . 5* 33

- 1 0 . 1 2 . 5* 3*

5.11.5*1 1«.3 .5 5 35

3 .11 .5* 15 .* .55 36

1*35 17.6.55 3*

15.7.55 7 .10 .5 * *0

11.8.55 16.12.55 *1

28.2.56 11.5.56 *5

25.12.56 1.2.57 *9

7 .5 .57 5.7.57 51

6.3 .57 2.8 .57 52

12.7.57 23 .* .57 52

- 19.12.57 55

25.10.57 26.12.57 57

- 31 .1 0 .5 * 6*

- 3 1 . 10 .5 8 6*

* .7 .5 * 26 .12 .5 * 67

27.12 .5* 1 .3.59

50. 1 2 . 5* 20.3.59 68

2* . 6 . 5* 17 .*.59 69

15.8.50 13.11.59 73

2 5 .9 .* * 21.12.59 7*

* . 1 1 .5 0 21.12.59 7*

18.12.56 21.12.59 7*

25.1.59 21.12.59 7 »

_ - 7*

Sophia Hagget

Amelia Hagget

Joseph Henry

Page 23: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

lward Henry

C‘ "»■' i i '.W i

An«. mjil-iJ

y '

t lm H « » t n

y*rme"' min1


T * » » '

Iharles Edward Henry

tobert Holmes

James Henry

tlebecca Henry

Sarah Ann Henry

Sulla E liz a Hagget

Samuel Holmes

tdvard Hercules

fl 111am Webber Henry

,uey Mary Hayes

large r e t Henry

tsther Henry

liz a b e th Henry

a n le l Henry

umuel Campbell Henry

liza b e th Ann Hutchinson

oseph Henry Henry

tdvard !lenry Henry Aw

SI lz a ft Henry

Thomas Henry

Charles Eataby Hutchinson

John A rch ibald Henry

James Henry

E lizabeth Jane Henry

| other Hope Henry

. Henry V a lte r Henry

eah Henry

V i 11 lam Grant Hayes

Georgina Theresa Henry

W illiam Henry

" a l t y Samuel Henry


H irth baptism Page

i n c w n HrtXTWX T9

5 .H .5 9 8 .fc.60 79

2R.2.60 8.fc.60 79

- 1 6.fc.6o 80

23.4.60 15.7 .60 81

8 . 6.60 15.7 .60 82

26 . 5 .6 1 11 . 8 .6 1 89

15.fc.6t 18.8.61 89

1839 2 2 . 9 .6 1 91

2 2 . 9 .6 1 29.12.61 94

30.11.61 26.1.62 95

20.9.62 3 j.10 .6 2 99

5.7.62 2.11.62 99

28.9.62 30.11.62 too

fc.9.62 fc.1.63 101

3.2 .63 3.11.63 105

20.10.63 11.11.63 105

28.9.63 29.11.63 106

15.12.63 7 .1 .64 107

17 .1 .6fc 10.4.64 108

28.6.6fc 11.9.64 110

22.11.6fc 13.12.64 112

11.11.6fc 1.1 .65 1 1 3

11.2.65 29.3 .65 1 1 5

-.1 1 .6 4 19.6.65 1 1 7

12.8.65 24.9 .65 1 1 9

11.5.66 17.6 .66 122

- 17.6.66 12 2

7 .6 .66 9 .9 .66 124

21.8.66 14.10.66 124

26 . 8.66 28.10.66 12 5

- 14.3.67 126

1866 16 . 6.67 128

Page 24: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64


t j

n I l ia n '.aimiel Henry

tmna Henry

Idolphus F i t * C larence Henry


leorge Richard Henry

leorge Henry Henry

H llia n A lb e r t Henry

[argaret Anne S e lin a Henry

honas R ichard Henry

a rah Ann Henry

•hoobe Mary Henry

loseph A lfred Oswald Henry

'one Catherine Henry

llara liz a b e th 'co ry

losina ''a ry Hubbard

leorge S taw e ll H erbert

l iz a b e th M argaret Henry

lharl Percy Henry

lerbert R ichard Honry

Id ward John Henry

l l ic e "aud Henry

antes 'idward Henry

Ihoda -Amy H a rr ie t Howes

liz a b e th -Ann Henry

ic e C h a r lo tte Howes

lartha R osetta Henry

lames W alter Henry

S llen I.ouisa Henry

Irilliam C harles Henry

Mabel Lou isa Henry

C la rissa F lo ren ce Henry

ohn Vernon Henry

ta lly Lou isa Henry


B irth :)aptisn Page

31.3.68 1 * . 6.68 13*

1 2 . 1 1 . 6* . 9.68 136

- 1 .8 .69 1*0

19.9.69 2 i . i i . 6 9 1*2

9.12.69 26 . 12 .6 9 1*3

2.3.71 2.6.71 1*9

13.3.71 6. 8 .7 1 150

25 . 1 2 .7 0 13.10.71 151

25.10.71 21.1.72 153

6.1.72 9 .2 .72 153

28.1.68 15.3.72 153

17.12.71 31.3.72 15*

5.12.69 17.5.72 15|

16.5.72 28.2.73 139

28.5.73 28 . 1 1 .7 3 162

12.1 .7* 30 .1 .7* 163

7 .6 .7 * 12 .7 .7* 165

28 .8 .7* 15.1.75 167

26.11 .7* 26.3.75 168

* .3 .7 5 26.3.75 168

13.3.75 25.6.75 169

26.7.75 17.9.75 170

27.10.75 12.12.75 171

9.11.76 19.11.76 17*

27.1.77 16.3.77 175

15.12.76 6 .* .7 7 176

16 . 1 2 .7 5 8.3 .78 180

19.5.77 8.3.78 180

28.1.78 8.3 .78 180

22.6.78 19.8.78 181

1 * . * . 78 31.1.79 183

3.1 .79 28.9.79 185

1.10.80 189

Page 25: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

nilin ily Susannah Henry

Emily V io le t Henry

.den A lexander Henry

Arthur Joshua Henry

John Heuben Henry

.Vnne Henry

Mary Susannah Henry

Hi chard A lb e rt Henry

•> r ia Horroeks

V e e t t h t e t t

n ir th Haptism Page

16.7.80 27.7.81 191

28.7.81 2 7 . 4 .8 1 191

70.5.81 16.10.81 19?

27.11.81 27.4.82 195

I k . 5,82 27.4.82 195

28.10.82 1.12.82 197

70.5.82 24.12.82 197

2 .8 .82 1 .6 .8? 19*

27.5 .87 7.8 .87 199

40 -C .3 f . i> i ) ICA

Page 26: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64


ary Ann Isaeke

Inn E lizab eth Tsacke

;o i i « a "li>anor Tsacke

■ary \nn Tease

(ohn Isaac Isa ac

Ignes M atilda Isaeke

la r r ie t E liz a Isaacks

(n rgaret M e lio ra Isaacke

Ifilliam Charles A rch iba ld Is

Inn "a rth a I sacks

Javld Isaac Isa ac

■atthaw J os la Isaaks

tat# Marla In u isa Isaake

t l l z a Louisa Isaak#

ary d a lly Isaak#

Iohn Isaacke

Susannah Isaacke

ore# A lfr ed Isaacke

f i l l la m A lb e rt Isaacke

u l la F e l ic ia Isaacke

h a rles tbraham Isaacke

E harlotte E liza b e th Isaac

Jessie Jemima Isa ac

H alter Mansel Isaacke

lorbort James Isaacke

Johanns Mary Isaacke

A lic e E liz a Isaacke

va Catherine Isaacke

Thomas Edward Isaacke

A l ic e Io ii ls a Isaacke

Richard George Tsaacke

Matthew Robert Isaacke

Emily ?ta tilda Isaacke

n ir th Eaptlsm

1.11.51, 14.9.52

19.9.58 31.10.58

28.12.59 2 2 . 1 .6 0

30.11.59 15.7.60

23.8.54 . . 1

22.9.61 1 7 . 1 1 .6 1

6.9 .62 1 6 . 1 1 .6 2

13.8.63 27,12.67

’ O .10 .6 3 77.12.63

19.10.67 27.12.63

1.4.63 15.1.64

1864 17.3.64

74.11.64 12.3.65

9 .1 .65 14.5 .65

1 0 . 1 1 .6 5 14.1 .66

15.8.66 5.7.67

25.12.67 15.1.68

21.1.68 1 0 . 5.68

24.7.60 17.10.69

24.1.70 17.4.70

24.10,70 20.1.71

23.0.71 2 . 2 .7 2

23.1.72 14.4.72

26.11.77 25.2.74

17.3.74 28.6.74

30.7.75 19.9.75

25.12.75 14.4.76

8. 8 .76 29.10.76

1 2 . 8 . 7 R 6.10.78

5.1.80 4 .4 .80

2 .9 .80 19.11.80

1863 1 . 1 .8 1

22.3.83Jfc 3 31

27.5 .83 a t- u i t
























1 54











Page 27: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

17 nr

► , 3


l l c h a r d J o s h u a

K a r l a J o s h u a

I h a r l e s J o s h u a J o s h u a

s a a c J o s h u a

s e p h M a t t h e w J o s h u a

1 1 1 a m N a t h a n i e l J o h n

om as J o n e

1 1 1 1 a n Jum bo

e l J o h n

J a n e E l i z a b e t h J o h n

l l r a b e t h Tam es

l e n r y J e r r y

J o h n J a c k s

o h n J u n e

r y A nn J o h n

[D a v id H e n r y J o s h u a

S a r a h A n n e J o s h u a

1 l a n " aur l e#> J o h n

C a r o l i n e I . o u l s a J o h n

l o u l s a In n J o n a s

M a t t h e w Tam os J o h n

’ 1 l z a b e t h Jum bo

E l i z a Ann M a r l a Jo h n

K n o w le d g e J o n e s

G e o r g e V I I l i a n J o s h u a

S a r a h n e r t h a Ann J o h n

S a m u el J o h n

C h a r l o t t e E l i z a b e t h J o h n

H e n r y V e s t b r o o k e J o n a s

J a n e R e b e c c a J o s h u a

H e le n a Jum bo

T .o u is a J a m e s

S a r a h J e n k i n s

B i r t h

6 .1 .49

1 R.U.5 0

21. 2.11


* .5 .5 3









4 .8 .33

1.6 .55



l « . 1 2 . 56



6 ,1 .38

2 .6 .5 *

B a p t i s m

20 .8 .4?


2 4 . 1 1 . 5 0














8 . 6.56


1.2 .57

8.2 .57



8 . 8.58

P a g e
























6.5 .58 7 .I*?.*7 63

29 .5 .5 * 3 .10 .5* 64

l6 .10 .58 28.11.5* 66 •

29 .10.5* 26.12.58 67

6813.12.5* 3 .4 .59

26.3.59 19.6.59 70

2.10.59 2.11.50 I

7.10.5? 11.12.59 *

- 6. 1.6 0 752 . 2.6 0 76

Page 28: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64


J (con tin u ed )

Nana TUrth Baptiam Pe*e

|enr7 A lexander John 23.11.73 28.12.71 162

(obert A lexander John 18.9.7% 23.10.7% 166

|yra 'S lixabeth Joahua n .1 1 .7 * 19 .3 .75 167

■homo* John fc.8 .7 5 12.10.75 170

■ 1 chard A lfred Joahua 2 7 .6 .7 * 2 .3 .77 175

■ ohn 'a lta r Joahua 2 .6 .76 T 11.%.77 176

■1111 am Arthur John 12.12.77 11.1.78 178

la rah Io u le a Jane a 26 .% .7" 18.10.78 182

la tth ev V I111 an John 11.10.79 15.6 .80 18%

Elizabeth E aeline John 19.2 .80 2.%.80 187

lertha Mary Ann John 1%.3.90 16.7.80 188

^ocVwood Thoaiaa John i 1.10.90 3.%.81 191

"homaa V a lte r Joahua 1.11.79 10.12.81 19%

Sharlee Montague Joahua 5.5.81 30.12.81 19%

Eharlea !lan »e l John 6 .2 .82 7.%.82 195

lency Manual John 29.8.82 16.10.82 196

lueanneh Joahua 1 9 .« . «2 20.12.92 197

lory Hannah John 2%.6.83 3 .7 .81 199

Page 29: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

j M a r th a Ann S a r a h K n ip e

1 'Marramt Laura ” ln r

Irma E llaah eth "n lI»e

Susannah I'n ich t

E lizabeth ’ n in e '

Theresa Vary Ann Knlpa

A deline V a t ild a Knipe

U l l y Kay

V lllla m P a tr ic k Knipe

Pabecca Knlpa

Vary Ann Kr pc

" hranas A dd lebert Knlpa

Arpies ’’ ebeeea nfpe

V illla m P a tr ick Knlpa

E lisab eth Lou isa Kannady

" a l t a r Law ler Knlpa

»<artha Aim Knlpa

Katharine Vonorla Kannady

Vi 111 an Tlenry Kannady

A lla a 'arah Knlpa

V lll la m Sea11 Knlpa

H a rr ie t Lou isa Knlpa

j Edith Knlpa

Vahaeca Laura Knipe

Louisa Emily Knipe

E lisab eth Jud ith Knipe

j Catherine Pose Knlpa

nrna C aro lina Knipe

"v e lyn Sarah Kennedy

Sarah A jres Knipe

P a tr ick Jamas Kannady

•mma Palana Knlpa

Charles Knlpa

f l lr th P a p t t s m ’ ’ age

1 .7 .32 15 .7 .*9 1

13.11.50 16.2.51 10

30.11.50 . 9.3.51 10

115.3.50 23.3.51 10

6.10.55 21.10.55 *0

11 .* .53 3 .2 .56 *2

* .9 .5 5 3.2 .56 *2

- 30.3.56 **

- 12 .* .57 50

29 .1 .3 * 25 .3 .5 * 60

2*.5 .57 30 .5 .5 * 61

3 .10 .5 * 15.5.59 69

16. 6 . 59 21.8.59 71

- 12 .*.59 71

1 2 . 1 1 .6 0 13.1.61 *5

29.10.l5o 17.2.61 *6

29.<>. 6i 6.7.61 *9

23.12.151 19.2.62 95

1.3 .63 5.* .6 3 102

90.3.153 2 2 .* .6 3 103

1 *.2 .6 * 28 .3 .6 * 108

2 9 .> .«3 1 6 . 5 . 6* 109

1 .1 .6 * 7 .10 .6 * 111

12 .8 .6* 1 6 . 10 . 6* 111

30 . 1 1 .6 5 7 .2 .66 121

2 7 . 1 2 .6 5 7 .2 .66 121

8.10.60 29.5.67 128

30.1.63 29.5.67 128

1 8 . 8.6 7 13.10.67 130

6 . 1 .6 8 * .3 .6 8 133

2 3 . i1.66 7 .* .6 8 133

9.5.68 22.7.68 13*

11.7.69 27.10.69 1*1

Page 30: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64



M M * * ru

mi* r


■fetal * n H

•R.'iril te fw

»<|X: .

•q ia


i# l M i c e K e n n e d y

I l i a n T d v n r d K n ip e

r l e s R i c h a r d - K o i n e --------------

frn m i n e

J a m ln K n ip e

■ tea K n ip e

I l i a K l i a e b e t h K n i p e

m A g n e s K n i p e

I d r t i e d M a r y K n ip e

■ orge M w a r d M u l a e h y K e n n e d y

:h e l B l a n c h e K n ip e

mama K d g a r K n i p e

e r j e A l e x a n d e r K n i p e

I t e r M a t t h e w K n i p e

r b e r t T h o m a s K n i p e

T ir th

Page 31: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64



J Onorffe le o

, aim ip 1 Teo

E zek ie l I * o

lanes Hichard Lawrence

M issionary Janes London

M in is te r Janes London

Bishop Janes London

I Diocese London

E liza Leo

Sophia Leo

Mary Ann Leo

Janes Henry Leo

Mary E liz a Leo

V i l l i a n Marcus Leo

Tsaae Henry Leo

Charles Edward Lawrence

' a ry Ann Leo

Basalt Decree Thomas Leo

P e te r Low

E th e ra il Mary Mable Leo

CeorRina Bertha Ie o

E liza b e th Ann Leo

E liza b e th Sophia Leo

C h ar lo tte E liza b e th Leo

Edward Oeoree Teo

C aro line H en r ie tta Leo

Edward Samuel Leo

Charles Leo

Ceor/je L owe

Bertha /inn Teo

Bertha Ann Leo

M ira C o rd e lia london

Bertha Sophia Leo

Hichard Larow

B irth Baptism Page

15.1.44 2*1.12.49 4

26.9.46 24.12.49 4

- P .9 .50 7

29.P .50 13.10.50 8

27.5.50 1.2.51 9

3 .11 .*3 1.2.51 9

5.4.48 1.2.51 9

? 7 .° .5 0 1 . 2 .5 1 10

12.3.39 6. 7 .5 1 12

1 P . 1 .3 2 6 . 1 .5 1 12

17.8.33 6. 1 .5 1 12

i 5. 1 1 .5 0 10 . P .5 1 14

1 .6 .47 10.P.51 14

- . 1 0 .5 2 26 . 1 1 . 5 2 20

15.12.52 20.3.53 22

2*1.7.52 21.P.53 24

2R.7.54 1.10.54 32

11 .8 .54 29.10.54 32

- 10.12.54 33

12 .A .55 24.6.55 3P

2P.5.55 24.6.55 39

11.3.55 15.7.55 39

11.6.55 22.7.55 39

*1.3.56 13.4.56 44

2P . 1 1 .5 6 2P.12.56 *•7

12.11.56 P.2 .57 49

17.2.57 22.3.57 49

2 .3 .57 5. *i.57 49

1 2 . 3 .5 7 12.7.57 52

2 9 .°.57 20.12.57 57

e o .0 .5 7 1 4 . 3 . 5P 60

1 6 . 1 1 . 5 4 1 9 . 1 2 . 5fi 66

1* 26 . 1 e . 5R 67

34.4.58 1 9 .1 2 .5P 67

Page 32: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64


E m » ’

» t «|9t>*T

©a 1 f , « « * J

MT **•»<MO M

WO ■*

* ? el.iftiM v ifi'

1 •rtltf*

« * 4 •Isri'jc

Name HI r t h • B a p t is m P a c e

Louisa L e o - 2 .1 .59 67

L r lith C a r o l i n e Ten ♦9..1.59 2fc,4 .5 9 69

h e a n o r M a r y L e o

h n a n o r E l i s a L o v e

11.4 .59 19.7.39 71

31.10.59 13.11.39 73

H I lim n J o h n L e v i s 18 .1*.59 8 .1 .60 75

| o " l s A L a w r e n c e *0 .2 .6 8 .4 .60 79

I s r t h o L o u i s a L o o 5 . 10 .6 0 10 . 2 .6 1 86

B n t h a n lo l L o o 19.3.62 1 . 6.62 97

a r o l i n o Loo 22.7.62 14.9.62 90

L o u is a A nn I a v r e n e o 15.8.62 21.9.62 99

p r y M a r g a r e t T ,a m b e rt 9.12.62 18 . 1 .6 3 101

m r i s t o p h a r T h o m a s L a w r e n c e 20 . 1 2 .6 2 27.1.63 102

p r y Ann L o o 29.3.64 6.7.64 110

L o u is a L y o n - C A m p b e l l * .6 .6 5 2.8.65 118

(■ mos H o n r y L o o 5.2.66 16.5.66 122

H 1 1 1 a m L e o n a r d I ninbn 20 .B .66 l4 . io .6 6 124

P h .i r lo s H e n r y D o n a ld L y o n - i m p b o l i

18.12.66 24.1.67 126

l a r t h a C h a r l o t t e O u i n t L l o y d 9.12.67 9.2 .68 132

l e n r y R i c h a r d ( 1 1 s o n I a w r e n c e 24.5.68 21 .6 .68 134

lo h n H e n r y T>eo 25.10.69 5.12.69 142

B e o r g e S d v a r d L a w r e n c e 28.6,73 21.9.73 161

S e o r g e L e o 28.1.74 21.8.74 165

Pehn A r c h i b a l d l a v r e n c c 9.7 .74 13.9.74 166

r i c t o r l n e E l i z a b e t h L a w r e n c e 13.9.75 5.12.75 171

t l I o n L e o 4.10.76 2 2 . 1 2 .7 6 175

B e n ja m in M a u r i c e L a w r e n c e 20.8.78 3.11.78 182

t l l z a b e t h L o u i s a L e o 22.8.80 22.10.80 189

i f i l l i a m T h o m a s L a w r e n c e 18.9.80 26.11.80 189

r i o l e t l « o 6.12.78 18.3.81 191

! h r l s t o p h e r J o s h u a L a w r e n c e 17.12.81 3.3.82 195

Page 33: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

t s a r V e l l l * *

r j a r e t Maggott

* " - » ''a g go tt

k n r y J o h n Me > o n a ld 4T

koma* M a u r i c e M u r r a y

B irth

25.4 .49

6 . 6 .4 3

6 .2 .49

23.7 .49

29 .fi.49

5 .7 .50




/ 4.6.51






6 .4 .53




26.2 .53

6 .6 .53

6.9 .54





6 .6 .55


1 0 . 1 .5 6



25.5 .57

T l a p t i a n

8 .6 .49

6.7 .49

6 .7 .49




6. 10 .5 0



1 3 . 7 . 5 1

2 1 . 9 . 5 1

1 .2 .52

1 6 . 5 .5 2

2 2 . 8 .5 2

9 .1 .53

25.9 .53

1 3 . 1 0 . 5 3

3 0 . 1 0 . 5 3



10.5 .53

20 . 1 1 .5 3





27.5 .55

2 1 . 1 0 . 5 5




3 .5 .57

37.9 .57





































Page 34: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64


k a M o yee

f ‘* r t *!‘ y| u i n r ' ' l ^ a b e t h ' l a r r i o t

[ l a s A l e x a n d e r M o s s

a ^ d l t h M a c D o n a ld

l ' - a c f f o t t

' l e s W i l l i a m M o y e e

o s J a m e s M i t t e n s

E l i z a b e t h M c C a r t h y

s a C h a r l o t t e A nn M o y c o

l# r p h “ t i o m v M ay

l o t t e M a r c h

l e s M a g r o t t

r M acM ean

t h a M a r y M o ss

l a n E l i z a b e t h M a so n

n E l i z a b e t h M c D o n a ld

a l i a E l i z a b e t h M o y e e

e p h M a ry

a r d M a r c h

t l l d a M a r t h a M i t t e n s

lom as C h a r l e s M o i s e

l a r l e s M o ie e

m C o r d e l i a M e r c u r y

> ses P e t e r M ay

I b e r t J a m e s M a r c h

i r r l e t J a m e s M c C a r t h y

t f i s f i e l d M a c r o t t

,1 m J a m a s M e r c u r y

>hn L e w i s M o y e e

unos f r e d M a c r o t t

in t h e G e o r g i n a M a u n s e l

B irth Baptism P a r e

- 19.12.57 55

- 19.12.57 55

1857 36

3 * . 10 .57 27.12.57 58

1 . 1 . 5 8 31.1.58 59

IP . 3 .1* 4 .4 .58 60

3 .4 .57 2 3 .5 .5 « 61

- 31.10.58 64

30.1 .59 68

<».1.59 27.3 .59 68

15.5.59 3 .7 .59 69

11.(5.59 10.7.39


2 .6 .59 31.7.59 71

10.8.59 23.10.59 72

19.5.59 13.11.59 73

5.11.59 11.12.59 74

29.3.60 15.7.60 82

14.5.60 1 9 . 8.60 83

1 8 . 7 .6 0 2 3 . 12 .6 0 85

2 1 . 2 .6 1 3 1 . 3 .6 1 87

- 26 . 5.61 88

7.4.61 25,8.61 90

7. 0 . 8.6 1 20 .10 .6 l 92

2 1 . 8.6 1 17.11.61 93

8. 1 1 .6 1 22 .12 .6 l 94

3 0 .l2 .6 i 71.1.62 95

25.1.62 1 6 . 3 .6 2 96

17.2.62 27.4.62 96

2 2 . 2 .6 2 7 .9 .62 o|

e l 0 . 6 2 28.12.62 100

5.4.67 30.5.63 103

14.1.63 7 .6 .63 103

7 .2 .63 5.7 .63 104

20 . 1 1 .6 3 27.12.63 106

Page 35: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

Nam* B irth Baptism Page

• T ie s W illiam Maggott 77.11.63 14.2.6*1 107

||ry A lfro d Moyee 26.2.64 27.3.6*1 108

itlAA Jane M ittens 28.3 .6*. 5.6.64 1 no

Aceea Martha Maggott 1 5 . 6 . 6»i 25.9.64 1 1 1

lt*ah eth Aim MacDonald*4 3.10.64 i l l

H i sa l r March 25.8.6A 26.10.64 1 1 2

me is Jacob Mercury

isaheth Ann MacDonald

26.11.6*1 1 . 1 .6 5 113

21 .7 .6 * 14.2.65 114

les Cdgar Moice *1.12.6*1 16 . 4 .6 5 115

Snns !!cnry Charles M ulligan 18.9.6*1/a t **" l g . » i * v 117

Bnnh Helen Maggott 10.3.65 24.9.65 118

hn Isaac Maggott 30.11.65 14.1.66 120

ry Anna Jane Marjh ^ 7 .3 .66 15.3.66 121

ic e Annie Moice 15.3.66 29.4.66 121

le l ia Lou isa Maggott 17.11.65 17.6.66 122

Sirs- Jamuel Mercury 8 .6 .66 22.7.66 123

l iz a b e th C atherine Moice *1.7.66 23.9 .66 124

>ry Ann May *i. *i. 67 30.4.67 127

in E lizab eth M o lli h 2 5 .<1.66 30.6.67 128

fnos Tomima MaeCarthy 1867 22.9.67 130

fcniel Joseph M ittons 7.R .67 2 . 10 .6 7 130

J lc e M ira Maggott 27.9.67 5.1.68 132

Bo1)t i H en r ie tta Sarah M ulligan 8.2 .67 19 . 2.6 8 132

•kbol E lf lcd d a Mercury 10.1.68 8.3 .68 133

1I feed James Moyne 13.8.68 20.9.68 135

H I lam Charles Moyco 17.7.68 1.11.68 136

h a r lo t te Lou isa Mercury 6 .8 .68 29.11.68 137

l l l i a n Maggott 30. *1.68 10.3.69 13"

1 len Mary !Ioyce -.1 2 .6 8 13.4.69 13"

h a rles .Andrew Main 29.5 .69 4 .7 .69 139

ath erin o C h a r lo tte Mctlregor 8 . 8.69 12.9.69 14l

\ o se tta M atilda Maggott 29 .8 .69 17.10.69 14l

W1 e rth a Lou isa March 15.11.6J 19.1.70 143

loorge Burton M ittens 27.11.69 17.4.70 1 43

Page 36: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64


IIJ znbeth Sarah Mercury

la th e r M argaret Mercury

■m cllne McDaniel

■nne Sarah Moyce

p th r l jn e lia M a jcott

1 Bines Thomas M arshall

i l l lam Edwin Moyce

l i c e Maria March

hnmns C hristopher Moyce

arnb Jambo McCarthy

ud Mary M itc h e ll

francos Tdonoa ercur;


i M atilda Voyee

Ir ian John Maclean

nrno lia lo u ts a 'la c co tt

m el John Mercury

fe n ree r n e f t "'oss

»ry M atilda March

• le s t in r l iz a b e th lmn> 'n c r o t t 5.1'*.74

»ry E llen Moss

Manna May

H eo H a r r ie t Mace

tvn ice N a th an ie l M acc°tt

llrn .i ; l lr a b e th March

irah I.oul sa Mcdo

111am Medo

W illiam March

Maria Medo

i l y May M accott

i s in ia March

orenco March

t m * M H K o n R H T

H irth Raptlam ? * £

29.4.7(1 26.6.70 1 45

17.<.70 14.8.70 145

17.4.70 28.8.70 145

7 .7 .70 0.10.70 146

24.5.70 17.5.71 147

I P . 1 1 .7 0 17.5.71 147

1.6.71 7.7.71 149

26.7.71 21.7.71 150

25.12.71 1 2 . 1 .7 2 152

- .5 .7 2 6.9.72 156

2R.R.72 27.9.72 156

50.10.72 10 . 1 1 .7 2 157

1(5.12.72 28.2.75 159

1.12.72 21.5.75 159

29.7.75 51.8.75 161

21.12.72 25.1.74 165

6.1.74 50.1.74 165

7 .2 .75 19.5.75 167

51.12.74 19.5.75 16R

. i f 7.5 .75 16O

25.6.76 11.8.76 175

11.11.76 5.10.76 175

7 .6 .76 2.5.77 175

7.12.76 15.4.77 176

15.5.77 18.5.77 177

26 . 4 . 7S 18.10.78 182

2 2 . 5.70 2 8 .1 -..70 185

1.8.79 19.12.79 186

25.5.81 24.6.R1 192

15.5.81 15.12.81 194

78.10.R2 15.12.82 197

24.12.82 11.5.85 198

r f - 7 * 1 f i n * 1 7 i

Page 37: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

.131am Nelson

• laon

ihr HieharH VI llla in Nelson

Inward Nelson

n r Nelson

m rie tte P r i s c i l l a Nelson

iy Is a b e lla Nelson

.exander ’ a c rego r Nelson

iy 111 zabeth Nowhouse

I t l ld a Ade la ide o 1•on

N athan ie l Nelson

»hn O s b o r n e

t c h o l l O 'D e a n

O n V a l l a c o O 'D e a n

I o n O 'C o n n o r

■ rah H a r r i e t O s b o r n e

* y A m e l i a O s b o r n e

N irth naptlsra Pace

1*3* 5 .2 .6 * 2*

- 1 5.12.61 93

6 .1 .63 22.2.63 102

1 1 . 4 . < 7 26.6.67 12*

1* 6 * 21. 2 . 6 ? 13*

9 .* .7 0 5.6.70 1**

13.11.72 5.1.73 15*

26.2.75 9 .* .7 5 1 6 *

25.2.77 20 .* .77 176

26.3.77 11.5.77 176

2 *.5 .7 7 25.7.79 18*

10. P . * 1 2 . 1 0 . 9 1 193

23.10.55 23.12.55 *1

20 .5 .5 * 15 .8 .5* 63

23 .* .6 0 15.7.60 *2

1 0 . 6 .70 1 * . 1 1 .7 0 1*6

9.10.77 23.11.77 17*

2 9 .1 2 .* ! 28 .1 .*2 195

Page 38: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64




4.8 .50

1 » .a . 0



2 ^ . 5 1


1 0 .* .5 1

1.11.51 21.12.51 15

13.10.51 1.2.52 16

28.3.53 12.4.53 22

20.5.53 13.10.53 25

12.9.53 27.11.53 26

0 .3 .53 1K.12.53 27

ia i4 26.12.53 27

10.10.53 15.1.54 -7

*1.10.53 29.1.54 2a

10.4 . M) 5.3.54 2a

15.4.53 5.3.54 2a

6.5 .54 23.7.54 31

’ 9 .a .n4 1 . 10 .5 4 32

- 10 . 12 .5 4 33

4.9 .54 14.2.55 35

2.1 .56 2.3.56 43

7.12.55 2.3 .56 43

6 . 1 .5 6 2 3 .3 .5 « 43

2 1 . 10 .5 5 23.3.56 43

22.4.56 23.5.56 45

a . 5.56 0 . 7 . 5 * 4.6

5.11.55 1 4 . 9 .56 47

15.9.5*5 1 4 . 12 .5 6 *17

Page 39: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64
Page 40: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64


Jemima P e te r

Catherine P e te r

Tlency P e ters

ce T,.- P e te re

A rch ibald P e to rs

Theodora P e te re

"Mimmd Phelps

s V lllla m s P e te r

F its ro y Pompey

M atilda P e te rs

Sen ior P h i l l ip s

P e te rs

P e te rs

T e t »r s

V ill la m P e te r

M elina P e te rs

E lis a Pe ters

1 Frances P e te rs

t s -A l f r e d Pa ters

P e te rs

La v in ia P e te rs

Cert rude P e te rs

Ann P h i l l ip s

A l ic e P e te rs

Thomas P e te rs

Thomas P e te rs

John P e te rs

C aro lin e P e te rs

P h i l l ip s

Penelope P e te rs

11lam Thomas P e te rs

Edward P e te rs

V ic t o r ia Ann P e te rs

M irth Paptlsm Page

19.9 .65 26.11.65 120

15 .11 .*5 28.1 .66 120

1 ft .2 .6 6 15.3.66 12 1

2 . 3.6 6 17.8.66 123

1 1 . 6 .66 27.9 .66 124

•*7.1.*7 126

3.9.61 1 . 1 1 .6 6 126

- . 10 .6 6 19.5.67 127

14.2 .67 23.8.67 129

13.6 .67 29.3.68 133

1 9 . 6.68 23.10.68 135

8 . 10 .6 8 17.1.69 1T7

1 2 . 8.68 30.5.69 139

1 . 12 .6 8 4 .7 .69 139

- 2 1 . 7 .6 9 140

16.8 .69 19.12.69 142

29.*1.70 26. 6 .70 145

27.1.71 7.4.71 148

16.7.70 17.9.71 150

21.9.71 14.2.72 153

27.3.72 6.7 .72 155

2.11.72 29.12.72 158

13.1 .73 21.3.73 159

27.9.73 1 2 . 1 0 .7 3 161

1 .3 .73 8 . 1 0 .7 3 162

i* i.9 .73 9.11.73 162

10.9.73 20.2.74 163

1*1.9.73 25.2.74 163

24.9.7*1 15.1.75 167

7.11.74 12.2.75 167

22.1.75 26.3.75 168

3.10.75 12.11.75 170

31.10.75 4 .2 .76 172

Page 41: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

p ( con tinued )

K ~ B irth Baptism Pace

Jrj- Hoslna Pa tera * .1 .7 6 28.5 .76 173

fthur .Tamos P e te rs 6.10.76 22.12.76 175

lo tt A rch ibald P h i l l ip s 5 .6.76 26.12.76 175

i r l o l l a Mary P e te rs 19. * .77 ■’ 2 .6 .77 177

knos F red erick P e te rs 16.5.77 2 *.8 .7 7 177

►hn ’’ cuben P e te rs 16. P.77 1 .3.76 179

llza P h i l l ip s 9.6.7F 19.8.78 181

>rah tusaimah P e te rs 26.0.78 22.11.78 183

Ivard Percy P e te rs 2 * .* .7 9 17.8.79 185

Ivard Daniel P h i l l ip s 22.5.79 28.9.79 185

llena Johanna P e te rs 20.9.79 12.12.79 185

►orge Vatlinn lel P e te rs 26 .8 .79 18.1.80 186

►nry H erbert P e te rs 19.7.60 1 .10.80 189

l l l la s i Arthur F etera 25.7.60 12.12.80 190

lorence Vabsl P e te rs 3 .7 .60 17.12.80 190

knrles 71111am P e te rs 7.2.81 22.5.81 192

ln o » Herbert P h i l l ip s 27.5.81 1 6 . 10 .8 1 193

^ederic V a lte r P a in te r 27.6.81 21.10.81 193

bomas FJdvard P e te rs * . 12 .8 1 2 2 . 12 .8 1 19*

oeenh Caleb ^etern 23.10.81 13.1.82 19*

^ lran or Herthn P e te rs 2 .* .8 2 30.6.82 196

Esther C la r is s a P e te rs 5.6.82 25.7.82 1 96


h n rles Ernest Quint 15.3.70 1 1 . 1 1 .7 0 1*6

lary Anne Quint - 10.2173 158

in n le E liza b e th Quint 2 * .9 .7 * 12.2.75 167

Page 42: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

B irth Baptism Page

29.6 .49 28.10.49 3

8 .3 .49 28.10.49 3

10.7.49 25.11.49 4

25.10.50 19.1.51 9

- .6 .5 0 29.6.51 12

30 .ft .5 1 7.12.51 15

4.12.51 4.1 .52 16

9.7.51 1851 16

22.3.52 9.5 .52 18

1834 9 .1 .53 21

28.9.52 10.7.53 23

5.7.53 24.7.53 23

1 8 . 5 .5 2 2 1 . 8 .5 3 24

- 10.12.54 33

4.9.54 4.2.55 35

IO .1 1 .5 4 15.4.55 36

1835 17.6.55 38

11.4.55 29.7.55 39

2.7 .55 7.10.55 40

18 . 8 .5 5 13.1.56 42

- 25.12.56 48

13.4.56 4.1 .57 48

16.2.57 12.4.57 50


1 9 ^ .5 7

7 .6 .57







19.12.57 24.1.58 58

2 .9 .57 T 9 .5.58 61

2.1 .56 9.5.58 61

- 31.10.58 65

4.6.58 31.10.58 65


Page 43: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

lard K i l l s R ichards


;o nofo

•gc Robert*


21 eonor Ripon

•a Ratnor

ic lit is Robinson

ins Monrjr Robinsoh

Louisa Roberts

t : ’ ondon R a in ie r

• r s John Rippon

8 Rainolds

J^n'' inn Roberts

| rcea Reynolds

hi Robinson

• r Reynolds

hr lo t to Fanny Mary Rawllnson

# r l^ t Robinson

■ r . ’.e Roberts

l(rsbeth Roberto Roberts

■ S r ' Renry Robinson

• n i ls Orlando Rippon

I r e n r e R y lle

Sc > Robinson

T y Ann C h arlo tte Robinson

rd Robinson


Id Goodridpe Richards

liam Reynolds

ist V ic to r R ichards

ir t Moyce R ichards

irt Robinson

B ir th Rapt i s k i Pape

22.11.58 20.3 .59 68 (

2 1 . 1 2 . 5R 1 0 .1t . 50 68

- 2 . 2 .6 0 77

- 2 5 . 3.60 79

- 25 .3 .60 79

12.10. 59 19.8 .60 «3

27.5 .<0 1 9 . 8.6 0 "3

7.2.61 14.4.61 87

3 .7 .59 2 5 . 8.6 1 90

22.7.(51 29.9.61 92

1 2 . 12 .6 1 19.3.62 96

26 . 1 2 .6 1 27.4 .62 96

1 2 . 12 .6 1 1 5 . 6 .6 2 97

25.3 .63 l 3 * ~ . 5.63 103 .6 5 1.9 .63 105

1 5 .5.63 22.11.63 106

1 « . 9 .6 2 20 . 1 2 .6 3 106

1.5.64 -4 .6 .64 109

21.5.64 20.8.64 110

8.3.64 21.8.64 110

4.10.64 4 .1 .65 113

2 .3 .65 11.6.65 117

1 2 . 7 .6 5 6 .9 .65 118

6 .8 .66 15.8.66 123

5.12.66 17.3.67 127

8 .4 .67 29.9.67 130

11.9.68 21.9.68 135

P.7 .68 11.10.68 136

*7 .6 .68 4.10.68 136

10.12.68 28.3 .69 138

22.3.69 11.6.69 139

11.9.69 2 1 . 1 1 .6 9 1 42

20.9 .69 1 .5 .70 1 44

Page 44: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

Name B irth Baptism Page

Ian ’ Roberts >.10.70 28.<1.71 1 <18

Ilia n A lb e r t Richards 13.5.71 6.8.71 150

|*sant V lith Richards 0.10.71 17.11.71 152

lly Robinson 28.9.67 29.12.71 152

Mon Robinson 6. 1 2 .7 0 29.12.71 152

les C z ie k ie l Robinson 12.11.71 27.9.72 156

K t ’/cokes Roberts 29.11.72 5.1.73 158

ir le s .Tames Reynolds 13.7.71 20.U.77 160

toonin Robinson 2 .1 .73 25.<1.71 160

lest N athan ie l Richards <1.11.73 27 .3 .7 ’* l6i»

ircc Robinson - .1 .6 6 11.6.75 169

• on Robinson 9.2 .75 11.6.75 169

• ,11am Robinson 7.12.75 11.2.76 172

* « Lucas Richards 20.7.76 25. <1.76 173

les R ichards <1.5.76 13.7.77 177

sabeth Jane R ichards 27.10.77 I- .1 R .7 7 178

• r t Robinson 8 .3 .75 13.2.72 179

bird John Richards 30 . 1 1 .7 * 2 ».1 .7 9 183

eo Ann R ichards 26.2.79 27. <1.79 18<|

i ld a E liza b e th Richards 3.9 .79 2.1.80 186

m line Esther Richards 29.10.80 7.11.80 189

n Henry Rowe 9 . 8.81 7.10.81 193

r i e t Lou isa Rowe 1 <*. 8,82 17.11.82 196

•n Agnes C aro lin e Richards 27.10.82 1.1.83 197

jr Jane R ichards 29.11.8? 12.1.83 19«

M argaret Richards 1.9.82 19.1.83 198

Page 45: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64


rhard ;iatthew S co tt

S i l v e r

j e T h o m a s S t e v e n s

r S a m u e l

v i e S e a l e

• o l l n e S t e v e n s

mi I a km H th

Ham Seale

Lou isa S a m u e l

M ario S t e p h e n s

l i n H a rr ie t H e l e n a S t a e e

h H h o m a s io o m b y

rain Sandys

ilin e Stevens

iam Arch ibald Seale

y "o**r* .li/nboth o i l i e r

T H r t h


9 .7 .49


9 .12 . 49

«.1 0 .4 9


9 .5 .50

16 . 6 .30


25.7 .50







14.1 .S i

16 . 1 0 .51







2 .2 .53





20.4 .53






3.3 .50

3.3 .50












2 .5 .52

2.5 .52


6. 6.52


9 .1 .53



6.3 .53



4 .9 .53

4 .9 .53




7.5 .54


■ 'age






7 .



























Page 46: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

(con tin u ed )

l l t r t h O a p t1aw 0ac<

19.6.50 6 .* .5 * 51

5.7.54 6.* .5 4 51

- 10.12.54 54

- 10.12.54 54

- 10.12.54 54

26 . 10 .5 4 ’ 4.12.54 54

2*.10 .54 24.12.54 55

<5.1.55 1 *.5 .55 55

26 . * .54 1 *.5 .55 55

* .7 .5 4 15.5.55 56

1*4l 27.5.55 57

l< S 3 0 17.6.55 5*

1*27 17.6.55 * 5*

115.5.55 22.7.55 59

12.10.55 9.12.55 4l

20.0 .55 | ° .12.55 4l

25 .9 . *5*1 50.12. ӣ 4i

6 .12.55 10.2.56 42

5 .1 .56 2 .5 .56 42

- 20.4.56 44

16.1S.55 24 .* .56 46

- 14.9.56 46

- 25.12.56 4*

<1. 1 2 .5 6 * .2 .5 7 49

2*. <1.57 51.5.57 51

15.2.57 27.6.57 51

22. <1.57 20 . 0 .5 7 55

5.6 .57 27.9.57 55

1 4.7 • 57 27.0.57 55

12.5.57 11.10.57 55

- 19.12.57 54

- 19.12.57 55

- 19.12.57 55

Page 47: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

S (con tin u ed )

5a" 71rth ’ a p t1 am Page

[«* 'roauel - 1557 57

aider Stevens 1 .6 .57 17.1.59 59

in # Sandy* 10.9.57 17.1.55 59

Sarah - 24.1.59 59

ih .Tamea Stephen* 21.17.57 7 .2 .59 59

■Jenna Ooaanm Stevrna 4.3.5B 4 .4 .59 60

AngelIna 3t#rnn# 15.2 .59 o . 5 .5 " 4

rd Stephana - 2.9 .55 62

St#v#na 2 .6 .55 ’ ’ .9 .59 63

rd Stevena 19.6.59 26.9.59 63

ajaue 1 - 11.10.59 64

- 31.10.65 65

16.7.59 7.11.65 65

- 4.12.55 66

21.11.55 9 .1 .59 67

3 .3 .59 1.6.59 69

25.6 .59 11.9.59 71

1 5 .6.55 11.11.59 73

1 .5 .59 20.11.59 73

- 19.12.59 74

9.11 .59 2 2 . 1.6 0 76

- 2 . 2.6 0 76

3.11.59 19 . 2.6 0 77

1 5 . 1 .6 0 19 . 2.6 0 75

29.1 .60 15.4.60 90

- 10 . 6.60 90

7 .3 .60 10 . 6.60 90

29.1.60 1 7 . 6.60 91

29.4 .60 79.7.60 92

29 . 7 .6 0 9.9 .60 9?

20.9 .60 29.10.60 9/.

77.10.60 l 6. i i .60 9*

*>’ . 10 .6 0 2 . 12 .6 0 94

Page 48: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

© lin o Rose Stevens

■nos Alexander Samuel

ahr E l l in Simon

S eries Henry Stevenn

l i r e Stevens

!iam Arch ibald Standby r*

ce E llon Stevens

thard .Tomes Seale

irlen .Tamos Seale

fcaret Rebecca Samuel

ir o lla .Tenima Seale

11da Sarah "amuel

■rd Henry Stevens

B ir th Tlapt i am Pago

1 5.10.60 30 . 12 .6 0 95

- 10.3.61 86

'*'’ .7.61 1 . 1 2 .6 1 91

- . 10 .6 1 2 2 . 1 2 . 6l 94

•*8 . 10 .6 1 2 . 2 .6 2 95

6. 9 .6 1 ^9 . 2 .6 2 95

26 . 1 .6 2 23.3.62 96

IB . 1 1 .6 1 •*3.2.62 96

5.12.61 19.5.62 97

* (.1 .6 2 19.5.62 97

2* .4 .6 2 13.7.62 98

*.7 .**? 14.7.62 98

1 1 . 1 .6 2 24.9.62 99

•>8. 6.62 1 0 . 9 .6 2 99

1 . 9 .6 2 26 . 10 .6 2 99

1 6 . 9 .6 2 30. 1 1 .6 2 100

20 . 1 2 .6 2 1 . 2 .6 1 102

6. 2 .6 1 5.4.63 103

11.3 .63 21.5.63 103

5. 6.63 15.7.63 104

1 6 . ft. 63 - .9 .6 3 105

9 .9 .63 1 1 . 10 .6 3 105

26 . 7 .6 3 2 2 . 1 1 .6 3 106

14 mths old 2 2 . 1 1 .6 3 106

2*1.9.63 9.1.64 107

2.1 .64 15.1.64 107

2 mths o ld 16.3.64 109

31.7.64 2.10.64 1 1 1

•*0.9.64 23.10.64 1 1 2

24.11.64 2 . 2 .6 5 113

2 4 . 1 .6 5 1 2 . 3.6 5 1 14

26.9.64 19.3.65 1 14

7 .1 .65 1 0 . 3 .6 5 115

Page 49: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

S (con tin u ed )

»arailton S co tt

V il l ia m Steven*

E liza b e th Samuel

Sd»ard Simon


Ann Vard Stevens

liam Robert Semuel

tha Ann Steven*

r t Samue 1

Jane Seale

ry Stevehs

S e a l e

ames R ichard Stevens

^a E liza b e th Samuel

rtha E liza b e th Samuel

nlmn Samuel

Phoebe Helen Stevens

.inn Samuel

Stephen Stevens


Theodore Seale

H i l l ia n Stevens

ra Lou isa Samuel

rfja re t E liza b e th Stevens

lb e r t Simon

ic e Seale

Henry Stevens

chard Stroud Pen n e ll S co tt

T ionas Samuel

len y lr ia m Hose Simon

A lexander Samuel

H a r r ie t Samuel

th Samuel

" i r t h Haptism Pa*e

•’7.3 . <55 23.*.65 115

1.* .6s 11.6.6S 117-9 .5 .6s llfi

20.5.65 P.10.65 119

6.1. w 1»i.1.66 120

11.10.65 18.2.66 12 1

1 . 1 . 66 11.3.66 12 1

-5 .3 .66 27.6.66 122

19.11.6S 15.7.66 123

•> 123

- S.9.#6 123

-3 .* .66 ?1 .10.66 125

R.9.66 23.12.66 125

10.1.67 25.*.67 127 129

B.6.67 1.9.67 129

9.7.67 fi.9 .67 129

1 - • fi• 67 -2.9.67 130

17.7.67 17.11.67 131 fi.12.67 131

3.10.67 22.12.67 131

•'3.10.67 19.2.68 132

1.12.67 23.2.6B 132

13.6.6B 26.7.6A 13 *i

17.9.6B 11.10.6R 136

*1.2.69 12.9.60 1*t1

20.7.60 19.0.69 1*t1

7 .R.69 26.0.60 1*1

ft.1l.6fi fi.12.69 1*2

2I..11.69 3.2.70 1*3

3f».2.70 29.5.70 1*1*1

ft.?. 70 1*1.10.70 1*6

•’1.11.70 10.2.71 1*7

Page 50: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64


[James Thomas Samuel

Co e r r * ~'homas Simon

Joseph V a n s fie Id -amuel

Sophia Simon

[enry H erbert Scott

A l ic e t l lM h e t h Stanwick ?

Vary M atilda sherrard

A lexander Tonne 1

J u lia Teorcina Samuel

I'a tthew Samuel

Amy Stevens

Tetay Lou isa Stevens

H erbert 'tuch Stevens

Ada lo u isa Sarah S co tt

Edith A lexandra Samuel

V il l ia m Menry Samuel

Anne ’ tarla Samuel

R ich er d ’ homaa Seale

Sarah Anne S ca le

Anno ’a r ia Sophia Stevens

A rch iba ld Simon

Rose Stevens

i l y Stevens

Robert T red o r ic Davy Smith

T lo r e l l a Stevens

Thomas "dvard Samuel

Lou isa ’ ’a rc a re t S to rer

z e k io l A lfr e d Stevens

111 chard Simon

Thomas Stevens

Rm ily S e lin a S co tt

Blanche Ida S tra t fo rd

Ed^ar Maurice Samuol

M i r t h R a p t is m P a « e

1 R . 1 1 . 7 0 1 7 . 3 . 7 1 1 4 7

1 . 2 . 7 1 1 4 . 4 . 7 1 1 4 8

1 6 . 3 . 7 1 1 2 . 5 . 7 1 1 46

1 . 3 . 7 1 1 2 . 5 . 7 1 1 4R

3 . 3 . 7 1 2 . 6 . 7 1 1 4 9

a 3 1 . 1 . 7 1 9 . 6 . 7 1 1 4 9

2 6 . 3 . 7 1 » # . 6 . 7 1 1 4 9

? 9 . 4 . 6 n 2 1 . 7 . 7 1 1 5 0

1 R6R 2 9 . 9 . 7 1 1 5 1

- . A . 7 0 2 9 . 9 . 7 1 1 5 1

1 . R . 7 ® 2 9 . 1 2 . 7 1 1 5 2

1 6 . 3 . 7 1 1 2 . 1 . 7 2 1 5 2

1 R , 3 . 7 ‘» 1 7 . 5 . 7 2 1 5 5

1 6 . 5 . 7 2 9 . R . 7 2 1 5 6

2 6 . 6 . 7 2 1 1 . 6 . 7 2 1 5 6

1 3 . R . 7 2 * 1 . 1 0 . 7 2 1 5 6

2 R . 6 . 7 2 1 3 . 1 2 . 7 2 1 5 7

2 R . R . 7 2 7 . 3 . 7 3 1 5 9

1 0 . 1 1 . 7 2 2 R . 3 . 7 3 1 6 0

6 , 1 2 . 7 2 2 5 . 3 . 7 1 1 6 0

2 6 . 5 . 7 3 2 4 . 1 0 . 7 3 1 6 2

1 3 . 7 . 7 3 2 6 . 1 2 . 7 3 1 6 2

1 . 1 . 7 * 5.4 .7* * 16 4

1 9 . 9 . 7 3 5 . 4 . 7 4 1 6 4

3 0 . 4 . 7 4 3 1 . 5 . 7 4 1 6 4

1 1 . 6 . 7 * 1 2 5 . 9 . 7 4 1 6 6

' * 0 . 1 0 . 7 3 2 5 . 9 . 7 4 1 6 6

2 1 . 9 . 7 * 1 6 . 1 1 . 7 4 1 6 6

2 3 . 1 0 . 7 * 1 1 5 . 1 . 7 5 1 6 7

- . 7 . 7 1 1 2 . 2 . 7 5 1 6 7

2 2 . 1 . 7 5 1 9 . 3 . 7 5 1 6 8

1 0 . 1 1 . 7 * 1 3 0 . 4 . 7 5 1 6 9

7 . 5 . 7 5 2 5 . 6 . 7 5 1 6 9

R . 9 . 7 5 7 . 1 1 . 7 5 1 7 0

Page 51: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

f • !»


Iw p tfl ^Ifl

f 9< MU?

• l i - - r *

ft A l

r .& I




est Stovens

cho E liza b e th Stovens

a lin e O eorjin a Io n ic

non Stevens

Ernest Stevens

arco Stovens

« r A lfr e d S co tt

I ’ inm M orrison ’ tevons

E liza b e th Samuel

IH am Tohn nytho

nor Stevens

Trey "e lh y Solomon

»1 C aro lin e S tra t fo rd

as A lb e r t S pra tt

lr A rch iba ld Simon

John Stevens

lena Stevens

a lin e I s a b e l la Stevens

E liza b e th 3oale

s tta Stevens

t r ie s fa l t e r Eamuel

rtrude ’ ’a ry S co tt

e rt James Stevens

E liza b e th Stevens

rred James S co tt

emollne Mary Stovens

J ess ica SoIomAn

r les "m o s t Stevens

Arthur Stedson Samuel

hur C arro l Sea le

•ina Sophia Stevens

Bra Ann Stevens

bina Stevens

TUrth Tlaptism

13.10.7S 5.12.75 17 1

17.7 .75 5.12.75 171

9 .7 .75 26.12.75 171

16.11.75 26.12.73 171

- 3 .3 .76 17’

•’ 2.11 .7$ 2 '.3 .7 6 172

25.7 .76 11.10.76 17 '

1.P .7 6 2 '.1 1 .7 6 17 '

'••5.76 2 .3 .77 175

2 .3 .77 6 . '.7 7 175

'.3 .7 7 2 7 . '.7 7 176

3 . '.7 7 6 .5 .77 176

16.(5.77 1 0 .P .7 7«


17.5.77 26.10.77 178

2R.11.77 1 8 .1 .75 179

8.11.77 2 5 . 1 .7 8 179

10.10.77 15.2.78 179

20.2.75 15.3.78 180

10.1.75 12.7.75 181

21.12.77 6.9 .78 181

15.9.75 3.11.78 182

25.9.75 15.11.78 182

1 1 . ' . 7 5 15.11.78 182

11.5.78 2 2 . 1 1 .7 8 18 1

1.11.78 11.12.78 183

•’ 2 .10.79 12.12.70 185

16.12.79 1 6 . 1 .50 186

26.5 .79 22.2.80 187

3.2 .50 12.3.80 187

23.3 .50 9 .3 .80 188

2 7 . ' . 5 0 1 8 . 6.80 188

11.3.80 2 .7 .50 188

5 .2 .80 1 6 . 7 .8 0 188

Page 52: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

S (con tin u ed )

lam F re d e r ic Steven*

r ic e Vary Sco tt

®Tr w o q i_j i sr/ji/uvs

B irth Baptism Pa*e

1 3 . 10 . SO 17.12.80 190

->1.7.80 17.12.80 190

2 3 .9 .«0 31.12.80 190

23.11.BO 27.2.81 190

29 .12 .BO <1.3.81 190

1 9 .1 .B1 13.3.*1 191

11 .*1.81 10.6.81 192

25.11.B1 6.1.82 19*

7.9.81 13.1.82 19*

10.11.81 27.1.8? 19*

23.<>.82 23.6.82 196

29.8.82 8.12.82 197

17.8.82 5.1.83 198

15.7.81 5.10.83 200

28.5.83 12.10.83 200

12.8.83 26.10.83 200

19.8.83 9.11.83 200

olS.J.7<7 i - b 71


Page 53: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

'H a m * B i r t h Baptism P a « o

k i r a b e t h T h o « a a 27.12.02 23.12 .*0 *

t e t h T im 20.5.50 23.6.50 6

In h omn s 21.9.50 29.12.50 9

1 T h o n a s * .8 .51 7.8.51 13

J o h n T a y l o r 27.5.51 21.9.51 1*

k r t h T h o m a a 10 . 6 .50 23.11.51 15

k T h o m a s -0.10.51 * .1 .5 2 15

lion. 1 a 18.7.51 18.1.52 16

M ^ h o m a a 8.6.51 29.2.52 17

|T h o m a s 1 .* .5 2 25 .*.52 17

Thomas 1832 6.6 .52 18

S Ann ' horn

ttl Ann Tho

Im -I




8 .* .5 3


8. 0 .S3

8 .1 .5 *

-5 .8 . Vi



’t.1 .58




8 .1 .5 *

16 . * . 5*





* .* .5 8

* .* .5 8








ah Thomas - 10.12.5* 3*

•S Thomas 18*0 27.5.55 37

•4 Thomas 183* 17.6.55 38

•4 Charles " a v l ln s T o rb a tt 13.10.55 1*.12.55 *1

tl> Ann "hompson 15.9.56 26 . 10 . 5A *7

l i m ' Thomas *.11 .56 *.1 .5 7 *8

Ba Tumbo "hotnas - 12.7.57 51

BO Ann lamb* Torba tt 9 .7 .57 2.10.57 53

M Thomas - 19.12.57 5*

be la Thomas - 19.12.57 55

•h Thonas - 19.12.57 55

A "honnson - 19.12.57 55





Page 54: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

(c o n tin u ed )

IH rth


lain Thomas

■il T iehard Tlrrni


a r ia L ou isa T o rb e tt

Edward Thomas



Ion John Thompson

Bapt an



IT. 6 .61


90. 10 .6 1




26 . 5 .6 1

26 . 5 .6 1



2 0 .1 0 .6 l

9 .2 .62

2 3 . 2 .6 2


5. 10 .6 2



|r Vim M aria Thomas 19.9 .58 1*i.11.58 65

k Thomas 19.9 .58 1*1.11.58 66

|r .unuel Thorns 6 .3 .58 1 6 .3 .5 9 68

f Thomas 6.12.58 17.<1.59 69

ks Thomas 2*1.12.58 29.5 .59 69

kr r in o Ann Tim - 17.7 .59 70

f Maud T a y lo r 1 *1. 6 .59 29.7 .59 71

lld a Sarah T o rb e t t 21 .7 .59 22.9 .59 72

hot ins Sophia Timm 26.9 .59 13.10.59 72

1 T a y lo r - 6 . 1 . 6c 75

keen C ath erin e Thomas 23.10.59 ’ 9 .1 .6 0 76

Id Monry ~homas 1.60 26.2 .60 78

Id I'homns 1.11.59 11.3.60 78

kaboth "homos 21.12.59 25.3 .60 78

Thomas - 30.6.60 81

knar Jans Tim 2 k .6.60 1 2 . 8.60 83

I l am Thomas 8 .I1. 6O 23.9.60 8k

H” . Thomas 17.11.60 16.12.60 8k

kand-r Thomas 1*1.7.59 16.12.60 8k

•b 'homos 1.11 .60 20 . 1 .6 1 85

n F red e r ick T o rb e tt 2*1. 2 .6 1 21 .* l.6 l 87

Isa Thomas 2 . 2 .6 1 21 .*>.61 87

In "den Thomas 3.3.61 19.5.61 87

krca C atharin e Thomas 28.3.61 19.5.61 87










Page 55: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

T (co n tin u ed )


Vary T o rb e tt

rRosina Turner

o m e l iu s Thomas

t T u lloch

Ann T.ouiaa Thomas

ln e Amelia T o o th l l l

Roslna 'homes


W illiam Thomas

• t S i l l s T o o t h l l l


Ann- Thomas

t "homas

r "a r th a Diana Thomas

1'dvnrd Thomas

r in e Tamlma Thomas

A lfr e d V a len t in e "homas

Henry -homas

Lsah Rebecca Thomas

Anne Thomas

* Truest Thomas

n Isa a c N’a th a n ie l "ho

* t Arthur Thomas

r Thomas

I n s ’ n Mon "h on as

• ■ W il l ia m The n s

a r le s —...... * hones

’n rca ret -hve

Lai- •»’i l i r e h va ltea

Ba m ea t Teel

■ t t e i l l i a n 'io m s

Laerl Henry Tim

l i r t h Raptism °age

B .9 .6 R 1 ^ . 10 .6 2 99

2 . 1 1 .6 2 •*5.1.61 101

1 .9 .6 3 4 .11 .61 105

13.10.63 15.11.61 106

10.6 .64 2.10.64 111

14 .1 .65 23 .4 .65 1 1 6

20.12.65 14.2.66 120

?6.11 .65 20.2 .66 121

26 . 1 1 .^ 6 20.1 .67 126

16.6 .66 25 .1 .67 126

9 .1 .6 7 7 .4 .6 7 1*7

6 .3 .6 7 21.4 .67 127

29.11 .^7 16 . 2.66 132

21.11.67 1 .3 .66 133

23 .6 .69 1 .6 .69 140

2 .6 .6P 15.6 .69 l4o

31.5 .72 7 .7 .72 153

23.7 .73 21.9.73 161

- ?4 .# .?4 164

4.12 .74 15.1 .75 166

6.P .74 26.1 .75 168

13.1 .76 -*7.2.76 172

21.10.76 3.12.76 174

26.5 .77 1 .6 .77 177

19.1 .76 22.1 .76 180

23.4 .76 7 .6 .76 181

26.4 .79 1.6 .79 184

J ? J 3 o > t b S c

•* 5. 3»3P on o O ft • • • 1 187

•*7.6.60 24.9 .60 189

27.6 .60 24.9 .60 189

25 .6 .80 26.11.60 189

5.P .67 5.1 .81 198

13.7 .63 16 . 9 .8 3 200

Page 56: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64
Page 57: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

B ir th Baptism ” ae

11.5 .50 7 .7 .50 6

- 50 .7 .50 7

26.5 .50 18.8.50 7 15.2.52 16

1854 6 .6 .52 1ft

ft .12.52 27.5 .55 22

26 .2 .5 * 16.4.54 29

9 .2 .55 8 .4 .55 56

10.11.55 15.1.56 42

1852 20.4 .56 44

* .* .5 6 4 .5 .56 44

21.5 .56 6 .7 .56 45

1ft.8 .56 19.10.56 47

25.6 .57 12.7.57 52

- 19.12.57 54

- 1857 56

- 1857 56

5.6 .58 2 2 .8 .5 " 62

25.7.58 24.10.58 64

- 51 .10 .5 " 65

12.8.58 14.11.58 65

6.11.58 26.12.58 66

ft .1 1 .5« 16.1.59 67

25.5 .59 1 .5 .59 69

ft .5.59 19.6.59 69

16.5.59 10.7.59 70

18.9.59 18.12.59 74

- 6. 1.6 0 75

- 2 . 2 .6 0 76

- 25.5.60 78

15.2.60 15.5.60 80

11.5.60 10.6.60 81

8 .5 .60 5 . 8.60 "5

Page 58: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

V ( c o n t i nu^rl)


H u d s o n

T a t e s W e s t o n

V illiH S tS

e r i n e W e b s t e r

■ ^en W i l l i a m s

g e r e t S a r a h ' . l l l l n m s

e t S o p h i a V a t s o n

i c r W e lb y ?

e n s W i l l i a m s

l i a W i l l i a m s

a T I e n r y W i l l i a m s

W i l l i a m s

J a n e W i l l i a m s

r t T h o m a s W a ts o n

F r e d e r i c W e b s t e r

A d a W i l l i a m s

J a m e s W i l l i a m s

s H e n r y W i l l i a m s

L o u i s a W i l l i a m s

G e o r g e ^ T i i t e

G e o r g e W r i g h t

F l o r a W i l l i a m s

K a r r " / W i l l i a m s

W i l l i a m s

l i a m J a m e s W i l l i a m s

t M a t i l d a S e l i n a V i l l i

e n a L o u i s a W e b s t e r

W den W i l l i a m s

H o s i n a W i l l i a ir s

M a r y W i l l i a m s

C o r n e l i u s W i l l i a m s

i e M a r i a W i l l i a m s

r d V a r n e y W e b s t e r

F ir th Faptlsm Fage

37.1.61 1.1.61 86

26 . 1 .6 1 21.5.61 *7

- 26.5.61 88

3.5.61 2.6.61 88

1 5.*».6l 21.6.61 80

IO.6.61 29.7.61 91

19.7.61 6.10.61 91

17 .* .6 i 11.10. 61 92 •

17.9.61 I8.10.6l 92

7.5.62 20.6.62 97

12.9.62 1%.12.62 100

1 * 8 . 1 1 .6 2 ->8.12.62 101

12.12.62 11.1.61 101 •

1.1.61 22.2.61 102

2%.7.63 10.8.61 10%

7.8.61 21.10.61 103

28.12.61 9.1.6% 107

21.12.61 17.1.6% 107

1.1.6% 16.5.6% 109

7.1.6% 22.5.6% 109

19.3.6% 26.6.6% 110

15.6.6% 17.7.6% 110

30.10.6% 6.11.6% 112

5.11.6% 16.%.65 115

2.6.65 9.7.65 117

11.6.65 20.8.63 118

8 .9 .63 20.8.65 118

1 .1 .66 11.2.66 121

21.2 .66 20.5.66 122

11.5.66 12.8.66 121

11.8 .6 6 1%.10.66 12%

15.10.66 28 .% .67 127f

10 .1 .67 26 . 5 .6 7 128

Page 59: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

V (co n tin u ed )


ma< ' i l H • »

Bl ^fi'-nrl Jus " i n i :•••**/

»rd " a r l c V elbv

ic n ja n ln V i l l i was

E liza b e th W illiam s

le a Vebb

Is a V I1 lia n a

Id Joseph W illiam s

ah J u lia ' l l Hams

eh Stevens " e l l s

n rip.h t

i l in e "- iry 11 Mams

i t r le e "ash in cton

Anna V lllla m s

V i Ison

a rt A ler-inder "ood

y Anne 'atson

an a Vebb ' 'ebb

»s TTenry V ll l la m s

In or C atherine 'h lteh e

y Anm- Sophia "o tso n

* Sophia ' ratson

ta Lou isa 'r ic h !

P iehard W illiam s

‘iy B erth ln in "11 llama

V lll la m s

E liz a b e th V I1llam a

i l i a "a tson

Ann A^nea V i11lama

sa i 'r ic h t

,’i l llama

r t F ran c is V ll l la m a

Hi nth Tlantlsm Pace

2 3 .8 .<57 28 .9 .67 130

14.8 .68 27.9 .68 135

1 7 . 12 .6 8 1 .1 .69 137

« .1 2 .6 8 24.1 .60 137

21.10 .<8 7 .2 .6 9 137

" M I . W 14,2 .69 138

- .1 .6 # 4 .4 .69 138

3 .4 .69 11.7 .69 139

27 .4 .69 4 .7 .6 9 140

8 .10 .69 5.12.69 142

7 .2 .70 - 144

- .1 .7 0 14.8.70 145

7 .11 .70 1 6 . 1 2 .7 0 146

18 . 1 1 .7 0 31.3.71 148

’ 1.1.71 3.5.71 148

31.1.71 9.6.71 149

2 3 .7 .” 1 17.9.71 150

-.8 .7 1 ’ 2.9.71 150

22.3 .72 4 .8 .72 156

23.10.72 15.11.72 137

21.1 .73 7 .3 .73 159

71.1 .73 7 .3 .73 139

25.2 .73 28.3.73 159

9 .1 .7 3 4 .4 .73 160

10.3 .73 21.0.73 161

30.7.72 11.1.74 162

12.12.73 1.3 .74 164

13.12.73 12.4.74 164

27.6 .75 ’ 7 .8 .75 170

26.10.75 26 . 1 1 . 7 3 171

2 .9 .75 *6 .12 .75 171

12 .1 .76 30.4 .76 173

12.5 .76 173nn V th el 'atson

Page 60: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

V (co n tin u ed )

\ 'a n e

Vary * l l * a "a b a te r

Thonns Datrid V I11lams

U U om .lamea 'r ig h t

a t l ld a Agnoa V lllln m a

i l y Mary V i l l l a a a

rd V ig a l 'f i l l la m a

son H erb ert V/ebeter

a C harlea V il l ia m s

la id # V r lg h t

orge ' ’n n tjon e ry Veaton

r r l e t I.ou laa / r igh t

H 4 * P H f o s m * r i H i f t i

b ir th Haptlam " a *

11.*1.76 71.3 .76 173

17.10 .76 6.17 .76 17*»

1 .1 .7 " 1 .7 .7 « 179

7 .12 .77 8 .7 .7 " 179

l t . 1 1 . ) 2*1,3.78 180

7 2 .7 .7 " 77 .9 .78 181

3 .1 0 .7 " 2 *.11 .78 183

19 .1 .80 19.3 .80 187

1.7.81 11.3.81 191

1 ? .6 .«3 15.7 .83 1<»9

1 .8 .83 31.8.83 199

y t i s y

Page 61: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64


■ nn ' ' i r t a Young

•a rga ro t f r « n e » « E liza b e th

Oeorge TTenry Yon

Uannah M arla Yon

Jana Yon

lean or Yon

;i chard Yon

innah Rachel Yon

sa E dw in l Vun

Sasnjel Young

sroh Mercy Yon

Isa Ann Yon

V ftlllaa i Yon

iph la ,\nn Yon

1 chard C harles Yon

ry Jana Young

ry T ou laa Yon

:s Yon

r la Penelope Young

ry ’311*o Young

hn Yon

ophen John Young

rah E liz a b e th Yon

; ia Hose Yon

llom lnn Ruth Yon

naa K a th an ie l Yon

:s Yon

r d e l ia D on lioy Yon

111am Yo<mg

f M a tild a Yotmg

W right Young


iz a Yon

TUrth Raptlsm Pa<

1 6 .5 0 9 2?.7.fc9 1

■ 2.P *9 1 6 .9 0 9 5

2 1 . 1 0 .fc9 30 . 1 2 .fc0 fc)0.11.fc9 2 0 . 1 .5 0 5

3.R.30 f i . 10 .5 0 8*19 ■•2.10.30 9

•>1 . 1 0 . 1 1 21.12.51 15

12.2.52 2 .5 .52 17

U O . V 9 . 5 .5 2 Ifl

3 0 . 5 ) 1 3 .5 0 3 22

7 .1 .5 3 I f l .9 .5 ) • 2fc

22.fl.33 1 6 . 1 0 .5 3 2fc

2 .9 .5* * 1 2 . 1 1 . 5fc 32

t .A .5 * 26 . 1 1 . 5fc 33

2fc.11 .5 ) f i . i o f i fci

1 3 0 .3 6 20.fco fi fcfc

10.fc.5fi 20.7.56 46

2 .fi.5 fi 3 .A .56 46

2.9.5fi lfc .9 ,5 fi 47

1 2 .1 0 7 * 0 .3 7 fco

fi.fc.57 5 .7 .57 31

11.10.57 1 3 .1 *0 7 57

1 3 0 .5 * 6 .5 .5 * fi2

6 .5 .5 * 15.fl.5 fl 62

2fi.fc.59 10.6.59 70

1 .7 0 9 2.10.59 72

7 0 .5 * 12.10.50 72

19.6 .59 2! . 10 .5 9 73

3 .9 0 9 11.12.59 7fc

fc.11.59 11 ,3 . f i ° 7R

1 3 0 .6 ° 7 .5 .60 flo

23.fc.60 1 5 .7 .6 ° fli

2 0 .6 ° 12 . R . fio *3

Page 62: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64


amos Yvtde

aria Juliana I aura Younc

obort John Yon

•rah a l ia . Y leanor Younc

lizab e th Yon

rah Jane Yon

rona Ann Yon

a r r la t Angelina Yon

yea Vernon Younc

manna Yon

Conway Younc

isnnnn "a r ja r e t Yon

ouisa Yon

lizab e th Ann Yon

11*0 Ymily Younff

a ro lln e Tana Yon

o r ja John Yon

—ael Jacob von

E lizabe th Younc

lllia rn Archibald Yon

a W illiam "a l t a r Younc

Maria Yon


a rias Joseph Yon

a r ia s Stephan Yon

chard Yon

r le s Yentardeau Younc

r is top h er Coliznbua Younc

orenea Pebecca Yon

chaal Bebecca Yon

lin a Ann Young

phen TIanry Yon

nnah E lizabeth Yon

Y (continued)

B irth Baptism

- 26 . 5 .6 1

2 . 7 .6 1 1 2 . 2 .6 1

a t . (Si « . 9 .6 1

l6 .1 0 .6 l 1 7 . 1 1 . 6l

24.9.61 25 .11 .6 l

2 7 . 10 .6 1 29 .12 .6 l

2. 10 .6 1 2 ° . 12 .6 1

11 .5 .6? 16.5.62

6 .3 .6? 1 .6.62

27.3 .6? 1 3 . 6.62

22.3.62 10.8.62

2 6 .1 2 . '? 11.1.63

9 .1 .63 22.3.<1

9 .7 .63 21.2.63

12.6.64 31.8.64

25.6.64 9.10.64

4.2.64 27.11.64

S.12.64 1 6 . 12 ,6 4

24.10.64 8. 1 .6 5

27.2.64 5.2.65

1.12.64 16.2.65

n . 1 .6 5 15.3.65

29.1.65 16 . 4.65

4.12.65 4.2 .66

? .n th s . 24.6.66

9.10.64 17.10.66

15.2.67 -

12.4.67 14.7.67

P .2 .6 7 2.10.67

28.2.67 6. 10 .6 7

7 .° .6 7 20 . 10 .6 7

17.2.67 2 0 .io .6 7

15.0.67 8 . 1 2 .6 7

Page 63: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

y (c o n tin u ed )

■ Tame b ir th

ph 1 n Young 31.5.68

th Yon 8.11 .66

et Young 3 .7 .69

[brook Thoaias ’a l t e r Yon 4 .6 .69

» r Young 10.2 .69

■as Yon - .1 1 .6 9

Itard A lexander Yon 4 .2 .70

f Ann Yon 1 6 . 8 .7 0

»s W illiam Yon 7 .5 .70

hu Tounc

[wood TSoyce Young

l V frnon Van

•(jo Thomas nnmel Young

inm .Tames Ton

I n - ' Yon

nee Maud Young

1 \rthur Ton

11a Ann Yon

r e t Y lis a b o th Am elia Yon

l i n Young

r C harles Yon

r i e John S a ltw e l1 Young

rd "m e a t Yon

1st inn " ‘ h < i in e on

^ o r a Lou isa Yon

to M aria Yon

Thomas Yon

in Thomas Ton

lltth E liz a b e th Young

•h ! ou lsa Yon

^ n o r Yon

♦h 1ou lsa Yon

■J 1 on Comanle Yon




•>*. 10.71

3 .11.68

n . 1 . 7 *

12 .3 .7 *

2 4 . fi.7 *

2 5 . P.72

5 .1 .73


8 .0 .73



6 .3 .73

3 .5 .75

8.8 .75

8 .5 .75

4 .6 .76

6 .7 .76

11.7 .76

4 .3 .77

17.3 .77

2 .5 .7 7


0 .,8.68

28 ., 12 .6 8


1 .,9.69

1 .,9.69

2 1 . 3.70

17. 4.70

2 . 10.70

14. 10 .7 0

3. 2.71

18. 9.71

6. 1 0 .7 1

21 . 1.72

.3 .72

*9 . 3.72

19. 5.72

29. 9.72

8 . 11.72

28 . 3.73

7. 11.73

1 6 . 1.74

1 « . 12.74

2 2 . 1.75

7. 5.75

6. 8.75

7. 4.76

2 1 . 4.76

1 . IO .76

13. 10.76

13. 10 .7 6

27. 4.77

13. 7.77

1 0 . 8.77





















1 62














Page 64: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

T (con tin u ed )

Name M irth Tlaptism "ace

Francis V i 1 Ham Yon *•.5.77 24.8.77 177

"ary Tonnf 13 .4 .77 31.8.77 178

James Matthew Ton 13.18.77 15.2.78 179

John Henry Yon 1.18 .77 1 .3 .78 180

V lllia m A l f r e d Yon 2 8 .tJ .7 7 10.5.78 1#0

E lisabeth Yon 10.5.78 26.7.78 181

'lary Anne Yon 2 7 .3 * . 78 27.9.78 181

Rosa Jane Younr 10.4.78 29.11.78 183

"1 I l i a n E lehard Yon 17.2.79 4 .4 .79 184

Vary Jane Yon 21.7 .79 5.9 .79 185

Edward V l l l ia m Ton 5.7.79 17.10.79 185

Anne M aria Yon 15.0 .79 19.12.79 185

E liza Jane Yon 9.<i.7? 19.12.79 186

George Thomas ' " n i t e r Yotmj 21 .1 .80 3 .2 .»0 186

F red e r ic James Yon 12.12.79 30.1.80 186

iE th e l Yon 9 .7 .80 6.8.80 188

M argaret Anne Ton 15.11.80 5 .*i.8l 191

Mary Ann E th e l Yon 11.12.80 IO .6.81 192

Emily I s a b e l la Yon 8.4.81 29.7.81 192

Arthur Yon - 21.10.81 193

Mary Lou isa Yon 27.9.81 30 . 12 .8 1 1?*

J u lia Ann Yon 9.2 .82 10.3.R2 195

E liza b e th Mosina Yon 1.3 .82 13.3.82 195

A lexander Yon 4.6.81 8.9.82 196

Oeorfte "amuol Yon 27.7.82 1.12.82 197

E liz a b e th Yon 11.10.82 1.12.82 197

Edward Jnmes Ton 30.9.82 4 .5 .83 198

A lic e E lizn b e th Ton 30.7.83 26.10.83 200

H«or^ *o.a.e>v> 'A sa *-» •*» T l ( !■ 1 3 t 1 a*

Page 65: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

L ib era ted A frican s

L i l ia * Joseph

b ir th baptism Page

- 23,12.fc9 fc12.10.*9 4.8.30 7

1 .< .50 1.9.50 7

- 29.9.50 8

13.11.5* 16.2.51 10

- 16 . 2 .5 1 10

- 16.2.51 10

* .3 .* 9 3.2.51 10

15.1.51 27.7.51 13

10 . 8.50 1.8.51 13

20.<.50 7.12.51 15

lfc .10 .5 1 17.10.52 19

10.9.52 <.12.52 20

16.5.52 26.11.52 20

3 .fc.52 26.11.52 206

2 1 0 .5 2 21.8.53 23

1.1.52 11.12.53 26

d t l i t l i l

1.6.52 11.12.53 27

10.fc.fc8 l6.fc.5fc 29

8.3.52 16 . * .5 * 29

15.lO.fc6 l6.fc.5fc 29

6 .4 .5fc 9 .7 .5* 30

10.fc.k9 0 .7 .5* 10

3.7.47 0 .7 .5* 30

6.3.52 9 .7 .5* 31

5 .* .5 * 26.11.5* 32

9 .6 .5 * 11.2.55 35

11.9 .5* 1.4.55 35

h . 4 * *38

11.6.55 10.0 .<5 fco

30.12.55 ’ * . 6.56 *5

u JS A S I ‘ O

Page 66: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

1Nm w


L ib era ted A fricans

B irth Baptism

5.5.56 11.7. 56

1.7.56 10 . 1 1 .5 6

10 .* .5 6 25.1.57

- 27.10.57

- 25 . 1.6 0

70 y ra . 25.* .6 1

*.9.61t f ± L

» .9 .6 i

1*10 S .9.61V

- 2 2 . 9.61

- 2 1 . 12 .6 1

- -’ 2 . 12 .6 1

- 9.2.62

- 25.1.65

J 7 f t t -

/f-24 1 A 4

r •

Page 67: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

t>IOCESE:St. Helena


St Paul

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DATEIV.av it- 1 ^ 0 3

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Page 68: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64


L ipJ -.- .1392



>mes Armstrong

lchard Ernest Andrews

lomns VI H i am Anthony

l i l y l iz a b e th Arms

loseph Arthur Augustus

Aria .Tulin Arms

►orre Arms

loseph Henry Arms

Sarah .Arms

Jhnrles Henry Augustus

T ill lam John Arms

George Henry Augustus

?mi ly M atilda Augustus

l i c e Gertrude Anthony

Nora E liza b e th Augudtus

George Anthony Agustus

immle Blanche F lo r . Anderson

I-ydia Rosina Alexander

— — ------Augustus

.Ann Marin Anthony

W illiam John Augustus

C aroline E lizab e th Augustus

Henry Augustus

E llen Anthony

Frederick Arthur .Agustus

James .Andrews

Henry Thomas C e c il Alexander

W illiam John Andrews

Francis P e r c e v i l Arms

A lfred James Alexander

E lizab eth Adnev


17. 1.86 10

19. 3.86 11

16 . 4.86 11

18. 5.87 27. 9.87 19

28. 7.*7 25. 9.87 20

flyrs 19. 4.88 23

6 y r n 19. <1.88 23

11. 9.88 18 . 10.88 2 6

1869 18 . 10.88 26

7. 9.88 2.11.88 26

1874 18 . 11.8 8 n

17.11.89 lO. 1.90 32

9. 1.91 8. 3.91 37

28.11.90 15. 5.91 37

17. 4.92 3. 6.92 *3

1 ). 8.92 9.10.92 44

16 . 9.91 14.10.92 44

8. 6.93 21. 7.93 48

15. 9.93 49

24.10.93 3.11.93 50

2. 4.95 57

23. 8.95 6 0

13. 9.95 61

28. 4.96 13. 9.96 64

18 . 4.97 13. 6.97 69

1874 29.08.97 70

25.10.97 9. 1.98 71

13. 2.98 72

8. 8.98 74

12. 2.99 77

1.10.99 14. 1.1900 81

Page 69: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

A ( continued^


e«t A lexander Andrews

es Edward Alexander M irk

Archibald Andrews

rah F lorence Augustus

A lb erta Anderson

Dirt E liza b e th Andrews

Diet L i l ia n Andrews

^rbert A lexander A lick


Arthur Andrews

lorence C h ris tin a Alexander

l l lia m A rch ibald Andrews

11 Charles Augustus


20. <5.1000


19. 8.1000 83

10 . 11.0 0 30.12.00 85

16 . 3.1861 17. 8.01 Aft

7. 8. a 25.10.ol 88

1 . 1 .*> 16 . 2.02 90

1 1 . 1.0 2 1 6. 2.02 9011>ff. + . 02 1* .< /.0 2 91

26. 5 .OB 7. 9.08 9*

1 %.10.1878 9.11.02 95

13 . 11 .0 2 15. 2.03 97

6. 1 2 . 02 8. 3.0 1 97

2 . <1.0 1 10 . 5.05 98

9. 5.<n 7. 6.00 98

.Bazett Edward Bagley * . 1 . l 88<t 1d i*cr

'^dith Benjamin 1 1 . U . M 2

I Espencer E liza b e th Bowers!) 17. 10.8 U <t

Robert V i11lam Bagley 8. 2.85 5

| W illiam Senhouse Blunt 15. 7.85 7

F lo r e l la Helena Bowers 30. 6.85 21. 8.85 7

Ernest N a tta n ie l Bowers 15. 7.85 1 1 . 10.85 8

Henry Orlando Bagley 29. 9.85 8. 11.85 9

Richard Nathan iel Bagley 13. 6.86 13n

Sarah E liza b e th Benjamin • 28. 11 .8 6 9. 1.87 16

W illiam N a tta n ie l Brown 1 5yrs 2<t. <•.87 17

M orriee N a tta n ie l Bowers 20. 9.87 27. 11 .8 7 21











Page 70: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64


B (continued)

i m

rah Ann Baeley

ith .Inna Bowera

thur Valentine Tlovpri

ly Everlyn Bowera

ieph Hanry Benjamin

len P r ie c i l la Boewera

eonard Archibald BaClay

M l .Tames Bowera

(ary Ann Bagiev

Ithel Jemima Benjamin

loalna llla ab e th Benjamin

Taneea Mahel Bowera

rhomaa Richard Benjamin

Robert John Baglay

Lwela Benjamin

Lionel Frederick Boom

L i l l y 1-oulaa Buckley

Julia Gertrude Bowera

Arthur Alexander Bagley

j.Tamea Harry Bennett

jJemima Rachael Benjamin

Evelyn Horonia Brady


28.10.87 21.12.87 22

11. 5.89 15. 9.89 50

8. 7.89 5.10.89 51

17.11.89 2. 2.90 55

5. 7.90 19. 9.90 55

5.11.90 8. 5.91 57

5. *i.91 28. 6.91 40

20.12.91 *1

10. 9.91 25.10.91 *1

1.12.91 29. 1.92 • *1

8. 6.92 8. 7.92 *5

50. 5.95* 9. 7.95 48

5. *.95 15. «.95 49

25. 8.95 2*. 9.95 49

9. 9.9* 55

8. 2.92 18 . 5.92 42

11.11.9* 5*

8. 5.95 12. 5.95 58

1*. 7.95 5"

29. 5.95 1*. 7.95 59

5.10.71 15.11.95 61

18. 1.96 62

10. 6.96 12. 7.96 65

Page 71: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64



" •' flfiUk

B ( continued)



dith Louisa Bowers

dhn Leonard Bargo

les Henry Buckley

Mabel Bennett

11an St. Helena Beechey

e t t Louisa Beard

ice Everlyn Bennett

E llen Buckley

I f red Lewis Bargo

I lia n Henry Bagley

sina E lisabeth Benjanin

lando V i l l i am Baglay


£ »W c < •> ft*.---

K tn n c tix


29. 6.99 79

30. 1.19 0 0 29. *.1900 82

15. 9.00 2 . 12.0 0 85

1 2 . 9.00 9. 12.00 85

1 * . 2.01 17. 3.01 86

30. 6.02 7 . 9.02 9*

30. 8.02 7. 9.02 9*1

1 2 . 10.02 * . 1.0 3 96

8. 3.03 3. 5.03 97

22. 3.03 3. 5.03 98

17. 3.03 3. 5.03 98

7. 5.03 28. 6.03 99

31. 7.03 2. 8.03 100

_ •i ■ * ■**>

_ I t ° i 1 «

he T ria l’ s

Edward Frederick Constantine 10. 1.18 8 6 10

Hudson Ralph Constantine 1*. 1.86 10

!>iary Louisa Elizabeth Corker 20.11.86 29.12.86 16

Edgar Morriee Cooper 1*.9 .87 23.10.87 21

23 . *.63 12.12.88 27

Scott Spencer Constantine , 2 7 . 11.8 8 5. 1.89 27

Leonard Earl Mulcaby C liffo rd 1*. 8.89 1*. 9.89 31

Emma Jane Constantine 16 . 1.91 27. 1.91 36

Audrey Madeline Mulcaby C liffo rd 1*. 5.91 21. 6.91 39

Vllllam Manfred Constantine 21.10.92 31.10.92 Vs

V io le t Maud Mary C liffo rd 5.10.93 12.11.93 50

Lionel Edwy Mulcaby C lif fo rd 7. 2.9* 11. 3.9* 52

Gertrude Mary Clinghaa 12. 5.95 57

Robert William ken* Cooper 10.11.95 61

Page 72: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

C ( con tin u ed


^sanond A lic e Mulcaby C l i f fo r d

fcltcr Arthur Constantiae

l I l ia n Perceva l C linghaa

lllwin V a len tin e C l i f f o r d

ertrude Sabina Constantine

111iam Newton Corker

Muriel Clingham

aura Rosina Corker

2lecil Lewis Constantine

Frederick Harold E arl Clingham

fran c is Pathania Constantine

L i l ia n V io le t Clingham

George F red erick Constantine

Kathleen Susannah C l i f fo r d


2. 1.96 2. 2.96 62

I k . 2 .»6 22. 3.06 63

1 6 . 1 1 . 9 6 k . 12.96 66

15.11.96 20.12.96 66

8. 5.98 73

8. 1.99 76

5. 2.99 77

23. 6.1900 5. 8.1900 83

1*. 7.00 18. 8.00 83

9.19.00 16 . 12.00 85

28. 3.02 9. <1.02 91

10. 4.02 8. 6.02 92

3. 9.02 <1. 9.02 9<t

19.12.02 18. 1.03 96

Is a b e lla V ilk in son Dickin.«on k. 1.,84 2

Ronald R oderick Duncan 22. 8.,84 3

Margaret Maud Duncan 23. 7.87 21. 8.,87 19

E lizabeth Mary Duncan 17. 5.89 21. 6,.89 29

M hlazile D in izu lu 7. 5..91 37

Eleanor Anne D an iels 25. 9.91 15. 11,.91 4o

W illiam N a tta n ie l Duncan 27. 8.92 18. 11 92 <i5

Arthur A lexander Duncan 10. 8..95 60

Arthur D in izu lu 18. 3.95 15. 3..96 63

jaiouel D in izu lu •13. 9.,96 64

E ls ie E liza b e th Doncan U U I M 8. 11.,96 65

Catherine E liza b e th Daniwls l u r u t i 13. 6..97 69

Page 73: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64


ten VictoriJ^Duncan 12. 2.99 77

jrence Rosina Duncan 12. 2.99 77

riifred ’laIona Dlngly 8.10.99 80

i l y Helena Duff It. 6.1900 5. 8.1900 83F«lm

an ley Duncan 35. 3.02 18. 5.02 91

1 fred Ronald Duncan 29. 6.02 10. 8.02 93

&llizabeth Mary Ebenezer 20. 5.6!| 8. 2.85 6

lenry Alexander C lllek 1875 21. 9.95 60

da Alexander E lllc k 1870 21. 9.95 60

! l le » Johanna E lllc k 12. 9.96 29.11.96 65E X A tok * • “ it to > -*5?

<***«-o felvafluvoC t^K-1 II <3c* so i2 oo t s -f oil. s - T \ e l


Christina Feeline 23.11.83 1

Susan Caroline Pu ller 8. 8.84 3Ann Elizabeth Fowler 1. 1.85 31. 5.85 7Francis Franklyn 22. 1.86 10

George Frederick Francis l4 . 2.86 10

'Jane Elizabeth Fu ller 13. 7.86 13Virginua Rose Francis 8. 8.86 14

Ernest Francis 26. 9.86 14

Dorcas Mary Francis 17. 2.88 22. 6.88 *3Joseph Fu ller 19. 6.88 17. 8.88 2 k

Page 74: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

» (continue4 )


] Ud C tlH l^n e =raneis 28. 10.88 27. 11.8 8 27

■ehlbald Fm aele 23. 11.88 8. 3.89 2 9

' o r a lI » L «H m Francis 2 . 4.90 4. 7.90 34

Ichael Hand F u ller 30r10.90 2 1 . 12.90 36

O liver *^ranc ft » 30. 11.90 15. 2.91 36

Ibert^ru ller 23. 12.90 10 . *.91 37

Byre Edward Francis 9 . 11.92 1 2 . 2.92 41

Dp* Bolden PTanela 20. 2.92 1 . 7.92 43

Dry Louiaa Francis 2 . 8.92 30. 10.92 44

ohert William b iD t r 20 . 2.93 2 1 . 4.93 47

lea tr ice Matilda Francis 1 8 . 8.93 24. 11.93 50

Eharles Edward Francis 2 6 . 12.93 - 16 . 2.94 51

Florence M etric® Fu ller 16 . 12.93 2 . 3.94 51

Eleanor Chrletina Williams Eowler 1 2 . 8.94 53

rytEllen V ic to r ia Fu ller 10 . 3.95 56

Lrthur Veetbrook Francla 2 1 . 2.95 1%. 4.95 57

11 Mian Richard Fowler 22 . 2.93 9 . 6.95 58

i l i c e Inn Francie I k . 7.95 59

\«o* Henry F u ller 13. 9.95 61

1-oulsa E lisabeth Francis 3. 1.97 I k . 2.97 67

Herbert Spencer Fowler 28. 1.97 9. 5.97 68

i l i c e Margariee Fowler 13 . 2.98 72

Oavid^Ful le r 13. li.98 12. 6.98 73

V I11lan Arthur Francis i t . 3.99 9. 4.99 77

John William Jerry Francie 17. 9.99 12. 11.99 SO

Caroline E lizabeth Fowler 1 . 10.99 1 1 . 2.1Q 0 0 S i

Herbert Roland Fowler 15. 1.01 2. 4.01 86

Archibald Alexander Francis 5. 4 .02 4. 5.02 91

Joseph Henry Fowler 26 . 8.02 5. 10.02 95

B a s e t t Eden Fowler 1 6 . 8.02 25. 11.02 96

Sybil E ileen Fowler 2 k

aoo 22. 2.03 97

Page 75: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

4 >011 or

harlea Edvard Graham

11/ Georg*

llanchc Gambia

l il l ia m Arthur Grey-VO»\**

d ith Jemima Green

Matilda Sarah Graham

‘arnk Harold Graham

lenry Gambia

F itzgera ld Graham

Florence Louisa George

t i l l i e V io le t Grey

Emily Mary Grey

Smily Mary Graham

Eleanor Elizabeth Green

Edward Michael Grey

Edffar Thomas Gambia

Josephine Margaret Green

Robert Barton Grey

jFrederick C ecil Graham

9. 6.1885 9. 8.85 7

24. 6.*-, 13. 9.85 8

16 . 6.86 11

23. 5.86 12•

29. 8.86 16

27. 7.87 16 . 9.87 19

8. 8.87 8. 1.88 22

8. 2.88 1. 7.88 23

9. 6.88 10. 7.88 23

12.10.88 30. 12.88 27

5. 3.89 28

10. 5.80 29

13. 6.89 20. 0.89 31

22.11.89 16 . 2.90 33

1. 6.90 10.10.00 35

11. 1.91 26. 5.91 38

16. 9.91 25. 9.91 39

7. 7.91 11. 9.91 39

27. 3.92 62i€> 11 *»

27. 3.92 62

17. 6.92 7. 8.92 66

1. 6.93 5. 5.93 67

11. 9.93 17.12.93 50

22. 1.96 13. 6.96 52

20. 6.96 20. 6.96 52

11.11.06 56

Page 76: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

O ( continued)



lobert Charles Gambia 13. 1.95 56

1111am Green 1875 21. 9.95 60

1chard Green 4. 11.72 6.10.95 60

arold James Grey 7. 6.96 12. 7 . 9 6 63

arah Gambia 1 8 « 13.12.96 66

ohn Arthur Norman geor^e 16.12.96 21. 1.97 6 7

k'rtrude Mary Greem 26.12.96 1*. 3.97 68

Hive A lice Trey 16 . 4.98 12. 6.98 73

Tames Frederick Green 9.10.9R 75

Elsie Maud Oraham 13.11.98 75

Amy Elizabeth George 8. 1.99 7 6

71 Ida Ann George 21. 2.99 26. 7 .9 9 7 7

Sarah A le ie Gambia 18.12.98 9. <1.99 78

Valter Nathaniel Grees 29. 7.1900 1<t.10.1900 fik

Vi 111am Arthur Green 30. 1.01 2. 4.01 87

(Robert Verson George 5. 3.01 14. 4.01 87

May E llzaoeth Green 3. 9.*1 13.10.01 88

Charles Edwin Storer Grant 11. 6.02 26. 7.02 92

C ec il James George E(A Jch^e

10. A .03 ifc

17.#t». t. t v


Dazett William Henry 25. 1.84 2

A lice Maud Henry 22. 8.84 3

Mira Lotty Henry 3.11.84 31. 5.85 7

Eva Jane Henry 16 . 5.85 ? 14. 6.85 7

Ethel Elizabeth Henry 1. 8.85 1.11.85 8

Samuel Henry 22yrs 10. 6.86 12

Henry Arthur Henry 12. 9.86 14

William Edward Henrv 3. 10.86 14

Gertrude E liza Henry 3yrs 22. 5.87 17

Page 77: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64


l i c e Ocean Henry 1 0yra 22. 5.87 17

amc * Henry 26. *.87 26. 6.87 18

taro l in e Henry 6. 7.87 18

Lgnes E lizab e th Henry 6. 7.87 18

Lrthur Sloane Henry 17.12.75 6. 7.87 18

^rederivk Charles Henry 6. 7.87 25. 9.87 20

lo rth in ia Walden Henry a. 7.87 2 . 10.87 20

Berthania Walden Henry 8. 7.87 * . 12 .8 7 22

George Herman Henry 10 . 3.88 1 2 . 8.88 2*

Sabina Mary Henry 1 2 . 7.88 16 . 9.88 25

Sarah Ann Sophia Henry 20 . 1 2 . 8f 17. 2.89 28

Johanna C atherine Henry 17. 9.88 10. 5.89 29

Thomas Edward Hercules 2 1 . 12.88 12. *.89 29

V irg in ia E lizab e th Henry 15. * .»9 13. 9.89 31i f 14f

Charles Arthur Spencer Henry 15.10.90 1 * . 1 2 .90 35

Charles A rch ibald Henry 30. 9.91 18 . 3.92 *1

Daniel C hristopher Hercu les 2*.12.91 18 . 3.92 *1

; George A lla n Henry I t . 5.92 1. 7.92 *3

F rederick Arthur Henry 10 . 5.92 19. 8.92 **

! A lfred Ruben Henry 29. *.92 18 . 9.92 **

Boyce Edward Henry 10. 8.92 30.10.92 *5

■ Mary Aim C atherine Henry 17. 3.93 9. 7.93 *8

D elia Louisa Henry 18 . 2.93 21. 7.93 *8

Maybird Constance Hogg 17. 8.93 27. 10.93 *9

Meriam Lou isa Henry 6. 7.9* 53

* Kennith W ier Hogg 25.11.9* 55

\ Bertha Jantha Henry 1 * . 3.95 9. 6.95 58

Louisa C h ris tin a Henry 26. 3.95 1*. 7.95 59

Bassett P e te r Henry 5. 5.95 1*. 7.95 59

George Edward Henry 12. 1.96 62

John Arthur Henry 8. 3.96 63

B ea tr ice V ir g in ia Hercu les 18 . 9.96 13.12.96 66

Rowland Nathan iel Henry 7 . 8.96 13.12.96 66

Page 78: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

DIRTH b a pt is e d PAGE

Jemlmla Henry 26. 8.96 10 . 1.97 67

- s Dse Charles Henry 28. 6.97 1 2 . 9.97 70

ea 'lomonie Hercules 2. 7.94 14. 8.98 74

g y P " 1" W * * 4 m u * 'H lin e Louisa Henry 8. 1.99 76

i « a er Ernest Henry 28. 2.99 11. 6.99 78

itlia x tr ,fy| re * ie Josephine Henry 17. 6.99 10 . 9.99 79

ym|R nahfjRV min ha A lice Henry 1 2 . 9.99 22.10.99 80

V«n#»r irehr*- f n 1 Mary Henry 27. 8.99 12.11.99 80

tW#H »3®«* 1 >les William Vernon Henry 23.10.99 3.12.99 80

n » e i '' -n U llan Arthur 'lenry 11. 3.1900 81

tJbino rtrijt la Everllna Henry 4. 7.83 22 . 3.01 86

snlns/11 r>(t tr ic e Ann Henry 1 . 10.01 8. 12.01 89

•elueTsT’ » jt,| „ ra Vlrglnnla Henry 15.11.01 19. 1.02 89

V™aB .ttednair- s in Hast James Archibald Henry 2 1 . 2.02 6. 4.02 90

“rnaH -Manen? m» lla n Valentine Ilenry 2 . 2.02 17. 4.02 91

ruwH bfndirfrvo en Louisa Henry 10 . 4.02 25. 5.02 92

• K »*7n*i;jhrm r >ert Alexander HEnry 6. 9.02 7 . 12.02 96

V*n*:- I^airfv: *;

1 9 *1 9 ) H l n l

V * 9 m • t n

as A lfred Tsaac

eanor C aro lin e Isaacke

rb e r t A lfr e d Steward Isaac

r o lin e W in ifred Isaacke

ederick Charles Henry Isaacke

■ederi ck John Isaacke

chard Ita g g it t Isaacke

a r i l W illiam Tsaaxke

loans F red erick Isaacke

hLlliam Thomas Owen Isaacke

i l l ia m Isaacke

liza b e th Ann Isaacke

120 . 6.1884 3

* 6 . 19. 9.84 4

16. 9.85 25.10.85 8

16 . 5.87 26. 6.87 18t . n i n

■ " 'p ? 25. 9.87 20

2.8.87 25. 9.87 20

22. 6.87 2.10.87 20

10.10.92 17. 3.93 47

22 . 3.94 52

8. 1.99 76

1. 5.1900 5. 8.1900 83

10 . 1.86 22 . 3.01 86

Page 79: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64


Bbeth Ann Isaacke

Edward laaaeke

1 jm 'land laaac

at Perc iva l Isaac

iaa Oworcc laaac


10 . 1.8 6 22 . 5.01 86

18 . 5.01 1 1 . 8.01 R8

28. 7.81 6. 2.05 96

27 . 12.0 2 22. 2.05 97

1. 5.05 10 . 5.05 98

,T »® i

ttl«a r

•X t S X & * e

mi. 11 f 1


E lizabeth John

l i p Joshua

E lizab e th John

Ann John

ard Sampson John

Lee ! ouisa Jonas

|on Louisa John

» la idae E lizab e th John

es Henry Johnson

Louis Ralph Johnson

is Samuel Joshua

e l Penelope John

V alen tin e John

de P e te rs Louisa Jhonson

rtrurte Sarah E lizab e th Jonas

Pove l John

erander Joshua

E llen Jonas

lin e Sarah Louisa John

L isy L i l l i a n Rosina Jonas

p i l ip p Henry Joshua


Ulliam C e c il Jubb

6. 1 2 . 8*1 5

25.12.85 10. 5.85 6

30. 12.85 9

25. 6.86 13

25 . 6.86 13

17.11.86 15

5. 6.88 26. 8.88 2*1

M . *t.69 1 2 . 10.88 26

5. 10.86 13. 9.89 31

18 .10.89 19.12.89 32

*1. 7.90 3*t

7.11.90 1 1 . 1.91 36

I * . 2.91 15. 5.91 38

8.11.91 7. 2.92 *11

11.10.92 11.11.92 *15

6. 7.95 6.10.93 *t9

22. 3.9*« 52

2. 7.9*i 3. 8.9*i 53

9.12.9*1 56

1 *i. 7.95 58

1879 2*t.1#.95 61

1881 2*1.10.95 61

2 1 . U.96 12. 7.96 f *

Page 80: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

J (continued)


ir lo tte Joshua

izabeth Ann Sophia Joshua

r ia tta Joshua

olin e Louisa John

I Jonas

-Ml E lsie John

Ian E lisa Jonas

illia m Taylor John

►rtrude Maud John

Ifrad Arthur Jonas

frad Alexander Joshua

velyn Robina John •

jrdney Lockwood John

'aret Resina Jonas

rilth Ann John

ngallna E lisabeth Joshua


1862 11.11.1896 65

1862 11.11.96 65

1872 11.11.96 65

li.11.96 10 . 1.97 67

1 * . 7.97 68

29. 6.97 8. 8.97 70

9.10.98 75

11.12.98 76

7. 2.99 9. *1.99 78

18 . 2.1900 8. 8.00 82

10 . 8.00 1 1 . 11.0 0 88

27. 7.01 5. 5.01 87

10 . 6.02 7. 9.02 98

22 . 6.02 7. 9.02 98

2 1 . 7.02 2 1 . 1 . 0 2 98

2. 2.07 7. 5.07 9®

.ily Ada May Knipe

thel Jana Kannady

Timothy Koimnnndoh - Lo

tthel May Kinder

'Vances Ann Kinder

l i ly Oerogina Knipe

Evelyn E lisabeth Knipe

11 . 8.1886 18

17. 6.1892 28. 7.92 87

2Syrs 6. 1.97 86

20. 12.96 67

2 . 5.97 70. 5.97 69

1 . 7.99 17. 8.99 79

5. 6.01 18 . 7.01 88

Page 81: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

e - a ' i

0T. i1J,i

Tetuily n i


»re Ernest Lawerence

e* Stanley Richard lo o

Ifred James Leo

«,*e Ellen Leo

as Esau le v e r once

harles Nattan iel Lawerence

1 chard Charles lnwerebee

tdelalde Mary Leo

Ethel Sophia Leo

dvard L«o

*rdia Anr«lina Lavaranee

Charles Nattan iel Leo

lames Nattaniel Leo

Henry Richard Leo

John Walter Leo

Florence E lizabeth Leo

James Henry teo

Arthur William 1-eo

George Alexander Leo

Jasies George Leo

Ph ilip George Laugston

Caroline E lisabeth Leo

Anne Louisa Leo

E ls ie Robian Legs

William Herbert Leo

Edward George Leo

Nattan iel Leo



13. 8. 8*

21. 1.83





1 1 . 8.85 1.11.85 8

2 . 5.86 12

2 . 5.86 12

lfc .11.8 6 15

9. 12.86 13.2.87 17

27. 6.877 26. 6.87 18

2 1 . * . » 9 26. 6.87 18

1 1 . 2.88 10 . *.88 22

9. 8.88 28. 9.88 25

* . 5.89 21. 6.89 29

17. *.*9 30. 6.89 30

1 * . 6.90 17. 8.90 3*

25. 3.92 29. 5.92 *2

10 . 7'f93 3.11.93 50

30. *.93 9. 6.95 58

18 . 8.97 10.10.97 70

23. 1.98 23. 2.98 72***

16 . 2.99 77

21. 3.99 1 * . 5.99 78

3. *.99 18 . 6.99 78

7.10.1900 23.12.1900 85

20. 1.0 1 17. 3.01 85

3 . 6.02 23 . 6.02 92

1 . *.02 3 1 . 8.02 93


Page 82: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64


J ejui

#•>1 •


rthur Charles Moore

Iry Jane March

da Elizabeth Maggott

obert Charles McColl

lorence Louisa March

rancis Dallas Hare March

ate ^ydta Macknight

obert Mark March

orothy I aura Moss

.lfred Eden March

ic to r ia May M orillean

label E lisabeth March

Elizabeth Margaret Mercury

Thomas Effen March

l o S n Moss

Blanche Madeline March

Morence Louisa March

Irthur Nattan iel March

Mvard Spencer Meredith

duriel Constance Mackenzie

Beatrix Edith Moss

Georgina March

A rlty L il ia n Maggott

George Morrice March

Edvard James Moss

Richard Nattan iel March

Miriam March

Harold Valentine March

Blanche Ida Maggott

Helena Moss

William V a lter March

Caroline Beatrice March

Joyce Moss


21.12.83 1

12. 9.8*1 «

8. 2.85 5

16 . **.86 11

2. 6.#6 12

1. 8.86 13

8. 8.86 13

**.12.86 10 . It.87 17

5. 7.87 23. 8.87 19

20. 6.88 7 . 10.88 25

19. 5.«2 2 . 11.8 8 26

27 . *1.88 1 1 . 11.8 8 26<»■! *1 n a 1*1

16 . 11.8 8 22. 3.89 28

27. 1.89 12. 7.89 30

27. 9.89 1.11.89 32

9. 9 ."9 10 . 11.8 9 32

13.11.89 16 . 2.90 33

15. 1.90 12. 5.90 3**

6. 2.90 15. 5.90 3*i

2. 8.90 19. 9.90 3*i

5. 9.90 25. 1.91 36

20. 6.91 23.10.91 *»0

26. 6.91 27.11.91 1»0

18.11.91 5. 1.92

18. 9.91 12. 2.92 1*1

15. **.92 26. 6.92 *•3

2*». 5.92 23.10.92 *>*i

6.10.92 8. 1.93 *16

2 . 2.93 > » t . 2.93 **6

»**. f.'+O 2*. 2.93 *>6

5. 6.93 30. 7.93 1»8

15. 5.9** 29. 6.9*1 52

Page 83: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64


hel Louisa March

lanche Ida March

chel Mary Maggott

rtha March

a r lo tte Louisa Meads

ances Alexander March

chel E lizabeth March

onard Henry March

Vi I lia n Charles Maggott

irthur Valentine March r ?Francis Perc iva l Moojf

Edith Louisa March

lorence Lucy Mc.Biroey

Thomas Albert Maggott

James William Medum

William Charles Maggott

Caroline Beartice Maggott

Joseph Mjjchell March

i L ilian Bertha Mosse

Bertha L il ia n Moosse

Francis Herman Mercury

i Florence Ju lia March

Beatrice Henrietta Maggott



Marchj Ernest N attan iel

Gerald William No

Ernset Nattan iel C A > v »d e t te e (ViovcAn


11.1194 54

11.11.94 54

9.12.94 55

19. 2.95 56

20.10.95 8.12.95 62

2 1 . 2.83 23. 8.96 64

18.11.96 14. 2.97 67

11.12.96 14. 2.97 67

1. 4.97 9. 5.97 68

17. 5.98 ft.98 74

3. 7.98 11. 9.98 75

29. 6.99 79

7. 4.1900 6. 5.1900 82

24. 6.00 82

24. 6.00 82

22 . 6.00 9. 9.00 83

3. 10.00 9.12.00 85

17 . 12.00 17. 5.01 86

25 . 2.01 5. 4J01 87

25 . 2.01 5. 4.01 87

12. 9.01 3. 11 .0 1 88

4. 9.01 8. 12.0 1 89

26. 12 .0 1 16 . 2.0 2 89

5. 5.02 22 . 8.02 93

22. 3.03 26. 4.03 97

29. 4.03 19. 7.Q3 100it .»i-9 fc t s

d o t a i l

Page 84: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64


les Vernon Hslsoti

_______ _ Nelson

iry Ann Sophia Nelson

nes Thos»s Mouta«ue N »l»on

■ancis Alexander Newell

lop* Noel Oaborne

florence May Olney

■i Sharle* Eden O' Dean

Lydia Maud O' Dean

Men Alexander O' Dean

2'i.10.8« 2 k . 10.86 15

1P.11.P7 9.12.87 21

— .12.92 12. 3.93 H6

2S.12.S1 1 2 . 1.00 81

17. 1.03 15. 3.03 97

Matilda Ann Peters

Lydia Louisa Peters

Charles Henry Peters

Edith L il ia n hayner Peters

Rosina Peters

TIenry Erne Peters

John Hsnry Ph ilip s

William Arthur Peters

Hope Ernest Peters

Robert Charles Peters

5. * . »5

20. 7.85

Page 85: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64
Page 86: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64


P ( continued)


Saner impress Peters

j gia Johannah Peter*

j Izabeth Vovell Peter*

( r e l in e Pea t r l e e Pomoey

Ith Emily Patere

er<1 A lfred Perry

rieen Ralph Peter#

l ic e Christina Porter

Ley V ic to r ia Ann Petere

Lrry David Porter

fcte Elisabeth Peter#

ese Rebecca Peter#

ertrudc Helena Peter#

Rith M ila n Peter#

1Ilia n Jordan P h illip #

erelval Alexander Petere

ohn 11 eery P h illip #

Florence Maud P h illip s

|tllllam# Thoma# Peter#

fl\rry Frederick Peter#

Blady# Evelyn Peter#

Sladys Joyce Peters

Charles Thoma# Peter#

Edward Charles Peters

Gladys Louisa Petor#

V illlam Arthur Peter#

Eirene Charlotte Peters ? f e a i t l - y l L c e - fC - lc l



11.l2.tR72 to . 3.9B 97

1. 5.73 27. 7.9B 98

BO. 7.93 8. 12.93 50

26. 8.93 5. 1.9* "51

9. 9.99 53

22 . 9.88 2.11.99 59

9.12.99 55

1. 9.95 57

12. 5.95 57

29. B.9B 18 . 6.95 58

8. R.96 20.12.96 67

9. 5.97 6 o

BO. B.97 10.10.97 70

2 1 . 9.97 7.11.97 71

9. 1.98 71

B. 1.98 10. 9.98 72

IB. 2.98 16 . 9.98 72

25. 5.99 l 6. 7.99 79

2 1 . 1# .01 19. 1.0 2 89

BO.12.01 16 . 2.02 90

7. 5.02 20. 7.02 92

9. 9.02 5. 10.02 95

2B. 8.02 19.10.02 95

OcJt 23.11.02 96

22. 9.03 28. 6.03 99

2B. 5.OB 5. 7.03 OO

7. 6.03 2. 8.03 ,5 l i tn e t



Page 87: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64


mane R TRTH 2 2 7 7

£rriinHer Archibald Leonard Richard*

exander Jam#** Richards

rah inn Richards

Ith Louise Richards

ttiss Mary Robinson

uisa Henerltta Mary Robinson

lophen William Arthur Richards

» t t E lizabeth Richards

ancia Richards

i ia Adelaida Richards

arias Frederick Richard*

hia .Angelina Richards

111iam Henry Richards

eorffe Nattan lel Richards

swis Archibald Richards

i i th O live Richards

leginald V ic to r Reynold Reynolds 15.11.*°

Robert Francis Richards

*ose Matilda Richards

Bertrude May Richards

i Charles Poland Richards

Caterine JIarriet Richards

Beatrice Robinson

Robert Hudson Roichards

Arthur Rush

Albert Spencer Richards

Geor^iua E lizabeth Robinson

Cornelius Arthur Robinson

ftrda 9.11.82. 5

18 . 1.1860 10. 5.85 6

22. 8.85 6.11.85 9

7. 2.86 10

12. 2.86 10

10. 6.86 12

7.11.86 15

8 .I t .86 9. 1.87 16

I860 29 . 6.87 17

29. 4.87 28. 8.87 19

21.11.87 21.12.87 22

11. 2.88 29. 7.88 2l»

11. 6.88 7. 9.88 29

2%. 8.88 5.10.88 25

23.11.88 17. 2.89 28

13. 7.89 16 , 8.89 30

15.11.80 17. 1.90 32

22. 1.90 2. 3.90 33

13.10.00 16.11.90 35

9. 5.91 21. 6 .oi 38

20.11.91 20.12.9* <tO

21. 3.93 1<t. 5.93 1.7

11.11.9<i 54

9.12.9<> 58

21.12.0l» 56

18 . 3.95 12. 5.95 58

7. 1.96 8. 3.96 62

18.10.96 65

Page 88: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

R ( continued)


thur Vattaniel Roberts 12. 9.96 13.12.96 66

fry Franklyn Richards 26. 5.97 11. 7.97 60

ir.s Rmest Robinson 29. 5.r , 11. 7.97 69

111 Valtar IHcharda 9. 1.98 71

|ln 'largnria* ’Ught n . i .9* 10. 7.98 74

o fence Maud Rofe 11.12.98 76

Jv V io le t Robinson 5. 3.99 l4. 5.99 78

Bidolph Spencer Robinson 1%. 5.99 16. 7.99 79

rapllnce Louisa Roberts 20. 6.99 10. 9.99 79

Ohn Arnold Rich 26.10.99 3.12.99 80

1» Parearat Richard* *1.11.99 10.12.99 81

hrn Margaret Richards 10.11.99 24.12.99 81

llca 1.11 lan Richard* *1.11.99 10.12.99 81

Ivin Ernset Richards 16. 2.1900 8. 4.1900 82

llfred Alexander Rofe 24. 3.01 R6

illiam Thomas Richards 30. 4.01 9. 6.01 87

entries Gertrude Robinson 26.10.01 8.12.01 BO

lorence Ann Rich 8. 1.03 16, 2.02 90

illoam Harold Richards 12. 3.02 27. 4.02 01

essie Mary Richards 30. 5.02 20. 7.02 92

lobert Hugh O’ N e il Roe 27. 6.02 7. 8.02 92

Ilizabeth Roberts 28. 7.02 5.10.02 95

Jyril John Henry Richards 14.10.02 23.11.02 96*1 “ > W


Caroline Margaret Samuel

.Tamos Vattan ie l Samuel

Margaret V ic torino Stevens

Sarah E llen Stevens

I William Stevens

13. 12.83 1

13. 12.83 1

1». 1.84 2

-> . 3.84 2

9. 5.84 ?

Page 89: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

S> ( con tinued )

Ind Vrthur Stevens

Andrew Stevens

pb Charles Stevens

tribeth Annie Sco tt

Invent^* Samuel

pi C a ro lin e May Samuel

Kate Stevens

k n id o Stevens

l l y Selina st^vens

pina Stevens

A lic e M ajendie Seale

trd le w is Stevens

ird lew is Stevens

ro lin e E lizab e th Stevens

Pi am Johannnh Stevens

Kia Spohia Stevens

t r ie s V i l l i am Stevens

bert H euero ft Smith

hn VTlliam S co tt

^anche E dith Stevens

M U8 Auenstaker Setevens

pthur Henry Stevens

»os Stevens

tb e l Louisa Stevens

nset S co tt

L lian Mary S ly v e s te r

barles Edward Stevens

Llliam Hammond Seale

e rtn id e Lou isa Stevens

n ily Ida Stevens

pthel Georgina E liza b e th Seale

parraret C h r is tin a Stevens

aroli E lizab e th Steven^


9. 5.8* 3

27. 6.84 3

8. 8.84 3

14.11.84 5

12.12.84 5

» ? - Y . 3.85 6

14.11.85 1 11.10.85 8

19. 7.85 8. 11 .8 5 9

23. 4.86 12

25. 4.86 12

10 . 10.86 15

4. 8.84 7. 8.87 19

4. 8.87 7 . 8.87 19

9. 4.87 1 5 . 1.88 22

12.11.87 1 2 . 2.88 22

3. 2.88 13. 7.88 23

25. 8.88 21. 9.88 23

26. 8.88 23 . 11 .8 8 27

8. 12.P8 15. 2.89 28

16 . 7.89 22.11.89 32

6. 8.89 9. 3.90 33

14. 7.90 19. 8.90 34

16. 9.90 21.11.90 35

18. 6.90 25. 1.91 36

31.12.90 18. 4.91 37

25. 3.91 24. 4.91 37

1. 5.91 6. 6.91 38

6.11.91 6.12.91 h o

19. 2.9><* 8. 5.92 U 2

24. 3.°2 22. 7.92 43

27. 7.92 11.12.92 45

16.10.92 23.12.92 45

31. 1.93 21. 4.93 47

— ■ -

Page 90: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

tS ( continued)


|ly Stevens

Edith Selina Samuel

once Emily Seale

^tha Louisa Stephens

non Scott

eph Scott

LI Stroud

old Stroud


16 . 4.93





27. 3.85

19. 6 . M

11. 8.93








pa p-;









rtrude Louisa Stevens 1. 3.95 14, 4.95 57

fcel Malvina S la ter 14. 7.95 59

Lter Seagrare Stevens 27. 8.93 14. 7.95 59

fchur Stevens 9. 5.95 14. 7.95 59

irles Ernest Stephens - 25. 8.95 60

irles Ednond Stevens - 12. 1.96 62

Lth Florence Simon IS . 1.9S 8. 3.96 63

>rge A lbert Stevens 13. 2.97 9. 5.97 68

i Caroline S la ter 9. 5.97 69

ile l James Stevens 25. 4.97 11. 7.97 69

wnnna Stevens 13. 2.98 71

•othy Christina Stevens 21. 3.98 12. 6.98 73

>line Stevens 10. 9.99 79

111Jam Frederick Stevens 9. 9.99 8. 10.99 80

Irry A llensvorth Simon 17. 1.00 29. 3.00 82

Lilian \rthur Scott 8. 7.00 2. 9.00 83

Lida Margaret Sylvester 22. 8.00 23. 9.00 84

tephen Albert Stroud 29. 9.78 29. 9.00 84

m Caroline Stevens 31. 7.00 21. 10.00 84

>hn Scott Innas Short 15. 10.00 11. 11.00 84

rerline '*aud Stevens 19. 10.00 11. 11.00 84

Llian Maud Samuel 27. 10.00 16 . 12.00 85

Liznbeth Jnne Samuel 10. 1.86 22. 3.0i 86

l i t e r Vernon Stroud 16. 5.01 14. 7.01 87

»lena ,fa r ia S ta ite 17. 11.01 15. 12.01 89

a m m m

Page 91: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

S (con tin u ed )


« ;hur Edward S co tt Short 13. 7.02 10. 8.02 93St

rnrd V attan ie ’ . t a r i^ 7. 6.02 17. 8.02 93y Itm y - H

jernon Kempthorn® Stroud IS . 7.02 31. 8.oa 93

1 A lb ert Stevenaon 3. 8.02 21. 9.02 95

I l ia n Arthur twain 6.10.02 9.11.02 95

Man Bertha Stephen* 30. 3.03 1*. 6.03 98

Bilyi May Stewens 28. 5.03 19. 7.07 99

/tries Dawid Samuel 29. It.03 19. 7.03 10Ob i .W t h S tep **"* »%C* II . - *b


erbert A lexander Thomas - 27. * . 188* 2

harles Henry Thomaa 3.10.RII <>

hrold George Tim - 22. 3.85 *

e r y l Caraton Thomaa ? 27. 3.85 2*. 5.85 6' m ily Jemima Thomaa 1. <1.85 1*. 6.85 7

harlen R a le igh Timm - 28. 3.86

Lcnea Ion ian Thomaa - 5. 9.56 1 *

i l y V io le t Louisa Thomas - 27. 3.87 17

lanch ie Seraphine LouIda Tim 7. *.87 2C . 6.87 18

leaner i/ouisa Thomaa - 2*. 7.87 19

‘m ily Ion ian Thomaa 1888 1RR8 24

■ rthur James Tim 27 . 8.88 7.10.88 25

i John Tim - 5. 1.80 28

i » ary E liza b e th Thomaa 30. 5.89 19. 7.89 30

« . nmes Eden Thomas 6. 7.89 17. 9.89 11

' ca ro lin e W in ifred Thomas 26. 8.89 20.12.80 12

! < J ! A1fred George Thomaa 9. 1.92 is . 3.92 *»2

, -,a| >ary Penelope Thomas 26.10.92 20 . 1.9 3 *6r lb e r t Edward Thomas 8. *.93 1 1 . 8.93 '«8


Page 92: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

T (con tinu ed )


e l E liza b e th Thomas

rge Kattaniel Thomas

*a Ann Mmy Thomas

praret Hannah Tinsn

te r Rosina Thomas

garet Ann Thomas

co Mabel Thomas

tnley Arthur Thomas

[ly Mary Thomas

1 Theordore Thomas

Id E arle Thomas

c George Thomas

cca Sarah Thomas

r»i t Vt

m m T # ■> '

acob Charles W illiam s

nr E liza b e th W illiam s

ry Ann W right

l i a Ann W illiam s

Varies F ran cis W illiam s

lorence W illiam s

r*l la Gertrude W right

omas R egg ie W illiasis

ose F lo ren ce W illiam s


1. 7.91 6.10.93 49

1R.12.93 9. 2.94 51

11.12.93 9. 2.9li 51

17.12.63 2.11.9*1 53

10. 2.95 56

6. 5.95 57

22. 3.93 1*1. 7.95 59

1R. 4.98 10. 7.98 73

« . 2.99 12. 3.99 77

11. 3.02 27 . *1.02 91

22. 1|.02 21. 5.02 92

4. It.02 31. 8.02 93

15. 6.78 6.12.02 96a* m *13 1


8. 8.84 3

1. 1.85 31. 5.85 7

5. 3.86 10

14.11.86 15

28. 11.86 12.12.86 16

13. 6.86 12.12.86 16

18 . 3.87 7. 4.87 17

21. 9.87 23.10.87 21

20. 10.87 27.11.87 21

Page 93: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64


V ( conylnued)

Rose Williams

ibeth Margaret Williams

V ic tor ia Vrif^it

Sarah Willlams

A lice Vtaall

lope Christina Williams

lerick Karl# A. Velby

e ls Henry V i11lams

Lcabeth Sabina Vi 11lima

I ------------------- Vright

Ithur Toil ah Villlam a

Edand Wright

Maud V illlam a

a K attan ie l Villlam a

Roekspir Vi 1 Hams

t E li V i11lams

rd Henry Aechibald V illiam s

rce C y r il Villiam s

tree Panel V illiam s

trade Ethel Vatson

erick Thomas V illiam s

a Eden V illiam s

sina Jemima Williams

o le t Evorline Mary Williams

lliam Arthur V illiam s

Maria V illiam s

ederick Albert Williams

hel Rosina Vrieht

fohn N ig e l V illiam s

s Charles Williams


5.12.86 27.11.87 21

22. 7.88 21.10.88 2 6

7. 1 . 9 9 22. 3.89 29

2ft. J .*9 5. 7.89 30

27. 6.89 10. 8.89 10

1. 7.8*> 11.10.89 31

18. ft•90 ? 18 . ft.90 31

8. 3.91 15. 5.91 38

23. ft.91 f 6. 6.91 38

6 . 1 0 . 0 2 10. 3.93 ft6

6 . ft.93 18 . 6.93 ft7

2. 8.93 15. 9.93 ft9

26. 1.9ft 22. 3.9ft 52

9. 9.9ft 53

10. 3.95 56

16.11,93 9. 2.96 6 2

9. 8.96 6ft

13. 2.97 11. ft.97 68

1. 1.98 27. 2.98 72

11. 3.98 10. 7.98 73

18 . ft.38 10. 7.98 73

15. ft.98 10. 7.98 7ft

13.11.98 75

11.12.98 75

3. 1.99 76

21. 1.1900 25. 3.1900 81

3. 6.00 8. 7.00 82

10.10.00 ft.11.00 8ft

28. 2.01 2. 5.01 87

19. 7.01 29. 9.01 88

20. 6.02 17. 8.02 93

8. 9.02 26.10.02 95

m m

Page 94: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

V (continued)


th Williams 2 8 . 2 . 0 3 1 4 . 6 . 0 3

2 6 . 7 . 0 3


i?n 'iary Williams I B . 6 . 0 3 100

llina V io le t W illiams 5 . 5 . 0 3 8. 8 . 0 3 100

Lsa Caroline Vright•4 .'* ?

t . 7 . 0 3

« i

9 . 8 . 0 ? \0


I t *

mm ij ( j j £

a m * a

__ , J I

;ill , j lohn Samuel Ton 3 1 . 1 0 . 1 8 8 4 4

Lrthur Charles Yon 3 1 . 1 0 . 8 4 4

mtoi lobert Daniel Ton 3 1 . 1 0 . 8 4 4

I f l lV r r Ponelope V irg in ia Yon 1 9 . 1 2 . 8 4 5

j Charles Joseph Ton 9 . 1 . 8 5 2 2 . 2 . 8 5 6

Philip Ton 2 5 . 1 2 . 8 5 ? 10. 5 . 8 5 6

M illa is Tbung 2 . 7 . 8 5 1 4 . 8 . 8 5 7

«irw » r r »UwV

Tsai lne ATon 1 5 . 8 . 8 5 1 6 . 1 0 . 8 5 e

n w i n i/alter George Young 5 . 9 . 8 6 14

Syblna E lisabeth Yon l 4 . 1 1 .8 6 1 5

Your 1 1 . 9 . 8 7 19l f t ftjua

John Henry Yon 1 9 . 4 . 8 7 2 5 . 9 . 8 7 20

Charles V h itre l Yon 8 . 1 . 8 7 2 5 . 9 . 8 7 20

Albert Edward Young 1 4 . 1 2 . 8 7 1 2 . 8 .8 8 2h

t i l l *m nailllCharles James Yon

Caroline Angelina Yon 6 . 1 0 . 8 8

2 1 . 9 . 8 8

2 3 . 1 1 . 8 8


2 7

Edward Spencer Young 4 . 4 . 8 9 2 . 6 . 8 9 29

Charles Vestbrooke Yon 2 8 . 2 . 8 9 4 . 8 .8 9 30

L i l l i e Christina Yon 2 0 . 1 2 . 8 9 2 8 . 2 . 9 0 33

Caroline Bertha Yon 1 0 . 7 . 9 0 1 9 . 9 . 9 0 35

J i * ? *Ann I ouisa Yon 2 6 . 8 . 9 0 1 2 . 1 2 . 9 0 35

Page 95: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

» T { • !

T (corrMjriofl)

Bn^nina E lizabeth Ton

•nton Youne

'tra Ellxabath Yon


H .1 0 . 9 *


2 1 .1 2 .9 *

J c a rc t Roiina Tonne 6. 9.90 8. 2.91 38

Mzabeth Margaret Young 18 . 1.91 2* . *.91 17

Bzabeth Margaret Ton 18 . 9.91 2*. *.91 37

|1 on Dal ay Ton 9. 2,91 8 . 8.91 38

■let George Ton 18 . 1.91 31. 7.91 39

lorge Frederirk Young 20 . 2.92 1. *.92 *2

Lretooe Mary Ton 22.2. 92 10. *.92 *2

kme* Bazzett Ton 19. 8.92 19. 1.91 *8

Lhn Vestbrook Ton 25. 5.91 25. 6.93 *7

pth Ton 12. 3.91 15. 9.93 *9

}iz a Jano Ton 27. 9.91 3.11.99 50

Ibort George Ton 29.11.91 22.12.93 51

iwos Be’ward Yon 3. 1.9* 9. 3.9* 51

11 da Young 19. 8.93 27. * .9 * 52




•John V i l l i an Ton 10 . 1.95 57

boorgo Tlazzett Toung 11. 8.95 80

mria Ton 13. 9.95 61

Til chard Alexander Yon 8. 10.05 8.12.95 81

fjame* William V a lter Ton 11.10.95 18. 1.98 82

■Charles Frederick Ton 11. *.98 10. 5.96 83

■Emily Roaina May Young 10 . 5.96 63

■ George Vi 11lam Ton 8. 3.98 9. 8.96 8*

■Ellen Lydia D1asy Ton 19. 8.98 13. 9.96 8*

■Flora E llen Yon *.10.96 65

■ A lice Ton 1875 1 1 . 11 .9 6 85

1 Johannah Maud von 12.10.98 13.12.96 68

[ Rosina E lizabeth Young 1 * . 3.97 68

I Bertha E liza Yon 1869 25. 7.97 70

| Janes Ambrose Richard Yon 2 0 . 8 .0 7 1 2 . 9.97 70

1 Baetrice Yon 27. 1.98 71


Page 96: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64


m z m BAPTISED £A5£

13. 2.*»* 71

23. 2.9* 10. *1.98 72

22. 3.9* 12. 6.9* 73

6. 5.98 10. 7.98 7*i

2*». 9.97 11. 9.08 75

8. 1.90 76

8. 2.99 12. 3.99 77

13. 3.9« 18. 6.99 7*

18 . 6.99 7*

27. 6.99 3. 7.00 70

13. 9.99 12.11.99 80

29.12.99 2*. 1.1900 8,

31. 5.00 26. 8.00 *3

1S.11.7C 22. 3.01 86

2li.12.79 22. 3.01 86

A. 8.01 22. 9.01 88

6.11.01 8.12.01 89

21.12.01 16 . 2.02 90

21. *.02 16 . 2.02 90

7. 2.02 16 . 3.02 90

9. 3.02 6. *1.02 91

18 . 7.02 7. 9.02 9*.

25. 5.03 28. 6.03 99

A. 5.03 12. 7.03 99

26 . 5.03 9. 8.03 100

Page 97: St. Helena - Historical Papers, Wits University...Helena Gertrude Benjamin 22.9.63 1.11.63 105 John Matthew Baglay 27.12.63 6.3.64 108 H l . n j A Vllfred Valter Benjamin 3.1.64 15.3.64

Collection Number: AB2073 CPSA Diocese of St. Helena, Registers, 1680-1986

PUBLISHER: Publisher:- Historical Papers Research Archive Location:- Johannesburg ©2013


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