ST. CATHERINE OF ALEXANDRIA PARISH COMMUNITY€¦ · Holy Family and the Church wants all Christian...

Ministered by the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Gene Sabio, MSC, Pastor Rev. Sesinando “Jun” Cajucom, MSC, Parochial Vicar Rev. Sagayaraj Emmanuel, MSC, Parochial Vicar Rev. Adrian Budhi, MSC, In Residence Deacon John De Gano Deacon Richard Heames Ministry Center: 7005 Brockton Avenue Riverside, CA 92506 Church: 3680 Arlington Avenue Riverside, CA 92506 Parish Office: 951.781.9855 Fax: 951.781.3061 Rectory: 951.683.0800 School: 951.684.1091 Visit us online: @stcofa / #stcofa Confessions Saturday: 3:30-5:00 pm Daily Upon Request Sick Calls (M-F 9:00 am - 5:00 pm): 951.781.9855 Sick Calls (after hours): 951.683.0800 x 25 PARISH ARISH ARISH VISION ISION ISION STATEMENT TATEMENT TATEMENT One God, One people in Christ, One community of love guided by the Holy Spirit to impact lives. Un Dios, Un pueblo en Cristo, Una comunidad de amor guiada por el Espíritu Santo para impactar vidas. ST. CATHERINE OF ALEXANDRIA PARISH COMMUNITY ST. CATHERINE OF ALEXANDRIA PARISH COMMUNITY ST. CATHERINE OF ALEXANDRIA PARISH COMMUNITY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:15 pm Sunday: 6:30 am 8:30 am 10:15 am (Interpreted for Deaf) 12:00 noon (Gospel Choir) 1:45 pm (Español) 5:15 pm (Life Teen) Daily: 8:00 am (Monday - Saturday) 5:30 pm (Monday - Friday, except from Memorial Day through Labor Day) Holy Days (except Christmas & New Year’s): 5:30 pm (Vigil); 8:00 am, 10:15 am, 6:00 pm, 7:30 pm (Español) Novena to the Sacred Heart First Friday at 8:30 am Novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary First Saturday at 8:30 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament First Friday after 8:00 am Mass until 8:00 am on Saturday

Transcript of ST. CATHERINE OF ALEXANDRIA PARISH COMMUNITY€¦ · Holy Family and the Church wants all Christian...

Page 1: ST. CATHERINE OF ALEXANDRIA PARISH COMMUNITY€¦ · Holy Family and the Church wants all Christian families to look to that special family for inspiration, example and encouragement.

Ministered by the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart

PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Gene Sabio, MSC, Pastor Rev. Sesinando “Jun” Cajucom, MSC, Parochial Vicar Rev. Sagayaraj Emmanuel, MSC, Parochial Vicar Rev. Adrian Budhi, MSC, In Residence Deacon John De Gano Deacon Richard Heames

Ministry Center: 7005 Brockton Avenue Riverside, CA 92506 Church: 3680 Arlington Avenue Riverside, CA 92506

Parish Office: 951.781.9855 Fax: 951.781.3061 Rectory: 951.683.0800 School: 951.684.1091 Visit us online: @stcofa / #stcofa

Confessions Saturday: 3:30-5:00 pm Daily Upon Request

Sick Calls (M-F 9:00 am - 5:00 pm): 951.781.9855 Sick Calls (after hours): 951.683.0800 x 25

PPPARISHARISHARISH VVVISIONISIONISION SSSTATEMENTTATEMENTTATEMENT One God, One people in Christ, One community of love guided by the Holy Spirit to impact lives.

Un Dios, Un pueblo en Cristo, Una comunidad de amor guiada por el Espíritu Santo para impactar vidas.



Saturday Vigil: 5:15 pm

Sunday: 6:30 am 8:30 am 10:15 am (Interpreted for Deaf) 12:00 noon (Gospel Choir) 1:45 pm (Español) 5:15 pm (Life Teen) Daily: 8:00 am (Monday - Saturday) 5:30 pm (Monday - Friday, except from Memorial Day through Labor Day)

Holy Days (except Christmas & New Year’s): 5:30 pm (Vigil); 8:00 am, 10:15 am, 6:00 pm, 7:30 pm (Español)

Novena to the Sacred Heart First Friday at 8:30 am

Novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary First Saturday at 8:30 am

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament First Friday after 8:00 am Mass until 8:00 am on Saturday

Page 2: ST. CATHERINE OF ALEXANDRIA PARISH COMMUNITY€¦ · Holy Family and the Church wants all Christian families to look to that special family for inspiration, example and encouragement.


SUNDAY - DOMINGO 12/31 6:30 am Henio Arcangeli, Sr. † 8:30 am Aurora Saldaña † 10:15 am Fred Finazzo † 12:00 pm St. Catherine’s Parishioners 1:45 pm Vilma Muñoz de Rodriguez † 5:15 pm Ints. of Living Members of Paul E. Bell Family MONDAY - LUNES 1/01 8:00 am Intentions of Julia Campos 5:30 pm Intentions of Rolando Ella TUESDAY - MARTES 1/02 8:00 am Intentions of the Hieu Vu Family 5:30 pm Jose Quitzon, III † WEDNESDAY - MIÉRCOLES 1/03 8:00 am Intentions of St. Jude’s Wirebenders 5: 30 pm Intentions of Salvador Lares THURSDAY - JUEVES 1/04 8:00 am Alex & Teta Kulik † 5:30 pm St. Catherine’s Parishioners FRIDAY - VIERNES 1/05 8:10 am Intentions of Ithurrald Family 6:00 pm Intentions of Richard Amezquita SATURDAY - SÁBADO 1/06 8:00 am Andrew Gonzales † 10:00 am At AVW—Parishioners 5:15 pm Anthony Flores Millan † SUNDAY - DOMINGO 1/07 6:30 am Irene Miranda † 8:30 am Intentions of Savannah Greene 10:15 am Intentions of the Hieu Vu Family 12:00 pm St. Catherine’s Parishioners 1:45 pm Intentions of the De La Torre Family 5:15 pm St. Catherine’s Parishioners

† Symbolizes Soul of Deceased



December31-THEHOLYFAMILYOF JESUS,MARYANDJOSEPHJanuary1–SolemnityofMary,theHolyMotherofGod January2-Sts.BasiltheGreatandGregoryNazianzen, Bishops,DoctorsoftheChurchJanuary3-The Most Holy Name of Jesus January4-St.ElizabethAnnSeton,Religious January5-St.JohnNeumann,BishopJanuary6-St. André Bessette, Religious For Catholics, the Christmas season extends from the evening of the Vigil of the Nativity (Christmas Eve) through the Baptism of the Lord, Monday, January 8, 2018. Have a blessed Christmas season!


Thank you to all whomade our liturgieshereatSt.Catherine’sbeautiful.Ittakessomanypeople,ushers, altar servers,EMHC,readers, sacristans, musicians, environ-ment, catechists,maintenance, translatorsandofcourseourpriestsanddeacons.GodblessallofyouforyourservicetoourLordandourChurch.

READINGSFORTHEWEEKMonday: Nm6:22-27;Ps67:2-3,5,6,8;Gal4:4-7; Lk2:16-21Tuesday: 1Jn2:22-28;Ps98:1-4;Jn1:19-28Wednesday:1Jn2:29—3:6;Ps98:1,3cd-6;Jn1:29-34Thursday: 1Jn3:7-10;Ps98:1,7-9;Jn1:35-42Friday: 1Jn3:11-21;Ps100:1b-5;Jn1:43-51Saturday: 1Jn5:5-13;Ps147:12-15,19-20; Mk1:7-11orLk3:23-28 [23,31-34,36,38]Sunday: Is60:1-6;Ps72:1-2,7-8,10-13; Eph3:2-3a,5-6;Mt2:1-12

TODAY’SREADINGSFirstReading—Thosewhohonortheirparentswillbegreatlyblessedandwillatoneforsins(Sirach3:2-6,12-14)or Genesis 15:1-6; 21:1-3.Psalm—BlessedarethosewhofeartheLordandwalkinhisways(Psalm128)or Psalm 105.SecondReading—Bethankful;doeverythinginthenameoftheLordJesus(Colossians3:12-21[12-17])or Hebrews 11:8, 11-12, 17-19.Gospel—Thechildgrewandbecamestrong, illedwithwisdom(Luke2:22-40[22,39-40]).TheEnglishtranslationofthePsalmResponsesfrom Lectionary for Mass ©1969,1981,1997,InternationalCommissiononEnglishintheLiturgyCorporation.Allrightsreserved.

The Parish Offices will be closed Monday, December 25, 2017 and will reopen on Tuesday, January 2, 2018.

May you and your families have a blessed Christmas and New Year!

Page 3: ST. CATHERINE OF ALEXANDRIA PARISH COMMUNITY€¦ · Holy Family and the Church wants all Christian families to look to that special family for inspiration, example and encouragement.


Financial updates were not available at press time. Look for them in next week’s bulletin. Thank you.

BrothersandSisters,OnthisSundaywecelebratethelastdayof2017butmoreimportantly,wecelebratetheFeastoftheHolyFamilyandtheChurchwantsallChristianfamiliestolooktothatspecialfamilyforinspiration,exampleandencouragement.Thisfeastwasintroducedintoourliturgicalcalendarin1921andwaspromotedasawaytohonortheChristianfamily.SotodaynotonlydowehonortheHolyFamily,wealsofocusonourownfamilies.WetaketimetoconsiderhowwecanbeliketheHolyFamily.Jesus,MaryandJoseph,intheirdevotedloveandcareforeachotherandinthewayMaryandJosephraisedandcaredforJesus,canbethemodelforourownfamilies.OriginallytheFeastoftheHolyFamilywasobservedontheSundaywithintheoctaveofEpiphany,butin1969wasmovedtotheSundaywithintheoctaveofChristmas(octavemeaninganygroupof8orinthiscasethe8daysofChristmas).Firstandforemost,thisSundayisapartoftheChristmasseason.TheFeastoftheHolyFamilyisnotacelebrationofanideal.WeheartodaythatJesuslivedinafamilywithtroublesandrealfear.Therealityoftheincarnation,thattheSonofGoddidnotjustpretendtobehumanbutwasfullyhuman,isshownbyhisneedforafamily;afamilywhostruggledto indtheirplaceinthisworld.Broughtintotheworld,borninamanger,Mary,JosephandJesuswereforcedtohideinEgyptandapproachedJeru-salemwithgreatcaution.OutoftheunityoftheHolyFamily,theunityofthehumanraceistobeformed.InthisHolyFamilyweseehumble,unquestionableobediencetotheMosaicLaw,alawtowhichtheywerenotreallybound,butthisobedienceisanexampleandanencouragementforustokeepthelawsofGodwhicharebindingonus.SowhywasthisfamilynotboundbytheMosaicLawreferredtointoday’sgospel?Mary,becauseofthevirginalconceptionandbirthofJesus,didnotneedlegalpuri ication.Leviticus12:2-4,prescribedthatamotherwhogavebirthtoasonshouldgothroughariteoflegalpuri ication,40daysafterthebirth.Jesus,beingtheSonofGod,didnothavetoberedeemed(boughtback)fromtheserviceofGod.HiswholelifeonearthwastobeacompleteanddevotedservicetoGod.Joseph,asafatherofthefamily,quietlyandhumblyaccompaniedthemtoJerusalem.Thereisamysteryinallfamilies.WhydoesGodjoincertainpeopletogetherandblessthem,ornot,withchildren?Whataretheirstrugglesfor?Allofthisisunknown.YetforChristianfamilies,theHolyFamilyrevealsthatallourlivesareenfoldedinthegreatmysteryofChrist.ThegospelsonlygiveusglimpsesintothelifeoftheHolyFamily,yetitisclearbeforehebeganhispubliclife,ChristlivedformostofhisshortlifeinthecirclesofthatfamilyinthesmallvillageofNazareth.Thislifewithhisfamilyiscalledthehiddenlife,alifeofobscurityandmostlikelyoneofborderlinepoverty.TheearningsofacarpenterinthesmallvillageofNazarethwereprobablyverymeager.TheywillinglyacceptedtheirlotandthankedGodforthelittletheyhad.YetitwasfromthissecrettimeJesus“grewandbecamestrong, illedwithwisdomandthefavorofGodwasuponhim.”Thefamily,whenitisseenasbeingforthesakeofthekingdom, lourishes.HaveaBlessedNewYear, Faithful

THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT! Thank you to all who supported the annual Diocesan Development Fund (DDF) campaign. The parish DDF assessment is now fully paid, we thank you for your generosity and continued support. There will be no second collection for DDF this month. Pink envelopes are in the pews, any donations this month will be used for parish projects. Please drop the pink envelopes in the regular collection basket. Thank you.

St. Catherine’s will have a 2nd Collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious the weekend of

January 13 & 14 Elderly Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests need your help. Many served for years in Catholic schools, hospitals, and parishes—often for little to no pay. Now there is a shortage in retirement savings. Your gift to the Retirement Fund for Religious provides funding for medi-cations, nursing care, and more. Please give to those who have given a lifetime. Thank you for your support!

Page 4: ST. CATHERINE OF ALEXANDRIA PARISH COMMUNITY€¦ · Holy Family and the Church wants all Christian families to look to that special family for inspiration, example and encouragement.


FEED THE HUNGRY FEED THE HUNGRY FEED THE HUNGRY MINISTRYMINISTRYMINISTRY Did you know that St. Cath-erine’s Feed the Hungry Ministry has provided over 12,000 meals to the home-

less over the last five years? This has all been made possible by the incredi-ble volunteers and the very kind donations from the St. Catherine’s Parishioners who so gener-ously donate to keep this operation going.

If you would like to donate your time, please contact Greg Ford at 951-743-8042.

You can also participate by putting a donation in an envelope and writing “Feed the Hungry” on the outside and dropping it in the collection basket at Mass. Remember, this is an act of mercy and you will be following the words Jesus said: “When I was hungry you fed me.”

VINCENTIAN CORNERVINCENTIAN CORNERVINCENTIAN CORNER TheSt.Catherine’sconferenceoftheSocietyofSt.VincentdePaulwouldliketothanktheSCoAparishstaffandparishionersfortheirprayersand inancialsupport.Yourcontributionsduringour iscalyearof10/1/16through9/30/17madeallofthefollowingpossible:4551peopleassistedwithfood1831foodbagsdeliveredto734families1674EmergencyFoodBagsprovidedtotheMinistryCenterfordistribution$74,092providedinfoodand inancialassistance$1,623ofconferenceexpense(98centsofeverydollardonatedgoesdirectlytoserveourclients)


ISAAC SOCIETY MINISTRYISAAC SOCIETY MINISTRYISAAC SOCIETY MINISTRY The residents at Valencia Gardens would like to thank the children and parents of St. Catherine of

Alexandria for the lovely gifts at Christmas. This was the only gift received for many of them, and they were so appreciative. The teachers have passed on to the children lessons of giving from the heart to those in need. The birth of Christ was expressed in your beautiful cards. Thank you Vince Scarano for your continued support! Elizabeth and Lewis Hall knitted and crocheted

lapghans and scarf/hat sets attached with homemade tags, Shirley Foushee and her friends knit-ted blankets, and Gloria Furukawa knitted hats for every resident; thank you for sharing your gifts and talents. We are grateful to Matthew Bugarin for sharing his beautiful gifts of music for the residents throughout the year. You filled their hearts with love! God bless all of you and the families for coming to help deliver and hand out gifts of love to the residents! You are all truly Christ’s gift to our ministry.

We will be assisting the residents in bingo on January 21st at 2:00 pm. For more information call Diana 781-9855 ext. 18 or Walter 789-0186.

RESPECT LIFE MINISTRYRESPECT LIFE MINISTRYRESPECT LIFE MINISTRY AswestartaNewYear,letusre lectonthewaysthatGodhasprovidedandthankHimfortheblessingsofthisyear.Also,letuscontinuetotrustthatGodisalwayswithusandwillnotforsakeus.Throughtheupsanddownsoflife,thejoysandthesorrows,Hewalkswithusevenwhenwedonotfeelitandeveninextremelyanx-ioussituations.Knowthatanyunexpectedtrialcanbeturnedintoajoyfuloccasion.Evenanunplannedpreg-nancycanturntojoy-thejoyofgivingbirthtoachildcreatedintheimageandlikenessofGod,whoisuniqueandhasspecialtalentsandgiftstosharewiththeworld,giventhechance.Let'scontinuetotrustinGodinallareasofourlivesandblessingswillfollow.CHOOSELIFE-YOURMOTHERDID!

TIME Do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of. —Benjamin Franklin

Page 5: ST. CATHERINE OF ALEXANDRIA PARISH COMMUNITY€¦ · Holy Family and the Church wants all Christian families to look to that special family for inspiration, example and encouragement.


TO REPORT THE SEXUAL ABUSE OF A CHILD by a priest, deacon, employee, or volunteer, call the toll free Sexual Misconduct Hotline 1-888-206-9090

PARA REPORTAR EL ABUSO SEXUAL DE UN MENOR por parte de un sacerdote, diácono, empleado o voluntario, llame a la Línea Directa de Conducta Sexual Inapropiada al 1-888-206-9090

“ASK THE CLERGY”“ASK THE CLERGY”“ASK THE CLERGY” Have you ever had a question about our faith or for our priests and deacons? On our website, we're starting a new feature called “Ask the Clergy.” If you have a question, you can submit it online at The form to submit will be at the bottom of the page. Every month, we will feature a new question with our clergy's responses.



DASH MINISTRY 12 Sessions — January 21, 2018 to April 29, 2018

5:15 pm to 7:00 pm

Divorced and Separated Healing

• Do you feel rejected by others and angry or depressed because of separation or divorce? • Are you sometimes angry with the Church or with God? • Do you feel separated from God and your Church, and do you feel alone? • Are your children confused, the whole family affected? • Do you understand what is happening and why? Do you know you can be healed?

Don’t let these be part of YOUR life! Come to DASH

• Powerful and inspiring real-life stories of civilly divorced Catholic men and women who have found heal-ing in the Church through prayer and thought provoking Q & A.

• Practical and spiritual advice and comments from priests and a psychologist via DVD. • Active leader/facilitator support helps you to have a vibrant, restoring experience. This does not replace

any needed professional, legal, or psychological counseling. • Diocese and Parish approved program, plus mutual support and small group discussion

Recovery from any injury takes time—we all need time to heal from a cold, from surgery, from a death. The DASH Ministry is not a professional legal or counseling service, but is here with an approved Catholic Divorce Recovery & Survival program to help you heal and find peace.

Location: St. Catherine Ministry Center

7005 Brockton Avenue, Riverside, CA 92506 For information call: 951.781.9855 ext. 34 or by eMail: [email protected]

Page 6: ST. CATHERINE OF ALEXANDRIA PARISH COMMUNITY€¦ · Holy Family and the Church wants all Christian families to look to that special family for inspiration, example and encouragement.



RCIA INQUIRYRCIA INQUIRYRCIA INQUIRY ThinkingaboutbecomingCatholic?BaptizedCatholicbutneverreceivedanyothersacraments?KnowafriendwhohastoldyouheorshewouldliketobecomeCatholic?CometoAdultInquirytoexploreandgetyourques-tionsanswered.2nd&4thTuesdaysofeachmonthat7:00pmor2nd&4thSaturdaysofeachmonthat9:00amintheMinistryCenter-7005BrocktonAvenue,Riverside.Questions?CallMaryorMartyat781-9855ext.29.MeetingDates: Tuesday,January9,2018at7:00pm


HEALTH MINISTRY NEWSHEALTH MINISTRY NEWSHEALTH MINISTRY NEWS ThemobileclinicwillbeatSt.Catherine’sschoolfrom8:30amto2:00pmforadultclientsonSaturday,January6,2018.FreeAdultMedicalcareisoffered,labsandmedsareaslow-costaspossible.Patientssigninonafirst-come, the Hungry Ministry—Warm Blankets and Socks Cold weather is coming on and it is hard to get warm without socks. Those less fortunate than us are in need of our help. We are asking for donations of new socks and lightly used blankets. Just place them into the box in the entry of our church. “Truly, I say to you, whatever you did for the least of my brothers, you did for me” - Matthew 25:40

Please pray for our beloved dead . . .

Elaine Renee Stangel George Bernal Noraniza Alonto Lloyd Gary Luthy Hanna Morris Donata Rola Irene Miranda . . . Rest in peace

News from Our Parish School Excellence in Education … Body, Mind & Spirit

The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

This first Sunday of Christmas is the Feast of the Holy Family. The reading from Luke tells us the story of Jesus’ presentation to the Lord. That model is ours in so many ways, especially as our families struggle to keep everything together during these very difficult times. We are often helpless, except in learning to trust God. Our families at St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish School are on break this week but were sent off with Christ in their hearts. We spent Advent preparing for Christ, collecting toys, collecting books, bringing joy through the music of our Christmas Program, and our final Mass before leaving – Jesus is the reason for our Christmas, and our children learn that well. They bring that joy with them into their families, and their families are changed forever. Our families are brought together during kinder-garten and then work together for nine years to make this the best Catholic education available for their children. They worship together, they play together, they sing together, they work together and they pray together. And in the middle of all the work and effort and fellow-ship, transformation takes place. Our families grow more and more toward our model, the Holy Family. May God richly bless your family this first Sunday of Christmas with the joy the Holy Family received at presenting Jesus to the Lord, in His temple. May Jesus always keep our families in that joy too. Continue having a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thank you and God Bless, Telephone: (951) 684-1091 Fax: (951) 684-4936 Enrique Landin Email: [email protected] Principal Website:

S .C ’ A F F B S O T B

T I withDr.BobFerrettOn break for Christmas and New Year holidays,

December 28, 2017 and January 4, 2018. Class will resume on January 11, 2018 CallDr.Ferrettifyouhaveanyquestionsat951-697-7733.

Page 7: ST. CATHERINE OF ALEXANDRIA PARISH COMMUNITY€¦ · Holy Family and the Church wants all Christian families to look to that special family for inspiration, example and encouragement.


Katherine Aguilar - 781.9855 ext. 28 Lance Wiseman - 781.9855 ext. 14

All HighAll High--SchoolSchool--Age Youth LIFE NIGHTAge Youth LIFE NIGHT

Sundays from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.Sundays from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. after LIFE TEEN Massafter LIFE TEEN Mass

LIFETEEN(highschoolageteen)Tonight,Sunday,12/31—NewYear’sEve—NOLIFENIGHTNextWeek,Sunday,1/7/18—“WinterKickOff”UnoTournament!Comeandshowyourfriendsthatyoucanbethe‘Uno’ChampionofSt.Catherine’sChurch.Inviteyourhighschoolfriendstojoinus!RemembereverySundayisLIFENIGHTfrom7:00pmto8:30pmattheParishHallortheYouthHouse,6956NixonDr.,River-side.AllHighSchoolAgeYoutharewelcometocomeoverassoonastheLIFETEENMassends.YOUTHSERVICEHOURSForotherserviceopportunities,pleasecontactLanceWisemanat781-9855x14.YOUTHFUNDRAISER—ForotherupcomingeventspleasecontactLance.MIDDLESCHOOLTHEEDGE–aMinistryforyouthinmiddleschool-All6th,7thand8thgradersareinvitedforanightoffaithandfun!OurnextEDGEsessionwillbeJanuary17,2018from6:30pmto7:45pm.Location:TheYouthHouse.Formoreinformationpleasecon-tactKatherineAguilarat781-9855x28.CONFIRMATIONNEWS1stYearofCon irmation—ThenextmodulesforthisyearwillbeSunday,January7thfrom3:00pmto5:00pmorMonday,January8thfrom6:30pmto8:30pmintheParishHall.2ndYearofCon irmation—REMINDER:SaturdayJanuary13thwillbethe irstSponsor&Candidategatheringfrom3:00pmto5:00pmintheParishHall.Ifyoursponsorisunabletoattendbringaparenttoproxy.All1styearmake-upwork,massre lection&servicere lectionsheetsarepastdue,pleaseseeLance.3rdYearofCon irmation—Pleaseremembertoturninretreatpaperwork.DeadlineisJanuary7,2018.All1st&2ndyearmake-upwork,massre lectionandservicere lectionsheetsarepastdue,pleaseseeLance.IFYOUMISSEDREGISTRATIONFOROURCONFIRMATIONPROGRAM,PLEASECALLLANCEAT951-781-9855EXT.14TOSEEIFWESTILLHAVEROOM.DONOTWAIT,CALLTODAY! OurCon irmationprocessisathreeyearprogram,startingin9thgrade,con irmingin11thgrade,thisincludespublicoranyprivateschools.PleasecontactLanceWisemanwithanyques-tions.

S .C S M A R C Weallexperiencechallengesinlife.StephenMinistersgiveone-to-onecaretoindividualswhoarefacingawidevarietyofsituations,includingdivorce,separation,bereavement,unemployment,hospitalization,terminalillness,loneli-ness,beinghomebound,spiritualstruggles,andmore.StephenMinistryisaCONFIDENTIALministry.IfyouoralovedoneneedaStephenMinister,callStephenLeader,

WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE EWORLDWIDE MARRIAGE EWORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTERNCOUNTERNCOUNTER AswecelebrateHolyFamilySunday,letusrememberthatGod’sloveforusisre lectedintheloveforeachotherinourfamily.WhynotcelebrateandencouragethatlovebygivingyourspousethegiftofaWorldwideMarriageEncounter(WWME)weekend?Thenextweekendsare:March23-25andJune22-24,2018inOntario.Toapply,

NOTICEFROMCHILDREN’SSUNDAYSCHOOLPROGRAMS:PleasenoteChildren’sHomily,Pre-School&NurserywillbeCLOSEDSunday,December24th&31st.May you enjoy the magic the holi-days with those close to you. MERRYCHRISTMASTOALL!


SAVETHEDATE-JANUARY14,2018TheKnightsofColumbusaskyoutojointheminsupportofCatholiceducation,byjoiningthemonSunday,January14,from7:30-noon,attheirPancakeBreakfast.TheeventwillbehelddowntownatSt.FrancisdeSalesChurch,at13thandLimeStreets.Proceedsfromthespecialeventwillbene itNotreDameHighSchool'sAfterSchoolAthleticsprogram.Themenuforthe$7breakfastwillinclude:butter-milkpancakes,scrambledeggs,hashbrownpotatoes,porklinksausages,orangejuice,andcoffeeordecaf.

Page 8: ST. CATHERINE OF ALEXANDRIA PARISH COMMUNITY€¦ · Holy Family and the Church wants all Christian families to look to that special family for inspiration, example and encouragement.


LECTURASDEHOYPrimeralectura—Losquehonranasuspadresrecibi-ranbendicionesypagaransuspecados(Siracide3:3-7,14-17)o Génesis 15:1-6; 21:1-3.Salmo—¡DichosoelquetemealSenor,ysiguesuscami-nos!(Salmo128[127])o Salmo 105 (104). Segundalectura—Vivanunavidadeamorsincero,seanagradecidos,hagantodoenelnombredelSenorJesus(Colosenses3:12-21)o Hebreos 11:8, 11-12, 17-19.Evangelio—MarıayJosellevanaJesusaltemploparaconsagrarloalSenor(Lucas2:22-40[22,39-40]).Salmoresponsorial: Leccionario Hispanoamericano Dominical©1970,ComisionEpiscopalEspanola.Usadoconpermiso.Todoslosderechosreservados.

LECTURASDELASEMANALunes: Nm6:22-27;Sal67(66):2-3,5,6,8; Gal4:4-7;Lc2:16-21Martes: 1Jn2:22-28;Sal98(97):1-4;Jn1:19-28Miercoles:1Jn2:293:6;Sal98(97):1,3cd-6; Jn1:29-34Jueves: 1Jn3:7-10;Sal98(97):1,7-9;Jn1:35-42Viernes: 1Jn3:11-21;Sal100(99):1b-5;Lc4:14-22aSabado: 1Jn5:5-13;Sal147:12-15,19-20; Mc1:7-11oLc3:23-28[23,31-34,36,38]Domingo: Is60:1-6;Sal72(71):1-2,7-8,10-13; Ef3:2-3a,5-6;Mt2:1-12

-Diócesis de San Bernardino


cacion,perosiobservamoscuidadosamenteestaspropagandasdescubriremosqueestanrepletasdelossietepecadoscapitales.VemosalasagradafamiliacumpliendolaleydeDioscomojudıosdesutiempo,alllevarapresentaraJesusaltemplo.Ellos,sesome-tieronaunavidaordinaria,peroconsientesdeunamisionespecı icaqueDioslehabıaasigna-do,queeracuidardelhijodeDios.ElancianoSimeoneneltemplolediceaMarıaquesuhijoseramotivodecontroversiaparalagenteyqueaellaunaespadalaatravesarıasucora-zon.Cuantasvecescomomadresentimoseldolorenelalmaporlascosasquenuestroshijostienenquevivir.CreoquealigualqueMarıa,lamaternidadypaternidadimplicanpasarporsufrimientosydoloresquenoqui-sieramosvivir.Diosquierelomejorparano-sotrosynosofrecevidaenabun-dancia.NodespreciemoselplandeDiossoloporqueparecedifıcil,es-forcemonosporunavidadeordenydisciplinafamiliarylograremosgrandescosasjuntoscomounaem-presadeDios,laIglesiaDomestica.

Oración de Apertura

para Navidad

Nos reunimos este día cantando como

símbolo de nuestra alegría por la llegada

del Señor. Celebramos en la venida del Señor

recién nacido. Celebramos la venida del Señor como parte de nuestra historia.

Juntos con todos los Angeles:

“Gloria a Dios en las Alturas.”


Preguntas para Compartir 1. ParaSirácides:Siracidesnosllamaamostrardignidadyrespetoalosancianos.¿Comohonrasatuspadres,abuelosoancianosdetufamiliaylacomunidad?Compartelasabidurıaqueelloshancompartidocontigoycomolahasusadoentuvida.2. ParaColosenses:“CongratitudensucorazonaDios”,compartequebendicionesagradecesmasenestemomentodetuvida.¿DequemaneralemuestrasaDiosesagratitud?3. ParaLucas:Cadaunodenosotrosesllamadoalasantidad.Compartealgunasmanerasquesientesquehasvividounavida“santa”.¿Queotrasmedidaspuedesadoptarpararesponderaestellamado?

31 de diciembre 2017 Sagrada Familia, Jesús, Maria y Jose Siracides 3:2-6, 12-14; Colosenses 3:12-21; Lucas 2:22-40 Escrito por Virginia Samaniego, Nuestra Señora del Rosario, San Bernardino

Page 9: ST. CATHERINE OF ALEXANDRIA PARISH COMMUNITY€¦ · Holy Family and the Church wants all Christian families to look to that special family for inspiration, example and encouragement.


GRUPOASCECISEsungrupofamiliardeEvangelizacion;nosreuni-mosacompartiryre lexionar,laPalabradeDios,losSacramentosydocumentosdelaIglesia.Conelpro-positodefortalecernuestraFeycrecerenelAmordeDios.Nosreunimostodosloslunesde7:00-9:00pmenlaCasadelosJóvenes-6956NixonSt.Riverside92506.Contactar:AlbertoMacıas(951)850-9606ELGRUPODEORACIÓNCARISMÁTICORosario,Alabanzas,Oracion


COMUNIDADNUEVAVIDADECOMUNIDADNUEVAVIDADECOMUNIDADNUEVAVIDADEPequeñasComunidadesdeFe.Losinvitamostodosloslunesde7:00pma9:00pmenelsalon2delCentrodeMiniste-rios-7005BrocktonAvenue,Riverside.Estudiamoslaslecturasdominicales–re lexionamosycompartimosnuestrafe.LaspequenascomunidadessonunsignovisibledelamisiondeJesusenelmundo.Buscanactivamenteformasdeservicioparaelcrecimientoespiritual:IndividualyParroquial.Contactar:MarıaLozanoal951-314-7010


31dediciembre-LASAGRADAFAMILIA1deenero-SolemnidaddeMarıaSantısima, MadredeDios2deenero-SanBasilioMagnoySanGregorio Nacianzeno,ObisposyDoctoresdelaIglesia 3deenero-ElSantısimoNombredeJesus4deenero-SantaIsabellaAnaSeton,Religiosa5deenero-SanJuanNeumann,Obispo6deenero-SanAndreBessette,ReligiosoPara los católicos, la temporada Navideña se ex-tiende a partir de la tarde de la Vigilia de la Nativid-ad (Nochebuena) a través del Bautismo del Señor, el lunes 8 de enero de 2018. ¡Tenga una temporada Navideña bendita!

¡MUCHAS GRACIAS! MuchasgraciasatodosqueayudaronenhacerlasLiturgiasennuestraIglesia,St.Catherine,hermosas.Senecesitamuchaspersonas,ujieres,monaguillos,EMHC,lec-tores,sacristanes,músicos,medioambiente,catequistas,mantenimiento,traductoresy,porsupuesto,nuestrossacerdotesydiáconos.DiosbendigaatodosustedesporsuservicioanuestroSeñoryanuestraIglesia.


La clínica móvil está disponible el 6 de enero de 2018 de 8:30 am a 2:00 pm para pa-cientes adultos, en el patio trasero de la escuela de St. Catherine, cerca de las mesas de picnic. Se ofrece cuidado médico para adultos, laboratorio y medicamento de bajo costo, los pacientes serán atendidos conforme lleguen y se registren. Necesi-tamos ayuda urgente de intérpretes y traductores de español a inglés. Para más información (voluntarios) visite:


