St Bart’s Kids Sunday Worship › ...carrying heavy loads. I will give you rest. 29 Become my...

St Bart’s Kids Sunday Worship SUNDAY May 17, 2020 WEEK 4 Bible Focus Matthew 11:25-30 Theme Focus I will Give Rest All-in Teaching Questions to ponder: What do I know about who the Father and who the Son are? How do I rest in the Lord? Songs 1. Holy is the Lord (Kids Crossing Ministry) v=whfCudUgbVQ 2. Peace like a River (Listener Kids) https:// 3. Little Life (for you Jesus) (Hillsong Kids) v=Lcgxg12EG_Q *(new) Multimedia Matthew 11:28-30 watch?v=bQNCLLI06zs Matthew 11:28 - 30 My Yoke Is Easy & My Burden Is Light watch?v=u0bCf3faO8U Additional Resources Promise Memory Verse Poster Here is a fun way to be reminded of Jesus’ promises throughout the week. Download the poster stick it somewhere visible (maybe on the fridge or next to your desks). Set a challenge to see if the whole family can learn the memory verse that week. Each week there will be a new poster, new promise to remember and new verse to learn. There is a colour and BW poster option. ST BART’S KIDS SUNDAY

Transcript of St Bart’s Kids Sunday Worship › ...carrying heavy loads. I will give you rest. 29 Become my...

St Bart’s Kids Sunday Worship SUNDAY May 17, 2020 • WEEK 4

Bible Focus Matthew 11:25-30

Theme Focus I will Give Rest

All-in Teaching Questions to ponder:

What do I know about who the Father and who the Son are? How do I rest in the Lord?

Songs 1. Holy is the Lord (Kids Crossing Ministry)

2. Peace like a River (Listener Kids)

3. Little Life (for you Jesus) (Hillsong Kids) *(new)

Multimedia Matthew 11:28-30

Matthew 11:28 - 30 My Yoke Is Easy & My Burden Is Light

Additional Resources Promise Memory Verse Poster

Here is a fun way to be reminded of Jesus’ promises throughout the week. Download the poster stick it somewhere visible (maybe on the fridge or next to your desks). Set a challenge to see if the whole family can learn the memory verse that week. Each week there will be a new poster, new promise to remember and new verse to learn. There is a colour and BW poster option.



"Become my servants and

learn from me. I am gentle

and free of pride. You will

find rest for your souls."

Matthew 11:25-30

St Bart’s Kids Small Group Session Outline

Main Point: Jesus promises that we can find rest with him. No matter how worried or exhausted we are, we can come to Jesus to find peace.

Discussion Questions Read Matthew 11:25-27 from the Bible Story (pages 1-2)

1. Does Jesus show himself only to adults or people who are really smart? Who is included? (No - Jesus didn’t come just for smart people. He came for everyone! Here, ‘little children’ means people who are humble, simple and ready to learn. If you are smart, you might be proud of all your knowledge and think you don’t need God, that you can do it all on your own. Except we can’t do it on our own. Just like children need help, everyone needs help from Jesus.)

2. How do we get to know God the Father? (Through Jesus, the Son of God. He is the only way we can get to know God.)

3. Do we get to decide if we can avoid Jesus to know God? (No, Jesus is the only way to know God. Jesus chooses to reveal himself to us, so we can know God.)

Read Matthew 11:28-30 from the Bible Story (page 2)

4. What are some of the ‘heavy loads’ or ‘burdens’ that you might have at the moment? (These could be burdens of all different types, from trying to be accepted by others, by following worldly rules, being worried about being good enough at school, music or sport … This would be a great opportunity as an adult to also share what burdens you carry.)

5. What should we do with all our burdens? (We should come to Jesus and give them to him. This invitation is available to everyone.)

6. What does Jesus promise to those who accept this offer? (That they will find rest in him. Not physical rest, but a rest from working on our own to achieve the unachievable. He offers this as a free gift - one which we cannot earn, it doesn’t matter how old or smart we are.)

7. Jesus said we should become his servants and learn from him. How can we do this? Is this hard? ( Jesus tells us serving him is easy! We can learn by reading the Bible and talking to him. The more time we spend studying God’s word and praying to him, the closer we will come in our relationship with him.)

Date & Week May 17, 2020 (Wk 4)

Bible Focus Matthew 11:25-30

Theme Focus I Will Give Rest

Explanation of The Promises Series With so much uncertainty in our lives and world right now, what can we be truly certain of? For what can we be totally sure? In this series we are exploring some of the great promises of Jesus: that he will + save + provide + satisfy + give rest + strengthen + send + reward + prepare + raise. In a world that is weary and pressed, these are promises that we can count on and rejoice in!



Prayer Dear Lord Jesus, thank you that you know everything that weighs us down. When we are worried about what people think of us, worried about how good we are or if we have done enough, please help us to remember that you welcome everyone and we can freely give our burdens to you. Thank you for this freedom! And thank you that following you is easy! Please help us to follow you, bring everything to you, and learn from you everyday. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.


Rest for All who are Tired

25 Jesus said, “I praise you, Father. You are Lord of heaven and earth. You

have hidden things from wise and smart people, but have

shown them to little children.

27 “My Father has given me all things. No one knows the Son

except the Father. And

the only ones who know the



Father are the Son and those whom the Son chooses.

28 “Come to me, all you who are tired and are carrying heavy loads. I

will give you rest.

29 Become my servants and learn from me. I

am gentle and free of pride. You will find rest for

your souls. 30 Serving me is easy, and my load is light.”

Matthew 11:25-30ST BART’S KIDS SUNDAY \\ MAY 17, 2020 2