St. Andrew’s Hespeler Presbyterian hurch 73 Queen …. Andrew’s Hespeler Presbyterian hurch 73...

St. Andrew’s Hespeler Presbyterian Church St. Andrew’s Hespeler Presbyterian Church 73 Queen St. E., Cambridge, ON 73 Queen St. E., Cambridge, ON N3C 2A9 (519) 658 N3C 2A9 (519) 658- 2652 2652 Fall Edion, 2017 Fall Edion, 2017 By Sco McAndless Growth Growth

Transcript of St. Andrew’s Hespeler Presbyterian hurch 73 Queen …. Andrew’s Hespeler Presbyterian hurch 73...

St. Andrew’s Hespeler Presbyterian ChurchSt. Andrew’s Hespeler Presbyterian Church

73 Queen St. E., Cambridge, ON73 Queen St. E., Cambridge, ON

N3C 2A9 (519) 658N3C 2A9 (519) 658--26522652

Fall Edition, 2017Fall Edition, 2017

By Scott McAndless


The hymn I've chosen to write about this month is not one that is in our hymnal (the tune is, but not with these words). It is the song that our new Women's Folk Ensemble is going to debut with.

The tune Wild Mountain Thyme/Purple Heather/Will You Go Lassie, Go? is an Irish folk song reportedly written by Francis McPeake, though many scholars believe it is merely a variation on an existing folk tune and he himself has admitted that it is based on a song he heard while travelling in Scotland and that he rewrote it later. He does hold the copyright for it.

The author, Ruth Duck (1947- ), is a Professor Emeritus of Worship at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois. She has written many hymns which are included in a number of hymnals including ours (87, 317, 583, 712, 717, and 724).

Corey Cotter Linforth

A History of Hymns: Spirit, Open My Heart By Ruth Duck

St. Andrew’s 162nd Anniversary Celebration Dream Auction

162nd Anniversary Sunday

On Sunday, October 22, 2017, St. Andrew’s Hespeler will celebrate our 162nd Anniversary. This weekend will be special for many reasons. The festivities will kick off on the Saturday before with all the drama, fun and excitement of the Dream Auction. Then, on Anniversary Sunday we will welcome two very special guests. Our guest preacher will be the Rev. Penny Garrison. Penny is no stranger to many people at St. Andrew's having served on staff here for five years as our Director of Christian Education. St. Andrew’s started Penny on her journey toward ordained ministry in the Presbyterian Church in Canada and she is presently serving Knox Presbyterian Church, Dundas. Penny will encourage us in the challenges of being the church in the present age.

Our second special guest will be Margaret Msukwa, who works at the Livingstonia Synod Health Department in Malawi running the

Presbyterian World Service and Development (PWS&D) supported maternal health program. We are very fortunate that

she will be in Ontario for PWS&D’s committee meetings in Woodstock, ON. in October and PWS&D has arranged for her to come to visit us

as a kind of a thank you for the support our church has given to this project, especially through our support of last year’s Jeff-a-thon. She will be able to share exciting impact stories and information about the program with the congregation and help us

to see how our generous donations are being put to work!

Library News!

Rev. Penny Garrison

Margaret Msukwa, RN, B.S, M.S

With cooler weather coming, please check out the library for interesting books and studies to curl up with. Feel free to give suggestions of items you recommend or would like to see in the library.

To take an item from the library, put your name on the card at the back of the book, then put the card in the pink and turquoise box provided. When returning the book, please leave on the library table in the basket. Thanks and enjoy your reading!

Pneumonia Vests

The knitted vests and hats that are sent to India for babies will be packed in late October. There is still time to knit a set or two before then. There are patterns available in the communication centre, if needed. The packing date will be announced in the bulletin.

Corey Linforth

A Growing Music Program and Some Changes

Blended Worship: Many Voices!

I am so excited to share that the music program has had a real growth spurt in the past year. We have seen a number of new groups emerge and a number of new people are becoming more and more involved in the music program. The choir can boast 10 new members with more on the way! We now have a small ensemble program (more details below) and new groups like the woman's folk ensemble. So, here are all the details about all of our groups! We have the potential to build a music program that is really special here at St. Andrew's (we've already started), so if you have musical gifts or are even just interested in music, consider helping with this exciting ministry.

Our practice of blended worship (including both traditional and contemporary music in worship) has led us to have many different groups. I actually think that this is really special about the St. Andrew's music program, the fact that we do such a wide variety of music and have so many different groups.

Choir Gowns

This past spring, the choir voted on whether or not they wanted to stop wearing gowns, continue wearing the gowns every Sunday, or wear them for special occasions. The idea came from a number of choir members.

We held a discussion examining the pros and cons of choir gowns and voted on the matter. The clear majority voted for a compromise, so starting this year the choir will wear their gowns for special services only (the same services when Scott would wear his robe).

There were many pros and cons on both sides, but in a nutshell, the choir decided to stop wearing the gowns every Sunday mostly because they are very hot and to make the choir more approachable for all generations.

I want to acknowledge that for some of you, not seeing the gowns every Sunday will feel like a loss. Leaving behind a piece of tradition hurts when you love the tradition. I hope that as a congregation we

can learn to love the new tradition.

The thing that is really fabulous about wearing the gowns about once a month is that it is reflective of blended worship which aims to combine the traditional and contemporary.

The donation of the choir gowns has been a wonderful gift for St. Andrew's and continues to be a wonderful gift to St. Andrew's by providing the means to visually represent our practice of blended worship and set apart the services which are extra special. I am very grateful that St. Andrew's has such lovely gowns.

By Corey Linforth

Here are all our Active Musical Groups — Where might you fit in?

Flapjacks and Fellowship: What could be better?

Potato Harvest Sunday!


Scott McAndless

A New Podcast

This summer, while on my vacation, I actually spent a great deal of time sitting in the walk-in closet in my bedroom. Why? Because it is the quietest room in the house and the clothes that hang in it create a natural sound absorber. In other words, it is not a bad place for a makeshift recording studio. I needed that because I decided to create podcast.

A podcast is a series of spoken, audio episodes, often focused on a particular topic or theme, that people can subscribe to with an app on their computer, tablet or phone and listen to episodes whenever they like on headphones, in the car or through speakers. My Podcast will be called, “Retelling the Bible,” and I will retell Bible Stories in a way that, I hope, will help people better understand how these stories would have been heard by the people they were first written for. For the first season of the podcast, I will focus on retelling the story of Christmas.

The episodes have all been created (as my own personal vacation project) and edited, but they will be released one episode a week starting on October 11 and running through December 20. The podcast will be hosted at, but, once I start to publish episodes, you can subscribe to it on Itunes or many other podcast apps. Why not give a listen and, if you like it, tell your friends about it?

Do you like a little friendly competition? Would you like to be part of a team who goes on a “Car Rally” type race and raises funds for Hope Clothing? On Saturday, October 14th the Cambridge YMCA is once again spearheading the Race to Erase. We have been asked to enter 3 teams of 4 people with the hopes that each team can fundraise $500 each. Hope Clothing will receive all of the funds raised. The day will begin at 9:00 am at the Hespeler Legion and end there around 2:00 pm with a complimentary lunch for all involved. Please speak with Joni Smith for more information. This is a great way to have fun, raise some money for Hope Clothing and help us make contacts with other service agencies in Cambridge.

One of last year’s teams. Don’t they look like they’re having fun?

Presbyterian World Service and Development Responds

Earthquakes, Fires, Floods and Hurricanes! The world seems to have seen more than its share of large scale disasters recently. Sometimes it seems to be so overwhelming that you feel paralyzed and unable to respond in any way. Presbyterian World Service and Development (PWS&D) is a wonderful resource to the church and to our world to help us all know how to respond in such times in ways that can be helpful and constructive. Whenever you want to know what you can do to help, just visit their web page at Here is the most recently added bulletin from PWS&D as of the printing of this newsletter:

Important Upcoming Dates

Date Place Time Event

Wed. Sept 20 Foyer 10 am Fall Bible Study begins. All welcome.

Fri. Sept 22 St. Luke’s Place 10:30 am St. Andrew’s leads chapel service

Sun. Oct 1 Sanctuary 10 am World Communion Sunday. Potato Harvest and Soup Lunch

Wed. Oct 4 Fellowship Hall 5:30 pm Family Night begins. Why not come join us?

Sun. Oct 8 Sanctuary 10 am Thanksgiving Sunday

Wed. Oct 11 Everywhere “Retelling the Bible” Podcast premiers

Thurs. Oct 12 Gymnasium 5 pm First Thursday Night Supper and Social of the season.

Sat. Oct 14 Fellowship Hall (and Cambridge)

9am - 2pm Race to Erase

Sun. Oct 15 Sanctuary 10 am Sacrament of Baptism (Sarah and Joelle)

Sat. Oct 21 Fellowship Hall 7 pm till done! Anniversary Celebration Dream Auction

Sun. Oct 22 Sanctuary 10 am 162nd Anniversary Service with Penny Garrison and Margaret Msukwa

Sun. Oct 29 Sanctuary 10 am Sacrament of Baptism (Clara)

Sun. Nov 5 Everywhere 2 am Daylight Savings time ends!

Sun. Nov 5 Sanctuary 10 am Remembrance Sunday


Each week, after he prepares the sermon, our minister prepares a small sheet entitled Word-Share-Prayer. This sheet is intended to be a discussion starter on the scriptures that are read each Sunday. Take one and use it in a time of sharing, prayer and discussion with someone in the community. The process it leads you through is simple and meditative. Anyone can do it and there are no wrong answers. If you are open to it, though, you may be surprised at how God can speak to you when you take some time discussing the scriptures in this way.

The Back Page

Well, you have now read through this entire newsletter. Now let’s see how much of it you remember. Can you fill out this whole crossword puzzle without looking back?

ACROSS 1 Location of the Flapjack fundraiser 8 A synod in Malawi 9 Story that illustrates the kingdom of God 10 A powerful tropical storm DOWN 2 The freeing of slaves 3 A collection of singers or musicians 4 October 21 in the evening 5 Former Director of Christian Education 6 An invasive Middle Eastern weed 7 A collection of audio files posted episodically for subscribers