St Andrew's College Philanthropy Report 2015

Philanthropy Report 2015 Giving at St Andrew’s College: Philanthropy, Volunteering and Community.


The St Andrew’s College Philanthropy Report is an annual publication which celebrates the culture of philanthropy at St Andrew’s College. The report reviews and celebrates giving at St Andrew’s each year including: Philanthropy, volunteering and community engagement. We are privileged and humbled to acknowledge the generosity of our community.

Transcript of St Andrew's College Philanthropy Report 2015

Philanthropy Report 2015Giving at St Andrew’s College: Philanthropy, Volunteering and Community.

From the St Andrew’s College Foundation

The St Andrew’s College Foundation is responsible for overseeing the

management and prudent investment of funds, which support all educational

objectives of an independent St Andrew’s College for current and future


Through years of donor contributions to the St Andrew’s College Foundation

and through careful investment of those funds, the Foundation is now an

important part of the financial security of our College.

There are many people who are dedicated to maintaining that financial security

and one who deserves a mention is Mark Stewart. Mark retired from his roles

as Foundation Chairperson and Step Into Our Future campaign Chairperson

in September 2015. We acknowledge his outstanding service and stewardship

of the Foundation. His commitment to the Foundation has epitomised how we

celebrate a history of success and work towards a future of opportunities.

Of course, without the generous gifts and donations that have flowed from

individuals, families and businesses connected to St Andrew’s College, the

Foundation and the separate prudential role that its trustees fulfil, would not

be needed. To all of you who have supported the cause by giving funds to the

Foundation, thank you.

In the next few weeks a new and permanent Chairperson of the Foundation

will be appointed. The trustees look forward to continuing to work together to

ensure the long term viability of St Andrew’s College and to assisting the Board

of Governors to achieve the College’s educational objectives.

Richard Smith

Acting Chairman,

St Andrew’s College Foundation

A culture of giving back

From the Director of Development

We are now heading into an incredibly exciting time in the

history of St Andrew’s College as we approach our Centenary

celebrations and also move into the final phase of our Step Into

Our Future fundraising campaign.

2015 was a year of action, with the new Gymnasium completed

and the Centennial Chapel well underway and on schedule

for opening in 2016. Excitement is building as campus

enhancements become reality and our current students reap the

benefits of an education with top class facilities.

With so much to celebrate, it is timely that the 2015 Philanthropy

Report gives us the opportunity to thank and acknowledge some

of the people from across St Andrew’s College who are giving

back to our community and demonstrating the strong culture of

philanthropy that exists here.

We are grateful for another year of generosity from our school

community, with donations up to $1.9 million raised in 2015 for

our Step Into Our Future fundraising campaign to support the

growth of the College Foundation, the building of the new Chapel

and stage 2 of the Sports and Cultural Centre.

We thank you for your commitment to St Andrew’s College and

look forward to working with you as we enter our centennial


Clare Wilkinson

Director of Development

it f h l


Centennial Chapel Update

We have been watching with great interest as the construction of the Centennial Chapel

takes place.

Although the new Chapel is modern in concept, and designed to cater for the College’s

community today, great thought and planning has also gone into incorporating many

heritage features salvaged from the original Memorial Chapel, which adds a very

special and unique element to this striking building.

We look forward to the official opening in September 2016 when we can all walk

through the Chapel and admire the new, and for many, recognise the old. Already

visible from Normans Road are the 1000 bricks from the Memorial Chapel that have

been strategically placed in the memorial wall so they are easily distinguishable from

the new bricks.

We are very grateful to all who have purchased a brick and in return will be

permanently recognised on a plaque in the foyer of the Chapel. We still have bricks

available for purchase and welcome you to contact us to secure your place in history.

The Step Into Our Future fundraising campaign (2013–2017) aims to raise $10 million for the College’s

new Chapel, Sports and Cultural Centre and St Andrew’s College Foundation. Thanks to the generosity

of our community we have raised $5 million towards our goal, so far. Many of the community groups

featured in this report have contributed to the STEP campaign through their fundraising.

Step Into Our Future


Step into our futureOur fundraising campaign

Year 13 Parents’ Initiative

For several years a parent task force has supported the Step Into Our Future fundraising campaign. During Terms 2 and 3

volunteer parents contact all Year 13 families and invite them to make a monetary donation to St Andrew’s in honour of their

child’s time at the school.

We hugely appreciate the time our volunteers have spent supporting this initiative and thank them for their commitment.

Thank you also to the many families who made a donation to St Andrew’s during 2015.

Chris Janett and Year 13 Parents’ Task Force 2015

The Endeavour Scholarship Challenge

The Endeavour Scholarship is an ongoing scholarship that provides an education at St Andrew’s

College for a young student of academic and co-curricular merit with proven financial need. In

December 2014 the Endeavour Scholarship Challenge was set by Jay Scanlon (past parent and

Board of Governors member) to match dollar for dollar all pledges and gifts made toward the new

scholarship between December 2014 and December 2015, up to $100,000.

Jay Scanlon and his fellow United States émigré Catherine Boyer (previous Director of

Development) had both experienced the matching gift concept in America and talked about

how to cement the needs-tested, merit scholarship system at St Andrew’s College. This kind of

scholarship already existed with the George Feilding Hight Scholarship, which was introduced in

2012. The name ‘Endeavour’ was Catherine’s initiative based on Captain Cook’s ship and crew,

whose adventures represent the bravery required for a student moving to a new school.

Jay says, “My intention with the Endeavour Challenge was to encourage our educators to become

donors. We wanted to reinforce the culture of excellence through offering scholarships. It was

exciting to see generosity from the StAC community with the many smaller donations received

matched through this new model. The response from St Andrew’s College teachers has indeed

been heart-warming. Their passion for the College and for providing an exceptional education

is wonderful.”

The result of the challenge was that the full $100,000 was pledged or gifted prior to 31 December

2015, which will now be matched by Jay, bringing the total to $200,000 for the Endeavour Scholarship fund.

Jay hopes that the Endeavour Scholarship becomes a key tool for recruiting talented students. He hopes that after this initial

kick-off this scholarship will now receive funds from other donors and launch new ‘challenges’ for matching gifts. He would like to

see this Endeavour endowment grow and enable several gifted students to have the opportunity to attend St Andrew’s.

We thank all who have contributed to the Endeavour Scholarship Challenge for helping us to raise the full $100,000 and we thank

Jay Scanlon for his initiative and generosity to match it, giving the Endeavour Scholarship fund a great start and providing students

with an amazing opportunity for an education at St Andrew’s College.


Our community and our volunteers

Photos: Students selling

cupcakes to fundraise

money for Cyclone Pam;

prefects with the gifts for

City Mission for children

in need at Christmas;

clothing collection for


Community Projects

Being generous and helping those in need are fundamental to

living out our College’s founding Christian values. In 2015 our

College community has continued to give generously to many

worthwhile and needy causes.

Our community service trips to Cambodia are always a highlight

for Year 12 students. Through their efforts over $6000 was

raised and gifted to charities we have supported for the past

five years. This experience is life changing, as our young

people get to see first-hand what impact education, sustained

relationships and regular financial contributions make to

improve the lives of people who are caught in poverty.

The 40 Hour Famine was a highlight again

for our school. St Andrew’s College raised

$16,392. This was just short of last year’s

target, however still demonstrates our

community’s generosity in giving to those in


Our school showed incredible compassion

when they responded so generously to the

crisis in Vanuatu caused by Cyclone Pam.

Over $10,000 was raised in just a couple

of days. Preparatory School students held

a special ‘purple cupcake day’ fundraiser

and donations were also raised through

the sale of Urinetown production tickets and mufti days. The

money was sent to Onesua Presbyterian College to help with

urgent repairs.

Our chapel offerings throughout the year raised a total of

$7,320. This went to Big Brothers Big Sisters in Christchurch

and Cambodia, Christchurch City Mission, Hagar in Cambodia,

Salvation Army, Red Cross Refugee Support Programme and

Christian World Service.

Our three main mufti days put on by community service leaders,

the prefects and the Middle School leaders raised a combined

total of $4,280. This money went to Child Cancer, Nepal Red

Cross and Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand.

At the end of the year an old tradition was reinstated with staff

and students bringing presents in to put under the Christmas

tree in Strowan House ready to gift to the Christchurch City

Mission. A large number of presents were donated, including

two children’s bikes.

St Andrew’s College have demonstrated in 2015 what it is to be

a community marked by generosity.

Many thanks to you all.

Paul Morrow










This Philanthropy Report thanks and acknowledges members of the St Andrew’s College

community who gave to the College in 2015 through monetary donation, gifts-in-kind and

volunteering. The following articles demonstrate the commitment of students, volunteers

and donors who give back to the College, help others outside of our community and are

creating the success of Step Into Our Future.












and donations w

2015 Leavers’ Gift

Keeping with tradition of the last few years, the Year 13 students who left

St Andrew’s College at the end of 2015 presented a special gift. On the cusp of the

Centenary launch and the completion of the new Gymnasium, the leavers of 2015

were provided with an opportunity to gift a special feature window in Gym 2. This

window, which acknowledges the upcoming Centenary and features our iconic

thistle, will be admired by many in years to come and we hope the Year 13 leavers

will remember it with pride.

Pipe Band

The St Andrew’s College Pipe Band is

extremely grateful for the significant

financial support it received during


The Band received support from many

individuals and organisations towards

their trip to Scotland for the World

Championships, and trips to other

New Zealand contests.

The Parents and Supporters

Committee once again contributed

significantly in fundraising, which

enabled students to be subsidised

for each trip away. This group was

led by Tracy Mathewson. Significant

contributions were made by individuals

in leading major events for the group

including Amanda Fraser (Ceilidh),

Gillian Mackay and Jen Duncan (art

sale) and James Mackay (wine sales).

Many individual and corporate

donations were made to the Band over

the course of the year. The Band would

like to especially acknowledge Warner

and Patsy Mauger (Maugers Property

Division) and CERT Trust.

Our Pipe Band enjoy community

events such as playing at multiple

ANZAC services for RSA clubs

around Canterbury and also giving

performances at retirement villages

throughout the year.

There is no doubting that the Band

wouldn’t be able to achieve what it

does without such fantastic support.

Thank you.

Richard Hawke

Pipe Band Director

Events Commitee

The highlight of the year for St Andrew’s College Events Committee volunteers,

who number 60 plus, is the annual Leavers’ Dinner. This was once again a fantastic

night. Our volunteers helped to set up tables, decorate Gym 1 on the day, then work

tirelessly to help make the dinner a memorable night by serving 500 guests.

During the year some of our volunteers give up their time to help with events;

others are there when needed for the Boarders’ and Leavers’ Dinners. The Events

Committee is a great way to be involved at St Andrew’s College, especially if you have

limited time to commit. Our only meeting is the AGM and all contact is by email.

If you are interested in joining please contact Clare Wilkinson on

[email protected].

Sally Dowson


Thank you to Sally Dowson who has led

the Events Committee for five years

as Convenor. Sally has now resigned

from this position after successfully

co-ordinating many volunteers to assist

with some outstanding events. These

events ran smoothly under Sally’s

leadership and we thank her for her

dedication and many hours of service

to the College.

Photo: Pipe Band

performing at StAC Attack.

Photo: 2015 Heads of College and Rector

Christine Leighton with the leavers’ window.

Old Collegians Association

St Andrew’s College enjoys a culture of philanthropy, which is led by the generosity

and support of the Old Collegians Association. The affection and loyalty of past

students is a testimony to the great education and wonderful experiences that Old

Collegians have had as students.

The Old Collegians support the school in many different ways, from providing for

scholarships and funding through the Association, to contributing and donating as

individuals to Step Into Our Future, as well as volunteering and helping at events.

An example of this support can be seen in the significant donation pledged by the

Association to the building of the new Chapel.

Old Collegians provide the school with leadership and guidance, advice and

mentoring, professional advice and support.

Nick Letham

Old Collegians Association President


The PTA enjoys supporting the school – both with fundraising and StAC community events, such as open days, wine and cheese

night at the Preparatory School and helping out at senior formals.

The PTA’s main source of income is the Second-hand Uniform Shop, which is operated by parent volunteers, to whom we are very


Profits are always put back into the school to benefit all students. In 2015 after running a successful fundraising evening, Style

at StAC, the PTA donated $17,500 towards equipment for the new Fitness Centre. Another $5000 was donated to the Preparatory

School for purchasing robotics equipment.

The latest purchase the PTA has made is a mobile eftpos machine for the Second-hand Uniform Shop, which is already proving its

value and convenience for St Andrew’s parents. To show our support to wider StAC community groups, the PTA is making this eftpos

machine available to other College fundraising groups and events.

If you are interested in joining the PTA, volunteering in the Second-hand Uniform Shop or enquiring about the eftpos machine,

please email [email protected].

Anastassia McIntyre


The Ladies Circle

The Ladies Circle is a group for women,

past and present, with affiliations to

St Andrew’s College. They meet on the

last Friday of every month, supporting

each other through fellowship, listening

to guest speakers (both internal and

external to St Andrew’s) and implement

fundraising and volunteering initiatives.

2015 was a full and interesting year for

the Ladies Circle with high attendance

and some fascinating speakers. A

successful fundraising luncheon was

held in June with funds going to the

new Chapel, and a Christmas luncheon

was held in November with a high

attendance of 55 ladies.

Ngaire Power


Preparatory School

The St Andrew’s community spirit starts in the Preparatory School and a big

thank you goes to our class parent volunteers. This group of people played a

significant role in welcoming new and returning families to the Preparatory

School at the start of the year. During the year, the connections continued as

the volunteers organised fun events and evenings out. It was a fun way for

everyone to get to know each other.

Thanks also to the PTA for the generous donation towards robotics

during the year. The Preparatory School was able to purchase eight EV3

Mindstorms sets. This enabled many more children to have access to the

school’s robotics programme.

Jonathan Bierwirth

Preparatory School Principal

Students partnering to help schools in need

Families for Families is a charity that takes donations of $20 and turns them into $80–$150

worth of food, and works with the Salvation Army to distribute them to families in need.

Founder of Families for Families and current parent Nicki Dew, set up a charity called Kids

Konnect. This charity helps students from Christchurch schools partner up and support those

school communities in need.

In 2015 St Andrew’s College was proud to be a part of this initiative. Alongside Akaroa High

School, we partnered with Aranui Primary School. Year 9 students from StAC and Akaroa

High School gathered resources and raised money for families at the school as part of their

community service programmes. Students collectively raised $7000 for the school, which

went towards student camps, Chromebooks and a mini-van. There was also a focus on

donating unwanted sports gear to the school and a large amount of sports equipment has

been donated along with sports mats and gear from the St Andrew’s College Fitness Centre.

Students from St Andrew’s and Akaroa High School travelled to Aranui Primary School to

meet the children they had raised support and funds for. Students were welcomed with a

Haka Powhiri; they then learnt about the process involved in cooking an umu and a hangi

and joined together for lunch. They were entertained by a Pasifika performance and

Year 9 members of the Pipe Band put on a display in return. Students enjoyed this great

opportunity to connect.

The goal for Kids Konnect is for all high schools in Christchurch to partner with schools

in need across the district. The programme has been a tremendous success and Nikki

hopes it will continue to gain momentum.

Style at StAC

Style at StAC is a biennial fundraising event run in conjunction

with the StAC PTA. This fun-filled evening showcases local

fashion modelled by two students from each year group and four

teacher models, whose identity is kept under wraps until the


In 2015, two Old Collegians, Kelsey Smart from Zip Me Up and

Jordan Barron, an international fashion model, shared their

experiences in the fashion industry. The evening was emceed

and masterminded by Stephanie Rumble, a current StAC parent

and fashion stylist (Bright Red Styling). It was a very successful

collaboration and a great night for all those who attended.

The success of the evening was due to the hard working team

at the PTA and other parents, many hours of commitment by

Stephanie and of course the generosity of the StAC community

supporting the event with items generously donated for auction.

In 2015 the event raised just over $17,000 for new Fitness Centre


Thanks to our




All About the Girl

Andrea Biani

Andrea Moore

Ataahua Waipara


Black Cat Cruises


Bright Red Styling

Cargo Bar


Columbus & Ware

Cotton On Kids

Country Road

Curators House



Dine Divine


Fine Foods

Forever New

Fresh Choice Merivale



Hachi Hachi


House of Travel

Infinite Definite


Khao-san Road

Kidd’s Cakes Bakery

Kids Farmers


Mag & Turbo

Mod’s Hair

New World South City

Nicola Quinn


No. 4



Pumpkin Patch

Riccarton Signs

Robin Pierre




Savoire Café &

Wine Bar


Spice Paragon




TG Hairdressing

The Brewers Arms

The Court Theatre

The Light Site

Weta Workshop

Zip Me Up

Celebrating Co-curricular


The College is very fortunate to

be aligned with some excellent

businesses that support the College

in such a positive way in terms of

sponsorship and excellent service.

We would like to extend our thanks

to Canterbury Apparel Team Wear

for their sponsorship support as

our official sports uniform supplier.

Canterbury Sports Wholesale supply

sports equipment to the College

and their ongoing support of the

College sports programme is much


Denley Jones

Head of Co-curricular

Rugby and Cricket

St Andrew’s College cricket is loyally supported by Bayleys (Rosemarie de Jong),

with rugby supported by Kooga, Lone Star, No. 4 Bar and Restaurant, Maugers

Contracting and FWL Contracting. Our students and staff are very appreciative of

all the support we get from our donors’ involvement.

The Rugby Club is also very grateful for the support they receive from Thistle Club

members, which has helped assist in rugby development.

We truly value all the support that is generated for us in helping with cricket and

rugby at the College.

Special thanks to Dougal Cockram of Gary Cockram Hyundai for supplying a brand

new Hyundai Veloster 1.6 Turbo at cost. This generous contribution resulted in a

very successful fundraiser for rugby.

Thanks also to Martin Oxley, Stuart Calder, Brent Francis, Mark Blyth and Andrew

Griffiths for co-ordinating the raffle, with 100% of the tickets sold and considerable

funds raised.

Mike Johnston

Head of Cricket and Rugby

St Andrew’s College has a large co-curricular programme with more than 50 sports and cultural

activities on offer. More than 90% of students participate in the co-curricular programme. While

it is fantastic to have all our teaching staff involved, the programme also relies heavily on the

support of parents and others from the wider StAC community. The College is very fortunate

to have so many volunteers who freely give of their time coaching and managing our students.

In addition there have been extremely generous donors and sponsors who have contributed

significantly toward the cost of equipment, uniform, food and travel. Thank you to all who have

donated to co-curricular activities at St Andrew’s College and are not mentioned in this report.

Your support is deeply appreciated.

Photo: Winner of the Rugby Club

car raffle, Carolyn Cairns with her

children and Dougal Cockram.


We would like to acknowledge the support

hockey receives from Sue and Andy Innes

from Just Hockey, who donate a considerable

amount of time to girls’ hockey and do

a wonderful job. We truly value all their


Leanne Power

Sports Co-ordinator


The St Andrew’s College rowing team has enjoyed great

success over the last season and is rapidly gaining a reputation

for being among the best co-educational rowing schools at

South Island and national level. The students’ ongoing success

would not have been made possible without the dedication and

tremendous support of the coaches, managers, committee

members, and parents and families.

The team has grown significantly in the last season. To cater for

this growth the parent committee has successfully fundraised

and purchased four new boats in the past season. These include

two eights, a four and a pair. A grant application for the new

four from NZCT of $20,000 was successfully gained by the

rowing committee chairman, Patrick Methven. Patrick was

able to negotiate this by gifting an older St Andrew’s College

four to Shirley Boys’ High School in return for the grant money,

meaning both schools gained by acquiring a boat.

Bayleys Real Estate has generously agreed to be the principal

sponsor of the rowing team for the next three years. The

rowers would like to thank Bayleys for the jackets and bags and

remaining sponsorship funds, which will assist in the purchase

of equipment.

Hamish Bell

Rowing Co-ordinator


We would like to acknowledge Hamish Cochrane and Michelle Mace who donated

an award for contribution to futsal. We also want to thank Richard Bell who

volunteered his time and expertise to coach the Senior A girls’ team last year.

Richard is the current Futsal Whites (international men’s) team manager. Ali

Emberton also needs a special mention for her time volunteered at the national


We would also like to thank and recognise the financial contributions from the

following families:

The Hickford Family

The Wallace Family

The Clink Family

The Neill Family

The Emberton Family

The Justice Family

The McCann Family

We greatly appreciate your support and assistance, and the input you have into futsal

at St Andrew’s College.

Matt Nicoll

Futsal Co-ordinator


In 2015 our national champion mixed tennis

team was supported by Plexipave New

Zealand (a company that puts the surfaces

on tennis courts) and who gave the team

some well-used apparel. Wilson supplied

the team with balls and strings, which was

a huge help over the season. Thank you to

Frontrunner Bush Inn, the tennis and team

wear specialist we use on a weekly basis. We

really appreciate the ongoing support from

these companies in our quest to maintain our

top position in the co-ed schools tennis.

Hamish Faulls

Tennis Co-ordinator

Your gifts to St Andrew’s College Step Into Our Future Campaign 2015

In 2015 the total gifts made to

St Andrew’s College Step Into Our

Future fundraising campaign, totalled

$1.9 million.

The majority of your gifts were directed

towards the new Chapel and the

St Andrew’s College Foundation.

The College is also thankful for the

additional gifts and generosity

directed towards the College’s

many co-curricular activities in

2015 (not included in these graphs)

and acknowledges all gifts and

sponsorship supporting St Andrew’s


How did you give in 2015?

Where did you direct your gifts in 2015?

1 Step Into Our


2 Step Brick Box


3 P100

4 Annual Giving

5 Year 13 Parents’


6 Bequests

7 Cookbook Sales

1 Chapel

2 Sports and Cultural


3 Rector’s Discretion

4 Gym Scoreboard

5 Scholarships

6 College

7 Foundation

8 Strowan










4 5



Philanthropy - the spirit of generosity at St Andrew’s College

Step into our future

pOur fundraising campaign

Step Into Our Future is our fundraising

campaign for St Andrew’s College that

runs from 2013 to 2017, our Centenary

year. Campaign funds are being raised

for the Chapel, Sports and Cultural

Centre and the St Andrew’s College

Foundation to ensure that the College

is best placed to meet the next century.

Gifts to Step Into Our Future

Anonymous (25)

Neville Ackroyd* (1938)

Mr Christopher J &

Mrs Lesley J Adams

Mr Bryan N Aitken

Mr Murray Allison

Mr Roger WK Anderson

Mrs Leonie Anderson*

Mr Paul C Armour

Richard and Elizabeth Ashford

The Athlete’s Foot

John Baird

Mr Reginald H Baker

Shorty Barron

Ari Barrow

Levi Barrow

Andrew & Sue Bascand

Bates Family

Thomas and Edward Batt

Ms Donna Baynes

Mr Alan & Mrs Margaret* Beanland

Mr Peter & Mrs Pam Beath

Mr Grenville A Bell

John & Joan Bettle

Mr William T & Mrs Linda Bettle

Mrs Ruth N Bird

Birkett Family

Dr Stewart A Bisset

Mr Alistair A Black

Arthur Black

Mr David & Mrs Jean Blackwell

Miss Abby C Boyer

Mr Mark D & Mrs Keryn L Bragg

Mrs Shelley M & Mr Don G Broad

Mr Martin D & Mrs Nancy Brown

Mr Graham J & Mrs Kay Buick

FHW & MJ & FRW Burrows

Mr Frederick RW Burrows

Robin Butt

Mr Paul J Cadigan

Mr BM & Ms MT Cammock-Elliott

Miss Arizona M Candy

Carrodus Family

Andrew & Katie Caseley

Andrew & Ginne Clucas

John, Amanda & Harrison Collett

Ie Cynthia & Terry Currie

Mr Cran & Mrs Christina Dalgety

Mr David A* & Mrs Verleen Dalgleish

William L Davidson

Miss Elizabeth JZ Davies &

Mr Stephen J Collins

Don & Paul Davison

Mr Bernard M Del Rey &

Ms Brenda L Watson-Del Rey

Mr Lance R Dixon

Mr Brian Dowling

Mr Darren C Drury & Ms Julia M Spark

Mr David & Dr Margaret Duckworth

Mr O & Mrs C Dugdale

Mrs Sarah Eckert

AK, JD & SK Ecroyd

Fletcher & Lewis Edmond

Mr Lindsay R England

Mr Colin Evans* (1917)

Lewis and Sharon Evans

Mr Nigel JG & Mrs Chris M Fairbairn

Glithero Family

Mr John R & Mrs Mona H Fitzgerald

Flesher/Prior/Wilson Families

Mrs Catherine L & Mr Jonathan P Forsey

Jill & Brant Foster

Mr Peter Fraemohs

Frengley Family

Ian and Betty Galloway

Gillanders Family Darfield

Mr Neil Graham

Mr Robert & Mrs Katrina Gray

Mr Christopher D & Mrs Sarah C Green

Rev. Doug Grierson

RG Gunn

Mr Russell M & Mrs Hannah P Gunns

Dr William Guy & Mrs Helen Scott

Note: all cash donations are eligible for the 33% tax credit or rebate.


Philanthropy - the spirit of generosity at St Andrew’s CollegeMr Alan Hampton & Family

Mr Philip R & Mrs Victoria J Hampton

Mark & Deb Harris

Mrs Bronwyn A & Mr Simon P Harrison

Ms Krista L Hastings & Mr Andrew J Bell

Sir David Hay

Mr Joel S Hewson

Mr Ross S & Mrs Rochelle A Hewson

Mr Christopher O Hills

Lee Hubber

Mr Jim & Mrs Ann Hudson

Mr Ronald H Hughes

Mr Brian Hunt

Mr Roger J & Mrs Sandra A Hurnard

Mr James K Hyslop

Lance & Andew Innes Families

Mrs Pat Ivey*

Mr Colin G & Mrs Loma Johnson

Mr Daniel Johnson &

Ms Elena A Koukhtina

Mr Maxwell J & Mrs Glennis Johnston

Mr Peter B & Mrs Kathy Jones

Ms Lynne Julian

Mr Gordon M Kelly

St Kentigern Trust Board

Mrs Donna L & Mr Jesse Kenton-Smith

Mr Robert J Kerr

Mr Dean A & Mrs Gynene E Kesseler

Mrs Ngaire Kilpatrick

Mrs Carol M King & Mr Jeffrey R Morrison

Kininmonth Family

Mr Pandian Kumaravel

Mr James R Lawton

Miss Lisa J Ledingham &

Mr Lance G Small

Mrs Christine M & Mr Gavin R Leighton

Ms Racquel E Lewis

Mr Campbell W & Mrs Diane Lintott

Mr David W Lloyd

Mr Andrew N Lowden

Mrs Dianne H MacDonald

Claire and John Mackintosh

Mr Hamish C MacMaster

Maginness Family

Mrs Myra Mann

Mr Arthur D & Mrs Jessie Matthews

Mr Hugh C & Mrs Sonya A Matthews

Dr Graeme S Mawson

Mrs MIF McDonald

Mr W J (Jock) McEldowney

Grant McFadden & Family

Mrs Isla McFadden

Mrs Susan EA & Dr Graham RB McGeoch

Mr J Craig McIntosh

Mr Rod & Mrs Janette McKenzie

Mr Dugald SA & Mrs Barbara J McLean

Mr Wayne D McMillan

Mr Murray & Mrs Judith McNicholl

Mrs Wendy McPherson

Jackson & Flynn Megaw

Methven Family

Geoffrey and Kathryn Millar

The Milligan Families

Mr Colin R Milligan*

Mr Ian Milligan

Mrs Reetah M & Mr Matthew E Mitchell

Molloy Family 2015

Moran Family

Joshua Morrison

John Mulholland

Mark Mulholland & Family

Mr Texas A & Mrs Lynda M Mundy

Mr Kenneth R Murray

John and Olwyn Musgrove

Luca Newman

Mr Noel W Nicholson

Nordt Family

Mr Michael G Norris &

Mrs Patricia R M Dart

John Ogilvie*

Mr Peter H Olds

Owens Family 2000–2011

Mrs Faith Pandian

Mr Michael A Patterson

Louisa Patterson

(for James Patterson-Gardner)

Pawson Family Trust

Peate Family

Mr EG Perry

Mr Carl M Pester

Mr Ernie H Poole

Mike Pooley

Mrs Tracey L & Dr Chris J Pottinger

Richard and Mez Power

Mr Mark AC & Mrs Melissa J Prosser

Mr Robert N & Mrs Jo M Rasmussen

Mr Alistair R & Mrs Sharon Rayne

Mr Charles E & Mrs Carolyn E Reid

Mr J Alan R Reid

Mr Zak Robinson

Mr Arthur & Mrs Joyce Rodgers

Mr Michael J & Mrs Flavia A Ruscoe

Ryan Family

Vince, Michelle, Henry & Charlie Saunders

Mr Tim Scott

The acknowledgements shown below

gratefully recognise financial gifts

made to St Andrew’s College between

1 January 2015 and 31 December 2015.

Estate of WD Seed

D & J Shand Family

Mr DB (Barry) Shaw

Mr Christopher C & Mrs Ruth Sheppard

Mr Gordon M & Mrs Margaret J Shields

Jun Wha Shin

Mr Kenneth RB & Mrs Helen Shipley

Shoe Clinic

Mr Andrew D Sidey

Mr Graham J Sidey

Prof Ian & Mrs Marion E Simmers

Phil & Deborah Sloper

Robert & Jill Sloss

Andrew Wayne Smart

Barry William Smart*

William Andrew Smart

Mr Robert C & Mrs Margaret Spark

Mr Hank & Mrs Kerrie Sproull

Callum Stewart

Mr Nigel W & Mrs Robyn A Stratford

Mr Shane C Summerfield

Derek Syme & Family

Hamish, Katie, Angus & Elliot Syme

Mr Daniel Symons

Corey & Lana Tamou

Mr Ross Tanner

Mr Peter R Taylor

Mr Robert J Thomson

The Timbs Family

Mr Brent M & Mrs Tracey Tiney

Mr Gavin D & Mrs Karen A Tippett

Tom Tothill

Cherry Tsai

The Undy Family

van der Hoorn Family

Ms Julie B van der Velden

Justin & Claire Vaudrey

Mr Crispin R Vinnell &

Ms Hannah Mackintosh

Dr Mark Waddington

Mr E Peter Walker

Mr Frank & Mrs Anya Walkington

Martin & Letitia Welsford

Miss Naomi S Wilde

Descendants of John Wilson 1812–1880

Mr Clifford & Mrs Susan Wood

Stu Woollett

Mr Donald L & Mrs Jenny Wright

Miss Justine A Wyld

Peter Yu

Rong & Ying Zhang

Note: all cash donations are eligible for the 33% tax credit or rebate.


Philanthropy - the spirit of generosity at St Andrew’s College

Strowan Club Members

Anonymous (7)

Mr Colin W Anderson* & Family

Mr David A Anderson

Robert & Marion Anderson

Stuart & Debbie Anderson

Mrs Alison Ballantyne

Mr Bruce & Mrs Jane Bascand

Bosch Robert NZ Ltd

Mr Mark & Dr Robin Bowman

David & Catherine Boyer

Mr A Paul & Mrs Joan* Brown

Mr Chris D Burke

Mr Simon D Burke

Burnett Valley Trust

The Burns Family

Canterbury Foundation

Mr Simon & Mrs Tracey Challies

Matthew Cockram and Ramari Young

SJ Collins Family Trust

Mr Gideon & Mrs Amie-Jane Couper

John Crothall

(In memory of E Alan Crothall)

David and Bridget Cushing

Mr Don & Mrs Liz Davison

Mr Grant E & Mrs Jennifer Dickey

Mr Graham T, Mrs Leila M &

Mr Craig H Dowling

Mr Peter R & Mrs Rana E Eggleton

Mr & Mrs Stewart Elms

Ms Deb A Fahey

Dr DW & Mrs N* Featherston

Jim Forrester

Mr Stuart JV & Mrs Sue Fox

Dr Ivor S Francis

Mr Rob Gendall

Keith & Jennifer Gillanders

Dr H S Gray

Mrs Joan Grummitt

Mr D Nigel Gualter & Ms Kristy O’Connor

Earl & Lani Hagaman

Mrs Jane Hallifax

Mr Rick Hallifax

John* & Jan Hampton & Family

JL Hay Charitable Trust

Mr George F & Mrs Merrilyn E* Hight

Mr Euan & Mrs Dawne Hilson

Mr David J Jarman

Mr Stewart M Johns

Peter Johnston* & Family

Brent & Vicky Jones

Professor Ron Jones

Mr Peter D Kennedy

Mr Bill Kensington*

Ladies’ Circle

Jim* & Jen Livingstone

Mace Engineering Ltd

Barry & Cheryl Maister

Emeritus Prof. Athol W &

Mrs Ngaire J Mann

Mr Chris J & Mrs Jilly J Marshall

Mr Phil & Mrs Linda Mauger

Steven and Jacqui McDonald

Mr Andrew & Mrs Joanne D Mcgregor

Mr Kelvin R & Mrs Sally McMillan

L B Miller Charitable Trust

WM & HM Milliken

Mr Gregory J Moore

Mrs Beverley Murray

Mr Ed & Mrs Nicky Newman

Mr Dougal & Mrs Diane Norrie

Mr Michael H (1972) & Mrs Linda J Nutt

Thanking our Donors

St Andrew’s College and the

St Andrew’s College Foundation

are strengthened through financial

contributions and bequests, which

help to maintain the high standard of

independent education at

St Andrew’s College. Through income

earned on the St Andrew’s College

Foundation invested endowment, funds

are directed to areas of need at the

Board of Governors’ request.

The St Andrew’s College and

Foundation societies began in 2007 with

the establishment of Strowan Club for

donors who have donated $10,000 or

more to the College or Foundation.

The following list includes all members

who have given recently or, who based

upon their cumulative giving, are now

welcomed to the Strowan Club, or

as a Cornerstone member, or to the

Founders’ Circle.

M & S Oxley

Bryan & Susie Pearson

Mr Richard & Mrs Anne Peate

Mrs Almut & Mr Richard Perrett

The Perry Family

Mr Malcolm H J Petrie

Mr Cameron C Pickering

George & Lynda Pickering

Mr Grahame & Mrs Glen Price

Mr Graham B & Mrs Lorna Robertson

Mr Murray D Rose

Murray Rose and Richard Rose

Mrs Shirley J Rudkin

The Scanlon Family

Mr DWG & Mrs PJ Scott

Mr Paul W Scott

Mr George & Mrs Kay Scrimshaw

Mr Allan D & Mrs Cynthia* Shand

Mr Michael & Mrs Kate Sidey

Sir Gil & Joy Simpson

Dr Harsh P Singh & Mrs Anu Pratap

Mr Donald A Sloss

Robert & Jill Sloss

Mr Murray G & Mrs Linda V Smith

David A Solomon

Prof. Michael Spiro

St Andrew’s College Old Collegians


Mr Roland Stead

Mr Evan Stewart

Mr Mark J Stewart

Mr W John Strowger

Dr Jurgen & Mrs Petra M* Suppan

Mr John & Mrs Glenys Syme

Bill & Dian Taylor

Mr Peter A & Mrs Pip L Trumic

Mr Murray A & Mrs Margaret H Turley

Mr William M & Mrs Pam Turner

Mr John W & Josephine Ullrich

Mr Peter F & Mrs Carlyn Ullrich

Tony & Joyce Wallace & Family

Mr Noel A & Mrs Brigitte J Walton

Geoff & Mary Wells Family Trust

Mr Graham C & Mrs Val Wells

J & V Wells

Mr Kerry J Wells

Mr Michael C Wells

Wilkie + Bruce Architects

Mr Alun T & Mrs Miriam Wilkie

Mr Peter* & Mrs Judy Wilkinson

Mr Rick S Wilson & Ms Janine M Mayson

Mr P & Mrs GP Wright

Paul & Jill Wright

Mr William JA & Mrs Carol E Young

Note: all cash donations are eligible for the 33% tax credit or rebate.



1917 Society

The 1917 Society is for those generous

members of our community who have

pledged a bequest to the College. We

are privileged that they have chosen

to endow part of their estate to

St Andrew’s College upon their passing.

For those who have shared their plans

with us, we are glad to be able to thank

them and welcome them as members

of the 1917 Society.

Bequests Received between 1 January

2015 and 31 December 2015.

Mr Colin Evans* (1917)

Your generosity is greatly appreciated

For further information please contact

The Development Office.

• Phone: +64 3 940-2068 • Email: [email protected]

St Andrew’s College Charities Commission Registration #CC22462

St Andrew’s College Foundation Charities Commission Registration #CC25213