Srm 3006

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  • 8/12/2019 Srm 3006





    UP TO 6 GHz

  • 8/12/2019 Srm 3006


    Radio, TV, m obile phones, w ireless services: Electrom ag-

    netic fields are the m edium w herever such form s of

    com m unication are used. These fields affect everything

    around them including the people that are m oving w it-

    hin them . C om plete coverage w ould otherw ise be

    im possible.

    N ational and international authorities have fixed lim it

    values for such fields to prevent harm ful effects. The

    field strengths allow ed in the occupational environm ent

    are usually higher than those for the general public,

    because people w ho routinely w ork in electrom agnetic

    fields are trained, aw are of the potential dangers, and

    know w hat to do or have specific instructions w hich, for

    exam ple, lim it exposure tim e to the field.



  • 8/12/2019 Srm 3006


    Legislators have laid the responsibility for ensuring

    safety upon the operators of transm itting equipm ent

    and the relevant authorities. These, in turn, can take

    advantage of the m easurem ent services offered by

    organizations and independent providers. There is real-

    ly only one w ay to m ake sure everything is safe:


    Photo reproduced by kind perm ission of

    O RS sterreichische Rundfunksender G m bH & C o KG

    A ustrian Broadcasting Services, w w w


  • 8/12/2019 Srm 3006


    W ideband m easuring equipm ent gives blanket covera-

    ge of large frequency ranges, w hich could range from

    the broadcast band to the m obile phone band and bey-

    ond, for exam ple. W hen fitted w ith special probes, such

    equipm ent can deliver results that are expressed auto-

    m atically in term s of the applicable perm itted lim it valu-

    es. These devices are usually easy to operate.

    Selective devices such as spectrum analyzers break the

    fields dow n into their individual frequency com ponents,

    allow ing detailed analysis. They are m ore com plex to

    operate and som e specialist know ledge is needed to

    evaluate results.

    The Selective Radiation M eter SRM -3006 from N arda

    Safety Test Solutions com bines the analysis features of a

    spectrum analyzer w ith the sim ple application of a

    w ideband m easuring set. It w as developed specifically

    to address safety concerns in electrom agnetic fields. In

    contrast to a convertedspectrum analyzer, it provides

    users w ith application-oriented operating m odes for

    m easuring separate transm ission channels and services

    such as analog or digital broadcasts (TV, DVB-T, D A B),

    m obile phones (G SM , U M TS) or w ireless (W LAN ,

    W iM A X). Results are displayed as individual values in

    tables and as an overall total value, expressed in units of

    field strength, pow er density, or sim ply as a percentage

    of the perm itted lim it value. You dont need to be an

    expert in spectrum analysis to use the SRM .



  • 8/12/2019 Srm 3006


    The results can be show n in physical units, e.g. electric field strength

    in V /m , m agnetic field strength in A /m , and pow er density in W /cm 2,

    or directly as a percentage of the lim it values, for exam ple those

    specified by IC NIRP. Im portant: The SRM can also subsequently

    convert results to percentages, physical units or logarithm ic


    The Selective Radiation M eter and its

    m easuring antennas are m atched.

    A ny antenna and any instrum ent in the

    range can be com bined to form a

    handy unit. Plug and Play.

    V/m A/m W/cm2


  • 8/12/2019 Srm 3006


    Legally airtight, trustw orthy results depend on m any

    factors: The m easuring equipm ent m ust be calibrated.

    The m easurem ent m ust com ply w ith standards, and it

    m ust be m ade professionally and correctly.

    The SRM from N arda Safety Test Solutions is calibrated

    traceable to national and international standards. It

    fulfills all the requirem ents of current hum an safety

    standards. A nd it m akes correct, professional m easure-

    m ents easy, such as tim e-averaged m easurem ents over

    the standard six-m inute period or spatial averaging over

    several m easurem ent points. W hen using the isotropic

    m easuring antennas for the SRM , you dont need to

    w orry about the direction of the field either; the instru-

    m ent doesnt m iss a thing. A nd you can set up and save

    m easurem ent routines in advance, ensuring reproduci-

    ble results and elim inating incorrect settings.

    The SRM can create m easurem ent reports on-site, so

    theres no possibility of transm ission errors creeping in.

    The instrum ent includes the underlying standard in the

    result, records the date, tim e and G PS coordinates, and

    also saves w ritten or voice com m ents, w hich can descri-

    be e.g. the am bient conditions or any events that occur

    during the m easurem ent. A ll this m eans that you

    alw ays get dependable results.




  • 8/12/2019 Srm 3006


    Im possible to falsify: Screenshot of a Safety Evaluationresult.

    The calibration certificate

    records the traceability

    of the calibration of the

    instrum ent and antenna

    to recognized standards

    w ith accreditation if


  • 8/12/2019 Srm 3006


    Electrom agnetic fields alw ays consist of an electrical

    and a m agnetic field com ponent. Lim it values are there-

    fore specified for both the electric as w ell as the m ag-

    netic field strength.

    The electric and m agnetic field strengths at a distance

    from the source are in a fixed relationship, so it is suffi-

    cient to m easure just one of the tw o com ponents. This

    relationship does not apply close to the source, so both

    com ponents m ust be determ ined separately.

    The w avelength of the radiation determ ines the locati-

    on of the near-field and the far-field. The near-field of a

    long w ave transm itter extends for several kilom eters.

    The near-field for m obile phone antennas ends w ithin

    the space of about one m eter.

    N arda Safety Test Solutions has developed a thoroughly

    researched range of m easuring antennas. They m ake

    the SRM into a universal m easuring set for electric and

    m agnetic fields from long w ave up to the latest gene-

    ration of m obile phone frequencies.



    Inside the isotropic electric

    field m easuring antenna,

    show ing three dipoles

    arranged at m utual right


    The isotropic (three-axis) m ea-

    suring antenna for electric

    fields (E-fields) up to 3 G Hz

    is the all-round solution for

    trouble-free m easurem ents

    covering VSW to U M TS.

  • 8/12/2019 Srm 3006


    Q uick and reliable because they are non-directional: The

    isotropic antennas detect the field strengths in three

    m utually perpendicular directions, and the SRM auto-

    m atically calculates the resulting field strength. N ever-

    theless, isotropic m easurem ents are also possible using

    the single-axis antennas if you use a tripod and the

    antenna holder, w hich allow s you to m ake successive

    m easurem ents in three m utually perpendicular positi-

    ons. The SRM supports this procedure by saving the

    result for each of the three positions and then calcula-

    ting the resulting field strength w ithout a PC .

    A ll antennas and antenna cables are interchangeable

    w ithout affecting accuracy: The calibration data for

    each item is saved in the antenna or cable itself and is

    read out and applied autom atically by the SRM Basic

    U nit. A t the sam e tim e, the SRM blocks the frequency

    ranges for w hich the antenna has not been calibrated.

    This avoids incorrect m easurem ents.



    For rapid, non-directional

    m easurem ents involving

    latest generation w ireless

    technologies: Three-axis

    (isotropic) E-field antenna

    for frequencies from800 MHz bis6 GHz

    For rapid, non-directional

    m easurem ents, e.g. cove-

    ring m obile phone fre-

    quencies: Three-axis (iso-

    tropic) E-field antenna for

    frequencies from27 MHz bis 3 GHz

    For precision m easure-

    m ents in the m obile

    phone frequency range:

    Single-axis E-field anten-

    na for frequencies from27 MHz bis 3 GHz

    For precision electric field

    m easurem ents on radio /

    TV transm itters and indus-

    trial equipm ent: Single-

    axis E-field antenna for

    frequencies from9 kHz bis 300 MHz

    For rapid, non-directional

    m agnetic field m easure-

    m ents in the near-field of

    radio / TV transm itters

    and industrial equipm ent:

    Three-axis H-field antenna

    for frequencies from

    9 kHz bis 250 MHz

    The single-axis antennas can be m ounted on a tripod and

    adjusted to produce isotropic results by m aking m easure-

    m ents in three m utually perpendicular positions. Hand-held,

    they are also ideal for locating m axim um values w ithin aroom using the so-called pendulum m ethod.

    The m easuring antennas can be connected to the SRM Basic

    U nit directly or via a cable. An auxiliary control cable allow s

    the Basic Unit to read out the m easuring antenna and

    antenna cable data autom atically.

    For precision m agnetic field m ea-

    surem ents in the nearfield of

    radio / TV transm itters and indus-

    trial equipm ent: Single-axis H -field

    antenna for frequencies from9 kHz bis 300 MHz



  • 8/12/2019 Srm 3006


    Broadcasting, m obile telephony, industrial equipm ent:

    W hat proportion of the overall field is from w hich sour-

    ce? The answ er is of interest to the relevant authorities

    and safety representatives as w ell as to the operators

    them selves. There is often a need to know w hat field

    strength is em anating from w hich equipm ent, w hich

    channel or w hich radio cell. This determ ines w ho m ust

    reduce output pow er in the event that the lim it values

    are exceeded, for exam ple. O n the other hand, the

    overall field strength is m ore im portant w hen it com es

    to hum an safety and environm ental protection.

    The Selective Radiation M eter SRM is perfect for such

    investigations, thanks to its application-oriented opera-

    ting m odes. For exam ple: Safety Evaluationw ith auto-

    m atic evaluation of individual services such as analog

    TV, digital radio (D VB-T, D A B), m obiles (G SM , U M TS),

    and w ireless (W LAN , W iM A X), as w ell as a sum m ary of

    the results in the form of an overall value. O r Level

    Recorderm ode, w hich can even record pulsed radarsignals as num erical values. O r Scopem ode, w hich dis-

    plays the variation of the field over tim e.

    Even the resolution bandw idths are tailored to the

    applications. U sing these settings, the SRM can select

    out a single narrow G SM channel or capture an entire

    broad D VB-T channel.

    WHO? WHAT?


    O verview w ith Safety Evaluation:

    The services to be checked are recor-

    ded in editable tables. Theres no

    com plicated evaluation needed in

    Safety Evaluationm ode: The num e-

    rical result show s the individual con-

    tributions of the services as w ell as

    the overall level in term s of the per-

    m itted lim it value.

    C lassical spectrum analysis: Result

    evaluation using m arkers and deltam arkers. The integration function can

    be used to determ ine the channel

    pow er level, for exam ple. Special

    feature: Service identification by

    m eans of pre-recorded service tables.



  • 8/12/2019 Srm 3006


    W hich channels are occupied? The

    bar graph display in Safety Evaluati-

    onm ode show s m axim um , average,

    and m inim um values sim ultaneously,

    so you can clearly see w hats going on.

    U M TS P-C PIC H D em odulation: The

    SRM autom atically identifies everyreceived UM TS cell by m eans of its

    scram bling code and m easures the

    field strength or pow er density of the

    associated pilot channel (P-CPIC H) at

    the sam e tim e. The SRM also show s

    the sum of all P-CPIC H levels as an

    overall value (Total). The analog m ea-

    sured value for the frequency channel

    is also show n for com parison. You

    can also set a factor that the SRM

    can use to extrapolate the field

    strength that w ould result if all

    channels w ere fully loaded.

    View pulsed signals directly in Scope

    m ode: The tim e dom ain display can

    be set to cover a period of 24 hours

    or can be m ore finely resolved, even

    dow n to the m icrosecond level.

    M easure pulsed signals easily in Level

    Recorderm ode: The SRM com ple-m ents the num erical display of m axi-

    m um and m inim um values w ith a bar

    graph therm om eterdisplay: A m ar-

    ker rem ains on the m axim um level in

    each case.


  • 8/12/2019 Srm 3006


    It doesnt take long to m easure the actual field exposu-

    re level. But how does the level change over a period of

    seconds, m inutes, hours, or even days?

    The SRM -3006 records individual radio channels in real

    tim e w ith m icrosecond resolution in Scopem ode; this

    capability is needed in order to capture radar im pulses.

    O n the other hand, the instrum ent can also be used for

    long-term m easurem ents, such as a Safety Evaluation.

    The flow of data doesnt have to becom e a flood,

    though. The start and sequence of m easurem ents can

    be tim er controlled or triggered w hen a threshold is

    crossed. The SRM then sum m arizes the data sets in a

    clear display.

    Particularly convenient: The SRM determ ines the instan-

    taneous, average, m axim um , and m inim um values at

    the sam e tim e.

    The SRM can operate independently for about three

    hours on fully charged batteries. The batteries can easi-

    ly be replaced on-site, so theres no need to hunt for the

    nearest pow er outlet.



    Long term m onitoring in the w orkplace: Even the W LAN connecti-

    on to a laptop and the in-house w ireless telephones contribute

    to the field exposure level. The SRM can be operated for hours

    or days on end using an A C adapter.

  • 8/12/2019 Srm 3006


    Safety Evaluationin a residential area:

    Is it really only the m obile phone base

    stations that are the source of the field?

    Practical, on-site battery exchange: W ith a spare

    set of batteries, you can run the equipm ent for

    a w hole day w ithout needing A C line pow er.


  • 8/12/2019 Srm 3006


    There is a different field situation at each different m ea-

    surem ent location. H ow ever, the m easurem ents them -

    selves are repeated. N arda Safety Test Solutions has

    equipped the SRM -3006 w ith program m able m easure-

    m ent routines for this reason. The SRM runs through

    specific setups in succession and perform s the necessa-

    ry tasks. This saves tim e, avoids incorrect m easure-

    m ents, and m eans that the results from different locati-

    ons are com parable and reproducible.

    The SRM can do a lot of things autom atically if you

    w ant it to, such as setting a suitable m easurem ent

    range and selecting the appropriate resolution band-

    w idth. You can also easily perform m easurem ent steps

    m anually, such as sw itching from the FM radio range to

    the D VB-T range or from G SM -900 to G SM -1800.



    M easure


  • 8/12/2019 Srm 3006


    Sw itching betw een operating m odes also includes

    som e clever features. For exam ple, if you determ ine the

    center frequency of a U M TS frequency channel using

    spectrum analysis, the SRM w ill continue m easuring at

    exactly that frequency w hen you sw itch to U M TS P-

    C PIC H D em odulation, Scope, or Level Recorder

    m ode.

    M eaningful m easurem ent involves a process, w hich

    begins w ith configuring the instrum ent and ends w ith

    the evaluation, docum entation, and m anagem ent of

    the m easured data. The SRM -3006 TS PC softw are lets

    you do all this easily.

    You can also com bine instrum ent setups into m easure-

    m ent routines and upload them to the SRM using the

    PC softw are. C onversely, you can dow nload the results

    from the SRM , evaluate, record, and discuss them w it-

    hout any tim e-consum ing further processing on a PC .


  • 8/12/2019 Srm 3006


    A single spectrum captured using the SRM contains

    thousands of m easurem ent points. D uring the course of

    a norm al w orking day, the SRM m ay store m any such

    spectra along w ith other results. W hich data is im por-

    tant, w hat inform ation is relevant for assessing safety?

    You dont need to be a spectrum analysis specialist to

    use the SRM . N evertheless, experts can set all the para-

    m eters for spectrum analysis individually and evaluate

    the details m anually. For exam ple, you can zoom in on

    individual lines in the spectrum , com pare spectral com -

    ponents using the delta m arker, or read off the m axim a

    and m inim a at a specific frequency. You can also select

    a video bandw idth to sm ooth the trace, just as w ith a

    laboratory spectrum analyzer. The original resolution is

    still retained in the background.

    Selective m easurem ent in the tim e dom ain is unique:

    Pulsed signals can be displayed directly in Scopem ode

    w ith tim e intervals ranging from hours right dow n to

    m icroseconds. In Level Recorderm ode, the SRM -3006

    displays the instantaneous peak and RM S values as w ell


    D etailed evaluation of a Spect-

    rum A nalysisin the 1800 M H zm obile phone range (G SM -

    1800): U sing the D elta m arker,

    spectral com ponents can be

    com pared or the m axim a and

    m inim a at a specific frequency

    can be read out.

    Safety Evaluationw ith bar

    graph display: Professional users

    can im m ediately see the diffe-rence betw een traffic channels

    (TC H ) and control channels

    (BCC H ) w hen the m axim um ,

    average, and m inim um values

    are displayed sim ultaneously.

    Pulsed fields in Scopem ode:

    A s w ith an oscilloscope, you

    can m easure im pulse lengths

    and period durations. And you

    can also set triggers: M easure

    once w hen the threshold is

    exceeded, or each tim e the

    threshold is exceeded or by

    tim er control.

  • 8/12/2019 Srm 3006


    as the m axim um peak and RM S values that occurred

    during the m easurem ent. W ith a resolution bandw idth

    extending up to 32 M H z, the SRM -3006 is also fully

    equipped to handle the next generation of m obile com -

    m unications system s.

    Expert users dont need to put up w ith inconvenience,

    either. The SRM autom atically generates a list, even

    from the m ost detailed spectrum . This Peak Tablegives

    access to im portant details.


    Keep it sim ple: Evaluation of a

    Spectrum A nalysisusing the

    Peak Table. The list of the hig-

    hest field strengths and their

    corresponding frequencies, ser-

    vice nam es and even the nam es

    of the service providers if these

    have been recorded in service

    tables is particularly convenient.Item s in the table can be sorted

    according to various criteria.

    Safety Evaluationin the U M TS

    range: The individual channels

    w ith their channel num bers are

    show n next to each other in the

    bar graph display, just like a

    textbook. The Tbar on the

    extrem e right show s the total

    pow er density. The Obar

    show s the contributions from

    the frequency gaps (others) bet-w een the services.

  • 8/12/2019 Srm 3006


    H andy enough for on-site w ork but w ith high-end spe-

    cifications suitable for laboratory use the SRM offers


    The Basic U nit has a footprint w hich is about the sam e

    size as this brochure. Together w ith the m easuring

    antenna, it form s a unit that can easily be carried up any

    tow er. The com bination is ergonom ically designed,

    m echanically robust, and splash proof. The casing is

    electrically resistant to field strengths of up to 200 V/m .

    This m eans that you can still m easure the field strength

    in areas w here m ost other instrum ents have long cea-

    sed to function. M any of its features show their real

    w orth in difficult environm ents: the voice recorder for

    spoken com m ents, the rough textured rear panel ensu-

    ring you have a good grip, and the large area keypad

    that can still be operated even if you are w earing glo-


    N evertheless, the specifications of the SRM -3006 are

    such that it can double as a laboratory instrum ent: A n

    unusually high m axim um bandw idth of 32 M H z, a sig-

    nal to noise ratio that is excellent for a hand-held devi-

    ce, and the standard N connector that can be used to

    connect cables and antennas from other m anufactu-




    Everything on hand: M easuring w orkplace safety using the SRM Basic Unit and m easuring antenna.

    Photo reproduced by kind perm ission of O RS

    sterreichische Rundfunksender G m bH & C o K G

    A ustrian Broadcasting Services, w w w

  • 8/12/2019 Srm 3006


    1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M 1G 10G 100G






    0,1f [Hz]



    general publicThe advantage of a specialized

    device: If required, the SRM

    evaluates directly according to

    safety standards. Show n here:

    IC N IRP occupational and gene-

    ral public lim it value curves.

    Ergonom ics for the lab: The SRM can

    be set at a tilt so it is easy to operate

    and read.

  • 8/12/2019 Srm 3006



    The Selective Radiation M eter SRM -3006 is available

    packaged in various sets of equipm ent; for exam ple:

    Basic U nit w ith isotropic (three-axis) E-field m easuring

    antenna up to 6 G H z or Basic U nit w ith isotropic

    (three-axis) E-field m easuring antennas up to 3 G H z and

    6 G H z. Each set also includes the SRM -3006 Tools PC

    softw are, U SB cable, A C adapter / charger, w rist strap

    and carry strap. The equipm ent is fitted in a choice of

    either a soft case or a rigid shell case.

    A ll these com ponents as w ell as other equipm ent can

    be supplied as accessories.

    Please refer to the latest data sheet at w w w .srm

    for detailed specifications.


    SPECTRUM ANALYSISFor a rapid overview of

    thefield exposure level

    as a graph, a table, or

    a total valueFor analyzing the field exposure level

    in detail, as a graph or table,w ith display of individual values

    and calculation of the exposure

    due to entire frequency ranges





    For a rapid overview of

    tim e-variable fields, w ith

    num erical display of

    peak and RM S


    Pilot channel (P-CPIC H )

    dem odulation and extrapolation

    to the m axim um possible

    field exposure level

    For detailed real tim erecording and

    evaluation of

    tim e-variable fields

    Tim e or event controlled recording

    U ser-defined configuration

    Im portation of calibration data

    M easurem ent routines, setups

    Spatial averaging

    Voice recorder

    G PS

  • 8/12/2019 Srm 3006




    A ntennas

    Three-axis E-field antenna up to 6 G H z

    Three-axis E-field antenna up to 3 G H z

    Three-axis H -field antenna up to 250 M H z

    Single-axis E-field antenna up to 3 G H z

    Single-axis E-field antenna up to 300 M H z

    Single-axis H-field antenna up to 300 M H z

    A ntenna cables

    RF cable, 1.5 m

    RF cable, 5 m


    Tripod adapter for single- and three-axis antennas

    Tripod adapter for three-axis antennas


    Soft case or rigid shell case

    Shoulder bag

    Carry strap

    Pow er supply

    Spare batteries

    Battery charging station

    Softw are

    SRM -3006 TS PC softw are w ith com prehensive data

    m anagem ent features

    C are Packages w ith extended w arranty and calibration


  • 8/12/2019 Srm 3006



    M easuring devices for electric and m agnetic fields from D C up to severalhundred kilohertz. For pow er utilities, electric railroads, and industry. Stan-

    dard-com pliant evaluations, e.g. according to the Dom estic Appliance

    standard IEC 62233.


    NBM -500: The instrum ent range that covers practically every applicationbetw een 100 kHz and 60 GH z.

    N arda Safety Test Solutions is a global leader in the

    developm ent and production of m easuring equipm ent

    for electric, m agnetic, and electrom agnetic fields. This is

    borne out by our ow ning som e 95% of all the publis-

    hed patents for m easuring such fields. N arda instru-

    m ents are the products of a highly innovative com pany

    that specializes in EM F m easurem ents for safety in

    electrom agnetic fields and w hich is continually expan-

    ding its position in this sector.

    O ur three facilities are located at H auppauge, Long

    Island / U SA , Pfullingen / G erm any and C isano / Italy. It

    is our aim to provide all our custom ers w ith tailor-m ade,

    high-tech products of the highest quality.


  • 8/12/2019 Srm 3006



    SRM -3006: The instrum ent that selectively identifies andm easures every source in the frequency range from 9 kH z

    to 6 G H z w ith a sensitivity that can detect individual tele-

    com m unications channels even w ithin a building.


    W orn or carried on the person,these devices give reliable w ar-

    ning of excessive radiation levels.


    For perm anent m onitoring of the field strengthsituation. Frequency selective or w ideband. D ata

    transm ission via m obile phone link.

    The com prehensive product portfolio for hum an safety

    in electrom agnetic fields (EM F) includes w ideband and

    frequency-selective m easuring devices, m onitoring sta-

    tions and personal m onitors. U nder the PM M brand, w e

    offer instrum ents for assessing the electrom agnetic

    com patibility (EM C ) of devices. O ur range of custom er

    services also includes servicing, calibration, and training.


  • 8/12/2019 Srm 3006


    Narda Safety Test Solutions Srl

    Via Leonardo da V inci, 21/23

    20090 Segrate (M ilano), Italy

    Phone: +39 02 2699871

    Fax: +39 02 26998700

    E-m ail: support@

    w w w

    N arda Safety Test Solutions 2009

    The nam e and logo are registered trade-

    k f N d S f T S l i G bH

    Narda Safety Test Solutions GmbH

    Sandw iesenstrasse 7

    72793 Pfullingen, G erm any

    Phone: +49 (0) 7121-97 32-777Fax: +49 (0) 7121-97 32-790

    E-m ail: support@

    w w w

    Narda Safety Test Solutions

    435 M oreland Road

    H auppauge, N Y 11788, U SA

    Phone: +1 631 231-1700

    Fax: +1 631 231-1711

    E-m ail: N ardaSTS@ L-3C O M .com

    w w w