SR:Business process improvement - Danae Orig

Danae Madel Orig AGSB - MBAH 10B

Transcript of SR:Business process improvement - Danae Orig

Page 1: SR:Business process improvement - Danae Orig

Danae Madel Orig AGSB - MBAH 10B

Page 2: SR:Business process improvement - Danae Orig

What is Business Process Improvement?It is a systematic approach to help

an organization optimize its underlying processes to achieve more efficient results.

It involves people and integrates process and systems.

It focuses on "doing things right" more than it does on "doing the right thing“.

It attempts to reduce variation and/or waste in processes, so that the desired outcome can be achieved with better utilization of resources

It’s goal is a radical change in the performance of an organization, rather than a series of incremental changes

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How does it work?Defining the organization's strategic goals and

purposes -- Who are we, what do we do, and why do we do it?

Determining the organization's customers (or stakeholders) -- Who do we serve?

Aligning the business processes to realize the organization's goals -- How do we do it better?

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Core Objectives of BPIEffectiveness — Does the process meet customer


Efficiency — Does it cut down on the usage of resources?

Adaptability — Is the process flexible enough to change as requirements change?

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BPI CycleObjectives, Strategy, Baselines

Business ProcessNew Processes, Systems


Proposed Changes


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Who are involved?Business Leaders

Senior leaders - define the customer and business objectives which an organization needs to achieve

Lower leader-levels -- get the task of translating senior leaders' business objectives into business objectives that make sense for their level and that support the accomplishment of the senior leaders' business objectives.

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Process owner -- responsible for designing the processes necessary to achieve the objectives of the business plans that are created by the Business Leaders. Most process owners have process improvement team to work with them.

responsible for creating improvement actions that address performance issues that are identified during their analysis of the process performance data.

use of problem solving tools that would include risk assessment and root cause analysis

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Operational Manager -- responsible to bring the resources and processes together to achieve the objectives of the business plans that are created by the business leaders.

create improvement actions to address the performance issues .

They address Process Operator performance with ongoing feedback to the Process Operator and/or by using an employee performance management review process.

They communicate process performance issues to the Process Operator and the Process Owner.

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Process operator is responsible to learn and perform the processes (work) necessary to achieve the objectives

responsible for identifying and reporting any performance issues

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Benefits of BPICost managementQuality managementImproved efficiencyCycle time reductionEffective management of resourcesImproved visibility of process performance

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