Sr. Citizens Honor Mesdames Hatfie Meadows and A....

?THE CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY, DEC. 4, 1965 |||^ BANQUET TlMl?Tfce picture above it a scene taken at the recant Hillside Band Parant't Fellowship Banquat held in the school cafatria. Th banquet one of the major events spon- sored annually by the Band Parent's Organiation. The banquet was held in hon- or of the many friends who help to support the various activities of the organization. CHAMPAGNE E7IQUET7E FOR EVERYONE Whether you're a gas bun visant or a qtuet home bod\. there s a time in sour lite when you want to celebrate a birthdav part) a wedding or anniversary, a holiday party, dinner lor the boss. To make the evening memorable. >ou re going to serve French ( ham- pagnc. Do \ou know how to store it serve it. sip it? There san art to all this learn it and you'll mark yourself a "connoisseur. When you buy. you'll have your choice of a split, which is 6'2 ounces ... a half bottle 13. -a regular bottle ... a magnum 52 (or two bottles) . ..a Jereboam 1114 lor four bottles)! Store champagne on its side, never upright. Ideal temperature: 44 to 48°. Hold a champagne glass by the stem, not the body And never ?but nevair! ?wrap the bottle in a towel or use .1 swizzle stick in the glass. YOUR TOWN ?PREPARED FOR DISASTER? If disaster struck your town. would evacuation centers and emer- gency shelters be prepared? Arc there professional and volunteer workers who could be mobilized immediately? Do you know where your town can seek financial help in case of catastrophe? Have homeowners been encouraged to keep basic provisions on hand for emergencies? Story offers a checklist of steps every town should take in case of local disaster and gives expert advice for remedying shortcomings. EBSTa* 'vDw jiiiil' \u25a0 ??? » 2 »**#\u2666 ???- * 1 H \u25a0 GIFT GIVING AROUND THE WORLD Did you know that the filling of Christmas stockings began almost 1600 years ago? It's a fact! In the 4th century, St. Nicholas the original Santa Claus dropped a bag of gold coins down a chim- ney into a stocking a poor girl had hung by the fireplace to dry, thus initiating a lasting custom. Other colorful gift-giving traditions around the world are equally fascinating: Know in which country children go from house to house at night to collect their gifts? Why one modern American gift for women this Christmas is trujy sent from heaven? Why it might be s»id that Christmas giving in Scandinavia is "for the birds?" A meriy wrap-up of global gift- giving. Duke Power Asks General Rate Decrease CHARLOTTE Duke Power Company this week asked the utilities regulatory commissions of both Carolinas for permis- sion to chop its charges for electricity by over $1 miilion per year. The rate reduction will be the company's sixth since Jan- uary 1960. The proposed cut will become effective January 1, 1966. A breakdown on the classes of service to share in the re- quested reduction is as fol- lows: Residential service, $671,000; Municipal Street Lighting Serv- ice, $283,000; and Total-Elec- tric General Service, $93,000. Duke spokesmen regarded the change in street lighting rates, plus a company proposal to modernize street lighting, to be the most important of the rate reductions as it in- volves not only a reduction in costs, but the furnishing of more light, in many cases, for the lowered charge. The new rates couple a re- duced monthly charge for mer- cury vapor lights with an offer to change all incandescent lights within Duke's "20,000 square mile service to mercury vapor. The company said tjhat it would change exisiting; incan- descent street lights to the mercury at its expense. This would involve replacing over 40,000 street lighting fixtures throughout the company's 50- county service area at a cost of about $3 million, and would take about two years to com- plete. The reduced charges, however, -will be effective on January 1, 1966. The mercury lights will re- duce cost to the cities and will provide, on the average, 35 per cent more light for the lower cost. Ninety-three per cent of the street lights on the Duke system will be affected by the new rates. The company thinks that its new program of more light for legs money will assist cities now trying to raise their street light standards to deter crime and accidents. Under Duke's street lighting service, cities pay a flat month- ly rat« based on the size of the street light. Duke Power fur- nishes and installs all fixtures, provides the electricity, main- tains the system, and makes lamps replacements as neces- sary. Ninety-eight cities and towns in North Carolina and 52 in South Carolina will receive re- ductions in their annual street lighting bills. The savings for the individ- ual customer affected by the Residental Service reduction! will be small, but continues the 'rend of lower electric costs. This will come to more than 'wo-thirds of a million dollars systemwide. Since 1999 Duke Power ha' wved its customers several million dollars through lower- Sr. Citizens Honor Mesdames Hatfie Meadows and A. Leach The November Birthday Par- ty of the Senior Citizens at St. Titus' Church honored Mrs. Hattie Meadows and Mrs. Ada Leach. A white linen table cloth was graced with white spiral candles and with three vases of chrysanthemums in a variety of colors, brought and arranged by Mrs. Lillie Thomp- son. Placed at one end of the table was a large pound cake with white icing sent by Mrs. Meadows, and at the other end a chocolate layer cake brought by Mrs. Leach. Each cake was decorated with pink candles. Tlie souffle cups, one at each place, were filled with nuts and mints sent by Mrs. Mea- dows' daughter. Added to all i this were the potato chips, ' cheese trix, coffee, tea, cocoa, and ice cream furnished by the club. Aside from the club gift for each honoree there were many other greetings and gifts for both. As Mrs. Meadows was un- able to be present because of a recent accident, her remem- brances. along with refresh- ments and flowers were sent to her. Three visitors added to the f happiness of the day: Mrs. Hal- lie Baines, mother of Mrs. C. C. Burthey: Mrs. Nannie Belle Taylor, mother of Mrs. Crusoe Geer: and Mrs. Murray Marvin, daughter of our own Mrs. Mary Simmons. Mrs. Marvin came to MODEL MOTHERS CLUB MEETS WITH MRS. JOSEPHINE YOKLEY The Model Mothers Club met at the home of Mrs. Josephine Yokley, 309 Wayne Circle, on November 19 Mrs. Ruby B. Philyaw served as hostess for the meeting. _ The meeting was opened by song prayer after which the minutes of the last meeting were read. The President, Mrs. Massenburg, called for reports of various committees. The So- cial Committee presented to the group plans for a dinner to be given for members and \u2666heir guests to be held on Sat- urday, January 29 The place 'or the affair is to be decided it our next meeting. Plans were ilso made for the childrens' I Christmas party which is an annual affair. A nominating committee was appointed by the president to select a new slate of officers to be brought to our next meeting to be vot- ed on. There being nothing else of importance to discuss, the meeting was turned over to our hostess, Mrs. Philyaw, who served a very tasty re- past. The members present were as follows: Mesdames Geral- dine Alston, Cora Blunt, Mary Byrd, Sarah Carter, Minnie Gilmer, Mable Harris, Eliza- beth Herndon, Althea Holmes, Lossie Mason, Betty Massen- burg, Lena Richardson, Julius Robinson and Reba Spaulding. HOW TO VACATION IN-THC-FRENCH STYLE If you're looking for something different in the way of winter blues-chasers, how about a sun-and-sand vacation a la francaise You needn't go to the French Riviera just follow the knowing tourists who are beating a path to the French Caribbean! On the islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique, the way of life is French yet English is widely spoken. Both offer remarkable scenic beauty artist Paul Gauguin was among the many who con- sidered Martinique the world's most beautiful island! Enjoy shop- ping bargains? Prices of French wines and perfumes are lower in the islands than in France! Like colorful festivals? Observe Mardi Gras and Ash Wednesday with the islanders; a new jet route gets the carnival season off to a Hying start. How to have a mannifique vacation. FOR GALS ON THE GO. QUICK STEPS TO GOOD GROOMING Whether you're a busy homemaker, a student or a career girl, chances are that good grooming takes up more of your valuable time than is really necessary. By heeding the hints in this story you may be able to save minutes every day and look bandbox fresh at the end of the day, too! Know what two-minute trick can restore a deflated bouffant hairdo? How you can have stronger, longer, lovelier nails even if your work calls for typing? Why a once-a-week manicure is of vital importance for hand beauty? Time-saving tips to make good grooming a soft touch. Ed rates. The reductions have affected all classes of service, from individual homes to large industries and municipalities. Spokesmen said that the com- pany is "continuing every ef- 'ort to improve efficiency of operation?in the hope that "we 'an continue to reduce the cost >f electricity in respect to the ??sing cost of living." The Duke spokesman pointed ?ut that the National Power Survey released by the Federal Power Commission earlier this year set 1080 as the target date In which to achieve for the na- tion an average charge for all classes of service of 1.2 cents per kilowatt hour. Duke Potfer attained that average in 1960, twenty years ahead of the FPC's date. By Nov. 1965 its average revenue per kwh was 1.12 cents. The reductions of January 1, 1966 will bring this figure even lower. tag§9 WL*' liil^^^H^ \u25a0^^^HpHM||B3f^L tJ J*mJi 3 \u25a0" HONOR WHERE HONOR IS The oldest engraved plaque Brown's Sons Company, and DUE?After thirty years repre- from Charles Jacquin et Cie, the latest from Austin, Nich- senting wines and spirts im- Inc., whom Crowder has repre- ols and Company, whom Crow- porters and producers. Law- sented almost from Repeal, der has represented from 1943. rence J. Crowder of Wilson, Next to It are plaques from Crowder is the head of the stands before his fireplace at Laird and Company and South- North State Company with home viewing the awards he em Comfort Corporation. The headquarters at the National has received over that period, fourth award Is from the J.T.S. Bank Building, Wilson. bring greetings and thanks from her mother for remem- brances from the grouip and from individual members. She delighted the group by gra- ciously remaining through the meeting. We hope that she will come again and Mrs. Baines and Mrs. Taylor will attend regularly. Present to join in the gaiety and the chatter and the fun and the singing of "Happy Birthday to You" were the following members: Mrs. Tola Allen, Mesdames Ada Alston. Alice Brame, Lillian Buchanan. Geneva Burke, Miss Lillian Burton, Mesdames Mamie Daw- son, Bessie Doby, Flonnie Goodloe, Julia Harris, Sallie Harris, Ada Leach, Mary Lowe, Wilma Milum, Mary Ne'.vby, Hattie Parrish, Sadie Postles, Charity Rivera, Miss Bertie Sowell, Mesdames Lillie Thom- pson Alice Tilley, Julia Wheel- er, Addie Williams, and Ger- trude Winslow. Before the close, Mrs. Pos- tles delighted the group by granting the request for a solo, playing her own accompani- ment on the piano. There was to be no meeting on Thanks- giving Eve, but regular weekly meetings were to be resumed thereafter. REMOVE WARTS! Amazing Compound Dissolves Common Warts Away Without Cutting or Burning Doetors warn picking or scratch- ing at warts may cause bleeding, spreading. Now amazing Com- pound penetrates into warts, destroys their cells, actually melts warts away without cutting or burning. Painless, colorless Compound W, used fia directed, removes common warts safely, ?iffectively; leaves no ugly scars. Legal Notices NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF KEARNEY AND MAYO BIHLDERS, A PARTNERSHIP NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the partnership of E. L. KEARNEY AND CLARENCE MAYO as partners, conducting the business of KEARNEY AND MAYO BUILDERS under the firm name and style of E. L. KEARNEY AND CLAR- ENCE MAYO has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. E L. KEARNEY AND CLAR- ENCE MAYO will collect all debts owing to the firm and pay all debts due by the firm. This 16th day of November, 1965. E. L. KEARNEY AND CLARENCE MAYO, form- erly doing business as KEARNEY AND MAYO BUILDERS William A. Marsh Jr., Attorney Nov. 20, 27; Dec. 4, 11 NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED as ad- ministrator of the Estate of Edna Jane Tuck, deceased, late of Durham County, North Car- olina, this is to notify all per- sons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at 116 West Par- rish Street, Durham, North Carolina, on or before the 20th day of May, 1966 or this notice will pleased in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt- ed to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 12th day of November, 1965. Mechanics and Farmers Bank, Adinistrator Estate of Edna Jane Tuck, Deceased. Nov. 20 27; Dec. 4. 11 NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE thereby secured and said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at PUBLIC AUC- TION to the highest bidder for cash at the COURTHOUSE DOOR in Durham County, North Carolina at NOON on the 3rd day of January, 1966, the property conveyed in said Deed of Trust the same lying and being in the County of Durham, Patterson Township, and State of North Carolina, and more particularly described as fol- lows: UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust ex- ecuted by JAMES M. ROWELL and wife, ROBERTA B. ROW- ELL, dated November 23, 1962, and recorded in Book 706, at Page 275, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Durham County, North Carolina, de- fault having been made in the payment of the indebtedness ALL that certain lot or par- cel of land situated, lying and being on the south side ol Overhill Drive in Patterson Tcwnship, Durham County, North Carolina and being Lot No. 3, Block "A" of the prop- erty of Bobby Roberts as sur- veyed and plotted by Eugene A. Davis, Registered Surveyor, in May, 1959, and which is a resurvey of a portion of FOR- ESTWOOD PARK, and which said lot is more particularly described as BEGINNING at a stake in the South property line of Overhills Drive, the Northwest corner of Lot No. 1 and which point is established by measuring North 82 degrees 30' West 151.6 feet from the Southwestern intersection of the Fayetteville Road and Over- hills Drive; running thence with the line of Lots Nos. 1 and 2 South 21 degrees 11' West 151.6 feet to a stake; run- ning thence North 45 degrees 10' West 60.5 feet to a stake, the Southeast corner of Lot No. 4; running thence with the line of the said Lot North 13 de- grees 13' East 147.4 feet to a stake in the South property line of Overhills Drive; run- ning thence along the south property line of the said Drive, South 82 degrees 30' East 80 feet to the beginning. THIS PROPERTY will be sold subject to all prior en- cumbrances and all prior and 1965 Ad Valorem Taxes. HELP WANTED FEMALE THIS SALE will remain open for ten (10) days to receive in- creased bids as required by law. MAIDS FOR NEW YORK UP TO $75 WEEK TOP JOBS, best homes, N. Y. City, New Jersey. Fare sent, rush reference. Miss Dixie Employment Agen- cy, 300 W. 40th St., New York City, Dept. 31. This 30th day of November, 1&65. J. J. Henderson, Trustee William A. Marsh, Jr., Attorney Dec. 4, 11. 18, 25 AUTO REPAIR JOHNSON GARAGE Motor tune-up and overhauling, car- buretor adjustment. brake work. Free estimates, reason- prices. Mount Vernon Street. WOULD LIKE TO HIRE a reg- istered or practical nurse to operate an institutional home. Salary, and furnished five room house. For details, write president of North Carolina Ushers Association, Box 3837, Durham, North Carolina, or Phone 681-8512. Mt. Sinai Convalescent Home, Inc. ? 24 Hour Care by Licensed Nurses ? Modern Bldg., Modern Facilities ? Physician On Call ? Care of the Medical Convalescent ? Private, Semi-Private Room and Small Warda Chronically 01 ? Physical and Occupational Therapy ? Visitation and Inflection Invited ? Social Activities and Arts and Crafta ? State Dept. of Health License LOCATED BEYOND DUKE OFF N.C. Hwy. 751 West Dial 489-4151 MT. SINAI ROAD* P. O. BOX 1333 DURHAM. N. C FOR SALE: Two burner oil circulator in good condition. Call 681-8512. 39-INCH SOFA BED $55.00. Call 682-6402, Durham, North Carolina 6A ''-T S

Transcript of Sr. Citizens Honor Mesdames Hatfie Meadows and A....

Page 1: Sr. Citizens Honor Mesdames Hatfie Meadows and A. · remedying shortcomings. EBSTa* 'vDw jiiiil'\u25a0??? »2



BANQUET TlMl?Tfce picture

above it a scene taken at therecant Hillside Band Parant'tFellowship Banquat held in theschool cafatria. Th banquet i«

one of the major events spon-

sored annually by the BandParent's Organiation.

The banquet was held in hon-or of the many friends whohelp to support the variousactivities of the organization.


Whether you're a gas bun visant or a qtuet home bod\. there s a

time in sour lite when you want to celebrate a birthdav part) a

wedding or anniversary, a holiday party, dinner lor the boss. Tomake the evening memorable. >ou re going to serve French ( ham-pagnc. Do \ou know how to store it serve it. sip it? There san

art to all this learn it and you'll mark yourself a "connoisseur.When you buy. you'll have your choice of a split, which is 6'2ounces ... a half bottle 13. -a regular bottle ... a magnum 52 (or

two bottles) . ..a Jereboam 1114 lor four bottles)! Store champagneon its side, never upright. Ideal temperature: 44 to 48°. Hold a

champagne glass by the stem, not the body And never ?but nevair!?wrap the bottle in a towel or use .1 swizzle stick in the glass.


If disaster struck your town. would evacuation centers and emer-gency shelters be prepared? Arc there professional and volunteerworkers who could be mobilized immediately? Do you knowwhere your town can seek financial help in case of catastrophe?

Have homeowners been encouraged to keep basic provisions on

hand for emergencies? Story offers a checklist of steps every town

should take in case of local disaster and gives expert advice forremedying shortcomings.

EBSTa* 'vDwjiiiil'\u25a0 ???

»2 »**#\u2666 ???- * 1 H \u25a0


Did you know that the filling of Christmas stockings began almost1600 years ago? It's a fact! In the 4th century, St. Nicholas the

original Santa Claus dropped a bag of gold coins down a chim-ney into a stocking a poor girl had hung by the fireplace to dry,thus initiating a lasting custom. Other colorful gift-giving traditionsaround the world are equally fascinating: Know in which country

children go from house to house at night to collect their gifts?Why one modern American gift for women this Christmas is trujysent from heaven? Why it might be s»id that Christmas giving in

Scandinavia is "for the birds?" A meriy wrap-up of global gift-giving.

Duke PowerAsks GeneralRate Decrease

CHARLOTTE Duke PowerCompany this week asked theutilities regulatory commissionsof both Carolinas for permis-sion to chop its charges forelectricity by over $1 miilionper year.

The rate reduction will bethe company's sixth since Jan-uary 1960. The proposed cutwill become effective January1, 1966.

A breakdown on the classesof service to share in the re-quested reduction is as fol-lows:

Residential service, $671,000;Municipal Street Lighting Serv-ice, $283,000; and Total-Elec-tric General Service, $93,000.

Duke spokesmen regardedthe change in street lightingrates, plus a company proposalto modernize street lighting,to be the most important ofthe rate reductions as it in-volves not only a reduction incosts, but the furnishing ofmore light, in many cases, forthe lowered charge.

The new rates couple a re-

duced monthly charge for mer-cury vapor lights with an offerto change all incandescentlights within Duke's "20,000square mile service tomercury vapor.

The company said tjhat itwould change exisiting; incan-descent street lights to themercury at its expense. Thiswould involve replacing over40,000 street lighting fixturesthroughout the company's 50-county service area at a cost ofabout $3 million, and wouldtake about two years to com-plete. The reduced charges,however, -will be effective onJanuary 1, 1966.

The mercury lights will re-duce cost to the cities and willprovide, on the average, 35 percent more light for the lowercost. Ninety-three per cent ofthe street lights on the Dukesystem will be affected by thenew rates.

The company thinks that itsnew program of more light forlegs money will assist citiesnow trying to raise their streetlight standards to deter crimeand accidents.

Under Duke's street lightingservice, cities pay a flat month-ly rat« based on the size of thestreet light. Duke Power fur-nishes and installs all fixtures,provides the electricity, main-tains the system, and makeslamps replacements as neces-sary.

Ninety-eight cities and townsin North Carolina and 52 inSouth Carolina will receive re-

ductions in their annual streetlighting bills.

The savings for the individ-ual customer affected by theResidental Service reduction!will be small, but continues the'rend of lower electric costs.This will come to more than'wo-thirds of a million dollarssystemwide.

Since 1999 Duke Power ha'wved its customers severalmillion dollars through lower-

Sr. Citizens Honor MesdamesHatfie Meadows and A. Leach

The November Birthday Par-ty of the Senior Citizens at St.Titus' Church honored Mrs.Hattie Meadows and Mrs. AdaLeach. A white linen tablecloth was graced with whitespiral candles and with threevases of chrysanthemums in a

variety of colors, brought andarranged by Mrs. Lillie Thomp-

son. Placed at one end of thetable was a large pound cakewith white icing sent by Mrs.Meadows, and at the other enda chocolate layer cake broughtby Mrs. Leach. Each cake was

decorated with pink candles.Tlie souffle cups, one at eachplace, were filled with nutsand mints sent by Mrs. Mea-dows' daughter. Added to all

i this were the potato chips,' cheese trix, coffee, tea, cocoa,

and ice cream furnished by

the club.Aside from the club gift for

each honoree there were manyother greetings and gifts forboth. As Mrs. Meadows was un-

able to be present because ofa recent accident, her remem-brances. along with refresh-ments and flowers were sent

to her.Three visitors added to the

f happiness of the day: Mrs. Hal-

lie Baines, mother of Mrs. C.C. Burthey: Mrs. Nannie BelleTaylor, mother of Mrs. CrusoeGeer: and Mrs. Murray Marvin,daughter of our own Mrs. Mary

Simmons. Mrs. Marvin came to


The Model Mothers Club metat the home of Mrs. JosephineYokley, 309 Wayne Circle, onNovember 19 Mrs. Ruby B.Philyaw served as hostess forthe meeting. _

The meeting was opened by

song prayer after which theminutes of the last meetingwere read. The President, Mrs.Massenburg, called for reportsof various committees. The So-cial Committee presented tothe group plans for a dinnerto be given for members and\u2666heir guests to be held on Sat-urday, January 29 The place'or the affair is to be decidedit our next meeting. Plans were

ilso made for the childrens'I Christmas party which is an

annual affair. A nominatingcommittee was appointed bythe president to select a new

slate of officers to be broughtto our next meeting to be vot-ed on. There being nothingelse of importance to discuss,the meeting was turned overto our hostess, Mrs. Philyaw,

who served a very tasty re-past.

The members present were

as follows: Mesdames Geral-dine Alston, Cora Blunt, Mary

Byrd, Sarah Carter, MinnieGilmer, Mable Harris, Eliza-

beth Herndon, Althea Holmes,

Lossie Mason, Betty Massen-burg, Lena Richardson, JuliusRobinson and Reba Spaulding.


If you're looking for something different in the way of winterblues-chasers, how about a sun-and-sand vacation a la francaiseYou needn't go to the French Riviera just follow the knowingtourists who are beating a path to the French Caribbean! On theislands of Guadeloupe and Martinique, the way of life is French

yet English is widely spoken. Both offer remarkable scenicbeauty artist Paul Gauguin was among the many who con-sidered Martinique the world's most beautiful island! Enjoy shop-ping bargains? Prices of French wines and perfumes are lower inthe islands than in France! Like colorful festivals? Observe MardiGras and Ash Wednesday with the islanders; a new jet route getsthe carnival season off to a Hying start. How to have a mannifiquevacation.


Whether you're a busy homemaker, a student or a career girl,chances are that good grooming takes up more of your valuabletime than is really necessary. By heeding the hints in this story

you may be able to save minutes every day and look bandboxfresh at the end of the day, too! Know what two-minute trick can

restore a deflated bouffant hairdo? How you can have stronger,longer, lovelier nails even if your work calls for typing? Whya once-a-week manicure is of vital importance for hand beauty?Time-saving tips to make good grooming a soft touch.

Ed rates. The reductions haveaffected all classes of service,from individual homes to largeindustries and municipalities.

Spokesmen said that the com-

pany is "continuing every ef-'ort to improve efficiency ofoperation?in the hope that "we

'an continue to reduce the cost>f electricity in respect to the??sing cost of living."

The Duke spokesman pointed?ut that the National Power

Survey released by the Federal

Power Commission earlier thisyear set 1080 as the target dateIn which to achieve for the na-tion an average charge for allclasses of service of 1.2 centsper kilowatt hour. Duke Potferattained that average in 1960,twenty years ahead of theFPC's date. By Nov. 1965 itsaverage revenue per kwh was

1.12 cents. The reductions ofJanuary 1, 1966 will bring thisfigure even lower.

tag§9 WL*'


\u25a0^^^HpHM||B3f^L tJ J*mJi

3 \u25a0"HONOR WHERE HONOR IS The oldest engraved plaque l» Brown's Sons Company, and

DUE?After thirty years repre- from Charles Jacquin et Cie, the latest from Austin, Nich-

senting wines and spirts im- Inc., whom Crowder has repre- ols and Company, whom Crow-

porters and producers. Law- sented almost from Repeal, der has represented from 1943.

rence J. Crowder of Wilson, Next to It are plaques from Crowder is the head of the

stands before his fireplace at Laird and Company and South- North State Company with

home viewing the awards he em Comfort Corporation. The headquarters at the National

has received over that period, fourth award Is from the J.T.S. Bank Building, Wilson.

bring greetings and thanksfrom her mother for remem-

brances from the grouip andfrom individual members. Shedelighted the group by gra-ciously remaining through themeeting. We hope that she willcome again and Mrs. Bainesand Mrs. Taylor will attendregularly.

Present to join in the gaiety

and the chatter and the funand the singing of "Happy

Birthday to You" were thefollowing members: Mrs. TolaAllen, Mesdames Ada Alston.Alice Brame, Lillian Buchanan.Geneva Burke, Miss LillianBurton, Mesdames Mamie Daw-son, Bessie Doby, FlonnieGoodloe, Julia Harris, SallieHarris, Ada Leach, Mary Lowe,

Wilma Milum, Mary Ne'.vby,Hattie Parrish, Sadie Postles,Charity Rivera, Miss BertieSowell, Mesdames Lillie Thom-pson Alice Tilley, Julia Wheel-er, Addie Williams, and Ger-trude Winslow.

Before the close, Mrs. Pos-tles delighted the group by

granting the request for a solo,playing her own accompani-ment on the piano. There wasto be no meeting on Thanks-giving Eve, but regular weeklymeetings were to be resumedthereafter.


Amazing Compound DissolvesCommon Warts Away

Without Cutting or BurningDoetors warn picking or scratch-ing at warts may cause bleeding,spreading. Now amazing Com-pound W® penetrates into warts,destroys their cells, actually meltswarts away without cutting orburning. Painless, colorlessCompound W, used fia directed,removes common warts safely,?iffectively; leaves no ugly scars.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENthat the partnership of E. L.KEARNEY AND CLARENCEMAYO as partners, conducting

the business of KEARNEYAND MAYO BUILDERS underthe firm name and style of E.L. KEARNEY AND CLAR-ENCE MAYO has this day beendissolved by mutual consent.

E L. KEARNEY AND CLAR-ENCE MAYO will collect alldebts owing to the firm andpay all debts due by the firm.

This 16th day of November,1965.


William A. Marsh Jr.,AttorneyNov. 20, 27; Dec. 4, 11


ministrator of the Estate ofEdna Jane Tuck, deceased, lateof Durham County, North Car-olina, this is to notify all per-sons having claims against saidestate to exhibit them to theundersigned at 116 West Par-rish Street, Durham, NorthCarolina, on or before the 20thday of May, 1966 or this noticewill pleased in bar of theirrecovery. All persons indebt-ed to said estate will pleasemake immediate payment.

This 12th day of November,1965.

Mechanics and FarmersBank, Adinistrator Estateof Edna Jane Tuck,Deceased.

Nov. 20 27; Dec. 4. 11



thereby secured and said Deedof Trust being by the terms

thereof subject to foreclosure,

the undersigned Trustee willoffer for sale at PUBLIC AUC-TION to the highest bidder forcash at the COURTHOUSEDOOR in Durham County,

North Carolina at NOON on the3rd day of January, 1966, theproperty conveyed in said Deedof Trust the same lying andbeing in the County of Durham,Patterson Township, and Stateof North Carolina, and moreparticularly described as fol-lows:

UNDER AND BY VIRTUEof the power of sale containedin a certain Deed of Trust ex-ecuted by JAMES M. ROWELLand wife, ROBERTA B. ROW-ELL, dated November 23, 1962,and recorded in Book 706, atPage 275, in the Office of theRegister of Deeds of DurhamCounty, North Carolina, de-fault having been made in thepayment of the indebtedness

ALL that certain lot or par-cel of land situated, lying andbeing on the south side olOverhill Drive in PattersonTcwnship, Durham County,

North Carolina and being LotNo. 3, Block "A" of the prop-erty of Bobby Roberts as sur-veyed and plotted by Eugene

A. Davis, Registered Surveyor,

in May, 1959, and which is aresurvey of a portion of FOR-ESTWOOD PARK, and whichsaid lot is more particularlydescribed as BEGINNING at astake in the South propertyline of Overhills Drive, theNorthwest corner of Lot No. 1and which point is establishedby measuring North 82 degrees30' West 151.6 feet from theSouthwestern intersection ofthe Fayetteville Road and Over-hills Drive; running thencewith the line of Lots Nos. 1and 2 South 21 degrees 11'West 151.6 feet to a stake; run-ning thence North 45 degrees

10' West 60.5 feet to a stake,the Southeast corner of Lot No.4; running thence with the lineof the said Lot North 13 de-grees 13' East 147.4 feet to a

stake in the South propertyline of Overhills Drive; run-ning thence along the southproperty line of the said Drive,South 82 degrees 30' East 80feet to the beginning.

THIS PROPERTY will besold subject to all prior en-cumbrances and all prior and1965 Ad Valorem Taxes.


THIS SALE will remain openfor ten (10) days to receive in-creased bids as required bylaw.


TOP JOBS, best homes, N. Y.City, New Jersey. Fare sent,rush reference.Miss Dixie Employment Agen-

cy, 300 W. 40th St., New YorkCity, Dept. 31.

This 30th day of November,1&65.

J. J. Henderson, TrusteeWilliam A. Marsh, Jr.,AttorneyDec. 4, 11. 18, 25


tune-up and overhauling, car-buretor adjustment. brakework. Free estimates, reason-prices. Mount Vernon Street.

WOULD LIKE TO HIRE a reg-istered or practical nurse tooperate an institutional home.Salary, and furnished fiveroom house. For details, writepresident of North CarolinaUshers Association, Box 3837,Durham, North Carolina, orPhone 681-8512.

Mt. Sinai ConvalescentHome, Inc.

? 24 Hour Care by Licensed Nurses? Modern Bldg., Modern Facilities? Physician On Call? Care of the Medical Convalescent? Private, Semi-Private Room and Small Warda

Chronically 01? Physical and Occupational Therapy? Visitation and Inflection Invited? Social Activities and Arts and Crafta? State Dept. of Health License

LOCATED BEYOND DUKE OFFN.C. Hwy. 751 West Dial 489-4151MT. SINAI ROAD* P. O. BOX 1333 DURHAM. N. C

FOR SALE: Two burner oilcirculator in good condition.Call 681-8512.

39-INCH SOFA BED $55.00.Call 682-6402, Durham, NorthCarolina

