SQLAlchemy and Elixir (in a few minutes) Neil Blakey-Milner

SQLAlchemy and Elixir (in a few minutes) Neil Blakey-Milner http://nxsy.org/writings/ctpug-sqlalchemy-elixir/


SQLAlchemy and Elixir (in a few minutes) Neil Blakey-Milner http://nxsy.org/writings/ctpug-sqlalchemy-elixir/. Installing SQLAlchemy. easy_install SQLAlchemy Oh, and a DBAPI2 provider (pysqlite3 part of Python 2.5). Connect to the database. from sqlalchemy import * - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of SQLAlchemy and Elixir (in a few minutes) Neil Blakey-Milner

Page 1: SQLAlchemy and Elixir (in a few minutes) Neil Blakey-Milner

SQLAlchemy and Elixir(in a few minutes)

Neil Blakey-Milner


Page 2: SQLAlchemy and Elixir (in a few minutes) Neil Blakey-Milner

Installing SQLAlchemy

easy_install SQLAlchemy Oh, and a DBAPI2 provider (pysqlite3 part of Python 2.5)

Page 3: SQLAlchemy and Elixir (in a few minutes) Neil Blakey-Milner

Connect to the database...

from sqlalchemy import *

db = create_engine('sqlite:///tutorial.db')

metadata = BoundMetaData(db)

Page 4: SQLAlchemy and Elixir (in a few minutes) Neil Blakey-Milner

Declaring a table

>>> users_table = Table('users', metadata,

... Column('user_id', Integer, primary_key=True),

... Column('user_name', String(40)),

... Column('password', String(10))

... )

Page 5: SQLAlchemy and Elixir (in a few minutes) Neil Blakey-Milner

Creating a table

>>> metadata.engine.echo = True

>>> users_table.create()



user_name VARCHAR(40),

password VARCHAR(10),

PRIMARY KEY (user_id)


Page 6: SQLAlchemy and Elixir (in a few minutes) Neil Blakey-Milner

Declaring a table from DB

users_table = Table('users', metadata, autoload=True)

Page 7: SQLAlchemy and Elixir (in a few minutes) Neil Blakey-Milner

Inserting into a table

>>> i = users_table.insert()

>>> i.execute(user_name='Mary', password='secure')

INSERT INTO users (user_name, password) VALUES (?, ?)

['Mary', 'secure']


Page 8: SQLAlchemy and Elixir (in a few minutes) Neil Blakey-Milner

Inserting multiple lines

>>> i.execute({'user_name':'Tom'}, {'user_name':'Fred'}, {'user_name':'Harry'})

INSERT INTO users (user_name) VALUES (?)

[['Tom'], ['Fred'], ['Harry']]


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>>> r = users_table.select(users_table.c.user_name == 'Harry').execute()

SELECT users.user_id, users.user_name, users.password

FROM users

WHERE users.user_name = ?


>>> print r.fetchone()

(4, u'Harry', None)

Page 10: SQLAlchemy and Elixir (in a few minutes) Neil Blakey-Milner

Table relationships

>>> email_addresses_table = Table('email_addresses',

... metadata,

... Column('address_id', Integer, primary_key=True),

... Column('email_address', String(100), nullable=False),

... Column('user_id', Integer,

... ForeignKey('users.user_id')))

Page 11: SQLAlchemy and Elixir (in a few minutes) Neil Blakey-Milner

Table relationships (2)

>>> email_addresses_table.create()

CREATE TABLE email_addresses (

address_id INTEGER NOT NULL,

email_address VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,

user_id INTEGER,

PRIMARY KEY (address_id),

FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES users (user_id)


Page 12: SQLAlchemy and Elixir (in a few minutes) Neil Blakey-Milner

Selecting across tables (1)

>>> email_addresses_table.insert().execute(

... {'email_address':'[email protected]',

... 'user_id':2},

... {'email_address':'[email protected]',

... 'user_id':1})

INSERT INTO email_addresses (email_address, user_id) VALUES (?, ?)

[['[email protected]', 2], ['[email protected]', 1]]


Page 13: SQLAlchemy and Elixir (in a few minutes) Neil Blakey-Milner

Selecting across tables (2)

>>> r = users_table.join(

... email_addresses_table

... ).select(

... order_by = users_table.c.user_id

... ).execute()

SELECT users.user_id, users.user_name, users.password, email_addresses.address_id, email_addresses.email_address, email_addresses.user_id

FROM users JOIN email_addresses ON users.user_id = email_addresses.user_id ORDER BY users.user_id

Page 14: SQLAlchemy and Elixir (in a few minutes) Neil Blakey-Milner

Selecting across tables (3)

>>> print [row for row in r]

[(1, u'Mary', u'secure', 2, u'[email protected]', 1),

(2, u'Tom', None, 1, u'[email protected]', 2)]

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SQLAlchemy allows you to associate a Table object with a Python class

>>> class User(object):... pass>>> mapper(User, users_table)>>> ed = User()>>> ed.user_name = 'Ed'>>> ed.password = 'edspassword'>>> session.save(ed)

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Elixir allows you to combine the steps, and use a declarative “domain specific language” to define the table.

class User(Entity): has_field('user_id', Integer, primary_key = True) has_field('user_name', String(40)) has_field('password', String(10))

Page 17: SQLAlchemy and Elixir (in a few minutes) Neil Blakey-Milner

Unit of work (1)

>>> mary = User.get_by(user_name = "Mary")

>>> harry = User.get_by(user_name = "Harry")

>>> fred = User.get_by(user_name = “Fred”)

>>> mary.password = “marysnewpassword”

>>> harry.password = “harrysnewpassword”

>>> fred.delete()

>>> ed = User(user_name = “Ed”, password = “ed”)

Page 18: SQLAlchemy and Elixir (in a few minutes) Neil Blakey-Milner

Unit of Work (2)

>>> objectstore.flush()

BEGINUPDATE user SET password=? WHERE user.user_id = ?['marysnewpassword', 1]UPDATE user SET password=? WHERE user.user_id = ?['harrysnewpassword', 2]INSERT INTO user (user_name, password) VALUES (?, ?)['ed', 'ed']DELETE FROM user WHERE user.user_id = ?[3]COMMIT

Page 19: SQLAlchemy and Elixir (in a few minutes) Neil Blakey-Milner

Elixir Relationships (1)

class Movie(Entity): has_field('title', Unicode(30)) has_field('year', Integer) has_field('description', Unicode)

belongs_to('genre', of_kind='Genre')

def __repr__(self): return '<Movie "%s" (%d)>' % (self.title, self.year)

class Genre(Entity): has_field('name', Unicode(15))

has_many('movies', of_kind='Movie')

def __repr__(self): return '<Genre "%s">' % self.name

Page 20: SQLAlchemy and Elixir (in a few minutes) Neil Blakey-Milner

Elixir Relationships (2)

scifi = Genre('Science Fiction')action = Genre('Action')

alien = Movie(title="Alien", year=1979)starwars = Movie(title="Star Wars", year=1977)brunner = Movie(title="Blade Runner", year=1982)frcon = Movie(title="The French Connection", year=1971)prof = Movie(title="The Professional", year=1994)


Page 21: SQLAlchemy and Elixir (in a few minutes) Neil Blakey-Milner

Elixir Relationships (3)


CREATE TABLE movie ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, year INTEGER, description TEXT, title VARCHAR(30), genre_id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT movie_genre_fk FOREIGN KEY(genre_id) REFERENCES genre (id))

CREATE INDEX ix_movie_genre_id ON movie (genre_id)

Page 22: SQLAlchemy and Elixir (in a few minutes) Neil Blakey-Milner

Elixir Relationships (4)

BEGININSERT INTO genre (name) VALUES (?)['Science Fiction']INSERT INTO genre (name) VALUES (?)['Action'] INSERT INTO movie (year, description, title, genre_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)[1979, None, 'Alien', 1]INSERT INTO movie (year, description, title, genre_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)[1977, None, 'Star Wars', 1] INSERT INTO movie (year, description, title, genre_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)[1982, None, 'Blade Runner', 1]INSERT INTO movie (year, description, title, genre_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)[1971, None, 'The French Connection', 2]INSERT INTO movie (year, description, title, genre_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)[1994, None, 'The Professional', 2]COMMIT

Page 23: SQLAlchemy and Elixir (in a few minutes) Neil Blakey-Milner

Elixir Relationships (5)

class Movie(Entity): has_field('title', Unicode(30)) has_field('year', Integer) has_field('description', Unicode)

has_and_belongs_to_many('genre', of_kind='Genre')

def __repr__(self): return '<Movie "%s" (%d)>' % (self.title, self.year)

class Genre(Entity): has_field('name', Unicode(15))

has_and_belongs_to_many('movies', of_kind='Movie')

def __repr__(self): return '<Genre "%s">' % self.name

Page 24: SQLAlchemy and Elixir (in a few minutes) Neil Blakey-Milner

Elixir Relationships (6)

scifi = Genre(name = 'Science Fiction')action = Genre(name = 'Action')thriller = Genre(name = 'Thriller')crime = Genre(name = 'Crime')

alien = Movie(title="Alien", year=1979)starwars = Movie(title="Star Wars", year=1977)brunner = Movie(title="Blade Runner", year=1982)frcon = Movie(title="The French Connection", year=1971)prof = Movie(title="The Professional", year=1994)manch = Movie(title="Manchurian Candidate", year=1962)

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Elixir Relationships (7)



prof.genres.extend([action, crime])manch.genres.extend([action, thriller])

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Elixir Relationship (8)


CREATE TABLE movie ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, year INTEGER, description TEXT, title VARCHAR(30), PRIMARY KEY (id))

CREATE TABLE movie_genres__genre_movies ( genre_id INTEGER, movie_id INTEGER, CONSTRAINT genre_movies_fk FOREIGN KEY(genre_id) REFERENCES genre (id), CONSTRAINT movie_genres_fk FOREIGN KEY(movie_id) REFERENCES movie (id))

Page 27: SQLAlchemy and Elixir (in a few minutes) Neil Blakey-Milner

Elixir Relationship (9)

BEGININSERT INTO movie (year, description, title) VALUES (?, ?, ?)[1979, None, 'Alien']...INSERT INTO movie (year, description, title) VALUES (?, ?, ?)[1994, None, 'Manchurian Candidate']INSERT INTO genre (name) VALUES (?)['Science Fiction']...INSERT INTO genre (name) VALUES (?)['Crime']INSERT INTO movie_genres__genre_movies (genre_id, movie_id) VALUES (?, ?)[[2, 4], [4, 4], [3, 4], [2, 5], [4, 5], [2, 6], [3, 6]]INSERT INTO movie_genres__genre_movies (genre_id, movie_id) VALUES (?, ?)[[3, 1], [1, 1], [1, 2], [1, 3]]COMMIT

Page 28: SQLAlchemy and Elixir (in a few minutes) Neil Blakey-Milner

More queries (1)

>>> Movie.select(Movie.join_to('genres') & (Genre.c.name == "Science Fiction"))

SELECT movie.title AS movie_title, movie.description AS movie_description, movie.id AS movie_id, movie.year AS movie_year

FROM movie, movie_genres__genre_movies, genre

WHERE (movie.id = movie_genres__genre_movies.movie_id AND genre.id = movie_genres__genre_movies.genre_id) AND genre.name = ? ORDER BY movie.oid

['Science Fiction']

[<Movie "Alien" (1979)>,

<Movie "Star Wars" (1977)>,

<Movie "Blade Runner" (1982)>]

Page 29: SQLAlchemy and Elixir (in a few minutes) Neil Blakey-Milner

More queries (2)

>>> Movie.select(Movie.join_to('genres') & (Genre.c.name == "Science Fiction") & (Movie.c.year < 1980))

SELECT movie.title AS movie_title, movie.description AS movie_description, movie.id AS movie_id, movie.year AS movie_year

FROM movie, movie_genres__genre_movies, genre

WHERE ((movie.id = movie_genres__genre_movies.movie_id AND genre.id = movie_genres__genre_movies.genre_id) AND genre.name = ?) AND movie.year < ? ORDER BY movie.oid

['Science Fiction', 1980]

[<Movie "Alien" (1979)>, <Movie "Star Wars" (1977)>]

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More queries (3)

>>> from sqlalchemy import and_

>>> Movie.select(and_(Movie.join_to('genres'), Genre.c.name == "Science Fiction", Movie.c.year.between(1978, 1982)))

SELECT movie.title AS movie_title, movie.description AS movie_description, movie.id AS movie_id, movie.year AS movie_year

FROM movie, movie_genres__genre_movies, genre

WHERE (movie.id = movie_genres__genre_movies.movie_id AND genre.id = movie_genres__genre_movies.genre_id) AND genre.name = ? AND movie.year BETWEEN ? AND ? ORDER BY movie.oid

['Science Fiction', 1978, 1982]

[<Movie "Alien" (1979)>, <Movie "Blade Runner" (1982)>]

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More queries (4)

def getTags(limit = None, min = None): s = select([Tag.c.tag_id, func.count(Post.c.post_id)], Tag.join_to('posts'), group_by=[Tag.c.tag_id], order_by=[desc(func.count(Post.c.post_id))]) if limit: s.limit = limit if min: s.having = func.count(Post.c.post_id) > min r = s.execute() for tag_id, num in r: yield Tag.get(tag_id), num

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Other features

Deferred loading of class attributes (ie, columns in the table)

Inheritance – single and multiple, polymorphic or not

Mapping a class against an arbitrary select clause Multiple column primary keys Ordered lists of associated items Extensible association relations