SPY social story - Amazon S3 · SOCIAL STORY INTERNATIONAL SPY ... I will hear music playing...


Transcript of SPY social story - Amazon S3 · SOCIAL STORY INTERNATIONAL SPY ... I will hear music playing...


Today I am visiting the INTERNATIONAL SPY MUSEUM. I will learn about the history of spying and see interesting artifacts.

This is the MAIN ENTRANCE to the Museum. There may be a line of people waiting to go inside. I will hear music playing outside.

In the LOBBY of the Museum, we will go to the ticket counter to pick up our tickets. The lobby might be crowded and loud so I will stay close to my family.

My TICKET will look like this. I will show this to the staff member by the SPY carpet so that I can enter the Museum.

Here are pictures of the SPY STAFF. They wear a red lanyard and a name tag. I can ask a member of the SPY staff if I need help or have a question.

In the Museum there are LOUD NOISES and BRIGHT LIGHTS which can be surprising. I can look at my sensory map to see where I might find these spaces. If I get nervous I will ask a parent or staff member to show me to a quiet area.

I will take this ELEVATOR to get to the exhibits. It has different colored lights and a recorded voice. I can also ask a staff member to take me to a regular elevator or the stairs.

When I get off the elevator, I will enter COVERS AND LEGENDS. Here I can prepare to go undercover by remembering a “cover identity.” I don’t have to do this - it’s just a fun way to pretend to be a spy!

In this BRIEFING THEATER I will see a short introductory video. The theater will be dark and there will be loud noises. I can ask a staff member to take me to the first exhibit if I don’t want to see the film.

The first exhibit is SCHOOL FOR SPIES. Here I will see

spy gadgets. There are also some computer

interactives where I can test my spy skills.

I can pretend to be a spy by crawling through a pretend AIR DUCT. I will try and be quiet so that visitors below do not hear me. While it is dark inside, I will still be able to see.

This is a CAR from a James Bond movie. Without any warning, loud music plays and the car shows its tricks. It can be surprising when the car makes noise.

This is the SECRET HISTORY OF HISTORY. Here I can learn about spying during different times in history.

In ATOMIC SPIES, the floor will vibrate and I will see a strobe light. It can be a little scary.

This is the EXQUISITELY EVIL: 50 YEARS OF BOND VILLAINS exhibit on the first floor. There are a lot of videos and fun things to do here. I can tell a family member or a staff person if I need to leave the area.

This room has a virtual SHARK TANK. There is one big surprise – a fake shark will swim across the screen and then suddenly hit the screen and try to break though it. It is all pretend – but it can be startling and loud!

I can try to hang like a spy at Hang Time. I may have to wait in a line for my turn. A staff member will help me. While hanging, the bar will move and I will feel wind in my face.

The last exhibit is WEAPONS OF MASS DISRUPTION. Every couple of minutes there are some noises and the room darkens.

This is the SPY STORE. There is a lot to look at here and it can be loud and crowded. I will stay close to my family while I am in here.