Spring/Summer 2006

Grove News Spring/Summer 2006



Transcript of Spring/Summer 2006

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Grove NewsSpring/Summer 2006

Page 2: Spring/Summer 2006

Board ChairJock Fleming ’74

Past ChairMarilynn Booth

Cindy Atkinson- Barnett

Heather Avery

Nicole Bendaly ’93

David Bignell

Gerry Bird

Walter Blackwell

Gordon Blake

Scott Campbell

Brian Carter

Andrew Clarke ’85

Janet Cudney ’94

Jack Curtin

Peter Dunn ’62

Andrew Durnford ’85

Michael Eatson ’83

Bishop George Elliott

Ann Farlow

Bill Gastle ’68

Bruce Gibson

Kenneth Gill

Janice Green

Jennifer Gruer

Terry Guest

David Hadden

Chris Hadfield

Goodith Heeney

John K. Hepburn ’68

Paul Hickey

Howard Hickman

Rachael Honig ’06

HRH Duke of York ’78

Tim Hyde ’76

James Hyslop ’85

Alan Ingram

Warren Jones ’88

Angie Killoran

Janet Lafortune

Kathleen Leonard

Nicholas Lewis ’77

James (Kim) Little ’53

Laleah Macintosh

J.M. (Bubs) Macrae ’33

Kevin Malone ’77

James Matthews ’58

Scott McCain

Andrea McConnell

Don McGuire

Fiona McNestry ’06

John McRae ’70

Val McRae

Betty Morris

William Morris ’70

Christopher Ondaatje

Travis Price ’85

Tony Pullen ’63

Kathleen Ramsay

Douglas Rishor ’57

Gretchen Ross

John Ryder ’77

John Schumacher

Maureen Sinden

Nancy Smith

Scott Smith ’87

David Thompson

Stuart Thompson ’91

Ann Tottenham

Tim Ward ’62

Gordon Webb

Chris White '90

Jamie White ’79

Terry Windrem

Directors in Bold

Trustees 2005-2006

Front Cover: LCS students, Paulina Aguire, Sebastian MacGregor, Kyla Murphy, Renée Proulx, Christian Seale, and FernandoVazquez, and staff member, Vicky Boomgardt, “pull all hands together” while participating in the Round Square Botswana Project,2006. Photo courtesy of staff member Joe Bettencourt.

Calendar of Events 2006-2007For details please refer to our school calendar at www.lcs.on.ca, click NEWS


27 Gr 7/8 Parent Reception 9 Guelph Pub Night 5 Grove Society Meeting

29 Gr 11/12 Parent Reception 17 Career Day 19 Victoria Pub Night

30 Fall FairHome to the Grove ReunionGr 9/10 Parent Reception

18 70s Decade Reunion 20 Vancouver Pub Night

DECEMBER 28 Gala (to be confirmed)

OCTOBER 2 Christmas Alumni/ae Formal MAY

1 Home to the Grove Reunion 7 Grove Society ChristmasMeeting & Luncheon

4 Class Reps Workshop

5 London UK Dinner 12 Toronto Pub Night

6 Grove Society MeetingLondon UK Pub Night

21 Peterborough Pub Night 25 Grove Society AGM

JANUARY 26 Regatta Day

11 Grove Society BusinessLuncheon / Guest Speaker

18 Montreal Pub Night JUNE

FEBRUARY 5 Grove Society Pot Luck

12 Halifax Pub Night 2 Kingston Pub Night 13 Grade 8 Graduation Dinner

28 Trustees' Meeting/Dinner 10 Alumni/ae Hockey 16 ClosingGrade 12 Graduation Dinner

NOVEMBER 16 London, ON Pub Night

1 Grove Society Meeting 20 Andy Harris Cup — Grove Golf Tournament

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Belinda Schubert ’99The World Soccer Championship in

Germany (where I happened to be

taking a course on Legal German)

was accompanied by the motto “Die

Welt zu Gast bei Freunden.”

Translated, this is something like,

“The world is a guest of friends.”

Quite a number of other alumni/ae

traveled to Germany to enjoy the

games — not to mention the more

than 30 alumni/ae who live in

Germany. It is interesting to consider

the vast network of alumni/ae across

the globe. Increasingly, Lakefielders

are finding that no matter where in

the world they are, they are amongst

friends: fellow students, staff, or

alumni/ae are just a stone’s throw


Lakefield College School could easily

adapt the World Cup motto to itself:

“Lakefield: Guests of the World.” The

word “guest,” however, belies the

very active presence of our LCS

family abroad. Staff and students like

Bianca Bell ’06 participate in proj-

ects that strive to better the lives of

individuals in a host of nations, as

noted by David Hadden in his

Closing Chapel speech (p.iv). Alumni

like Marvin Seibert ’98 live and work

internationally; parents also live or

volunteer internationally — like

Brittany Scott's father, who volun-

teers his expertise as a periodontist

in Cambodia (p.19).

Students’ exposure to international

issues and cultures is not limited to

time spent off campus. International

events like the Walk Around the

World, speakers, and spirited

exchange students all contribute. In

courses like Canadian and World

Issues (featured on p.10), students

learn to see themselves as agents of

change who can create solutions and

bring them to fruition. Teachers

Richard Hagg and Stuart Lee — expe-

rienced travelers themselves — forge

a link between the students’ practical

experience abroad and the concepts

learned in the classroom.

With all of these opportunities to

explore the world, it is no wonder

that LCS students are keener than

ever to volunteer, work, and play

abroad. And so our international

network of friends grows ever larger.

In closing, I would like to wish a very

Happy Birthday to Flo Ryder. May

you have many more adventures to


Belinda Schubert ’99, a freelance

writer and editor, is currently

attending law school at UBC. She

graduated from Princeton in June

2003 with a degree in English



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Excerpts from his Closing Chapel Speech, June 16, 2006

The old candlemaker closed the door on his workshop

and climbed slowly up to his bedroom. He went to the

corner of his room and sat, as he always did at dusk, in

his old rocking chair beside the window and peered

out at the fading light and the ever-growing shadow

that was being cast over the village which lay below

his old stone house. But the dark shadows failed to

dominate the scene, for soon candlelight began to

flicker in many windows around the village. The

candlemaker smiled — he always felt a warm glow of

satisfaction at this time of night as he wondered how

many windows he was responsible for lighting. As he

had a thriving business, he knew that it would be

many. Finally, as the lights of the village reached

capacity, he arose and lit his own candle, giving

himself the warmth and comfort of light for the night.

The hope of Lakefield College School has always been

to light candles within young people, to encourage

light to flicker in any way possible and to hope that

this light will go on into the future becoming larger,

kindling other lights elsewhere. It is satisfying for a

person to reflect at the various stages in their life on

the candles they have lit and what they have done to

help illuminate their section of the world.

All of us will reflect back upon this year with our own

very distinct and personal recollections. For me, the

most defining (and satisfying) feature has been the

very meaningful commitment made by so many of you

to give generously of your time and talent to support

so many worthwhile causes.

Not unlike the candlemaker, there is no greater satis-

faction for me, as Head of School, than the knowledge

that LCS has helped young people to view their world

and their responsibility to it from a broader and more

generous perspective ... and to do something about it.

If there were one thing that I would hope every

member of the graduating class would take with them

on the eve of their departures from The Grove, it

Head of School, David Hadden

(L-R) Graduating students, Nick Ballantyne, Bert Lockhart-Dyer, Rachel Honig, and Emily Loyer share their light with each other at Closing Chapel, 2006

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would be the acute knowledge that they are the lucky

ones and with this privileged background you share

comes the responsibility to support others who are

less fortunate.

Hilary Bird emphasized this responsibility in her [Fall

Winter 2006] Grove News article when she observed:

“From birth we, as members of the richest society on

the planet, carry a responsibility to the people of the

world. We are a society that can manage luxury,

accommodate extravagance, and afford comfort, and

with this comes the responsibility to give. From those

who have much, much is expected.”

This year — more than any other — more students

than ever have been actively involved with over 40

charities and what is so inspiring about this involve-

ment is the degree of student initiative behind it.

Seniors-in-Charge of Charities — Hilary Bird and

Fiona McNestry — have truly kindled lights elsewhere

with their highly inclusive and welcoming approach.

They have begun a legacy where any student who

seeks to promote awareness and raise money for a

cause can take it on with the support they need from

the Seniors-in-Charge.

Remarkably, the combined contribution of all of you

this year has amassed to over 12,300 community

service hours ... writing for Amnesty International,

reading for the MS Readathon, preparing food for the

Brock Mission, mentoring primary school students at

St. Paul’s, supporting the Salvation Army Toy Drive,

Project BOB, the YMCA, the YWCA, and the Royal

Canadian Legion to name a few.

To my mind, no endeavour raises awareness more

than the 30 Hour Famine. This year, 35 of you partici-

pated at one of three levels including about 20 of you

who fasted for 30 hours. Your efforts will provide

enough food and clean water to sustain seven children

in Africa. Without this support, these children would

face the prospect of starvation.

Beyond these commitments, it is remarkable to me

that 31 of our graduates — one third of you! — were

given the privilege and took the opportunity, at some

point during your career at Lakefield, to participate in

an international community service project.

It would be my hope, on the eve of your departures

from The Grove, that LCS has helped each of you, in a

meaningful way, to appreciate more fully what a privi-

lege it is to serve ... and the wonderful thing is,

increasingly you will come to realize that the more you

give of yourself, to whatever cause or condition you

deem worthwhile, the more you will receive.

Perhaps Bianca Bell best illustrates what she received

with her observations about her trip to India:

“We met people who can sit, alone, ill, utterly poor,

and smile ... we learned the greatest gift is a hand-

shake and the easiest gift is a smile. We realized that

the whole world does not know where Canada is and

that half the world's population do not know white

people exist. We came across situations where we

were uncomfortable and scared. We came across situ-

ations where all we wanted to do was cry at how beau-

tifully happy someone could be while living in

complete poverty. We learned that no job can be done

without teamwork, whether it be filling a hole with

mud or building back a tsunami-devastated commu-

nity. We recognized that we all have disabilities and

that we should focus on our strengths, not our weak-

nesses. We met people who made crafts using their

toes, who rode bikes using their hands. We met people

who were blind and had choreographed a dance. We

met people who could beat us in cricket, but had no

hands. We met people who could beat us in volleyball,

but could not speak. These work projects aren't about

getting enough community service hours to graduate,

or getting a great reference for your college applica-

tion. These trips are about leaving your safe happy

“LCS Bubble” and gaining a greater respect for the rest

of the world. On these trips you will receive, in a

sense, more than you give, but only as you begin to

hear yourselves, to listen, to observe, and to withhold

judgement. Only when you are capable and willing to

learn will you be able to give.”

May each of you, on the eve of your departures from

LCS, preserve, during your lifetimes, a special place in

your heart for what you have shared together. May

you do so with the knowledge that as 2006 draws to a

close at Lakefield College School, with 94 candles

flickering in the darkness, together they flicker not

faintly, but brightly. You will leave LCS and light many

many candles during your lifetimes and, like the

candlemaker, as your lives progress, may you too sit

contentedly and look out at all the windows you have


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(Top L-R) Graduates, Emily Sale and Leslie Schumacher; (Bottom L-R) Justin Loga, Clara Lonjedo, Brandon Mackenzie, ShannonMatthews and D’Arcy McDonell in line to accept their alumni/ae ties at Closing Ceremonies.

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Jock Fleming ’74Closing Speech, June 17, 2006

When our grad class started this past year, they had a

school-wide goal to communicate, model, and cele-

brate the mission and values of the school.

As I was getting dressed this morning, I was thinking

of the values of the school. I looked in my closet and I

realized that I still had all of the school ties that I

received when I was at the school, and I thought,

metaphorically speaking, that each of these ties might

represent a value of the school. So for example, my

very stylish 1969 Lefevre House tie might represent

“Trust.” My original school tie, with my name sewn so

neatly in the back of it, might represent “Education of

the Whole Student.” My Grade 13 tie might represent

“A Healthy Caring and Learning Community.” My

green “Old Boy” tie might stand for “Individualism.”

My newer alumni tie might stand for “Citizenship.”

Grads, I hope when you leave the school, like my ties

[metaphorically], that you will keep those values that

you learned and lived here at The Grove for many,

many years to come.

Many of you, like me, are a parent of a graduate this

year. I am very proud of Rob and what he has accom-

plished and I am sure you are proud of what your sons

and daughters have accomplished. So Grads, thank

you for a great and successful year.

We have had many successes and accomplishments

this year. Our students logged more than 12,300 hours

of local community service — that is more than three

times the provincial requirement. We have 19

students who are receiving their Gold Duke of

Edinburgh Award this year; and I think that on a per

capita basis, that is the highest in Canada. Since 1997,

four of our graduates have received the very presti-

gious Rhodes Scholarship, the most recent being this

past November, Kim Rutherford, Class of 2001.

We have built four new fantastic tennis courts and, in

my mind, we have built one of the “Groviest” things

we have done in decades, the Bob Armstrong Rink. We

have lots to celebrate.

Over this past year, there was an independent student

survey conducted by Lookout Management (p.8).

When it came to the question of “Overall satisfaction

with Lakefield College School,” we ranked the highest

of all of the schools they surveyed. Two years ago the

same management company did a similar survey of

our parents. Our parents, too, ranked Lakefield

College School highest for overall satisfaction. The

year before that, a survey was conducted of our

alumni/ae; they too, ranked Lakefield College School

among the highest.

To me this speaks volumes to what we have accom-

plished and continue to accomplish at Lakefield

College School … It doesn't just happen, it takes great

leadership. David Hadden and his management team

demonstrate exceptional leadership at the school. The

faculty and staff, day-in and day-out, go way beyond

their call of duty. Hundreds of parents, past parents,

friends, those who serve on the Grove Society,

trustees, my fellow board members, give tirelessly of

their time and energy. All of our efforts together allow

us to meet our mission: “To challenge and enable

students to reach their individual potential in mind,

body and spirit.”

Thank you for all of your efforts. God bless and have a

great day.

From The Chair, Board of Directors

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I just wanted to thank you for making my family and I

feel welcome on the LCS rink. Dawn, Meghan, Ryan,

and I ventured to The Grove on Dec 26th for a skate.

Ryan and I ended up joining in a scrimmage and had

a blast. Lovely facility; nice Zamboni! My wife kept

exclaiming about the setting. Thanks so much. Dawn

ended up chatting awhile with a teacher whose wife is

in charge of Admissions. Their son and dog were

most welcoming. Please pass on my kind regards and

thanks. Our visit to The Grove was a lovely part of our

Christmas. It brought back great memories of the day

— boys getting together in the late 1970s to play on a

duck pond over the Christmas holidays (just east off

of highway 134, roughly opposite the old quarry).

Peter McArthur ’80

Hello Lakefield!

Greetings from the west coast. Thank you for the

Summer ’05 issue and Fall/Winter ’06 issue of the

Grove News. I look for familiar names, but as the

years swirl by, they become fewer. I remember George

Dobbie ’61, and was sorry to read in the Summer ’05

issue that he lost a brother.

The photograph of the Gate House, on page 3, below

the editorial in the Fall/Winter ’06 issue was Mr. and

Mrs. Ketchum's home. We called him "Hoggie" (short

for “Hogarth”). On the other side of their house, we

used to make “hard” apple cider every fall with

Hoggie and his apple cider press. Our dorm was right

above Mr. Smith’s desk in one corner of the library. We

called Mr. Smith “Boodie” and his car “the

Boodmobile.” We had bottles of cider stashed under

our cots, in our galoshes and every other nook and

cranny, waiting for it to “age.” About 10 o'clock one

morning classes were interrupted by a series of explo-

sions coming from our dorm. A sticky brown liquid

was dripping from the library ceiling onto Boodie and

his papers. Plunging up the stairs, we found our dorm

awash with seriously fermenting liquid and broken

glass. Many had been scrounged Javex Bleach bottles.

Boodie emerged from the library. He seemed to be

steaming. We were mobilized into a massive clean-up.

The disaster was subject for informal autopsies in

following days. I think it was our science teacher,

Mike Townsend ’51, who ventured that the “protein

content” (worms) was above 5%, coupled with the the

unusual heat from the steam radiator that morning.

Gary Hiemstraw, the custodian, had struggled with

the pipes and the furnace in the bowels of the school

each winter, yet we could usually freeze water in our

dorm at night.

Thanks again for the Grove News issues.

Ted Gibson ’62

I missed the announcement of Reverend Jack

Cranston's death in the last Grove News. I was

unaware of his distinguished past when he was the

Chaplain at Lakefield. A true hero indeed!

I remember a lesson he was teaching us on religion in

one of the old-wing classrooms. It must have been a

difficult enough “course” to teach as this story will


He was writing on the blackboard, telling a story

about Jesus Christ and started off at the top of a

pyramid of names with the initials J.C . With his back

still to the class he asked anyone who knew who the

initials J.C. stood for. Someone ... was it Army

Armstrong ? ... piped up loudly “Jack Cranston!”

The Reverend, who was obviously very angry, whirled

around to face the class and with his patented

hunched shoulders and furled brow, looking over the

eyebrows called out, “who was that” to which Army

put up his hand. The Reverend then with outstretched

arm, hand pointing to the door, loudly yelled...“OUT!”

As he turned around, his back to the class again, I saw

a small smile on his lips appreciating also the humour

of the comment.

He continues to live on in our fond memories.

Lawrie Snetsinge ’59


Page 9: Spring/Summer 2006

Head Students’ Closing Address 2

Closing Awards 4

School Highlights 6

And The Survey Says ... LCS Student Satisfaction Achieves a New Best Score 8

The State of the World and How It Can Be Fixed: Canadian and World Issues 10

From Student to Global Citizen — Jason Allingham ’03 12

Connected to The World 14

Lakefield College School Foundation 20

A Giving Opportunity 23

Young Philanthropists — The Class of 2006 Bursary 24

LCS Celebrates Rising Stars 25

100 Years Young — Florence (Mackenzie) Ryder 26

The Standing Spirit Project: Corby Petersen ’96 28

Common Ground. Uncommon Journey. 31

Bowside to Beijing: Lindsay Forget '01 32

Class News 34

In Our Memories 38

In this Issue

Editor: Tracey Blodgett; Layout & Design and Copy Editor: Christine Vogel; Contributing Editor: Belinda Schubert ‘99;Editorial Committee: Jeanne Armstrong, Heather Avery, David Hadden, Richard Johnston, Richard Life, SarahMcMahon, Tom Milburn, and Lisa Clarke. Contributing Photographer: Simon Spivey. Please address correspondenceto the Communications and Constituent Relations Office: Lakefield College School, Lakefield, ON, K0L 2H0705.652.3324 [email protected]

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Laura Bocking ’06Lakefield is not just a school where we spent this

last year; it's a way of life.

Lakefield has a beautiful campus bordered by sky,

lake, and forest that lends itself to pick-up hockey,

beach volleyball, and outdoor recreation.

Lakefield has an academic environment where we

are challenged to learn, not only from a text, but

also about ourselves.

It is a community that invites, includes and unites

everyone, no matter what their differences may be.

It is where we find our best friends, where we learn

and grow and where we challenge ourselves to

reach new heights.

From September and Expedition to today's awards

and departure, a lot has happened this year. The

new Bob Armstrong Rink, the fashion show for

AIDS, athletic achievements, and a strong return to

Camp Lakefield are just a glimpse of how amazing

this school really is. I think I speak for most of us

when I say that I don't know where my life will take

me, but I know Lakefield was definitely a good start.

Lakefield has always been consistent in upholding

its values while still allowing each year to reflect the

unique character of the student body. Everyone who

comes to Lakefield experiences it in their own way.

Yet the positive impact that our time here has on us,

will stay with us long after we've left.

Scott Seabrooke ’06Though it may be a little early to say this, it's over;

as simple as that. For some it means the last six

years of their life, a chapter has finished.

Remember that for all of us, this was not our first

chapter and not our last, but now Lakefield has

become a part of who we are. It has helped develop

our story. For most of us the story line is still

unclear — what we will do and who we will become.

We have met some of the characters in our story,

friends who may turn into our best men or business

partners or mortal enemies on the field of valor —

however your story goes. With so many options at

Lakefield, and with so few students, it's impossible

to be anything but yourself. There are so many

avenues to explore, but really what you're exploring

is yourself.

There is very little I'll admit to knowing in my life.

Everything these days seems so complicated and

important; it seems foolish to be assured of

anything. One thing I know is that I had fun and it

was all worth it: all of it. We've come here today to

look back at a school year and to look forward to

what may come.

(Opposite) Above: Head Students Laura and Scott join Headof School David Hadden, Assistant Head of School RichardLife, and Director of Advancement Rudy Massimo on a tourof the campus with His Royal Highness The Duke of York andhis party; Below: Laura Bocking and Scott Seabrooke

Head Students’ Closing Address — June 2006

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(Below) The Grade 8 graduating class of 2006 (Opposite) Head of School David Hadden presents the Governor General’s Medal toConnie Xu

Student Awards — June 17, 2006

Academic Proficiency Standing

Top of FormGrade 7 Bea Chan

Grade 8 Ashley Patel

Grade 9 Zoe Edwards

Grade 10 Jordan Muise

Grade 11 Mat MacLean

Governor General’s MedalConnie Xu

EnglishGrade 7/8 Arts & Languages Prize: Dana Madill

The Dela Fosse Prize (Junior): Nicole Pinto

Intermediate English Prize: Carly DeNure

The Language and Literature Prize: Sara Ann Ross

The English Writers Craft Prize: Torie Patterson

I. Norman Smith Prize for

English Studies in Literature: Torie Patterson

Fine Arts Hubert Eisdell Award (Junior): Kane Miller

Intermediate Fine Arts Prize: Jenny Lee

Fine Arts

The Drama Prize: Lindsay Joseph

The David Bierk Visual Arts Prize: Rachel Honig

The Music Prize: Carly DeNure

Modern Languages Junior Modern Languages Prize: Jordan Muise

Intermediate Modern Languages Prize: Josh Pascoe

The Core French Prize: Liza Shelley

The Extended French Prize: Gereon Rotering

HRH Prince of Asturias

Spanish Prize: Eirene Kaklamanakis

Academic Awards


Page 13: Spring/Summer 2006

Academic Awards

The Gaby Award: Jane Hickey

The Harman Award: Robbie Dickinson

The Junior Grove Society Prize: Mary Elizabeth Konrad

The Fred Page Higgins Award: Jordan Muise

Junior Edson Pease Prize: Zoe Edwards

The Jean Ketchum Prize: Monica Farlow

The Stephen Thompson Prize: Helen Honig

The Senior Grove Society Prize: Brooke Harvey

The Milligan Awards: Melissa Gates, Justin Loga

The King Constantine Medal: Emily Loyer

The Crombie Award: Gilly McRae

Senior Edson Pease Prize: Peter Reid

H.M. Silver Jubilee Award: Hilary Bird

The Nelles Prize: Jeff Davie

The J.R. Anderson Award: Michael Wilson

John Pearman Martyn Sibbald Prize: Laura Bocking

The Ondaatje Foundation Award: Rachel Honig

The Monty Bull Award: Daniel Walsh

The Jack Matthews

Humanitarian Award: Spencer Hodgins

The Whitney Prize: Sara Cooper

Jean and Winder Smith Award: Martha Ramsay

The Trustees’ Prize: Lindsay Joseph

British Alumni Travelling Scholarship: Bianca Bell

The Grove Award: Fiona McNestry

MathematicsGrade 7/8 Mathematics, Science and

Technology Prize: Ashley Patel

Paterson Prize (Junior): Ja Min Kim

Intermediate Mathematics Prize: Kevin Kim

Larry Griffiths Prize for Geometry and

Discrete Mathematics: Connie Xu

Professor M. Mackenzie Prize for Advanced

Functions & Calculus: Daniel Walsh

The Mathematics of Data Management Prize:

Connie Xu

Science and Technology A.W. Mackenzie Environmental Award (Junior):

Andrew Carroll

Intermediate Science and Technology Prize:

Mat MacLean

Mrs. A.W. Mackenzie Natural History Prize

for Biology: Torie Patterson

The Computer and Information Science Prize:

Jeff Kloosterman

Science and Technology The Chemistry Prize: Connie Xu

The Physics Prize: Rachel Honig

The Earth and Space Science Prize: Jaeger Robertson

The Communications Technology Prize:

Sameen Ahmed

The McLimont Scholarship for Engineering and

Applied Science: Sara Cooper

Social Sciences and Outdoor EducationGrade 7 & 8 Social Sciences Prize: Kelsey Slobodian

T.H.B. Symons Canadian Studies Prize (Junior):

Jordan Muise

The American History Prize: Carly DeNure

Susan Guest Outdoor Education Prize: Rob Fleming

The Senior Canadian History Prize: Nick Pullen

The Economics Prize: Kevin Kim

The World History Prize: Gereon Rotering

The Canadian and International Law Prize: Jeff Davie

The World Issues Prize: Hilary Bird

Character and Achievement Awards


Page 14: Spring/Summer 2006

Young Scientists Participatein National Competition

Dana Madill (Grade 8) and Ashley

Patel (Grade 8) represented their

school and region among 150

students competing at the Canada-

Wide Science Fair in Saguenay,

Quebec in May.

Dana won the regional science fair

for her project which tested the

health benefits of fast food. After

winning third place at the regional

science fair in Peterborough, Ashley

went on to win a $500 Actuarial

Foundation of Canada Award for her

project showing that there is no

correlation between scores on

cognitive tests and academic


Fulford DebateLakefield College School had the

honour of hosting the annual

Fulford Debating League

Tournament on campus in May.

“Teams from twenty different

schools from across Ontario met

here to competitively debate the

question, ‘Can humanity manage

climate change,’” shares LCS

Debating Coach Manal Stamboulie.

This was truly a community event —

the call went out to alumni/ae,

parents, and staff to volunteer as

judges. Seventy volunteers partici-

pated including over 30 alumni/ae

— many of them former LCS

debaters. Ms. Stamboulie also

thanked the seventy LCS students

who hosted, scored, and acted as

time-keepers and chairs for the


His Royal Highness theDuke of York Returns to LCSHis Royal Highness The Duke of York

visited Lakefield College School on

Friday, May 12th to tour the campus

and view the capital projects that

have been completed since his last

visit in June of 2003 including the

Bob Armstrong Rink and the Bryan

Jones Theatre. He took time to

speak with several students about

their experiences in the Arts

Programs and involvement on

recent Round Square projects

around the world; Prince Andrew is

a Patron of the Round Square


Following his tour, The Duke of York

addressed the staff and students and

spoke about the Round Square and

its importance in building relation-

ships between individuals from

different cultures by giving opportu-

nities to students to explore the

world and to support others.


School Highlights

Opposite (L-R Top to Bottom): Grade 8students Dana Madill (left) and AshleyPatel (right) represented LCS at the CanadaWide Science Fair; Grade 9 and 10 Frenchstudents hosted Carnaval on February 24,a French-Canadian winter tradition, withsnowshoe and canoe relays, broomball, asugar shack and more; His Royal HighnessThe Duke of York ’78 visited the campus inMay to tour the new facilities and speak tostudents about preserving the magic of theschool; Child Rights Advocate KimmieWeeks from Liberia spoke to the school inFebruary about child soldiers, poverty, andAfrica’s economy; After 14 years of serviceto The Grove, Dr. Janet Markus ispresented with a Lakefield College Schoolchair by Head of School David Hadden atClosing; The spring dramatic production ofGirls In The Gang tells the story ofToronto’s notorious Boyd Gang.

To view these and other news stories atLCS, visit www.lcs.on.ca and select NEWS

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And The Survey Says...LCS Student Satisfaction Achieves a New Best Score*

Students join parents and alumni/ae in giving LCS top

marks in overall satisfaction

Lakefield College School recently conducted the third

in a series of satisfaction surveys of its community.

The most recent survey, completed by LCS students,

stated that they are very highly satisfied with their

experience at The Grove.

This high rating comes close on the heels of similar

best scores for overall satisfaction given by LCS

alumni/ae (4.5) and parents (4.4) in surveys conducted

in 2003 and 2005 respectively.

LCS students rated their overall satisfaction with LCS

at 4.3 on a five-point scale. This is a new “best score”

among 26 schools surveyed by the consulting group

Lookout Management Inc. Lookout Management,

based in London, Ontario has conducted more than

150 satisfaction surveys of alumni/ae, parents, and

students for 60 independent schools throughout North


“I am thrilled with the results of this survey: the satis-

faction of our students is the primary measure of our

success and the fulfillment of our mission,” says Head

of School David Hadden.

Given that the average score of all other student

surveys conducted by Lookout Management was 3.9,

we are particularly delighted to know that our students

rate their experience at The Grove so highly.

The student assessment was conducted during class

time in May 2006. Three hundred and thirty-four

students in Grades 7 to 12 (92% of the school popula-

tion) completed the anonymous survey.

The school scored highly in the areas of:

Quality of education

International service opportunities

University guidance

Community service opportunities

Co-curricular programs

Class size

Competitive and recreational athletics

Student leadership opportunities

Relationship with faculty

School spirit

Sense of community

Health services


Academic counselling

The survey identified some areas for improvement


Quality of meals

Student lounge areas

Security of personal belongings

We look forward to further analyzing the results of this

survey, to implementing emergent recommendations,

and to conducting additional surveys in the years

ahead to compare to this baseline study.

* Based on score for overall satisfaction of 26

Independent Schools surveyed by Lookout

Management Inc.

Page 17: Spring/Summer 2006

“It’s one thing to achieve such high ratings of overall satisfaction from any single

constituent group, but to do so consistently among alumni/ae, parents, and

students is truly remarkable.” KEVIN GRAHAM, CEO, LOOKOUT MANAGEMENT INC.

Students Give LCS Highest Marks in Independent Survey

Lakefield College School achieved or matched new

best scores from its students in the following school

life areas:

Academic counselling

Advisor program

Fairness of discipline

Leadership opportunities

Relationship with faculty

Respect and caring among students

Sense of community

In fact, LCS students reported new best scores

(among surveyed schools) in agreement with each of

the following statements:

I look forward to coming to school each day

I am proud to tell people that I attend LCS

I would recommend LCS to a friend

I feel free to pursue areas of extra-curricular


I feel that LCS treats me as an individual with

unique abilities and needs

I feel physically safe while at the school

I feel emotionally safe while at the school

LCS students also responded with best scores in

how well they feel prepared in the areas of:

Coping with peer pressure

Leadership skills

Making ethical decisions

And finally, LCS students gave very high scores in

response to questions relating to communications

with each of:


Head of School

Heads and Assistant Heads of House

University counselling staff


Grade 11 American History students pose in front of the White House on their trip to Washington D.C.

Page 18: Spring/Summer 2006

Dr. Heather AveryDirector of Guidance & Learning

Genetically modified organisms

and transgenic crops, the implica-

tions of the caste system in India,

the case for nuclear disarmament,

the effects of corporate branding,

the illegal diamond trade in Sierra

Leone: this is not a list of the

feature articles in the most recent

issue of The Utne Reader or

Mother Jones magazine, but rather

a sampling of essay topics

explored by members of the

2005-06 World Issues class at The

Grove. Canadian and World Issues

(CGW4U), as it is formally known,

is a course that invites students

both to consider the present in

terms of current events and

socioeconomic issues and to

imagine, given these events and

issues, a sustainable and equi-

table future. As such, it touches

on a broad range of topics

including conflict in the Middle

East, the impact of global

warming, and the plight of


For students who want to be

aware of their surroundings and

of how global events affect them,

World Issues is a much desired

Grade 12 credit. Matt Sharpe, a

current student, notes, “I chose

World Issues because it deals with

issues that everyone should know

or be aware of. I thought it would

be good to have first-hand knowl-

edge of what is going on in our


As many adults who strive to keep

abreast of current events know,

however, it is no easy task to

grapple with the complexities of

current political and environ-

mental issues — so instructors

Stuart Lee and Richard Hagg

deluge students with learning

resources. They use video clips

from Road Warrior to demonstrate

the impact of an energy crisis;

guest speakers like Major Brent

Beardsley, who served under

Roméo Dallaire in Rwanda, to give

students a first-hand glimpse into

genocide; and documentaries

such as the CBC Fifth Estate’s

Conspiracy Theories: Uncovering

the Facts behind the Myths of

September 11, 2001 to demon-

strate the complexities of media

coverage of a world event. In so

doing, the two teachers reinforce

the limitations of particular media

and assist students in under-

standing the need to read widely

in order to gain full under-

standing of a current issue.

Both teachers see the course as

fun to teach as it deals with the

events of the day, and so the

material is always fresh and new.

The pedagogical approach of

instructors Stuart Lee and Richard

Hagg is informed by another key

principle as well: they work to

The State of the World and How It Can BeFixed: Canadian and World Issues

Page 19: Spring/Summer 2006


devise assignments and experi-

ences that help students to see

themselves as agents of change

who can assume responsibility for

creating solutions to the problems

they identify.

Having a broad general knowledge

of current events is essential for

this approach, and the course

begins by helping students to

understand the role that geog-

raphy plays in human conflict,

focusing on the Israeli-Palestinian

situation. Students in each class

are required to complete a

“country profile” of a nation-state

in the Middle East, presenting

their research about the country's

history of conflict, its social condi-

tions, its economic structure, and

its population base. This back-

ground proves invaluable when

students move on to the next facet

of the course, the Harkness Table


A Harkness Table Debate is a

student-moderated discussion:

teachers do not facilitate or guide

the conversation. Rather, students

come to the “table” with prepared

statements on an issue (for

example, with their proposals for a

viable solution for peace in the

Middle East) and debate with one

another. Current student Torie

Patterson believes these debates

to be one of the best aspects of the

course: “I really enjoyed the

Harkness discussions because I

was able to hear everybody's

differing opinions and throw ideas

around. I found it really effective

to hear these multiple views on

one topic and try to amalgamate

them or create some sort of

consensus.” This teaching

approach, which allows students

to evaluate a myriad of perspec-

tives in order to form their own

opinions, also permits them to see

themselves, not as passive recipi-

ents of news about global events,

but as active, engaged citizens

who can weigh and evaluate what

they hear and see.

Another inspiring feature of the

course is its refugee assignment,

which involves a simulated

refugee hearing. Students work

together to create the story of a

refugee from a particular country,

researching the human rights

violations and living conditions of

that country in order to imagine

the refugee’s case. With one

student acting in the role of the

refugee, and another acting as the

refugee’s lawyer, the case is

presented to the class, who serve

as the board judging the case and

make the decision about whether

refugee status will be granted.

Students learn both the local

(Canadian immigration policies)

and the global (living conditions

in other countries) and once again

are required to listen, learn, and

then act on their knowledge.

Likewise, the independent study

unit in the course is intended to

promote active engagement with

issues, as students are required to

investigate a global issue — and

must propose a solution to the

problem that issue poses. For

many, researching and writing this

essay is eye-opening. Ali Shipley

writes, “My ISU was an essay on

the caste system in India and how

it affects women in particular. I

grew very interested in this topic

and with the understanding I have

of it now, I view it on a far more

personal level. Upon reading

books like A Fine Balance by

Rohinton Mistry and other

sources, I wanted to learn more

and can still hardly believe that

something so significant can still

be happening on our earth that so

many people aren't aware of … I

learned a lot about the world

beyond my own sheltered

perspective of it.”

The course covers many other

issues: global warming, depend-

ency on oil, sustainability, geno-

cide. World Issues is therefore a

natural course choice for students

interested in international devel-

opment, politics, journalism,

economics, or environmental

studies. But it is also a good

choice for students who just want

to understand the implications of

change and how global events will

affect them — and who want a

course that will prepare them to

be engaged citizens. As Alison

Corner puts it, “In every class I

always learned something new

and, as the year went on, I found

myself more willing to voice my

opinion about the current issues

and how I think they are influ-

encing our lives.”

“In every class I always learned something new and, as the year went

on, I found myself more willing to voice my opinion about the current

issues and how I think they are influencing our lives.”

Page 20: Spring/Summer 2006


Jason Allingham ’03As if it were yesterday, I remember

one day sitting in Mr. Aben’s math

class when Mr. Hadden abruptly

entered the classroom and took

Chris Nixon out into the hall.

Some of us looked at each other

thinking that he was in trouble for

something, however, after a few

moments passed by Chris rushed

through the door exclaiming that

the Twin Towers had been

attacked. Since that day, I devel-

oped a keen interest in interna-

tional affairs, so much so that I am

currently an International

Development Studies and Political

Science major at Dalhousie

University, and have continued to

explore the answers as to why

people from half way around the

globe would want to have killed so

many, so far away on September

11, 2001. Moreover, throughout my

years of study, I have come to a

critical assessment that one

person’s enemy is another person’s

freedom fighter, and to me this is

how global relations continue to

be perceived today. September

11th was just one of many horrific

incidents taking place around the

world, not only affecting their

concentrated regions, but

impacting our daily lives as well.

This is why it is absolutely vital

that today’s youth, and their

parents, pick up a newspaper and

read about what is taking place in

our world. Furthermore, studying

international affairs is crucial in

developing one’s personality and

perceptions, broadening

successful business or employ-

ment opportunities, and gaining

the ability to make just and well-

rounded decisions and stances on

important political, social or

From Student to Global Citizen


Jason Allingham ’03, West Pokot Mountains, Kenya, June 2006

“Some aspects of other

societies may appear to

be odd or wrong from a

Western standpoint, but

the reality is that a large

majority of the world feels

the same way about our


Page 21: Spring/Summer 2006


economic issues that arise at home

or abroad.

First and foremost, learning about

different cultures, ideologies,

beliefs, and customs in a class-

room or the field will undoubtedly

have an impact on the way you

perceive or judge the world we live

in. Some aspects of other societies

may appear to be odd or wrong

from a Western standpoint, but the

reality is that a large majority of

the world feels the same way about

our culture. This is why it is impor-

tant that we assess and analyze

how different societies work so

that when major developments or

disastrous issues arise, we will

already have an understanding of

the history and implications that

culture can have on the outcome

of a conflict. In addition to the

classroom, it is imperative for

students to get out and see the

world, if feasible. Recently, I

returned from a two-month field

study in East Africa (Uganda,

Rwanda, Kenya, and Tanzania in

particular) where I was immersed

within societies that appeared to

be completely different from

Canada. In particular, develop-

ment issues such as gender rela-

tions, female/male circumcision,

environmental degradation,

HIV/AIDS, and poverty were

apparent throughout this part of

the world. However, when meeting

with local people, you learn that

they share the same concerns that

we do, such as providing for or

taking care of a family, getting a

good education, and remaining

healthy. Travelling or studying

abroad literally opens your eyes to

a whole new world, which helps

develop character and compassion

for others around you.

In addition to expanding your

perceptions and thoughts about

the world, studying international

affairs is essential if you are plan-

ning on investing or working

around the globe. Learning about

a particular region’s past and

cultural affiliations is vital in

maintaining a successful business

relationship or investment. For

example, in the highlands of

Northwestern Kenya, recent

geographical studies have indi-

cated that potential large gold

deposits could lie within the pre-

Cambrian mountains. Thus,

intense excavations have begun by

Swedish, Chinese, and Canadian

mining companies that have not

informed the Pokot people — who

have been living in the area for

centuries — of their objectives or

why roads are being constructed

all around them. Evidently, this

could be potentially beneficial to

these residents, as it could stimu-

late jobs and economic develop-

ment, however this would cost the

mining companies thousands of

dollars to train the local workforce,

when they could just bring in their

own workers from abroad and

export Kenyan gold under their

flag, not a Kenyan banner. This

example and many others occur

each day around the world, and it

is no wonder that local communi-

ties become resentful and violent

toward multinational corporations

and their host nations. Therefore,

it is important to engage in inter-

national dialogue and under-

standing with those whom you

wish to do business to avoid the

common setbacks and misconcep-

tions that are continuously sepa-

rating people and cultures as the

world becomes increasingly

smaller and more susceptible to

manmade or natural shocks.

Emphasizing this notion, studying

international affairs allows one to

consider both sides of any interna-

tional argument/cleavage.

Obviously, there exists the inherent

biases of being from a certain

culture or region of the world, but

at least one is making the effort,

which already puts them “ahead of

the pack.” In addition to this,

making the effort also erases the

“ignorance” factor that usually can

either make or break a conversa-

tion with someone from abroad.

Examining world issues and

cultures is essential in under-

standing/predicting the actions of

others and gives one the global

perspective that is needed to

understand our ever-changing

world. By becoming a better global

citizen, one will not only be able to

somewhat cope with the harsh

realities of the world we live in,

but will also have the ability to

judge with a solid understanding

of other people’s perceptions that

they may not have considered


Page 22: Spring/Summer 2006


Connected to the World

Lisa ClarkeNestled in a grove of maple trees,

Lakefield College School is a

village of thriving students who

grow in a caring community built

on values including trust, interde-

velopment, and citizenship. These

values, cultivated in the class-

room, Chapel, Houses, and sports

field, are the foundation of a moral

education that promotes both

individuality and strong leader-

ship skills.

Yet beyond the shore of Lake

Katchewanooka lies a global

village that also enriches each

student’s social, intellectual, and

emotional experiences. It is not

only the interconnectedness of the

campus community, but our inter-

dependence with the rest of the

world that is reinforced in class-

room learning, student life, and

co-curricular activities. “LCS

teaches students the idea of

thinking about the world before

you think about yourself,” says

Round Square India Project 2005

participant Bianca Bell who will be

this year's British Alumni

Travelling Scholar. “We are

constantly reminded that without

a functional world, we will never

have a sound mind or body.”

By educating the whole person,

the school strives to help students

understand the links between their

lives and those of people

throughout the world. Whether

through academic, physical, or

spiritual commonalities, there can

be communication that enables

people to work together across

countries and cultures. Rather

than just learning behind a desk, a

student is challenged to pursue a

human connection. Through

programs promoting an interna-

Page 23: Spring/Summer 2006

tional perspective, students learn

about the social, economic, and

political forces that shape our

existence in an often conflicted


“At LCS, the emphasis on a

rigorous, but also well-rounded

and holistic education cultivates

leaders in global issues,” says

Joanna Dafoe ’04. “Round Square

founder Kurt Hahn's vision of an

internationally-focused education

has certainly helped direct

Lakefield’s teaching. Round

Square trips to India, Thailand, or

Kenya are examples of many

students’ first foray in community

service projects in developing

countries; but other, less obvious,

and equally profound, aspects of

Lakefield help nurture interna-

tional mindfulness. Taking walks

in the forest, watching the sunset,

or living within a supportive

community all contribute an

unquantifiable, but significant

role to the formation of young


“Our own community is filled

with amazing diversity and

culture,” says Dr. Margaret

Blanchette, Head of International

Student Services. Through show-

cases such as the UN Parade and

the Walk Around the World

cultural fair, students and staff

display with pride what is special

about their home countries.

Therefore, students not only learn

about internationalism through

the classroom, but also in their

own residential houses, commu-

nicating and sharing with an

extended family of global citizens.

By celebrating each individual in

our community, students learn to

appreciate this diversity in an

environment of mutual respect

and trust.

“It was the nervousness of the teachers and

parents in this little village in Botswana to get

their presentation just right for us that made

the link for me. It reminded me that we all

want the same things for our students, irrele-

vant of our socio-economic background. The

parallels cross over cultures and oceans.”



LCS students and other participants of the Round Square Botswana 2006project at a school for disabled children

Page 24: Spring/Summer 2006

The gift of leadership is deeply

rooted in how one distinguishes

and cultivates the unique traits of

the people in his or her commu-

nity. In a school of such diverse

talents, programs such as interna-

tional affairs and exchanges, the

Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards,

community service, Senior-In-

Charge positions, as well as

courses like the Leadership Class,

World Issues, and Outdoor

Education, are key opportunities

in building students’ awareness of

our local and global connections.

With co-curricular initiatives such

as debating and sports, in addition

to the Lakefield Environmental

Action Force (LEAF) and the Model

UN at Trent University, students

have many tools to broaden their

global perspective and hone their

mentoring skills.

Senior students who excel in

fostering an environment that

embraces the school’s mission —

to challenge and enable students to

reach their individual potential in

mind, body, and spirit — are

invited to join the Grade 12

Leadership Class. “The class is a

training ground for instilling skills

students will apply once leaving

Lakefield College School for

university and the working world,”

says David Walsh, who co-teaches

the course with Vera Wilcox. “We

encourage the students to plan,

organize, motivate, and look criti-

cally at themselves in the role of

leaders to improve their

strengths.” By recognizing and

anticipating the needs of the

community, students learn to

develop solutions that help

improve the student experience. In

conjunction with the Senior-In-

Charge positions that offer all

Grade 12 students the opportunity

to lead programs throughout the

school, senior students develop an

ownership over their school

culture that will have powerful

implications for their education

and will serve them throughout

their lives.

The Ontario secondary school

curriculum supports classroom

learning in subjects such as

culture, human interaction, and

interdependence, as well as global

power and governance. By

bringing issues of social justice

and internationalism into day-to-

day discussion, students build a

basis of knowledge on which they

can expand their global awareness

through more hands-on experi-

ence. “It's part of who I am,”

explains English teacher Lorraine

Brown who participated on the

Round Square Stove Trek in Peru in

March. She brings the voices of

marginalized people into her

classroom through reading

choices, including Alice Walker’s,

The Color Purple, and the “quote

of the week” that challenges

students to contemplate a

thought-provoking quote.

Faculty have also invited guest

speakers, such as international

affairs journalist Gwynne Dyer;

Major Brent Beardsley, executive

assistant to General Roméo

Dallaire; Green Party leader Jim

Harris ’80; and Child Rights

Activist Kimmie Weeks to discuss

war, genocide, the environment

and third-world poverty with the

entire school body. In April,

students from Daly College in

India visited The Grove to perform

a musical and dance showcase

during a cross-Canada inde-

pendent school tour. The visual

arts program also promotes global

awareness through workshops like

Arts for AIDS, and presentations

from international artists

including Professor Chang,

renowned designer and

Chairperson of the Department of

Branding and Design Management

Studies at the University of Hongik

in Seoul Korea, and Zimbabwean

sculptor Chaka Chikodzi.

“I discuss global perspectives and

environmentalism in more subtle

ways,” says teacher Vicky

Boomgardt, who finds it chal-

lenging to integrate social issues

into math studies. “How do you

pose ethical issues in a math

problem and not make them seem

token?” Yet she achieves this

through examples such as consid-

ering the cost of running a gas

versus electric car. As well, in

Grade 10 Biology she has the

“[A leader] is enabled to see and recognize and identify the dignity, worth and value

of any person at a level beyond that of what fortune may have bestowed on one

person and beyond what tragedy may have wrought upon another.”



Page 25: Spring/Summer 2006

opportunity to talk about “buying

power” in her ecology unit. “I

explain to my students that you

don't have to change the big

picture, but critically examine the

little things you can change in

your home environment to make a


Both Ms. Boomgardt and math

teacher Joe Bettencourt traveled

with students to Botswana this

spring on an international service

project. While debriefing students

on their experiences witnessing

AIDS-ravaged villages, Mr.

Bettencourt again reinforced the

lesson. “Students emphasized that

they cared about the situation, but

they felt helpless in solving the

problem.” He explains: “It’s what

you can do in your lifetime. Maybe

you can’t solve the situation you

saw today, but by being aware of

the challenges and issues people

are facing, you have made a

connection — it will spin off in

ways you can’t imagine over the

next years.”

“The list of problems plaguing the

earth often appears to be endless,

daunting, and unchangeable,” says

Joanna Dafoe ’04. “Particularly

frightening is the disconnection

young people feel from these

problems. Learning about the

world, and wanting to change it,

too often becomes a job for adults

and experts only. Lakefield College

School, however, has a proud

history of students and alumni/ae

who have challenged the myth

that young people cannot impact

and improve the political and

social environment.”

Early in their Lakefield College

School career, students begin

doing local community service.

“This gets students involved with

real people, setting them up to

learn about leadership intrinsi-

cally through experience,”

explains Dr. Arnie Boyle, Head of

International Affairs. Currently,

the Ontario government requires

that students complete 40 hours of

community involvement upon

graduation from Grade 12;

Lakefield College School students

logged an astounding 12,376

service hours in the 2005-2006


(L-R) Grade 10 student Smreeti Gurung representing her home of Nepal during The Grove’s Walk Around The World cultural fair;Student artwork created during the Art For AIDS Workshop is on display in the Richard Hayman Gallery at The Grove

Page 26: Spring/Summer 2006


school year. The first step in this

process is recognizing our respon-

sibilities on a local level. “We are

called to love one another,” says

Father Glenn Empey, Chaplain.

“Community service is a solid way

to bring this call to action. How

does this service change students’

sense of responsibility to others?

A sense of responsibility for giving

and involvement creates insights

that are lifelong.”

“When students connect with

people in need, they experience

the common chords of the human

condition,” continues Father

Empey. “We are here to help

students understand what’s

happening inside them, how to

deal with biases, and how to cross

barriers.” Through initiatives like

the 30 Hour Famine, students have

the opportunity to experience one

of the widespread epidemics that

spans humanity — hunger. By

knitting hats and scarves for local

shelters, participating in tag days

for the YMCA and YWCA, and

cooking for the local warming

room, they make a direct connec-

tion to the socio-economic issues

that exist close to home.

Through the Duke of Edinburgh’s

Award program, students have the

opportunity to bridge local

community service with national

and international conferences and

projects, including the Round

Square. The Duke of Edinburgh's

Award program promotes indi-

vidual challenge involving four

areas: community service, expedi-

tions, skill/hobbies, and physical

recreation. Awards correspond to

three levels — bronze, silver, and

gold — each requiring an

increased level of commitment

(gold award participants must also

complete a residential project).

Graduating 19 gold award winners

this year with 110 to 120 commu-

nity service hours each, Lakefield

College School is currently among

the top schools in Canada for gold

award participants. “The Duke of

Edinburgh’s Award often intro-

duces students to the benefits and

pleasures of doing community

service,” says teacher David Walsh.

“It tends to motivate them to

partake in activities they wouldn't

regularly do. Every year I'm

impressed by the students’ dedica-

tion and enthusiasm for the


Lakefield College School strives to

offer students a variety of oppor-

tunities to serve the world beyond

the campus and local community.

In addition to the unique Ondaatje

and Irving Expeditions, students

have the chance to travel with the

Round Square Conference of

Schools and other sister schools

on conferences, service projects

and exchanges. “Lakefield takes

international affairs very seri-

ously,” says Dr. Arnie Boyle. In the

2006 school year, the school sent

14 students on international

exchanges, 22 students and staff

on Round Square conferences, and

52 students and staff on interna-

tional service projects, including

Round Square and sister school

programs, in countries such as

Thailand, Kenya, India, Honduras,

LCS students on the Ondaatje Expedition Baffin Island, Nunavut 2006

Page 27: Spring/Summer 2006


Peru, Botswana, Costa Rica, and


Faculty and students are very

supportive of the service projects,

and there is stiff competition each

year to participate. “Everyone

knows that these are wonderful

experiences,” continues Dr. Boyle.

“Working with others, growing

spiritually, opening up to the

world … they appreciate the

educational value.” Over March

Break, Grade 12 student Chris

Jones participated on the Round

Square Stove Trek in Peru with four

senior students and teacher

Lorraine Brown. They began their

adventure with a beautification

project in an impoverished area of

Lima before building stoves and

chimneys in a remote Andean

farming community eight hours

north of Cajamarca. “This trip

gave me a new perspective on the

world,” says Chris. “I looked at my

life a lot differently and learned to

appreciate the smaller things in

our lives.”

The Grade 10 exchange program

also offers rich opportunities in

cultural and linguistic integration.

“Over the years, Lakefield has built

a reputation as a lovely, friendly

environment with a unique

curriculum,” explains Dr. Boyle.

“Exchange students really love it

here; some even return to become

full-time boarding students the

year after.” Marvin Seibert ’98

came to Lakefield College School

on exchange from Germany by

accident, replacing another

student just three weeks before the

exchange start date. “My exchange

was for three months, but I kept

extending my time I loved it so

much. I became a boarding

student the next year. When my

family came to visit, the same

thing happened to my brother and

he wanted to come as soon as

possible. My parents had a lot of

vacations in Canada.”

Dr. Boyle described this year's

incoming exchange students as

“stellar”; they participated in

many aspects of school life,

including Nordic skiing, the dance

program, and Walk Around the

World, and taught classmates

about life in their home country.

“Our outgoing students on

exchange find it an eye-opening

experience to new perspectives

and culture,” he says. “The

exchange program keeps growing

in popularity.” Students have trav-

eled over the winter term to desti-

nations like France, New Zealand,

Australia, Denmark, South Africa,

Peru, and the UK. Marvin Seibert

’98 participated in a Round Square

exchange to China just after grad-

uation. When he recently attended

a biophysics conference in

Shanghai, he was happy to

remember some words and

expressions in Mandarin. “Now I

spend my time between the

Laboratory of Molecular

Biophysics at Uppsala Universitet

in Sweden and the Lawrence

Livermore National Laboratory

and the Stanford Linear

Accelerator Center, both in

California. Without LCS, Dr. Boyle

and the Round Square program, I

would never have been introduced

to this intercontinental lifestyle.”

Yet, for the faculty and staff at the

school, the most satisfaction in

providing a well-rounded arena for

global education comes from

student-lead initiatives. Earth

Week activities, a fashion show in

support of AIDS in Africa, the

Generate Hope Campaign to

purchase a generator for a

Rwandan village, the Hockey for

Heroes tournament, as well as the

numerous “Clean Casuals” days

that supported a number of

different charitable initiatives, are

just a few of the programs the

students facilitated this year. In

addition, it is the activities

students do beyond the school

that are so inspiring. Grade 12

student Brittany Scott spent three

and a half weeks last summer with

her father, a periodontist, in

Cambodia providing dentistry

with Health Teams International.

“It’s changed my life and made me

decide what I want to do,” says

Brittany, who will be attending

Dalhousie University in September

for nursing. “I love working with

people, helping people, making

people happy — there’s such a

sense of accomplishment when

someone finally doesn’t have a

toothache after three years!” A

participant on the Bequia project

in March, Brittany will be traveling

to Bolivia this summer to again

work with Health Teams


Whether holding the safety rope

for a classmate on the Outdoor

Education high ropes initiative,

shooting the puck to a teammate

for the winning goal, or traveling

together in the back of a pickup

truck to the rural village of Ban

Teentok, Thailand, students at

Lakefield College School develop a

keen sense of self-awareness and

interdependence during their time

at The Grove. By developing a

global consciousness, these

students are empowered to

connect with our world family to

create a more just and sustainable

environment for the future.

Page 28: Spring/Summer 2006


Inaugural Meeting: May, 2006

On Friday, May 12, 2006, Lakefield College School Foundation Chair Paul Desmarais Jr. ’73 welcomed trustees of

the newly constituted foundation to the head office of Power Corporation in Montreal. Of the 18 trustees in atten-

dance, many traveled from international destinations, including California, Mexico, and the United Kingdom.

In the spring of 2005, a joint committee of the Lakefield College School Foundation and Lakefield College School

began the process of recreating the foundation in preparation for its new role. In addition to its original custo-

dial and investment management functions, the foundation is now responsible for all fundraising activities,

donor stewardship, and strategic planning relating to fundraising and endowment building.

In calling the meeting to order, Mr. Desmarais offered the trustees the opportunity to describe their connection

to Lakefield College School and why they had agreed to serve as trustees. A common theme emerged — that is,

the passion the group felt for the school and the opportunities it presents to students. Alumni/ae trustees felt

that their lives were positively transformed during their time at the school; parent trustees expressed their grati-

tude for the difference the school had made for their family.

One of the most crucial steps in the process was the development of a strategic plan for the foundation. This

plan, a document entitled Towards Tomorrow, was tabled and discussed.

Key Objectives and Long-Term Goals of the Foundation Implement the organizational structure required to achieve the foundation's fundraising and operational

goals; and

Generate the revenue required to meet endowment, financial assistance, program, and capital goals to make

LCS the finest Canadian boarding school.

Specific Goals for the Foundation Over a 10-year Planning Horizon The priorities include:

Building the new $9 M Student Recreation Centre, a multipurpose athletic facility;

Growing the endowment fund from its current $14 M to $35 M to fully fund student financial assistance; and

Making the new $5 M Learning Commons academic support program a reality.

In closing, His Royal Highness The Duke of York (and new foundation trustee) commended the trustees for their

leadership and commitment.

The trustees expressed every confidence in the leadership represented at the board table and by the management

of the school. They were encouraged that, with the support of the broader Lakefield College School community,

the foundation will achieve its ambitious fundraising goals over the next 10 years.

The next meeting of the foundation is planned for December 2006.

The Newly Constituted Lakefield College School Foundation

Page 29: Spring/Summer 2006

Paul Desmarais Jr. ’73, Chairman

Paul is Chairman and Co-CEO of Power Corporation of Canada and a director of

numerous companies worldwide. He has been awarded the Medal of the

Confederation (Canada),the Insigne d'Officier de l'Ordre de la Couronne (Belgium),

and The Order of Canada (2005).

Paul and his wife, Hélène, have been philanthropic leaders at Lakefield College School since 1982. Their

generosity was recognized in 2004 with the naming of the Paul and Hélène Desmarais Family Academic

Wing. In addition, Paul and Hélène recently established the Desmarais Family Scholarship providing the

equivalent of four full bursaries annually to deserving LCS students. Three of their children have attended

The Grove, Paul ’00, Alexandre ’03, and Nicolas ’03.


Emilio Azcarraga Jean ’87Chairman and CEO, Grupo Televisa

Brian Carter, Honorary AlumnusVice President and PortfolioManager, Legg Mason Canada Inc.

Linda LeusChair, J.W. McConnell Family Foundation

Bruce Boren ’87CEO, Televisa Networks

Bryce DouglasRetired Deputy Chairman, RBC Capital Markets

Angus MacNaughton ’48Retired CEO, Genstar Corporation

Jonathan Carroll ’87Co-founder and President,iTravel2000.com Inc.

John K. Hepburn ’68Advisory, Vice Chairman, Morgan Stanley & Co. (Europe)

Jeffrey Marshall,Honorary AlumnusPrincipal, Smith, MarshallConsulting

Trustees of the Lakefield College School Foundation

Page 30: Spring/Summer 2006


Scott McCainPresident and CEO, AgribusinessGroup, Maple Leaf Foods

Kathleen RamsayVice Chair, Trent University Board of Governors

William Wells ’78CFO, Bunge Limited

His Royal Highness The Duke of YorkRoyal Knight Companion Of TheMost Noble Order of The Garter

Bill Morris ’70CEO, The Stewart Group

Donald Ross ’48President, Jones Gable andCompany Ltd.

Richard WernhamPresident, Five ContinentsInvestment Ltd.

Rosemary PhelanDirector, Cara Operations and Vice President, Cara Holdings

Thomas Ryder '53President, J. H. Ryder Machinery

Graham WorsfoldFounder and Executive Chairman,DigiPos Systems Group

The full biographies of each of our Lakefield College School Foundation

Trustees is available at www.lcs.on.ca (log in to the Alumni or Parent


Page 31: Spring/Summer 2006


For individuals wanting to make a donation to Lakefield College

School, donating securities may be your best option. Meeting your

philanthropic goals, receiving a tax receipt, and paying no tax on the

gift are attractive benefits.

The recent federal budget (May 2, 2006) allows for the donation of

appreciated, publicly traded securities to charities, with no tax payable

on the profit — also known as capital gains (see chart below from RBC

Dominion Securities). There are some conditions, however. The secu-

rities must be publicly traded on a recognized stock exchange,

donated ‘in-kind’ (not sold before donation), have appreciated in

value, and be donated to a registered charity.

In addition, you will have the opportunity to designate your gift to a

Grove priority that reflects your interests, such as financial assistance,

capital projects or various other program needs.

For more information contact Theresa Butler-Porter at the Lakefield

College School Foundation Development Office at 705.652.3324 or visit

our website at www.lcs.on.ca — SUPPORT LCS/WAYS OF GIVING.

A Giving Opportunity

Page 32: Spring/Summer 2006


Over a year ago, in her Closing address, Leala Wong ’05

spoke on behalf of her classmates and challenged the

incoming Graduating Class of 2006:

“It is our wish for you to step up to the challenge and

lead the school to new heights. It is our wish that you

will exceed any expectation that the staff, your parents,

and we have for you. I have faith that your class as a

whole is capable of conquering unthinkable feats.”

It is doubtful that a graduating class has ever stepped

up to a challenge with such enthusiasm and passion.

Traditionally, grad classes have chosen to leave their

legacy to The Grove through a gift of a tree or a bench

or other innovative ways to mark their time at

Lakefield College School — but not the Class of 2006.

As their time at LCS was coming to a close, many of the

graduating students found themselves reflecting on

what The Grove had given them. Whether at the school

for one year or as long as six, they recognized that the

experiences they had, and the friendships they made

would carry through their lifetime. How could they

express the tremendous impact LCS had on their lives?

The answer was simple: By creating the 2006 Grad

Class Bursary that would provide a way for the grads to

give back to the school enabling another young person

to experience LCS the way that they had. Led by

Rachel Honig (Senior in Charge of Development), each

of the 94 grads were encouraged to contribute $20.06

in honour of their graduating year. With the optimism

of youth, they anticipated 100 percent participation

and a bursary of approximately $1,800 to disperse in

the fall of 2006. But just like the ‘butterfly effect’ —

where a very small action can produce dramatically

out-of-proportion effects — this project soared to

unanticipated heights.

Parents Sue and Jock Fleming ’74 issued a challenge of

their own to further motivate grad participation. They

would match each student gift — potentially doubling

the value of the bursary. Within weeks, fifteen other

parents came forward and joined the Flemings in

matching every student gift — adding a total of $321 to

each gift of $20.06. By Closing, every one of the grads

committed to the bursary, and along with parent

support, the value of the 2006 Grad Class Bursary now

exceeds an astounding $35,000.

Months earlier it would have been difficult to predict

the power of the 2006 Grad Class gift. Financially, they

have achieved what many believed was unthinkable.

Answering the challenge that Leala Wong '05 put to

them just 12 months earlier, they paved the way for

another young person to benefit from the Lakefield

College School experience — an individual who,

without their generosity and vision, might not have

had the opportunity to attend The Grove.

Young Philanthropists: The Class of 2006 Bursary

“The act of philanthropy is a spiritual act, an expression of caring for one’s fellow

human beings. It is the belief in the future and that the future can be good. It is

investing in that future. It is helping to make the dream come true.”


Page 33: Spring/Summer 2006

Each year, The Globe and Mail celebrates the

achievements of exceptional leaders under the age of

40, in a variety of industries. In 2005, the Top 40

Under 40 acknowledged LCS Alumnus Peter

Kendall ’85 for his work with the Schad Foundation,

a private foundation supporting environmental

causes and education.

This year, two LCS alumni were recognized for their

leadership in two very different fields of work.

Jonathan Carroll ’87 is the President and Co-founder

of iTravel2000.com Inc., Canada's largest online

travel company. Jonathan began the company in

1993 selling vacations over the telephone, quickly

moving to the internet after realizing the opportuni-

ties it offered. Today his company employs 170

people who continue to offer their customers secu-

rity and confidence, while making their travel dreams

come true.

Rudyard Griffiths ’89 is the Executive Director of the

Dominion Institute in Toronto. An initiative he

began with two friends, the Dominion Institute was

launched in 1997 to foster nationalism within

Canada and to address the lack of Canadians’ knowl-

edge of their own history, which was revealed by a

survey showing, for example, that only one third of

18 to 24 year-olds knew when Confederation

occurred. Today, the Institute has a staff of 14 and a

budget of $2 million, and supports a variety of

programs encouraging education, including Youth

Vote and a speakers’ bureau of 1500 veterans.

LCS Celebrates Rising Stars


Page 34: Spring/Summer 2006

Lisa ClarkeIn Florence Ryder’s memory lives

100 years of history at The Grove.

Daughter of Dr. A.W. Mackenzie,

“Flo” is the second of five genera-

tions who lived at The Grove —her

father, herself, her sons, three

grandsons, and a great grandson

— and the only living descendent

of the school's early years.

Born in the Head’s residence on

July 31, 1906, Flo was the fourth of

five children to Dr. Mackenzie and

his wife Helen. Winifred (Win) was

the first child, born in 1898. She

married Archibald Lampman, and

after his death she came back to

the school to teach art classes

until 1977. She died in 2000 at the

age of 102. Ken, born in 1900,

graduated from the school in 1917

and joined the Navy. He became

Headmaster following his father’s

death in 1938 until the appoint-

ment of G. Winder Smith two

years later. Ken then rejoined the

Navy to serve in WWII. Mary, the

third child, was born in 1903. She

remained connected with school

life while caring for their mother

over many years. Frances, nick-

named “Billy” at birth by her

brother Ken, was born in 1912.

She was decorated for her work as

a nursing sister, serving in the

Canadian Army in Holland and

Belgium, and later was the

Director of Nursing at the Civic

Hospital in Ottawa for many


Flo spent her early years in

Lakefield living at Lakefield

Preparatory School (as it was then

known) with her family and

attending a small school run by

Mrs. Langley, before boarding at

Bishop Bethune College in

Oshawa when she was 12. Her

earliest memories on campus

were of adventures with her

siblings and the students,

including Bruce Hunt ’28 who

remained a life-long friend. As a

young teenager, she would

rendez-vous with Bruce in the

kitchen for an evening snack after

study. On one occasion, while

enjoying a bowl of cornflakes,

they heard Dr. Mackenzie’s foot-

steps coming and Bruce ducked

into the cellar as Flo feigned inno-

cence. Her father opened the door

on Bruce and said promptly,

“Goodnight Bruce,” as the boy ran

out the door. He then turned to

Flo and exclaimed, “Florence, you

are a perfect nuisance.” Bruce

Hunt later returned to The Grove

to become a Master.

Her parents were an integral part

of school life. Dr. Rosalind Barker

wrote in the Spring 2004 Grove

News: "Dr. Mackenzie's major

contribution to the school may

well have been to instill qualities

and values that have remained

true ever since. He passed these

on, not only to the members of

100 Years Young — Florence (Mackenzie) Ryder


Flo Ryder was delighted to have tea with His Royal HIghness the Duke of York in acknowledgement of her 100th birthday

Page 35: Spring/Summer 2006


his family, but to the teachers, students, and all those

who became identified as members of The Grove

community: education of the whole person — body,

mind, and spirit, a love of the outdoors, respect for

oneself and others, friendship, service, leadership.”

“Mother was the power behind the throne,” says Flo.

She was a calming, strong influence who was

completely devoted to the school. Even after the death

of her husband, she lived on campus with her

daughter Mary until her passing in the early 1960s.

“When I was about 10 years old, I had a great adven-

ture with Mary,” remembers Flo. “There was a fair

every fall in Lakefield in early September and we

always used to go. This year we went, there was an

airplane with two pilots — they were taking customers

for a ride for ten dollars for ten minutes. Well, Mary

and I had never seen ten dollars in our lives. The next

morning we took the horse and carriage into the

village to pick up the mail. We went past the fair-

grounds and sure enough the pilots were working on

the plane. So we waited around a while to watch.

‘Would you girls like a ride?’ they asked. Mary and I

jumped right in. It was a wide-open, two-seater. I had

to sit on Mary’s lap and of course, there were no seat-

belts, but we each had a helmet. To this day, I can see

how lovely the land looked — very colourful, neat, and

tidy, like a patchwork quilt. We went all the way up to

Young's Point to watch the boats go through the locks

and then we went home.”

In addition to family adventures, hockey was a big part

of the Mackenzie family. In fact, it was one of the activ-

ities not prohibited in their household on Sundays.

She recalls, “We all played hockey — Win, Mary and I,

and later Billy (the youngest by six years, Billy was the

best hockey player in the family and travelled with an

all-star team). Dad would phone or write to the sisters

at my high school to send me home for the weekend

because they were playing hockey and they ‘needed’

me.” While studying home economics at Mac Hall, she

played hockey for the Guelph Agricultural College and

was reported to exhibit a “dazzling exhibition of stick-

handling and speed.” Dr. Barker recalled that years

later “Flo was renowned for traveling to just about

every one of her sons’ football and hockey games and

for her enthusiastic support (also for her sideline

coaching, much to the chagrin of her sons!).”

Flo married Jack Ryder and had a daughter Janet, and

two sons, Tom and Alick. Tom graduated from

Lakefield College School in 1953 and Alick in 1956.

Jack Ryder became greatly involved with the school

until his death in 1978, as a parent, philanthropist, and

member of the Board of Governors in the 1960s and

1970s. To recognize his continuous support and service

to the school, Ryder House was named in his honour.

Tom Ryder ’53, his son John ’77, and grandson

Matthew (Grade 11), continue the Mackenzie family

legacy at the school. “The girls even wear the

Mackenzie kilt!” exclaims Flo. Tom, who served as a

governor, Chair of the Board, and trustee, recently

joined the newly constituted Lakefield College School

Foundation as a trustee. John currently sits on the

Board of Directors, after eight years as a school trustee.

Flo's second son Alick Ryder ’56, great-nephews

Michael ’63 and Peter Clarke ’69, grandchildren Ian

’77 and Alick Watson ’81, and step-grandson Michael

Pooley ’01, have also kept the Mackenzie clan deeply

entrenched in the school’s history.

It was this constant family support and the celebration

of her 100th year that brought His Royal Highness The

Duke of York to Flo Ryder’s home on May 12, 2006. “I

didn't sleep the night before,” says Flo. “I had a speech

prepared to welcome him. The Prince was very nice; he

had even brought me a present! I gave him a photo

taken at the 125th anniversary of the school at the

Royal York. My grandson John had come to the dinner

table with a number of classmates, including David

Miller ’77 and Al Pace ’77. The Prince knew all the

boys in the photo from his exchange.”

With a hundred years of memories of The Grove, Flo

Ryder continues to be impressed by the school’s

momentum. Last back to the school for the funeral of

Andy Harris ’44 in 2001, she has noticed gradual

changes, the biggest being the new A.W. Mackenzie

Chapel. “I don't think the school has done anything

wrong at all,” she says. “It's gone ahead in leaps and

bounds.” With her constant inspiration to build upon

the values and pride her father first instilled in the

students, the history of the school will continue to be


Flo Ryder celebrated her 100th birthday with family

and friends on July 31, 2006. Happy Birthday Flo from

everyone at The Grove!i

Page 36: Spring/Summer 2006

The Standing Spirit Project: Corby Petersen ‘96

Paul Mason (with files from Corby Petersen ’96 and Brad Jacobsen)

Corby Petersen ’96 is a lean, intense presence in the

Thirsty Loon pub in downtown Lakefield. He talks

animatedly about the project that has dominated his

life for the last four years.

In August of 2005, he and nine other people hiked the

northern leg of Vancouver Island's West Coast Trail —

a 32 kilometre journey with some formidable chal-

lenges. (Every year, hundreds of able-bodied hikers

have to be evacuated from the trail as a result of

injuries.) What made this particular trip extraordi-

nary is that one of the hikers was Brad Jacobsen, a


Brad became a quadriplegic eleven years ago, when

he chased an errant frisbee into a river and broke his

neck. He had hiked the West Coast Trail as an able-

bodied man, so he knew first-hand how tough the

trip is. The idea that he could make the same journey

as a quadriplegic seemed liked a pipe dream — but

one eminently worth pursuing.

There were times when the project seemed fated to

fail. Just a month before departure, Brad was hit by a

truck backing up in a parking lot. Then, two weeks

later, the house Corby shared with Rachel

Footman ’96 burned down — taking all the equip-

ment (and everything else they owned) with it.

Despair wasn't an option, however, said Corby. He

and Rachel found ways to replace the equipment, and

the special harness which had been created for the

trip was remade and ready to go two days before the

group set out.

The trail presents numerous hazards: conditions are

often very slippery, tides make certain sections

impassable at regular intervals, and bear, cougar, and

wolf can sometimes take over camping spots. The

most significant challenge, however, is probably the

ladders — up to 150 feet in length — that are placed

along cliff faces or river or creek crossings. These


Team Standing Spirit on British Columbia’s West Coast Trail. Photos Courtesy Brad Jacobsen.

Page 37: Spring/Summer 2006

required the use of a special two-part harness which

allowed Brad to be lifted onto the back of another

Grove graduate, Jeff Bos ’96, becoming, effectively,

his living, talking backpack.

When not in the harness, Brad spent most of the

journey in the Trailrider, a wheelbarrow-like device

designed to transport a person with mobility impair-

ment in the wilderness. It has one tire, like those

used on small aircraft, which sits directly under its

passenger. At times, as many as four people were

required on the Trailrider to manoeuvre around large

drops, steep inclines, or tight corners.

Every member of the team carried a 75 lb backpack,

but Corby and fellow teammate Graeme Ball were

also hauling movie cameras on breast packs. Corby

had decided from the beginning that he wanted to

document the journey — to have a filmed record of

this the first time that anyone with a significant phys-

ical disability has hiked the WCT.

The defining moment of the trip came at Tsusiat

Falls, a beautiful cascading waterfall with a calm

pool. When the group reached the falls, said Corby,

they all went swimming, Brad among them, then sat

in the pool gazing out at the ocean. At that moment,

Brad felt a powerful sense of reconnection with his

old physicality and with the natural world.

So why take the journey at all? Corby pauses for a

moment. “It's called the Standing Spirit Project

because it's about spirit,” he says. “Though Brad's

body is broken, his spirit remains standing. The trip

was about getting in touch with the spirit within, and

allowing it to be strong. In coming together as a

team, we emerged as stronger individuals than we'd

realized we could be. We had to dig deep and find it

within ourselves to overcome.”

The project has recently acquired a corporate

sponsor, Interac, and the CBC has expressed tentative

interest in broadcasting Corby's documentary.

Anyone interested in finding out more is encouraged

to visit www.standingspirit.com. Among other things,

this site contains a description of the planned second

leg of the journey by sea-kayak.


(Below L-R) Brad Jacobsen gets a lift from teammate Jeff Bos ’96 using a custom made harness; The team enjoys a swim at Tsusiat Falls

Page 38: Spring/Summer 2006


Periodically, throughout The Grove’s recent history,

individuals who are non-alumni/ae, but have

committed themselves as outstanding members of

the LCS community, have been awarded the presti-

gious title of “Honorary Alumnus/a of Lakefield

College School.”

The Grove Society is seeking nominations for individ-

uals who may qualify for this award. Nominations for

posthumous awarding of this title will also be consid-


Eligibility CriteriaFaculty, staff, parents or long-standing friends of

Lakefield College School are eligible for nomination.

The minimum term of involvement required with LCS

is as follows:

Faculty or staff—20 years

Chaplains—10 years

Heads of School—10 years

Chair of the Board of Directors—10 years

Others who have provided exceptional dedication and

service to the school may be considered based on

their term of involvement and level of achievement in

support of Lakfield College School.

NominationThe deadline for nominations is October 15, 2006.

Nomination forms are available from the

Communications Office or at the Grove Society web

page accessed from the alumni portal at:


Review CommitteeAn alumni/ae committee of the Grove Society will

review all applications.

AwardsThe title of Honorary Alumnus/a may be awarded in

the fall of each year at the Grove Gathering Dinner or

at Closing Ceremonies in June. The award consists of

the presentation of an alumni/ae tie or scarf, a letter

from the Grove Society, and a framed certificate. A

maximum of five awards may be presented annually.

Current Honorary Alumni/ae

Honorary Alumni/aeThe Grove Society Recognizes Exemplary Service

Dr. Rosalind Barker

Neil Blair

Katie Brown

Brian Carter

Mike Chellew

Peter Dalglish

Bob Goebel

Terry Guest

David Hadden

Susan Hadden

Goodith Heeney

Ted Ingram

Win Lampman (deceased)

Jeffrey Marshall

John Milligan

John Dunlop (deceased)

Page 39: Spring/Summer 2006

Kathleen RamsayIt began when we flipped open the back cover of the

July ’05 Grove News to a picture of a dog team mushing

along in the shadow of pristine mountains. Months and

thousands of kilometres from where we first noticed

that red parka in the photo, eight of us, all variously

connected to LCS, were kitted out in layers of down and

Goretex launching into Dogsledding 101. It was, in

short, a fabulous experience, memorable, enjoyable,

unexpectedly comfortable, and undertaken with

companions whose Lakefield experiences provided

plenty of fodder for any conversational ice-breaking,

despite the crispness of -30 Celsius outdoors.

After flying over the glistening peaks of the Coast range,

we landed in Whitehorse just in time to attend the wind-

up banquet of the Yukon Quest, a grueling 1000 kilo-

metre trek for only the most experienced mushers. In

the next few days we would come to know some of the

dogs who were the celebrated champions of previous

Quest races. Many of these extraordinary animals come

to Martha and Rod Taylor, hosts of Uncommon Journeys,

to continue their mushing careers at what is often called

the “Club Med” for sled dogs. From the moment you

enter the dog yard, you know how well loved and cared

for these passionate pullers are, and it pays off in their

responsiveness to novice mushers.

After taking in some of Sunday’s Klondike Days festivi-

ties in Whitehorse, we headed west to our base for the

coming days, and settled into the accommodations

surrounding the well-appointed main house where we

would gather for meals. (And what meals! Fending off

remarks from southbound friends about a February trip

to the north amounting to “dogsledding in the dark,”

who knew we would be munching on fresh melon at

breakfast and asparagus and Arctic char at night!) Rod

introduced us to the dogs, and showed us how to set up

the sleds and harness a team, operate the brake (a crit-

ical skill) and the basic commands we would need on

our first outing. Monday we loaded the pickups with

sleds, dogs, and gear and headed out to Fish Lake,

where we would practice our skills on flat ground.

The next day we headed out from our base over more

challenging terrain to Dam Lake, where we tethered the

dogs and hiked a little further for a caribou wiener

roast, then back to water and feed the dogs, and also

ourselves. Wednesday we drove north to the Canol

Road, where for a few hours we took our teams, or they

took us, through more of the spectacular Yukon land-

scape. Thursday some of the group headed off to

Haines Junction, while others headed down the highway

with our teams and sleds to explore the exquisite

surroundings of Kluane. Every day was clear and bright,

and with the layers we had been advised to bring and

the outer wear provided, thirty below was perfectly

comfortable. The last part of our sojourn was under-

taken on four wheelers. An unusual winter left part of

the Ibex valley route impassable for the dog teams.

Negotiating the ice was tricky enough for the machines,

but it was well worth it for the view of the valley and a

night in the yurts.

We left the Yukon with fond memories, great photos,

new friends, and for all of us, I think, a resolve to return.


Common Ground. Uncommon Journey.

(L-R) Bill Wells ’78, Bruce Farlow, Alex Ramsay ’53, Kate Ramsay,Brian Bishop, Virginia Rolph, Rudy Massimo, Cathy Wells

Page 40: Spring/Summer 2006


Lisa ClarkeThe serene perfection of a

synchronized stroke on a misty

lake propels Lindsay Forget ’01 to

train seven days a week at Rowing

Canada’s National Training Centre

in London, Ontario. An honours

graduate of the University of

Western Ontario in Kinesiology

and Political Science, she is

currently devoting the next two

years to steering her passions

toward the 2008 Olympics in

Beijing, China.

Lindsay’s love of water began early

on as a competitive swimmer with

the Trent Swim Club in

Peterborough before she joined

Lakefield College School's rowing

team during her high school

career. “I have a tendency to dive

into something that interests me,”

she says. Encouraged by her Head

of House Ms. Yvonne Boyd, who

was also the rowing coach, Lindsay

fell in love with the sport almost

immediately. Libby Dalrymple,

Lakefield College School’s current

rowing coach remembers: “She was

a very dedicated athlete who was

passionate about rowing! She

learned the sport very quickly.”

After two years as a leading force

on the senior rowing team, she

joined Trent University’s summer

rowing program after graduation.

In addition to rowing, Lindsay’s

passion for political studies and

world issues grew during her three

years at LCS. She traveled with

Round Square on the Thailand

Water Project and achieved her

Gold Award in the Duke of

Edinburgh’s Award Program.

Lindsay further developed her

leadership skills as Student in

Charge of Susannah Moodie House

and as Captain of Mackenzie

House during her final year at the

school. “Lakefield completely

changed my life — my body, my

mind, and my spirit. I can only

sing praises about my experi-


Western was the next natural step

in her academic and athletic

career. The university not only

hosted a well-recognized political

science program, but the Canadian

National Team rowing coach also

coached there; it was the complete

university package. Lindsay imme-

diately tried out for the varsity

rowing team. “I was very new and

it was tough, but I made the

squad,” she recalls. “It was

extremely exciting, intense, and

more demanding than anything

else I had experienced.”

Lindsay excelled in the Western

rowing program, being recognized

as MVP and team captain from

2003 to 2005. Consistently awarded

for her dedication to the sport,

Lindsay graduated this year not

only with an honours degree, but

also with the coveted Purple

Blanket, the top University of

Western Ontario’s athletic award.

“Lindsay displays all the qualities

and dedication of a determined

athlete. I first met her when she

gave me a campus tour during my

interview to become Head of

Lower Colebrook House. Watching

her row at Western a few years

later, I could not fail to be

Bowside to Beijing: Lindsay Forget ’01

“There is an unspoken language in sports. People can communicate together through

a shared passion of competition even if everything else in their lives is different.”


Page 41: Spring/Summer 2006


impressed by her athleticism and

total focus,” reflects Amy

Hollingsworth, current Head of

Susannah Moodie House and

seasoned field hockey coach. “It's

obvious that she has the level of

commitment it takes to be

successful at the international

level and to wear Team Canada


Armed with degree and paddle in

hand, Lindsay has begun her

professional career continuing her

rigorous training at Rowing

Canada. She has won gold at the

Head of the Charles Regatta, the

Royal Canadian Henley Regatta,

the Canadian University Rowing

Championships, and is working

towards the World Championships

this summer in Eton, United

Kingdom. Training in the Senior A

Women's class, Lindsay enjoys the

camaraderie of her team of 15

women from across Canada. She

reflects, “It's interesting how

different people handle competi-

tion and share a love for a sport.

We seem so lighthearted and laid

back to teams from other coun-

tries, but we have the same inten-


Encouraged by national, provin-

cial and private support, Lindsay

continues to dream of reaching

the 2008 Olympics in Beijing,

China. She was recently accepted

into the Sport Canada program,

which offers amateur athletes

funding towards better coaching,

enhanced training, and competi-

tive opportunities. As well, with

the enthusiasm of Hugh Rawling

’77 who helped Lindsay put

together a brochure and website,


to promote her Olympic goal, and

the funding efforts of families like

Leslie and Brian Dunn ’69, her

intense training can continue.

“The network of people who have

come to support me is so moti-

vating. When you have people

rooting you on, you believe in

yourself even more.”

In the summer of 2007, the World

Championship races are qualifiers

for the Olympics. The team will

work over the next few years to

become more fit, get more inter-

national race experience, and

build team spirit as a crew. In the

past, the women’s rowing program

has been very strong, bringing

home many Olympic medals. With

such a positive atmosphere,

Lindsay is confident in her team's

continued momentum. “I will go

as far as I can possibly go with

rowing,” she says. “I am so lucky;

there are so many gifts that I

walked out with from LCS. We all

have an obligation to share these

gifts and make a difference in the


(L-R) Lindsay Forget ’01 wins the coveted ‘Purple Blanket’ award from the University of Western Ontario; Lindsay getting ready to row.

Page 42: Spring/Summer 2006

The 1960sA Dozen Years, the first novel by

Harry Hobbs ’64 has been

published by Lighthouse

Publishers. It is set in Ontario,

and partly inspired by his memo-

ries of Lakefield. This spring he

was honoured with the presti-

gious Toastmasters’ Eric

Stuhmueller Award for leadership

in the district which comprises all

of Manitoba and Northwest


The 1980sMichael MacDonald ’85 is the

clinical director of the Roseville

Practice in Sydney, Australia,

specializing in special needs,

mood disorders, and complex

trauma. They do significant work

with refugee families who have

experienced torture and trauma.

Michael and his family live on

Scotland Island, in Pittwater, 20

kms north of the Sydney Harbour

Bridge. He invites anyone from

The Grove to get in touch while

they are in Australia.

Luke Mellors ’88 received the CIO

One to Watch — Private Sector

Award from the European CIO

Awards. The nominees repre-

sented many different industries

from all over Europe and the

judges considered nominations

from Austria, Denmark, Finland,

Germany, Italy, Netherlands,

Poland, Spain, Sweden,

Switzerland, and the UK. Luke

has accepted the role as IT

Director for Expotel, the UK's

largest and leading supplier of

corporate hospitality services and

event management agency.

The 1990sCameron Ainsworth-Vincze ’96

has completed his masters in

journalism at the University of

Western Ontario and an intern-

ship at The Globe and Mail in

Toronto. He now lives in Toronto

where he is interning at Maclean’s


Shane Smyth ’96 proposed to

Aurora Ratcliffe in Central Park,

NYC, on July 2, 2005. The

wedding will take place in West

Vancouver in May 2007. They are

both living in Toronto. Shane

graduated from U of T Law School

last spring. He begins work in

September with Shearman &

Sterling LLP in Toronto after

having completed his New York

Bar Exams.

In March, Susie Pearce '98,

competed in the women’s open

category for Arctic Sports in the

Arctic Winter Games held in Kenai

Peninsula just south of

Anchorage, Alaska. It is both an

athletic and cultural event

drawing competitors and

performers from Russia, Finland,

Norway, and Sweden plus

Greenland, Alaska, and all of

northern Canada (three territo-

ries: northern Alberta, and

Nunavik, Quebec). Susie won

with one gold, two silver, and one

bronze Ulu (an Ulu is a crescent

shaped knife commonly used in

the north). She received a silver

Ulu for the overall championship

and she received pins from offi-

cials who selected her as the

person demonstrating the most

sportsmanlike qualities. Susie

was chosen as valedictorian for

her graduating class in June at

Dalhousie University/ Nunavut

Arctic College where she received

a Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Aaron Baril ’99 has finished law

school, and was admitted to the

NSW Law Society in May 2006.

He has deferred his position

working in public law and insol-

vency law with one of Australia's

top tier law firms (Clayton Utz)

until August 2007 to spend a year

in Paris. He still sings and

manages to see a lot of theatre,

and has developed a love of AFL



Class News

Shane Smyth ’96 and Aurora Ratcliffeengagement.

Page 43: Spring/Summer 2006


Power Carts:

Putting Competition:

Longest Drive (men - hole #9):

The Foster family

Longest Drive (women - hole #10):

The Foster family

Hole in One (hole #3):

Closest to Hole (women - hole #11):

Closest to Hole (men - hole #17):

Sign Sponsor:Richard Dupuis, RBC Dominion Securities

Lead: Prize:

Hole Sponsors:Goodmans LLP

Leons Furniture

Trish & Scott McCain

Paul & Kris Hickey

Stonescape Quarry Ltd.

The Fleming Family

MIC Mechanical

Kawartha Lakes Brewery

C & S Logistics

Onandaga Camp

The Latremoille Group

Richardson Partners Financial Ltd.

Lloyds Laboratories

Murray Brothers Lumber

Taycott Enterprises

Coachlamp Homes

Donnatella's Restaurant

Donors:John Easson ’49

Paul Goulet

The Mackenzie Family

Barry & Louise Needler

Tom Ryder ’53

Another Successful Golf Tournament

The organizers of the Andy Harris Cup Grove Golf Tournament 2006 would like togive special thanks to the following sponsors and supporters:


Rod Baker ’58

Bigleys Shoes

Black Diamond Golf Course

The Blanchette Family

Buckeye Marine

Coach Canada

Richard Dupuis, RBC

Dominion Securities

Farmhouse Pottery

Tony Harris ’82

Lakefield Flowers & Gifts

LCS Athletics

Leon's Furniture

Mapleridge Mechanical

Mark's Work Warehouse

The McDonell Family

Chris Patton ’44

Peterborough Golf & Curling


The Protectors Group

The Stewart Group

Stone Willow Inn

Stony Lake Furniture

Tony's Club House

The Village Florist

The 2000sMark Soder ’00 graduated in June

from Ohio University with a

Master in Sports Administration

and MBA.

Nick Wright ’01 was elected leader

of the Green Party of Nova Scotia.

Chenoah Ellis ’02 is attending the

Melbourne University Law School

doing her LLB and her Undergrad

degree in Political Science

concurrently. To keep her spare

time occupied, she also works for

an executive recruitment company

and still finds time to do some

volunteer work as well. Being your

average LCS “all rounder” she is

also a member of the Melbourne

University Improv team and does

karate twice a week.

Keep your classmates in touch,

please share your news with us at:

[email protected]

To view more LCS news and snap-

shots (by date) please visit our

website at www.lcs.on.ca, choose

NEWS (more news).

Page 44: Spring/Summer 2006


MarriagesBeti Canet ’95 and Jacob

Grodzinski were married in

Stratford in February, 2006. A

ceremony celebrating their

exchange of vows took place in

Girona, Spain on March 17, 2006.

Jacob and Beti live in Stratford

with their dog Hogarth.

Jeff Bos ’96 and Daryn

Sutherland ’96 were married in

September 17, 2005 at the

Madawaska Kanu Centre, Ontario.

Sarah Leavens ’98 married Chris

Sherfey in Barbados, on

March 19, 2005.

Congratulations to Tracey-Lee

Smyth '99 and Michael Eddy

whose marriage took place in

Vancouver on November 6th,

2005. The Grove was represented

by Shane Smyth ’96 (Tracey-Lee's

brother), Susan Hadden, Katie

Hadden ’00, Stephan and Judy

Grasmuck, and Jon Hazel ’00.

Tracey-Lee and Michael honey-

mooned in the BVI's in Little Dix

Bay, Virgin Gorda and are now

living in Kitsilano, Vancouver.

Joshua Turk ’03 and Lili Martin-

del-Campo Lustig were married

on June 2, 2006 in Playa del

Carmen, Mexico. The couple met

while attending the Universidad

de las Americas in Cholula Puebla

and will reside in Halifax where

they will continue their studies.

(L) Beti (Canet) ‘95 and Jacob Grodzinski; (R) (front row) Michael Eddy, Tracey-Lee Smyth ’99 (middle row) Susan Hadden, JudyGrasmuck, Katie Hadden ’00, Jon Hazel ’00 (back row) Shane Smyth ’95, and Stephan Grasmuck

(Middle L-R) Sarah Leavens ’98 and ChrisSherfey; Joshua Turk ’03 and Lili Martin-del-Campo Lustig; (Opposite, back row L-R) Graham Bos ’99, Carlo Bos ’94, CorbyPeterson ’96, Jeff Bos (Groom) ’96, BryanNunnelley ’96, Alex Parker ’96. (front row,L-R) Jess Perlitz ’96, Dave Ingram ’96, JonHolmes ’97, Daryn Sutherland (Bride) ’96,Dayna Sutherland ’99, Chris Marshall ’96,Shelley Simmons ’96, Kate Sainsbury ’96,Jim Matthews ’58

Page 45: Spring/Summer 2006


Isabella Grace Barker was born on

February 27, 2006 in Houston,

Texas to Monica and Jim “Chi-

Chi” Barker ’82.

Erin and Matthew Binnie ’88 are

delighted by the arrival of Charles

Nelson Cornell, born March 13,

2006 in Berkeley, California.

David MacKay and Janet

Cudney ’94 gave birth to Finlay

Lilias MacKay on June 6, 2005.

Logan Michael and Samantha

Brooke have arrived. Proud

parents are former LCS staff

member Mike and Jenn Garside.

Leslie and Leif Haase ’83

welcomed Julia Margaret to their

family on January 8, 2006.

Jacqueline (Johnson) ’98 and

Jonathan Coughlin welcome their

first child, Cameron Buck on

November 14, 2005.

Kristy and Bill Lett ’92 are thrilled

to announce the birth of Petra

Marie on December 15, 2005 in


In September 2005, Caitlin Rose

was born to Joanne and Michael

MacDonald ’85.

Sara and Stuart Thompson ’91

welcomed their daughter, Avery

Ruth on Monday May 29 in

Toronto, Ontario.

Nathan Orion Andras was born to

(faculty member) Peter and Sarah

Andras on July 4, 2006 in


Katie (nee Jones) ’99 and Derek

Jordan are thrilled to announce

the arrival of Calla Wendy Jordan

on July 4, 2006 in St. Thomas,



(L-R) Finlay Lilias (Cudney) MacKay; Mike Garside with twins, Logan and Samantha; Petra Marie Lett

(L-R, Top to Bottom) Baby Jonathan and Jacqueline (Johnson) Coughlin ’98; Veronica, Cameron, and baby Caitlin MacDonald; Averyand Stuart Thompson ’91; Peter Andras with Nathan; Katie (Jones) ’99 and Derek Jordan with baby Calla.

Page 46: Spring/Summer 2006

Pam (Heseltine) Balfour on August 6, 2005. Wife of

Paul Balfour ’81, sister of Christopher Heseltine ’81

and Geoffrey Heseltine ’77.

John A. Halwig ’68 on December 28th, 2005.

Joy Angela Grant on January 9, 2006 in Oshawa,

Ontario. Mother of Iain Grant ’71 and Donald

Grant ’77.

John Leslie Gemmel ’37 on February 20, 2006 in

Calgary, Alberta.

Daniel Kearnes ’69 on March 1, 2006.

John “Bruce” Findley, ’67 on March 6, 2006 in

Mississauga, Ontario.

Elizabeth Herold on March 23, 2006. Wife of the late

Robert Herold ’42, mother of Mark Herold ’77, and

sister-in-law to W.A. Herold ’40.

Kyle Trethouen ’06 on March 27, 2006 in Orangeville,


Donald McGregor McRae on May 20, 2006. Father of

Bob McRae ’66, (Rachel) and John McRae ’77 (Val).

Grandfather of Mike McRae ’99, Jamie McRae ’97,

Maggie McRae ’03, Jenny McRae ’99, Cam McRae ’01,

Duncan McRae ’03, and Gilly McRae ’06.

Charles Jeremy Sams ’57 on June 15th, 2006 in

Toronto, Ontario.

Gary O'Neill ’65 on June 25, 2006 in Campbellford,



In Our Memories

Page 47: Spring/Summer 2006


First Row (Back)(L-R) Aaron WilsonJustin ChanJeff DavieTom NisbetAdam GravelJatin ChananaPeter ReidJames HutchinsonDaniel WalshNick BallantyneJeff KloostermanMichael WilsonBrent PetticrewOliver PorteBenedikt DellenWard WeberJulien DennerLiam FitzgeraldGraham Goulet

Second Row(L-R) Shannon MatthewsClara LonjedoLindsay Joseph

Rhiannon BarlowLaura ElphinstoneBrooke HarveyJason KimNick CazelaisD'Arcy McDonellAdam BatesMichael ProcykBert Lockhart-DyerGreg HoughJames HoughtonHarrison SonesBrandon MackenzieWayne HoRachel HonigKristen HollowayAlex TrowbridgeMadison MurphyEmily Sale

Third Row(L-R) Kelsey HendersonKaren ChanSara RossJohanne EdghillSameen Ahmed

Melissa GatesSarah ThompsonBrooke JanGilly McRaeEmily LoyerJulia LeeLiza ShelleyAli ChapmanDale FindlayMartha RamsayBianca BellTorie PattersonJenna HabibBrittany ScottAli ShipleyKyla HendersonSara CooperEirene Kaklamanakis

Fourth Row(L-R) Connie XuMartha EwingShi TangElsa BarretoJamie ArmstrongKate Foster

Leslie SchumacherNeslihan AdHilary BirdLaura BockingFiona McNestryKathryn OlsheskiKelly GallacherKelsey YoungRenée ProulxRachele Entwistle-Anderson

Front Row (Front)(L-R) JCarlos FeserChris FasthuberGereon RoteringScott SeabrookeSpencer HodginsArthur ChanRob FlemingDaniel ChiuChris JonesLouis NagyMatthew TamJoe YangJustin Loga

Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2006

Page 48: Spring/Summer 2006

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The Grove News is published twice a year by the Advancement Office. We welcome your comments and suggestions. Please contact Tracey Blodgett at 705.652.3324 or [email protected], orvisit our website at www.lcs.on.ca

Lakfield College School, 4391 County Road. 29 Lakefield, Onatrio Canada K0L 2H0

Photography by Simon Spivey