Spring Term 2017 planning for NURSERY (LJ) Term 2017 planning for NURSERY (LJ)! How Many Colours in...

Spring Term 2017 planning for NURSERY (LJ) How Many Colours in a Rainbow? An imaginative learning project for Nursery children. Outdoor colour mixing madness! The children will explore different ways of mixing and painting using the resources provided, then make playground art on large sheets of paper. They will be encouraged to work together on large pieces of paper indoors. Different artists will be studied where the children will drizzle paint like Jackson Pollock, swirl colours together like Van Gogh and paint circles like Kandinsky. You can support your child at home by looking at photographs of the artwork we are studying and ask them questions: Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’ - http://www.vangoghgallery.com/painting/starry-night.html Wassily Kandinsky’s ‘Squares with Concentric Circles’: http://www.wassilykandinsky.net/work-370.php Jackson Pollock’s ‘Reflection of the Big Dipper’: http://www.jackson-pollock.org/reflection-of-the-big-dipper.jsp In this project children will have the opportunity to access a broad curriculum based on 'real-life' activities and we will be looking at: Recognising colours Colour making Patterns Sorting and ordering Exploring different materials Rainbows Weather Encourage your child to draw pictures and paint at home. Ask your child questions such as: • What colours can you see? • What colours are you looking for? • What happens when the colours mix? • Can you make a pattern? • Can you make a handprint? • What is your favourite colour? We are reading stories related to the theme. The Rainbow Fish Red Rockets and Rainbow Jelly Flyaway Katie A Rainbow of My Own Remember to ask your child questions about the stories and count the fish for example. Links can be found for these stories on our ‘Class Page’ on the school website

Transcript of Spring Term 2017 planning for NURSERY (LJ) Term 2017 planning for NURSERY (LJ)! How Many Colours in...

Spring Term 2017 planning for NURSERY (LJ)  

How Many Colours in a Rainbow?

An imaginative learning project for Nursery children.

Outdoor colour mixing madness! The children will explore different ways of mixing and painting using the resources provided, then make playground art on large sheets of paper.

They will be encouraged to work together on large pieces of paper indoors. Different artists will be studied where the children will drizzle paint like Jackson Pollock, swirl colours together like Van Gogh and paint circles like Kandinsky. You can support your child at home by looking at photographs of the artwork we are studying and ask them questions:

Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’ - http://www.vangoghgallery.com/painting/starry-night.html

Wassily Kandinsky’s ‘Squares with Concentric Circles’: http://www.wassilykandinsky.net/work-370.php

Jackson Pollock’s ‘Reflection of the Big Dipper’: http://www.jackson-pollock.org/reflection-of-the-big-dipper.jsp

In this project children will have the opportunity to access a broad curriculum based on 'real-life' activities and we will be looking at:

• Recognising colours • Colour making • Patterns • Sorting and ordering • Exploring different materials • Rainbows • Weather


Encourage your child to draw pictures and paint at home. Ask your child questions such as:

• What colours can you see? • What colours are you looking for? • What happens when the colours mix? • Can you make a pattern? • Can you make a handprint? • What is your favourite colour?

We are reading stories related to the theme.

• The Rainbow Fish • Red Rockets and Rainbow Jelly • Flyaway Katie • A Rainbow of My Own

Remember to ask your child questions about the stories and count the fish for example. Links can be found for these stories on our ‘Class Page’ on the school website




**  A  note  for  parents:    Please  see  the  information  overleaf.    This  gives  you  an  overview  of  the  Nursery  thematic  plan  for  the  Spring  Term  ahead.    You  may  be  able  to  help,  support  and  encourage  your  child  in  some  or  many  of  the  activities  that  will  be  planned  for  and  with  them  during  the  term.    Here  are  just  a  few  ways  that  you  can  support  your  child  during  the  busy  term  ahead:    PE  sessions  will  take  place  every  Tuesday  and  Friday.    Please  provide  your  child  with  a  PE  kit  (navy  shorts,  white  t-­‐shirt  and  trainers)  They  should  come  into  school  dressed  in  PE  kit  on  these  days.  Please  ensure  that  children  have  their  names  clearly  written  on  all  items  of  clothing,  thank  you.    

• Library  Books  will  be  sent  home  on  a  Wednesday  and  should  be  returned  the  following  Wednesday,  when  Home-­‐School  Agreements  are  in  place.    Please  read  these  books  to/with  your  child.    Encourage  them  to  listen  to  the  story,  hold  the  book  correctly,  turn  the  pages,  look  after  the  book  and  talk  about  the  pictures.    Your  child  is  not  expected  to  read  these  books  independently.    

• Being  a  Rights  Respecting  School,  the  ‘Rights  of  the  Child’  is  focused  upon.    For  more  information,  please  see  the  school  website  –  www.burryportprimary.amdro.org.uk      Your  child  will  have  one  piece  of  homework  per  month  on  Rights.    Please  discuss  these  rights  with  your  child.    

• WELLY  WEDNESDAYS  -­‐  Please  could  your  child  bring  a  pair  of  wellington  boots  into  school?    We  will  be  exploring  the  outdoors  regularly  and  it  would  be  appreciated  if  you  could  leave  the  wellington  boots  in  school  during  the  term.  However,  we  do  understand  if  this  is  not  possible.  

 • We  have  a  Nursery  Class  Page  on  our  School  Website,  please  visit  regularly  for  updates  on  what  we  are/have  been  doing  during  the  term!      

 May  I  thank  you  in  advance  for  your  support  and  co-­‐operation  during  the  forthcoming  term.      

Mrs L Jones Nursery  teacher  

These  activities  will  take  place  weekly/fortnightly  and  may/may  not  be  thematic:  Philosophy  for  Children,  ChATT  activities,  PE/Games.  

The  Welsh  language  will  be  used  throughout  the  day  to  develop  bilingual  learners.