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MIDTERM EXAM 1. Which of the following was a tenet of Martin Luther's theology? A. salvation through good works B. Church tradition as a source of knowledge about God C. predestination D. millenarianism E. salvation by faith alone 2. The greatest significance of the Council of Trent for the history of Europe was A. its triumph over Protestantism B. its successful reform of the Roman Church C. its pledge, on the part of the German princes, not to go to war over religion D. that it signified a defeat for those who wished for reconciliation between Protestants and the Roman Church E. that it served as an anti-Protestant force all over the globe 3. The relative peace of the Restoration Period in England broke down when A. Oliver Cromwell died B. James II ascended to the throne C. Charles II ascended to the throne D. Elizabeth I ascended to the throne E. a Protestant fleet invaded from the Netherlands 4. The degree of absolutism achieved by the seventeenth-century Bourbon monarchy in France is best explained by A. the relatively low degree of religious turmoil in seventeenth-century France B. the fact that seventeenth-century France was a republic C. the series of "little ice ages" that characterized the climate of the 1600s D. the availability of cheap housing for the rural poor E. the brilliance of Louis XIV 5. The baroque style was popular in buildings built by A. the aristocratic class only B. all the classes of eighteenth-century Europe C. absolute monarchs of seventeenth-century Europe D. the lower classes E. the bourgeoisie of nineteenth-century Europe 6. The theory which came to be known as Copernicanism

Transcript of Spring Grove Area School District / Homepage€¦  · Web viewDonatello's . David. Michelangelo's...

Page 1: Spring Grove Area School District / Homepage€¦  · Web viewDonatello's . David. Michelangelo's . David. St Peter's Basilica. After the publication of Newton's . Principia . Mathematica.


1. Which of the following was a tenet of Martin Luther's theology? A. salvation through good worksB. Church tradition as a source of knowledge about GodC. predestinationD. millenarianismE. salvation by faith alone

2. The greatest significance of the Council of Trent for the history of Europe was A. its triumph over ProtestantismB. its successful reform of the Roman ChurchC. its pledge, on the part of the German princes, not to go to war over religionD. that it signified a defeat for those who wished for reconciliation between Protestants and

the Roman ChurchE. that it served as an anti-Protestant force all over the globe

3. The relative peace of the Restoration Period in England broke down when A. Oliver Cromwell diedB. James II ascended to the throneC. Charles II ascended to the throneD. Elizabeth I ascended to the throneE. a Protestant fleet invaded from the Netherlands

4. The degree of absolutism achieved by the seventeenth-century Bourbon monarchy in France is best explained by

A. the relatively low degree of religious turmoil in seventeenth-century FranceB. the fact that seventeenth-century France was a republicC. the series of "little ice ages" that characterized the climate of the 1600sD. the availability of cheap housing for the rural poorE. the brilliance of Louis XIV

5. The baroque style was popular in buildings built by A. the aristocratic class onlyB. all the classes of eighteenth-century EuropeC. absolute monarchs of seventeenth-century EuropeD. the lower classesE. the bourgeoisie of nineteenth-century Europe

6. The theory which came to be known as Copernicanism A. argued that each piece of matter in the universe was attracted to every other particle of

matter by a universally operating force.B. promoted a geocentric model of the cosmosC. declared that all matter was made up of four elementsD. promoted a heliocentric model of the cosmosE. argued that the universe was infinite

7. Mary Wollstonecraft's criticism, in 1792, of the subjugation of women in European society on the grounds that the subjugation was irrational identifies her as

A. a conservativeB. an Enlightenment philosopheC. a socialistD. an anarchistE. a suffragist

Page 2: Spring Grove Area School District / Homepage€¦  · Web viewDonatello's . David. Michelangelo's . David. St Peter's Basilica. After the publication of Newton's . Principia . Mathematica.

8. "Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains." This quotation summarizes the view of human nature of

A. John LockeB. Martin LutherC. Jean-Jacques RousseauD. VoltaireE. Jeremy Bentham

9. The Middle Passage refers to A. ScriptureB. the shipping channel that connects the Mediterranean Sea and the Red SeaC. the advent of rural manufacturingD. the route to China that was the backbone of the silk tradeE. the transportation of African slaves across the Atlantic to the Americas and the West

Indies10. Which of the following was NOT a way in which European armies changed in the eighteenth

century? A. They became larger.B. The discipline and training became harsher and more extensive.C. The officer corps became full-time servants of the state.D. Troops came to consist predominantly of conscripts.E. The officer corps were chosen and promoted on the basis of merit.

11. The decision by the representatives of the Third Estate to declare themselves, on 17 June 1789, to be the National Assembly of France signified

A. their intention to form a republicB. their belief that political sovereignty belonged to the nation as a wholeC. their intention to overthrow the monarchyD. their belief in democracyE. their willingness to go to war with Germany

12. The agreement signed by Napoleon and the pope that stipulated that French clergy would be chosen and paid by the French state but consecrated by the pope is known as the

A. Concordat of 1801B. Napoleonic CodeC. ConsulateD. Treaty of TilsitE. Continental System

13. The principle of "he who rules; his religion" was established by A. the Edict of NantesB. the Papacy in RomeC. the Geneva ConventionD. the Peace of Augsburg in 1555E. the Inquisition

14. Which of the following were part of the structure of Calvinist communities? A. pastorsB. doctorsC. deaconsD. eldersE. all of the above

15. The period of British history 1649–1660, in which Britain was ruled without a monarch, is known as

A. the RestorationB. the Glorious Revolution

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C. the CommonwealthD. the English Civil WarE. the Norman Conquest

16. Neoplatonism was an important component of the Scientific Revolution because A. it encouraged the development of a tradition of chemical experimentationB. it promoted the scientific methodC. it argued that scientific knowledge had practical implicationsD. it denied the existence of GodE. it stimulated interest in a mathematical approach to the investigation of the natural world

17. In Crime and Punishment (1764), the Italian philosopher Cesare Beccaria extended the Enlightenment line of thought by arguing that

A. the purpose of punishment should be to rehabilitate and reintegrate the individual into society

B. an all-powerful ruler was necessary to keep order and prevent crimeC. the death penalty should be abolishedD. the punishment for crimes should be standard in all kingdomsE. society corrupts human nature, which is naturally good

18. The most significant aspect of the social composition of the Renaissance art world was A. the high degree of women's participation in itB. its apprentice systemC. the large proportion of artists who came from the elite classesD. the lack of a patronage systemE. the high degree of specialization that was demanded

19. In France, England, and Spain the Renaissance was centered in A. the great independent city-statesB. the royal courtsC. small independent religious communitiesD. the great universitiesE. all of the above

20. The Anglican Church, as created by Henry VIII, differed from other Protestant churches in that it A. was congregationalB. remained loyal to RomeC. had an episcopal structureD. broke with RomeE. abolished the sacraments

21. The landholding nobles of Central and Eastern Europe differed from those in Western Europe in the period 1600–1715 in that they

A. were drastically reduced in numberB. made an alliance with the middle classesC. triumphed in their struggle with the monarchsD. lost control of their landsE. retained control of vast estates worked by serfs

22. The publication, in 1632, of the Dialogue on the Two Chief Systems of the World resulted in Galileo being called before the Inquisition because

A. it described the Copernican systemB. it blatantly ridiculed the Aristotelian system in the vernacular ItalianC. it denied the existence of GodD. it was a Protestant textE. it claimed that the Copernican system was actually true

23. Enlightened despotism refers to A. the idea that powerful rulers would act to reform and rationalize European society

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B. Prussian militarismC. the rule of lawD. the extensive, international correspondence network of the philosophesE. a network of fraternities linked together by a Grand Lodge

24. In the French Revolution, the March to Versailles that occurred in October of 1789 illustrates A. the conservative nature of the sans-culottesB. the power of the French armyC. the beginning of the radical phase of the revolutionD. the fact that the crowds of Paris did not yet look upon Louis XVI as their enemyE. the brilliance of Napoleon as a military leader

25. The most prevalent form of religious belief among the philosophes was A. CatholicismB. LutheranismC. IslamD. deismE. atheism

26. Which of the following was NOT a component of the triangle of trade? A. gunsB. silkC. cottonD. timberE. slaves

27. During the French Revolution, Robespierre asserted that terror was necessary because A. there was no GodB. the revolution fought against genuine tyrannyC. the aims of the revolution were virtuousD. the people were not loyalE. the king had betrayed the people

28. In order to increase the power of the newly unified Spanish monarchy, Ferdinand and Isabella A. instituted liberal reformsB. bought the loyalty of the Spanish nobility by strengthening the institution of serfdomC. allowed Protestantism to flourish in SpainD. signed an alliance with Britain and FranceE. used the Church to build national unity

29. The work of art that both captures the emphasis on human form and illustrates the last and most heroic phase of Renaissance art is

A. Giotto's Life of St. FrancisB. Picasso's GuernicaC. Donatello's DavidD. Michelangelo's DavidE. St Peter's Basilica

30. After the publication of Newton's Principia Mathematica in 1687, A. mathematics became the "queen of the sciences"B. people spoke of a universe instead of a cosmosC. it was known that Jupiter had four moonsD. it was understood that the cosmos was geocentricE. Newton was condemned by the Catholic Church

31. The Enyclopedia of the late eighteenth century was considered radical because it A. was printed in English rather than LatinB. was the first multivolume publicationC. labeled anything not based on reason as superstition

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D. called for a revolution and overthrow of the monarchyE. was a Protestant encyclopedia

32. Russia participated in the expansionist trend of the late eighteenth century by A. defeating the Ottoman Turks in 1774B. single-handedly conquering Poland in 1775C. invading Prussia in 1770D. enacting the Pragmatic SanctionE. invading Finland in 1774

33. The event most responsible for turning the people of Paris against Louis XVI was A. his attempt to flee Paris in June of 1791B. his decision to execute RobespierreC. his decision to raise taxesD. his decision to crush the Paris CommuneE. his decision to issue the Civil Constitution of the Clergy

34. “Kings are justly called gods for that they exercise a manner or resemblance of Divine power upon Earth.”

Which of the following was most likely to agree with this statement?

A. Sir Thomas MoreB. James I of EnglandC. Napoleon III of FranceD. Pope Pius IXE. George III of England

35. Jean-Jacques Rousseau differed significantly from other Enlightenment philosophes in his:A. emphasis on emotions and his admiration for the “noble savage”B. emphasis on the importance of science to social progressC. belief in traditional religious customsD. belief in determinismE. belief in the divine right of kings

36. The Peace of Westphalia (1648) resulted in which of the following?A. Undisputed control over central Europe by the HapsburgsB. The creation of a strong central government to rule the Holy Roman EmpireC. The guaranteed independence of numerous small German statesD. An end to the persecution of Protestants in the Hapsburg EmpireE. An end to the Hundred Years' War

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37. The engraving above illustrates the interests and values of the:A. Protestant ReformationB. Catholic ReformationC. Scientific RevolutionD. French RevolutionE. Industrial Revolution

38. Which of the following best helps 'to explain the economic and political decline of Spain during the seventeenth century?

A. The collective security measures implemented by Cardinal Richelieu in order to prevent the spread of Catholicism

B. The extensive battles waged in the Iberian Peninsula between the imperial forces and various coalitions of Protestants

C. The extension of the empire's commitments beyond its resourcesD. The advocacy of religious toleration by the Spanish rulers to promote the immigration of

non-Catholic groups into SpainE. The secret treaty between England and France to embargo the ports of the Iberian


39. Between 1650 and 1750, which of the following was the most valuable export from the British and French colonies of the New World to Europe?

A. CottonB. SugarC. WheatD. CornE. Naval supplies

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40. The dark areas in the map above represent the:

A. division of Europe into Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, and Muslim areas

B. division of Europe after the Thirty Years' War

C. rule of the Hapsburgs in the sixteenth century

D. farthest extent of lands ruled directly by Napoleonic France

E. regions that experienced the slowest demographic changes in the eighteenth century

41. The painting above depicts the Austrian Emperor Joseph II (1780-1790) as

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A. a democratic representative of the common peopleB. a ruler surveying conquered territoriesC. an Enlightened monarch interested in methods of improving productivityD. the "first servant of the state" who encouraged Enlightenment philosophesE. an advocate of the reeducation of the aristocracy through forced agricultural labor

42. The French Reign of Terror is most closely associated with the:A. women's march to VersaillesB. establishment of the Committee of Public SafetyC. issuance of the Civil Constitution of the ClergyD. drafting of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and CitizenE. reform of civil and criminal law

43. Which of the following is an accurate description of the outcome of the Paris Commune?A. The Commune overthrew Napoleon III. B. The Commune successfully defended Paris against the Prussian army.C. The Commune successfully established a liberal democratic government in France.D. The Commune was crushed by the French army.E. The Commune promoted a reconciliation between French Catholics and socialists.

44. The term "humanism," when applied to Renaissance Italy, refers primarily to the:A. renewed interest in the scientific method at many Italian universitiesB. capitalist values advanced by leading Italian merchant bankersC. anti-religious movement among leading Italian intellectualsD. scholarly interest in the study of the classical cultures of Greece and RomeE. non-Christian themes that became prominent in Italian art and literature

45. Which of the following beliefs was central to Martin Luther's religious philosophy?A. Salvation by faith aloneB. Saints as intermediaries between the individual Christian and GodC. The sacrament of penanceD. The priesthood defined as distinct from the laityE. The equality of men and women

46. “He desired glory and excellence beyond that of anyone else. He showed favor to vernacular poetry and all the fine arts. Under him the city was not free, but it would have been impossible for it to have had a better or more pleasing tyrant.”

The passage above most accurately describes:

A. Lorenzo de' Medici

B. John Calvin

C. William of Orange

D. Frederick William I

E. Philip II

47. During the Thirty Years' War, France pursued a policy of: A. supporting the Hapsburgs against the Protestant princes and rulers

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B. allowing French Protestants to fight for the Protestants even though the monarchy supported the Roman Catholics

C. supporting the Protestant princes and rulers against the Hapsburgs D. remaining neutral E. opposing England in order to recapture Normandy

48. Which of the following most accurately describes the political system of the Dutch republic of the seventeenth century?

A. Popular democracyB. Rule by an absolute monarchC. Rule by wealthy merchantsD. Control by feudal lordsE. Rule by yeoman farmers

49. Of the following, which was the most important result of the Peace of Utrecht (1713)?A. It allowed the unification of the thrones of France and Spain.B. It weakened Great Britain's effort to replace France as the leading colonial power.C. It divided the Spanish colonial empire between the French and the British.D. It dealt a blow to the Austrian Hapsburgs, who had expected to acquire Gibraltar. E. It ended the efforts of Louis XIV to dominate continental European politics.

50. Which of the following is most characteristic of Voltaire's ideas?A. Empiricism and religious toleration are to be celebrated.B. The branches of government should be balanced. C. Future progress is inevitable and limitless. D. The General Will is the ideal basis for good government.E. Sensory experience can never be verified.