Spring Courses 2011



All you need to know about BEST Spring Courses 2011

Transcript of Spring Courses 2011

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CONTENTBEST........................................ 3


COURSES ON CAREER RELATED SKILLS...................... 12

BEST ENGINEERING COMPETITION..........................13

BEST CAREER SUPPORT.............15

TIPS & TRICKS...........................16

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BEST, Board of European Students of Technology is a con-stantly growing non-profit and non-political organisation. Since 1989 we provide communication, co-operation and exchange possibilities for students all over Europe.

86 Local BEST Groups (LBGs) in 30 countries are creating a growing, well organised, powerful, young and innovative student network.

BEST strives to help European students of technology to become more internationally minded, by reaching a better understanding of European cultures and developing capac-ities to work on an international basis. Therefore we create opportunities for the students to meet and learn from one another through our academic and non-academic events and educational symposia. “Learning makes the master”, but the final goal is a good working place, therefore we of-fer services like an international career centre to broaden the horizons for the choice on the job market.

Our priority is to offer high quality services for students all over Europe. Thus, we manage to bring all the partners in the “student - company - university” triangle closer.



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Here, in the center of Europe, we will tell you about chemistry, all about chemistry and everything about chemistry. You will learn what chemistry is already doing for you as we speak, because indeed chem-istry is present in every aspect of our everyday life! You will learn that chemistry is already solving problems in various fields, from energy to medicines, from crops to plastic.

But even more interesting, you will learn what will chemistry do for us in the FUTURE!

Well, only if you apply to our mysterious Belgian adventure, of course. Chem on, apply now!

During these events, participants attend lectures given by the university’s teaching staff or by experts from companies. At the end of the course students take an exam, which is designed to evaluate the participants’ success.



CheMystery : Come and Find the Solution!Brussels ULB /


1 April - 9 April

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There is no doubt that in our mobile and quickly changing BEST Europe trains are our future! Just think about it: by train, Lille is half-an-hour away from Brussels and one hour from London and Paris! It ‘s actually faster than the time to check-in in Charles de Gaulle Airport, there is almost no CO2 involved and you are free to party inside it! Remember this, because we will work for sure but will party far harder!

Now, if you really wanna have a good time just APPLY!

All trains lead to Lille, so don’t stop them now cause they are having a good time... GOING CRAZY!

Lille /


23 April - 1 May

Everybody wants it, needs it , looks for and even fights for it;P

There is no doubt that petroleum is world’s liquid gold.

Find out all ways to make petroleum useful for us.

See a fuel production in the biggest refinery of the northern Poland.

Spend amazing week with the polish beauty: the Baltic Sea, wide and sandy beaches, wonderful lakes, mysterious forests and charm-ing PEOPLE of course:D

Don’t be a lame-> Don’t hesitate-> just apply-> Come to Gdansk!!

Gimme fuel, gimme fire, gimme that which I desire!Gdansk /


15 - 23 May

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We?re going to discover smart spaces from many different perspec-tives: smart cars (Knight Rider! <3), smart buildings, smart logistics, smart traffic?in short, taking a real space perspective for building a smarter world! We?ll have amazing speakers all the way from outer space, and lots of practical hands-on content: workshops, case stud-ies, and excursions! No more monotonous lectures - this odyssey is going to be so exciting that you?ll keep your eyes wide open all the time!

Oh yes, take your space shuttle and land on the country of Nokia, with more than 100 000 lakes, the best education system in the world, Santa Claus, Minttu, sauna, Fazer chocolate (the best one in the world! <3), disco dance lessons by the famous Blomqvists, classy sitsit par-ties, crazy ski jumpers, and hernari and other tasty healthy food! Our northern paradise is something to experience at least once in a life-time!


2011: A Smart Space OdysseyHelsinki /


25 May - 5 June

I know that, when you were a child, you were dreaming about being an famous actor or actress, a skilled musician...that’s to say: an Artist !!!

But finally, you went into the field of Technology and so you gave up your child’s dreams....

BUT, today, you have the possibility to become BOTH artist AND scientist.

Grenoble will help you to achieve your old dreams using your current abilities!!!!!So......are YOU ready ???

Art=mc² : when Science meets ArtGrenoble /


21 April - 1 May

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Have you ever participated in real robot wars?If your answer is NO you have to come to our Spring course because we have 10 tools to suggest you how to win it:

- basic elements of actuators, sensors and control devices- discovering new cultures, food, dances in different way of life- labs of autonomous mobile robot- feeling Lithuania?s and Kaunas spirit- information about distance sensing, color sensing and so on- have fun with super duper people from all over the Europe- information about control strategies based on artificial intelligence- celebration of Woman?s Day, Independence Day in Lithuania- acquaintance with the way of controlling various processes thought the internet network- partying every day, p-p-p-partying every day in robots way! :>What are you waiting for?? Apply now!! We’re waiting for you in Robot Wars!!!

Robot Wars!!!Kaunas /

http://best.ktusa.lt/robotwars/ 6 - 13 March

Do you live in your own armor as a turtle? Have no plans for a spring? Wake up, open your eyes and you will see a magnificent world of waves, but not sea waves - the Radio waves!

This spring will give you a great opportunity to dive into the world of Radio, to gain knowledge about how radio works, about it’s compo-nents and history and, moreover, to construct your own radio!After this Spring Course you will surprise your friends with stories how WI-FI and their cell phones work.

Start writing your motivation letter right now ! We are waiting for you here!!!!

Kisses from Kyiv

Catch the wave!Kiev /


30 April - 11 May

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Laser - Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.

Do you know how to cut metal with the amplified light, weld bones, apply a pattern, read the data, speed up the signal? Why do surgeons prefer modern laser scalpels? Can the laser turn a man into dust? Is there a sword of Gidya?

Are you interested? If YES, answers to all these questions you’ll find if you arrive at the BEST Moscow technical university. You will work with a real laser system, have the possibility to create a model and offer your own way of using modern lasers. Moreover, you will be able to understand how to solve even non-existent problem!! Still not convinced? Do you want get to know the real Russian style? Feel the breath of the city that NEVER sleeps? You will experience the hospital-ity of the beautiful Moscow and maybe even discover the mystery of Russian soul.


Focus pocus: world of opticsMoscow /


21 - 30 April

Never dreamt to embody a detective and resolve crimes like no one? Sure you did!!LBG Lyon is giving you the huge opprtunity to follow Criminology courses related to this awesome topic!This event will take place in Lyon: the city of INTERPOL Headquarters, the capital of French gastronomy and a city full of history as well!!!And when the classes are over we planned for you whole evenings of activities and partying following the BEST spirit for sure ;)Don’t be shy to apply you won’t regret it!! Ever!!! This is gonna be LEGEN- wait for it- DARY!!!

Kill me if you can! The art of Criminology. Lyon /


21 - 30 April

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Have you ever dreamed about the famous french gastronomy ?? And most of all about discovering some of its deep secrets that get french people totally addicted to it??Have you ever dreamed about the East of France where it never rains, where people are smiling, never grumpy but always ready for party-ing ?You will attend to lectures, visit labs and different companies such as a brewery and a farm specialized in goat’s cheese making. Last but not least you will understand how cheeses and beers are made (what is very useful in order to boast during parties with your friends ^^). You don’t have to bring your own cow or goat, barley or yeast, we’ll give you all what you need to make your own cheese and beer (especially skills)!What are you waiting for? Just click! We’re already waiting for you!!!

Cheese and Beer : Welcome to the french paradise !Nancy /


20 - 28 March

The word is FOOD.Your thought is?For some people it is something that they dream of. For others it is something that is taken for granted and it is bonded with comfortable feeling of happiness and pleasure, but the fact is that after certain number of years food can produce not so pleasurable effects on our body.So, should we be superficial when we feed ourselves and those little gray cells?Correct answer is NO.Actually, nowadays we should be very careful what products we take from shelves in supermarket so there are three cardinal questions:1) How to make these decisions? 2) Whom to listen? 3) Where to look?

Meet what you eat!Novi Sad /


22 - 29 May

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Its history is legendary, its parties are known world wide : the city of Paris welcomes you for one week of endless fun ! Let’s climb Eif-fel Tower together, visit the lovely and romantic Montmartre, discov-er everything about French culture (wine, cheese, kisses...). Crazy organizers and overmotivated participants will join you for the most enormous days of your life, in the city of all dreams !

Environmental engineering is designing our future!

Don’t look back and follow us, and you will see how together we can face future environmental issues! Use your scientific skills in the city of lovers and this week will stay in your mind forever !

Don’t wait more and apply now to party with us next spring !


Sustainable N.R.G. : “Natural Resources are Good” Paris /


5 - 13 March

A course about Space in Paris. Come to learn how the rockets can be launched, to see the famous air and space museum, to have a lot of interesting lectures about the satellites and to have fun visiting the most famous places in Paris!

Very special spatial trip from Paris Paris /


8 - 15 May

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Where do your interests lie? Is it in:* food and drinks* clothes* vehicles* exercise* the existence of human kind* or just about anything....

If you are interested in any of these things you might like to know that none of this would exist or be possible without a little thing called Enzyme!We recommend that you take a trip north to the land of ice and fire, Eyjafjallajökull, northern lights, Santa clause, fairies, trolls and of course the most beautiful people in the world and learn everything about how enzymes rule the world!

Catalyze me!Reykjavík /


26 Feb - 6 Mar

Do you like music? Socializing? Partying?This way please.. You are about to enter the world of Sound Engi-neering and Psychoacoustics.You will learn to think beyond the sound. Creation, Understanding and Manipulation. Music, Sounds and Feeling.Because it’s so much more than just pressing the PLAY button..It’s all about what comes next ;)Thessaloniki is a restless city full of young people living on the edge and with some of the best views you will see in Greece. We like to have fun doing whatever and so do you.

We will make you Feel The Sound.LBG Thessaloniki AWAITS.. you.!

Feel the Sound: Sound Engineering and Psychoacoustics

Thessaloniki /


6 - 15 April

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Want to get people’s attention when speaking? Want to get people mo-tivated? Want to deliver a message to an audience? Want to get people doing what you want? Want to lead people into the future? Want to learn to persuade by speech?

And also want to do this in the beautiful country of Sweden??? And want to have a lot of fun?

Then apply for “Make people listen to you”, a course in rhetorics and leadership. It will consist of inspiring lectures with skilled professionals in rhetorics and leadership, as well as exercises for practicing what you have learned. It will be a week you’ll never forget!


Act like a leader? Talk like a leader! Uppsala /


15 - 25 April

BEST Course on Career Related Skills is an event about nontechnological subjects in order to develop personal skills in topics linked with working methods, communication techniques, marketing, economics, project and organisation management and other such soft skills, stressing practical work.


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Engineering Competitions are events where teams of students use their technical, social and communicative skills to compete in different categories: Team Design, Case Studies, Negotiation and Debates.


Feeling happy, motivated, in a good mood and a good shape?? Perfect we need you in Bordeaux to share your energy!Are you ready to be swept away by the blast of the Best ENSAM Spir-it?? Have you ever dreamed of entering a Nuclear power plant? To climb up a wind turbine? of being like pikachu? Knowing how to pro-duce, stock and use all the electricity you want in order to neutralise the team rocket. So you’re surely the chosen one!!Come to Bordeaux for 10 unforgettable days and enjoy theoretical and practical activities about the different kinds of electricity surrounding us!!Be prepared to become a Bordeaux addict -in every meanings-, and don’t forget to bring as much Energy as you can...You’ll need it

Pika Pika Pikachu : Get ready to energize our world !



5 - 15 April

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- Do you like fruits?- Do you like robots?- How cool would it be to mix both things?Come to Madrid and learn how to do it with Agro3 because this is the event that the world was waiting for.Build and program your own agricultural robot while you are working in the greatest team with people from all over Europe.Stop wasting time looking at other people having fun with Lego robots, now it’s your turn... let’s create, let’s crop, let’s grow!!!Spend one week with us and discover Madrid and all the surprises that are waiting for you.Are you going to miss this challenge? Don’t be shy and apply now!!

Agro3: The robot’s experience strikes back Madrid/


7 - 16 April

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Are you interested in a international career?

BEST Career Support is what you are looking for. BCS is an online service offered by BEST which connects students and companies.

Fill out your CV on: BEST.eu.org/career and you’ll be able to surf across job and internship offers from companies all around Europe. You’ll have permanent access to your CV to make changes or to download it in a format of your choosing.

BEST CAREER SUPPORTLet’s talk business!


• Jobs•Trainings• Internships• CareerEvents

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HOW TO WRITE YOUR MOTIVATION LETTER?As you may already know, everytime you want to apply for a BEST course, you have to write a motivation letter according to which the Local BEST Groups will select their participants. A perfect receipe does not exist but surely BEST wants to know the following about you:

Who are you? What do you study, which are your hobbies and your knowledge of the course you are applying to and how do you like to party. This part shouldn’t be long but must contain relevant information to help the organizers see how you would contribute to their course.

Why did you choose this course? Read the course description carefully and make your motivations clear. This is very important in the eyes of the organizers. Be specific so your leter will be personal and not standard.

Why did you choose this city/country? Every person, including organizers, love to hear compliments about the coun-try they live in so you might want to give them reasons why you chose their specific city/country. But don’t over do it because you may give the impression of being just a tourist instead of a course participant.

If you add a bit of your own originality to this information, than your chances just went up a bit. Everyone appreciates a sense of humor and creativity so feel free to use them while writing your letter. Now all you have to do is to apply. Get your keyboard, start typing and imagine a Spring like you never had before!


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SupportersCareer Support PartnersCorporatePartners