SPRING 2019 ART HISTORY COURSES with images...interplay of works of art and architecture with their...

SPRING 2019 ART HISTORY COURSES ARTH 105 001 History of Western Art I Swartwood House, TR 11:40-12:55, WMBB Nursing 125 This course explores major monuments in art history from the Paleolithic era to the Middle Ages, including everything from cave paintings—the first known images made by humans—to the sculpture of ancient Greece and Rome, to the soaring cathedrals of the Middle Ages. We will study the interplay of works of art and architecture with their various physical, historical, social, and cultural contexts. ARTH 105 002 History of Western Art I Petit, W 4:40-7:25, MM 239 From cave paintings to Gothic cathedrals, this course will explore the major periods in Western Art from Prehistoric through Medieval times. This course will cover roughly 25,000 years of history, culture and art, and will serve as an introduction to the study of art history. Cultures and periods to be covered in this course include: Prehistoric Europeans, Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Aegeans, Greeks, Etruscans, Romans, Byzantines, and Europeans from the Middle Ages. ARTH 106 History of Western Art II Chametzky, MW 3:55-5:10, MM214 This survey course studies art from the Renaissance to the present in Europe, the Americas, and Africa. Major works of art, artists, and art movements are examined in historical and cultural context, and fundamental art historical techniques and concepts are taught as a basis for future study and life experiences.

Transcript of SPRING 2019 ART HISTORY COURSES with images...interplay of works of art and architecture with their...

Page 1: SPRING 2019 ART HISTORY COURSES with images...interplay of works of art and architecture with their various physical, historical, social, and cultural contexts. ARTH 105 002 History


ARTH105001HistoryofWesternArtISwartwoodHouse,TR11:40-12:55,WMBBNursing125This course exploresmajormonuments in art history from the PaleolithiceratotheMiddleAges,includingeverythingfromcavepaintings—thefirstknown imagesmade by humans—to the sculpture of ancientGreece andRome, to the soaring cathedrals of the Middle Ages. We will study theinterplay of works of art and architecture with their various physical,historical,social,andculturalcontexts.

ARTH105002HistoryofWesternArtIPetit,W4:40-7:25,MM239FromcavepaintingstoGothiccathedrals,thiscoursewillexplorethemajorperiods in Western Art from Prehistoric through Medieval times. Thiscoursewill cover roughly25,000yearsofhistory,cultureandart,andwillserveasanintroductiontothestudyofarthistory.Culturesandperiodstobe covered in this course include:Prehistoric Europeans,Mesopotamians,Egyptians,Aegeans,Greeks,Etruscans,Romans,Byzantines,andEuropeansfromtheMiddleAges.

ARTH106HistoryofWesternArtIIChametzky,MW3:55-5:10,MM214ThissurveycoursestudiesartfromtheRenaissancetothepresentinEurope,theAmericas,andAfrica.Majorworksofart,artists,andartmovementsareexaminedin historical and cultural context, and fundamental art historical techniques andconceptsaretaughtasabasisforfuturestudyandlifeexperiences.

Page 2: SPRING 2019 ART HISTORY COURSES with images...interplay of works of art and architecture with their various physical, historical, social, and cultural contexts. ARTH 105 002 History

ARTH107HistoryofAsianArtWangwright,MW2:20-3:35,MM239This course introduces South Asian and East Asian paintings, sculptures, andarchitectural monuments and explores their cultural and historical contexts.Students learn about the differences between the arts of various religionsincludingHinduism,Buddhism,andIslam.

ARTH320HistoryofItalianRenaissanceArtSwartwoodHouse,TR10:05-11:20,MM239In this course we will investigate monuments of Italian Renaissance art andarchitectureintheirhistorical,political,devotional,andsocialcontexts.Keyissueswillincludetherevivalofclassicalantiquity;theriseofthestatusoftheartist;thekindsofartproducedindifferentcenters,bothgeographicandgovernmental;theencounter with nature; and the production of new bodies of artistic andarchitecturaltheory.


Page 3: SPRING 2019 ART HISTORY COURSES with images...interplay of works of art and architecture with their various physical, historical, social, and cultural contexts. ARTH 105 002 History

ARTH342ContemporaryAmericanArtCollins,TR2:50-4:05,Gambrell250This is a lecture/discussion class on the subject of American painting andsculpture from the 1930s to the present. We will be tracing the broaddevelopments in American art from the late Modernist to the Post-Modernist eras asmanifest in thework of its leadingmovements, artistsandcritics. Individualworkswillbeexamined forwhat they tellusaboutboththeartistswhomadethemandthecultureofwhichtheywereorareapart.

ARTH390H02HNRS:ArtandAnatomyGraciano,M2:20-5:00,MM310This seminar-style course will involve the reading and discussion of recentscholarship on the roles andmethods of anatomical instruction in academic arteducation in Europe and the United States in the eighteenth and nineteenthcenturies. Historical discussion of how cadavers were procured for anatomicalstudybymedical studentsandartistswillalsobe featuredas topicsofparticularclass meetings. Additionally, some time may be devoted to discussion of morecontemporary phenomena, such as exhibitions of plastinated or otherwisepreservedcorpsesasvisual(art)objects,andtherelativelyrecentrevival interestin zombies, vampires and other quasi-human monsters. A term-length researchpaperandthepresentationofthesamearerequired.


Page 4: SPRING 2019 ART HISTORY COURSES with images...interplay of works of art and architecture with their various physical, historical, social, and cultural contexts. ARTH 105 002 History


ARTH546/746WomeninChineseArtWangwright,T4:25-7:10,MM215This seminar explores artistic depictions of women throughout Chinesehistoryand thechanging rolesof femaleartists inChina.Weekly readingsanddiscussionsexaminetopicssuchasthefeminineidealasdepictedinartand its stylistic evolution, traditional roles ofwomen in the arts, and theprofessionalopportunitiesavailabletowomeninmodernChina.

ARTH590/790ModernArt:ArtinGermanySince1937Chametzky,MW2:20-3:35,MM239Thiscoursewillstudyvisualart inGermanyfromtheNaziperiod,throughtheColdWar (WestandEast), to thepresent.Emphasiswillbeplacedonvisualart'sroleindefiningGermanidentity,Germany’splaceintheworld,andcomingtotermswithboththepastandpresent.Thebeginningdateof1937correspondstothemost famousoftheNaziexhibitionscondemningModernArtas"degenerate."Bytheendofthecourse,wewillbestudyingGermanArtinaglobalandincreasinglymulticulturalcontext.