Spring 2 Lesson 1 the Slave Ship

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Transcript of Spring 2 Lesson 1 the Slave Ship

  • 7/29/2019 Spring 2 Lesson 1 the Slave Ship


    Tuesday, 19 March 2013Lesson ObjectiveUnderstand the experience of the slave ship.

    History Homework

    Complete slave shipdiary using at least 5

    key words.


    What is a slave?

    What is a slave trader?

    Can you remember the 4

    cash crops?

    Spring 1 levels

  • 7/29/2019 Spring 2 Lesson 1 the Slave Ship


    My Slave Diary The Slave Ship

    When I first boarded the ship first I thought

    The ship was

    I was packed into the hold with ________ other slaves and

    While I was chained to a wooden bed I

    Once a week they would bring us above deck and

    The hull of the ship became

    Our food was basically

    Sickness soon spread amongst the slaves andMy husband/wife was taken from my side and

    My humiliation was increased by

    On several occasions the Captain came to inspect us. He was

    When slaves died they were disposed of bySeveral time we tried to revolt but

    Our journey lasted

    Key Words: Middle Passage, Atlantic Ocean, shackles, dysentery, cargo, hold, salt water,

    suffering, revolt, heatstroke, cramped.

  • 7/29/2019 Spring 2 Lesson 1 the Slave Ship


    Tuesday, 19 March 2013Lesson ObjectiveUnderstand the experience of the slave ship.

    What was it like on a slave ship?

    Lesson Outcome:

    Complete a mind map explaining 6 historicaldetails about a the slave ship experience.

  • 7/29/2019 Spring 2 Lesson 1 the Slave Ship


    Tuesday, 19 March 2013Lesson ObjectiveUnderstand the experience of the slave ship.

    Key Words



    Middle Passage

    West Indies


  • 7/29/2019 Spring 2 Lesson 1 the Slave Ship


    Tuesday, 19 March 2013Lesson ObjectiveUnderstand the experience of the slave ship.

    Key Word Quiz

    Slave a person who is owned

    Plantation a large farm

    Middle Passage the journey from Africa to theWest Indies

    West Indies the Caribbean

    Cargo goods on a ship

  • 7/29/2019 Spring 2 Lesson 1 the Slave Ship


    Tuesday, 19 March 2013Lesson ObjectiveUnderstand the experience of the slave ship.

    The Slave Ship


  • 7/29/2019 Spring 2 Lesson 1 the Slave Ship


    European goods weretraded for

    Slave traders left

    Britain with

    Slaves were sold at amarket and went to live


    West Africa


    West Indies

    The New World






    P. 126

  • 7/29/2019 Spring 2 Lesson 1 the Slave Ship


    Tuesday, 19 March 2013Lesson ObjectiveUnderstand the experience of the slave ship.

  • 7/29/2019 Spring 2 Lesson 1 the Slave Ship


    Tuesday, 19 March 2013Lesson ObjectiveUnderstand the experience of the slave ship.

    Tell me threeemotions

    experiencedby the slavesafter theircapture?

  • 7/29/2019 Spring 2 Lesson 1 the Slave Ship


    Tuesday, 19 March 2013Lesson ObjectiveUnderstand the experience of the slave ship.

    What mightthese slaves

    have thoughtof theEuropeanswho tradedfor them?

  • 7/29/2019 Spring 2 Lesson 1 the Slave Ship


    Tuesday, 19 March 2013Lesson ObjectiveUnderstand the experience of the slave ship.

    Why mustthese slaves

    be terrified?

  • 7/29/2019 Spring 2 Lesson 1 the Slave Ship


    Tuesday, 19 March 2013Lesson ObjectiveUnderstand the experience of the slave ship.

    Middle Passage

    What can you infer from these pictures aboutconditions on a slave ship?

  • 7/29/2019 Spring 2 Lesson 1 the Slave Ship


    Tuesday, 19 March 2013Lesson ObjectiveUnderstand the experience of the slave ship.

    bj i

  • 7/29/2019 Spring 2 Lesson 1 the Slave Ship


    Tuesday, 19 March 2013Lesson ObjectiveUnderstand the experience of the slave ship.

    Describe whatis happening in

    this scene?

    How often didthis happen?

    Why did it nothappen more?

  • 7/29/2019 Spring 2 Lesson 1 the Slave Ship


    Slave advertisements

    What can we learn about the slave trade fromthese advertisements?

    What were buyers concerned about?

    Sl t d l i

  • 7/29/2019 Spring 2 Lesson 1 the Slave Ship


    Slave trade source analysis

    Source 1:300 slaves were collected from aport on the West coast of Africa. The slaveslooked happy and well looked after. It wouldseem that they were positively lookingforward to their trip to the new world. We ledthem onto the ships husbands hand in hand

    with wives, children hand in hand withparents. We let the slaves sit where theychoose aboard the ship. There was a largesupply of fresh food and water to supplythese people with. We had flat seas and agood wind; we guess the crossing shouldtake no longer than 15 days.

    Extract from the diary of the captain of aslave ship, 1742

    Source 2: Our feet and hands werechained together. We were herded ontothe ship like cattle. Immediately we wereforced into the hold (inside) of the ship.My wife and children were forced from myside. I was forced to lay down and there I

    stayed for the remainder of the crossing. Ihad a man strapped either side of me. Onmy left, my friend breathed his last breath.He lay still for 3 days before the sailorsthrew him overboard. I was hungry andtired. We were told our suffering wouldcontinue for at least another 7 weeks.

    Extract from a slave account of thejourney from Africa to Jamaica, 1749

    1. Source 1 says2. Source 2 says3. Source 1 is unreliable because

    4. Source 2 is more reliable because

    T d 19 M h 2013L Obj ti

  • 7/29/2019 Spring 2 Lesson 1 the Slave Ship


    Tuesday, 19 March 2013Lesson ObjectiveUnderstand the experience of the slave ship.

    Textbook reading p. 128-129 How many slaves did the Brookes carry?

    What made the journey horrific?

    Why did diseases spread so rapidly?

    Why did the slave traders want to treat their slaves well towards the endof the journey?

    The Slave Ship


    Source B

    T d 19 M h 2013Lesson Objective

  • 7/29/2019 Spring 2 Lesson 1 the Slave Ship


    Tuesday, 19 March 2013Lesson ObjectiveUnderstand the experience of the slave ship.

    Slavery maths

    Can use calculators on phones

    The slave ship Brooks could carry 454 slaves but was

    reported to carry 609 at one time.

    Each slave was worth around 22 profit when sold at auction.

    In 1780, 1 was worth about 90.

    1. How much was each slave worth to a slave trader in todays currency?

    2. How much were 454 slaves on the Brookes worth?

    3. How much would you lose if 20% of your slaves died?

    4. How much would you lose if 40% of your slaves died?

    5. Why didnt the slave traders provide better conditions?

    5. Would you describe the slave trade as profitable or highly profitable

    considering the risks of disease, revolt and sinking?

    T d 19 M h 2013Lesson Objective

  • 7/29/2019 Spring 2 Lesson 1 the Slave Ship


    Tuesday, 19 March 2013Lesson ObjectiveUnderstand the experience of the slave ship.

    Slave Ship Simulation

    I need two male and two female slave traders. The rest of you slaves line up outside.

    T d 19 M h 2013Lesson Objective

  • 7/29/2019 Spring 2 Lesson 1 the Slave Ship


    Tuesday, 19 March 2013Lesson ObjectiveUnderstand the experience of the slave ship.

    Plenary Questions

    What was life like aboard the slave ship Brooks?

    What was the worst part of the journey?

    Why were the slave traders so cruel to the slaves?

    My Slave Diary The Slave Ship

    My Slave Diary The Slave Ship

  • 7/29/2019 Spring 2 Lesson 1 the Slave Ship


    My Slave Diary

    The Slave ShipWhen I first boarded the ship first I thought

    The ship was

    I was packed into the hold with ________ other slaves and

    While I was chained to a wooden bed I

    Once a week they would bring us above deck and

    The hull of the ship became

    Our food was basically

    Sickness soon spread amongst the slaves and

    My husband/wife was taken from my side and

    My humiliation was increased by

    On several occasions the Captain came to inspect us. Hewas

    When slaves died they were disposed of by

    Several time we tried to revolt but

    Our journey lasted

    Key Words: Middle Passage, Atlantic Ocean,

    shackles, dysentery, cargo, hold, salt water,

    suffering, revolt, heatstroke, cramped.

    My Slave Diary

    The Slave ShipWhen I first boarded the ship first I thought

    The ship was

    I was packed into the hold with ________ other slaves and

    While I was chained to a wooden bed I

    Once a week they would bring us above deck and

    The hull of the ship became

    Our food was basically

    Sickness soon spread amongst the slaves and

    My husband/wife was taken from my side and

    My humiliation was increased by

    On several occasions the Captain came to inspect us. Hewas

    When slaves died they were disposed of by

    Several time we tried to revolt but

    Our journey lasted

    Key Words: Middle Passage, Atlantic Ocean,

    shackles, dysentery, cargo, hold, salt water,

    suffering, revolt, heatstroke, cramped.

  • 7/29/2019 Spring 2 Lesson 1 the Slave Ship



  • 7/29/2019 Spring 2 Lesson 1 the Slave Ship


    My journey on the Slave Ship BrookesIn the year 1750, I was asked by a friend to journey with him on theslave triangle to see why his business was so profitable.

    We left from a port in ________________ and the journey to WestAfrica took several _______.

    I was packed into the hold with ________ other slaves and

    While I was chained to a wooden bed

    Once a week they would bring us above deck and

    The hull of the ship became

    Our food was basically

    Sickness soon spread amongst the slaves and

    I had several conversations with another slave named

    My humiliation was increased by

    On several occasions the Captain came to inspect us. He was

    Our journey lasted

    When we landed, our captors tried to hide out wounds by

  • 7/29/2019 Spring 2 Lesson 1 the Slave Ship
