Transcript of SPRING 1992



No. 76 SPRING 1992


SPRING.......ZOth JANUARY A Happy New Year! SUUUER.........ZOth APRIL F i e l d O f f i c e r ' s Repor t AUTUMN... ....... 20 th JULY Summit & Thames End 0ranc.h WINTER... .... 20th OCTOBER People

Western UorkISevern C ru i se The Halcrow Report

THE VIEWS & OPINIONS I N Towpath Ta lk 11 THIS MAGAZINE 00 NOT Cotswold Canals Cha l lenge 12 NECESSARILY REPRESENT THE P ipe Oream 13 VIEWS & OPINIONS OF THE Nuts & B o l t s - No 1:Pumps 14 COTSWOLD CANALS TRUST Canamble ' 9 2 1 T r i p Boats 16

Dates 20

Pub l i shed by t h e ~ o t s w o l d cana ls T r u s t Comp i l a t f on and Layout by Dav id J o w e t t

P r i n t e d by A s t r a l P r i n t i n g & S t a t i o n e r s , P i c a d i l l y M i l l s Lower S t r e e t , S t raud, Glos. ( T e l : S t roud 0453 752040)

FRONT COVER: The excavator levels the slipway; Blunder Lock awaits gates

BACK COVER: An icy Newtown Lock, photographed through January fog

BELOW: I s t h i s a creature from Doctor Who? No, i t ' s Ken Bailey a f t e r a session cu t t ing back Blunder Lock's top gate mitre.

A Happy New Year! Trust CwKil Uepnrt by RICMW) A m M D

1991 was a year of great s t r ides forward i n the restorat ion o f the Cotswold Canal S.

Two maJor engineering survey8 took place and were completed. ~t the western end W.S. Atkins reported on the f i v e miles east from Saul Junction and S i r William Halcrow & Partners reported on the ten miles west from the River Thames.

A vigorous response from Trust members and fr iends has inundated the D.O.T. with protests about the proposed Latton Bypass and made a Public Inquiry an a l w s t certainty unless, o f course, the D.O.T. include the Thames & Severn Canal i n the i r plans.

() concerted e f f o r t by the Trust and Stroud O i s t r i c t Council t o have the secret" M.O.O. p ipel ine moved was not successful but the M.O.O. are now

aware tha t they face a determined adversary.

Cotswold D i s t r i c t Council have continued t o support the Trust both f inancial ly and through protecting and promoting the l i n e o f the canal.

A t Eastington the a l d p lant s i t e has gone and has been replaced by a new secure area jus t across the road. This could not have happened without the support and co-operation of Stroud D i s t r i c t Council and Gloucestershire County Council.

Newtnwn Lock became the f i r s t f u l l y restored lock and was used f o r the f i r s t time f o r the "Splash" i n October.

Great e f f o r t has been made t o extend our knowledge of the many landowners who own sections o f the canal and t o improve re lat ions with them.

The Trust's own section of canal a t Puck M i l l has been v is i ted by a number o f work part ies t o maintain i t i n gaod condition.

What w i l l 1992 have t o o f fe r after a year l i k e 1991? As the Trust Council peer i n t o the crystal waters of the Cotswold Canals they see a vision of two locks complete with gates. They s@e people s i t t i n g a t picnic tables. They see roads with bndges being constructed over the canal. They see excavators a t work. They see people, Who are these people?

Oh d?a,r. A t r a i l boat has j us t passed by and the r ipples have clouded the image; 1992 i s going t o be an excit ing year! I

The "Stamp Bank" scheme, operated by the IWA, continues t o raise much needed funds f o r t h e i r organisation. Used postage stamps are sold for cash. whi lst Green Shield Stamos. f r l l i n o stat ion ctamos. A i r Mlle ooints ~~ ~ ~ - ~~- - ~ - - - ~ ~ - ~ - . .~ - -. . land i i oa re t t e couoons are con<e:ted i n t o aoods f o r saie: To date. over1

I £3,500"has been raised. Many Trust rnemberi already support the scheme and so could you by sending the above to: YRGIIYA Stamp Bank, c10 6 Spa Lane. Hinckley. Leics.. LE10 IJB. (or hand them i n a t Trust events f o r passins on I

Field Officer's Report Fie ld Off icer KEN BUR6IW

Latton Bypass

~ ~ - .~ - , .-. .. . .~ =.. to b ive i n vet. It is-orobable t h i t the matter w i l l have t o oo t o Public Inquiry unless the ~ e p a i t m n t o f the Environment refuse t o j e t them get away with it.

Daneuay Basin

Many people have contacted the Trust t o express t h e i r horror and disgust a t the i n f i l l i n g of the h is to r i c Daneway Basin with rubble and other bui lder 's waste. The Basin i s a well known and well loved feature o f the canal which appears i n many o f the local h is tory books. The owner applied f o r

Environmental Grant Fund

The Trust has submitted an application t o the Departmnt of the Environment f o r a grant from the Environmental Grant Fund. Canal restorat ion projects

-~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ - ~ ...~ --- i c t i v e l y seeking sponsorship t o cover this.

Several amazing developments should cone t o l i g h t before TROW 77 drops on your door mat - j us t pray everything goes t o planl

down as Events1

I -- - -- --

Organiser. Over th6 years, - ~ e f f i r y has organi evenings, and the favourite annual barbecw. Ma . . . _ _. _ also been accompanied by Jane Shawls wonderful food.

Thanks Jeffery and Jane for a l l your hard work and we are sure tha t Trust members w i l l be delighted t o hear tha t you w i l l s t i l l be laying on the annual barbecue.


Summit &Thames End Branch -

Branch Chairman ROBIN W I D A Y B

Since t h e Winter Trow (No.75) carr ied no repor t from t h e Summt & Thames End, t h i s repor t s t a r t s wtth a shor t account of Branch a c t i v i t i e s from the Autumn. During t h i s time the End t o End walks highlighted t h e f a c t t h a t t h e towpath remains i n a jungle-like s t a t e i n a number o f areas , despite t h e regular a t t en t ion o f Branch work pa r t i e s , v i s i t ing teams, scouts and others. Many thanks t o them and we will continue t h e good work next season.

LOW water l eve l s a t Coates gave t h e Branch t h e opportunity t o investigate t h e recently formed blowhole i n the bed of t h e canal near the Coates entrance. When f i r s t found i t was hoped t h a t t h e Branch might be able t o effect some repair t o t h i s decl ivi ty s ince i t s s i z e and sudden appearance were alarming. However, a f t e r c loser inspection t h e engineer of t h e team concluded t h a t t h e r epa i r of t h i s and other such holes would be a mapr ~ o b cal l ing f o r modern plant. The puddle bed is of a depth t h a t may have been handled by 18th century canal navvies with the muscles o f a gor i l l a , o r a modern hydraulic digger. I t i s perhaps worth r eca l l ing t h a t t h e canal was b u i l t by men of sinew - t h e Thames Head Engine erector , p n z e f igh te r Isaac Perrins, being a prime example.

During October members of t h e .Branch attended t h e "Big Dig" a t Wantage and t h e "Cotswold Canals Splash" a t Eastington. The impressions of t h e former were of a high level of orgarnsatlon achieving a maximum e f f e c t i n a short time. The m m r i e s of t h e '91 Splash a re t h e passage through Newtown Lock and the festoons o f weed i n t h e pound above. This i s a problem t h a t bedevils a l l res tored canals a s anyone who has t r ave l l ed t h e Kennet & Avon will t e s t i f y . No doubt a fortune awaits t h e person who can design and build a waterborne weed cu t t e r and bai ler t h a t produces weed briquettes which can be burned on t h e Trust stove!

In November fur ther work was c a r n e d out a t Cerney Wick Lock. On t h e lock gates tenons were cu t t o receive the balance beams but regret tably t h e beams proved too rot ten ins ide t o be of much use. The water level has already r isen over t h e top c i l l of t h i s lock t h i s season which a lso augurs well for a long season o f boating in to Sapperton Tunnel. The cloud on the horizon a t t h e Eastern End i s t h e proposal f o r t h e new Latton Bypass. Readers were informed of d e t a i l s i n t h e l a s t TROW and a l l Summit & Thames End members have been advised of t h e problem.

%at t r i p s i n t o t h e tunnel s t a r t e d on Sunday 24th November, t h e e a r l i e s t s t a r t s ince t r i p s began there. One passenger suggested t h a t we should use a glass-bottomed boat1 Other modifications a re i n hand for improving t h e t r i p boat service and these will be reported i n t h e next TROl4. Meanwhile, t r i p s a re running every Sunday when possible. I f you can help, please contact:

Nicholas Melchior (0242) 515181 Robin Halliday (0672) 513400 Jim King (0666) 502797

People Trust Council Report

The Trust was pleased t o welcm Steve Court to the Council after his election a t the AGM in October.

On a sadder note, John Southall, our Treasurer has reluctantly decided to stand down t o take on greater responsibilities a t his place of work. Thank you John for the excellent work during your time in office. Helcane to Alison Ruckert who has volunteered to take on this important task.

We do have two particular needs a t Dresent. During the year we hold regular work parties a t both ends of the canal for both-our own rnembers and visiting groups. We need a person to liaise with the visiting groups and members so that th is valuable resource i s regularly exercised!

A person i s also required to organise Speakers for six monthly Member's Evenings during the winter of 1992/3. A hall, to be determined, in the Cirencester area would be a suitable venue.

If you would like to be one of these people or would like to help them please phone Richard Attwood (0453) 885057

This i s the newly formed blowhole which

The photograph was taken throuoh the water - I I hence- the white reflection of the flash from the camera.

The strip i n the hole Was dropped down the hole to show the scale of the problen. The strip measures 12 inches long.

Water will pour into the tunnel from th i s hole in winter, but will also run out of the same hole when the weather i s more drr .

Western Work Report by KEll BAILEY

Dunng the l as t couple o f months several jobs have been completed a t Blunder Lock. The concrete mitre f o r the top gates has been cut back t o allow timber facina t o be f i t ted . The too o f the nf fc ide olmmn vac - ~~~ ~- ~- .- ~ .-- . .. . .. .. shuttered and repaired by casting i n concrete. The area o f the bottom mitre has had the o ld shutterin0 remains removed and the exis t ino concrete scored t o provide a key f o r thhpnew mitre. Various repairs have-alsa been made t o the head wall and the top gate quoins.

Unfortunately, John Bond's lock gate (o r ig ina l l y constructed for G r i f f i n M i l l Lock and moved t o Blunder Lock a couple o f years ago) proved too small i n both width and height. We considered modification but decided tha t it was far too nice t o 'stretch". It has been measured and returned t o underwater storage jus t above Blunder Lock.

A t the end o f l a s t year we requested quotes from a number of organisations f o r the manufacture and f i t t i n g o f gates and paddle gear t o Blunder Lack. O f those received, a quote from Rochdale Canal Workshops proved the winner. They measured up during December and the gates are due t o be insta l led i n March or Apri l . (STOP PRESS1 - Perhaps ear l ier ! ) . Our second lock should then be ready f o r use.

Other work t o complete the top' ha l f o f Eastington F l igh t has continued. On the slipway, excavation t o the correct angle has taken place, steel pi1 ing has been driven along the bottom end and a rubble base la id . with good weather we may even have some of the concrete i n by the time you read th is ! Soi l f r ~ m the slipway area, together with material which had been p i led along the hedge, has now been spread down one side o f the o ld coinpound s i t e and level led ready f o r grassing. Anongst the material being moved was a considerable quantity of broken bricks which were sorted by hand and used for hard-core on the slipway. Without our International Excavator and the t ractor and t r a i l e r (complete with new hydraulic ram seals) I don't think we would even have dreamed o f shi f t ing the estimated 200 tons of material.

A quick look not too far ahead should see Blunder Lock i n use, the slipway cmplete, water again between Blunder and Pike Locks and the top ha l f o f the Eastington F l igh t almost complete. Meadow M i l l s p i l l weir and Dock Lock are next on the agenda1

Severn Cruise Stop Press News. Have an evenlng t o remember on a cruise from Gloucester Docks up the River Severn on Friday 19th June from 7.30pm till 10.30pm. The pueen Bodicea 11 has been booked from the National Waterways Museum f o r a private charter for Trust members and friends a t $5 per head. This boat i s one of the Dunkirk " L i t t l e Ships" and has a ba r on board i n an indoor saloon i n addition t o covered deck space.

Spaces are obviously l imited. Please make your bwking (together with payment 55 each - cheques payabTe t o "Cotswold Canals Trust") by 20th April to Nick Parker, 36 Water Lane, Wooton-Under-Edge. Glos. (Tel 0453 521106)

BOVE: Cutting back the top gate mitre ready for tintber facing ELOW: Rochdale Canal Workshops measuring up for bottom gates

The Halcrow Report SuhWdry by KEN BURGIN


The report was conmissioned i n 1990 by the Cotswold Canals Trust and deals with the f i r s t 10 miles o f the Thames & Severn Canal from lnglesham, where i t jo ins the Thames, t o the Spine Road near South Cerney. The report covers :

- Engineering f eas ib i l i t y and water supply - Costs o f Restoration - Planning context - Environmental issues - Financial considerations

The f u l l report i s over 200 pages long and contains many diagrams, maps and colour pictures. This summary therefore only scratches the surface o f a very detai led and thorough study.

Engineering and Nater Supply

The engineering study concludes that the canal i s restorable and deals with each obstruction or problem .on an item by item basis. The study breaks the 10 mile length i n t o sections so that restorat ion could be phased and each section brought i n t o use as i t i s completed. The recommended sequence suggests tha t work should s ta r t a t lnglesham and the Spine Road with the aim of dealing with the central i n f i l l e d section l a s t t o coincide with anticipated gravel extract ion ac t i v i t y i n the area.

This eastern section o f the canal has suffered from i n f i l l i n g t o a f a r greater extent than the other 26 miles, indeed it has often been reported t o have been l o s t completely. I n fact, almost exactly one t h i r d w i l l require re-excavation with the remainder requir ing clearance and repair t o the l ining.

The route o f the canal i s crossed i n seven places by public roads and none o f the or ig inal road bridges have survived. The two near Latton w i l l be provided as par t o f the proposed Latton bypass scheme i f the Trust gets i t s way. This leaves four minor crossings and an awkward one a t Kempsford which mav reouire a l i f t bridoe. There w i l l also be a reouirement f o r

~ 7 . ~ ~ - ~~- - . - ~ ~ . . . - .- ~~ . - 7

about l C f a r m access bridges, nina f ixed and one swing bridge.

The water supply f o r the canal i s l i k e l y t o be qui te complex as it w i l l be a pre-condition t ha t the canal operation does not adversely af fect nearby watercourses. The report suggests a hybrid supply strategy where losses due t o evaporation and leakage (which returns t o the ground anyway) are supplied from a series o f small boreholes whi ls t larger back-pump insta l la t ions are provided t o re-circulate the water used by the locks. If the use of groundwater supplies became restr ic ted due t o long dry periods, greater use can be made of the back-up system but a t some additional operating cost.

Costs of Restoration

The cos t o f the engineering work i s a s follows:- f

Obstructions (br idges , pipes, culver ts , cables etc. 1 2,028K Q e s t d a t i o n o f locks and new lock a t Latton 352K Restoration o f ex i s t ing canal bed 4i4K Re-construction of i nfi l l ed canal 1,150K Water supply pumping systen 775K

Total 4,719K

P1 anning Context

This sect ion of t h e repor t deals with t h e planning framework surrounding t h e canai i n t h i s length, t h e whole of which f a l l s within t h e proposed extended Cotswold Water Park.

I t i s w i t h ~ n t h e power o f t h e Planning Authorit ies t o p ro tec t t h e route of t h e canal from development which w u l d prejudice res torat ion. The s i tua t ion is emerging i n which t h e res torat ion o f t h e Thames & Severn Canal over t h e 1990s will have s t a tu to rv weioht. a s suonorted i n t h e Local Plans ~ ~ . - ~ . ~ . . ..---. ~ . . ~ - . . . . . , . . . - r c . . - ~-

f o r t h e area. Furthermore, t h e canal will be firmly located within an area spec i f i ca l ly iden t i f i ed f o r development - The Cotswold Water Park.

The only problem area from a planning point of view occurs near Latton where, due t o t h e planned Latton Bypass, t h e diverted canal may impinge on t h e edge of a Scheduled Ancient Monmnt.

The repor t h ighl ights t h a t , from t h e landowner's point o f view, t h e res tored canal could represent an opportunity, not a problem, i n terms of d ive r s i f i ca t ion and fu tu re development potential .

The repor t goes on t o ident i fy t h e f a c i l i t i e s which t h e canal will need and i d e n t i f i e s where these might be located.

Environmental Issues

This section covers t h e ecological, land use (especia l ly ag r i cu l tu ra l ) , water qual i ty , p ro jec t planning and socio-economic aspects i n some deta i l . In t h e context of t e r r e s t r i a l ecology, t h e canal corr idor forms an important l inea r h a b i t a t passing through open agr icul tura l land of minimal in t e res t .

The .aquatic i n t e r e s t i s very limited a s very few pa r t s o f t h e canal r e t a i n water throughout t h e year. Standing water i n t h e winter followed by t h e ran81 d r v ~ n o nllt in Ftrnrnpt- hrlr l e d t o a vi r tual monoeulture o f reed sweet- --..-...,...a.--,..--..........-.-.... ~

orass i n manv olaces. Much of t h e canal is covered bv a dam0 secondarv ". --- -.- ,~ ..... . . ~~~ ~

woodland with nett1 e s i n t h e ascendalxy.

Appendix B gives extensive l i s t s of recorded species and a s e r i e s of maps show nhere t h e various hab i t a t features a r e located. The canal i n i t s cu r ren t s t a t e does not r e a l i s e i t s f u l l nature conservation potent ia l and ac t ive management would Increase i t s value considerably. Given sympathetic design and management, t h e restored canal could represent a s ign i f i can t wi ldl i fe habi ta t i n i t s own r igh t .

F i m i a l Consideratiom

This sect lon invest igates how other canal r e s to ra t ion schemes have been funded, potential sources of funding and t h e economic benef i ts of a restored canal.

Two case s tudies have been produced bared on t h e Kennet & Avon Canal and t h e Basingstoke Canal. The Kennet & Avon Canal Trust ra ised two million pounds i n t h e l a s t e igh t years towards t h e re-opening of t h a t canal. The Basingstoke Canal i s s imilar t o t h e Thames & Severn i n t h a t i t is not owned by Bri t i sh Waterways and has been restored by a partnership of an act ive canal socie ty with t h e local author i t ies .

Various sources of funding have been iden t i f i ed , perhaps t h e most in teres t ing one being Derelict Land grants from t h e Department of the Environment for which canal res torat ion i s now e l ig ib le .

The economic benef i t s ec t ion examines th ree recent c o s t benef i t s tudies re la t ing .to t h e Rochdale Canal (19871, t h e Montgomery Canal (1983) and t h e Kennet & Avon Canal (1990). Extrapolated f igures f o r t h e study length of t h e Thames & Severn Canal would he 1.42, 0.75 and 1.65 mil l ion pounds t o t h e local economy. The study considered t h e Hontgomery Canal t h e nearest match t o t h i s length of t h e Thames & Severn Canal due t o i t s rural nature. Inflation s ince 1983 would push the f750,ODO f igure over one mlllion pounds today.


The repor t demonstrates not only t h a t t h e eas tern 10 miles of canal i s res torable but t h a t i t s res to ra t ion would confer benef i ts t o t h e local c m u n i t i e s through economic a c t i v i t y , t h e wi ld l i f e through conservation management. and t h e land owners through divers i f icat ion opportunities.

With t h e co-operation o f t h e land owners, t h e local au thor i t i e s , t h e National Rivers Authority, central government, t h e Cotswold Canals Trust and other in teres ted p a r t i e s , t h i s canal can be saved from derel ic t ion and become a major a s s e t t o t h e local community and the Nation.

The successful completion of t h i s length together with t h e current res torat ion project a t t h e western end of t h e canal would leave a gap of only 16 miles s t i l l t o be res tored t o l ink t h e Rivers Thames and Severn.

Towpath Talk The following l e t t e r was recently published i n the "Stroud News 8 Journal":

In recent months i t has been commented tha t the towpath o f the Stroudwater Navigation and Thames B Severn Canal was becoming overgrom and, i n places. barely passable. The Friends o f the Stroud Valleys Project responded t o l e t t e r s i n t h i s journal and cleared the towpath a t Wallbridge.

The members o f the Cotswold Canals Trust and some other orQanisations' maintain parts of the towpath through Stroud D i s t r i c t f o r the benefi t o f a l l those people who enjoy walking along it. However, we need nwre help so t ha t people who walk the towpath can rea l l y be "Proud of Stroud".

Organisations, groups, companies and local parish councils are inv i ted t o adopt a length o f towpath. The length can be as long or as short as the adopters are comfortable with. it may be the towpath a t the edge o f someones garden o r a large group may adopt ha l f a mile o r more.

The task w i l l be t o cu t back the brambles and overhanging branches, with advice from the Canal Trust, during the winter. I n March, before the birds begin t o nest, the undergrowth f o r a short distance on each side o f the walking surface should be gently trimmed. A t the end of August, when the Wild flowers have seeded, there should be another t r i m . A l l t ha t i s required i n addit ion t o t h i s i s t o keep an eye on your "patch" and t o snip off those fast growlng bramble t ips . The Canal Trust w i l l provide hand tools, if required, and f o r the f i r s t clearance w i l l operate power tools.

If you or your organisation would l i k e t o make Stroud D i s t r i c t a more pleasant place i n which t o l i v e then please contact the undersigned or phone Brimscornbe 885057

RICHARD ATTWOOD, Deputy Chairman, Cotswold Canals Trust.

Available f o r Weekends Midiveek Breaks Longer Lcrs

very Wel l p,ppointed

Sleeps 415

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Telephone 0455 611508 Close rorheCanal near Sronehoure fordetatls



3- 8 Run Don't fo rge t t h e COTSWOLD CANALS CHALLENGE, a biathlon "Canoe & Run" event which takes place on Sunday 12th April.

This second annual Challenge will follow much t h e same course as l a s t year, from Stroud t o Eastington and back. Together with t h e ADJ Canoe Club we a r e hoping t o equal o r improve on t h e f i f ty-plus e n t r i e s achieved l a s t year.

Full d e t a i l s a r e avai lable from John Westlake of t h e ADJ Canoe Club (0452 855902) o r Chris Jones of t h e Trust (0275 875714)

Membership Matters This quarter we a r e pleased t o welcome t h e following new members:-

~ h . A ~ r o c t i r , Kew Surrey

Mr J N OIBeirne, Stroud Mr D Harris, London

Miss J Barlow, Moreton-in-Marsh Chal ford Parish Council

Mr J Clark, Adbaston Stafford Mr P Crwk, Romsey Hants

Grand Draw With t h i s ed i t ion of t h e Trow you will f ind some Grand Draw Tickets. The Draw will take place a t t h e Review of t h e Year on 31st October a t Cirencester. F i r s t pr ize i s fZ50, second $100, and the re a r e 10 pr izes of X10 each. Tickets c o s t 20p each, o r $1 f o r a book of f i v e . P ro f i t s from t h e Draw will be added t o Trust funds. Please give us your support. Can

'you s e l l t i c k e t s t o f r iends and colleagues? And perhaps you might l i k e s m yourself!

Please send your completed t i c k e t stubs together with your payment, but no cash by post please, t o : David Jowett, l1 Upper Leazes, Stroud, Glos., GL5 1LA (Tel 0453 755535). Cheques should be payable t o "Cotswold Canals Trust". Further suppl ies of t i c k e t s can be obtained from t h e a b v e address - an SAE i s not essent ia l but would be helpful.

If you do not agree with t h i s form of fundraising, please dispose of t h e t i c k e t s o r re turn them, and we hope we have not caused offence.

Pipe Dream aeport by SEVE CWRT

Whilst a new sewer pipe was being l a i d underneath t h e canal bed a t Newtown, Severn-Trent Water and t h e i r contractars took t h i s golden opportunity t o a l s o lay a new water pipe alongside.

This new water pipe will replace t h e old one which passes over t h e canal a t low level alongside Newtown Roving Bridge. You can see i t s locat ion on t h e map in TROW 72, Spring 1991, obstacle No.16. The photograph below shows t h e bridge together with t h e offending pipe. The canal was blocked t o allow a 1 7 f t deep trench t o be excavated which accommodated t h e pipes.

When the new mains water pipe i s connected shor t ly and t h e old one removed, t h i s wlll r e s to re navigation from Blunder Lock r i g h t through t o Bonds Ri l l Bridge!

Thanks t o Severn-Trent and Birse, t h e contractors , f o r carrying ou t t h e work.

I would a l s o l i k e t o take t h i s opportunity t o thank everyone f o r t h e i r g e ~ well wishes f o r a speedy recovery from my recent ca r accident

The Nuts & Bolts Series - No. I : Pumps KEN BAILEV

This i s the f i r s t i n a series of a r t i c l es t h a t describe some o f the plant and equipment acquired by the Trust. Pumps seem t o be a good place t o S tar t as we probably have more, both i n var iety and number, than any other single group. They can be s p l i t i n t o three main types, Piston, Olaphragm and Centri fugal.

The simplest t o explain i s the Piston type which consists of an outer- tube, a piston and two one way valves, one i n the bottom of the tube and one i n the piston. The water i s sucked i n t o the tube past the f i r s t valve as the piston i s pul led out of the tube. When the piston i s pushed back i n t o the tube the f i r s t valve closes and the second opens allowing the water past the piston. When the piston i s pul led up the second time the water now on t he top side of the piston 1s expelled and more water i s drawn i n to the "cube below the piston. We have a couple of small hand pumps o f t h i s type Which are used t o pump the r a i n water out o f the t r i p boats.

A Diaphragm pump i s very s imi lar i n operation t o the piston pump but instead o f the piston uses a rubber sheet over a cup shaped chamber. Water i s drawn i n to the chamber through a one way valve as the diaphragm i s pul led up and then expelled via another valve when the diaphragm i s pushed down. The Trust has a t o t a l o f three pumps o f t h i s type. One i s hand operated and used t o pump out boats. The second i s a 2 " Simplex pump powered by a small s ingle cylinder petrol which i s l i g h t enough t o be easi ly transported. The t h i r d 1s a 3" capacity un i t powered by a Petter A V A l diese! engine. This i s a f a i r l y heavy item which can be l e f t on s i t e ,@nd w i l l run overmght on a tank o f dlesel and keep a working area dry.

The Centrifugal pump uses a device known as an impeller which i s a fast spinning disc with curved vanes on one face. Water i s drawn up a pipe i n t c the centre o f the disc where i t i s then f lung outwards a t high speed an< ducted up the ou t le t pipe. Thls type a f pump rea l l y only works well with a continuous supply o f water a t i t s in let . If a i r gets l n t o the system the whole th ing tends t o stop. The Trust owns a t o t a l of f i ve of these pumps. The f i r s t i s a "Hippo" pump with a 1 " out le t and i s driven by an e lectr ic motor. I t s name comes from the f ac t tha t the complete u n i t s i t s under ,water with only the del ivery hose st ick ing up i n the a i r . The second group are three pumps which we have recently acquired and are capable o f shif t ing about 300 gallons o f water per minute. They are each powered by a four cylinder Coventry Climax petrol engine and can supply a couple o f 2" f i r e hoses. They are portable (wi th b u i l t i n hands1 although I don't fancy carrying them any great distance. Our f i n a l pump o f t h i s type i s the b i g brother both i n capacity and weight. The 4" Sykes pump i s rnounted on i t s own wheels, has a b u i l t - i n 1 5 gallon diesel tank, i s powered by a Lister H A 2 engine and weighs about three-quarters o f a ton.

I n addition we have one other Hater shi f ter . I won't c a l l i t a pump as i t was or ig ina l l y developed t o power a boat. It consists o f a propeller mounted i n a tube and powered by a hydraulic motor. It i s qui te useful as i t can be operated remotely from the power un i t but it has the disadvantage tha t i t can rea l l y only move water on one level such as from one side of a dam t o the other and not l lft it any more than a few feet.

48M: The Svkes 4" centrifugal pmp as seen on TV last year! BELOW: A S fire pump next xt toe larger 3" dfaphraga pump

Ual k Leader RICHARO ArrYOOD

Following the successful 1991 End t o End Walks along the Cotswold Canals we are pleased t o announce CANAMBLE '92 which w i l l take place on four Sundays during the sumner. The walks w i l l be led by expert guides who w i l l provide a detai led comentary. A small charge w l l l be made for each adult. The Stroud Valleys Bus Company have kindly offered t o provide a bus and one of t h e i r drivers, John Evans, has volunteered t o return walkers back t o the .start o f each walk.

'tMP#ElE '92 PART ONE 9 miles Sunday 7th June 10.#)aol Heet on the west bank o f Saul Junction (OS Pathfinder 11 12 756093) t o walk t o Brimscombe Port pausing a t Stroud for lunch.

CbMt6l.E '92 PART TYO 12f miles Sunday 5th July 10.30an Meet a t Brimscombe Port (OS Pathfinder 1113 869023) a t the car park o f Bensons International Systems t o walk t o the end o f the Cirencester arm of the Thames & Severn Canal pausing a t Coates f o r lunch.

CAJJMjLE '92 PART THREE 84 miles Sunday 2nd August 10.Mam Meet a t the car park o f Cotswold D i s t r i c t Council Offices (OS Pathfinder 1114 024014) t o walk t o Cricklade pausing a t South Cerney f o r lunch.

SWIIBLE '92 PART FOUR 10 miles Sunday 20th September 10.Mam Meet a t the bridge over the River Thames i n Cricklade (OS Pathfinder 1134 102939) t o walk t o Lechlade pausing a t Marston Neysey f o r lunch. This walk w l l l follow the l i n e o f the canal subject t o the relevant landowners granting permission t o cross t he i r land.

Trip Boats *

Tr ip Boat Co-ordinator APUNlM FISK

'3e Sumer Tr ip Boat season w i l l soon be with us and plans are already i n hand. Last year takings a t Ryeford amounted t o fl,WO, a great achievement for the dedicated band o f volunteers.

This year the locatian i s changlng t o the Eastington area t o take advantage of our restored section. The route w i l l include passage through a lock. UIth the development o f t he Eastington Wharf area by Stroud Valleys Project and our own regular restorat ion work, t h i s should be a very interest ing place t o v i s i t .

A s ta r t date has not yet been set but w i l l coincide with completlon of the works t o Blunder Lock and the new slipway i n the spring. Volunteers wishing t o help should contact me on Stroud (0453) 755535 as soon as possible. The t r i p s w i l l run on Sunday afternoons and Bank Holiday Mondays.



From Stroud to Eastington & back to Stroud Both a competitive and fun event

SUNDAY 12th APRIL 1992 Short course for the under 14's

Entry fee E2.00 per person

For details, entry form & rules contactr

Chris or Sally Jones. John or Veronica \Vestlake. 27 Walton Road. 33 Golden Vale.

'Clevedon. Avon. BSZI 6AE Cllurrl~down. GlourcsLer.

(0275)875714 (0452)555902

Sales Order Form I ITEM I PRICE hl OT'f I

. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . - -, . - , . Discovering Canals i n B r i t a i n (Peter L. Smith) The Flower o f Gloster (E. Temnle Thurstonl

Working L i f e on Severn & Canal (Hugh Conway-Jones) 'The TROW - A l l issues available *TROW Binder - Holds 12 issues - suitable f o r a l l A5 mgs. *Map - plan and section of Cotswold Canals

The Stroudwater Canal ~ - ~ o l - l ~ ( ~ i c h a e l Handford) S.TBS Canals in Old Photographs (E. Cuss & S. Gardlner) S.T&S Canals Towpath Guide (M. Handford & 0. Viner) Thames & Severn Canal (Humphrey Household)

1 Thames & Severn Canal (David Viner)

*Sweater - with embroidered logo *Sweatshirt - with embroi dered logo I *Sweatshirt with pr inted logo *Tennis/Sport Sh i r t - with embroidered logo

I T - s h i r t - with pr inted logo Child *Baseball Hat - with pr inted logo 'Sew-on Badge - with embroidered logo 'Tie - with embroidered looo

.... 3.50 7.95 7.50 6.95 4.25


tTea rowel - Cotswolds (includes Cotswol d *Car Sticker - New design 'Pen *Pencil with eraser Plant pot - hand painted with canal roses Thimble - Round house Thimble - Buckby can 'Thimble - Cotswold Canals Trust *Standard Mug 'Half P int Tankard ' *Pint Tankard *Milk Jug

I *Goblet


Please t i c k your selections. TOTAL = f sizes and quanti t ies required and send the f o r m wi th your address and remittance to:- Chris h e 5 - Sales Nanager TOTAL ORDER VALUE = f

27 Ualton Road. Clevedon, Avon, W1 6AE (Telephone 0275 Bml4)

I Please make cheques payable t o "Cotswold Canals Trust"

Letters to the Editor dear Sir,

May I, as a kindred s p i r i t , inform you o f a SAGA canal walking week l ed by me, based a t Huddersfield University timed f o r 18th August 1992, available t o your "mature" members?

The progpame i s designed t o explore the three trans-pennine canals, Leeds & Liverpool, Rochdale and Huddersfield Warrow. The l a s t two are currently being restored t o f u l l navigation.

Walking i s l im i ted t o a maximum o f l1 miles daily. Additional v i s i t s are planned t o Wigan Pie? Museum, Ripon and York.

Cost inclusive: $194 h a l f board Booking conditions: o f excursions : f206 Rail 60 o r over

$204 Coach Cmpanion(s) 50 o r over

The SAGA address i s : SAGA Holidays Ltd., The SAGA Building, Middleburg Square, Folkestone, Kent, CT20 1BR. Enquiries: SAGA Freephone OBW 300 500


Sunday 5th April 1992 NATIONAL WATERWAYS MUSEUM 10 am. - 5 p.m. GLOUCESTER DOCKS

l WOs of new and usad bargslnsll 150 s t d l s p lus lass# area for dinghies 6 car boo t

h.1~ for 4. afloat

Boals Mnghhs Canoes Sa lbe rd l . Engines Oulbesrds Chandlery FisMng Tachle Tools

Aadnas Cblhlng Dhng Equipmeal . Trarlm bcarrones M~sallany Dsmonarafam and mom

The w e n t ).w j w l can't Wwd to mtrul All roads into Gloucester City are sianported lo the Hlptorlo h c k h

Tollsls . RMmshmenls. FR. hrhlna Turn ynur unwanted W chsndbly bhhinp l"*le

A-ss tor the dlsablM into m we will sdvlaa or dl tor you

ADMISSION £2.00 s t a l t8II sun WO oiegm =P- eta

Chlldren rim adult f r m YMne CM Boot PI0 m* trallsn E15 Benhs lot h m s .IIoaI PM

Redursd admlsslon lo Museum and oslula I hoklng ~ o m s m m - boa1 !*p on of ma Dunmrk llnlo ships. The G I o u m ~ l BDd Jumbls Qmup

Suppmsd by * ~ o w n h m ~ialds w l a d o - an - T3em.r G b r GL7 301 RI 0367 52943 A

Diary Dates - Mori 2 Mar Western Branch Meeting W/E 718 Mar IWA Clean-Up Weekend Tue 10 Mar Sum i t g Thames End Branch Meeting

Set 4 Apr quiz Evening a t The horse, Newmarket Nallsworth Mon 6 Apr Western Branch Meeting Sun 12 Apr 2nd Annual Cotswold Canals Challenge - see p. 12 Tue 14 Apr summit & Thames End Branch Meeting Non 20 Apr TROW Copy Date

Mon 11 May Western Branch Meeting Tue 12 May Sumnit & Thames End Branch Meeting W/E 23/25 May IWA National Trai lboat Rally a t Taunton

Man 1 Jun Western Branch Meeting Sun 7 Jun Canamble 1, Saul t o Brimscombe - see p.16 Tue 9 Jun Sumi t & Thames End Branch Meetlng F r i 19 Jun Severn Cruise from Gloucester - see p.6

bun 5 Jul Canamble 2. Brimscombe t o Cirencester - see p.16 Bat 18 Jul Annual Barbecue ( r i ng Nick Parker f o r de ta i l s )

Sun 2 Aug Canamble 3, Cirencester t o Cricklade - see p.16 W/E 29/31 Aug IWA National Waterways Festival a t Wakefield

Sun 13 Sep Cotswold Canals Splash! Sun 20 Sep Canamble 4, Cricklade t o Lechlade - see p.16

&at 31 Oct Review af the Year & AGM a t Cirencester

Western Branch volunteers work most weekends and would welcome your help. S m i t & Thames End Branch usually work the l a s t weekend of each month. I f you would l i k e t o o f f e r your help, please contact the appropriate person.

Members and friends are welcome a t Branch Meetings and Special Events. llestern Wanch meet a t 7.30pm pt the Imperial Hotel, Stroud. Summit g Thames End Branch meet a t 8.00pm a t the "Thames Head" pub, near Cirencester on the Tetbury Road (A433).

IWA I FRIENDS OF Meet a t 7.30pm a t the Museum Schools Room ME WUSNll EVENTS National Waterways Museum (except 3 Mar)

Tue 3 Mar DOWN THE WATTER W I ' THE WEANS - I l l u s t r a ted reminiscences of the Clyde Steamers, by Hamish Oawson a t the Tewkesbury Marina, Bredon Road, Tewkesbury

I Thu 9 Apr M E ANOERTON LIFT - l l l us t ra ted t a l k by B i l l Rowley, a self-confessed enthusiast on the lift. I

I ~ u e 5 May THE CHIEF EXECUTIOttER SPEAKS! - a (self-titled) ta l k by IwA Chief Executfve, Frances Hart I




MEMBERSHIP FREEPOST (GL65) P.O. Box 71. Stroud, Glos.. GL6 7% l 1 %:ER CHRIS JONES The Courts, 27 Walton Road, Clevedon, Avon,

B521 6AE (Clevedon 0272 8757141 I TROW DAVID JOWETT I1 Upper Leazes. Stroud. Glos., GL5 ILA EDITOR (S t rwd 0453 755535)


I CHAIRMAN ROBIN H A U I D A Y 16 River Park, Marlborwgh. Wilts. SN8 1NH (Mar1 borough 0672 51 3400) I

I SECRETARY JAMES KING Mwrdom, Northfield Road, Tetbury, Glos. EL8 8HE (Tet6ury 0666 502797) I

TREASURER JOHN LUCAS Linquenda, Winstone, Nr. Cirencester, 610s. GL7 752 (Miserden 028 582 587)

CHAIRNAN JOHN FERRlS Comptons, Park End, Paganhill. Stroud, Glos. GL5 4AZ (Stroud 766072)

DEPUTY NICK PARKER 36 Water Lane, Wotton-Under-Edge, Glos. CHAIWN (Dursley C453 521106)

TREASURER GEORGINA BAVLISS 3 Waggon Place, Longmeadow, Worcester (Worcester 0905 610365)

EVENTS PETE EAST0 11 Hopton Road, Cam, Dursley, Glos. GL11 5NZ . ORGANISER (Dursley 0453 5450421

VOLuwrrm SRWpS


DOUG BLAKE 19 Strat ton Road, Gloucester. (Gloucester. 0452 415843) I

I SUMMIT 8 ROBIN HALLIDAY 16 Rlver Park. Marlborough. Wilts.. S 1 l ~ I THAMES END (Marlborough 0672 513400)

I TRIP BOAT AMANDA FISK 11 Upper Leazes, Stroud. Glos.. GL5 1LA (Stroud 0453 755535) I