Sports Turf Maintenance | Care Your Turf

Factors Effecting Maintenance of Sports Surface Sports activities have gained more importance as people realized the commercial value. Many corporate companies are spending more money nowadays for sponsoring such events and teams as they found it to be more effective to impress their customers and to enhance the brand value. Thus Both the synthetic and natural grass turfs are required to be maintained in good quality to provide a good quality sports event and thus to attract more and more viewers. The cost of construction of such surface is very high and so it is necessary to maintain them perfectly to yield more revenue from them. Owners should take the help of a professional for Sports Turf Maintenance to get it done as sports surface preservation is a professional work and not a job which can be done by anybody. Following things should be taken care while planning about maintaining sports surface. The amount of maintenance will vary depend up on the amount of use and level of play. When the venue is being used more frequently, one should maintain it properly and rigorous maintenance should be done. This will be a bit costly. The maintenance level differs depending on the fact whether the venue is dedicated to any single sport or multiple activities are being conducting there. Weather and the climatic conditions have a prominent role in determining the quality of the sports surface. These things should be taken care while going for maintenance of sports surfaces. Soil and terrain are the other two important things which should be taken care. Availability of water is necessary for maintaining sports turfs. Hence proper irrigation systems should be provided. Owners of the surface will have different goals in mind and when deciding to maintain the turf properly, this should be taken into consideration. Different fields are being constructed in different types. This is another major aspect which will influence the level and type of maintenance. The security is another aspect, especially the protection from vandalism should be ensured. After all these points, comes the budgetary provision. Owner or the owners should consider the budget they can allot for maintenance of the field and also consider the availability of professionals to do it for amount they have allocated. Sports surfaces have great role in determining the success of any event. Hence it is necessary to maintain them properly, if the owners are really interested in the quality of the events. When the owners consider these venues as revenue generating sources, they should be kept in good quality to attract more event organizers to generate more revenue. In either case it will be always better

Transcript of Sports Turf Maintenance | Care Your Turf

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Factors Effecting Maintenance of Sports Surface

Sports activities have gained more importance as people realized the commercial value. Many

corporate companies are spending more money nowadays for sponsoring such events and teams

as they found it to be more effective to impress their customers and to enhance the brand value.

Thus Both the synthetic and natural grass turfs are required to be maintained in good quality to

provide a good quality sports event and thus to attract more and more viewers.

The cost of construction of such surface is very high and so it is necessary to maintain them

perfectly to yield more revenue from them. Owners should take the help of a professional for

Sports Turf Maintenance to get it done as sports surface preservation is a professional work

and not a job which can be done by anybody. Following things should be taken care while

planning about maintaining sports surface.

The amount of maintenance will vary depend up on the amount of use and level of play.

When the venue is being used more frequently, one should maintain it properly and

rigorous maintenance should be done. This will be a bit costly.

The maintenance level differs depending on the fact whether the venue is dedicated to

any single sport or multiple activities are being conducting there.

Weather and the climatic conditions have a prominent role in determining the quality of

the sports surface. These things should be taken care while going for maintenance of

sports surfaces.

Soil and terrain are the other two important things which should be taken care.

Availability of water is necessary for maintaining sports turfs. Hence proper irrigation

systems should be provided.

Owners of the surface will have different goals in mind and when deciding to maintain

the turf properly, this should be taken into consideration.

Different fields are being constructed in different types. This is another major aspect

which will influence the level and type of maintenance.

The security is another aspect, especially the protection from vandalism should be


After all these points, comes the budgetary provision. Owner or the owners should

consider the budget they can allot for maintenance of the field and also consider the

availability of professionals to do it for amount they have allocated.

Sports surfaces have great role in determining the success of any event. Hence it is necessary to

maintain them properly, if the owners are really interested in the quality of the events. When the

owners consider these venues as revenue generating sources, they should be kept in good quality

to attract more event organizers to generate more revenue. In either case it will be always better

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to take the help of a professional sports surface manager, who can get the work done perfectly.

There are many such individuals and companies are working around the globe and it will not be

difficult to get the service of any of them.

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