SPORTS FEATURE Datec Golfer The wins Gold Chevening ...

1 Issue No. 13 February TOK STEAMIES News for Staff and Friends of Steamships Trading Company GENERAL NEWS STC Internal Audit Function established - Pg 2 Steamships continues to support three of its BbP libraries Small libraries for children between the ages of four and six years old can really increase a child‟s reading ability before they reach schooling age. Steamships Trading Company Chairman, Bill Rothery presented a cheque of K159,359 to the founder and executive officer for the Buk bilong Pikinini libraries. The cheque presentation was held at the Lawes Road Library where Mr Rothery was given the opportunity to read to the children as well as hear a six year old boy from the class read his favourite book. “Seeing a child able to read and write at an early age is priceless.” Mr Rothery said. Steamships for the past five years have been funding three of the Buk bilong Pikinini Libraries; 1. Lawes Road which opened in 2009 2. Lae, Montoro Street Library opened also in 2009 and 3. Goroka Library which opened in 2010. “Papua New Guinea lacks libraries for young children and the ini- tiative by Buk Bilong Pikinini to bring libraries into communities is a step forward to helping the future generation of the country,” Mr Rothery expressed. He said the feedback from parents who have been sending their children to the three libraries that Steamships sponsors have been very positive and seeing the children being able to read and write at an early age encouraged the company to continue its partnership. Mr Rothery said since partnering with BbP in 2009, Steamships has spent close to K2m in assisting with the operational costs of the three libraries and last year Steamships renewed its partnership with BbP for another three years. The purpose of Buk bilong Pikinini is to focus on early childhood learning as a key to literacy. Buk bilong Pikinini Founder, Sophie-Anne Hermann thanked Steamships for its continuous support saying BbP was grateful for the continuous support of Steamships to its three libraries. Buk bilong Pikinini is planning to open more libraries this year with the support from corporate sponsors. Steamships board Chairman, Mr Bill Rothery handing the cheque to Buk bilong Pikinini Founder, Sophie-Anne Hermann and BbP Executive Officer Joanne Grenenger. SPORTS Datec Golfer wins Gold - Pg 8 FEATURE The Chevening Experience - Pg 9 Some of the activities that took place during Mr Rothery’s visit to the Buk bilong Pikinini library at Lawes Road, Konedobu

Transcript of SPORTS FEATURE Datec Golfer The wins Gold Chevening ...

Page 1: SPORTS FEATURE Datec Golfer The wins Gold Chevening ...


Issue No. 13 February

TOK STEAMIES News for Staff and Friends of Steamships Trading Company


STC Internal Audit Function

established - Pg 2

Steamships continues to support three of its BbP libraries Small libraries for children between the ages of four and six years

old can really increase a child‟s reading ability before they reach

schooling age.

Steamships Trading Company Chairman, Bill Rothery presented a

cheque of K159,359 to the founder and executive officer for the

Buk bilong Pikinini libraries.

The cheque presentation was held at the Lawes Road Library where

Mr Rothery was given the opportunity to read to the children as

well as hear a six year old boy from the class read his favourite


“Seeing a child able to read and write at an early age is priceless.”

Mr Rothery said.

Steamships for the past five years have been funding three of the

Buk bilong Pikinini Libraries;

1. Lawes Road which opened in 2009

2. Lae, Montoro Street Library opened also in 2009 and

3. Goroka Library which opened in 2010.

“Papua New Guinea lacks libraries for young children and the ini-

tiative by Buk Bilong Pikinini to bring libraries into communities is

a step forward to helping the future generation of the country,” Mr

Rothery expressed.

He said the feedback from parents who have been sending their

children to the three libraries that Steamships sponsors have been

very positive and seeing the children being able to read and write at

an early age encouraged the company to continue its partnership.

Mr Rothery said since partnering with BbP in 2009, Steamships has

spent close to K2m in assisting with the operational costs of the

three libraries and last year Steamships renewed its partnership

with BbP for another three years.

The purpose of Buk bilong Pikinini is to focus on early childhood

learning as a key to literacy.

Buk bilong Pikinini Founder, Sophie-Anne Hermann thanked

Steamships for its continuous support saying BbP was grateful for

the continuous support of Steamships to its three libraries.

Buk bilong Pikinini is planning to open more libraries this year

with the support from corporate sponsors.

Steamships board Chairman, Mr Bill Rothery handing the cheque to Buk

bilong Pikinini Founder, Sophie-Anne Hermann and BbP Executive Officer

Joanne Grenenger.


Datec Golfer wins Gold

- Pg 8


The Chevening Experience

- Pg 9

Some of the activities that took place during Mr Rothery’s visit to the

Buk bilong Pikinini library at Lawes Road, Konedobu

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Group Internal audit function launched

STC has launched a Group-wide Graduate Development Pro-

gram (GDP) through its Management Trainee scheme which is

commencing in a few months time.

The purpose of the Group-wide Management Development Pro-

gram is to establish a framework for a long term effort to build

local management talent which can sustain the Steamships busi-

ness into the future.

Besides the GDP, Steamships‟ also has a Graduate Accountant

Program (GAP) which began in 2012. This program assists par-

ticipants to complete their professional qualifications and be-

come chartered accountants within the Group.

In 2012, ten students fresh out of the country‟s universities were

selected and underwent a year long training as part of the GDP.

The ten graduates are now into their second year of training with

the company and are currently attached with the different busi-

ness units.

The 2013 recruitment for both the GAP and GDP commenced

late last year with the announcement published in the daily

newspapers. The first lot of interviews were carried out early last

month with the final interviews carried out by the Group Human

Resource department and the corporate management team last

week. Of the nine candidates short-listed, only six will be se-

lected for the two programs- three for GAP and three for GDP.

The successful candidates will be announced later on in the

month with them commencing the program next month in April.

Tok Steamies will feature some of these new graduates in the

next issue of the newsletter.

An internal audit function was launched

mid last months as part of the Group‟s

corporate strategic plan.

The function follows best practice guid-

ance of the Australian Stock Exchange

(ASX) and Port Moresby Stock Ex-

change (POMSOX) and the manage-

ment believes it has the ability to deliver both controls improve-

ment and process value.

The initial internal audit structure is being done in collaboration

with Swire with the Pacific Region team comprising of PNG,

Australia and Singapore.

Goran Mitrevski has been appointed as the Pacific Regional In-

ternal Audit Manager and will be based in Australia together

with Eddie Shum who is in charge of the Australia Internal Au-

dit. For PNG, Joe Enriquez has been appointed to take on the

responsibility as PNG Internal Auditor.

David Toua heads Corporate Affairs The executive management has appointed

David Toua as the new General Manager

Corporate Affairs for the Steamships Group.

David will oversee the Group‟s Human Re-

sources, Risk Management including legal

and insurance & Government and Commu-

nity Relations which includes Public Rela-


David was until recently the General Manager for Queensland

Chartis Insurance, having previously been AIG PNG country

manager for nine years. He was also with Datec PNG so he‟s no

newcomer to the Group.

STC Managing Director Geoff Cundle said David brings exten-

sive PNG business knowledge and connections to his new role

and is a valuable addition to the STC senior management team.

HR commence recruitment of Graduate Trainees

Chinese New Year commemorated The employees of China Railway Construction Group (CRCG)

had a visit from the Steamships Trading Company managing

director, Geoff Cundle just before the Chinese new year.

During the visit, Mr Cundle and Steamships contract manager,

Mark Larufa gave out "ya sui qian".

The red card is a symbol of good luck and protection and has

been used traditionally in the Chinese culture for centuries.

CRCG is currently working on two company projects, the Har-

bour Side Development (artist impression can be seen on the

wall of the image below) and the Windward II Apartments.

Chinese New





Steamships Shipping and Swire Shipping Agencies celebrated Chinese New Year by inviting some

of their top customers and partners on a sunset boat cruise around the Port Moresby Harbour.

The function was held on board the „Moresby Chief‟.

Swire Shipping Marketing Manager and Chief Interior Decorator Donald Fraser welcomed guests

on board and gave a safety briefing which would have made any air stewardess proud.

The calm and warm weather allowed for a cruise past Manubada Island at dusk to the illuminated

Motukea wharf, MV Erawan, and a memorable view of the ever-famous Christmas-like lights of

Touaguba Hill.

All guests were greeted with Coca-Cola branded „Lai See‟ envelopes, kindly provided by Steam-

ships‟ Managing Director Geoff Cundle. Contrary to Chinese tradition, it was not deemed appro-

priate to supply customers with a cash gift; instead Chinese fortunes for 2013, the year of the

snake, were enclosed - story by Francis Peter

David Toua

Joe Enriquez

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Kimbe Stevedores rise to the challenge

Agutoi Chief has commenced its trips to Balimo and will be

doing monthly trips after Steamships Coastal Shipping Man-

ager, William Arblaster made the announcement late last year.

Mr Arblaster said with Agutoi Chief now doing service run to

Balimo it will assist in providing the people of Balimo direct

access to goods unlike in the past where they relied on goods

from Daru.

The Port Moresby Stevedores were hard at work recently dis-

charging a compressor that weighed 52 tons. The compressor

had to be discharged using both the vessel crane and mobile

harbor crane in a twin lift as seen in the picture.

To alleviate the congestion and long wait at the West New Brit-

ain port, the small coastal berth in Kimbe is now being used to

berth large vessels and unload their cargoes.

The decision was reached mid January this year by New Britain

Shipping, Consort and PNG Ports to use the coastal berth when

the main berth was occupied and Papuan Coast had to anchor

and wait for a berth

The coastal berth is shorter than the Papuan Coast and in order

to discharge her, the stevedores had to shift cargo from the aft to

the forward end of the ship with the number two crane before

using the number one crane to place it on the wharf. The proc-

ess was repeated in reverse during loading.

Acting New Britain Shipping Manager, Vali Bagelo said while

it was a slow way in which to stevedore a vessel, it was effec-

tive because it meant that the Papuan Coast did not have to sit

at anchor.

"We discharged 70 containers and breakbulk & loaded 120

boxes as well as breakbulk. By using the coastal berth the vessel

was able to sail early which meant that we saved time and

money for everyone, including the person buying goods in the

shop,” Mr Bagelo said.

He said the operation was conducted safely and thanked Joint

Venture Stevedore Trainer Wari Sere for his assistance.

"Mr Sere helped us set up the process and made sure everything

was done safely and efficiently," Mr Bagelo commended.

He added that using the Kimbe Coastal berth will become the

practice after a Carpenter's vessel, Toboi Trader was also berthed

and stevedored there after the trial was done with Papuan Coast.

The Papuan Coast at the Kimbe Coastal berth

Agutoi Chief commence

service run to Balimo CEL conducts its first ever

team building Program

The first ever Team Building Program was staged by Consort

Express Lines recently.

Over 80 staff from 11 departments took part in various mind

building and skills challenges to find the ultimate winner.

The objective of the program was to help staff develop and under-

stand the importance of being in a team and how the principals

can help them work collectively to be effective and efficient when

performing their day to day duties.

The different stages of the challenge also enabled the teams to

utilize their communication, observation and articulation skills in

order to solve problems and produce answer.

Consort Express Lines Human Resources Manager Cletus Yende-

tuo commended the training say the program was a hit with the

staff and management and that the staff were looking forward to

the next one.

Off loading a 5.2 ton compressor

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Depot-PRO set up for container management & tracking services

Staff transportation

The converted 20 foot container that houses the Depot-PRO workstation

EWT has recently deployed Depot-PRO system for container manage-

ment and tracking services.

Depot-PRO basically monitors container movement in and out of the

Lae depot. It has additional functions to trigger yard storage and electri-

cal charges bonded at EWT yard.

A dedicated container tracking team is currently stationed in the 20 foot

container that has been converted into an office space equipped with

office facilities and 3 Depot-PRO workstations.

The 20 foot container office is located right in the middle of the main

entrance and has windows on both sides where container clerks collects

and issue delivery dockets on every check-in and check-out for all con-

tainer movement.

East West Transport has recently acquired

six Howo labor run buses from China for

EWT staff pick-up and drop-off. Two of

them have a load capacity of 40 passengers

whilst the other four carry 30 passengers


Three of these buses will be based in LAE

and the other three in POM.

A 40 seater bus is currently servicing Lae

depot and Nadzab route.

Early this year, EWT received 12 Shack-man trucks from China. Howo Shacman trucks are now added to the existing highway fleet to assist in all highway deliveries between, Lae, Goroka, Mt Hagen, Morobe Mining Joint Venture (MMJV) and metro deliv-eries. A recent inspection and trialing on the vehicle GPS system had been carried out by a Depot-PRO consultant and soon all highway fleet will be mounted with mo-bile radios and installed with the GPS tracking system for vehicle tracking purposes. To compliment the Shackman trucks, the Lae operations also bought eight new Toyota Land cruisers 2 door utili-ties for Highway Escort.

The new vehicles will be escorting

highway trucks on a weekly basis be-

tween Lae, Goroka and Mt Hagen.

Ela Motors had geared the fleets with

aluminum body trays ,bull bars, spot

lights, and revolvers specifically for

escort vehicles.

EWT in Lae also now has three Reach

Staker Forklifts that was bought last

year and is being used at the container

yard to load and off-load containers


The Reach Staker Forklifts can stake or

lift containers as high as 6 feet above

the ground making it easier to reach

containers that are piled three stacks


EWT increases vehicle fleet

The new buses with staff standing at the door way.

Insert: EWT GM, Gordon McMaster at the door way.

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Delicacies made for lovers


A selection of staff from all departments at Ela Beach Hotel

underwent the year‟s first fire training early last month.

The staff got first hand experience in using fire extinguishers on

real flames allowing them to know the different types of fire

extinguishers and the types of fires to use them on.

Under the tutelage of the hotel manager Stuart Johnstone, the

staff had a safe and fun morning putting out various fire scenar-


They started off with the theory of how fire works, spreads and

as well as what to do in the event of having to evacuate the

building. The role plays took place in evacuating certain areas of

the hotel within 5 minutes.

All staff enjoyed the training and are now more aware of each

persons role as and individual and as a group.

Further training with the staff will take place through out the


Mr Johnstone said the staff were now aware their roles and what

to do in the unlikely event of a fire.

“They now know how to coordinate a smooth and calm evacua-

tion of the building which is very important,” he said.

He said all departments from night audit, laundry staff and man-

agers had a vital role to play in an event of a fire.

“All the staff found the training useful, fun and informative but

importantly they now know that their coordinated actions can

help save lives

Valentines eve like all over the world was a night of romance and

love for all the lovers.

Highlander Hotel made sure it set the mood for all the love birds

that evening by serving a sumptuous seafood buffet for valen-

tines dinner.

Over 80 guests enjoyed the delicious meal which was prepared

by Chef Paul Homoka and his team who wanted to create that

special feeling for the lovers. They baked a heart shaped choco-

late cake as a compliment for the guests to enjoy.

The live background music playing was ideal for the guests to

wine and dine in relaxation.

Better to be safe then sorry

Want a taste of Italian Cuisine? Then this is your lucky month.

The Grand Papua Hotel has themed March as its Italian month so

why not treat yourself to an Italian cuisine during the month.

There is the K69 Saturday Night Italian Buffet where there will

be Italian theme food and beverage specials as well as compli-

mentary tastings and a live Italian Cuisine cooking station every

night. Dinners also get to place their business cards in a draw to

win a fully automatic coffee machine.

Contact Grand Papua Hotel to make reservations.

Looking for a place to hang out and relax with friends and col-

leagues after a hard week at work then you can head to Grand

Papua‟s Grand Bar and kick off your weekend in grand style.

They have two hours of specials with amazing canapés where

guests get to have complimentary bubbles on arrival.

March is Italian Month at Grand Papua Hotel

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Promoting reading & safety in schools

STC PROJECT UPDATE - Harbour Side Project -

What you‟re looking at is an artist impression of

what the finished product of the Harbourside devel-

opment will look like come 2014.

The Harbourside development is a joint venture

project by Steamships Trading Company and the

PNG Sustainable Development Programme (PNG


The project consists of two seven story buildings

totaling 18,000 m2.

It consists of a basement car park with the ground

level house retail and professional suites. The first

to fifth floor will be office spaces. Its completion is

scheduled for 2014.

Pacific Palms Property’s HSSE Manager, Hahane Aroma present-

ing the box of books and the school crossing sign to a teacher from

Coronation Elementary School

Image by Pacific Palms Property

Coronation Elementary School located at 4-Mile was recently presented

with school books and school road crossing flags and safety vests by

Pacific Palms Property.

This is part of Pacific Palms sponsorship to 18 elementary schools

throughout NCD which was launched in late November last year.

The first presentation was done at Butuka Primary School. The spon-

sorship is worth about K180,000 and includes the supply of learning

books and story books from elementary prep to elementary grade 2.

Presentations to the rest of the schools will be done throughout the next

two months until all 18 schools have received their items.

The next schools to be given their books were Bavaroko and KilaKila

elementary schools.

A person living with the HIV/AIDS

virus was invited to talk about his

experiences on the topic last Novem-

ber to mark World AIDS Day.

HIV & AIDS is a topic not everyone

talks about freely, and to get someone

to share his personal experiences with

the Property staff was an experience

on its own.

The PLWHA (Person Living With

HIV & AIDS) was once a fit and en-

ergetic man, earning a good salary

and a proud husband, with three (3)

wives and a fair number of children.

Polygamy is widely accepted in many

parts of PNG, especially in the High-

lands region, where it is considered a

sign of wealth, prestige and or high

status, in the community.

Jim (not his real name) was a regular

blood donor to PNG Red Cross and

was surprised when, during a visit to

the Red Cross, was advised to get a

medical check-up. After suffering

from numerous bouts of diarrhoea

and other related illnesses and being

reduced to a “skeleton” within a few

short months, he decided to visit the

VCT clinic during which time, he

was diagnosed as HIV positive. He

has since been a strong advocate and

encourages all to follow the ABC

concept and to get tested, so people

know their status.

HIV/AIDS awareness for PPP staff

Pacific Palms Property staff with a PLWHA after the small talk that was given to the staff

on World AIDS Day last year.

View from the Port Moresby Harbor

View from the Stanley Esplanade Drive

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CSD Introduces a new & improved helpdesk system

Ten dedicated staff at Datec recently attained their Lenovo

Warranty Services certificates.

Certificates were attained in three services categories -

Desktops, Laptops and ThinkServers.

One of Datec‟s major brand is Lenovo prides itself as the

best service provider to this range of product in PNG.

The Lenovo portal training was done online through the

Datec Learning Centre in Port Moresby and is the first

training held for its staff for 2013.

Datec is very proud of this team effort and their achieve-


In the IT world, „Virtualization‟ is a cutting edge technology.

Virtualization in computing, is a term that refers to the various tech-

niques, methods or approaches of creating a virtual (rather than actual)

version of something,

Alvin and Wilson are two dedicated Datec Systems Engineers who

recently attained their VM Ware certification last month and are now

internationally recognised as VM Ware Certificate Professionals.

The two commenced their theory training last year in June and after

that went into their practical assessment which ended with them sitting

for their final exams last month.

Datec is proud of these achievements and congratulate them both.

10 staff obtain Lenovo training certificates

Stevenson & Estaban certified as VM Ware professionals

The Computer Services Division (CSD) introduced a new and im-

proved helpdesk system called Manage Engine Service Desk Plus.

The new system is a comprehensive help desk software that provides

CSD helpdesk and IT managers an integrated console to monitor IT

requests generated from the users of the IT resources within the


The new helpdesk system has been well received by all CSD techni-

cians and the IT Coordinators of the various divisions in STC.

By keeping track of the outstanding and overdue requests, the new

helpdesk system has helped to improve the response time and resolu-

tion time for requests raised by users.

In addition, IT Coordinators of the Divisions in STC now have access

to the new helpdesk system as a means to track the status of requests

and to look up work histories of the request being worked on by CSD


This has created transparency in the way CSD deals with users‟ re-


With the new helpdesk system being more transparent, users are now

better informed of the status of their requests which reduces the end –

user frustration arising due to time consuming issues relating to fol-

lowing up with CSD helpdesk.

It is important that you take note of the Notification Emails

that are being sent to you by CSD Helpdesk every time you

raise a job (docket/request).

Note that when you receive an Email Notification with the

subject: “Your Request with ID: #### has been Re-

solved”, you are required to reply to that email to confirm

whether or not your issue has been successfully resolved.

If you reply and confirm that your issue is resolved, CSD

will go ahead and close the docket (request) with acknowl-

edgement from the user.

If however, you still have issues, CSD will re-open the

request and do further troubleshooting until the issue is

finally resolved. CSD will only close jobs if a user confir-

mation has been received (emailed) from the users.

CSD’s important reminder to

Users: Resolved Requests

Wilson Stevenson Alvin Estaban

Taisi Lalatute Gimana Vui Alma Jawa Oscar Billy

Melinda Diapong Kido Podias Robin Wilby

Elizah Sileita Raymond Rukeru Evelyn Togwarai

Page 8: SPORTS FEATURE Datec Golfer The wins Gold Chevening ...


Swire Shipping Agencies in Port Moresby entered

three teams into the 2013 Corporate Slow Pitch

Soft Ball Tournament held at the Bisini Softball

Diamonds in Port Moresby early in the year.

It was the first time in Papua New Guinea for a

team to run out on any sporting paddock under the

name Swire Shipping and we were there to make

an impact.

The one day tournament was a Slow Pitch 10 a side

format (five male and five female) with a total of

18 teams split into three pools. Each team were to

play each other once with the top ranked team

moving on to the finals.

There was also a home-run derby where each team

was asked to put forward their big hitters to see

who could hit the ball the longest. The Swire team

representatives were Amos Begasi (Team One),

John Wesley (Team Two) and Francis Peter (Team

Three) who all the finished in the top 10.

Unfortunately none of the Swire teams reached the

finals but otherwise all were in high spirits having

enjoyed a day out and mingling with other staff

from other corporate houses.


Stevenson & Estaban certified as VM Ware professionals


Easter Charity Soccer is on again!!!!!!

The annual charity soccer that

is held during the long Easter

weekend is on again.

Organisers of the tournament,

Posman Kua Aisi Lawyers

and its sponsors, Legend FM

have been sending out invites

to corporate organizations

wishing to participate in the

up-coming event.

Funds raised from this year’s

games will go the Sir Buri

Kidu Heart Foundation,

KASH Foundation and PNG

Women’s Doctors Association.

The usual registration of

mens, womens and mixed

teams is open for organization

to have their staff participate.

If your division would like to

register a team for the tourna-

ment then you can get in

touch with Rose, Ruth or

Janet on 320 0127.

Datec staff Patrick Kila And

Rochus Mission participated

at the recent Pan Pacific Mas-

ters Golf at the Royal Pines

Golf resort in Gold Coast,


Participants came from all

over the Asia, Pacific, Austra-

lia and New Zealand.

Patrick played in the Individ-

ual Men 30-49 C Division.

Patrick took a commanding

lead with 40 points on day

one, in one of the most diffi-

cult golf course in Australia.

On the second and final day,

the treacherous winds and

showers made it quite diffi-

cult to post good scores and

he ended up scoring 34

points, which gave him a total

point of 74.

Two golfers finished top with

74 Points but Patrick Kila

took out the top spot taking

the gold medal from New

Zealand golfer, Peter Blyth

who shared the 74 points


The PNG community residing

in Brisbane were present dur-

ing the presentation so there

were a lot of cheering and hi-


It was a proud moment.

Swire Shipping Agencies takes part in its first sporting event

Datec Golfers bring home Gold from PAN Pacific Games

Patrick Kila with his Gold medal.

Above left: The team Pairing of Vali Kila, Steve Walker (Sydney),

Peter Blyth (NZ) and Patrick Kila (PNG) outside the Royal Pines


Above right: Patrick and Rochus on the Practice tee.

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Executive Legal Secretary

Steamships Head Office

After working as the Facilities

Administrator for Digicel, New

Guinea Islands Regional Office,

Jean joined Steamships in January.

Originating from Bougainville and East New

Britain, Jean finds working with the legal de-

partment very interesting as well as challeng-

ing. During her spare time Jean loves to watch

movies or just relax with a good novel. She‟s

currently reading Part 1 of „The Girl with the

Dragon Tattoo”


The Chevening Scholarship experience EDITORIAL TEAM

Tok Steamies is a monthly

electronic newsletter pub-

lished by the Public Relations

& Corporate Affairs Office

of the Steamships Trading

Company to inform its staff,

friends and stakeholders of

the various activities that

STC and its staff have been

doing in their various busi-



Steamships Trading Com-

pany Limited (STC)

Executive Editor:

General Manager Corporate

Affairs- David Toua


Public Relations Officer -

Wanita Wakus

Layout & Design:

Public Relations Officer

Wanita Wakus

Divisional Representatives:

CSH - Susan Gegeyo

Datec - Annie Kaiulo

Shipping - Susanne Sere

Property - Hahane Aroma


Laga - TBC

For editorial comments,

email: [email protected]


This newsletter is intended to

serve as an infor-mation re-

source for the employees of

the Steam-ships Group of

Companies and does not

guaran-tee the accuracy of

the data & information pre-

sented, nor take any respon-

sibility for any errors in the

process of providing this

newsletter. Au-thorisation

should be sought from the

STC Public Relations Office

before any information in the

Newsletter could be used in

other publication

Welcome to the STC Group….


Payroll Clerk

Steamships Head Office

Hailing from Central Prov-

ince & New Ireland Prov-

ince, Hilary joined the Head

office team two months ago

and enjoys the job she‟s doing. She‟s learning

a lot from assisting in doing the Group‟s

payroll as well as meeting with other employ-

ees from within the Steamships Group.Hilary

says Steamships is a big organization and is

happy to be part of the STC team.


Repair & Maintenance


Pacific Palms Property

With 24 years of Airline experi-

ence Ben's new role will offer

him a challenge to expand on. It‟s a month now

and Ben‟s settled in well with the R & M Team.

His priority now is to improve Pacific Palm‟s

service delivery standard and wants to achieve

this goal in the next 4 weeks. He said R&M

will be put through induction process to get the

BASIC right before addressing other issues.

Ben is looking forward to the challenges ahead.

- NOTICE - If you would like to share your experience

with your colleagues through Tok

Steamies then see your respective Tok

Steamies representatives (see column on

right for your division’s rep) within your

businesses or better still, send an email

direct to Tok Steamies using these email


[email protected] or

[email protected]

Undertaking the LLM programme at the Univer-

sity of Westminster in London was a lifetime

experience. I undertook the International Com-

mercial Law Course which ran from 10 January

2012 to 10 January 2013.

I lived right at the heart of London between Hol-

born and Russell Square which is a 40 minutes

walk, 30 minutes bus ride and 15 minutes by

subway to the University.

Life in London is fast and I had to quickly adapt

to their way of doing things. There were many

things to learn in a short space of time and I was

required to know the subway lines as well as the

bus routes. For me, I found walking more easier

so I always did the 40 minute walk to school and

back. Of course, I did get lost at first because the

streets and buildings looked exactly alike.

The Chevening Scholarship gave me a first over-

seas experience.

My studies in the UK has enhanced my skill and

knowledge, such skill and knowledge I would

not have gained anywhere in the world. Despite

the weather, I still miss London – the cheap

fruits; oranges, apples, and grapes and large bars

of nutty chocolates which would cost only

1pound, and the best transport system.

Gretel Kogora with the PNG Governor General Sir

Michael Ogio and wife lady Ogio during the Gover-

nor General’s trip to London for the Queen’s Dia-

mond Jubilee. Above Left: Gretel and her friends

after a shopping spree Right: Gretel at a function

she attended.

“Not only did I gain better skills and knowledge in

law, but a whole new perspective to life”

Page 10: SPORTS FEATURE Datec Golfer The wins Gold Chevening ...



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