Sport Pembrokeshire Newsletter Dec 2012

December 2012 An amazing year of sport in Pembrokeshire was celebrated at the Sport Pembrokeshire Awards evening on Friday 30th November 2012. A Celebration of Sport Outstanding sporting achievements from right across the County were recognised at the prestigious event at Folly Farm. The evening was hosted by Sport Pembrokeshire - Pembrokeshire County Council’s sports development team. It was sponsored by Valero, Western Telegraph, Folly Farm and Radio Pembrokeshire. London’s Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 were also celebrated with the attendance of a number of the Olympic Torch-bearers from Pembrokeshire. And the exceptional achievements of Jacob Thomas - a member of the GB elite Boccia squad - were marked with the accolade of the Chairman’s Special Award. Seventeen-year-old Jacob from Bethesda, near Narberth, achieved a place in the last 16 of the Paralympics Boccia competition. The 2010 and 2011 British BC3 champion was beaten by gold medalist Grigorios Polychronidis – one of the best boccia players in the world. “Jacob is an inspiration to us all,” said Councillor Elwyn Morse. “His hard work and determination over the years bore fruit this summer when at just 17 he became the youngest player in the GB Boccia team at the Paralympics.” “Jacob has now started his preparation for selection into the GB squad for Rio 2016 and his experiences of London 2012 will be paramount to this. We wish him all the best.” Another highlight of the Sports Awards evening was the presentation of a Lifetime Achievement Award to Paul Murphy from the Leader of Pembrokeshire County Council, Councillor Jamie Adams. Continued on next page All the winners and finalists together on stage.


Latest news and Events from Sport Pembrokeshire

Transcript of Sport Pembrokeshire Newsletter Dec 2012

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An amazing year of sport in Pembrokeshire was celebrated at the SportPembrokeshire Awards evening on Friday 30th November 2012.

A Celebration of Sport Outstanding sporting achievementsfrom right across the County wererecognised at the prestigious eventat Folly Farm.

The evening was hosted by SportPembrokeshire - PembrokeshireCounty Council’s sportsdevelopment team. It wassponsored by Valero, WesternTelegraph, Folly Farm and RadioPembrokeshire.

London’s Olympic and ParalympicGames 2012 were also celebratedwith the attendance of a number ofthe Olympic Torch-bearers fromPembrokeshire.

And the exceptional achievementsof Jacob Thomas - a member of theGB elite Boccia squad - weremarked with the accolade of theChairman’s Special Award.

Seventeen-year-old Jacob fromBethesda, near Narberth, achieved aplace in the last 16 of theParalympics Boccia competition. The2010 and 2011 British BC3champion was beaten by goldmedalist Grigorios Polychronidis –one of the best boccia players inthe world.

“Jacob is an inspiration to us all,”said Councillor Elwyn Morse. “His hard work and determination

over the years bore fruit thissummer when at just 17 he becamethe youngest player in the GBBoccia team at the Paralympics.”

“Jacob has now started hispreparation for selection into theGB squad for Rio 2016 and hisexperiences of London 2012 will beparamount to this. We wish him allthe best.”

Another highlight of the SportsAwards evening was thepresentation of a LifetimeAchievement Award to PaulMurphy from the Leader ofPembrokeshire County Council,Councillor Jamie Adams.

Continued on next page

All the winners and finalists together on stage.

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of the Yearwinners


SwimmingBoys RelayTeam withJane Jamesfrom Valero.

Paul Murphywinner of the


Award withCouncil

Chairman CllrPeter Morgan

and Leaderof the

Council CllrJamie Adams.

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Paul recently secured his eleventh andtwelfth World titles at the WorldPowerlifting Championships inAldershot.

He won the combined Powerliftingtitle in the 40 years and over / 90kilogram weight category. Hiscombined total of 792.5 kilogramsand his dead lift of 312.5 kilogramswere both World records for thatcategory.

Since 1995 Paul has been Welshpowerlifting champion seven times, 12times British champion, eight timesEuropean champion and 12 timeWorld champion. He has held nineBritish records, eight Europeanrecords and a staggering 16 Worldrecords.

Ben Field, Manager of SportPembrokeshire, said the evening was agreat chance to recognise the widevariety and quality of sports enjoyedright across the County.

“There is so much dedication tosport in Pembrokeshire, from thegrass-roots local coaches, rightthrough to our world-classsportspeople. We welcome thisopportunity to celebrateachievements across the wholeboard.”

More than 700 guests attended theawards ceremony, which includedentertainment from Dilemma, adance group from Sir Thomas PictonSchool.

A Celebration of Sport . . . continued from page 1

Mike andJacob Thomas

with theChairman of

PembrokeshireCounty Council

Cllr Peter Morgan.

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Coach of the Year(Sponsored by Sport Wales)Winner: Angie NichollsFinalists: Colin John and MelissaMcPhee

Female Sporting Achievement (sponsored by Western Telegraph)Winner: Becky HarriesFinalists: Stefanie Dando Jones andChloe Sinnott

Male Sporting Achievement (Sponsored by SportPembrokeshire)Winner: Dan ColmanFinalists: Gavin Campbell and DarylJohn

Boys (U16) SportingAchievement (Sponsored by Valero)Winner: Daniel ThomasFinalists: Thomas Beazley and LorcanWilliams

Girls (U16) SportingAchievement(Sponsored by RadioPembrokeshire)Winner: Sarah OmoregieFinalists: Amy Leahy, Jessica Bradleyand Rebekah Gwyther

Disability Sport Award (Sponsored by Folly Farm)Winner: James TylerFinalists: Ben Hopkin and EmmaMartin

Junior (U16) Disability SportAward (Sponsored by Folly Farm)Winner: Robyn FellowsFinalists: Seren James and HarryThomas

Unsung Hero (Sponsored by Western Telegraph)Winner: Maurice LeylandFinalists: Sue Alvey and Jenny Lewis

Club Organiser(Sponsored by RadioPembrokeshire)Winner: Huw BevanFinalists: Brian Hawkins / PhilDevonald and Fintan Godkin

Team Achievement of the Year (Sponsored by Valero)Winner: Pembs County Swimming– Boys Relay’ teamFinalists: Fishguard and GoodwickSenior Hockey Team and WhitlandCricket Club

Junior (U16) TeamAchievement of the Year(Sponsored by SportPembrokeshire)Winner: Haverfordwest CountyAcademy U12sFinalists: Pembrokeshire SchoolsUnder 11s Football Team andKilgetty U13 Cricket Team

Contribution to School SportAward (Sponsored by Sport Wales)Winner: Finola FindlayFinalists: Chris Hinman/ScarlettRushby-Smith and Tom Darcy

Lifetime Achievement Award Paul Murphy

Chairman’s Special Award Jacob Thomas

This year’s winners and finalists in each category were announced as follows:

Olympic Torch Bearers left to rightGeorge Barrah, Rhys Eynon, MikeDavies, James Williams, Adam Goy andEric Mathias.

Junior (U16) Disability Award left toright Seren James, Robyn Fellows(winner), Chris Ebsworth from FollyFarm and Harry Thomas.

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Four pupils fromPembrokeshire have beenrecruited as Gold YoungAmbassadors for sport,following the success of theLondon 2012 Olympic andParalympic Games.

Chloe Brown from YsgolDewi Sant, Natasha Jiwa-Waljifrom Ysgol Preseli, ScarlettRushby-Smith and ChrisHinman both from GreenhillSchool have been selected asGold Young Ambassadors, fortheir commitment as SilverAmbassadors last year andtheir outstanding ability asyoung leaders.

Their role involves increasingparticipation in school sportand PE and promoting healthyand active lifestyles byworking with the 5x60 staff at

their school and otherSport Pembrokeshireofficers.

Already, they haveattended the NationalYoung AmbassadorsConference at the SportWales National Centre,with other GoldAmbassadors from Wales.

The quartet will be joiningthe other four GoldAmbassadors from lastyear to present at theSport Pembrokeshireawards on Friday 30thNovember. They will allbe involved in moreinnovative promotionsand events with SportPembrokeshire in thecoming months.

Pictured are Chloe Brown, Natasha Jiwa-Walji andChris Hinman with Joanne Williams, SportPembrokeshire and Mel Clarke, Silver MedalistParalympic Archery London 2012.

‘4689’ hockey festival at Tasker Milward Astro turf pitch

Over 40 children from Haverfordwest VC andSpittal primary schools came together for a hockeyfestival to culminate a hockey programme that hadbeen delivered at their schools through a PESSproject. The festival was the first ‘4689’hockey festival in Pembrokeshire. ‘4689’ isthe new route into hockey for youngstersfrom 7-13 years. The concept is a “stage notage” process with progressive activities andlearning through play.

The youngsters were put into groups ofeight and rotated around small sided fungames followed by a competition of 4v4 and

6v6. To follow on from this a ‘4689’ hockeyfun centre will commence at Tasker MilwardAstroturf pitch on Thursday 22nd November from5-6pm and will initially run for 5 weeks.

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Both groups walked from school, along countryroads, tracks, bridleways and footpaths, dealingwell with the wet and boggy conditions along theway, to Nolton Haven for their overnight camp.

The Bronze Award group returned to school the following afternoon, havingcompleted their expedition, leaving theSilver Award group to continue on in therain! They all thoroughly enjoyed theirfirst camping experience and were keento share their stories. Emma commented, “It was great – wewalked through a bog which was smelly,but we helped each other through it!”

Zoe added “Fantastic! Can we do itagain?”

Luckily it brightened up into a beautifulevening for camping for the Silver Awardgroup, but on the final day the torrentialrain returned!

The group workedwell as a team andnever lost theirsense of humour –especially enjoyingit when theassessor lost herboots in the mud!

They finished theirexpedition wet,muddy andexhausted, butextremely proud oftheir achievement.

Jack summed it up, “This one was tough! It washard work but we did it! It was so much fun and Iwill never forget it!”

Portfield School – After many practice walks and months of preparation and planning, two groups fromPortfield School set off in July to undertake their expeditions as part of their Duke ofEdinburgh’s Awards.

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ActiveMark Cymru Award

For moreinformation,please contactDaniel Field, PE& School SportManager atSportPembrokeshire,07920 537 205.

Pembrokeshire now proudly boasts 10 Primaryschools, 1 Secondary School and PortfieldSpecial School who have successfully achievedthe ActiveMark Cymru award.

ActiveMark Cymru (AMC) is a quality awarddeveloped between Sport Wales and theAssociation for Physical Education. It isawarded to schools in recognition of highquality Physical Education and School Sportand celebrates the success of pupils in schooland the wider sporting community.

The award is not recognition of facilities but ofthe quality of sport provision and highstandards on offer. ActiveMark Cymrucelebrates the wide range of quality learningopportunities during curriculum time and outof hours’ school learning.

It recognises effective management of thesubject within the schools curriculum and

highlights continuity and progression in pupils’development. This in turn contributes to thepromotion of positive attitudes and healthy andactive lifestyles.

All schools can apply for ActiveMark Cymruand through support from SportPembrokeshire and PESS, this year Portfieldwere successful in gaining the ActiveMarkCymru Award.

Portfield School can display their certificateproudly and will be able to use the AMC logoon school documentation and websites for 3years.

The next opportunity to apply for the award in2012-2013 academic year:

• Round 2: 19th April 2013

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A dream came trueJacob Thomas’ dream to be a Paralympian came true in Septemberwhen he represented Team GB at the Olympic Park in London. Inthe individual Boccia event, played at the Excel arena, Jacob playedVeronica Pamies Morera of Spain. Jacob progressed to the nextround by winning 8 points to 1. Jacob then met his hero, the 31year old Grigorioe Polychronidis of Greece, who had already wongold in the BC3 pair’s event. Unfortunately Jacob lost 5-1, but atonly 17 years of age Jacob has achieved so much in such a shortspace of time. He is an inspiration to us all.

22 year old James Tyler fromMilford Haven recentlycompeted at the SpecialOlympic European Games inRussia. After some veryimpressive performances hereturned with 2 gold medalsand 1 silver medal. James wonthe 200m and anchored therelay team to win gold. He alsogained silver in the 100 metres.

He is the first athlete in thecounty to represent GreatBritain. James trains withPembrokeshire HarriersAthletics Club.

Up to 28 students at Portfield School have beenenjoying a new 5x60 club since the start ofSeptember, delivered by Bob Nelson.

Multi Skills Club focuses on developing a wide rangeof fundamental movement skills as building blocksfor future sports experiences. The ABC’s (agility,balance and co-ordination) together with strength,stamina and flexibility are targeted to help developeach student’s physical competence (known as‘physical literacy’).

Pupils work in small groups and take part inactivities that develop hand eye co-ordination,spatial awareness and peripheral vision together

with introducing concepts such aspossession, attack and defence.Students are invited to choose

from a selection of equipment and are encouragedto think creatively. This encourages a positive ‘can-do’ attitude helping them understand what they aretrying to achieve and how best to do this. Thesegeneric skills can then be applied in future sportspecific activities.

One such opportunity is the Disability Footballcompetition being held in Tenby. A squad ofstudents has been selected to participate in thisevent and have been training with Bob on the astroturf at Tasker Millward as part of his 5x60 FootballClub. Let’s hope all these students and Bob’s hardwork on the football pitch and during Multi SkillsClub helps contribute towards their success andenjoyment at this event.

‘High Quality Sports Experiencethrough the Multi Skills Approach’

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Ten teachers from PembrokeFamily of Schools have beenbusy playing badminton recently.Following the success of theOlympics in London, SportPembrokeshire has receivedfunding to roll out badminton asan enrichment activity or afterschool club in the PembrokeFamily of schools.

The Badminton into SchoolsInitiative (Bisi) is a resourcepack that supports part of the

requirements of the FoundationPhase and Key Stage 2Curriculum. The primaryresource pack includes ahandbook, lesson plans,movement cards and flash cardsthat can be used in bothcurriculum PE lessons and afterschool clubs.

The badminton funding hasallowed staff from schools in thePembroke area to attend theBisi course and following that, a

programme of badmintonsessions will be delivered at theschool for 5 weeks withPembroke Badminton Clubcoach Phil Gwyther.

The aim is to support teachersand coaches to develop pupil'sphysical movement developmentand provides the first steps forall young badminton players.Sessions for under 11’s takesplace at Pembroke LeisureCentre every Friday 7- 8pm.

Teachers get Bisi

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Pembrokeshire Primary SchoolsCross Country 2012

Thursday 18th October saw the22nd running of the event, whichwas organised by volunteers fromPembrokeshire Harriers, atOakwood Theme Park. Theweather was fine but groundconditions were very wet andmuddy for the 905 children thattook part. However, theyoungsters rose to the occasionand there were some excitingraces over the eight scheduledevents. Mud and lost shoescouldn’t put these athletes off, theycompeted like Olympians over thetwo distanced courses; Years 3 & 4over 800m and Years 5 & 6 over1300m.

The organisers wish to thank allthose concerned along with theOakwood Management for theirhelp in making the event such ahuge success. Oakwood’spermission for using the facilitiesfor the event is paramount, asthere is possibly no other venue tocater for what has become thelargest sporting fixture for agegroup children in the county. Withthe parents, grandparents andteachers making up a very largevociferous spectator group, therehad to be thousands of peopleattending.

Overall team winners this yearwere Tavernspite, with Narberth2nd and Saundersfoot 3rd. Thesmall school winners were Hook,with Templeton 2nd and Redhill3rd.

Special thanks must also beextended to the young volunteersfrom Tasker Milward School and

PembrokeshireHarriers whoacted as ‘hares’and led thecompetitorsaround thecourse,ensuringsmoothrunning of allraces. Also toSt. John’sAmbulance forprovision offirst aid and to SportPembrokeshire staff for theirassistance throughout the event.

Results as follows:-Year 3 Girls 1st Isla Craig – Narberth 2nd Esme Pykett – Roch3rd Ella Winter – Tenby Year Team Winner Narberth

Year 3 Boys 1st Oliver Pailin – Tenby 2nd Shay Norcross – Narberth 3rd Daniel Jones – Tavernspite Year Team Winner Narberth

Year 4 Girls1st Menna Davies –Brynconin 2nd Kacey Arran – Milford Haven

Jnrs3rd Kasia Cook – Lamphey Year Team Winner Milford Haven Juniors

Year 4 Boys 1st Iori Humphries – Orielton 2nd Henry White – Roch 3rd Dylan Morgan – Sageston Year Team Winners Roch

Year 5 Girls 1st Ffion Davies – Golden Grove2nd Kayleigh Taylor –

Haverfordwest VC3rd Molly O’Connor –

Broad HavenYear Team WinnersGelli Aur/Golden Grove

Year 5 Boys1st Harry Worh –

Haverfordwest VC2nd Rowan Fair – Spittal 3rd Kieran Owen – Roch Year Team Winners Haverfordwest VC

Year 6 Girls 1st Ella Townsend –

Mary Immaculate2nd Leah Raymond - Brynconin3rd Alice Evans – Mary ImmaculateYear Team WinnersMary Immaculate

Year 6 Boys1st James Hill – Broad Haven2nd Callum Williams – Cilgerran3rd Rowan Petersen – CroesgochYear Team WinnersSaundersfoot

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Pembrokeshire has launched a newschools project, Pembrokeshire OutdoorSchools. The project encourages childrento be more confident with their localenvironment and has been developedthrough the partnerships betweenEducation, Sport Pembrokeshire, DarwinExperience and Pembrokeshire CoastNational Parks Authority (PCNPA).

’An ‘Outdoor School’ teaches itspupils to become fully engaged with, and confident in,their local outdoor environment. Through regular visitsto their local outdoor areas the children develop astrong sense of well-being and high levels of physicalactivity. They acquire a useful knowledge of ecology andsustainability and develop communication skills bysharing this knowledge with others.’’

Six schools initially took part in the pilot almost 2years ago and since then the project has beengrowing from strength to strength. Now 16 newschools have started to get to know their local areas

through identification by the PCNPA and havebecome familiar with physical activities they can dothere and the ecology that they will find.

The project was highlighted as sector leading practiceby Estyn earlier this year in Tavernspite School for thedevelopment of the children’s knowledge, pride,ownership and enjoyment of their local outdoor area.

For more information or to be involved, pleasecontact Simon Thomas, Head at Lamphey School andChair of Pembrokeshire Outdoor Schools.

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Tenby show off their Multi-skills!Young children in Pembrokeshireand across Wales will be exploringand learning through sport,following the Dragon Multi–Skillsand Sport course for teachers inTenby recently.

The Dragon Multi-Skills resourcepilot took place in St David’sFamily of Schools last autumn andfollowing its success, the roll out inWales has started. It means thatrather than starting out byfocussing on a particular sport, thefocus will be on essential skillssuch as balance, running and spatialawareness - that will then betransferred to football, tennis,netball, or whatever sport theindividual wants to take part in.

From ages three to seven(foundation age) young people bestexperience skill developmentthrough play. The Play to Learnresource encourages this withresources to aid teachers, coachesand volunteers including storybooks, activity cards and a

From ages seven to eleven (KS2)young people should experienceopportunities to continue todevelop general physical skills inorder for them to be able toparticipate in a range of sportsthroughout their lives. And thenew Dragon Multi-skills resourcedoes this.

Although the initial training hasbeen with schools, the aim is to

target clubs in the community andleisure centres to include anelement of the basic multi-skillsapproach to improve agility,balance and co-ordination.Staff from the SportPembrokeshire Peripatetic PEservice were also trained this termand have been delivering activitiesto 22 primary schools as part oftheir PE lessons and in after schoolsports clubs.

For more information, pleasecontact Joanne Williams,Sport Pembrokeshire 01437776240.

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Forty Players attended the firsttournament organised by the newPembrokeshire BadmintonAssociation which has just beenset up with support from SportPembrokeshire through theCommunity Chest Grants Schemeand Badminton Wales.

The Doubles Tournament was heldat Tenby Leisure Centre onNovember 3rd and was a bigsuccess with some excellent juniorpairs also taking part, adding theirenthusiasm to the event.

In the ladies event the winnerswere Fiona Baker and LindaGwyther from the Pembroke clubwith Jenny Juddha and SuchitraVijay from the Withybush Hospitalclub runners-up.

The men’s competition had abigger entry, so after the initialpool matches were played, those

knocked out went into a plateevent. In a hotly contested final ofthe plate, Ben Ashworth and ChrisFarrow from the Narberth Clubbeat Dan Jenkins and WayneDavies from the Tenby Club.

In the men’s main competition, thejunior pair of Ben Richards,Pembroke and Luke Pierce, StDavids, showed why they are doingwell in National Juniorcompetitions and won last season’sWelsh Shuttles Final at Under 15.The two fourteen year olds, beatall the men’s pairs put before themright up until the final, where theymet Sarfaraz Malik and DavidJuddha from the WithybushHospital club. In a high standardfinal the men’s experience told toedge out the juniors.

New County BadmintonAssociation

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Football fever gripped GreenhillSchool astro turf pitch in Tenby onSunday October 21st as it hostedthe fifth 5 x 60 Inter SecondarySchools Girls Football Tournament.

More than 90 girls from all overthe county took part in the event,which received sponsorship fromValero’s “Leading Partners inSport” initiative. The girlscompeted against theircounterparts from all the othersecondary schools inPembrokeshire.

The tournament was split into twopools of seven teams with YsgolPreseli and Ysgol Bro Gwaun, thedefending champions, progressingthrough to the final. Both teamshad their chances in a close game,which eventually finished 0-0. Thegame was settled in an exciting

penalty shoot-out wherePreseli won by 4goals to 2.

In Pool B thefinal was a veryhard fought andan excitingmatch withTaskers winningthe final againstSt Davids.

Congratulationsto the girls forall their hard work.

For information on local footballclubs which run girls’ teams, pleasecontact Football DevelopmentOfficer, Carrie Slack, on 07788310406.

The winning girl’s team were (from left to right)Back row - Bethany Heald, LauranWaters, Ella Rees, Erin Griffiths.Front row - Ella Vaughan, GwawrJames, Lleucu George, HawyesDavies.

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Ysgol Dewi SantCoasteering –Ben Sutton – Gold Ambassador

Our coasteering expeditionstarted by clambering down thecliff by St. Non’s. A sheer drop onone side and a bramble thicket onthe other, but we all got downsafely.

After a slight hesitation (the seawas extremely cold!) everyone wasin and swimming over to the firstjump. As nominated photographer, Ilay in the sea awaiting the firstjumper who flew off the 3 metrejump and splashed in the waterright next to me.

After watching everyone having somuch fun, I had to get in on theaction, so I had a go myself. Scareddid not even cover it – I don’tknow how some of the youngerones managed it!

We then traversed around a nearvertical cliff to find abrilliant serge poolthat lifted us up anddown in the swell.

We finished byscrambling back upthe twisted trail andwalking back to St.Davids – I don’tthink two hours hasever gone soquickly!

Wednesday 24th October saw newGold Sports Ambassadors forPembrokeshire arrive in Cardiff. Thiswas the beginning of my role as oneof four Pembrokeshirerepresentatives at the Welsh Instituteof Sport. Gold delegates from all the regions ofWales were looking forward to a daythat would enable them to discusshow they would promote sportwithin their county and schools. Ihave spent the past year as a SilverSports Ambassador within my school,Ysgol Dewi Sant. Now as Gold

Ambassador I had the opportunity tolisten to the stories of Alex Danson, ahockey player for Great Britain andmeet Paralympic archer Mel Clarke, atthe conference in Cardiff. The day has given me an insight intomy new role and what is expected ofme. I came away enthusiastic to startmany projects like a Sports Council,mini tournaments, surveys and aPembrokeshire Coastal Pathchallenge. I hope the ideas formulatedfrom the conference will allow me tobe a successful Gold Ambassador forPembrokeshire.

Chloe Brown, Gold Ambassador, Ysgol Dewi Sant

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Tasker Milward

Autumn term both in the PEDepartment and for 5x60 at TaskerMilward has been busy as usual.With up to 18 clubs running eachweek, students are finding itdifficult to decide which clubs toattend!

Our girl’s football team should becongratulated on their recentsuccess at the 5x60 6-a-side GirlsFootball competition held atGreenhill School, Tenby on Oct21st. A squad of eleven girls fromYears 7, 8 & 9 competed against sixother Pembrokeshire secondaryschools with an unbeaten record intheir pool. Captained by RebeccaRoberts not one goal was

conceded in all their sevenmatches. A tense final against YsgolDewi Sant led to victory after agolden goal in extra time. All thegirls who participated should beproud of their achievement andwe’re hoping a few may be signed to local teams in the near future!

Tasker Milward PE department andthe 5x60 Officer have also beenworking together to strengthenlinks with our feeder primaryschools. At the start of October,180 Year 6 students from 6 localschools were invited to attend ataster day. Students participated infive different activities ranging fromzumba and cheerleading to tennis

netball and outdoor education.Many thanks to our sixth form ALevel PE students who escortedthe groups, many of whom werespotted enjoying the activitiesthemselves, particularly the Zumbaboys!

In addition to this a PESS FunHockey Festival was hosted byTasker Milward on October 23rd.Forty Year 5 and 6 students fromlocal primary schools participatedin a hockey session which followedthe latest ‘4689’initiative byHockey Wales. A huge thank you toAngela Miles (HockeyDevelopment Officer) who wasassisted by the 5x60 Officer, Claire

Butler (PE Dept)and hockeyspecialists TomD’Arcy, StephenKendrick andMolly Brick (Y12Gold Ambassador).We were allimpressed with theskills andenthusiasmdisplayed by thisgroup of studentsand we are hopingthey will sustaintheir interest inthe sport in thefuture.

‘A Golden Goal for Tasker Milward’

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Ysgol Bro Gwaun5x60 Basketballsessions summerholidays 2012Eleven pupils from Ysgol BroGwaun have been honing theirbasketball skills during the summerholidays. The sessions, in theschool gym, focused on basic skills,fun based games and small sidedgames.

The sessions were organised inpreparation for a series ofbasketball fixtures andtournaments that the boys willtake part in during the next Schoolyear.

Participants Isaac Davis, Dan Evans, JordanGriffiths, Andrew Harries, HowardHarries, Thomas Hughes, JordanJames, Jordan Jones, Ieuan Lynch,Thomas O’Sullivan, Jack Phillips

ParalympicRoadshowTwenty Year 7 pupils from YsgolBro Gwaun took part in a day ofactivities on Thursday 21st June tocelebrate the upcoming London2012 Paralympic games.The pupils took part in games ofVolleyball, Boccia and WheelchairBasketball and also learnt aboutthe Paralympic values.

The event was organised by SportPembrokeshire’s Disability SportOfficer Angela Miles. The School’s 5x60 Officer DanBellis said ‘This was a fantasticopportunity for the pupils to tryout lots of new sports and theyreally enjoyed themselves. Bytaking part they realised the skill,determination and dedication ittakes to achieve a high level inthese sports.

It is hoped similar events will bearranged in the near future.

Ysgol Bro Gwaun5x60 GirlsCheerleading andStreet DanceYsgol Bro Gwaun 5x60cheerleaders have had a busysummer. The girls performed theirroutines in front of sizeablecrowds at both the PhoenixCentre on Sunday 5th August andduring the Fishguard Carnival onSaturday 25th August.The girls practised for the eventduring their 5x60 Cheerleadingsessions which took place atlunchtimes, after school and alsoduring school holidays with theircoach, Finola Findlay.The events were good practice forthe girls who have a series offestivals and competitions comingup in the months ahead.

Participants: Jasmine Williams-Meaney, KeiraMorris, Joanna Thomas, Lowri Feild,Nia Antonen, Kate Griffiths, LowriBowen, Abbie Ladd, Livvy Williams,

Y s g o l B r o G w a u n

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5x60 Girls FootballFixture Ysgol BroGwaun v MilfordSchool October 2012

Twenty girls from Ysgol Bro Gwauntook part in a ‘friendly’ 5x60football match against theircounterparts from Milford Schoolon Monday 15th October on theastro turf pitch at FishguardLeisure Centre.

The match was arranged aspreparation for the 5x60 GirlsFootball tournament which tookplace on Sunday 21st October.

Both schools were organised intotwo teams of 6-a-side and in fourvery competitive matches the BroGwaun girls won two games,

Milford won one and there wasone draw. It is hoped a returnfixture will be organised after halfterm. The Bro Gwaun teams weremanaged by Young AmbassadorsBecky Hayes and Amy Leahy.

Ysgol Bro Gwaun 5x60 OfficerDan Bellis said ‘Fixtures like thisshowcase what a fantastic impact5x60 is having on our schools and

the opportunities it provides. Itwas great to see so many girlsplaying football to such a highstandard’.

Ysgol Bro Gwaun team Caryl Roberts, Nia Evans, ChelseyLadd, Chloe Craig, Buddug Lewis, Chloe Gallagher, Abbie Ladd, GraceThomas, Nancy John, Ffion Evans, Jemma Clifford, Kelsie Jones, KateGriffiths, Kim George, JasminReynolds, Carys Williams, Lauren Wilmott,Megan Evans, Amy Campbell, CarysJohn,

For more information on 5x60 atYsgol Bro Gwaun please contactDan Bellis on: 07920 702044 [email protected]

STREET DANCE Finola Findlay has been delivering5x60 Street Dance sessions at theschool on Friday evenings this

term, aheadof the UDONationalSchoolsCompetitioninNovember.The schoolhas 2 teamsentering thecompetitionfor the first

time and during half term Finolaput on a 3 hour workshop tofinalise rehearsals ahead of thecompetition for the 12 pupilstaking part.The teams are:Blake Wonnacott, Chloe Jenkins,Hannah Hawkins-Greene, AlannisStewart, Bethany Roberts, JadeRoberts, Shania Roberts, AlyshaDimond, Rebecca Edwards, RobynBriskham, Danielle Rendell, CerynLing.

Milford Haven School

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This wasn't any ordinary first dayback at school for the youngambassadors and members of thesports council at Greenhill School.After a year of hard work they gota once in a life time opportunity toattend the biggest disabilitysporting event in the world, theParalympics!

The Olympic Stadium was sospectacular. The pre-event build upgot everybody very excited.Suddenly, the stadium erupted with

a sensational cheer. The medalceremony for the wheelchair T541500 metres, won by David Weir,was taking place - and this man is atrue British icon! However thatwasn't all the ‘Weir Wolf’ had tooffer. He won his 800m heat withease which only made everybodycheer louder.

There was so much going on; thelong jump, discus, shot put and thetrack events. The athletes were soinspiring. We witnessed some truly

amazing performances. It reallywas a once in a lifetimeexperience.

Many thanks toWyndhamWilliams 5x60Officer and SportPembrokeshirestaff Jo Williamsand Angela Milesfor looking afterus, who werealways up for alaugh and we allhad a great time.So guys any oneup for Rio in2016?

GreenhillSchool YoungAmbassadors at the London 2012 Paralympics.

G r e e n h i l l S c h o o l

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PARKOUR COMES TO GREENHILL SCHOOLStudents from Greenhill Schoolhave completely embraced aFrench-inspired discipline whichsees them navigating a range ofobstacles.

Due to the big success of‘Parkour’ taster sessions, where over 100 pupils took partduring PE lessons in GreenhillSchool, a new 5x60 Free Runningclub has been started.

Over 20 pupils have signed up to asix week free running course, theonly one of its kind inPembrokeshire, held at Greenhill

School. At the end of the programevery pupil will receive acertificate and a T-shirt and alsohave the opportunity to join theKBAM club.

The free runningclasses are held atGreenhill Schoolgrounds under the

guidance of professional instructorMike Newman from Kinetics BodyArtist Movement (KBAM).

The object is to teach people howto navigate themselves over, underor through any obstacle theymight encounter in a city centreor play ground park.

Wyndham Williams, 5 x 60 Officersaid: "It's just been phenomenal,the pupils absolutely love it."

Pupils from Greenhill School who are‘Crisis’ 5x60 street dance club have beenworking hard this term preparing for the upcomingUDO competition in Newport on Nov 11thalongside with their street dance coach FinolaFindlay who has been doing a fantastic job teachingyoung people to dance.

‘Crisis’ will be entering a team of 15 pupils and fiveduo groups which will take the stage next Sunday. Thegirls & boys who are in Crisis street dance club havebeen practicing twice a week with Finola and aremore than ready for this competition.

ON THE CREST OF A WAVEWITH 5X60 STUDENTSLEARN TO SURF! Over the last five years over 600 young pupils from Greenhill Schoolhave been taught how to surf.

Another 60 pupils are taking part in a six-week'learn to surf' programme off the Pembrokeshirecoast at Tenby, Manorbier and Freshwater West.The course has been organised by 5x60 officer,Wyndham Williams from Sport Pembrokeshireand Outer Reef Surf School.

During the last sixweeks young peoplehave been takenthrough the 'YoungAthletes Junior Surf Scheme' which has beendesigned and developed by The British SurfingAssociation.

There have been lots of fun competitions as wellas fitness, skill development, safety and oceanawareness.

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It’s been a very busy and enjoyablefirst half term for everyone atPembroke School. All pupils havehad the opportunity to participatein new clubs as well as thetraditional long standing clubs atPembroke School. This term weare aiming to increase and developthe pupil’s health and well–being.

New clubs that have been set upare:

Spinning – Boys and girls sessionsBody Pump – All years

Yoga – All yearsGirls Cricket – All years

These clubs have provento be very popular, with‘spinning’ at the top of thelist! An extra session hadto be put on toaccommodate all those pupils whowanted to attend. Pupils alsoenjoyed attending street dance,badminton, table tennis, basketball,girl’s football and junior fitnesssessions.

During ‘Street Dance’ they havebeen busy rehearsing for the

upcoming UDO National SchoolsCompetition where Lauren Smith,Leah Willis, Rebecca – AnnNewton and Zac Coles will berepresenting the school. Thesepupils have been working reallyhard finalising their performance -even coming in for 2 hours duringhalf term!

P e m b r o k e S c h o o l

Climbing Wall Crymych Leisure Centre has aclimbing wall in the old squashcourt which is being used by the5x60 climbing club. Year 7 and 8pupils are benefiting from the wallwith clubs running on Tuesdays andThursdays. The pupils are offered avariety of different games to playand have enjoyed the differentchallenges that have been set.

5x60 YOGAYears 10 and 11 can be verystressful in secondary schools withwork load and the added stress ofend of year exams. To help thepupils relax during this time, the

5x60 officer has arranged for aninstructor to start yoga sessions.Pupils have really enjoyed thesesessions with instructor Lisa Taylor.Over 30 pupils have attended thesessions which have been held inCrymych Leisure Centre onMondays, Wednesday and Fridays.

Summer HolidaysDuring the summer holidays 7pupils from Ysgol Y Preseli went ona kayaking trip from Hereford toRoss on Wye. The pupils wereTomos Dugmore, Rheinallt George,Aaron Williams, James Bentely,Ieuan Cooke, and AntoineSimmons.

Over the three day trip, the pupilswere given tasks which includedsetting up tents to sleep in overnight, putting them away beforemaking their own breakfast in themornings and then setting off ontheir kayak’s for the day.After completing the three daycourse the pupils received aqualification.

Later that week the pupils had aday in Heatherton Leisure Park.They climbed the Tree Tops HighRopes Adventure Trail, playedbaseball, crazy golf, archery, clayshooting and they even found timeto have a go on the go-carts.

Ysgol y Preseli

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