Spiritual transformation guide


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Global Institute For Transformation®

(GIFT) Spiritual Transformation Guide (Review and reflect on each phase alone or with a friend. Evaluate where we are today. Let this guide our Spiritual growth.)

Unaware of Jesus; His love; and the joy of living with Him. Need witnesses.

Have accepted Jesus; appreciate God’s love.

But may not be experiencing and sharing the hope,

peace and joy of Christ’s sacrificial love. May not be

living a righteous response to all God’s gifts of love.

May not be reciprocating in fervent faith & witness.

Know and appreciate God’s love. Hopeful. Under Christ’s Lordship. Filled with and led by the Spirit.

Re-presenting Christ to all. Christ in us transforms the world.


Doesn’t know

Christ’s love,



saving grace,

peace, joy

and heavenly

plans for us.

Lacking hope.

May lack

access to




May be from

areas where


or receiving

Christ is

either not

allowed or

hindered by


May be

seeing God in

Creation; so

may be open

to encounters

and Spiritual


May not accept that sin, Satan, heaven or hell exist.

May not accept that the way to the Father

-- the way to eternal life -- is via Jesus and the cross.

May believe all who are good will go to heaven.

May not be willing

to trust Christ’s selfless

love, seek His forgiveness

and pursue a right

relationship with Him.

May be pursuing other

beliefs vs. experiencing

Christ’s real presence. May not have

known true Christian fellowship to witness

God’s true love, grace, forgiveness, joy, peace,

holiness and power. May be hindered by pure evolution teaching; bad personal experiences; worldly desires/media; or misinterpretation of

what God should be or do. May feel hurt, unworthy or

unforgivable, or even separated from God.

Need to feel Christ’s love.

Accepted Christ’s saving grace and friendship, but may not realize friendship with Him entails living in a

right relationship: Godly; Loving; Obedient; Witnessing. May lack commitment and devotion to God as #1.

May boast in self vs. Christ; may not credit God for all His gifts; may live self-centeredly.

May not be content and joyful; may grumble; may covet. May still seek approval from others vs. God.

Heart may not be fully directed by God and the Spirit. May feel born again, yet may continue in willful sin.

Cares of the world, deceitfulness of wealth and pleasures may choke from being fruitful.

Has form of Godliness, but may not know its power. May not be pursuing regular communion with God.

May not be experiencing Christ’s real presence. May not know the true joy of being in Christ/Christ in us.

May not share God’s love/joy/peace with our brothers. May be disengaged from others' suffering or Spiritual voids. May not convey hope. May be hurt or bitter;

may not be truly forgiving. May judge vs. show mercy. May not yet live as a vessel of Humility, Holiness and

Obedience (H20) to let Jesus’ living water flow to others. May accept sin vs. help turn sinners from sin. May not be good stewards yet – not investing

time, treasures and talents in kingdom purposes. May not be advancing Christian unity.

May view faith as private matter and not witness. Could be what Jesus calls “ashamed” to profess. May succumb to persecution. May shrink back.

May present poor witness – even “blaspheme” God. May have yet to deny my self; pick up my cross;

sell out; care for the needy. Not re-presenting Christ. May not realize we’re called to transform the world.

© 2013. Printed with Ecclesiastical Permission.

Global Institute For Transformation. www.institutefortransformation.org

Life has been transformed by God’s love:

died to self and sin; live for God and others.

Love and serve God: creator; provider; savior.

Follow Christ vs. world. Walking His walk.

Know Christ, the power of His resurrection and

the fellowship of His suffering. Profess the cross.

Led by Holy Spirit vs. sin nature. Repentant.

Devoted to worship; thankful; praiseful. Prayerful. In the Word. Fasting. Forgiving.

Godly. Loving. Obedient. Witnessing. (GLOWs)

Understand salvation is a gift from God but

we’re saved to do good works, save others.

Faithful; victorious; joyful; peaceful; content.

Aim to please God; seek justice; love mercy.

Rely on Jesus as Bread of Life; Living Water.

Humble, Holy and Obedient vessel of living H20.

Not selfish; consider others better than self.

Honor the gift of life. Honor marriage vows.

Love as Christ: selfless; deep; sacrificial. Living

in equality/unity among God’s children. Living

joyful exchanges of gifts with all God’s children.

Encountering: acting out of heartfelt “pity” to

address the condition of others -- their material

need; their physical and emotional pain; and/or their lack of Spiritual health/dying without Christ.

Serving in love vs. sinning. Doing great good.

Living out stewardship: time; talents; and

treasures are invested in God’s kingdom.

Not ashamed – excitedly sharing our hope.

Accept persecution. Pray for persecutors.

Encouraging, comforting and urging others to

live lives worthy of God. A letter from Christ! Act, reflect, transform via Christ’s love and cross.

Know about God and Jesus, but don’t accept Christ as Savior. Missing out on the hope, love and joy of living in Christ.