Spiritual Courses Alternative Healing

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    DISCLAIMER: This information is provided "as is". The author, publishers and marketers of

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    applying the information presented herein, or in regard to the use and application of said

    information. No guarantee is given, either expressed or implied, in regard to the

    merchantability, accuracy, or acceptability of the information. Please consult with yourphyscisian prior to using any alternative health therapies, starting an exercise program or diet.

    Alternative Health Therapies

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    Table of Contents

    1. Alternative Health Therapies Explained .............................................................................. 3

    2. Why People Use Alternative Health Therapies .................................................................... 4

    3. Alternative Health Therapies - Do They Work?................................................................... 6

    4. What Conditions Respond to Alternative Health Therapies?................................................ 7

    5. Are Alternative Health Therapies Safe?............................................................................... 9

    6. Do Medical Doctors Accept Alternative Health Therapies? ............................................... 10

    7. Alternative Health Solutions Pros and Cons ...................................................................... 12

    8. Common Alternative Health Therapies ............................................................................. 13

    9. Lesser Known Alternative Health Therapies ..................................................................... 15

    10. Will Alternative Therapies Heal Cancer? .......................................................................... 16

    11. Using Alternative Health Therapies for Serious Diseases .................................................. 18

    12. The Origins of Alternative Health Therapies ..................................................................... 19

    13. Which Alternative Therapy should I Try? ......................................................................... 21

    14. Finding Out about Alternative Therapies ........................................................................... 22

    15. Alternative Health Therapies Regulations ......................................................................... 24

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    1. Alternative Health Therapies ExplainedWhen most people get sick they go to the doctor for treatment. The family doctor has become

    the mainstay of sick people who need treatment or hospitalization. But sadly, often the

    medicine prescribed by the doctor does not do the job it is intended to do heal the disease.

    All too often medical treatment either gives bad side-effects or doesnt help the problem. And

    for a large number of people the astronomical costs of conventional medicine are simply not anoption because they dont have the money.

    Alternative therapies have become a boon for people who cannot afford conventional medicine

    or in cases where there is no acceptable mainstream treatment available. There are incurableillnesses like Alzheimers or cancer where alternative health therapies provide relief from pain

    and other symptoms, ease the journey through the illness and provide a certain degree of

    comfort for the patient.

    Regardless of the reason why people choose alternative therapy, the fact remains there is a

    growing interest in alternative health therapies by both the medical field and the general public.Various studies have highlighted the growing popularity of alternative therapies. This should

    not be taken to mean that people have given up on conventional medicine.

    On the contrary, people are choosing to combine alternative medicine with conventional

    prescription treatments. For example, more people are making use of acupuncture, chiropractic,

    massage and yoga, all alternative therapies, in conjunction with their conventional medical


    Before we go any further let us provide a clear understanding of what constitutes alternative

    health therapies. The simplest definition of alternative medicine is any kind of health therapy

    that does not fit into mainstream medicine. Most alternative therapies are not substantiated by

    scientific testing. When deciding to opt for alternative health therapy, some essential

    considerations include a study of the different types of alternative health therapies available,

    when to choose alternative therapies and what kind of therapy to choose for a particular


    Studies have found a direct link between excessive stress and ill health, and as a result, there are

    many therapies in use to relieve stress and anxiety. Stress manifests itself in emotional and

    physiological changes including rapid breathing, increased heart rate, tightness of muscles inthe neck and shoulder areas, indigestion, high blood pressure, poor concentration, depression,

    insomnia, fatigue, irritability and headaches due to tension. Long terms stress impacts the

    immune system negatively.

    Stress can come from various factors present in personal and work environments and adversely

    affect human productivity. Yoga and meditation therapies have proven effective in treatingdepression, anxiety, migraines and insomnia.

    When do people choose alternative therapies? Most people first try conventional medicine and

    when it fails, resort to alternative medicine. Conventional medicine cannot always provide a

    cure as in the case of cancer or Parkinsons disease. At best, it can provide solutions for mostailments. These solutions involve harsh drugs that have bad side effects. People who have been

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    through the drill sometimes prefer treatments that are less invasive or harsh, with no side effects

    so they turn to alternative therapies. For other people, conventional medicine is not an option

    because of the high cost of the treatment. Such people opt for alternative therapy that provides adegree of relief from pain and other symptoms.

    Alternative health therapies have come a long way from when they were considered merefolklore. Studies show that a good number of physicians today recommend alternative health

    therapies in conjunction with mainstream medicine for a more effective treatment program.

    There is a wealth of alternative health therapies available today and many are based on folklore,

    traditions, spiritualism and futuristic theories. Alternative treatments like herbal therapy andmagnetic therapy have fewer side effects, but have not proven to be scientifically beneficial. On

    the other hand, futuristic therapies are based on science, but again have not been proven to beeffective and the harmfulness of the treatments has not been studied.

    Every alternative therapy will have pros and cons that need to be carefully evaluated. People are

    unique individuals and treatments that work for some people may not for others with similarhealth problems. There is no suitable explanation for why this happens.

    Alternative therapy has proven to be extremely beneficial for those suffering from cancer. It

    often brings relief from the terrible effects of radiation or chemotherapy. There are many other

    instances of alternative health therapies helping those who suffer from disease of even terminal

    illness, even if it is to alleviate their anxiety and make their last days more comfortable.

    2. Why People Use Alternative Health TherapiesPeople often use alternative health therapies because they believe that they are better for them,

    and they do not have the same side-effects of many mainstream medicines. But many such

    treatments are based methods and knowledge that is considered untraditional or unscientific.

    Even so some do actually work.

    However, it is important to choose a proper alternative therapy method rather than somethingthat only purports to be alternative. When alternative health therapy is offered in conjunction

    with scientific medicine the treatment is generally referred to as complementary medicine.

    Alternative health therapies are numerous and include well known and highly popular methodslike acupuncture, ayurveda, Chinese medicine, homeopathy, herbal treatments, mind/body

    techniques, yoga, magnetic therapy and massage therapy. There are many lesser known

    therapies such as apitherapy (use of bee products), guided imagery, light therapy, color therapy,

    flower essences, hydrotherapy, therapeutic therapy and sound therapy.

    As one can see there is plenty to choose from and regardless of what alternative health therapy

    is chosen, it is important to seek treatment from a professional physician, qualified to provide

    the treatment. There are many reasons why people may decide to try alternative therapy for

    health problems. Join us in studying some of the more common reasons why people decide to

    go the alternative therapy route.

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    One reason that appears to influence peoples decisions to switch from mainstream medicine to

    alternative therapies is failure of conventional medicine to deliver what it promisescure the

    patient! Having tried a large number of pills of every shape and size, and color of the rainbow,people cannot be blamed for losing faith in conventional medicine.

    Many patients cite bad experiences with both doctors and the type of treatment received.Doctors sometimes refuse to provide the patient with a proper explanation or take the time to

    make the patient understand in simple terms what is really wrong and what the treatment

    entails. This can be very upsetting to a patient already dealing with the unknown in terms of

    health problems.

    Another reason why people seek alternative health therapy is because conventional medicine

    over time loses its effectiveness. The patient requires higher dosages of the same medicine asthe body becomes immune to the drugs. Many mainstream medicines lose their effectiveness

    when taken over a prolonged period of time.

    People choose to pursue alternative health therapies because of the various scary side effects ofconventional medication. Thanks to the internet, it is very easy for people to conduct research

    into specific drugs prescribed by doctors. Gone are the days when patients blindly followed thedoctors orders! Todays patients are for the most part techno-savvy; they want to know what

    they are taking and what the possible side effects will be.

    When you factor in a report released by the Journal of the American Medical Association(JAMA) that states that prescription drugs are fourth on the list of medical causes of death in

    America, it is easy to see why patients are scared about the negative side effects of mainstream


    Some patients who require a higher dosage of medication find that the body is not able to cope

    with the increased dosage. While the patient needs to continue taking the medicine, alternative

    health therapy has been found to be effective when combined with conventional medicines.

    There are patients who have existing health conditions that prevent them from being able to

    successfully receive conventional medical treatment. When there is a pre-existing healthcondition that can be negatively impacted by conventional medicine, the patients only option is

    to seek alternative therapy to alleviate the health problem.

    Other reasons why people seek alternative health therapy instead of conventional medicine may

    include a last ditch effort borne of desperation. When all else fails, meaning when everypossible mainstream healing option has been tried and has failed, the patient may as a very last

    resort seek any kind of alternative health therapy that promises relief from the disease.

    Then we need to consider people who refuse to put any type of drugs into their body, choosing

    instead alternative therapy like acupuncture or ayurveda to relieve their symptoms. There arepeople who due to their personal values, world views or religious beliefs prefer to choose

    alternative therapy over conventional medicine.

    One final reason why people may choose to seek alternative health therapies is that it givesthem a feeling of empowerment. It allows them to make the decisions about what to put into

    their bodies and how their disease should be treated. This in itself is a powerful energy force forgood in the treatment of many diseases.

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    3. Alternative Health Therapies - Do They Work?We all know that health therapies have become very popular over the last several years.

    According to some reports, about 40 percent of the adult population uses alternative health

    therapy with beneficial effects. A lot of doctors have now started to use alternative healththerapies by combining them with their normal medical treatments.

    This combination of two diverse treatments has given birth to a new medical termintegrativemedicine. It is important to understand that the face of alternative medicine is a constantly

    changing one. Through extensive testing, certain alternative therapies have become absorbed

    into mainstream medicine.

    The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) is an agency that

    provides funding for scientific research on alternative medicine. The Center has grouped

    complementary and alternative medicine into specific classifications including whole medical

    systems; mind-body medicine; biologically based practices; energy medicine; body-basedpractices.

    In alternative therapy, there are no clear cut boundaries between the classifications that have

    been broadly grouped. Overlapping of techniques does occur when a similar technique is usedin two or more groups.

    The National Institute of Health (NIH) reports that approximately 60 percent or more of

    American nationals use one form or another of alternative medicine. When considering

    alternative therapy it should be noted that most medical-insurance plans do not cover these

    treatments. The report goes on to state that as much as 45 billion or more out of pocket is beingspent each year by Americans on various alternative therapies including acupuncture.

    One of the primary reasons why many people feel that alternative therapy does not work, and it

    should be noted that it is a misconception, is people choose alternative therapy only as a last

    resort. When all the possible tests, scans and antibiotics fail to bring relief, people become

    desperate and choose alternative therapy expecting miracles to happen overnight.

    We need to understand the fundamentals of alternative health therapies. From here stem the

    reasons why some patients are highly successful in finding much needed relief from their

    symptoms while others experience no change at all. There are procedural and philosophical

    differences in the approach to alternative therapy as compared to mainstream medicine. Painand other symptoms of specific ailments are often treated with medicine to control symptoms

    and in some cases provided healing through invasive surgery.

    The main difference between bio-medicine and alternative therapies is the former is based on

    disease-based models of health and the latter on wellness models. Alternative therapies are

    primarily focused on restoring balance to the body and maintaining the balance for good health.Alternative therapies make use of massage, herbal supplements, mind-body techniques,

    exercise and diet to alleviate pain and disease.

    The concept of alternative therapy may be better understood through an example. Moving into

    the specifics of alternative therapies we see how some alternative therapies may work forosteoarthritis, but not for rheumatoid arthritis. The alternative therapies practiced to alleviate

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    osteoarthritis are not guaranteed to work for rheumatoid arthritis. The composition of the two

    different types of arthritis is said to be the cause.

    Osteoarthritis is more a structural problem where the cartilage is damaged causing joint pain.

    Rheumatoid arthritis on the other hand is caused by the immune system attacking the body by

    mistake. The result is inflammation in the synovial fluid of the joints. The alternative therapiesemployed to treat these disorders vary because some therapies are aimed at treating the joints

    and others at treating inflammation.

    Alternative therapies are specifically chosen to meet the patients health requirements. For

    example, omega-3 fatty acids and fish oils are believed to help with inflammation. Hence theyare used to treat lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Glucosamine and chondroitin are used to help

    restore the natural cartilage matrix in the joint; hence it is used effectively in osteoarthritis.

    A good example of alternative therapy working is acupuncture. It has been proven through anumber of medical-based studies to work effectively in reducing pain due to arthritis.

    Acupuncture is used for other purposes as well to bring relief in the case of post-traumaticstress disorders and in in-vitro fertilization to enhance the odds of conception.

    In fact, information in a journal by the American Medical Association, declares that the

    stimulation of acupoints on the toe can help correct unborn babies in the breech position, thus

    doing away with the necessity of a C-section delivery.

    4. What Conditions Respond to Alternative Health Therapies?It is now a well-known fact that the physical health of a person is affected by their emotional

    state. The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) went a long way to making alternative

    therapies more acceptable in the early 1990s by establishing the Office of Alternative Medicine.

    The office was established to study a host of techniques that are outside the scope of

    mainstream medicine. This has led to a shift in thinking as more people have begun to accept

    various alternative health therapies including acupuncture, mind and body techniques, herbal

    remedies and botanical remedies. What is surprising is the acceptance is not limited only to

    patients, but many medical physicians also accept it.

    Alternative health therapies are numerous ranging from the more commonly known ones suchas acupuncture, massage and homeopathy to less well known ones like aromatherapy and sound


    Are there conditions that respond well to alternative therapies? There are and there arent!

    Confused? Its not that difficult to understand really some patients respond favourably to

    alternative therapy and others dont. Each treatment is individual, specific and cannot be

    guaranteed to work in a similar manner for another person with the same health problem.

    It may help to understand the medical scenario a bit bettermedical professionals have

    themselves become frustrated with the lack of time available to treat patients properly and the

    sorry state of affairs of the public health system at large. This has caused a void to form

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    between patient and physician. This void is being filled whether successfully or not by

    alternative medicine.

    One cannot generalize with regard to conditions that respond well to alternative health

    therapies; we need to look at the specifics. Let us look at the more popular alternative health

    therapy acupuncture. There are approximately 500 acupressure points on the body, of which100 or so are commonly used in acupuncture treatments. Fine needles are inserted into the

    points in various parts of the body to treat a specific ailment. The needles are inserted to

    stimulate the organs and blood flow. Do not be surprised when the insertion of needles into

    pressure points does not correspond with the area of pain or illness. For example, acupuncture

    treatment for a headache does not mean that the needles are inserted into the head. The needlesmay in all probability be inserted into your foot.

    Acupuncture is believed to help alleviate a range of illnesses ranging from stress and anxiety to

    arthritis, back pain, circulatory problems, skin conditions and allergies, asthma and high bloodpressure and more. It is also used to bring relief during pregnancy and childbirth. It is one of the

    safer forms of alternative health therapies, provided it is practiced by a licensed professional.

    Arthritis is one of the most debilitating diseases of all time with no known cure available. It is

    responsible for the greatest amount of time off sick from work in the U.S. and other countries

    around the world. Arthritis is characterized by immense pain in the joints accompanied by

    swelling and inflammation. Two common forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid

    arthritis; osteoarthritis affects the cartilage and rheumatoid arthritis is inflammation of thesynovial fluid in the joints. It is caused by the immune system attacking the body, so it is really

    an auto-immune disease.

    The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) and the

    National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) have conducted

    studies that prove that acupuncture does in certain cases provide relief from arthritic pain and

    improve the function of the knees for people suffering from osteoarthritis.

    There are alternative therapies that recommend special diets for a healthy body, and special

    exercises to provide relief from arthritic pain and strengthen hip and knee muscles. There isdocumented evidence to show that yoga helps to slow the heart rate, lower blood pressure and

    decrease cholesterol levels. Yoga has been proven to reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease.

    Naturopathic alternative health therapies involve healing through natural processes that include

    herbal medicines, homeopathy, lifestyle changes and management, clinical nutrition andhydrotherapy among other things. Diverse therapies may be blended together to meet individual

    specific health requirements.

    There are many conditions that have responded well to naturopathic alternative health therapies

    over the years. These include problems as diverse as hypertension, autism, menstrual disorders,anxiety, depression, insomnia, emotional disturbances, gastrointestinal problems, urinary

    problems and renal failure.

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    5. Are Alternative Health Therapies Safe?Most people have the idea that if a remedy is natural it must be safe. However, many

    ingredients from natural plants are actually poisonous. Still, in recent years, there has been a

    noticeable increase in the number of people choosing alternative health therapy as opposed tomedicine prescribed by a medical doctor.

    It should be understood that there is no real clarity about alternative health therapies, and sothere is much controversy about it within the traditional environment of medicine. There are

    several different types of alternative health therapies including ayurveda, homeopathy,

    acupuncture, acupressure, herbs and more. The trouble with most alternative medicine is that it

    has no scientific foundation.

    For this reason many doctors doubt the safety of the procedures involved. The effectiveness of

    these therapies is also brought into question since no testing is being done to prove its worth.

    There are many doctors who hold fast to the belief that alternative health therapies likeacupuncture, herbs, massages and meditation are quite ineffective in treating any health

    conditions. The general belief is alternative therapies may even be dangerous to certain healthconditions.

    That said, it is important to present the other side of the coin! The popularity of alternative

    health therapies cannot be denied. A large amount of this popularity is attributed to aging

    sections of the population who seek to alleviate the aches and illness that are part of growing

    older. When conventional medicine fails to bring relief, patients are forced to seek alternative

    treatment methods. There are people who are firm believers that natural healing methods are far

    superior to mainstream medicine to heal health problems. These are but few of the reasons whypeople seek alternative health therapies making these forms of treatment highly popular.

    To present a non-biased approach to alternative health therapies, it is essential to talk about the

    perceived risks associated with these therapies. The primary risk in using alternative health

    therapies lies in the fact that the substances such as herbs are untested. Alternative medicine has

    opened the door to a great deal of quackery! Many non-professionals practicing alternative

    medicine make large claims to the efficacy of the substances prescribed because of the profitmotivation.

    This is an unethical practice of alternative health therapies that does not consider the safety and

    wellbeing of the individual. One example is the many herbal products touted online and instores to help restore memory, increase metabolism and decrease weight. For the most part

    herbs are non-threatening; however, we need to be aware that certain remedies can cause a great

    deal of harm when taken continuously over a period of time in excessive quantities.

    Take the case of ephedra (ephedra sinica); the the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

    prohibited the sale of any dietary supplements containing ephedra (ephedrine alkaloids) becauseit was found to present a high risk of injury and illness. Major health concerns associated with

    ephedra include hypertension, arrhythmia, heart attack and stroke.

    There is another risk associated with alternative health therapies. People who are diagnosed

    with life threatening illnesses like cancer or other types of chronic illness, upon seekingalternative health therapies, forgo conventional medicine and all the benefits it may yield.

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    Mainstream medicine has after all been tried and tested before being approved the U.S. Food

    and Drug Administration. People put themselves at great risk to the extent of risking their life

    when they choose alternative medicine over traditional medicine that has been scientificallyvalidated.

    Patients who combine conventional medicine with alternative health therapy, but fail to revealthis to their physician, may end up putting their health at high risk. Prescription medicines can

    produce negative reactions with various herbs and plant extracts prescribed as part of the

    alternative therapy. The risks include a seriously lessened effectiveness of the prescribed

    medicine and toxicity that can cause very serious damage to the body. When the medical doctor

    is unaware of the alternative therapy substances taken by the patient, the doctor may end upprescribing medicines that interact unfavorably and harmfully for the patient.

    But that does not mean to say such methods should not be used; indeed, there are some very

    good ones available. However, it is wise to find a person who has been professionally trained toprescribe and deliver the therapy. Unless your problem is of a minor nature, you should really

    keep away from people who claim to have some secret and miraculous product that will cureyou. If what they claim sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

    6. Do Medical Doctors Accept Alternative Health Therapies?Many medical doctors seem uncomfortable discussing alternative health therapies. Whether thisis because they simply dont know enough about them to make a fairjudgment, or whether they

    fear that their colleagues will scorn them is uncertain.

    In Colorado, a survey of 276 physicians was conducted on their attitude toward alternative

    medicine; the results were published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. To sum up the

    results, the majority of doctors seldom enquired from patients about their use of alternative

    therapy. Approximately 17 percent did not raise the subject of alternative therapies; 23 percent

    enquired about patient use of alternative therapies and 8 percent always asked patients about the

    use of alternative therapies.

    The study found that many doctors had a negative attitude toward alternative therapies andpreferred not to discuss the possibilities with patients or recommend therapies to patients.

    Doctors feel uncomfortable discussing the subject and many prefer to remain neutral on thetopic.

    The study also highlighted some surprising facts including the fact that as much as 50 percent

    of the doctors who participated in the survey had actually recommended alternative health

    therapies to patients. In addition, approximately 25 percent of the doctors had personally used

    alternative medicine. The favored alternative health therapies used by doctors include relaxation

    therapy, massage therapy, yoga, acupuncture and alternative medicine.

    As much as 60 percent of the doctors surveyed expressed interest in learning about alternative

    health therapies, about 24 percent were ambivalent about wanting to learn about these therapies

    and 16 percent were opposed to learning anything about alternative therapies.

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    The therapies physicians prefer to recommend to patients include massage therapy,

    acupuncture, relaxation techniques, chiropractic, yoga, hypnosis, herbal medicine, biofeedback

    and alternative medicine.

    Alternative health therapies are generally best described as healing or treatment methods that do

    not fall within the boundaries of traditional medicine. Alternative therapy may be based onbeliefs, folklore, spiritualism or futuristic theories. Many of these theories and practices are

    untested and in some cases are newly developed approaches to treating illnesses.

    Mainstream medicine has always been the biggest critic of alternative health therapies.

    However, there is evidence that in recent years alternative therapies have grown in popularityamong patients and doctors. Another study worth mentioning that supports this claim is the one

    conducted by Leigh Callahan and colleagues at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.A surprising 84 percent of the physicians surveyed were in favor of the provision of adequate

    funding for a number of alternative therapies. Majority of the doctors surveyed held the beliefthat some alternative therapies did work and the subject should be discussed with patients.

    Alternative therapies are commonly considered to be safe with minimal or no side effects.

    Many of the therapies in practice have been effective in helping to alleviate pain and negative

    side effects caused by contemporary medicine. In many instances, alternative therapies have

    been grouped with complementary medicine under the inclusive term complementary and

    alternative therapy or CAM.

    There is a positive trend towards learning about alternative health therapies and a good example

    of how alternative medicine is being incorporated into mainstream medicine. Many medical

    institutions across the United States have begun teaching about therapies such as acupuncture

    and herbal therapy. Alternative therapies and their effects on the body are now being taught

    together with anatomy and physiology.

    Statistics show that the U.S. government has already spent in excess of 22 million dollars to

    promote the teaching of alternative medicine in medical and nursing schools and colleges. Butregardless of Uncle Sams efforts to bring alternative medicine to a recognizable standard,

    critics who consider it a wasted effort over unproven remedies still abound.

    For the benefit of anyone contemplating alternative health therapies, one thing that needs to be

    clearly understood and cannot be stressed enough is the importance of discussing any planned

    alternative therapy with a physician before starting treatment. Be wary of treatments advertising

    miracle curesin all honesty such cures do not exist except in the minds of con-men. Researchis key to finding out about good alternative therapies that work. The internet is filled with

    information, but discretion is advised in selecting the right information. Two or even three

    medical opinions need to be sought before making a final decision.

    Remember that some types of alternative treatment seem to work for some people but not forothers. It may depend on the choice of therapy and the practitioner, or there may be factors at

    work about which we know little as yet.

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    7. Alternative Health Solutions Pros and ConsThere are usually pros and cons to be found with every kind of treatment and alternative health

    therapy is no different. A wise person will do a great deal of research before deciding which

    treatment to seek out. A doctors advice should rarely be ignored, especially when it comes tothe more serious diseases.

    Alternative health solutions provide a variety of therapies such as acupuncture, hydrotherapy,aroma therapy, massage and more. Not all these solutions have not been scientifically tested or

    approved by the medical authorities. However some of them, for example acupuncture, have

    had studies completed to prove the efficacy of the treatment.

    Before we study the pros and cons of alternative health solutions, we need to have a clear

    concept of alternative medicine itself. Most alternative health therapies or solutions are basedon balance. Acupuncture for example, is based on restoring Qi or energy to the body and

    helping the body maintain good health.

    People consider alternative therapy for a variety of reasons such as the failure of conventionalmedicine to bring relief or a fear of the negative side effects of drugs. If you are seriously

    considering a form of alternative health therapy, take the time to research the subject well for abetter understanding of what it entails. It is also essential to visit a licensed professional for


    To this end, we present some of the pros and cons of alternative health solutions for your



    One of the foremost benefits of alternative medicine is the focus on prevention of healthproblems. Traditional medicine enters the picture only once the disease is diagnosed.

    People generally do not pay the doctor a visit until a problem rears its head. There arevarious types of alternative medicine practices that encourage patients to visit even

    when well. These sessions are geared toward preventing disease and general healthproblems from occurring.

    A major draw is that people who have experienced the excruciating pain of arthritis orsome other diseases debilitating effects, start seeking a level of personalized attentionin addition to getting much needed treatment for the problem.

    A key distinction between traditional medicine and alternative health solutions lie in thetype of care provided. The majority of alternative treatments focus on whole-body care,

    treating the patients physical ailments, spiritual health and emotional well being as

    parts of a whole. Conventional medicine with all the specializations and medicaladvancements has ended up distancing the physicians focus away from the healthy

    body as a whole.

    Massage therapy for example is an alternative health therapy that has little or no seriousrisks attached to it. This holds good only when the massage is provided by a massage

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    professional trained in the appropriate manner. It has been proven effective for a variety

    of health problems including pain relief and rehabilitation of sports injuries.

    The following downsides to seeking alternative health solutions are not meant to deter people

    from seeking holistic healthcare. On the contrary, it is for the purpose of offering additional

    information to aid the decision making process.


    The main drawback to alternative medicine is the possibility of the herbs andsupplements reacting negatively when taken in conjunction with prescribed medicine. Itis essential to inform the physician about any herbs or supplements being taken before

    starting conventional medical treatment. Natural products may produce independent

    side effects of their own that differ from person to person.

    Another disadvantage of alternative therapies is the limited scientific research done onthese methods. While there is no doubt that the funding for research studies into

    alternative therapies is on the rise, it can in no way be compared to the research done on

    traditional medical methods.

    Alternative therapies take time to workthe patient cannot expect miracles to happenovernight. The process is generally a slow one focusing on healing not just the medical

    problem, but the mind and emotions as well. With mainstream medicine, the drugs aregenerally fast acting and bring relief more or less immediately.

    Alternative medicine has opened the door for a lot of scam artists to tout their therapies.For this reason, it is necessary to seek out only licensed professionals to performprocedures and treatments.

    Whenever there is a wide range of treatments the patient is likely to find the decision as to

    which one may be the best confusing to say the least. Good research must be done if the right

    treatment is to be found. Not only do you have to find which treatment is considered best from

    reliable source on the Internet, but discussing treatment with doctors and others who have had it

    is also a good idea.

    8. Common Alternative Health TherapiesOver the years there have been many surveys conducted by various institutions and groups all

    seeking to prove that alternative health therapies do work. Whether they have been successful

    or not, the approximately 38 million American people who visit acupuncturists, massage

    therapists, chiropractors and other alternative health therapists seem to believe they do.

    Though the majority of people also believe in the effectiveness of conventional medication, at

    least three-fourths of them are turning to alternative therapies that include yoga, chiropractic

    and acupuncture.

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    The Harvard Medical School estimates that at least one in every two persons in the U.S.

    between the ages of 35 and 50 make use of alternative health therapies. In 1997 it was estimated

    that the growth in the percentage of people who opted for alternative medicine rose byapproximately 50 percent since 1990. Further, it was found that the majority of people choosing

    alternative health therapies were both educated and affluent.

    The leaning toward alternative medicine can be seen throughout the western world from

    Australia to Europe and beyond. The growth rate for certain types of common alternative health

    therapies is astonishing to say the least. For example, between a six-year span, herbal therapy

    use rose by 380 percent.

    Critics will always be around, but for those who are seriously interested in alternative health

    therapies, it is well worth the effort to consider the University Of Maryland School OfMedicine, the Thomas Jefferson University Hospital or the New York Presbyterian Hospitals

    department of complementary medicine, to find out about the level of activity by mainstreamhospitals in the field of alternative medicine. Keep an open mind and remember the U.S.

    government has established a National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine(NCCAM).

    Some of the more common alternative health therapies include acupuncture, herbal therapy,

    nutritional supplements, yoga and homeopathy. To avoid confusion, alternative medicine refers

    to treatments that are substituted for mainstream medicine. Complementary medicine on the

    other hand is treatment used in conjunction with mainstream medicine. There are some veryancient forms of alternative medicine that are commonly referred to as traditional medicine.

    There is a wealth of goodness in ancient medicines that has stood the test of time. There are

    many believers in alternative health therapies that believe that what cannot be treated by

    conventional medicine, can effectively be treated by alternative methods. Some of the more

    commonly recognized methods that are actively pursued today include:

    Acupuncture and acupressure are two therapies that function in a similar manner and are often

    grouped together. Both therapies work on the premise that there are certain pressure points in

    the body that need to be stimulated to alleviate pain and cure serious diseases. Acupuncture istreatment through the insertion of solid, very thin needles into the pressure points; the needles

    are manipulated to stimulate these pressure points.

    Herbal therapy is probably one of the most popular of all alternative therapies. It has proven in

    many cases to be an efficient treatment and cure for various illnesses. Herbal therapies work byharnessing natures bounties in the form of cures and relief aids. Herbal medicine makes use of

    a variety of seeds, roots, barks, leaves, berries, flowers and other plant parts. Herbalism has an

    ancient heritage, but is becoming more acceptable in mainstream medicine as advanced testing

    and clinical research, and improved quality control have begun to highlight the value of herbal

    therapy in the prevention and treatment of diseases.

    Aromatherapy is an alternative therapy that makes use of plant oils such as essential oils (pureessence of plants) to enhance physical and psychological wellbeing. Aromatherapy also makes

    use of a variety of complementary ingredients such as vegetable oils, sea salts, liquid wax,sugars, mud and clay.

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    Biofield therapies make use of the bodys own healing energy by manipulating the energy

    through various healing techniques. As a category of alternative medicine the group includes

    reiki and healing touch among others. The main principle of biofield therapies is to facilitate anunrestricted flow of energy through the body, promoting balance and relaxation. Anyone can

    benefit from these therapies as studies have shown, from patients suffering from cancer to

    infants with chronic pain.

    Many studies have brought to light the fact that a lot of people who turn to alternative therapies

    do so because they have not had any success with contemporary medicine and in fact, are often

    seeking relief from the side-effects or worsening problems caused by it.

    9. Lesser Known Alternative Health TherapiesWe have established that in recent years there has been a considerable increase in the popularity

    of alternative health therapies. However, this attraction has moved from the more commonforms of alternative therapies such as acupuncture, chiropractic, Reiki, Ayurveda and

    aromatherapy to those lesser known treatments; inversion therapy, biofeedback, Alexander

    technique, holotrophic breathwork and colon therapy. You may not even have heard of them, so

    here is a brief description.

    Inversion Therapy - dates back to approximately 400 B.C., the time of Hippocrates, inversiontherapy has a long history. The therapy is derived from an inversion table where the user hangs

    by the ankles more or less upside down. The basic principle of inversion therapy is therefore the

    head being lower than the feet. It is believed that Hippocrates, considered the father of medicine

    in his time, used to hang his patients upside down.

    In the U.S., Doctor Robert Martin is credited with bringing this lesser known alternative health

    therapy to the light. The inversion table is so designed for the user to stay strapped into gravity

    boots with the head lowered to the required level or until the person is in a completely upside

    down position. Inversion therapy is popularly used in the U.S. army to reverse the negative

    effects to the body caused by rigorous training. It is also used to combat various types of back

    pain attributed to the effects of gravity on the body.

    Alexander Technique - refers to a simple yet practical method used to improve the freedom ofmovement. It also works to improve balance and support, while teaching the individual how to

    use the appropriate amount of energy necessary for a particular activity. In this way the bodyconserves energy to maintain a balance rather than expending too much energy on some

    activities and too little on others. The Alexander technique may best be described as a re-

    education of the body and the mind with a view to improving physical postural habits.

    The Alexander Technique originated with Fredrik Alexander, a Shakespearean orator who once

    lost his voice and was informed that the medical world could not help him regain it. Through

    prolonged self-observation, Alexander identified his habit of unnecessarily contracting his neck

    while speaking. Once this problem was resolved he got back his voice and went on to apply this

    technique to improve health and wellbeing in other people.

    Holotrophic Breathwork - the word holotrophic has its origin in the Greek words holos andtrepein and together means moving toward wholeness. Holotrophic breathwork is an

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    alternative therapy that combines various approaches including mystical traditions, spiritual

    practices, depth psychologies, transpersonal psychology and modern consciousness.

    Holotrophic breathwork is a simple process that integrates accelerated breathing with music in aspecial setting. The principle behind the therapy is to activate the inner healing process.

    Zero Balancingdeveloped by Dr. Fritz Smith in the 1970s, this is a mind-body therapy usedto address the relationship between the structure of the human body and the energy that flows

    through it. Practitioners typically use finger pressure and light traction to release tension from

    joints, points of balance and bones. The main focus of the therapy is on the joints that balance

    the forces of gravity and influence posture and movement. The aim of the therapy is to remove

    blocks that prevent the energy flow in the body and enhance vitality.

    Zero balancing alternative health therapy promises patients various benefits including painrelief, removal of movement restrictions and emotional distress. Zero balancing is believed to

    help improve concentration, release stress, eliminate harmful behavior patterns and boostgeneral wellbeing.

    Rolfing - Dr. Ida Rolf is credited with the finding of the Rolfing therapy, a kind of structural

    integration therapy referring to bodywork where various parts of the body such as the legs for

    example are brought into correct positioning. The underlying principle of Rolfing is the

    knowledge that the fibrous layer (fascia) over the muscles tends to lose its elasticity and

    become stiff due to various reasons including poor posture and emotional distress.

    In Rolfing, practitioners make use of fingers, knuckles and elbows to correct problems of

    misalignment of shoulders, pelvis, legs, head and abdomen. Rolfing as an alternative therapy is

    promoted to help aid digestion, balance the nervous system, improve breathing and promote

    mental and emotional wellbeing.

    In addition to the above, there are plenty of even lesser known alternative treatments that

    include Shamballa a multi-dimensional healing therapy that dates back a considerable time; Do-

    In, a self-help therapy and Aromasport therapy that uses oils as a way to strengthen the immune


    10. Will Alternative Therapies Heal Cancer?

    Once they were scorned and angrily dismissed as quackery, but these days alternative therapies

    are becoming more reputable and so fast gaining in popularity. Why? It seems that the world of

    traditional medicine has begun to awaken to the fact that many people have found good relief

    and even healing by using them. You may discount a few peoples claims but when there are

    many saying the same thing you have to realize that there must be something in their claims.

    What cannot be denied is the fact that there is a definite growth in interest of alternative health

    solutions. People have begun looking for healthier options as opposed to taking a whole lot of

    drugs with scary side effects. The Cancer journal states that approximately 70 percent of

    patients suffering from the dreaded cancer disease seek alternative therapy solutions.

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    Alternative therapies for cancer include acupuncture, homeopathy, prayer, hypnosis, meditation

    and oral supplements. The internet has led to a greater awareness of alternative therapies

    through the many articles and information available online.

    There is an important point to be noted about the effectiveness of alternative therapies in

    treating cancer. Most people are not really seeking a cure for the disease so much as help indealing with the side effects of chemotherapy or other forms of cancer treatments. Patients want

    something to alleviate the stress, nausea, low immunity and overall feeling of weakness brought

    on by conventional cancer treatments.

    The American Cancer Society released a Complete Guide to Complementary and AlternativeCancer Therapies; a comprehensive reference guide to the numerous alternative therapies and

    their possible side effects. Many of the alternative therapies in use at present are safe with fewor no side effects worth mentioning. Alternative therapies are a combination of exercise, yoga

    and meditation among others. While the evidence of their effectiveness may not be very strong;they are safe practices that provide a certain level of relief to the patient.

    Let us take the alternative therapy of holistic medicine that claims to cure a number of cancers

    ranging from lung to breast, liver, uterus, intestine and most every other type of cancer. Holisticmedicine focuses on the patients overall health condition taking into consideration the illness

    present and the patients social situation. More simply put, holistic medicine focuses on a lot

    more than just the illness.

    It covers the mind and spirit of the patient as well as the body. A variety of factors that can

    impact the patients mind such as family, social circumstances, employment, health insurance

    and environment are all considered. The general belief is when all these factors are taken into

    account the treatment becomes easier and more effective. Many holistic therapies such as

    botanical supplements, exercise, diet and prayer are used in conjunction with mainstream

    medicine such as radiation or chemotherapy.

    Through the combination of various alternative therapies with conventional medicine, the

    patient is empowered to take control of the illness. This leads to a feeling of physical, spiritual

    and mental wellbeing.

    The question on whether alternative therapies work on cancer is a difficult one to answer. There

    are many schools of thought that firmly believe these therapies do work. However, scientific

    testing and evidence of the results do not substantiate claims to cancer cures through alternative


    One probable reason why alternative therapies have not been too successful in curing the

    disease may lie in the fact that the chosen treatment does not cover the underlying causes of the

    cancer itself. Depending on the alternative therapy chosen, only the physical symptoms of the

    disease may be treated. A study of cancer cases that have been cured through alternativetherapies show a clear pattern of change in the patients diet and lifestyle. The removal or

    reduction of stress and emotional healing are part of the therapy.

    The link between high cortisol levels and low immune function has been medically established.When stress levels are very high, the immune system is suppressed and does not function as it

    should. This in turn has been the cause of depression, premature death and cancer. Another link

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    that has been established is prolonged stress causes low adrenaline levels. Low adrenaline

    levels equate to high glucose levels causing cells to mutate into cancer cells.

    Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, one of the top-ranked cancer hospitals in the world,

    began using massage as part of a new cancer program. Massage has been known to lower stress

    (cortisone) levels and restore depleted adrenaline levels. Sloan-Ketterings use of massage hasin a way given this form of alternative therapy a seal of approval.

    However it is realized that many alternative treatments work in a different way for every

    person. It can be said with certainty that they do help to alleviate the harsh symptoms of

    conventional cancer treatments.

    11. Using Alternative Health Therapies for Serious Diseases

    So we can easily see that alternative health therapies as a whole have come a long way over the

    last decade. That alternative therapies can actually benefit people is now well recognized and

    acceptance within the medical community. Where non-traditional treatments were once

    scornfully shunned, they are now either accepted or even embraced.

    One example is with omega 3 fatty acids and ginger, which have turned out to be a boon forpeople. Omega 3 fatty acids benefit people with heart ailments, and ginger has actually proven

    to be a great relief to cancer patients suffering from the nauseous side effects of cancer


    The two examples cited above are but the tip of an iceberg; there are an increasing number of

    alternative health therapies that are fast gaining acceptance into the conventional medicine

    category. A considerable amount of research is being conducted into alternative health therapies

    for various serious illnesses including cancer, diabetes, obesity and arthritis among others. We

    have to accept that conventional medicine certainly had a stranglehold on healthcare for

    decades, but that is all changing as healthcare in general is more accepting of a holistic

    approach to good health.

    Holistic medicine is based on the all-inclusive approach, covering the mind, body andemotional wellbeing of the individual. A number of healing techniques are incorporated into

    this type of medicine. Doctors are no longer shying away from the benefits of alternativetherapies and are now recommending various therapies including herbal therapy, acupuncture,

    homeopathy, energy healing and other therapies.

    Still, people in search of alternative health therapies need to temper visions of miracle cures

    with a touch of reality. Alternative treatments cover a wide range of remedies that have never

    actually been tested to prove the effectiveness of the treatments. Many practitioners of

    alternative treatments will treat the patient in accordance with their favored system rather than

    provide treatment based on the patients clinical condition.

    Let us now look at how alternative health therapies have actually helped with serious diseases.

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    Autoimmune illnesses arise when the bodys immune system revolts against body tissues or

    results in changes to an organs regular functions, causing a range of terrible symptoms and in

    extreme cases resulting in death. Over 80 autoimmune illnesses have been found thatcommonly affect the blood cells, blood vessels, thyroid, pancreas, joints, muscles, connective

    tissues and skin. Many illnesses exhibit similar symptoms such as inflammation, sleep

    disorders, digestion problems, headaches, depression, fatigue, joint and muscle pain and fevers.

    While there are not many known cures for various autoimmune diseases such as multiple

    sclerosis, various natural remedies have proven to be effective in helping to soothe and in some

    cases restore the natural balance of an over-active immune system. Natural anti-inflammatories

    can work to repair and restore a bodys self-healing mechanism. Herbal remedies are all-natural; they are considered gentle on the system, effective to a large extent and without the

    potentially damaging side effects that many prescription medicines come with. For example,herbs such as sarsaparilla are used to detoxify the blood and cleanse it. Herbs such as yarrow

    maybe used as an anti-inflammatory for muscle and joint pain. Natural ingredients such asginger and turmeric are used to treat the symptoms of autoimmune disorders.

    Lymes disease is a good example of a serious disease being helped by alternative health

    therapies. Lymes disease is a rather tricky disease that health officials find difficult to identify.

    People are infected through a tick bite and common symptoms include rash, fever, stiffness in

    the body and a feeling of fatigue. Lymes disease is misleading because it tends to mimic the

    symptoms of other diseases and there is a possibility that it may not be correctly diagnosed.

    Alternative health therapies for Lymes disease include herbal therapy, homeopathy, ozone

    therapy, vitamin supplements, bio-body detox treatments and more. Homeopathy focuses on

    treating the whole body based on the symptoms demonstrated by the patient. Heat therapy is

    worth mentioning as an alternative therapy that successfully raises the core body temperature of

    patients to help treat the symptoms of Lymes disease.

    But while there is now more widespread acceptance of alternative health treatments we still

    need to exercise caution when choosing the right therapy for a specific ailment. It is never wise

    to completely ignore the advice of a medical doctor and just go with the alternative treatment.

    You only have one life.

    12. The Origins of Alternative Health Therapies

    Alternative health therapies originated from a diverse range of places, people and traditions.

    And as time goes by even more treatment methods have been added to this range. The various

    methods of alternative therapy are based on traditional medicine, spiritual beliefs, folk

    knowledge handed down through the ages from one generation to the next, or a combination of

    all such elements.

    Each alternative health therapy is individually unique, but many of the therapies do share

    certain common characteristics. Some of these common traits include individualized treatments,

    self-care, self-healing, revamping the spiritual aspects of the individuals life and treating the

    person as a whole to include the mind, body and spirit. Several features of alternative therapies

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    are found in conventional medicine as well; for example, the focus on nutrition, exercise and

    healthy lifestyle habits.

    The primary difference between mainstream medicine and alternative health therapies is the

    obvious lack of scientific research. Clinical studies, experiments and scientific investigation

    results are seldom available to back up alternative medicine practices. Complementary andalternative medicine, commonly referred to as CAM has begun to address the divide between

    alternative and mainstream medicine. The result is a constantly changing face of alternative


    The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) is a branch of theNational Institutes for Health in America. NCCAM has developed one of the most popularly

    used classifications of alternative health therapies. The classification system groups alternativemedicine into five primary groups with a certain amount of overlapping. These groups include

    energy medicine that deals with verifiable fields of energy; whole medicine dealing includinghomeopathy and ayurveda; manipulative body methods such as osteopathic manipulation or

    chiropractic; mind-body methods such as holistic medicine that covers the mind, body andspirit and biology based medicines such as herbal therapies and plant substances.

    While it is not possible to study the origins of all the many alternative health therapies available

    today, we can focus our efforts on a few of them. This will enable readers to have a better

    understanding of how some of these therapies originated.

    Homeopathy or homeopathic medicine has been practiced in the U.S. since the early 19th

    century. The medical system is believed to have been developed in Germany over 200 years

    earlier. Homeopathic medicine focuses on the treatment of diseases and health conditions, the

    prevention of diseases and the promotion of wellbeing.

    In homeopathic medicine the underpinning principle is that like cures like. Meaning

    substances that produce similar symptoms in a healthy individual are used to cure the disease

    itself. Not much scientific evidence exists to prove the effectiveness of homeopathy, but there

    have been studies conducted that reported positive outcomes from the treatment.

    Alternative health therapies face challenges as the medical world attempts to study these

    methods. Most of the practices are based on concepts that are inconsistent with the generally

    accepted understanding of the laws of science, especially physics and chemistry.

    Acupuncture is one of the better known alternative therapies in existence. Its origin however,does not seem to be all that well known. According to popular legends, acupuncture originated

    thousands of years ago in China through the healing experiences of a Chinese soldier. What we

    do know is it is one of the oldest healing practices in the world, forming an integral part of

    traditional Chinese medicine. Acupuncture is the process of restoring and maintaining health

    through stimulation of specific points located throughout the body. In the U.S. acupuncture hasbecome part of complementary and alternative medicine, incorporating a number of healing

    practices from China, Korea, Japan and other countries.

    Acupuncture is the term used to describe the alternative health therapy that uses stimulation ofnumerous anatomical points on the body. One of the most common acupuncture techniques is

    the insertion of thin, metallic needles into the points on the body. The needles are manipulatedby the practitioner either by hands or through electrical elements.

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    Chiropractic is a combination of Greek words that describe treatments performed by hand.

    Chiropractic is a hands-on therapy that involves adjustment of the spine, the central theme inchiropractic therapy. This form of alternative therapy is focused on the relationship between the

    spine (body structure) and the nervous system (body function) and how it affects health. There

    are various chiropractic practices some dating back to ancient times, others more recently to thelate 1800s and Daniel David.

    So each alternative health therapies, has its own unique origin and history. This does not mean

    that any one is better than its brother; they are all good in some way or another. If no one had

    found any relief from any specific one, it would have fallen into disuse and been lost.

    13. Which Alternative Therapy should I Try?

    There are actually several healing treatments of therapies that even seem to fly in the face ofother alternative treatments. You would hardly think that painting pictures or learning music

    could have anything to do with healing disease and yet people have found relief from certain

    problems by getting creative.

    Through art, there is an expression and reliefof the diseases physical and emotional effects. In

    the same way, treatment is expressed to bring a level of relief to the patient. Research claimsthat artistic expression helps to reduce fatigue and to alleviate certain symptoms of cancer.

    There is no scientific research to confirm the efficacy of the many commonly practiced

    alternative therapies. However, patients who endure the ravages of illnesses like cancer and

    other serious health ailments feel that the treatments are beneficial. Alternative therapies for the

    most part focus treatment efforts on helping to relieve stress and anxiety. Alternative therapiespromote the concept that positive emotions positively impact a persons life.

    People generally turn to alternative therapies following a difficult and often painful medical

    treatment. Natural therapies such as aromatherapy, massage and acupuncture provide welcome

    relief. In addition, practitioners of alternative therapies take time to treat patients, a far cry from

    the rush of conventional medicine. Alternative therapy practitioners provide support to patients

    undergoing painful traditional medical treatments such as chemotherapy.

    People who need to increase their self-awareness, and enhance health and wellbeing are goodcandidates for alternative therapy through artistic expression. What exactly does artistic

    expression entail? There are various forms of artistic expression such as dance, music, painting,

    sculpture, drawing, writing, photography and drama.

    There is evidence that acupuncture, one of the more popular alternative therapies practiced for

    centuries has a positive effect on patients undergoing chemotherapy. The acupuncture treatment

    helps to alleviate the nausea and illness caused by chemotherapy drugs. Acupuncture therapy

    does more than that by helping to relieve pain caused by arthritis and injuries, restore a sense of

    balance to the bodys physical and mental functions and boost the immune system.

    There is justifiable evidence that some alternative therapies provide relief from the varioussymptoms of diseases. A good part of the healing effects of natural treatments comes from the

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    patients belief in the chosen therapy. The patients have testimonies to back up the effectiveness

    of alternative therapies helping to relieve painful symptoms and enhance overall health.

    Cancer is a dreaded disease with no real cure in sight and more people, fearful of the fatigue,

    nausea, hair loss, weight loss, lung problems and other painful side effects of chemotherapy

    turn to alternative therapies. In fact, the inevitable emotional stress that is an inherent part ofcancer treatments has given rise to alternative medicine as the better solution.

    Greater numbers of women with breast cancer prefer alternative therapies such as mind-body

    therapies, traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture among others. The treatments are

    generally complementary to mainstream cancer treatments the patient receives. Alternativetherapies are great in combating the emotional stress and various physical side effects of cancer

    treatments. To many women, alternative therapies become an essential lifeline for their struggleagainst the disease.

    People who battle chronic pain constantly are desperate for some form of relief. Alternative

    therapies such as acupuncture, acupressure and massage have been known to help alleviate thepain. What people considering alternative therapies need to become aware of is not everyone

    benefits from these therapies. Each therapy has its own advantages and disadvantages and what

    works well for one individuals pain may not work just as well for another person.

    Anyone considering alternative therapy needs to consider certain fundamental factors before

    rushing to receive treatment. The first concern is whether alternative therapy will put the patientat greater medical risk. When an individual has a complicated diagnosis, other medical

    problems or takes conventional medication, alternative therapy may conflict with the existing

    condition or treatment. It is always a good idea to discuss the potential alternative therapy with

    a physician prior to starting treatment.

    Another important consideration is whether the selected treatment is safe. Alternative therapies

    practiced by licensed physicians are generally considered safe. Further, each state has

    regulations governing the practice of alternative therapy that needs to be adhered to by the


    Much care and consideration should be taken when deciding to step away from conventional

    medicine in favor of alternative therapy methods. A better choice would surely be to combine

    both so that your body has many elements working together to bring about healing.

    14. Finding Out about Alternative Therapies

    A variety of terms are used to describe alternative therapies including unscientific,

    complementary, holistic, new age medicine, unconventional or quackery. Many people do not

    know much about the various types of treatment and people tend to be suspicious of the

    unknown and to either ignore it or sneer about it. Dont let that put you off finding out all you

    can about the topic.

    However, there is a certain amount of confusion about alternative therapies because each of

    those different terms has different meanings. One New England Journal of Medicine study

    indicated that approximately 34 percent of Americans spent billions on various alternativetherapies. These therapies included a number of alternative medicine solutions such as

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    homeopathy and energy healing. Also included in the mix was weight loss programs and self-

    help group therapy. Not everybody agrees on what should and should not be included as part of

    the alternative therapies classification.

    Alternative medicine is concerned with the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and focuses on a

    persons spiritual, physical and emotional wellbeing. Modern medicine on the other hand, treatsthe health condition without considering factors like stress and lifestyle habits.

    One of the best online resources for information about alternative therapies is the National

    Institutes of Health (NIH), National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

    (NCCAM) website. For most people, the first port of call for information is the internet becauseof the easy access to online information. What we need to remember is that there are many

    scammers out there. The best way to proceed when seeking information about alternativetherapies is to share the information gathered with a physician to get an informed opinion. The

    NCCAM site has a Time to Talk section providing tips on discussing alternative therapies

    with healthcare providers.

    While there is certainly no shortage of information on the internet, we need to be wary of how

    reliable each site is. For example, the National Institutes ofHealths NCCAM website clearlyidentifies the NIH as the author of the information provided, linking to the sites homepage.

    The medical sites from which information is gathered should clearly label the creator of the


    References need to be cited; for example, medical journals with the volume number, article title

    and author. Bottom line, information related to health and alternative therapies should have

    some evidence base. Advice and opinions need to be clearly distinguished from evidence that is

    based on research outcomes. When the benefits from a specific alternative health therapy are

    listed, there should be corresponding references to scientific research that supports the


    There are numerous religious publications such as Mission: America that highlights a variety of

    societal issues including alternative therapies from a Christian perspective. Next we have

    widespread news coverage of a range of alternative therapies to reflect the publics growing

    interest in treatments that are outside the norm of conventional medical practice.

    Nursing schools, medical colleges and independent institutions have begun teaching a broad

    spectrum of alternative therapy courses. The SCNM (Southwest College of Naturopathic

    Medicine) is one of many institutions providing distance education in naturopathic medicine.Similarly, the U.S. has many institutions that provide a wide range of alternative therapy

    programs on-campus.

    For those of us who are done studying, apart from the internet, there are other resources such as

    medical journals and other publications. Several books have been published on alternativetherapies. For example, the American Botanical Society has listings of various herbal therapy

    publications. Information is also available from the American Journal of Chinese Medicine.Plenty of other reading material is available including the Canadian Journal of Herbalism, the

    Australian Journal of Herbalism and the Japanese Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin.

    Other useful resources about alternative medicine include MedicinePlus, a comprehensive sitethat is produced by the National Library of Medicine. The site contains a treasure trove of

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    information and data gathered from several sources. It is considered a good starting point for

    anyone interested in learning about alternative therapies.

    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has established Healthfinder.gov; a useful

    site that provides links to organizations and resource guides on alternative therapies.

    Since there is a great deal of information on the Internet and not all of it can be supported it is

    best to take an objective approach and not let emotions get in the way of substantial research.

    Just because someone said they were helped doesnt mean they were. Such a testimonial might

    even have been made up by a person trying to sell the product. Let us be unbiased in our view

    and be as fair as possible about the various alternative health treatments.

    15. Alternative Health Therapies Regulations

    One thing we do know that is based on fact and that is the U.S. National Institutes of Health has

    established the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM). They

    must therefore think that there is something to the various alternative health therapies, even

    though many seem to be based on cultural traditions rather than scientifically proven facts.

    The practice of alternative medicine varies in each country and may be licensed and regulatedin jurisdictions where it is sufficiently widespread. According to Edzard Ernst, world class

    professor and scientist in the field of complementary medicine, in countries like Austria and

    Germany, the practice of alternative medicine is primarily in the hands of the licensed

    physicians. In the U.S. there are certain estimates that indicate that approximately 50 percent of

    the alternative medicine practitioners are physicians.

    Anyone interested in gaining a better understanding of alternative health therapies and the

    associated regulations, should know that alternative medicine is more frequently associated

    with complementary medicine. The term refers to medicines used in conjunction with

    conventional medicine. Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) has become the

    accepted standard term.

    NCCAM or National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine describes CAM asmedical and healthcare practices and products that do not fall within the realm of conventional

    medicine. Alternative health therapies are practiced across all states in America and governedby state specific prevalent laws and regulations. Laws are in place to protect patients and ensure

    their access to alternative medicine from licensed physicians. Legislation affecting alternative

    therapies in various States is considered a work in progress.

    To present a better understanding of the existing regulations for alternative health therapies,

    some examples are detailed below.

    Access to Medical Treatment Act (AMTA) makes provision for state licensed providers of

    healthcare to make use of alternative therapies that are non-FDA approved. Simply put, the act

    allows patients to have access to medical therapies and drugs that the Food and Drug

    Administration (FDA) has not approved, but are recommended by licensed healthcare

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    practitioners. The act covers alternative therapies that are considered safe and have a reasonable

    expectation of therapeutic benefit to the patient.

    According to this law, licensed healthcare practitioners may provide alternative health therapies

    if they are not known to be harmful to the patient; the patient is made aware in writing that the

    therapy is not approved by the FDA; the patient receives written information about the therapyand the possible benefits and side effects of the treatment. The act also requires that beneficial

    outcomes are reported to the NIH office of Alternative Medicine, while dangerous outcomes

    from the therapy are reported immediately to the Secretary of Health and Human Services.

    Thomas Navarro FDA Patient Rights Act - H.R. 3677 - under this act, patients are given theright to choose the method of healthcare treatment received. The act modified the powers of the

    Food and Drug Administration to provide comprehensive information about treatment optionsto patients. Congressman Burton introduced the Thomas Navarro FDA Patients Rights act to

    highlight various issues including patient choice, the role of alternative medicine and medicalfreedom for individuals.

    In the state of California, a large number of people seek alternative health therapies regularly.

    However, in this state the California Medical Practices Act prohibits anyone from practicing

    any form of alternative medicine without a license. The laws prevailing in California and

    several other American states have very broad parameters permitting the prohibition of

    practically any type of alternative medicine therapy except by licensed medical practitioners.

    Other examples of regulations for alternative health therapies include the state of Florida, which

    passed legislation in 2001 to allow licensed medical practitioners to practice complementary

    and alternative medicine. The state of Georgia introduced the H.B. 749 - Complementary &

    Alternative Health Care Freedom act to provide individuals with the freedom to seek the

    treatment of their choice without legal restrictions.

    Eleven states in the U.S. license the practice of naturopathic medicine and other states have

    bills pending on the licensing. Much controversy has been generated over the licensing laws.

    People in favor of the bills want naturopathic doctors to be allowed to practice in accordance

    with the full scope of the medical training received. States that do not license naturopathyprohibit doctors from practicing. Those not in favor of the bills are fearful that untrained people

    will also be allowed to practice alternative healthcare.

    Some of the American public that believes that alternative health therapies should continue to

    remain free of legislation and regulations, since most practices are deemed safe. But the kind ofalternative health treatment that you seek may be dictated by the rules and regulations of your
