Spirit of the times (Ironton, Ohio : 1853). (Ironton, OH ... · dealers who have been making in...

"a'T MST OP LETTERS, TnMA N!NJ4 NTimPOHT OrTlCK nl Ironton A I. " , III. Million Wm L A lum, JdIiii 0 A lama Jmn-- Martin David Able Mmti.oil 4 do Jumi AuiUron'i Allan f. M)'ra ,1 Mangan Edward (leorg Akr. Rehire jrannoJoii'ph ArbnutTh William, MUnlicll James Anille lic do Wm i Alllaoii 1 II Miller Eli Aahten Cmhrrlnf Auiteruin John do Jamo 3 Andrew tr Mooth Henry 8 AliVeil Mary I'. MorriiJ II lluy Ilnrnliarl Alirba- -I Gmrc I Moode Henry 4:kiwy O w More Tunoihv ' llraiihaiii W II Afonk Oeo or Sarah I'moli-- Mnrllie F, Mnr.u Joints llllirn 0 II Hlrt.iki.ii. Lip Wm. P Means T W A Hilira Sir. Hunhsh Muiphy Margaret liiimlmri (icoree Mush John Nnn Itol eti 8't 1'riiWI A Mien S.iml Inn Wiitm JVyers C.ipt J I'l.llea Jidn, ll Meredith Trios lhirna II) era Jeiitr. AUerl Morgan Morgan II Unpen Jonathan Mil word Richard lllair Joe h Milllmllnnd li U Bold Itnl rrl Nenlll8 2 J'eoin '1'liiMnlnr M 3 lol William K Ncl Mary llarltev J T K Nailu 51 inn R lllaka Henry Newton Julm taker lierld U Co. Nt.rrisJ 1 Purge.. Mi Nickloiioii Patrick rnfy Ml.i C Noho Ally Bow er. K M Osbmn J K Urown Davie Ilriant Daniel ' O'Rriuull Clark-Samu-el Parsun H.ilJwin Clark Wiiaun royn.) M E Clark John Clark Jnlm XV. I'inl Jmnc Carry Mr Piircu Anna 2 Cvein't-- r A l I' lace J 8 Caller Waltar Prmi'D Oco Cowla W T Collier I A dj Jnmci Clayton A Hca PowcllJohn Crumlull K.ll.a PBIKllfllill E Cliiiei'elter John Corlun David PvtpNon John CVrrell Hannah 'ruuit AA Colllaloil Allffctl Rowan Jnlin 2 Coorer Chri.l.in Jocob 8W Hnnch TliiH 4 Curry Si'a. II ItiUley Kobl2 , Dili arr (irnrf 4 Howe 1'hatclitr it Savia Rarliael iom Mury Danlele Oenri; Davl famuef Itaukim Wm . lhmfield Sarah Hosili-rr- JQ Darirtafin (Jirenlraf Kiloy Johns Devaiiiiii)- Caihci'n t Kobiincn Wm Q laao Saviattiii aa hniv Jumps Delonf Franklin Kichry Hamilton Drown II W do FLM Dillon I'nrR Deerinf Itirhord do Mn Francei Dunni.i-- CorliiHla Shoup Juhn Dunn .Michael BUiice Logan l'vana I eniel 4 Paler Jemi-- btory Snruh Cvrrliian llnmniui Siover Joel K.a.tnn Alfred ' Hnow L N3 1 neela (learns Sbcpurd Columbus Fnlwell F. J Farley Mi" Jane Sieviaun Gil'icrl Farley 'I hrniaa Stout Wm A Farnannnh lluriet r Sliiiightiiii MrsM J Frank Teeny F'etcherl'. Silcoy II 8 Fulaon Swnuel hischt-- Win Gsyuor I'ult Sin i Hi Silns Gorman Christian Sweeney John e Gardner igius fjlau-r- J L Gnmb.e A .M fcm.th Francis Griffith Jane 3 do C;uhuriiio do Hzabeth2 Stephen on ItovvnrJ c'o Jol.il Since Henry rieir-cJih'i- t'beriir Ln.ir..ntc Ci fimlii m Bmlioli'mew Tiiompsuii ii i Cwviiiic, L 'i Tyler Jis .pii Glass John '1 hornps n Ciilierinc Orny Frnnela 'Ih.Hp John GrT'ry E K '1 lit in as L QilltnUenj -- II Co Ueorgo m Itcn John do l)V HnsknisWm W 2 Tins J ihn Harris Nancy J Tally bi'nnuJ jjnrbnrytr V in Tuckette S.imuel Har.!v II M . '1'hrad I y Hnll W D TliwpMn I.ovina ljnrris Jamts . do 'Hi: in. is inn;moi;d J Z do J . uii a IlambiirgMiiry A Viekera Mury A Hagiitriy Hcbtcca Virimiiboii (Jrceiivilie Hoiay A T WilB-- S .M Harvey A White W W y Jlnttl.ioJ W'uu r. Miabulb Holl.nworth John W.l.ii'iiuiV Cj lIiiglmliMgliy A ciod irti H mil S.ir.ih Ward C A 2 Herman Wm Wliah.yl.C2 Holmra Christopher Wi-s- riii.in J A Houl Franklin Wyat llurn-- Hughs Chailes W'ooda E N HearrinJol.n A Willmms Win T Henry John Worrell Wm Hooper jon.-ilha- Williams Press Jlnlgos Wilsiii do U O Hem etou Juhn do livan i rw in S.:inae) do Thymus Inteiulaiit of Ironton W uriit r P Jones I' M W;ooclSnil II do M 'i Wilson SjrJena do L'nvitl W nrd J G do &. mi,n Fontaine Louis Juni n:" FA - MyerCnrl ' Jenkins J 11 Sehmit Heinricli JYel'y Miss Pormclia 2 Dmusci Mm do John Orlgi in iller OeO do Jacob Mayer Fro-n- ' do WP Doll Amiens Kent Nathan Ilenssy J'aul Kline Saiuli Mcllciidry Isaac Kirket Williamsm Mclnlire Hugh Xeavitt D M 4 Mcl'hcr.j.iu Jesio Lambert J ph 2 AfcDertney Harriet Ltmb T G McCloud Duvid Layhe'Slewart meDoiiclAllred Luther Nicholas incLaiu & Cj 2 Lowary Wm mcGuire Laishan 2 Lloyd Duvid mcOinley John Library Ironton incOiyJD Lawton Elijah meni.illen Rebeccsi Lopur Emce in)Ujnald 11 igli . Persons calling lorany of the ubovi Ictteri will please say Uiey are advertised, 11FCJRY, HOJTMASTE. IRONTON MARKETS. CORRLClIilD 1Y ROtGERS MIRIXICK CO FROM ACT UA. SAKKS. Wholesale at la, alfle Retail 14 til til tt a 7 n.Of.QUgitr I.uai Sutfur, (Hit - N. . Aluiensea, per gallon !i4uS 40 Rice;. do ' 61 7 Yuun;? Hy aon Tea, iu a 71. 60 a 74 Imperial - do bi a M 76 a bU tiunpowder do (15 f4 Kanawua pan, per uuanoi, 371 6U JIAICU, per imrroi. , W,vi 7,00 Corn Mcul. per ugauol 00 70 JhaCON-Dhl- es, 10 9 ' Sbonhlera, e fugnr eurea Hams, Couujj do iu it Lard, vt 'i .GRAIN, Wheat, per paahelt 91 Onta, o 40 Corn, w FRUI I S, Dried Peaches, 1.50 lf.00 Uned Applet. I no 1.40 iRODUOe-fi- as teed, per bushel, so perqiound, 4d 43 IJee,wax do UII Clinaeng," do . 8Sa W - Uullcr, do laaia lOi'O ; 'Clincae. per pound, vi all ' ' per dozen OS 10 :iiito,i, per dozen i.a? i,5(i Ctiiiipowder, per keg, $3,30a6(rJ Ib20ai7 ' Ka.'., 3 1 ' WM. HALL & SON, Manufacturers of Piano Fortes. AND PUUL1SHBR9 OF MUSIC, 9. 239 Broiwy St.,, opposite tho Tark, NBW VORK. 'Sole Agents for Prince 4 CVs MELODEONS, IRONTON MARBLE' AND STONE WORKS. HARRIS & KILUN, Minnfacturers of Marble Monuments ' Hesd and root utones, maroie ManteirTable Slabs, ore Also, Free-Ston- OTnthS, Window Jambs, Sills, Caps, 4c &c. fotttaitrnt, opposiu the M.rket Boas, - 1R0JVT0N, OHIO. v- - nr.iinlln enssced inthebu- - -- ..iirnf .ears in tvSrooe and this Zntw fcei confident lhat they wiUbe :5Jr.n.i, aatisfaction to all who St iS wRh their M a '.Uict itnntion to Business, nope w share of public patronage, n-- ll TilVE HUNDRED KEGS of Blasi-l- . . i.... r Rlfla POWDKU. n7.ete4 b7 mA M.MfMtut.n, QUICK SALES AMD SMALL PROFITS ! Tip vith iho Times-If- ot to be Undersold, F U R.N I T II KE VTBB ROOMS, CEB-ssn- r sib nx9'jc jt v. d k 9 COnNKIl Ol' LA WKI'NCK AND TMIKU HrRKKTA, IKUNTCIM, OHIO. rrliim our sinri-r- llionUs lo our frl mis and cnst'wrs for their generous pnlronago, and (.hall ever endeavor by all nn ans in oi r power to merit a contiimnnee of the sunns We are no heitrrprf pored ihan .vtr Ulnro to aiify all Hie Hants of housekeepers in the llOLSi! FUIiNlSlllXe LIAE. hrving n--w on j,nil. justrecrivril, the t,aair .omi jikxt tiii sit and cnuai-ut- aroiK or fiKii"HB ever yet oiTcrtd If) llio cilinens of the Iron lloion, which is rerei vim weekly addilirus (o meet the snt of our poironi. 'Vhe public may r?st as- - SUMH II. SI wit Slmll rtUl UIU vcuun3inu 8JFA8 Cherry and Wimiland Mahocnny. Latin'"' CIMIIIS Miis Carey's blot and spindle l ack. BVI1FAL8 CcolU p anil ui 'ck fctroll, Projection four llunnikler back, do col. and Boitou and Jenny I.ind, Walnut dreenini.', tplil bottom, M alum scroll Fiencli cane scat, do round Grecian walnut. TADM.S rjwiiCha,rn, lancy mwmik, drawer, . m rdl do, do. celtimti do cornered do. Tuyloi atauibiur, flowcrcdi Kiichtn and do uo p. ami Dining, Card and Office rim back, 6T4.NL8 C.iililreii a i tniiifd. Double leaved do rim back. Two and one SelletH, Wanh stands, all vurhuiej, Jhliuister rovkinf, Wuluut Uesks, Homoii 11 in r.ieking. FAFliS four varieties, G'alili rina tone LOOKING JL rSnS . do do do p.aioi LiHi rtut sizc, good article, f'pring seat rocking, UEDSTEAUS Cm rry ennescat rockinrj, iUisjtis medium, Mi.n Cjruy Waliitilaudilal do Fieiich gotioje watinit, Call and examine our alonk belnrcp irchajing i lsewlarJ. Irouiou, ilar('h2l,'fil Kcllrrs' Vermifuge Is (ho Ccst In Ise. IIKRlilS 'l lli: I'.iOOF. LickingSiolion, Ky Dec. 11 1115. Mr. R. F m.i.tnps 1 hnvo the pleasure lo inform ynu, that I have um d in my practice your celebrated Vernnlure vytn the mint hap-d- v restilis I have lotmcrlv used Fuhucsioekii' but being neriiundcd to try yours, 1 have found mr superior in every and tan say, without the tear of cunirudiutioii, that your Vermifiure D'tiwesses v.rlue than any I ev- - cr used, and m wt cordial. y reci min.ntl it lo the ail.ntion of l lie public. I will Male a case where I gaveone vial of your Veiiiufuge. .My brother s child was p iling anil w sting lo a mere skeleton. In :U hours slur I gave him the Vermiluge, the cnoiin us quantity of six hundred worms wtr.i pjssi-d- . The child, that was given up lor lost, is now as well as any child in the neighborhood. March It 1m A.MIJItOSU AllNliTT, M D. GEORGE Slitniliart, Plaintiff against O. Cain S.itln rlan.l, deleulaiil. At the iusinnee ofsnid I'lainliir, on tne i:ilh day of Febrmiry A I) 154, an order of an nUnchm.-u- l wns issued by Th mus Uti'gins. a Justice l the Pence of Mason TowtiMi p, liivvreiiee Cuiitv, Ohio, for the sum f V.1 ikdl.i. debt, and supposed of cost ten didl.us, nenmai the goods, am k, stocks, or inieatt in s.ocks, r.thiH, eredtls, ui iiicys and ilLcts ul u Cain Satlier-lan- n noli ri.s.deniol said co.nny. Muuli 7 lal Gi-O- . M.AUHAtlT. TAUITI1A lHAfLUS.l ' rt. .IVltUCK. ANFOIMhIIAFKIIS. ) lie (L'tiMiihiiii in inucu.-- wi!l tuke nntici' dial u Jiim l.ecn li rd in tne Cui.ri ul I'nmniuu fico iir l.tiwrence t.'uunty Ohio. .ro lnr 'hiil Imr nittriiu,.'i lumirnci with ilm unii hmiiurii imiii l.e revukej. Cauau Uiaignvd, exlruint eriif.i) d.iu ni'li'ct. r. Mi'KlliU, Any liir Coin. Iro.honO, March I t, :.A. INFORMATION WANTED. THE undcriUned wishes asco-rtai- where Patrick Joyce, fr lit County .Mayo, Ireland, a hr it 1. 1 rol his, may he found, whocameto this country ab ml nine years eg). Ho was in New York all ml two yi.ars sin, c Any iiiiormaiioii of h:m will be very thaukl'i.llv ro eived by mo, iMiiion, Ohio, .March J I '51 Til Jj. JUi'Cii. FIRST SPRING IMPORTATION, Cwntrv Merchants. Furnace Proprietors and Dealers generally are advised that V.I. ELDEN & CO. Wholesale Dealers iu DRY GOODS, Qutcuswure, Carpfil i ns. S raw Goods, Cm urn Vums Print 8re;, POBTSSIOUIII OMj. Arr n iv rocioviiw thftir Hrt immrlntinn nf Spring Goods, being larger, m ro varied, and moae desirutdc than any ol our previous impjr lations loi the Spring season. We respectiully invite the attention of all dealers who have been making in other markets, believing we cuu offer induce-meh- ts unequal led by any other Western llousu. Our arriiugimi nis are such iu lo supply dealers nl Eastern Jobbers ptic-es- , with the uddition of fr ighl and exchange, nnd will bo glad to du- plicate easloru purchasers up in these terms. Poidiour old friends we can eoulideiilly say, our luck presents greater 'attractions than ever heretofore, and extra exeninns will be us- ed to make il their imer.ssl to continue dealing with us. M. elu:-:- CJ. March 14 185 1 'I'O lIlC I'COItle Of LaWrtUCe aUtl tllC Atljoluing: Couuilcs. A New Saddle and Har- ness Manufactory! The subscribi M huve located them- - selves in No. 4., Sjifjcrs' Blook, etreet, Ironton, Obio, where Ihcy will be ready 'o furnish everything usually kept in a saddle shop. We would Euy to these who will favor us with their patronage, that from long experience in the business, w e flatter ourselves thai we can give general satisfaction. All our work will be made by ourselves. We will not send to Ciuciinia.i, Pilisburgh and oth- er places lo buy work that has been thrown to gether purposely forsule work. All our work will be wakkaii i UU- - ami we will be on hand to make good any of our work that may tail. If you want the finest ki lid of a saddle or har ness, we rre prepared to furnish them. We can show you certificates civen to us by the Licking County. Agricultural Society, lor premium baddies and Harnesses, fur several' years back. We therelorc say, can ana scetis, everyuouy We will do our best to render general satis- faction. Furnaccmen, Country Merchants and all ethers wauling any thing in our line of busi ness, will do well to givo- - us a call. WILSON OililUlAKDSON. March 21 1851 mv wm STOKE. 'QUICK SALES A.VD PROFITS!" A nimble sixpence is better than a slow shilling! SILVERMAN, ALC AN & C. WIIOI.IIStAI.B AND HKTA1L DKAI.KRH IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. Nol. Rodgers' Blick, C .rner of Second and Kailroad sheets ikontu.n, umo. HavinS ttisi opened the fulll-s-l and must com- - and the-- ueapest stock, as well as the best so lectea, we are limy preparen 10 give st attention to a'l Ineuds and cusuimers who favor our stock with an examination. We are confident that a discerning pnoiic wnl ever confer upon us the liberal share of their patronnge.whicfi we . shall enieavor . to merit, both in the extra qnalily of tho soods we oiler, and the EXtBSHXLT LOW PEICS atwhiclu we shall sell them to good customers. Dealing upon the principle of Profits and Quick Sales," we shall exact promp t payment. Our stock is entirely too large to be men- tioned in detail, butthepublio may est assured everybody's ants in the Dry Goods line can .be fully satisfied at our establishment. i Let it be luliy understood tnai we shall be undersold for the ready pay. Cailsttd examinc charge for exhibiting nut aoods. and have the pleassniest aura in IrontoTW SlLVlittMAN.AXCAN, Uo. Marekt,;Mi , " ;. v','.;', run 1 11 l, UL.JIU 1 a r. walnut do nunc, Oelauon syeamore liich nast Collngo do do 1'ijili.r do do square do ft ft field poplur, French do Low common, Trundle beds, without. s'aU do do with ulai.t, LOVNOES llrcnkfiml, Puniit lnnd turned Centre C.HB- S- Lari-enn- small. Iwo e'rawer MAT I'rtASSES Great Tarioty, drawer i oy, win w wngniM, Uil s, Af us, different kinds; Tubi; Willow eradht, bail bx.-s- , Heelers, fuiicy bucli'tschuiiu pAleiil clolhes pins, liolltng pins and inasheM, MnrneiJiiiiiiey wil w baikeis etc. etc: elo in G1LLEN cj DHOTIIEn, ii;W G110CERY & FAMILY PEOVISIOirl ST011E. A. P. KUUNX vV HONS Cintie Building in tht Ktw Block Comer of Sunnd and II nil Road Sis. IRONTON OHIO. I I Av E just received by slciimer rrnuk Keil XX. ng, Iresh from Acw Orleans, a lure slock of , ISugur, Molnsscs, Mackerel, Coll'ec, Tea, ' Ilice, Malnn Frnils, Nuts, etc. etc. etc. To winch tliiJjave added llacon.Q Lurd, Flour, Tobacco, Cheese, Duller, Coldeti Syrup, Eggs, Soap, Condi,, Hay, Corn, Outs, etc. They will keep a full supply of FAMILY PKOVISIUXS, Good and Frsh, which they will sell at Cin- cinnati prices and freight. They will also have a large sun k of FEEli which we will keep supplied fri.ni our farm in country. They huv op-u- ed for the present in Hall's crick the cornet ol t hud utnl UueK horn sirccls, until they cjii build u hi.um-- 1 enough lo do the business Wlucji they intend doing. They inviie the public to call ami give them a trial ihcy win he thankful for nuull luvurs and larger ones hi pre portion. l)j Lush paid lluy, Corn, 'ta'.s, I'ggs, Cut- ter, C'hicki ni. Turkeys, lings, etc. 'iJ acid Country tirocerK can be by iheiu'us low ns at Cincinnati. Cull and see iheui. All urncles delivered ul the tvhari bout, Ueput, or in town il desired. Ironton, Doe 1.1, leo.i. WiXXXX X.XXXXX00 fcil r.'A X'' ra n.' IS".-".'1- !' r rrir ? X K HAT MArtUFACTdRtR, U V IIU1.I AI.I. A.MJ Kl.i All., A -. fx t A Knar r&mhell. E.ilafin &.Ca a I1 rlrv. X - ft, IrouicB, Ohio. ;i The puhlie will linu ii iu their advantage X s X 0 cuu uinl exhiiiine my hefure pur- - X t1" 6 chu.-in- g X ' V i eb. m, u.a. d. w, niciunLs. ' t THE partnership heretofore existing between Drs. iUorris and Barr, has been this day dis solved, by mutual consent. The books ol said firm are left in the hands of .Mr. Munis, who will selllu the same. Those therefore knowing themselves indobt- - cd to said linu, will please call nd Settle J. 4101! HI. S, Feb 28 1851 lm R Lt A a It. 50 COAL DIGGERS WASTED. THE Peach O. chard Cml Company whl give Riiusluiit tmploMuenl tlin year round, lo 50 Cjal Diggers at their works on Hie bTg Sandy The)' are paying Hit cents cash per ton of VUUO pounds lor dittgiug. For further uilormation, enquire of W. T. Nieholls $ Cj., at the .Mouth of Uig Sandy. Jan 2.1. loM. Valuable Real Estate for Sale. THE Subscriber oilers for sale Ins l it and two story brick building, next door bebw the Ver- - lion IIounc, on Front Street, Ironton, Ohio. Said building is 2U by 43 feet, llieliwer story UOVV UCOIIjllOO UJ U L'Lll: .3.UI'.-- , LI1U ll'px.l nwi, is occupied ns n dwelling, ccntainng three roi.m3 on Hie floor, end one very good room in the ;ai ret, with entrance from the outside. Pos- session can be had iuMareh, apply to the Sub- scriber in Ironton. JACJB CML'il'ON. Jau 24, isil wi . JOHN CLARK'S ESTATE. Notice is 'hereby given to ail concerned, that the undersigned hove been duly qua, lied and appoinled administrators of the Estate of John Clark deceased, late of the Ciunty of Law- rence, and State or Ohio. IIF.S I'EK CLA7K. February 7th 1851. AMOS 11. CLAttK. FOR THE GEVi'LEMEN. Fine Calf, Sewed and pegged BooU, n'so .Congress gaiters and Brogaiu, Custom nude, and warrented to be of the bt-s- ' material, ami workmanship, just received and for sate cheap, ironton iWar. 7th. S. W. HAHPlH. LADIES SHOES. Ladies Calf and Goat Lace Boots, custom- - made, warranted to rip, may be had at the store of S. W. UjHU'l.11. Ironton, March 7th, NOTICE IS hereby given to all persons interested, that at my insluiieean order of attachment wus is- sued un the 22d day of February A D lbo l, by Thomas liiggius, a Justice ol the Peace in Mu tton luwiiship, Lawrence County, Ohio,' a gainst the goods, chattels, stocks or inlero-si- in stocks, rights, credits, moneys, uud ellecis ol O Cum bulherluud, uu abseul debtor lur Ihe sumol seventeen dollars and eighty eis. debt, uud toll dollars the probabie cost of said actum. Wil.lCNlUiil. March 7, 1834. JOU WVNNK, SETI1 8 HAINES, WM. W VNNIi WYNNE, HAINE3 & Co. WHol.KSAI.l-- ; AND KKTAIL, DKAI.blt IV r f J n ..nii. it WT .n.Aikt3 f weigu ana irwuiesMC vui uyvvs, au. au rxu vtjuuu, saatmasAVfc ' ccs, thai we are now opening our spring Stock of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, XMoiious and Trimmings, and can assure tiiein that n will be inferior to none iu the West, in poim of variety and extent. Having purchased a variety of goods express- - ly for the trade in thst vicinity, would lie .... n wi,a nnrchaae fat cash or credit buyers wno ate lespousible snd prompt paym (,t j give us a call belore purchasing, as ate ue.tr mined to sell goods to thai class of mere uauis at prices lhat must give full satisfautiuu. ikfarch 7, 184. T - RAGS" WANTED! V We are oaying the highest market price in Cub for Quod Kagi Paper fiiavin-s- , CatUiii anddelnp Waste, nope sua tugging, ' 'aoi a. w.. MsBufaotuxtri and Pspor Dealers, 71 and 79 Walnut Strati, unrcissaTi, vtnt. ploteassortmsutof Plain and fancy Dry Goiids woULDmost respectfully inloim the merch-eve- r offered to tho citizens of Ir m and vicinity, ,..,. ,.f ironton. tiautiiii: Hock and tne Furua- - me miy ever not no we the urge lor not we we Fntliched by GLASS & FOSTER, Office Cor. of 2d k Lawrence Els. I RONTON. OHIO, .... Will l.a puhlUhed every Tuendny, for Ont Fol- iar per ycur If paid in eilviHir-- or On, Dnlinr anil I'iji) rtiB tiliol paid within the Oral three lllonlha. RTm iv AovrsmiN'i! On or more aquapw nf In'elve liin-a- , rfyiKtcnu each for Ihv ftrm iurer lion, uinl lu'eniy live cenia auba9iueal inaer'ion. A libera! ilticnuni will be mail to tlioa whe adver- - liar lythe ear. or pan oft year. N'oiu-e- t ol live litira or la. rrquiiinu Imloiin In- - aurtlon, will he publiilied for tweuly av cenia cui-li- . Ilnndtilh. fr, Cirtutnrt. tie., Trlmed n 111 ahorti'ai iintiie, and in Hie inoal urproved atvle. TO COUiNTRY MERCHANTS. a Suuili L'nit corner of Mnin b 4;li St. flCINMTI, OHIO. WE are now in receipt of our usual ossorlment of prirlg I ry (Jon's, lo whieh we invitu your attem'uiii, luting intrthnttd lurgthjot the lafr J hecty a.ti in New York, we are enabled to of- fer 8 hii.i" ial iiiduco-meiits- . L'.ease our tloek before ptirehnsipg. & ilarcli 7 14. I) a guerre a ii ROOMS. RKAl) THIS, EVERYBODY!! . on MR.f-t.Alt- hrt itie ppfiurn of iiifurininfr the rfti-ro- ul' Ironiu i mid vicinity, ihni lie hut Mrcuri'd the Hfiwiriioiicf t Air- COIII'K.N. wtuio k ill nni) long in the )n?itfrTf mi nrt pi hop hirn inr nhrml ul' (if t per-ii- en(iii(f'il in it. 'J hi i fiiiiuticnlly the limf lo ul tmn a iiclnro ut yuiirffttll uinl ,'riuiut. Id' un huiul Hii'ii'ttHAnriiiiriii oi'fiiiiry i'ifi'-- , fnmo nt'whifh firr m intinirnt'ly uilnpifl lor unir,rffKAitTii ititd i.ivut! t iliy irii'tl ('liiiriim to til.tu? itfeii; mi J Witt (lie tiliViiiK tihcfiiiMft ol' (hi tnnl lirnriiVrtii rt)t,ni'tte. Oil nifii niul tmitroiu, jo'iiijj; luni and mui'lfii Henric trivo him a at hi itiuiiin over Nio i1 Vitneiy Siore, Hecuti.l Hired, IronUui. (mys mjpft FIFTY DOZEN REST QUALITY Of ourrivn manufacture of uxes for salo at our manulaitnry on Third Street Ironton Ohio. Furnace men and others wishing to purchase goo.lnTft will do well to call on us, as we are on pared to li oil orders with the Best qua lty of Azss avor offered for sa'.e in this r.crket, at Ross eV 1'ieker, No 10 and 17 East Front Cincinnati Ohio, nnd Duke &. in Kinj-sliur- Ironton Ohio, ore Agents for the 6(i I o of die nbovo Axes. SCOTT, HHOTUER& CO. Ironton, July S, 1851. t( Prunes Nash, Executrix of James Nnsli. deceased, n'nainst John Nash Eliza Ri'beccn Nah, intermarried willi .Vedison Collins, I lvira Nash inleim nr'ed with Wallace Lewis. The sf ale Jane I I en Xash inti rmarried with of Ohio .:.t. ..1 n'l.. 1 n .iiii-in- 1 1 nomas jeuerson l.awrenn Xash, Ji:imsJ Nash, S.ifati Francis I bounty, Naili. Rachel Nash, Jrm nia Nash I C utrt of intermarried with Ira Slater, (of full Probate a: e, vmii 11 11 i.ih, and Iraiicis jlnrion Nash Jmnu rs and heirs at law ol'Jatnos Nash, deceased. Ti c ah .vc named defendants ate notified llmt ( ti the i'llh day of February, A D I8'l, fnld lt iitiiriil d in the Court of Proba'e with- in and furlhe Ciunty of Lawrence and S.ateol Ol i i. her petition, the object and prayer of vvliieli is lo i btain un orrlcr iu mid Court, to si II for the pauiicul of dtlits f decedent, the follow ing real estate, situate in said county, to wit. rue hundred and sixiy acres of lan I in the Ohio ( ompniiy'j; pnrehosa,part ol lot No. I2U3, in Township No. 2 of Range No. 1, being a part of section No. 27, and the south half of l of lurid conveyed by David Robert- son, los.'tid Janii s Nash, deceased, on the 2lsl of A igu.il, l!o, by deed recorded in volume ill. puyes 1") and I l(i of the records ol deeds in si ol cuu uly, and that the same will be for hear- ing in Prolate, Court of raid County on Wednesday the 20th day of Mareli lH6i, and thill iinKss the said defendants, or some one of tht in, shall appear and make defence, on or- der will thin be taken for the sale of said prem- ises for the purpose aforesaid. 1.EET&I1AWLF.V. Fob 21 1 i:4 Attorney's for Pel'r. PITTSBURGH, PA. T7STABUSHF.D in 1810 incorporated by i of J'etinsylvuniu, wilh perpetual U.artcr. EOAED OF LIBECTOES. Hon. .Tame, tli eiiiSAN, Hon. Waotcti It. I.owbis - W'M. WlLKINS. " OtOlllLES XYLOO, Mo.nes IUmhtov. I " Gk.J. K. .Moo:ikat. Pttise iu. P. Duff, Author of Buff's Book- - h.ei p tirf . I'h is is admitted lobe the most extensive and porlcotlv organized Cumin-Tci- Collug'e iu the L nited htalcs. Four octive assistants are cottslanlly employed in the tluss. The Principal is the only teacher of Book Kerning in the Western Slates, former ly known iu an extensive merchant and ship owner, (see circular, pa ) His prolessional experience thus enables him to give commer- cial students an insight into actual business which other teachers nave no means oi im- parling. His commercial training embraces upwards of lull real business transactions drawn from every department of inland and shipping business. Neurly !'C0 commercial calculations, embracing on abbreviated meth- ods in uje among American and Kjrupeau merchants. Penmanship, embracing a per- iod command ol the pen by the hand and urm in iviinuiis. Daily l.ECTuuKii on Commercial Law, 1'olitical Economy, C.mmerciul sciences the theory, profits, & tne an of making money. Dull' s Harper s edditoii, price Si, Of, p stage 21 cenis 'the must perlecl and conipro-iiciisiv- iu the English Language.' Lull s Sicnmboal book keo-piii- price el, pos- tage u ceius, 'a perfect system lor sucb books ami ccoiiuls' Duff's Cammercial Calculations, priv? 40 cen.s Send for a circularby mail dec 19 D.A. WHITE, Grocer, Produce and Tea WIIEliE all kinds of Family groceries can be had of the best quality nnd nt the loiertl rater, Fourth St. 3d door N irth of the market, West side, IRONTOX, OIUO. 'PERIOR.orticleof Sugar Cured Ilanw AS lintidby D. A. WHITB. 4 C IOICS Good, Fresh and Fat No. 1 J. Mackerel, for sale by D. A. WHITE. 'IMIE best winter strained Lard Oil on band 1 by D. A. WHITE. DELPHI A Crushed aud Powdered PHIL ofasuperor quality, in Store and oTsub. IX A. WHITE. Oummerand Star Candles very fine always t3 on hand by 1. A WHITE. STOCK of New, Fresh snd Fragrant Tea . jusl received and for sale very cheap by u. a. w.iirr. Ladies and Gentlemen are particularly re quested lo call. -- . , u. A. w 111 1 a. ' 8. MONTGOMERY. AT the next regular meeting of the Board of Gomiaissionem for Lawrence Cjuntyi a petition will be presented to said lioart, the ooject of wuicb will be to procure an order for . Ivey aai loeadon of the pubtio road extending the Ohu River in said 0 maty, frum the lower littvtaof said Omnty, to the Couflty ttne bs.wota Lawreoosj ami Oallui couruies - WOULD respectfully announce to the citiiens of Ironton, that they havethia day entered in- to coportnership, in the aboye) business, and purpose carrying- - it in all its variour branches, such as iiovsk, siun it r.ci rAixf INO, Ul!-iNg- , masblino & rAr HANuiNo. From the ex- perience of S or 10 years, and the success we have heretofore met with, we feci safe in war ranting' a general satisfaction to those who may favor us with their patronage All work en- trusted lo our care, shall be punctually attend- ed to. We arc determined to do our work in a style not lo be surpassed by any Painter in the place. We intend to carry on the business in different style from what it lies been here yet. From attention to business, awl food work, "wo hope to meet a liberal share ol the public pslrunage. 'Enquire at llorris & Warrens' Grocery, on Fourth 8 reel. J. O. STEEN, Feb. VS, IBM. M. M. HOSWORTII. RErnarNi m. A Richey, of Ironton. I A Bender, Sr., Pit'bg. Richards, do J Uissel, do N II Particular attention paid to Graining Fancy Painting. DANIEL EVANS ESTATE. Notice is hereby given that the subcribcr has been appiiiiili,l and qualified as Administrator i nu i slate of Daniel Evans, Lawrence Co., deceased. TK0MA8 Pi'GII Administrator. February 7lh 18ol. I TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED. The undersigned being about to remove from Ironton, hereby gives notice that all watches and jewelry left here for repairs have been de- posited with James .Mnrcum nt D. II. Clark's old stantl where the owners can get them by paying the coat of repairs. Also, f 60,1)0 REWARD will be paid to any person giyiitK information to said iWarcuin r the Editors of thu Times, that will lead to the re- covery of four gold watches and chains, that werestulun Iruiu him on the night Decem- ber lust. J AS. R. FORD. Irontcn, February 7, 1834. MEAT HOUSE. THOS. A. URATTON, would inform thecilit- - ens ot ironton, that he has opened a iiiit iiocsK, on Lawrence, belwea 2nd ad 3rd sis.. directly opposite theB ickeye House, where he will be happy to supply them with Reef, Pork, Sausage, Alc, as fresh and good as cau be found 1 market. Feb. 2 1,1 854. AN INVITATION. 110! all ye people, ye Hint want bread, ye lhat would feed your hungry cattle, come up to the IRONTON MILLS, come buy Flour for yourselves, your wives and your little ones; buy lira n and Shorts for your cattle and horses: buu much, paymonry, that ye, )our wives and little ones, ytiyr cattle and your homes, yea, and the Miller iil.u, may all rejoice mid have exceeding great joy, seeing that each harh that which his heart uesiretli. II C RODGRES Si CJ on Dec 15 1853-- tf Wholesale Grocery Store. IITF, have on hand, and ore receiving, a y large and wel selected stock of Gro- ceries, which we have purchased for cash, and arc prepared to sell at wholcsnle or retail, at as so. d bargains as can be had ut Portsmouth or Cincinnati!. To Furnace men and Cauntry Dealers we are prepared to Duplicate Portsmouth or Cincin nati Bills, fteight added, iu every variety of Oroceries siiitaulo for the trade. Cull and see for yourselves. DE.MJ'aEV, JAc"LL ot CO. Ironton, Jan. 1, 1854. New Cheap Grocery, J. Cli'MArl & LATE OF C1NC1NAT1. Ravine; Estab'.ished a Grocery on Lawrenet St., between 3rd. and 4th., IRONTON, OHIO. T0UI.I) inform the citizens of Ironton and TT the surrounding country, that having the advantage of a connection wilh another es tablishment in Cincinnati, tram which they are receiving constant supplies, Ihcy will sell any thing in their line, upon the fairest terms offer ed in the market. Teas, coffee, sugar, spices, Family provision, pork, hams, butter, lard, Veg etables, In shurl a general variety of all the an ides usually kept in a Urocery. T71LL0W baskets, for sale by, I, CRONN 4 SONS. iW CIlEAr GROCESY. Corner of Third and Buckhorn Sis IRONTON, OHIO. WM.OKPHAHT, CIIA9. RENSIIAW. CEPHART & RENSHAW. Purchased Hall's building on HAVING have just opened, and will keep on hand a general assortment of Grocer- ies for fuiuily use such as Sugars, Molasses, Teas, Flour Rice Coffee Potatoes, Crackers, Cheese Corn meal, ' Ilomminy, Beans, Tobacco, Cigars Pork Fish Confectionary Spices, Lard Soap Caudles and vinegar, wholesale and retail, and almost every article needed for family consumption. Cull and see fur yourselves. Also, a general assortment of Quecnswore, Liverpool uud Glassware for sale by 4 GEPHART 4 RENSHAW. Lanterns, C.'ffee mills knives IiINWARE, spoons locks binges, saws 4c, ou hand and lor sale by Q It. Lead shot, percussion caps, POWDER, blacking for ole by G4.fi. D buckets, washboards 4c for sale by O ejf R N I X 0 N l l z Second Street, x litDoor above lb Ueuk, 0 IRONTON, OHIO. o N IX 0 N HAS now on baud, and is constantly receiving a good assortment-o- Music ond Musical inslru ments, sucb as Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Vio- lins, Guitars, Banjos, Ciarionetts, Fiageoles One i ay. tiebt day and alarm clocks, watche, jewelry of the best quality. The very best of Oigars and ToDacco, ieriumery ol an Kinds, Confectionery, Fancy Groceries, Glassware, Notions, Blank Books and Stationery, Pictures and Frames, of all sizes, plain or silt. Sealed Measures and Weights, Dried and Foreign Fruits, Nuts. Fine shirts, ciravats, ifortmon- - ics. Hobby Horses, Toy Wheelbarrows and Wagons, and tops of every description, and a great many other articles loo numerous to men-lio- March 7 1854 MILLINERY, AND FANCY GOODS First door below the Vernou House. IRONTON, Having Just arrived from Cincinnati wiib a fine stock of Bonnets, Trimmings, fcc, of the most approved and ashionabk styles, tenders ber services to an wno may uewre anywing in the Jfilhnerey line. Ilavini served full ap prenticeship with one of the best Jfilliners in the Slate, and bavins made snaoiements by wmcnsbe win receive tne latest sivies uou New York and Cincinnati, from time to time.ss the wants of ber customers may demand. She iieels oonfident of sn ability to give (all selisfao tion to all that may favor with their custom. Itrsw aasjkftv asatif Hatilsisssjl, , asrohSl 186. :- --. - . - MrvTiriLi ... TWraWUlksa Bwedns at IM Board ( SeAoat Kx aotiMSsai Um Court Hutu, n Friday, Hlaiuau, at av 'Mia a. aa mj woei m - i ., J. OttWaUIOIsik, ; lrMioa, Hank 11, UM. .,, SOMETHING NEW. . C. RODOCKt, w ( 9. MORDOCK, ' ' T, I. MDRDOVK, W. I, Mil II DOCK. CO. Wholesale and . lielail - ' GROCSRS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS A ND DEA LKRS IN COVNTR Y PRODUCE. A T the old stand ofT.tyD Murtloek, corn j of 3d snd Lawrence sis, I ronton, Ohio, flavlne purchased of Clark 4t Rasncl their en- - atook of Groceries, intend carrying on the above in business at the old stand, and would Invite tho public to call snd examine our stock which will be kept full by new supplies as customers de mand: The Senior psrlner wiIJ pay particular nllen. lion lo tho purchase and sale of goods on 1RAN11ERRII S, Apples, Raisins, By tw.. J'restrved Fruits, C'lindlo's, Clovi-s- , Spice, C nniimoii, Nutmr-gs- , Ginger, Pickles, Jluslnril, Ciii lkwick. Siilrratus, and Matches on hand and fur sale by KMeVCi. ," Oullons Stone Ware; jLUVvI 10 boxes Cheese for culling; 100 reams w rapping paper, Ml kegs rifle and blatiug pnvderj 10 barrels Hagari 10 do C.der Vinegar; 10 do NO Molasses; 23 do Potatoes on commission for sale low by tho barrel, lot or parcel. A No. one article of Ctton B itting. Buckwheat Flour, Cum Meal, B itter, Eggs, nt Corn H rooms, C.mmou and Fancy, on hainUini the for sah by It M & Co. OAA Bis dried peaches the very best. JLJJ o Apples; 100 do Beans, while and red; 100 do Potatoes, different kinds; 200 do Oats; 10 Cases Virginia Tobacco; by 10 Boxes Stsrc h; SO Dot. assorted Plow Lines and Bed Cords; in slo'e snd for sale by R M & Co K Chests Imperial, Gunpowder, Young Hy I U son ami uiack Teas, on hand and for sale by RMij Co, of in hand warranted to ILOURconslnnllynn I a first rateartiele. H M A C). lar QALT AGENCY', 100 barrels Kanawha Salt koit naud and for sale by R M it Co. Tf Boxes assorled washing and shaving (J J S taps on hand and for sale by RM. 4 C "A Boxes Caudles, Iruiilou and Cincinnati I ) manufactured, also 10,00 ssssorted cigars hand and for sale by H M $r Co. - sed POTATOES. 4 rA Barrels of Neshannocks. tJv 100 do pink eyes and long Johns, Just received and for sale by R li 4 Co. CIGAES: 3,500 Rio Honda Regalia. Eitrn, 2000 Jenny Liml do in 2,500 Pocahontas and smuU do. 10,000 Common, it On bend and for sale by R. M.& C. POTATOES, 100 barrels White on hand and for sale by R. M. 4 Co. 10 bis. LonfSjgor, 10 bis crushed do 600 pieces Bacon, 25 sucks Coffee. 1 dos. Kits Mackerel, 4 Barrels Onion Setts, for sale RM 4 Co.- - ESS? CHS GiSSSB, WHOLESALE & RETAIL. At the ttand formerly occupied Ly D. II. Clark, Third St., first door It- - low the Railroad. IRONTON, OHIO. MARCUM would inform the citizens JAMES and the country generally, that he nas opened a wholesale and Retail OKI) CF.RY, at the above named plncc, where he will be happy to accommodate them with gro- ceries as cheap as can be bought in the place; consisting in part of Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Molasses, Tobacco, Cigars, Bacon, Flour, Cheese, Salt, Fish, Candles, Soap, Hucketa, Brooms, hpiccs, Fruits, Nuts, Ae. and all articles usually kept in a grocery store. TL'ST received, O 20 Barrels Flour 9 Bis. Molasses 17 Boxes Snap 17 Boxes Candles 4 ao CiniKlies 20 Ills. Apples 6 lbs. Tobacco Segara, Pipes 4 Boxes Teas Cut4 Dried Tobacco. Nuts ol every vnr'ty Sn;ar, Cider wmonxarn DvcS'.ulls 4 BuxesSaleratus Mackerel, While Fish Herring, Cud Fish Sacks, for sale, as cbCan as can be a,l,l Ironton, by JAMES II ARCL'M. Jan. 10, 1854. I ARD, fresh for sale by J J. M "lountry prodacc of every variety for sale by W J. M. Stoneware for sale by J. M. BUTTER, fresh, constantly on hand, anil by . JAMES MARCUM. Yarn for sale by Cotton J. M. NOV. 18, 1803. . P. MURPHY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. AND DF.AI.F4l IN ALL KINDS OF PRODt.'cr. Third Street, Ironton. Having received a larire additional atnek r,r goods, 1 am now prepared to sell Groceries as cheop as any other house in IRONTON. My stock, consists in part as lollows, received direct from Cincinnati. K BOXES SOAP an excellent article, Uj uo o.iiiuw.3, 10 do Sperm candles for sale by P. M. TVTEW Orleans aud StiEor hotiso MOLAS. SES, a first rate article in store and for sale by P. M. 1 r SACKS PRIME RIO COFFEE, on hand 10 by P. M. TEA, a fresh and full supply of all grades qauhties for sale low by P. M. TOBACCO the best brands of chewing To. band and for sale by P. M. 6,000 Half Spanish Cigars, 3.UOJ tlavanna sixes tor sate oy r. fli UGAR CURED RAMS, Shoulders,' and clear Sides For sale at MURPH VS. S0RATAT0B3 Onions, Green and dried Apples for sale by MURPHY. XT AILS of alt sites, also 2,000 gallons of 1 . stoneware on nana and lor tote Kft.cj.iiiir low oy T AISIN3 Prunes, Currants, Figs, and all T. kinds of spioeesfor sale uj P. M j '.' t Ltaf aul oraihsJ sa;ir, c for sale,.by - P. MUKPI1V Kindt of country produce mm ALL on hand, sold by P. JtUKPUY, ' TWILL pay the highest Cash price for noUtoes. corn oats, t poles, honey, . . - tn, UH. .... I ...... tA i.Thim rajnt era. a am uuum. atv ibiiwi w eall and sxasniae ay stock, as 1 am determined to sell as cheap as any other house in town. T ... - P. MURPHY. A A BBLS. N. 0 SUOAR, in Ston and for 4:Ussle low, by '::' P M. . WESATIt l?SSATS v S pay the highssjisftarketpricA, Ibr Wkaaft ,.r ii, j.'i.' '. r'KVlV v;'-V- ". .il .4 m.IL WT J" t.T nartiaf ' '... i' m :.tfr Br. Ouyutt l?rTl l:',:t ; OF YELLOW DOCK 4 SARIAPArILLA now p:it up in Ihelarenst sited boltlesi ah 1 Iiis acknowU dijcd to bo His best Sarssparillt made, ss isoertiliedby tiio wonderful cum it ' has performed, the original eopioi of whlub ero possession of the proprietor. Henwmbn, '"' V ' this Is the only true anl original article. :; f Thi Com jound Fluid Extraet of Ts'Jow Bok r., ''' Aul Carsaparlila, liaibeen prepared willtpar- - i' ticulnr refereiioo to Female Cvwplainlt, In-- c r ' efpiru'. Consuiiiiiion, Barrenness, Luchwhca regular Menslmsliun, Incantinoncuof Urine, ," ..'."j'vj and general glnnmy stale of mind are cured by ' ' 1 Dr. GKYtJOTT S Extract o. Yellow Dock ' V ! nnaSsrsnpofMla, which gives Immediate re '":' lief by rennwiiu Hie foundation of health and . :. slrengtli Hie blond, ft neutralises bail bu- - ' ', monrs, slops vtniiatnral secretions, anj givos l.eullhy anion to all vital powers. The Yellow Dock sad Sarjapirills is peev liurly Milaplcd lo' females of delicate health ' . ' '" fn m irregularity of menstrial dit- - churges, nnd other dUeascs peculiar to their ; sex. The prnwnetor has in li s possusiioa i - great number of certificates of ottres perform '''' ,i edoftho above description. We assure Uu v'' ulllicteil, that a bottle or two of Dr. Guysolt's .. '.j Lxtiaetof ellow Dock and Stmparilla wijl ' , once regulato those diffieulties, and renew j natural eueries, V: I A CtsK of UaKiieuaiTV i tiii Pistons pr MKNSTSUiTIOS, . rU'Ro-m- t this statement of the cure of Mary Moore, who was given up by her physicians as being utLwtjy insurable, as herein certified to ""vler, one of her cuusultirtg p; finville Va., Aug. 23, 186J. that I was called to see the above named Mary Moore, during the obscene her regular attending physician, found her a critical and dangerous condition, and,' as thought, beyond all hope of recovery. Aflar this I was called in consultation with her regu attending physician. Oa opinions were. that her recovery was impossible. I learned that her disease was caused mure than two years ago, from irregularity ia her periods of meiistruution, caused by taking a severe old. did not see her again, but soon after learned that she was getting well. I was mucasurpri- - si this, snd on inquiring what could have caused ibis sudden change, was informed by V in. Rittenottr that she had been taking Dr. Gupsolt's Extract of Yellow Dock and Sampa-rill- a. I have since beard of its great effects other cases iu this vicinity. I have no ia duccmcnt to make this statement, other 'Jtsa may induce others afflicted as was the sub- ject of this statement lo try the Yellow Dock and Sarsaparllla, believing as I do, that it is pos.-'csc- of many excellent quulities, snd adap- ted to many diseases incident to the husaso family. A., 3. WARDER, M. D. Price, $1 per bottlo, oi six bottles for to Sold by JOHN D. PARK. North-eas- t corner of I'oiu'.h snd Walnu sts. I'lilranee on Walnut street, to whom all order-uius- f be addressed AGENTS. ' By Moxley4 Barber, $ J. P. Shaw, Irontonj. WH & M Bryan, Burlington; John Kyle, Hanging Ifocki W S Konns,Orecnupsburgh; W Nichob, Catlctlsliurg; Jo's II C Miller, Jack. son; bP Magnet, Ualipalis; G J fayse, Por-s- ! ftipj rr'XoWilkesvUle; Tho's C Biifling- - tonGi'.'andottei J L M'Veyfcco, Portsmouth; Shackleford ft Crichlon do- - " ' ' W .star's Balsam of Wild Cherry. FOR THE INSTANT RBLIF.F AND RAPID CURE OF ASTHMA CONsr.MPT10M,COUOH8.COI.D i HOAIlStCNKSS, CKOI P. AND ALL DI9EA- - ' r?K8 OF THF, LUNUS AND CHPST. THE BEST REMEDY ever known to man for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Influenza,. Bronchitis, Bleeding of the Lungs, Difficult ' Brealhing, Liver Affections, Pain or Weak- ness of the breast, or Side, etc., - - In short, this Balsam is peculiarly adapted to every disease of the Lungs and Liver,- which i is produced by our g climate. ' , FIFTY THOUSAND PERSONS, die snnu-- 1 ally in England of C JNSUMPTION. In the Afow Engiund slates, the proportion is one in four.or five. In Boston probably one in four.. In the city of of New York, sixty-seve- n died in two weeks in December of this disease. It ia less prevalent in tho mure northerti latitudes, as Russia, Canada, and among the Alps of Switzerland, where the winters are long and severe, and there are fewer sudden changes.. No theory can be moro we come to the hu- -' man mind than the one which establishes on good ground.:i the hope for prolonged existense f the allegations of thone wno are at least en titled to voracity, may be believed, there is a preventive and a remedy. ' J IT Another rhploian. TMtlnwny.XJ ' ' Mr. Fow'le Dear Sir: I could send you dozen certificates, strong and decisive, of the really sanative effects of your valuable Bci- - sum of Wild Cherry, within the past twelve months, under my own sap?rvuioii,.anddirto lion. Indeed I know of few persons who have used it comparatively, but commend it In' tho' strongest terms. A cose of Asthma, the se verest I ever saw, to which I was called av. V month sgo, evinced the superiority of the Bkl- - ' ,, ' sain. It lasted him six weeks, and the dvsD. noeaand sufforing were dreadful, ha sat up ' , every night. The gentleman told me to give - him something to last him home, 121 miles so " that he might see bis wife and child, and diet, n pacel I gave him one bottle of balssxtf; 'J and four ounces of syrup squills, directing hint to take tcs8poonful doses of- best Bordeaux! olive oil, when the difficulty wal peatesL-- i VH Next day I forced ais despondeBt will, an 1 made.him take six iKittle f WUrtar's Ualssin of Wild Cherry home with him as a present, hs T having allcdged that he had used 11 nriieit ei pensive medicines. to no profit. Last'weoic Afr. A. called and expressed hi gratituo ij . , to me in the st maimer," Mid th imeUv ' ! x cine bnd saved hii life,' piid his; wNolp'iR ; ; snd tooksh buttle.i rnno. aud left my oSce for; " home rijiciug. Very respectfully yours." "; :' ' Washington, North' Carounv Aurt v )i ForsalebyJ. JA PiR Cinoln ' North tasl Corner of Fjnrtrt ani w:lt;uJai., ' :' enUauce on Walnut siikel to wboss aao . : must bo addressd k-r- . 4'f tv&foi 'J AGENTS. ' : '' t :, Sold V MoxtVy 4VllVst','gf;Kr ' Kyle, Hanging Rookj WitKjsiins,: burgi W TfljeaolsxCoJUlattH-'- ' O Miller, JaoUonj L P J&u, C Payne, Porur, a sumy, w iUk ti. uuiiinr uay-wat- ;i. n, r . 4... .yv';s--K.- ; A " J

Transcript of Spirit of the times (Ironton, Ohio : 1853). (Ironton, OH ... · dealers who have been making in...

Page 1: Spirit of the times (Ironton, Ohio : 1853). (Ironton, OH ... · dealers who have been making in other markets, believing we cuu offer induce-meh-ts unequal led by any other Western


MST OP LETTERS,TnMA N!NJ4 NTimPOHT OrTlCK nl IrontonA I." , III. Million Wm LA lum, JdIiii 0

A lama Jmn-- Martin DavidAble Mmti.oil 4 do JumiAuiUron'iAllan f. M)'ra ,1 Mangan Edward(leorgAkr. Rehire jrannoJoii'phArbnutTh William, MUnlicll JamesAnille lic do Wm iAlllaoii 1 II Miller EliAahten CmhrrlnfAuiteruin John do Jamo 3Andrew tr Mooth Henry 8AliVeil Mary I'. MorriiJ II


Alirba- -IGmrc

I Moode Henry4:kiwy O w More Tunoihv

' llraiihaiii W II Afonk Oeo or SarahI'moli-- Mnrllie F, Mnr.u Jointsllllirn 0 IIHlrt.iki.ii. Lip Wm. P Means T W AHilira Sir. Hunhsh Muiphy Margaretliiimlmri (icoree Mush JohnNnn Itol eti 8't1'riiWI A Mien S.iml

Inn Wiitm JVyers C.ipt JI'l.llea Jidn, ll Meredith TrioslhirnaII) era

Jeiitr.AUerl Morgan Morgan II

Unpen Jonathan Mil word Richardlllair Joe h Milllmllnnd li UBold Itnl rrl Nenlll8 2J'eoin '1'liiMnlnr M 3lol William K Ncl Maryllarltev J T K Nailu 51 inn Rlllaka Henry Newton Julmtakerlierld U

Co. Nt.rrisJ 1

Purge.. Mi Nickloiioii Patrickrnfy Ml.i C Noho Ally

Bow er. K M Osbmn J KUrown DavieIlriant Daniel ' O'RriuullClark-Samu-el Parsun H.ilJwinClark Wiiaun royn.) M EClark JohnClark Jnlm XV. I'inl JmncCarry Mr Piircu Anna 2Cvein't-- r A l I' lace J 8Caller Waltar Prmi'D OcoCowla W TCollier I A dj JnmciClayton A Hca PowcllJohnCrumlull K.ll.a PBIKllfllill ECliiiei'elter JohnCorlun David PvtpNon JohnCVrrell Hannah 'ruuit A AColllaloil Allffctl Rowan Jnlin 2CoorerChri.l.in

Jocob8 W Hnnch TliiH 4

Curry Si'a. II ItiUley Kobl2, Dili arr (irnrf 4 Howe 1'hatclitr itSavia Rarliael iom Mury

Danlele Oenri;Davl famuef Itaukim Wm .

lhmfield Sarah Hosili-rr- J QDarirtafin (Jirenlraf Kiloy JohnsDevaiiiiii)- Caihci'n t Kobiincn Wm QlaaoSaviattiii aa hniv JumpsDelonf Franklin Kichry HamiltonDrown II W do FLMDillon I'nrRDeerinf Itirhord do Mn FranceiDunni.i-- CorliiHla Shoup JuhnDunn .Michael BUiice Loganl'vana I eniel 4Paler Jemi-- btory SnruhCvrrliian llnmniui Siover JoelK.a.tnn Alfred ' Hnow L N 31 neela (learns Sbcpurd ColumbusFnlwell F. JFarley Mi" Jane Sieviaun Gil'icrlFarley 'I hrniaa Stout Wm AFarnannnh lluriet r

Sliiiightiiii MrsM JFrankTeeny

F'etcherl'. Silcoy II 8Fulaon Swnuel hischt-- WinGsyuor I'ult Sin i Hi SilnsGorman Christian Sweeney John eGardner igius fjlau-r- J L

Gnmb.e A .M fcm.th FrancisGriffith Jane 3 do C;uhuriiio

do Hzabeth2 Stephen on ItovvnrJc'o Jol.il Since Henry

rieir-cJih'i- t'beriir Ln.ir..ntc Cifimlii m Bmlioli'mew Tiiompsuii ii i

Cwviiiic, L 'i Tyler Jis .piiGlass John '1 hornps n CiilierincOrny Frnnela 'Ih.Hp JohnGrT'ry E K '1 lit in as L

QilltnUenj --

IICo Ueorgo

m Itcn John do l)VHnsknisWm W 2 Tins J ihnHarris Nancy J Tally bi'nnuJjjnrbnrytr V in Tuckette S.imuelHar.!v II M . '1'hrad I yHnll W D TliwpMn I.ovinaljnrris Jamts . do 'Hi: in. isinn;moi;d J Z do J . uii a

IlambiirgMiiry A Viekera Mury AHagiitriy Hcbtcca Virimiiboii (JrceiivilieHoiay A T WilB-- S .M

Harvey A White W W

y Jlnttl.ioJ W'uu r. MiabulbHoll.nworth John W.l.ii'iiuiV CjlIiiglmliMgliy A ciod irtiH mil S.ir.ih Ward C A 2Herman Wm Wliah.yl.C2Holmra Christopher Wi-s- riii.in J A

Houl Franklin Wyat llurn--Hughs Chailes W'ooda E NHearrinJol.n A Willmms Win THenry John Worrell WmHooper jon.-ilha- Williams PressJlnlgos Wilsiii do U OHem etou Juhn do livani rw in S.:inae) do ThymusInteiulaiit of Ironton W uriit r PJones I' M W;ooclSnil II

do M 'i Wilson SjrJenado L'nvitl W nrd J Gdo &. mi,n Fontaine Louis

Juni n:" F A - MyerCnrl 'Jenkins J 11 Sehmit HeinricliJYel'y Miss Pormclia 2 Dmusci Mm

do John Orlgi in iller OeOdo Jacob Mayer Fro-n-

' do WP Doll AmiensKent Nathan Ilenssy J'aulKline Saiuli Mcllciidry IsaacKirket Williamsm Mclnlire HughXeavitt D M 4 Mcl'hcr.j.iu JesioLambert J ph 2 AfcDertney HarrietLtmb T G McCloud DuvidLayhe'Slewart meDoiiclAllredLuther Nicholas incLaiu & Cj 2Lowary Wm mcGuire Laishan 2Lloyd Duvid mcOinley JohnLibrary Ironton incOiyJDLawton Elijah meni.illen RebeccsiLopur Emce in)Ujnald 11 igli

. Persons calling lorany of the ubovi Ictteriwill please say Uiey are advertised,



FROM ACT UA. SAKKS.Wholesale at la, alfle Retail 14

til til tt a 7n.Of.QUgitrI.uai Sutfur, (Hit

- N. . Aluiensea, per gallon !i4uS 40Rice;. do

'61 7

Yuun;? Hy aon Tea, iu a 71. 60 a 74Imperial - do bi a M 76 a bUtiunpowder do (15 f4Kanawua pan, per uuanoi, 371 6U

JIAICU, per imrroi. , W,vi 7,00Corn Mcul. per ugauol 00 70

JhaCON-Dhl- es, 109' Sbonhlera, efugnr eurea Hams,Couujj do iu itLard, vt 'i

.GRAIN, Wheat, per paahelt 91

Onta, o 40Corn, w

FRUI I S, Dried Peaches, 1.50 lf.00

Uned Applet. I no 1.40

iRODUOe-fi- as teed, per bushel, soperqiound, 4d 43

IJee,wax do UII

Clinaeng," do . 8Sa W -Uullcr, do laaia lOi'O

; 'Clincae. per pound, vi all' ' per dozen OS 10

:iiito,i, per dozen i.a? i,5(iCtiiiipowder, per keg, $3,30a6(rJ Ib20ai7

' Ka.'., 3

1 ' WM. HALL & SON,

Manufacturers of Piano Fortes.AND PUUL1SHBR9 OF MUSIC,

9. 239 Broiwy St.,, opposite tho Tark,NBW VORK.

'Sole Agents for Prince 4 CVs MELODEONS,


HARRIS & KILUN,Minnfacturers of Marble Monuments

' Hesd and root utones, maroieManteirTable Slabs, ore Also, Free-Ston-

OTnthS, Window Jambs, Sills, Caps, 4c &c.

fotttaitrnt, opposiu the M.rket Boas,- 1R0JVT0N, OHIO.

v- - nr.iinlln enssced inthebu- -

-- ..iirnf .ears in tvSrooe and thisZntw fcei confident lhat they wiUbe

:5Jr.n.i, aatisfaction to all who

St iS wRh their M a '.Uictitnntion to Business, nope w

share of public patronage, n-- ll

TilVE HUNDRED KEGS of Blasi-l-

. . i.... r Rlfla POWDKU.

n7.ete4 b7 mA M.MfMtut.n,


Tip vith iho Times-If- ot to be Undersold,F U R.N I T II K E VTBB ROOMS,

CEB-ssn-r sib nx9'jc jtv. d k 9COnNKIl Ol' LA WKI'NCK AND TMIKU HrRKKTA, IKUNTCIM, OHIO.

rrliim our sinri-r- llionUs lo our frl mis and cnst'wrs for their generous pnlronago, and(.hall ever endeavor by all nn ans in oi r power to merit a contiimnnee of the sunns

We are no heitrrprf pored ihan .vtr Ulnro to aiify all Hie Hants of housekeepers in thellOLSi! FUIiNlSlllXe LIAE. hrving n--w on j,nil. justrecrivril, the t,aair .omi jikxttiii sit and cnuai-ut- aroiK or fiKii"HB ever yet oiTcrtd If) llio cilinens of the Iron lloion,which is rerei vim weekly addilirus (o meet the snt of our poironi. 'Vhe public may r?st as- -

SUMH II. SI wit Slmll rtUl UIU vcuun3inu8JFA8 Cherry and

Wimiland Mahocnny. Latin'"'CIMIIIS Miis Carey's

blot and spindle l ack. BVI1FAL8CcolU p anil ui 'ck fctroll, Projection fourllunnikler back, do col. andBoitou and Jenny I.ind, Walnut dreenini.',

tplil bottom, M alum scrollFiencli cane scat, do roundGrecian walnut. TADM.S

rjwiiCha,rn,lancy mwmik,

drawer, .m rdl do, do.

celtimti docornered do.

Tuyloi atauibiur, flowcrcdi Kiichtn anddo uo p.ami Dining, Card and

Office rim back, 6T4.NL8C.iililreii a i tniiifd. Double leaved

do rim back. Two and oneSelletH, Wanh stands, all vurhuiej,

Jhliuister rovkinf, Wuluut Uesks,Homoii 11 in r.ieking. FAFliS four varieties,G'alili rina tone LOOKING JL rSnS .

do do do p.aioi LiHi rtut sizc, good article,f'pring seat rocking, UEDSTEAUSCm rry ennescat rockinrj, iUisjtis medium, Mi.n CjruyWaliitilaudilal do Fieiich gotioje watinit,Call and examine our alonk belnrcp irchajing i lsewlarJ.

Irouiou, ilar('h2l,'fil

Kcllrrs' Vermifuge Is (ho Ccst In Ise.IIKRlilS 'l lli: I'.iOOF.

LickingSiolion, Ky Dec. 11 1115.

Mr. R. F m.i.tnps 1 hnvo the pleasure loinform ynu, that I have um d in my practiceyour celebrated Vernnlure vytn the mint hap-d- v

restilis I have lotmcrlv used Fuhucsioekii'but being neriiundcd to try yours, 1 have found

mr superior in every and tan say,without the tear of cunirudiutioii, that yourVermifiure D'tiwesses v.rlue than any I ev- -

cr used, and m wt cordial. y reci min.ntl it lothe ail.ntion of l lie public. I will Male a casewhere I gaveone vial of your Veiiiufuge. .My

brother s child was p iling anil w sting lo amere skeleton. In :U hours slur I gave himthe Vermiluge, the cnoiin us quantity of

six hundred worms wtr.i pjssi-d-. The

child, that was given up lor lost, is now as wellas any child in the neighborhood.

March It 1m A.MIJItOSU AllNliTT, M D.

GEORGE Slitniliart, Plaintiff against O.Cain S.itln rlan.l, deleulaiil. At the iusinneeofsnid I'lainliir, on tne i:ilh day of Febrmiry AI) 154, an order of an nUnchm.-u- l wns issuedby Th mus Uti'gins. a Justice l the Pence ofMason TowtiMi p, liivvreiiee Cuiitv, Ohio, forthe sum f V.1 ikdl.i. debt, and supposed

of cost ten didl.us, nenmai the goods,am k, stocks, or inieatt in s.ocks, r.thiH,

eredtls, ui iiicys and ilLcts ul u Cain Satlier-lan-

n noli ri.s.deniol said co.nny.Muuli 7 lal Gi-O- . M.AUHAtlT.


ANFOIMhIIAFKIIS. )lie (L'tiMiihiiii in inucu.-- wi!l tuke nntici' dial u

Jiim l.ecn li rd in tne Cui.ri ul I'nmniuu fico iirl.tiwrence t.'uunty Ohio. .ro lnr 'hiil Imr nittriiu,.'ilumirnci with ilm unii hmiiurii imiii l.e revukej.Cauau Uiaignvd, exlruint eriif.i) d.iu ni'li'ct.

r. Mi'KlliU, Any liir Coin.Iro.honO, March I t, :.A.

INFORMATION WANTED.THE undcriUned wishes asco-rtai- wherePatrick Joyce, fr lit County .Mayo, Ireland, ahr it 1. 1 rol his, may he found, whocameto thiscountry ab ml nine years eg). Ho was in NewYork all ml two yi.ars sin, c Any iiiiormaiioiiof h:m will be very thaukl'i.llv ro eived by mo,iMiiion, Ohio, .March J I '51 Til Jj. JUi'Cii.


Cwntrv Merchants. Furnace Proprietors andDealers generally are advised that

V.I. ELDEN & CO.Wholesale Dealers iu DRY GOODS,

Qutcuswure, Carpfil i ns. S raw Goods,Cm urn Vums

Print 8re;, POBTSSIOUIII OMj.Arr n iv rocioviiw thftir Hrt immrlntinn nfSpring Goods, being larger, m ro varied, andmoae desirutdc than any ol our previous impjrlations loi the Spring season.

We respectiully invite the attention of alldealers who have been making inother markets, believing we cuu offer induce-meh- ts

unequal led by any other Western llousu.Our arriiugimi nis are such iu lo supply dealersnl Eastern Jobbers ptic-es-

, with the uddition offr ighl and exchange, nnd will bo glad to du-

plicate easloru purchasers up in these terms.Poidiour old friends we can eoulideiilly

say, our luck presents greater 'attractions thanever heretofore, and extra exeninns will be us-

ed to make il their imer.ssl to continue dealingwith us. M. elu:-:- CJ.

March 14 185 1

'I'O lIlC I'COItle Of LaWrtUCe aUtl tllC

Atljoluing: Couuilcs.

A New Saddle and Har-ness Manufactory!

The subscribi M huve located them- -

selves in No. 4., Sjifjcrs' Blook,etreet, Ironton, Obio, where Ihcy will be

ready 'o furnish everything usually kept in asaddle shop. We would Euy to these who willfavor us with their patronage, that from longexperience in the business, w e flatter ourselvesthai we can give general satisfaction.

All our work will be made by ourselves. Wewill not send to Ciuciinia.i, Pilisburgh and oth-er places lo buy work that has been thrown together purposely forsule work. All our workwill be wakkaii i UU- - ami we will be onhand to make good any of our work that maytail.

If you want the finest ki lid of a saddle or harness, we rre prepared to furnish them.

We can show you certificates civen to us bythe Licking County. Agricultural Society, lorpremium baddies and Harnesses, fur several'years back.

We therelorc say, can ana scetis, everyuouyWe will do our best to render general satis-faction.

Furnaccmen, Country Merchants and allethers wauling any thing in our line of business, will do well to givo-- us a call.

WILSON OililUlAKDSON.March 21 1851

mv wm STOKE.


A nimble sixpence is better than a slow shilling!



Nol. Rodgers' Blick, C .rner of Second andKailroad sheets ikontu.n, umo.

HavinS ttisi opened the fulll-s-l and must com- -

and the-- ueapest stock, as well as the best solectea, we are limy preparen 10 give st

attention to a'l Ineuds and cusuimerswho favor our stock with an examination.We are confident that a discerning pnoiic wnlever confer upon us the liberal share of theirpatronnge.whicfi we

.shall enieavor. to merit,both in the extra qnalily of tho soods we oiler,and the EXtBSHXLT LOW PEICS atwhicluwe shall sell them to good customers. Dealingupon the principle of Profits and QuickSales," we shall exact promp t payment.

Our stock is entirely too large to be men-tioned in detail, butthepublio may est assuredeverybody's ants in the Dry Goods line can.be fully satisfied at our establishment.

i Let it be luliy understood tnai we shallbe undersold for the ready pay.

Cailsttd examinc charge for exhibitingnut aoods. and have the pleassniest aura inIrontoTW SlLVlittMAN.AXCAN, Uo.

Marekt,;Mi ," ;. v','.;',

run 1 11 l, UL.JIU 1 a r.walnut do nunc, Oelauon syeamore liich nast

Collngo do do1'ijili.r do

do square doft ft field poplur,French doLow common,Trundle beds, without. s'aU

do do with ulai.t,LOVNOES

llrcnkfiml, Puniit lnnd turnedCentre C.HB- S-

Lari-enn- small.Iwo e'rawer MAT I'rtASSES Great Tarioty,

drawer i oy, win w wngniM, Uil s,Af us, different kinds; Tubi;Willow eradht, bail bx.-s- ,

Heelers, fuiicy bucli'tschuiiupAleiil clolhes pins,liolltng pins and inasheM,MnrneiJiiiiiiey wil w baikeis

etc. etc: elo



A. P. KUUNX vV HONSCintie Building in tht Ktw Block

Comer of Sunnd and II nil Road Sis.IRONTON OHIO.

I I Av E just received by slciimer rrnuk KeilXX. ng, Iresh from Acw Orleans, a lureslock of ,

ISugur, Molnsscs, Mackerel,Coll'ec, Tea, ' Ilice,Malnn Frnils, Nuts, etc. etc. etc.

To winch tliiJjave addedllacon.Q Lurd, Flour,Tobacco, Cheese, Duller,Coldeti Syrup, Eggs, Soap,Condi,, Hay, Corn, Outs, etc.

They will keep a full supply ofFAMILY PKOVISIUXS,

Good and Frsh, which they will sell at Cin-cinnati prices and freight. They will also havea large sun k of FEEli which we will keepsupplied fri.ni our farm in country.

They huv op-u- ed for the present in Hall'scrick the cornet ol t hud utnl UueKhorn sirccls, until they cjii build u hi.um-- 1

enough lo do the business Wlucji they intenddoing.

They inviie the public to call ami give thema trial ihcy win he thankful for nuull luvursand larger ones hi pre portion.

l)j Lush paid lluy, Corn, 'ta'.s, I'ggs, Cut-ter, C'hicki ni. Turkeys, lings, etc.

'iJ acid Country tirocerK can beby iheiu'us low ns at Cincinnati. Cull

and see iheui. All urncles delivered ul thetvhari bout, Ueput, or in town il desired.

Ironton, Doe 1.1, leo.i.

WiXXXX X.XXXXX00 fcilr.'A X''ra n.' IS".-".'1- !' r rrir? X K

HAT MArtUFACTdRtR, UV IIU1.I AI.I. A.MJ Kl.i All., A -.

fxt A Knar r&mhell. E.ilafin &.Ca a I1 rlrv. X -

ft, IrouicB, Ohio.;i The puhlie will linu ii iu their advantage X s

X 0 cuu uinl exhiiiine my hefure pur- - X

t1" 6 chu.-in- g X 'V i eb. m, u.a. d. w, niciunLs. ' t

THE partnership heretofore existing betweenDrs. iUorris and Barr, has been this day dissolved, by mutual consent. The books ol saidfirm are left in the hands of .Mr. Munis, whowill selllu the same.

Those therefore knowing themselves indobt- -

cd to said linu, will please call nd SettleJ. 4101! HI.S,

Feb 28 1851 lm R Lt A a It.

50 COAL DIGGERS WASTED.THE Peach O. chard Cml Company whl giveRiiusluiit tmploMuenl tlin year round, lo 50Cjal Diggers at their works on Hie bTg SandyThe)' are paying Hit cents cash per ton of VUUO

pounds lor dittgiug.For further uilormation, enquire of W. T.

Nieholls $ Cj., at the .Mouth of Uig Sandy.Jan 2.1. loM.

Valuable Real Estate for Sale.THE Subscriber oilers for sale Ins l it and twostory brick building, next door bebw the Ver- -

lion IIounc, on Front Street, Ironton, Ohio.Said building is 2U by 43 feet, llieliwer storyUOVV UCOIIjllOO UJ U L'Lll: .3.UI'.--

,LI1U ll'px.l nwi,

is occupied ns n dwelling, ccntainng threeroi.m3 on Hie floor, end one very good room inthe ;ai ret, with entrance from the outside. Pos-

session can be had iuMareh, apply to the Sub-

scriber in Ironton. JACJB CML'il'ON.Jau 24, isil wi .

JOHN CLARK'S ESTATE.Notice is 'hereby given to ail concerned, that

the undersigned hove been duly qua, lied andappoinled administrators of the Estate of JohnClark deceased, late of the Ciunty of Law-

rence, and State or Ohio. IIF.S I'EK CLA7K.February 7th 1851. AMOS 11. CLAttK.

FOR THE GEVi'LEMEN.Fine Calf, Sewed and pegged BooU, n'so

.Congress gaiters and Brogaiu, Custom nude,and warrented to be of the bt-s- ' material, amiworkmanship, just received and for sate cheap,

ironton iWar. 7th. S. W. HAHPlH.LADIES SHOES.

Ladies Calf and Goat Lace Boots, custom- -

made, warranted to rip, may be had at thestore of S. W. UjHU'l.11.

Ironton, March 7th,

NOTICEIS hereby given to all persons interested, thatat my insluiieean order of attachment wus is-

sued un the 22d day of February A D lbo l, by

Thomas liiggius, a Justice ol the Peace in Mu

tton luwiiship, Lawrence County, Ohio,' against the goods, chattels, stocks or inlero-si- instocks, rights, credits, moneys, uud ellecis olO Cum bulherluud, uu abseul debtor lur Ihesumol seventeen dollars and eighty eis.debt, uud toll dollars the probabie cost of saidactum. Wil.lCNlUiil.

March 7, 1834.



r f J n ..nii. it WT .n.Aikt3fweigu ana irwuiesMC vui uyvvs,au. au rxu vtjuuu,

saatmasAVfc '

ccs, thai we are now opening our spring Stockof Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, XMoiiousand Trimmings, and can assure tiiein that nwill be inferior to none iu the West, in poimof variety and extent.

Having purchased a variety of goods express- -

ly for the trade in thst vicinity, would lie.... n wi,a nnrchaae fat cash or credit buyerswno ate lespousible snd prompt paym (,t j giveus a call belore purchasing, as ate ue.trmined to sell goods to thai class of mere uauisat prices lhat must give full satisfautiuu.

ikfarch 7, 184.


We are oaying the highest market price inCub for Quod Kagi Paper fiiavin-s- , CatUiiianddelnp Waste, nope sua tugging,

' 'aoi a. w..MsBufaotuxtri and Pspor Dealers, 71 and 79

Walnut Strati, unrcissaTi, vtnt.

ploteassortmsutof Plain and fancy Dry Goiids woULDmost respectfully inloim the merch-eve- roffered to tho citizens of Ir m and vicinity, ,..,. ,.f ironton. tiautiiii: Hock and tne Furua- -












Fntliched by GLASS & FOSTER,Office Cor. of 2d k Lawrence Els.

I RONTON. OHIO, ....Will l.a puhlUhed every Tuendny, for Ont Fol-

iar per ycur If paid in eilviHir-- or On, Dnlinranil I'iji) rtiB tiliol paid within the Oral threelllonlha.

RTm iv AovrsmiN'i! On or more aquapw nfIn'elve liin-a- , rfyiKtcnu each for Ihv ftrm iurerlion, uinl lu'eniy live cenia auba9iuealinaer'ion.

A libera! ilticnuni will be mail to tlioa whe adver- -liar lythe ear. or pan oft year.

N'oiu-e- t ol live litira or la. rrquiiinu Imloiin In- -aurtlon, will he publiilied for tweuly av ceniacui-li- .

Ilnndtilh. fr, Cirtutnrt. tie., Trlmed n 111

ahorti'ai iintiie, and in Hie inoal urproved atvle.


Suuili L'nit corner of Mnin b 4;li St.flCINMTI, OHIO.

WE are now in receipt of our usual ossorlmentof prirlg I ry (Jon's, lo whieh we invitu yourattem'uiii, luting intrthnttd lurgthjot the lafr Jhecty a.ti in New York, we are enabled to of-


hii.i" ial iiiduco-meiits- . L'.ease ourtloek before ptirehnsipg. &

ilarcli 7 14.

I) a guerre a ii ROOMS.RKAl) THIS, EVERYBODY!! .


MR.f-t.Alt- hrt itie ppfiurn of iiifurininfr the rfti-ro-

ul' Ironiu i mid vicinity, ihni lie hut Mrcuri'd theHfiwiriioiicf t Air- COIII'K.N. wtuio k ill nni) long

in the )n?itfrTf mi nrt pi hop hirn inr nhrml ul'(if t per-ii- en(iii(f'il in it. 'J hi i fiiiiuticnlly the

limf lo ul tmn a iiclnro ut yuiirffttll uinl ,'riuiut.Id' un huiul Hii'ii'ttHAnriiiiriii oi'fiiiiry i'ifi'-- , fnmont'whifh firr m intinirnt'ly uilnpifl lor unir,rffKAitTiiititd i.ivut! t iliy irii'tl ('liiiriim to til.tu? itfeii;mi J Witt (lie tiliViiiK tihcfiiiMft ol' (hi tnnl lirnriiVrtiirt)t,ni'tte. Oil nifii niul tmitroiu, jo'iiijj; luni andmui'lfii Henric trivo him a at hi itiuiiin overNio i1 Vitneiy Siore, Hecuti.l Hired, IronUui.


Of ourrivn manufacture of uxes for salo atour manulaitnry on

Third Street Ironton Ohio.Furnace men and others wishing to purchase

goo.lnTft will do well to call on us, as we areon pared to li oil orders with the

Best qua lty of Azss avor offered for sa'.e inthis r.crket, at

Ross eV 1'ieker, No 10 and 17 EastFront Cincinnati Ohio, nnd Duke &.

inKinj-sliur- Ironton Ohio, ore Agents forthe 6(i I o of die nbovo Axes.

SCOTT, HHOTUER& CO.Ironton, July S, 1851. t(

Prunes Nash, Executrix of JamesNnsli. deceased, n'nainst John NashEliza Ri'beccn Nah, intermarriedwilli .Vedison Collins, I lvira Nashinleim nr'ed with Wallace Lewis. The sf aleJane I I en Xash inti rmarried with of Ohio

.:.t. ..1 n'l.. 1 n.iiii-in- 1 1 nomas jeuerson l.awrennXash, Ji:imsJ Nash, S.ifati Francis I bounty,Naili. Rachel Nash, Jrm nia Nash I C utrt ofintermarried with Ira Slater, (of full Probatea: e, vmii 11 11 i.ih, and Iraiicisjlnrion Nash Jmnu rs and heirs atlaw ol'Jatnos Nash, deceased.

Ti c ah .vc named defendants ate notifiedllmt ( ti the i'llh day of February, A D I8'l,fnld lt iitiiriil d in the Court of Proba'e with-in and furlhe Ciunty of Lawrence and S.ateolOl i i. her petition, the object and prayer ofvvliieli is lo i btain un orrlcr iu mid Court, tosi II for the pauiicul of dtlits f decedent, thefollow ing real estate, situate in said county, towit. rue hundred and sixiy acres of lan I in theOhio ( ompniiy'j; pnrehosa,part ol lot No. I2U3,in Township No. 2 of Range No. 1, being apart of section No. 27, and the south half of

l of lurid conveyed by David Robert-son, los.'tid Janii s Nash, deceased, on the 2lslof A igu.il, l!o, by deed recorded in volumeill. puyes 1") and I l(i of the records ol deeds insi ol cuu uly, and that the same will be for hear-

ing in Prolate, Court of raid County onWednesday the 20th day of Mareli lH6i, andthill iinKss the said defendants, or some one oftht in, shall appear and make defence, on or-

der will thin be taken for the sale of said prem-ises for the purpose aforesaid.

1.EET&I1AWLF.V.Fob 21 1 i:4 Attorney's for Pel'r.


T7STABUSHF.D in 1810 incorporated byi of J'etinsylvuniu, wilh

perpetual U.artcr.EOAED OF LIBECTOES.

Hon. .Tame, tli eiiiSAN, Hon. Waotcti It. I.owbis- W'M. WlLKINS. " OtOlllLES XYLOO,

Mo.nes IUmhtov. I " Gk.J. K. .Moo:ikat.Pttise iu. P. Duff, Author of Buff's Book- -

h.ei p tirf.

I'h is is admitted lobe the most extensive andporlcotlv organized Cumin-Tci- Collug'e iuthe L nited htalcs. Four octive assistants arecottslanlly employed in thetluss. The Principal is the only teacher ofBook Kerning in the Western Slates, formerly known iu an extensive merchant and shipowner, (see circular, pa ) His prolessionalexperience thus enables him to give commer-cial students an insight into actual businesswhich other teachers nave no means oi im-

parling. His commercial training embracesupwards of lull real business transactionsdrawn from every department of inland andshipping business. Neurly !'C0 commercialcalculations, embracing on abbreviated meth-ods in uje among American and Kjrupeaumerchants. Penmanship, embracing a per-

iod command ol the pen by the hand and urmin iviinuiis. Daily l.ECTuuKii on CommercialLaw, 1'olitical Economy, C.mmerciul sciencesthe theory, profits, & tne an of making money.

Dull' s Harper s edditoii, priceSi, Of, p stage 21 cenis 'the must perlecl andconipro-iiciisiv- iu the English Language.'

Lull s Sicnmboal book keo-piii- price el, pos-tage u ceius, 'a perfect system lor sucb booksami ccoiiuls'

Duff's Cammercial Calculations, priv? 40cen.s

Send for a circularby mail dec 19

D.A. WHITE,Grocer, Produce and Tea

WIIEliE all kinds of Family groceries can behad of the best quality nnd nt the loiertl rater,Fourth St. 3d door N irth of the market, Westside,

IRONTOX, OIUO.'PERIOR.orticleof Sugar Cured IlanwAS lintidby D. A. WHITB.

4 C IOICS Good, Fresh and Fat No. 1

J. Mackerel, for sale by D. A. WHITE.

'IMIE best winter strained Lard Oil on band1 by D. A. WHITE.

DELPHI A Crushed aud PowderedPHIL ofasuperor quality, in Store andoTsub. IX A. WHITE.

Oummerand Star Candles very fine alwayst3 on hand by 1. A WHITE.

STOCK of New, Fresh snd Fragrant Tea. jusl received and for sale very cheap by

u. a. w.iirr.Ladies and Gentlemen are particularly re

quested lo call. -- .

, u. A. w 111 1 a.' 8. MONTGOMERY.

AT the next regular meeting of the Board ofGomiaissionem for Lawrence Cjuntyi a petitionwill be presented to said lioart, the ooject ofwuicb will be to procure an order for .

Ivey aai loeadon of the pubtio road extendingthe Ohu River in said 0 maty, frum the

lower littvtaof said Omnty, to the Couflty ttnebs.wota Lawreoosj ami Oallui couruies -

WOULD respectfully announce to the citiiensof Ironton, that they havethia day entered in-

to coportnership, in the aboye) business, andpurpose carrying-- it in all its variour branches,such as iiovsk, siun it r.ci rAixf INO, Ul!-iNg- ,

masblino & rAr HANuiNo. From the ex-

perience of S or 10 years, and the success wehave heretofore met with, we feci safe in warranting' a general satisfaction to those who mayfavor us with their patronage All work en-

trusted lo our care, shall be punctually attend-ed to. We arc determined to do our work in astyle not lo be surpassed by any Painter in theplace. We intend to carry on the business in

different style from what it lies been hereyet. From attention to business, awl foodwork, "wo hope to meet a liberal share ol thepublic pslrunage.

'Enquire at llorris & Warrens' Grocery, onFourth 8 reel. J. O. STEEN,

Feb. VS, IBM. M. M. HOSWORTII.RErnarNi m.

A Richey, of Ironton. I A Bender, Sr., Pit'bg.Richards, do J Uissel, doN II Particular attention paid to GrainingFancy Painting.

DANIEL EVANS ESTATE.Notice is hereby given that the subcribcr has

been appiiiiili,l and qualified as Administratori nu i slate of Daniel Evans, Lawrence Co.,

deceased.TK0MA8 Pi'GII Administrator.


The undersigned being about to remove fromIronton, hereby gives notice that all watchesand jewelry left here for repairs have been de-

posited with James .Mnrcum nt D. II. Clark'sold stantl where the owners can get them bypaying the coat of repairs.

Also, f 60,1)0 REWARD will be paid to anyperson giyiitK information to said iWarcuin r theEditors of thu Times, that will lead to the re-

covery of four gold watches and chains, thatwerestulun Iruiu him on the night Decem-ber lust. J AS. R. FORD.

Irontcn, February 7, 1834.

MEAT HOUSE.THOS. A. URATTON, would inform thecilit- -

ens ot ironton, that he has opened a iiiitiiocsK, on Lawrence, belwea 2nd ad 3rd sis..directly opposite theB ickeye House, where hewill be happy to supply them with Reef, Pork,Sausage, Alc, as fresh and good as cau be found 1

market.Feb. 2 1,1 854.

AN INVITATION.110! all ye people, ye Hint want bread, ye

lhat would feed your hungry cattle, come up tothe IRONTON MILLS, come buy Flour foryourselves, your wives and your little ones; buylira n and Shorts for your cattle and horses: buumuch, paymonry, that ye, )our wives and littleones, ytiyr cattle and your homes, yea, and theMiller iil.u, may all rejoice mid have exceedinggreat joy, seeing that each harh that which hisheart uesiretli.

II C RODGRES Si CJ onDec 15 1853-- tf

Wholesale Grocery Store.IITF, have on hand, and ore receiving, ay large and wel selected stock of Gro-

ceries, which we have purchased for cash, andarc prepared to sell at wholcsnle or retail, at asso. d bargains as can be had ut Portsmouth orCincinnati!.

To Furnace men and Cauntry Dealers we areprepared to Duplicate Portsmouth or Cincinnati Bills, fteight added, iu every variety ofOroceries siiitaulo for the trade. Cull and seefor yourselves. DE.MJ'aEV, JAc"LL ot CO.

Ironton, Jan. 1, 1854.

New Cheap Grocery,J. Cli'MArl &

LATE OF C1NC1NAT1.Ravine; Estab'.ished a Grocery on Lawrenet

St., between 3rd. and 4th.,

IRONTON, OHIO.T0UI.I) inform the citizens of Ironton and

TT the surrounding country, that havingthe advantage of a connection wilh another establishment in Cincinnati, tram which they arereceiving constant supplies, Ihcy will sell anything in their line, upon the fairest terms offered in the market. Teas, coffee, sugar, spices,Family provision, pork, hams, butter, lard, Vegetables, In shurl a general variety of all thean ides usually kept in a Urocery.

T71LL0W baskets, for sale by,I, CRONN 4 SONS.

iW CIlEAr GROCESY.Corner of Third and Buckhorn Sis


CEPHART & RENSHAW.Purchased Hall's building on

HAVING have just opened, and willkeep on hand a general assortment of Grocer-ies for fuiuily use such as

Sugars, Molasses, Teas,Flour Rice CoffeePotatoes, Crackers, CheeseCorn meal, ' Ilomminy, Beans,Tobacco, Cigars PorkFish Confectionary Spices,Lard Soap Caudles

and vinegar, wholesale and retail, and almostevery article needed for family consumption.Cull and see fur yourselves.

Also, a general assortment of Quecnswore,Liverpool uud Glassware for sale by

4 GEPHART 4 RENSHAW.Lanterns, C.'ffee mills knivesIiINWARE, spoons locks binges, saws 4c,

ou hand and lor sale by Q It.Lead shot, percussion caps,

POWDER, blacking for ole by G4.fi.

D buckets, washboards 4c for sale by O ejf R

N I X 0 Nl lz Second Street, xlitDoor above lb Ueuk,


HAS now on baud, and is constantly receivinga good assortment-o- Music ond Musical inslruments, sucb as Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Vio-

lins, Guitars, Banjos, Ciarionetts, FiageolesOne i ay. tiebt day and alarm clocks, watche,jewelry of the best quality. The very best ofOigars and ToDacco, ieriumery ol an Kinds,Confectionery, Fancy Groceries, Glassware,Notions, Blank Books and Stationery, Picturesand Frames, of all sizes, plain or silt. SealedMeasures and Weights, Dried and ForeignFruits, Nuts. Fine shirts, ciravats, ifortmon- -

ics. Hobby Horses, Toy Wheelbarrows andWagons, and tops of every description, and agreat many other articles loo numerous to men-lio-

March 7 1854


First door below the Vernou House. IRONTON,Having Just arrived from Cincinnati wiib a

fine stock of Bonnets, Trimmings, fcc, of themost approved and ashionabk styles, tendersber services to an wno may uewre anywing inthe Jfilhnerey line. Ilavini served full apprenticeship with one of the best Jfilliners inthe Slate, and bavins made snaoiements bywmcnsbe win receive tne latest sivies uouNew York and Cincinnati, from time to time.ssthe wants of ber customers may demand. Sheiieels oonfident of sn ability to give (all selisfaotion to all that may favor with their custom.

Itrsw aasjkftv asatif Hatilsisssjl,,

asrohSl 186. :---. -

. - MrvTiriLi ...

TWraWUlksa Bwedns at IM Board ( SeAoat KxaotiMSsai Um Court Hutu, n Friday, Hlaiuau, atav 'Mia a. aa mj woei m- i ., J. OttWaUIOIsik,; lrMioa, Hank 11, UM. .,,





Wholesale and . lielail -'



PRODUCE.A T the old stand ofT.tyD Murtloek, corn

j of 3d snd Lawrence sis, I ronton, Ohio,flavlne purchased of Clark 4t Rasncl their en- -

atook of Groceries, intend carrying on the above inbusiness at the old stand, and would Invite thopublic to call snd examine our stock which willbe kept full by new supplies as customers demand:

The Senior psrlner wiIJ pay particular nllen.lion lo tho purchase and sale of goods on

1RAN11ERRII S,Apples, Raisins, By

tw.. J'restrved Fruits,C'lindlo's, Clovi-s- , Spice,

C nniimoii, Nutmr-gs- ,

Ginger, Pickles, Jluslnril,Ciii lkwick. Siilrratus,

and Matches on hand and fur sale by


," Oullons Stone Ware;jLUVvI 10 boxes Cheese for culling;

100 reams w rapping paper,Ml kegs rifle and blatiug pnvderj10 barrels Hagari10 do C.der Vinegar;10 do N O Molasses;23 do Potatoes on commission for sale

low by tho barrel, lot or parcel.A No. one article of Ctton B itting.Buckwheat Flour, Cum Meal, B itter, Eggs, nt

Corn H rooms, C.mmou and Fancy, on hainUini thefor sah by It M & Co.

OAA Bis dried peaches the very best.JLJJ o Apples;100 do Beans, while and red;100 do Potatoes, different kinds;200 do Oats;

10 Cases Virginia Tobacco; by10 Boxes Stsrc h;SO Dot. assorted Plow Lines and

Bed Cords; in slo'e snd for sale by R M & Co

K Chests Imperial, Gunpowder, Young Hy

I U son ami uiack Teas, on hand and forsale by RMij Co, of

inhand warranted toILOURconslnnllynn I

a first rateartiele.H M A C).

larQALT AGENCY', 100 barrels Kanawha Saltkoit naud and for sale by R M it Co.

Tf Boxes assorled washing and shaving(J J S taps on hand and for sale by RM. 4 C

"A Boxes Caudles, Iruiilou and Cincinnati I) manufactured, also 10,00 ssssorted cigarshand and for sale by H M $r Co. -


4 rA Barrels of Neshannocks.tJv 100 do pink eyes and long Johns,Just received and for sale by R li 4 Co.

CIGAES: 3,500 Rio Honda Regalia. Eitrn,2000 Jenny Liml do in2,500 Pocahontas and smuU do.10,000 Common, it

On bend and for sale by R. M.& C.POTATOES, 100 barrels Whiteon hand and for sale by R. M. 4 Co.

10 bis. LonfSjgor, 10 bis crushed do600 pieces Bacon, 25 sucks Coffee.1 dos. Kits Mackerel,4 Barrels Onion Setts, for sale R M 4 Co.- -


At the ttand formerly occupied LyD. II. Clark, Third St., first door It- -

low the Railroad.IRONTON, OHIO.

MARCUM would inform the citizensJAMES and the country generally, thathe nas opened a wholesale and Retail OKI)CF.RY, at the above named plncc, where hewill be happy to accommodate them with gro-

ceries as cheap as can be bought in the place;consisting in part of

Coffee, Tea, Sugar,Molasses, Tobacco, Cigars,Bacon, Flour, Cheese,Salt, Fish, Candles,Soap, Hucketa, Brooms,hpiccs, Fruits, Nuts, Ae.

and all articles usually kept in a grocery store.

TL'ST received,O 20 Barrels Flour 9 Bis. Molasses

17 Boxes Snap 17 Boxes Candles4 ao CiniKlies 20 Ills. Apples6 lbs. Tobacco Segara, Pipes4 Boxes Teas Cut4 Dried Tobacco.

Nuts ol every vnr'ty Sn;ar, Ciderwmonxarn DvcS'.ulls

4 BuxesSaleratus Mackerel,While Fish Herring, Cud FishSacks, for sale, as cbCan as can be a,l,l

Ironton, by JAMES II ARCL'M.Jan. 10, 1854.

I ARD, fresh for sale by

J J. M

"lountry prodacc of every variety for sale byW J. M.

Stoneware for sale byJ. M.

BUTTER, fresh, constantly on hand, anilby . JAMES MARCUM.

Yarn for sale byCotton J. M.

NOV. 18, 1803. .


AND DF.AI.F4l IN ALL KINDS OF PRODt.'cr.Third Street, Ironton.

Having received a larire additional atnek r,rgoods, 1 am now prepared to sell Groceriesas cheop as any other house in IRONTON.

My stock, consists in part as lollows, receiveddirect from Cincinnati.K BOXES SOAP an excellent article,Uj uo o.iiiuw.3,

10 do Sperm candlesfor sale by P. M.TVTEW Orleans aud StiEor hotiso MOLAS.

SES, a first rate article in store and for saleby P. M.1 r SACKS PRIME RIO COFFEE, on hand10 by P. M.

TEA, a fresh and full supply of all gradesqauhties for sale low by P. M.

TOBACCO the best brands of chewing To.band and for sale by P. M.

6,000 Half Spanish Cigars,3.UOJ tlavanna sixes tor sate oy r. fli

UGAR CURED RAMS, Shoulders,' andclear Sides For sale at MURPH VS.

S0RATAT0B3 Onions, Green and driedApples for sale by MURPHY.

XTAILS of alt sites, also 2,000 gallons of1 . stoneware on nana and lor tote

Kft.cj.iiiirlow oy

T AISIN3 Prunes, Currants, Figs, and allT. kinds of spioeesfor sale uj P. M

j '.' t Ltaf aul oraihsJ sa;ir,c for sale,.by - P. MUKPI1V

Kindt of country produce mmALL on hand, sold by P. JtUKPUY, '

TWILL pay the highest Cash price fornoUtoes. corn oats, tpoles, honey,

. . - tn, UH. .... I ...... tAi.Thim rajnt era. a am uuum. atv ibiiwi weall and sxasniae ay stock, as 1 am determinedto sell as cheap as any other house in town.

T ... - P. MURPHY.A A BBLS. N. 0 SUOAR, in Ston and for4:Ussle low, by '::' P M. .

WESATIt l?SSATS vS pay the highssjisftarketpricA, Ibr Wkaaft

,.r ii, j.'i.''.r'KVlV v;'-V- ".



m.IL WT J" t.Tnartiaf ' '...i' m :.tfr

Br. Ouyutt l?rTl l:',:t ;

OF YELLOW DOCK 4 SARIAPArILLAnow p:it up in Ihelarenst sited boltlesi ah 1Iiis acknowU dijcd to bo His best Sarssparillt

made, ss isoertiliedby tiio wonderful cum it '

has performed, the original eopioi of whlub eropossession of the proprietor. Henwmbn, '"' V


this Is the only true anl original article. :; fThi Com jound Fluid Extraet of Ts'Jow Bok r.,

'''Aul Carsaparlila, liaibeen prepared willtpar- - i'ticulnr refereiioo to Female Cvwplainlt, In-- c r


efpiru'. Consuiiiiiion, Barrenness, Luchwhcaregular Menslmsliun, Incantinoncuof Urine, ," ..'."j'vjand general glnnmy stale of mind are cured by ' '


Dr. GKYtJOTT S Extract o. Yellow Dock ' V !

nnaSsrsnpofMla, which gives Immediate re '":'lief by rennwiiu Hie foundation of health and . :.

slrengtli Hie blond, ft neutralises bail bu- - ' ',

monrs, slops vtniiatnral secretions, anj givosl.eullhy anion to all vital powers.

The Yellow Dock sad Sarjapirills is peevliurly Milaplcd lo' females of delicate health '

. ' '"

fn m irregularity of menstrial dit- -

churges, nnd other dUeascs peculiar to their ;

sex. The prnwnetor has in li s possusiioa i -

great number of certificates of ottres perform '''' ,i

edoftho above description. We assure Uu v''ulllicteil, that a bottle or two of Dr. Guysolt's .. '.jLxtiaetof ellow Dock and Stmparilla wijl '


once regulato those diffieulties, and renew jnatural eueries, V: I

A CtsK of UaKiieuaiTV i tiii Pistons prMKNSTSUiTIOS, .

rU'Ro-m- t this statement of the cure of MaryMoore, who was given up by her physicians asbeing utLwtjy insurable, as herein certified to

""vler, one of her cuusultirtgp;finville Va., Aug. 23, 186J.that I was called to see the

above named Mary Moore, during the obsceneher regular attending physician, found hera critical and dangerous condition, and,' as

thought, beyond all hope of recovery. Aflarthis I was called in consultation with her regu

attending physician. Oa opinions were.that her recovery was impossible. I learnedthat her disease was caused mure than twoyears ago, from irregularity ia her periods ofmeiistruution, caused by taking a severe old.

did not see her again, but soon after learnedthat she was getting well. I was mucasurpri- -

si this, snd on inquiring what could havecaused ibis sudden change, was informed by

V in. Rittenottr that she had been taking Dr.Gupsolt's Extract of Yellow Dock and Sampa-rill- a.

I have since beard of its great effectsother cases iu this vicinity. I have no ia

duccmcnt to make this statement, other 'Jtsamay induce others afflicted as was the sub-

ject of this statement lo try the Yellow Dockand Sarsaparllla, believing as I do, that it ispos.-'csc- of many excellent quulities, snd adap-

ted to many diseases incident to the husasofamily. A., 3. WARDER, M. D.

Price, $1 per bottlo, oi six bottles for toSold by JOHN D. PARK.

North-eas- t corner of I'oiu'.h snd Walnu sts.I'lilranee on Walnut street, to whom all order-uius- f

be addressed


By Moxley4 Barber, $ J. P. Shaw, Irontonj.WH & M Bryan, Burlington; John Kyle,Hanging Ifocki W S Konns,Orecnupsburgh; W

Nichob, Catlctlsliurg; Jo's II C Miller, Jack.son; b P Magnet, Ualipalis; G J fayse, Por-s- !

ftipj rr'XoWilkesvUle; Tho's C Biifling- -

tonGi'.'andottei J L M'Veyfcco, Portsmouth;Shackleford ft Crichlon do- - " ' '




THE BEST REMEDY ever known to manfor Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Influenza,.Bronchitis, Bleeding of the Lungs, Difficult '

Brealhing, Liver Affections, Pain or Weak-ness of the breast, or Side, etc., - -

In short, this Balsam is peculiarly adapted toevery disease of the Lungs and Liver,- which i

is produced by our g climate. ' ,


ally in England of C JNSUMPTION. In theAfow Engiund slates, the proportion is one infour.or five. In Boston probably one in four..In the city of of New York, sixty-seve- n died intwo weeks in December of this disease. It ialess prevalent in tho mure northerti latitudes,as Russia, Canada, and among the Alps ofSwitzerland, where the winters are long andsevere, and there are fewer sudden changes..

No theory can be moro we come to the hu- -'

man mind than the one which establishes ongood ground.:i the hope for prolonged existensef the allegations of thone wno are at least en

titled to voracity, may be believed, there is a

preventive and a remedy. ' J

ITAnother rhploian. TMtlnwny.XJ ' 'Mr. Fow'le Dear Sir: I could send you

dozen certificates, strong and decisive, of thereally sanative effects of your valuable Bci- -

sum of Wild Cherry, within the past twelvemonths, under my own sap?rvuioii,.anddirtolion. Indeed I know of few persons who haveused it comparatively, but commend it In' tho'strongest terms. A cose of Asthma, the severest I ever saw, to which I was called av.


month sgo, evinced the superiority of the Bkl- - ' , , 'sain. It lasted him six weeks, and the dvsD.noeaand sufforing were dreadful, ha sat up '


every night. The gentleman told me to give -

him something to last him home, 121 miles so "that he might see bis wife and child, and diet,

n pacel I gave him one bottle of balssxtf; 'Jand four ounces of syrup squills, directing hintto take tcs8poonful doses of- best Bordeaux!olive oil, when the difficulty wal peatesL-- i VH

Next day I forced ais despondeBt will, an 1

made.him take six iKittle f WUrtar's Ualssinof Wild Cherry home with him as a present, hs T

having allcdged that he had used 11 nriieit eipensive medicines. to no profit. Last'weoicAfr. A. called and expressed hi gratituo ij . ,to me in the st maimer," Mid th imeUv

' ! x

cine bnd saved hii life,' piid his; wNolp'iR ; ;

snd tooksh buttle.i rnno. aud left my oSce for; "

home rijiciug. Very respectfully yours." "; :' '

Washington, North' Carounv Aurt v )iForsalebyJ. JA PiR Cinoln '

North tasl Corner of Fjnrtrt ani w:lt;uJai., ' :'

enUauce on Walnut siikel to wboss aao . :must bo addressd k-r- . 4'f tv&foi 'J

AGENTS. ': '' t :,

Sold V MoxtVy 4VllVst','gf;Kr '

Kyle, Hanging Rookj WitKjsiins,:burgi W TfljeaolsxCoJUlattH-'- 'O Miller, JaoUonj L P J&u, CPayne, Porur, a sumy, w iUkti. uuiiinr uay-wat- ;i. n, r

. 4...


A" J