Spirit of the Century EHP2000 - Evil Hat Productions - Spirit...Spirit of the Century is a complete,...

Target Market Any role-playing gamers interested in 20th or 21st Century, pulp-themed gaming. Players and gamemasters looking for a “story focused” system from the indie set that remains approachable for traditional gamers. Up-Sells & Cross-Sells The Dresden Files RPG volumes 1 & 2 [EHP3001 & EHP3002]. The Dinocalypse trilogy and other novels from Evil Hat [EHP2002, etc] Fudge Dice (from Grey Ghost Games) Other pulp-themed books and games. Selling Points Provides all the rules needed to create a set of pulp adventures that don’t require you to have the same players showing up for each session. Drives play with combat system that is fast and action-oriented, with the dials cranked to eleven for high-flying pulp zaniness. Offers a “preview” of the system used in the Dresden Files RPG [EHP3001 & EHP3002]. Showcases top notch, award-winning gamemastering advice useable for any game. Is chock full of apes. Compatibility Spirit of the Century™ is based on the Fate system, which is also based on Fudge. Fate is an open system found in several other products on the market. The deadly Doctor Methuselah seeks to unravel time itself with his solution to the Eternity Equation… Gorilla Khan stalks darkest Africa from conquered Atlantis… Mad scientists, strange sorcerors, and power-hungry dictators all seek to undo the fate of humanity. It’s the final century of the second millen- nium—and you are our last hope! Spirit of the Century is a complete, stand-alone pulp role-playing game based on the award-winning Fate system (Indie RPG Awards include: Best Free Game of 2003, Best Support, and Andy’s Choice). Spirit fea- tures a heavily revised, revisited, and reimagined vision of Fate. Charac- ter creation can be done as quickly as a few minutes, or expand to take up an evening; adventure design is a snap with three methods for cre- ating relevant, flavorful, player-focused stories at a moment’s notice. Spirit’s mission is to deliver an evening of fun, a “pick-up” game that requires little preparation, but provides hours of entertainment. All you will need to play are some friends, some dice, and this book. 2006 Indie RPG Award for Independent Game of the Year 2007 Silver ENnie Award for Best Rules THIS FILE WAS LAST UPDATED MARCH 26 2012. © 2010 Evil Hat Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Fudge Dice are a trademark of Grey Ghost Games. All other product titles and logos are trademarks of Evil Hat Productions. Spirit of the Century Core Book ISBN 978-0-9771534-0-4 MSRP $30.00 Pages 412 [b&w, softcover, 6”x9”] Product# EHP2000 Release Already Available EHP2000 EVIL HAT PRODUCTIONS, LLC 1905 Blackbriar Street Silver Spring, MD 20903 email • [email protected] phone • (301) 408-2157 web • www.evilhat.com Spirit of the Century™ is a stand-alone pulp-themed roleplaying game based on the Fate system.

Transcript of Spirit of the Century EHP2000 - Evil Hat Productions - Spirit...Spirit of the Century is a complete,...

Target Market•Anyrole-playinggamersinterestedin20thor21stCentury,pulp-themedgaming.


Up-Sells & Cross-Sells•The Dresden Files RPG volumes1 &2[EHP3001&EHP3002].

• TheDinocalypse trilogyandothernovelsfromEvilHat[EHP2002,etc]

• FudgeDice(fromGreyGhostGames)


Selling Points•Providesalltherulesneededtocreateasetofpulpadventuresthatdon’trequireyoutohavethesameplayersshowingupforeachsession.

•Drivesplaywithcombatsystemthatisfastandaction-oriented,withthedialscrankedtoelevenfor high-flyingpulpzaniness.

•Offersa“preview”ofthesystemusedintheDresden Files RPG[EHP3001&EHP3002].

• Showcasestopnotch,award-winninggamemasteringadviceuseableforanygame.

• Ischockfullofapes.

CompatibilitySpirit of the Century™ isbasedontheFatesystem,whichisalsobasedonFudge.Fate isanopensystemfoundinseveralotherproductsonthemarket.

The deadly Doctor Methuselah seeks to unravel time itself with his solution to the Eternity Equation… Gorilla Khan stalks darkest Africa from conquered Atlantis… Mad scientists, strange sorcerors, and power-hungry dictators all seek to undo the fate of humanity. It’s the final century of the second millen-nium—and you are our last hope!

Spirit of the Century is a complete, stand-alone pulp role-playing game based on the award-winning Fate system (Indie RPG Awards include: Best Free Game of 2003, Best Support, and Andy’s Choice). Spirit fea-tures a heavily revised, revisited, and reimagined vision of Fate. Charac-ter creation can be done as quickly as a few minutes, or expand to take up an evening; adventure design is a snap with three methods for cre-ating relevant, flavorful, player-focused stories at a moment’s notice. Spirit’s mission is to deliver an evening of fun, a “pick-up” game that requires little preparation, but provides hours of entertainment.

All you will need to play are some friends, some dice, and this book.

2006 Indie RPG Award for Independent Game of the Year 2007 Silver ENnie Award for Best Rules

This file was lasT updaTed March 26 2012. © 2010 Evil Hat Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Fudge Dice are a trademark of Grey Ghost Games.

All other product titles and logos are trademarks of Evil Hat Productions.

Spirit of the Century™

Core BookISBN 978-0-9771534-0-4MSRP $30.00Pages 412

[b&w,softcover,6”x9”]Product# EHP2000Release AlreadyAvailable


EvIL HAT PRODUCTIONS, LLC1905 Blackbriar StreetSilver Spring, MD 20903

email • [email protected] • (301) 408-2157web • www.evilhat.com

Spirit of the Century™ is a stand-alone pulp-themed roleplaying game based on the Fate system.