SPIRIT OF Day liORlilTfOI FOR till! · and Baj'lor for defendant. Court adjourned on Friday until...

SPIRIT OF JEFFERSON.! CmamTOw!., W. Vi., Jukb 1. 1880. OlSTJE DOLLAR Will Bay the Best Stylogrraphid Pen, Wm. J. C. Dulany & Co., WuOLRSALB BOOK.RM.BRS AND JohBEKS IN STATtdkflKY, 332-4 W. Baltimore Street. Feb. 5, 13S4.y. BALTIMORE. Local Miscellany. A band of Gypsies passed through Charlestown last Thursday. Mr. Howell Gardner had a valuable bull killed by lightning Saturday Week. Memorial Day in Shepherdstown Saturday, June 5th. Ceremonies at 8J o'clock. Regular conclave of Potomac Corn- tnandery, No. 5, Knights Templar, on "Tuesday evening, June 1st. Superintendent Holmes has gone to San Antonia, Texas, to inspect a site Tor a public building at that place. The Strawberry Festival given by the ladies of the M. E. Church South, at tiie rink building, was liberally patronized. Col Francis Yates has a limestone picked up on his farm'which is almost a perfect imitation of a human foot. toes and all complete. Capt. Thomas' Colored Band ac¬ companied a large number of excur¬ sionists to Harper's Ferry yesterday morning, to attend the Storer College Commencement. Thanks~to Mr. W. D. Swan for a sample of the flour now being made by him at Flowing Spring Mills.an elegant article, highly commended by all who have used it. Mr. J. W. Dayhoff, of Ilagerstown, Md., has one of the largest, cheapest and finest collections of Flowers to be found in this section. See advertise¬ ment in another column. The Shenandoah Milling Company distributed two hundred pieces of Music last week, advertising their fancy brands of " Primrose" and "Superlative" Holler Flour. Among those in attendance upon our Circuit Court last week were Maj. A. W. McDonald and Marshall Mc- Cormick, Esq , of Berryville, and It. T. Barton, Esq., of Winchester. The roof of a stone house belonging to the colored Odd Fellows, near the Academy, was discovered to be on fire last Tuesday afternoon, but was ex¬ tinguished without serious damage. Mr. Geo. C. Johnson, residing on the farm of Hon. Jas. II. Grove, near Leetown, has a colt which was folded a few days ago, and a half hour after birth measured 114 hands in height. A new set of lock boxes.sixteen more than formerly.have been put in place of the old ones in our post office. Postmaster Flagg has also had the office touched up by the paint¬ er's brush. The ladies of Oakland M. E. Church South will hold a Strawberry Festival on Friday and Saturday, June 4th and 5th, in Mt. Hope School-House, for benefit of their church. The lib¬ eral patronage of the public is re¬ spectfully solicited. Before you buy your India Linens, Victoria Lawns, White Barred Mus¬ lins, Nainsooks, Lawns of all shades and styles, Satines, Percales and Fancy Dress Goods, look at the im¬ mense stock that the Shexaxdoah Milling Co. have, and are selling at a reduced price. * The Town Council, last Tuesday night, removed the restriction limiting the Bands to two night per week for 7»ractice. The old Council will meet to-morrow (Wednesday) evening, for the purpose of counting the vote and declaring the result of the election held last Thursday. A couple of veteran firemen from a neighboring city complimented our firemen upon the quick time and smoothness with which they got their steamer into action last Tuesday af¬ ternoon, and pronounced Mr. M. S. Weller, the Independent engineer, to be a No. 1 in that capacity. Mr. John II. Hall has laid on our table a sample of the elegant straw¬ berries he is now offering on sale daily at the store of Mr. S. S. Dal- garn. The one before us measures 4J inches in diameter, and is not the only large berry taken from his patch, notwithstanding he suffered so severely by the late hail-storm. Mr. W. C. White, who served as assistant in the Charlestown Academy for several years, and was favorably known to our people, visited friends here last week. He has finished his course at the Union Theological Sem¬ inary, and goes by invitation to Rocky Mount, Franklin county, Va., with the prospect of a call to that church. The election of Officers of Jefferson Chapter, No. 5, R. A. M., was held on Monday, 24th instant, and resulted as follows: Charles E. Pratt, II. P. ; E. L. Wager, King; F. W. Brown, Scribe; Geo. W. Thomas,Treas. ; C. F. Gallaher, Sec'y; James W. Gar- ney, C. of II. ; B. D. Gibson, P. S.; "W. L. Dalgarn, R. A. C.; Julian A. Smith, M. of 3d Vail; Albert Diehl, M. of 2d Vail; Wm. Ivahn, M. of 1st Vail; Wm. L. Hedges, Tyler. Memorial Day in Charlestown. Saturday last proved a bright, aus¬ picious day for the memorial obser¬ vance in honor of the Confederate dead buried at Edge-Hill Cemetery and elsewhere at Charlestown. The people flocked rapidly into town from every direction, and the number in attendance was perhaps greater than for several years past. At 3 P. M. a procession was formed in front of the Court-IIouse, consisting of Drum Corps ; Citizens' Fire Company,under command of Capt. Russell, with reel handsomely decorated and members bearing flowers; Independent Fire Company, under command of Lieut. Stump, with reel and steamer adorned with floral decorations (steamer drawn by a handsome pair of horses) and members bearing flowers.all under command of Fire Marshal Hough.- The procession moved in order to the Methodist and Episcopal graveyards, where graves were decorated, and from there to Edge-Hill Cemetery, where the following programme Was carried out: Praj'er by Rev. Webster Eichel- berger. Singing by Choir. Reading of Roll of Honor and Ad¬ dress by Rev. Dr. A. C. Hopkins. Singing by Choir. Benediction by Rev. Webster Eichelberger. Floral decoration of graves. The address of Rev. Dr. Hopkins (although only an impromptu one, delivered on acconnt of failure to se¬ cure another expected speaker) was able and eminently-appropriate, and was listened to with close attention by those within good hearing dis¬ tance. The music by the choir, com¬ posed of ladies and gentlemen of the various churches, was well rendered and their services highly appreciated. Below we publish the Roll of Honor as read at Edge-IIill Cemetery, omitting therefrom the names of 'the 213 Confederate dead buried in the soldiers' plat, which we have hereto¬ fore published: Buried in the Episcopal Oraveyard. Col. Rob't W. Baylor, Col. Lawson Botts, I>t. Col. Jno. A. Washington, Lt. Col. Frank Lackland, Maj. Edwin I>. Moore, Capt. Jno. V. Beat I, Capt. W. C. Sheerer, Dr. Jno. A. Straith, Dr. Thomas Briscoe. Dr. William Alexander, Charles Alexander, Herbert Alexander, Jas. II. Brown, W. B. Brown, R. W. Baylor, R. C. Baylor, Thos. D. Burnett, Charles L. Crane, Connel, E. M. Lackland, Geo. U. Manning, Benj. S. White. George Washington, Jas. C. Washington, W. S. Starry, Joseph Spotts. Buried in. Family Lots in Edge-Hill Cemetery. Capt. John Avis, Capt. J. \V.. Rowan, Capt. B. F. Engle, Capt. Jno. J. Lock, George W. Ilenson, Thaddeus Baney, John I). Keerl, Thomas Mclntyre, George Alii stead, Thomas Milstead, John James Colbert, Frank G. Butler, George A. Davis, Robert M. English, Maj. Wells J. Hawks, Samuel S. Wright, Maj. Charles Stewart, Charles II. Isler, _ William Isler, John F. Blessing, Sgt. M. S. B. Robertson, Robert Henderson, J. Shannon Gallalier, James N. Gallalier, Charles Bowers. Buried in the Methodist Churchyard. D. T. Rawlins, Wm. L. Locke. Missing. Andrew Ilnnter, Jr., John Donnelly, James 1-Iunsickcr. Circuit Court. The following jury eases were tried in this Court last week. Hoffman, Eavey & Co. vs. G. W. Wolf. Verdict for defendant. Mo- lion for new trial. Baylor and Wash¬ ington for plaintiff; Grove & Brown and I^ucas for defendants. State vs. Gideon Leisenring, in¬ dicted for felony. Acquitted. Brown for State; Travcrs and Moore for defence. James Jr. Mason vs. The Harper's Ferry Bridge Co. Verdict for de¬ fendant. McDonald & Beckwith and Green for plaintiff; Lucas, Travers and Baj'lor for defendant. Court adjourned on Friday until Monday. Corporation Election. Tlic result of the Corporation Election held last Thursday is as follows: For Mayor. 1st \V. 2d 3d Total. C. M. Hongh. 01 S3 04 1M0 David Howell. 41 91 04 « 196 for Recorder. 1st W. Sd 3d Total. TV. L. Hedges. 139 177 129 435 For Councilmcn.1st Ward. Gnstav Brown.* 120 D. S. Hughes,* 113 For Councilnien.3d Ward. Henry Dumm.* 133 Dr. W. F. Lippitt,« 95 Abram Stump, 90 For Counciltnen.3d 11 ard. S. C. Toung * 91 John Porterflcld,* 78 K. 11. Phillips. 6S .Councilmcn elected. Church Items. The ninth Annual Council of the P. E. Church will convene in Charles- town June 2d. Rev. B. F. Bausmann will hold ser¬ vice at Beulah Church on Sunday af¬ ternoon next. The Rev. Mr. Dorsey, of Maryland, preached in the Episcopal Church on Sundaj' last, morning and evening. Communion services were held in the M. E. Church South on Sunday, the pastor being assisted by the Rev. J. Ay. Tongue. Episcopal services may be expected at Kabletown during the summer, on the 1st and 4th Sunday afternoons of each month, at 3J o'clock. From the Free Press: Mrs. D. Janney Howell, who has for six weeks past brightened the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Howell, parents of her husband, returned to Alexandria on Monday morning. Mr. John McKnight made an incu¬ bator. Out of 115 eggs placed therein came 80 chickens. Some of the eggs were purchased at a store.-otherwise it is likely the result would have been better. . Geo. J. Easterday, of Leesburg, Virginia, graduated at the Georgetown University Law Commencement on Monday.taking degree of Bachelor of Laws. lie is a nephew of Messrs. Jno. S. and Joseph II. Easterday of this town. A fire was discovered in the Coun¬ cil Room in the Independent Fire Company Engine House on Monday night. It looks like an attempt to destroy the books and papers of the Council, and if successful might also have destroyed the costly steamer and equipments. Mayor Hough offers S100 reward for the arrest and convic¬ tion of the incendiary. We asked Town Sergeant Avis if the fire in the Council Room could have been caused by matches and mice, and he remarked he didn't think that they could have saturated the tax book (which was badly scorched) with Kerosene Oil. We don't think so, either. AVe learn three persons were seen to come from the Council room in the earty hours of the morning. In our mention last week of the de¬ gree of Master of Laws having been conferred upon our young friend and former countyman, Charles Tyson Butchcr, we neglected to say that it was by the Georgetown University Law School. By a diligent use of the midnight oil, our young friend did what has not been done before since the foundation of that eminent insti¬ tution.took the first prize and degree of M. L. in a single course of eight months. By day he was employed earning "his bread bjr the sweat of his brow." Since his graduation he passed a successful examination by eminent jurists, and very soon ex¬ pects to enter upon the practice of his profession at the Federal Capital.. If we are not mistaken his father, Robert Hume Butcher, who repre¬ sented this county in the councils of the State, did about the same thing, years ago, at the University of Vir¬ ginia. Mr. Butcher senior was a ready and graceful speaker, and the son, in this particular particularly, is worthy of the sire. Those In search of Bargains will do well to caU ou S. D. IIlitSCIIMAN <fc Co. For the Largest Assortment and Lowest! Prices, visit S. D. IIthsciiman it Co. PATiAsra.s..Everyday is Parasol day. The summer styles are on exhibition, and tin; prices arc captivating-. S. D. JIirsciiman Co. 1Ladies will do well to examine our very large stock of White Goods. Having just re¬ ceived a large invoice of these goods' from an importer's declining business, enables lis to offer very decided bargains. We call partic¬ ular attention to the Ladies seeking dresses for commencement. S. I). IIirsch.man & Co. Bask Fabrications..The unwarranted rumors put iu circulation that our stock of Mil¬ linery was all sold out. is a base fabrication.. We admit that last Saturday we were busy, very busy, but to sell a stock like ours in one day. or one week, is impossible. We plead guilty to the charge of selling first-class Milli¬ nery at very low prices, but to the charge of being entirety sold out, we plead not guilty, and submit our case to the jury (the public) without further say. S. D. IIIRSCIIMAN ik Co. From the Democrat: Henry Cary, colored, was badly scalded on Wednesday last, at the I Ilalltown Paper Mill. Mr. E. W. liedinger, attorney at law in this city, and formerly the ed¬ itor of this paper, has accepted the position as editor and manager of the Koanoke Leader. The restaurant of Mr. "William II. Roderick, tinder the Watson House, was forcibly entered on Friday night last and robbed of several dollars.. The thief, after appropriating the cash which Mr. R. had on hand, tar¬ ried long enough to refresh himself quite extensively on ham and eggs. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of pu¬ rity. strength and wholcsomeness. More eco¬ nomical than the ordinary kinds, and canuot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum of phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal Baking Powdek Co.. 100 Wall st., N. Y. July 28. 1SS5.ISt. A daughter of the late Wm. Glo3'd, aged 14, was assaulted by a negro man near Gaithersburg, Montgomery county, Md., last Thursday, 72E "The Greatest Cttro on Earth tor PaJjV" J relier. mora quick It thani «ay other *^£2.1 BWehl^ BtSff Seek, i BnrgS'?,ltfer&FrJSSIl pkaclxe, Ouinsv^Soro Thr*Mifc»M Mrussfst!*. Caution..Tt« fittJ |nino Salvation Ofi^bcai3 j Vy^gt!J*^jLsyii)nft Salvation Lrtl Dears o "StoClC^ roKlirter«lTra<lt-M«rk,aI>«lo rae-rtmn* .'8.J?.u.'tHc-I-5!'1;3rV' ^ Froprletora, Baltimore, M<L, U. p. A. Proprietors, on. BOLL'S COUGH SYRUP For the cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse¬ ness, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Incipient Con¬ sumption, and for the relief of con¬ sumptive persons ia advanced stages of the .Disease. For Sale by all Drug¬ gists. Price, 25 cents. September 39, 1885.ly. Advertised Letters. List of advertised letters remain¬ ing in the Post Office at Charles- town, Jefferson county, W. Va., May 29, 1886: Miss M. E. Baird, Miss Annie Car¬ ter (2), Mrs. Lucy F. Noel, Mrs. Fannie Stewart, Miss Mary Kassane, D. C. Arnold, Daniel M. Brown, Rev. Jnc. W. Hampton, S. A. Miller, John Stoghill, N. W. Williams. The above letters, if not called for Within thirty days, will be sent to the dead letter office. Persons calling for them will please say that they are advertised. . Geo. lI. Fl.Aflo, P. M. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores,Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give pefect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 ecnts per box. For sale by Geo. T. Light. County Items. From the Shepherdstown Register we clip the following items: Mr. James M. Engle, of this coun¬ ty, has been promoted from 81,400 to SI,GOO in the office of the sixth auditor of the Treasury, at Washington. . Mr. Karicofe, the Leetown inven¬ tor, has invented a machine to catch grasshoppers. The insects are gath¬ ered 011 to a canvas sheet and carried back and crushed by rollers at the rear end of the machine. Undigested Food In the stomach develops nil acid which stings the tipper purt of the throat and palate, caus¬ ing '. heartburn." It also evolves a gas which produces .' wind 011 the stomach." and a feel¬ ing and appearance of distension in that organ after eating. For both tins acidity and swel- lin" Hosteller's Stomach Killers is a much bet¬ ter" reined V than alkaline salt.", like hartshorn and carbonate of soda. A wincclassful of the Bitters, after or before dinner, will be found to aet as a reliable carminative or preventive.. This fine specific for dyspepsia, both in its acute and chronic form, also prevent-*' and cures malarial fever, constipation, liver com¬ plaint. kidney troubles, nervousness and de¬ bility. Persons who observe in themselves a decline of vigor should use this fine tonic with¬ out dekn*. » Do not buy one dollar's worth of Goods until yon have visited our store. e have the best stock of Spring Goods ever seen in this valley, and at prices guaranteed to be the lowest. Wm. Ivaiin & Co.. Sadler Building. We lead in fashionable stj-lcs. perfect (it. re¬ liable fabrics, best workmanship, (sxtreinely moderate prices for everything desirable in Seasonable Clothing in Men's, Boys and Chil¬ dren's sizes. To buy before seeing onr un¬ rivaled variety is to do yoitrsclf n positive in- iusLicc Wm. Kaiin & Co.. J Sadler Bnilding. Right to the front of all competition we place our new Spring Styles.complete in assortment, splendid in quality, overflowing with generous bargains In Men's. Bovs' and Children s Ciotli- ing. at prices that, must lead to speedy sale.. Come early. \\'M.KA»N<fe Co., Sadler Building. Straw llATs! Straw Hats!.Straw Hnts by the hundreds, by the thousand, for .Men and Bovs. The largest stock, the lowest prices. Call at WM. Kaun & Co.'s Hat Emporium, Sadler Building. Winchester and Vicinity. From the Neivs we clip the follow¬ ing items: The time fixed.Friday, June 4th. for the execution of Honesty and Banks draws nigh. Mr. J- R. Carson, clerk of the Cor¬ poration Court, died Monday morn¬ ing, aged 46 years. Mrs. Rebecca Barbour, wife of John S. Barbour, residing near Ste¬ phenson's Depot, died suddenly on Wednesday of last week, aged 50 years. At.ways BrsY..Goto BEACHLEY'S great combination, at Hagerstown, whenever you please and you find him busy. Reasons: His stock is the largest and best, selected : atten¬ tion of the highest order and his prices very low. Experience vs. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mat¬ tings. Window Shades, Ac.. tfec. Beachlcy. the "rout combination merchant, has secured the services of Mr. O. S. Kittle, formerly with Mr. Allen Yingling. who has had much expe¬ rience in cutting and fittinir down Carpets. Oil Cloths. Mattings, etc. Also. In putting up WiudowShades. BEACHLEY'Sstockof Car¬ pets. Oil Cloths. Mattings, Window Shades, 'fee., is second to none in Ilagcrstown. Go and see before you buy. Neckwear..A very large assortment just- received from the manufacturers, stylish and very cheap, at BEACH LEY'S. Hagerstown. Dr. Tomlinson's DENTAL OFFICE, CORNER OF ClIARI.ES asp l.IRERTT STREETS, CHARLESTOWN. BALTIMORE MARKETS. Baltimore. Saturday. Mat 29.1SS8. Fl.onn.Super $2.50 fa> 43.00 Extra 3-10 @ 3.85 Family 4.00 @ 4.75 Corn Meal, per 100 lbs.... 1.00 1.05 Wheat - SO @ 85 Corn.White 41 @ 45 Yellow 40 @ 43 Oats 34 <3> 41 Rte 74 <S> 74 li a CON.Shoulders 4?£ @ 7 Sides 5JS ® B Hams. Sugar-cured lOlf <S> - 12 Lark 6* (B 7X Mantua-Making. MRS. j. o. TUTWILER is prepared to un¬ dertake Mantua-Making and all kinds of Family Sewing, at reasonable rates. Residence on Samuel street, near the Baptist Church. April 3S. ISSl -tf. A PRIME article New Orleans Molasses, ju&tr.eceivei by S. S DALGAKN. SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT. liORlilTfOI FOR till! Tonll find an almost &nba#ras«lng Variety in eTery one of onr Departments. Prices are the Very Lowest. We call your attention to onr Millinery Department where for a Little money we can suit Sou and gratify every taste. Wo are appy to say onr Washington Milliner is an immense success. Carpets, fftattings, OILCLOTHS AND SHADES. We are offering a full line of Regular Goods at Hock Bottom Prices. We draw your thoughts to onr large and varied stock of DRESS GOODS, equally recommended for largeness and cheapness.especially our fine of SATEENS. INDIA LINENS. INDIA DIMITY, BATISTE LAWNS, and everything in the White Goods line, which we unhesitatingly say is the Largest and Cheapest ever offered in this town. BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. We know fathers and mothers like to see their children neatly clad, and yet they are of a saving turn, and they've enlightened themselves on the fact that HIRSCHMAN'S ia the place to go. We still have a few of those All-wool Suits, at $1.25. The same prevails in our Shoe Department, for Men and Boys, as well as Ladies, Misses and Children, an immense stock of Newport Ties and Opera Slippers. We sell the Celebrated Aldeb Hand-made Shoes, for tender feet, and the Genuine ZIECLER SHOES, in all grades. We can save you money on Shoes. We are offering Big Bargains in WOOL LACES: till colors. Special Low Figures in Jerseys, Gioves, GAUZE AND MUSLIN UNDER- ! WEAR. Immense assortment of Swiss Embroideries. The largest assortment in town of Men's and Boys' Straw Hats, and positively the Cheapest. We sell the standard white shirt, best fitting shirt made; Wamsutta muslin, 400 linen. 8ee us by all means on Gents' Summer Underwear. We are scoring fucccss. We Work to win; ottr cue is to offer you the Best Goods for tlie Least Money. Remember, we Guarantee the Price on Every Artlclo we sell. June 1. 18S6. Proceedings of Court. Financial Statement of Jefferson County, West Virginia. May Term, 188(5: County of Jefferson. West Virginia, Dr. To amount of Miscellaneous and Parish Orders at this Term (pay of officers, jury and coupons not in¬ cluded) 8 2.035.65 Miscellaneous Orders at previous terms 3.447.05 Parish Orders ut previous terms.... 1,135.65 Pav of Officers. $ 2.550.00) Pay of Jury 1.500.00 } $18,050.00 Pay of Coupons 14.000.00) Printing Bonds ifc Agent's expenses. 1,160.00 Delinquents and Commission 2.800.00 Expense of fuuditig Cottnty Bonds.. /),000.00 Cr. Bv 45c. on each $100 of "36,761.'762.00. ain't of real and personal prop¬ erty *30.427.92 3315 Capitations St 3.315.00 Balance in Sheriffs hands 9,578.99 Dcpositum in Sheriffs hands $8,793.56 $43.321.91443.321.91 Ordered, that the Sheriff of this count;, ol- Ject45e. on each hundred dollars of real and personal propertj* from each taxable person of this county, and $3,315.00 capitation tax, as County Lew of the ensuing year. A Copy.Teste. T. A. MOORE. Cleric of County Court. The following is the Assessment of Road Tax in each District of this county t Cuarlestown DISTRICT..Capitation 500 at $1 : and 20 cents on each $100 of real and per¬ sonal property. Kaiilktown District..Capitation 500 at $1 ; and 12}-£ cents on each $100 of real and personal properly. Middleway District..Capitation 380 at 81: and 12>£ ccnts on each $100 of real and personal property. SnErnERDSTOWN District..Capitation 450 at $1; and 16^6 cents on each $100 of real and personal property. Harper's Ferrt District..Capitation 390 at $1: and 21 ccnts on each $100 of real and personal property. The Court makes the following appointments of Commissioners and Canvassers of Elections in this county, for the next two years, viz : Ciiart.estown District..David IT. Cock- rill. C. C. Conklyn. B. F. Leisenring. Commis¬ sioners ; Robert Chew, O. M. Lucas, Amos Dunlap, Canvassers. Zoar School House..John M. Daniel. George E. Currie, James B. McGarry, Commis¬ sioners. Kabletowx..Win. O. Norris. George Har¬ ris, D. E. Shoemaker. Commissioners. Summit Point..Robert V. Shirley, N. H. Willis. E. B. Haines. Commissioners. Miijdlewat..John M. Nicely. James W. League. G. M. DeL. Smtyh, Commissioners. Lketown..David E. Henderson. E. C. Wat¬ son. John W. Clendening. Commissioners. Kearnetsvii.t.e..James T. Trnssell, David T. Jones, A. Trump, Commissioners. SiiEriiERDSTOWN..E. O. W. Herr. John n. Zittlc. J. S. Fleming. Commissioners : ,T. S. Bragonicr. G. T. Licklider, John Keplinger, Canvassers. Duffiei.ps..A. S. Link. Calvin Tabler, R. L. Wvsong. Commissioners. Harper's Ferrt .James Conwav, Josrph P. Schilling. Wm. T. Bad"n. Commissioners; T. W. Bcale, Jas. N. Small wood. Thos. Geary, Canvassers. IIali.town..J. W. Rider. Jos. L. Eichcl- berger. George Koonce. Commissioners. Oak Grove..George M. Duke. Jacob W. Englc, Wm. J. Moler. Commissioners. (To be Continued.) A Cony.Teste. T. A. MOORR. Clerk of County Co;irt. Jnne 1. 1886. [F. P. and Reg. copy.] Lumber, Shingles & Wood HAVING recently purchased a larere body of fine Timber, at Flowing Springs, near Charlestown. and put in operation there our Steam Saw-Mill, we are prepared to furnish ALL KI>TDS OF OAK LUMBER, FENCING FLANK. FRAME LUMBER, LAP SHINGLES, and WOOD by the CORD. Will sell either to be delivered or on the ground. FRAZIER <fe COLSTON. Feb. 24. 1885. [F. P. and Dem. copy.] For Sale ! AN Iron Safe. Inquire of BEALL BROS. A PHILLIPS. December 1. 18S5.U- SEVERAL CAR-LOADS Just Received, WEBSTER WAGONS, Boot Plows, OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS, Woodstock Plows, CHAMPION REAPERS AND Cord Binders, at 8HEPHERDST0WN AND CHARLESTOWN. A fall stock of all useful Implements & Hardware needed by Farmers and Mechanics. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, &c. BEALL BROS. & PHILLIPS. April 21, 1885.y. August Schui.t>, F. L. Pboxmvx, Jr., Painter. Smith. New Carriage Factory, Chcirlestcncn, Jefferson Co., W. Va. "VXTE the undersigned have entered Into a Co- TT Partnershipfor the purpose of Manufac¬ turing and Repairing CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, PIIJE- TONS, DAYTON & OTHER PLEASURE WAGONS, Spring Wagons. Dog Cart?. Sulkies, Sleighs, <fcc., in as fine style as can be done anywhere in the Union, at moderate prices. Being prac¬ tical mechanics we will be enabled to do all work on correct, systematic principles, thereby producing work light, durable and handsome. Repair Work a Specialty. Hoping to receive a fair share of your patron¬ age, we pledge ourselves to give you value re¬ ceived. SCHULTE FEDNifSUX. AST" Shopj* on Blooinery Turnpike, 2 Squares from Main St. Mav 26. 1885.tf. PEHHX~KU2VD fjzrrpnOuxaaatpo* ¦ttircfy Tianta Ttcrta viouai>7rtuBCerai, Awarded First Premium and Gold Medal at the "World's Fair, New Orleans, for simplicity of construction and the only Cart that h*tn no horse motion* ABBOTT BUGGY CO.. Prop'ri, Stole and 30th Eta. Chioaao, III# SCHULTE & PEDN--EUX. Agents. March 23, T8S8. Charlertown. W. Va. Horses and Vehicles. SAFE Riding and Driving Horses, and stylish Vehicles for the accommodation of the pub¬ lic. for hire on reasonable terms at the Livery Stables of STARRY A STUMP. May 15. 1888. pOto LANGDOJTS, the laboring man's VT friend, and bay your Dry Goods and Groceries, cheap for cash. Kabletowo. March 2, 1886. THK place that does not advertise, is the place for High Priccs and Inferior Articles. J. H. LANG DON. Kabletown. March 9. 1886. COAL Oil Stoves, for sale cheap. JOSEPH H. EASTERDAY. THE LEADING CLOTHIERS' COLUMN*. Tlie Leading Clotliiet^ ha»o carefully selected the Largest Assortment of CMMdren9# Clothing which Ijas etor been offored In this raarkaS, FOR LESS JflOJVE 1* than any mother can afford to them np. March 30, 1886. - Coacli Factory, LIVEET, &C. THE undersigned having pnrchawd the old established Coacb Factory of the late Wells J. Hawks, in Charlestown, with the riew of en¬ tering into the Carriage Business, in all It* branches, offer# for sale a large nmn- ! cr of New and Second-hand CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, JAGGERS, Ac., at the lowest prices and npon the most ac¬ commodating terms. Old Carriages taken in Exchange for N&c. ALL KINDS OF REPAIRS done with neat¬ ness and dispatch, and satisfaction guaranteed. Horses and Carriages FOR HIRE. In connection with the above 1 *B! continui the LIVERY BUSINESS, and he prepared to furnish Carriages, Buggies and J aggers at the shortest notice. CThe above business will be tfnfler tire su¬ perintendence of Abram Stump. UNDERTAKING. I am prepared to give my special attention to the business of Undertaking. Being a practical mechanic and determined to give satisfaction, I respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. May 15.1877. LEWIS STARRY. Dr. Chas. E. Pratt, Successor to N. F. Ilendcrson A Co., PHARMACIST. HAVING fitted up the New Store Room of Mr. Gustav Brown, on Main street, I am prepared to fnrnish the citir.ens of Charlestown and vicinity everything In my line, of the Best Quality and at as Low Priccs as they can be bought anywhere. I keep on hand, and am constantly receiving, a large stock of PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Fatent Medicines, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Perfnmery, Dye Stuffs, Books, Stationary and School Supplies, Fictnre Frames. Ac.; Paints, Oils, Ac. Also, J. W. Masury A Son's Liquid Paints, which are the most reliable Mixed Paints in the market; Lewis Lead, Ac. My stock of Ladies' Toilet Articles is lance and of the latest out, among which may be found Lubin's Extracts. Lundborg's Extracts, Brown's Extracts, Tetlow's Latest Triple Ex¬ tracts, Ocenu Spray and Stepbanotis; Lund- borg's small at25cts.; Ixrng and Hexagonal Fareina German Cologne and Ideal Boquet. Toilet Setts, Vases, Lilly White. Saunders Face Powder, Hunter A Palmer's Invisible, Hunter A Palmer's Snow White, Talc of Venice, Ac. Cashmere Boqnct Powder, Infant Powder, Sachet Powder, Heliotrope, Jockey Club, Ac. A large and full line of Soaps.Colgate's, Lu¬ bin's, Jesse Oake's OOper ct. Pure Glycerine, Yo Olden Time bar Glycerine; White, Blue, Mot¬ tled and Green Castiie; Cuticura Toilet and Sharing Soap, Colgate's "Rosodora," Oat Meal, Glycerine, Pitre Brown Windsor, Car¬ bolic and Sttlpbur Soap. Also, a full line of cheaper soaps. Large assortment of Cigars nn<l Tobacco, and smokers articles. Harpoon Cigar Stnok- ers. Pipes, Ac. Colden Leibig's Extract Beef, Oswego Bitters, the Best Bnttcr Color always on hand, in any quantity. Give ns a can and we will endeavor to giv satisfaction to all. CHAS. K. PRATT. February 27, 1883. INTENSE EXCITEMENT At the West End I HENRY DUMM HAS has every nook and corner of his store filled to overflowing with a larger and more varied stock of . CHOICE GOODS than ever before, Including Toys in Great Variety, and Novelties in great profusion. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES; FRUITS.FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC: CONFECTIONERY.IMPORTED A HOME¬ MADE ; GREAT VARIETY OF NUTS; ALL KINDS OF CAKES. Grown people and children will find a beau¬ tiful and bountiful stock from which to (elect. He Is thankful for past patronage and will endeavor by generous dealing to merit a con¬ tinuance of the old custom and to wiu new pa¬ trons. December 2.1885 C. H. SHOEMAKER, Grange Store Building, CHAKLESTOWX, W. VA., dealer ia all hinds of Farm Machinery. Oliver Chilled Plows and Brown Wagons A SPECIALTY. March 23. 1886. DO NT forget that LANGDOJT8.the new house in the turn of tbe road.is Ufc place to get a Good Article for little money. Kabletown. Feb. 28. 1888. NOW is the time to 8ack your Meat, and DALGAKN keeps all sizes Hi can supply your demands- * March 2. 188*. jm pjm&tzgvm s BJ S E TRUCK Shad at WALK'S. MaT 4.1H88. Barrel. » OLLEK Floor *5-00 per B»rreWAU1,'8. ALT and J'j««hFUb,t WALL'S- May 4,1888. GGS at Witt S. May 4,1686- SHENANDOAH MILLINfi COMPAJSTY IN VifE (he publia to call and ezmtno the stock of Spring & Summer Goods, whlfh the* ai"e selling at C1X5SI5 PRICES 1 imrgc Assortment of ItAttBt'ffGS AND EDOfXGS. PEQUAS AMtf Ni.IJ»SOOKS, FANCY SEERSUCKER) calicoes. Dress (UHohams. TABLE DAMASKS, White and Colored, JEANS AND COTTONADff, Statue of Liberty Cotton, One jilri wMo. and only 1 cts. per y*rd j bnf nono other.only More in Charlestowu that keep* it. GOOb BED TICKING only 10* LADIES' A CHILDREN'S SHOES* MEICS AND BOYS' . BOOTS Afr'D StlOtiS* Our Stock of Queens and Glassware 1b complete. GROCERIES at t3otlom Prices. Light Biwra Sogar 8&.17 Rw. for .l.Otf Standard ''A,M .. i,. 8c. Granulated " 9c..12 As. tot (1.00 Bright Syrup. ...... SBc. rallort Currants... .¦.-j . ,8c. lb. Arhackle's ana Levering'* Coffee 15C. Choice Green Coffee :,i ltWb 0 Cakes Beet Soap fW. M* We hare Joat received a Car-load «l SALT, which we are selling at Cl^ Price*. ttfe liave just feifiorfclcd our Mills Int# 4 toller Mill, and arc now nreparea to furoUti the pbblic with a MutU 8t>f*rri»,r Quality of FLOUR than tbev can bar from any of oar cotnpoatOM in the Milling business. We still Exchange Floor and Meal for Wheat and Corn. Why have bad bread when too can exchange yout Wheat for ROLLER FLOUR, and make yon# wife and children smile when ther see the de¬ lightful bread made from Superlative KolW iToar. Thanking the pnblic for their past pair and being convinced that if they call and «x* amine our goods and prices, we can sell thent in the fntnre. SHklfANbOAH MIIJ.INO CO. April IS. 188ft. NEW STORE it MYERSTOWN I THE undersigned baa opened a atofe at tiitf above named plsee, and will beep constant* ly In stock a general Hoe of Dry Goods, Groceries, NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, and In fact everything nsnaUy found in a well' regulated country store. I am prepared to make to order Boots and Shoes, and make a specialty of both Home-Made and Ready-Made work. Repairing done neatly and promptly, and npon reasonable term*. All kinds of Country Produce taken hi ex¬ change for goods, and highest market price paid. . D. C. ADAMS. MyerstcWn. May 4, lBBH-to. Violin and Guitar Les¬ sons. SAVING been rollcited fcy tniay ttxtUc* loving persons tojrlre lea*ona on tbe Vlo- Hollar. Plate and vlolon-Cello, I bare coo-' eluded to accept a Rmlted number of pupil* for the above named lnstrtfraenfe. for term* please eaB on me at my Jewefrv Store on Main street, or a4dre** me Lock Box No. *8, Charles-' town. Special Rates for Club* of roar. fiespeetfally, E. BROWNOLD. Mareb Hi. 1886- House and Lot for Sale* Dwelling b«s a basement and cellar, two fooo* and kail on first toot. and three chamber* above. I would refer persons to V. M. Fiaoa, Real Estate Agent, in Charlestowu, or to P. H. HCGHK8, 1SS West Balto. street, Baltimore. September 8,1885. TT'OR a big Roe Shad go la f May 7, >886. WALLS-

Transcript of SPIRIT OF Day liORlilTfOI FOR till! · and Baj'lor for defendant. Court adjourned on Friday until...

Page 1: SPIRIT OF Day liORlilTfOI FOR till! · and Baj'lor for defendant. Court adjourned on Friday until Monday. Corporation Election. Tlic result of the Corporation Election held lastThursdayis

SPIRIT OF JEFFERSON.!CmamTOw!., W. Vi., Jukb 1. 1880.

OlSTJEDOLLARWill Bay the Best

Stylogrraphid Pen,Wm. J. C. Dulany & Co.,WuOLRSALB BOOK.RM.BRS AND JohBEKS INSTATtdkflKY,

332-4 W. Baltimore Street.Feb. 5, 13S4.y. BALTIMORE.

Local Miscellany.A band of Gypsies passed throughCharlestown last Thursday.Mr. Howell Gardner had a valuable

bull killed by lightning SaturdayWeek.

Memorial Day in ShepherdstownSaturday, June 5th. Ceremonies at8J o'clock.

Regular conclave of Potomac Corn-tnandery, No. 5, Knights Templar, on

"Tuesday evening, June 1st.Superintendent Holmes has gone to

San Antonia, Texas, to inspect a siteTor a public building at that place.The Strawberry Festival given by

the ladies of the M. E. Church South,at tiie rink building, was liberallypatronized.

Col Francis Yates has a limestonepicked up on his farm'which is almosta perfect imitation of a human foot.toes and all complete.

Capt. Thomas' Colored Band ac¬

companied a large number of excur¬sionists to Harper's Ferry yesterdaymorning, to attend the Storer CollegeCommencement.Thanks~to Mr. W. D. Swan for a

sample of the flour now being madeby him at Flowing Spring Mills.anelegant article, highly commended byall who have used it.

Mr. J. W. Dayhoff, of Ilagerstown,Md., has one of the largest, cheapestand finest collections of Flowers to befound in this section. See advertise¬ment in another column.The Shenandoah Milling Company

distributed two hundred pieces ofMusic last week, advertising theirfancy brands of " Primrose" and"Superlative" Holler Flour.Among those in attendance upon

our Circuit Court last week were Maj.A. W. McDonald and Marshall Mc-Cormick, Esq , of Berryville, and It.T. Barton, Esq., of Winchester.The roof of a stone house belonging

to the colored Odd Fellows, near the

Academy, was discovered to be on firelast Tuesday afternoon, but was ex¬

tinguished without serious damage.Mr. Geo. C. Johnson, residing on

the farm of Hon. Jas. II. Grove, near

Leetown, has a colt which was foldeda few days ago, and a half hour afterbirth measured 114 hands in height.A new set of lock boxes.sixteen

more than formerly.have been putin place of the old ones in our postoffice. Postmaster Flagg has alsohad the office touched up by the paint¬er's brush.The ladies of Oakland M. E. Church

South will hold a Strawberry Festivalon Friday and Saturday, June 4thand 5th, in Mt. Hope School-House,for benefit of their church. The lib¬eral patronage of the public is re¬

spectfully solicited.Before you buy your India Linens,

Victoria Lawns, White Barred Mus¬lins, Nainsooks, Lawns of all shadesand styles, Satines, Percales and

Fancy Dress Goods, look at the im¬mense stock that the ShexaxdoahMilling Co. have, and are selling ata reduced price. *

The Town Council, last Tuesdaynight, removed the restriction limitingthe Bands to two night per week for7»ractice. The old Council will meetto-morrow (Wednesday) evening, forthe purpose of counting the vote anddeclaring the result of the electionheld last Thursday.A couple of veteran firemen from a

neighboring city complimented our

firemen upon the quick time andsmoothness with which they got theirsteamer into action last Tuesday af¬ternoon, and pronounced Mr. M. S.Weller, the Independent engineer, tobe a No. 1 in that capacity.Mr. John II. Hall has laid on our

table a sample of the elegant straw¬berries he is now offering on saledaily at the store of Mr. S. S. Dal-garn. The one before us measures

4J inches in diameter, and is not theonly large berry taken from hispatch, notwithstanding he suffered so

severely by the late hail-storm.Mr. W. C. White, who served as

assistant in the Charlestown Academyfor several years, and was favorablyknown to our people, visited friendshere last week. He has finished hiscourse at the Union Theological Sem¬inary, and goes by invitation to RockyMount, Franklin county, Va., withthe prospect of a call to that church.The election of Officers of Jefferson

Chapter, No. 5, R. A. M., was heldon Monday, 24th instant, and resultedas follows: Charles E. Pratt, II. P. ;E. L. Wager, King; F. W. Brown,Scribe; Geo. W. Thomas,Treas. ; C.F. Gallaher, Sec'y; James W. Gar-ney, C. of II. ; B. D. Gibson, P. S.;"W. L. Dalgarn, R. A. C.; Julian A.Smith, M. of 3d Vail; Albert Diehl,M. of 2d Vail; Wm. Ivahn, M. of 1stVail; Wm. L. Hedges, Tyler.

Memorial Day in Charlestown.

Saturday last proved a bright, aus¬

picious day for the memorial obser¬vance in honor of the Confederatedead buried at Edge-Hill Cemeteryand elsewhere at Charlestown. Thepeople flocked rapidly into town fromevery direction, and the number inattendance was perhaps greater thanfor several years past. At 3 P. M.a procession was formed in front ofthe Court-IIouse, consisting of DrumCorps ; Citizens' Fire Company,undercommand of Capt. Russell, with reelhandsomely decorated and membersbearing flowers; Independent FireCompany, under command of Lieut.Stump, with reel and steamer adornedwith floral decorations (steamer drawnby a handsome pair of horses) andmembers bearing flowers.all undercommand of Fire Marshal Hough.-The procession moved in order to theMethodist and Episcopal graveyards,where graves were decorated, andfrom there to Edge-Hill Cemetery,where the following programme Was

carried out:Praj'er by Rev. Webster Eichel-

berger.Singing by Choir.Reading of Roll of Honor and Ad¬

dress by Rev. Dr. A. C. Hopkins.Singing by Choir.Benediction by Rev. Webster

Eichelberger.Floral decoration of graves.The address of Rev. Dr. Hopkins

(although only an impromptu one,delivered on acconnt of failure to se¬

cure another expected speaker) was

able and eminently-appropriate, andwas listened to with close attentionby those within good hearing dis¬tance. The music by the choir, com¬

posed of ladies and gentlemen of thevarious churches, was well renderedand their services highly appreciated.Below we publish the Roll of

Honor as read at Edge-IIill Cemetery,omitting therefrom the names of 'the213 Confederate dead buried in thesoldiers' plat, which we have hereto¬fore published:Buried in the Episcopal Oraveyard.

Col. Rob't W. Baylor,Col. Lawson Botts,I>t. Col. Jno. A. Washington,Lt. Col. Frank Lackland,Maj. Edwin I>. Moore,Capt. Jno. V. Beat I,Capt. W. C. Sheerer,Dr. Jno. A. Straith,Dr. Thomas Briscoe.Dr. William Alexander,Charles Alexander,Herbert Alexander,Jas. II. Brown,W. B. Brown,R. W. Baylor,R. C. Baylor,Thos. D. Burnett,Charles L. Crane,

Connel,E. M. Lackland,Geo. U. Manning,Benj. S. White.George Washington,Jas. C. Washington,W. S. Starry,Joseph Spotts.

Buried in. Family Lots in Edge-HillCemetery.

Capt. John Avis,Capt. J. \V.. Rowan,Capt. B. F. Engle,Capt. Jno. J. Lock,George W. Ilenson,Thaddeus Baney,John I). Keerl,Thomas Mclntyre,George Aliistead,Thomas Milstead,John James Colbert,Frank G. Butler,George A. Davis,Robert M. English,Maj. Wells J. Hawks,Samuel S. Wright,Maj. Charles Stewart,Charles II. Isler, _

William Isler,John F. Blessing,Sgt. M. S. B. Robertson,Robert Henderson,J. Shannon Gallalier,James N. Gallalier,Charles Bowers.

Buried in the Methodist Churchyard.D. T. Rawlins,Wm. L. Locke.

Missing.Andrew Ilnnter, Jr.,John Donnelly,James 1-Iunsickcr.

Circuit Court.

The following jury eases were triedin this Court last week.Hoffman, Eavey & Co. vs. G. W.

Wolf. Verdict for defendant. Mo-lion for new trial. Baylor and Wash¬ington for plaintiff; Grove & Brownand I^ucas for defendants.

State vs. Gideon Leisenring, in¬dicted for felony. Acquitted. Brownfor State; Travcrs and Moore fordefence.James Jr. Mason vs. The Harper's

Ferry Bridge Co. Verdict for de¬fendant. McDonald & Beckwith andGreen for plaintiff; Lucas, Traversand Baj'lor for defendant.

Court adjourned on Friday untilMonday.

Corporation Election.

Tlic result of the Corporation Election heldlast Thursday is as follows:

For Mayor.1st \V. 2d 3d Total.

C. M. Hongh. 01 S3 04 1M0David Howell. 41 91 04 « 196

for Recorder.1st W. Sd 3d Total.

TV. L. Hedges. 139 177 129 435For Councilmcn.1st Ward.

Gnstav Brown.* 120D. S. Hughes,* 113

For Councilnien.3d Ward.Henry Dumm.* 133Dr. W. F. Lippitt,« 95Abram Stump, 90

For Counciltnen.3d 11 ard.S. C. Toung * 91John Porterflcld,* 78K. 11. Phillips. 6S.Councilmcn elected.

Church Items.

The ninth Annual Council of theP. E. Church will convene in Charles-town June 2d.

Rev. B. F. Bausmann will hold ser¬

vice at Beulah Church on Sunday af¬ternoon next.The Rev. Mr. Dorsey, of Maryland,

preached in the Episcopal Church on

Sundaj' last, morning and evening.Communion services were held in

the M. E. Church South on Sunday,the pastor being assisted by the Rev.J. Ay. Tongue.

Episcopal services may be expectedat Kabletown during the summer, on

the 1st and 4th Sunday afternoons ofeach month, at 3J o'clock.

From the Free Press:Mrs. D. Janney Howell, who has

for six weeks past brightened thehome of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Howell,parents of her husband, returned toAlexandria on Monday morning.Mr. John McKnight made an incu¬

bator. Out of 115 eggs placed thereincame 80 chickens. Some of the eggswere purchased at a store.-otherwiseit is likely the result would have beenbetter. .

Geo. J. Easterday, of Leesburg,Virginia, graduated at the GeorgetownUniversity Law Commencement on

Monday.taking degree of Bachelorof Laws. lie is a nephew of Messrs.Jno. S. and Joseph II. Easterday ofthis town.A fire was discovered in the Coun¬

cil Room in the Independent FireCompany Engine House on Mondaynight. It looks like an attempt todestroy the books and papers of theCouncil, and if successful might alsohave destroyed the costly steamer andequipments. Mayor Hough offersS100 reward for the arrest and convic¬tion of the incendiary.We asked Town Sergeant Avis if

the fire in the Council Room couldhave been caused by matches andmice, and he remarked he didn't thinkthat they could have saturated the taxbook (which was badly scorched) withKerosene Oil. We don't think so,either. AVe learn three persons wereseen to come from the Council roomin the earty hours of the morning.

In our mention last week of the de¬gree of Master of Laws having beenconferred upon our young friend andformer countyman, Charles TysonButchcr, we neglected to say that itwas by the Georgetown UniversityLaw School. By a diligent use of themidnight oil, our young friend didwhat has not been done before sincethe foundation of that eminent insti¬tution.took the first prize and degreeof M. L. in a single course of eightmonths. By day he was employedearning "his bread bjr the sweatof his brow." Since his graduationhe passed a successful examinationby eminent jurists, and very soon ex¬

pects to enter upon the practice of hisprofession at the Federal Capital..If we are not mistaken his father,Robert Hume Butcher, who repre¬sented this county in the councils ofthe State, did about the same thing,years ago, at the University of Vir¬ginia. Mr. Butcher senior was a

ready and graceful speaker, and theson, in this particular particularly,is worthy of the sire.

Those In search of Bargains will do well tocaU ou S. D. IIlitSCIIMAN <fc Co.

For the Largest Assortment and Lowest!Prices, visit S. D. IIthsciiman it Co.

PATiAsra.s..Everyday is Parasol day. Thesummer styles are on exhibition, and tin; pricesarc captivating-. S. D. JIirsciiman Co.

1Ladies will do well to examine our verylarge stock of White Goods. Having just re¬ceived a large invoice of these goods' from an

importer's declining business, enables lis tooffer very decided bargains. We call partic¬ular attention to the Ladies seeking dresses forcommencement. S. I). IIirsch.man & Co.

Bask Fabrications..The unwarrantedrumors put iu circulation that our stock of Mil¬linery was all sold out. is a base fabrication..We admit that last Saturday we were busy,very busy, but to sell a stock like ours in oneday. or one week, is impossible. We pleadguilty to the charge of selling first-class Milli¬nery at very low prices, but to the charge ofbeing entirety sold out, we plead not guilty,and submit our case to the jury (the public)without further say.


From the Democrat:Henry Cary, colored, was badly

scalded on Wednesday last, at the IIlalltown Paper Mill.Mr. E. W. liedinger, attorney at

law in this city, and formerly the ed¬itor of this paper, has accepted theposition as editor and manager of theKoanoke Leader.The restaurant of Mr. "William II.

Roderick, tinder the Watson House,was forcibly entered on Friday nightlast and robbed of several dollars..The thief, after appropriating thecash which Mr. R. had on hand, tar¬ried long enough to refresh himselfquite extensively on ham and eggs.

Absolutely Pure.This powder never varies. A marvel of pu¬

rity. strength and wholcsomeness. More eco¬nomical than the ordinary kinds, and canuotbe sold in competition with the multitude of lowtest, short weight, alum of phosphate powders.Sold only in cans. Royal Baking PowdekCo.. 100 Wall st., N. Y.July 28. 1SS5.ISt.

A daughter of the late Wm. Glo3'd,aged 14, was assaulted by a negroman near Gaithersburg, Montgomerycounty, Md., last Thursday,


"The Greatest Cttro on Earth tor PaJjV" Jrelier. mora quick It thani «ay other *^£2.1BWehl^ BtSff Seek, iBnrgS'?,ltfer&FrJSSIl

pkaclxe, Ouinsv^Soro Thr*Mifc»M

Mrussfst!*. Caution..Tt« fittJ|nino Salvation Ofi^bcai3 jVy^gt!J*^jLsyii)nft Salvation Lrtl Dears o"StoClC^ roKlirter«lTra<lt-M«rk,aI>«lo

rae-rtmn* .'8.J?.u.'tHc-I-5!'1;3rV' ^Froprletora, Baltimore, M<L, U. p. A.Proprietors,

on. BOLL'S COUGH SYRUPForthe cure ofCoughs, Colds, Hoarse¬ness, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis,Whooping Cough, Incipient Con¬sumption, and for the relief of con¬sumptive persons ia advanced stagesofthe .Disease. For Saleby all Drug¬gists. Price, 25 cents.September 39, 1885.ly.

Advertised Letters.

List of advertised letters remain¬ing in the Post Office at Charles-town, Jefferson county, W. Va.,May 29, 1886:Miss M. E. Baird, Miss Annie Car¬

ter (2), Mrs. Lucy F. Noel, Mrs.Fannie Stewart, Miss Mary Kassane,D. C. Arnold, Daniel M. Brown, Rev.Jnc. W. Hampton, S. A. Miller, JohnStoghill, N. W. Williams.The above letters, if not called for

Within thirty days, will be sent to thedead letter office. Persons callingfor them will please say that they areadvertised. .

Geo. lI. Fl.Aflo, P. M.

Bucklen's Arnica Salve.

The Best Salve in the world forCuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, SaltRheum, Fever Sores,Tetter, ChappedHands, Chilblains, Corns, and allSkin Eruptions, and positively curesPiles, or no pay required. It Isguaranteed to give pefect satisfaction,or money refunded. Price 25 ecntsper box. For sale by Geo. T. Light.

County Items.

From the Shepherdstown Registerwe clip the following items:

Mr. James M. Engle, of this coun¬

ty, has been promoted from 81,400 toSI,GOO in the office of the sixth auditorof the Treasury, at Washington.. Mr. Karicofe, the Leetown inven¬tor, has invented a machine to catchgrasshoppers. The insects are gath¬ered 011 to a canvas sheet and carriedback and crushed by rollers at therear end of the machine.

Undigested FoodIn the stomach develops nil acid which stingsthe tipper purt of the throat and palate, caus¬ing '. heartburn." It also evolves a gas whichproduces .' wind 011 the stomach." and a feel¬ing and appearance of distension in that organafter eating. For both tins acidity and swel-lin" Hosteller's Stomach Killers is a much bet¬ter" reined V than alkaline salt.", like hartshornand carbonate of soda. A wincclassful of theBitters, after or before dinner, will be found toaet as a reliable carminative or preventive..This fine specific for dyspepsia, both in itsacute and chronic form, also prevent-*' andcures malarial fever, constipation, liver com¬plaint. kidney troubles, nervousness and de¬bility. Persons who observe in themselves adecline of vigor should use this fine tonic with¬out dekn*.


Do not buy one dollar's worth of Goods untilyon have visited our store. e have the beststock of Spring Goods ever seen in this valley,and at prices guaranteed to be the lowest.

Wm. Ivaiin & Co.. Sadler Building.We lead in fashionable stj-lcs. perfect (it. re¬

liable fabrics, best workmanship, (sxtreinelymoderate prices for everything desirable inSeasonable Clothing in Men's, Boys and Chil¬dren's sizes. To buy before seeing onr un¬rivaled variety is to do yoitrsclf n positive in-iusLicc Wm. Kaiin & Co..J Sadler Bnilding.Right to the front of all competition we place

our new Spring Styles.complete in assortment,splendid in quality, overflowing with generousbargains In Men's. Bovs' and Children s Ciotli-ing. at prices that, must lead to speedy sale..Come early. \\'M.KA»N<fe Co.,

Sadler Building.Straw llATs! Straw Hats!.Straw Hnts

by the hundreds, by the thousand, for .Men andBovs. The largest stock, the lowest prices.Callat WM. Kaun & Co.'s

Hat Emporium, Sadler Building.

Winchester and Vicinity.From the Neivs we clip the follow¬

ing items:The time fixed.Friday, June 4th.

for the execution of Honesty andBanks draws nigh.Mr. J- R. Carson, clerk of the Cor¬

poration Court, died Monday morn¬

ing, aged 46 years.Mrs. Rebecca Barbour, wife of

John S. Barbour, residing near Ste¬phenson's Depot, died suddenly on

Wednesday of last week, aged 50years.At.ways BrsY..Goto BEACHLEY'S great

combination, at Hagerstown, whenever youplease and you find him busy. Reasons: Hisstock is the largest and best, selected : atten¬tion of the highest order and his prices verylow.Experience vs. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mat¬

tings. Window Shades, Ac.. tfec. Beachlcy.the "rout combination merchant, has securedthe services of Mr. O. S. Kittle, formerly withMr. Allen Yingling. who has had much expe¬rience in cutting and fittinir down Carpets. OilCloths. Mattings, etc. Also. In putting upWiudowShades. BEACHLEY'Sstockof Car¬pets. Oil Cloths. Mattings, Window Shades,'fee., is second to none in Ilagcrstown. Go andsee before you buy.Neckwear..A very large assortment just-

received from the manufacturers, stylish andvery cheap, at BEACH LEY'S. Hagerstown.

Dr. Tomlinson'sDENTAL OFFICE,


BALTIMORE MARKETS.Baltimore. Saturday. Mat 29.1SS8.

Fl.onn.Super $2.50 fa> 43.00Extra 3-10 @ 3.85Family 4.00 @ 4.75

Corn Meal, per 100 lbs.... 1.00 <® 1.05Wheat - SO @ 85Corn.White 41 @ 45Yellow 40 @ 43Oats 34 <3> 41

Rte 74 <S> 74li aCON.Shoulders 4?£ @ 7Sides 5JS ® BHams. Sugar-cured lOlf <S> - 12

Lark 6* (B 7X

Mantua-Making.MRS. j. o. TUTWILER is prepared to un¬

dertake Mantua-Making and all kinds ofFamily Sewing, at reasonable rates. Residenceon Samuel street, near the Baptist Church.

April 3S. ISSl -tf.

A PRIME article New Orleans Molasses,ju&tr.eceiveiby S. S DALGAKN.


liORlilTfOI FOR till!Tonll find an almost &nba#ras«lng Variety in eTery one of onr Departments.

Prices are the Very Lowest.

We call your attention to onr

Millinery Departmentwhere for a Little money we can suit

Sou and gratify every taste. Wo are

appy to say onr Washington Millineris an immense success.

Carpets, fftattings,OILCLOTHS AND SHADES.

We are offering a full line of RegularGoods at Hock Bottom Prices.

We draw your thoughts to onr largeand varied stock of

DRESS GOODS,equally recommended for largenessand cheapness.especially our fine of


and everything in the White Goodsline, which we unhesitatingly say isthe Largest and Cheapest ever offered

in this town.


CLOTHING.We know fathers and mothers like

to see their children neatly clad, andyet they are of a saving turn, andthey've enlightened themselves on the

fact that

HIRSCHMAN'Sia the place to go. We still have a

few of those All-wool Suits, at $1.25.

The same prevails in our

Shoe Department,for Men and Boys, as well as Ladies,Misses and Children, an immensestock of Newport Ties and OperaSlippers. We sell the CelebratedAldeb Hand-made Shoes, for tender

feet, and the Genuine

ZIECLER SHOES,in all grades. We can save you money

on Shoes.

We are offering Big Bargains in

WOOL LACES:till colors. Special Low Figures in


WEAR.Immense assortment of

Swiss Embroideries.

The largest assortment in town ofMen's and Boys'

Straw Hats,and positively the Cheapest. We sell


standard white shirt,best fitting shirt made; Wamsuttamuslin, 400 linen. 8ee us by all

means on Gents'Summer Underwear.

We are scoring fucccss. We Work to win; ottr cue is to offer you the

Best Goods for tlie Least Money.Remember, we Guarantee the Price on Every Artlclo we sell.

June 1. 18S6.

Proceedings ofCourt.

Financial Statement of Jefferson County,West Virginia. May Term, 188(5:

County of Jefferson. West Virginia, Dr.To amount of Miscellaneous and

Parish Orders at this Term (pay ofofficers, jury and coupons not in¬cluded) 8 2.035.65

Miscellaneous Orders at previousterms 3.447.05

Parish Orders ut previous terms.... 1,135.65Pav of Officers. $ 2.550.00)Pay of Jury 1.500.00 } $18,050.00Pay of Coupons 14.000.00)Printing Bonds ifc Agent's expenses. 1,160.00Delinquents and Commission 2.800.00Expense of fuuditig Cottnty Bonds.. /),000.00Cr.

Bv 45c. on each $100 of"36,761.'762.00.ain't ofreal and personal prop¬

erty *30.427.923315 Capitations (© St 3.315.00Balance in Sheriffs hands 9,578.99Dcpositum in Sheriffshands $8,793.56

$43.321.91443.321.91Ordered, that the Sheriff of this count;, ol-

Ject45e. on each hundred dollars of real andpersonal propertj* from each taxable person ofthis county, and $3,315.00 capitation tax, as

County Lew of the ensuing year.A Copy.Teste. T. A. MOORE.

Cleric of County Court.

The following is the Assessment of Road Taxin each District of this county t

Cuarlestown DISTRICT..Capitation 500 at$1 : and 20 cents on each $100 of real and per¬sonal property.Kaiilktown District..Capitation 500 at

$1 ; and 12}-£ cents on each $100 of real andpersonal properly.Middleway District..Capitation 380 at

81: and 12>£ ccnts on each $100 of real andpersonal property.SnErnERDSTOWN District..Capitation 450

at $1; and 16^6 cents on each $100 of real andpersonal property.Harper's Ferrt District..Capitation 390

at $1: and 21 ccnts on each $100 of real andpersonal property.The Court makes the following appointments

of Commissioners and Canvassers of Electionsin this county, for the next two years, viz :

Ciiart.estown District..David IT. Cock-rill. C. C. Conklyn. B. F. Leisenring. Commis¬sioners ; Robert Chew, O. M. Lucas, AmosDunlap, Canvassers.Zoar School House..John M. Daniel.

George E. Currie, James B. McGarry, Commis¬sioners.Kabletowx..Win. O. Norris. George Har¬

ris, D. E. Shoemaker. Commissioners.Summit Point..Robert V. Shirley, N. H.

Willis. E. B. Haines. Commissioners.Miijdlewat..John M. Nicely. James W.

League. G. M. DeL. Smtyh, Commissioners.Lketown..David E. Henderson. E. C. Wat¬

son. John W. Clendening. Commissioners.Kearnetsvii.t.e..James T. Trnssell, David

T. Jones, A. Trump, Commissioners.SiiEriiERDSTOWN..E. O. W. Herr. John n.

Zittlc. J. S. Fleming. Commissioners : ,T. S.Bragonicr. G. T. Licklider, John Keplinger,Canvassers.Duffiei.ps..A. S. Link. Calvin Tabler, R.

L. Wvsong. Commissioners.Harper's Ferrt .James Conwav, Josrph

P. Schilling. Wm. T. Bad"n. Commissioners;T. W. Bcale, Jas. N. Smallwood. Thos. Geary,Canvassers.IIali.town..J. W. Rider. Jos. L. Eichcl-

berger. George Koonce. Commissioners.Oak Grove..George M. Duke. Jacob W.

Englc, Wm. J. Moler. Commissioners.(To be Continued.)

A Cony.Teste. T. A. MOORR.Clerk of County Co;irt.

Jnne 1. 1886. [F. P. and Reg. copy.]

Lumber, Shingles & WoodHAVING recently purchased a larere body

of fine Timber, at Flowing Springs, nearCharlestown. and put in operation there ourSteam Saw-Mill, we are prepared to furnish

ALL KI>TDS OF OAK LUMBER,FENCING FLANK. FRAME LUMBER, LAPSHINGLES, and WOOD by the CORD. Willsell either to be delivered or on the ground.

FRAZIER <fe COLSTON.Feb. 24. 1885. [F. P. and Dem. copy.]

For Sale !

AN Iron Safe. Inquire ofBEALL BROS. A PHILLIPS.

December 1. 18S5.U-




Woodstock Plows,


Cord Binders,at


A fall stock of all useful

Implements & Hardwareneeded by Farmers and Mechanics.


BEALL BROS. & PHILLIPS.April 21, 1885.y.

August Schui.t>, F. L. Pboxmvx, Jr.,Painter. Smith.

New Carriage Factory,Chcirlestcncn, Jefferson Co., W. Va.

"VXTE the undersigned have entered Into a Co-TT Partnershipfor the purpose of Manufac¬


Spring Wagons. Dog Cart?. Sulkies, Sleighs,<fcc., in as fine style as can be done anywherein the Union, at moderate prices. Being prac¬tical mechanics we will be enabled to do allwork on correct, systematic principles, therebyproducing work light, durable and handsome.

Repair Work a Specialty.Hoping to receive a fair share of your patron¬

age, we pledge ourselves to give you value re¬


AST" Shopj* on Blooinery Turnpike, 2 Squaresfrom Main St.Mav 26. 1885.tf.


fjzrrpnOuxaaatpo*¦ttircfy Tianta Ttcrtaviouai>7rtuBCerai,Awarded First Premium and Gold

Medal at the "World's Fair, New Orleans,for simplicity of construction and theonly Cart that h*tn no horse motion*ABBOTT BUGGY CO.. Prop'ri,

Stole and 30th Eta. Chioaao, III#SCHULTE & PEDN--EUX. Agents.

March 23, T8S8. Charlertown. W. Va.

Horses and Vehicles.

SAFE Riding and Driving Horses, and stylishVehicles for the accommodation of the pub¬

lic. for hire on reasonable terms at the LiveryStables of STARRY A STUMP.May 15. 1888.

pOto LANGDOJTS, the laboring man'sVT friend, and bay your Dry Goods andGroceries, cheap for cash.Kabletowo. March 2, 1886.

THK place that does not advertise, is theplace for High Priccs and Inferior Articles.

J. H. LANGDON.Kabletown. March 9. 1886.

COAL Oil Stoves, for sale cheap.JOSEPH H. EASTERDAY.


Tlie Leading Clotliiet^ha»o carefully selected the Largest Assortment of


which Ijas etor been offored In this raarkaS,

FOR LESS JflOJVE1*than any mother can afford to them np.

March 30, 1886. -

Coacli Factory,LIVEET, &C.THE undersigned having pnrchawd the old

established Coacb Factory of the late WellsJ. Hawks, in Charlestown, with the riew of en¬

tering into the

Carriage Business,in all It* branches, offer# for sale a large nmn-! cr of New and Second-hand

CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, JAGGERS,Ac., at the lowest prices and npon the most ac¬

commodating terms.

Old Carriages taken in Exchange forN&c.

ALL KINDS OF REPAIRS done with neat¬ness and dispatch, and satisfaction guaranteed.

Horses and CarriagesFOR HIRE.

In connection with the above 1 *B! continuithe LIVERY BUSINESS, and he prepared tofurnish Carriages, Buggies and Jaggers at theshortest notice.CThe above business will be tfnfler tire su¬

perintendence of Abram Stump.

UNDERTAKING.I am prepared to give my special attention to

the business of Undertaking.Being a practical mechanic and determined

to give satisfaction, I respectfully solicit a shareof public patronage.May 15.1877. LEWIS STARRY.

Dr. Chas. E. Pratt,Successor to N. F. Ilendcrson A Co.,PHARMACIST.

HAVING fitted up the New Store Room ofMr. Gustav Brown, on Main street, I am

prepared to fnrnish the citir.ens of Charlestownand vicinity everything In my line, of the BestQuality and at as Low Priccs as they can bebought anywhere. I keep on hand, and am

constantly receiving, a large stock of

PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS,Fatent Medicines, Fancy and Toilet Articles,Perfnmery, Dye Stuffs, Books, Stationary

and School Supplies,Fictnre Frames. Ac.; Paints, Oils, Ac. Also,J. W. Masury A Son's Liquid Paints, which are

the most reliable Mixed Paints in the market;Lewis Lead, Ac.My stock of Ladies' Toilet Articles is lance

and of the latest out, among which may befound Lubin's Extracts. Lundborg's Extracts,Brown's Extracts, Tetlow's Latest Triple Ex¬tracts, Ocenu Spray and Stepbanotis; Lund-borg's small at25cts.; Ixrng and HexagonalFareina German Cologne and Ideal Boquet.Toilet Setts, Vases, Lilly White. Saunders FacePowder, Hunter A Palmer's Invisible, HunterA Palmer's Snow White, Talc of Venice, Ac.Cashmere Boqnct Powder, Infant Powder,Sachet Powder, Heliotrope, Jockey Club, Ac.A large and full line of Soaps.Colgate's, Lu¬

bin's, Jesse Oake's OOper ct. Pure Glycerine, YoOlden Time bar Glycerine; White, Blue, Mot¬tled and Green Castiie; Cuticura Toilet andSharing Soap, Colgate's "Rosodora," OatMeal, Glycerine, Pitre Brown Windsor, Car¬bolic and Sttlpbur Soap. Also, a full line ofcheaper soaps. Large assortment of

Cigars nn<l Tobacco,and smokers articles. Harpoon Cigar Stnok-ers. Pipes, Ac. Colden Leibig's Extract Beef,Oswego Bitters, the Best Bnttcr Color alwayson hand, in any quantity.Give ns a can and we will endeavor to giv

satisfaction to all. CHAS. K. PRATT.February 27, 1883.


HENRY DUMMHAS has every nook and corner of his store

filled to overflowing with a larger andmore varied stock of .

CHOICE GOODSthan ever before, Including

Toys in Great Variety,and Novelties in great profusion.STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES;FRUITS.FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC:



Grown people and children will find a beau¬tiful and bountiful stock from which to (elect.He Is thankful for past patronage and will

endeavor by generous dealing to merit a con¬tinuance of the old custom and to wiu new pa¬trons.December 2.1885

C. H. SHOEMAKER,Grange Store Building,

CHAKLESTOWX, W. VA.,dealer ia all hinds of

Farm Machinery.Oliver Chilled Plows and

Brown WagonsA SPECIALTY.

March 23. 1886.

DONT forget that LANGDOJT8.the new

house in the turn of tbe road.is Ufc placeto get a Good Article for little money.

Kabletown. Feb. 28. 1888.

NOW is the time to 8ack your Meat, andDALGAKN keeps all sizes Hi can supply

your demands-*

March 2. 188*.


TRUCK Shad atWALK'S.MaT 4.1H88.

Barrel. »OLLEK Floor *5-00 per B»rreWAU1,'8.ALT and J'j««hFUb,t WALL'S-May 4,1888.GGS at

Witt S.May 4,1686-


INVifE (he publia to call and ezmtno thestock of

Spring & Summer Goods,whlfh the* ai"e selling at

C1X5SI5 PRICES 1imrgc Assortment of


TABLE DAMASKS,White and Colored,


Statue of Liberty Cotton,One jilri wMo. and only 1 cts. per y*rd j bnfnono other.only More in Charlestowu that

keep* it.




BOOTS Afr'D StlOtiS*

Our Stock of

Queens and Glassware1b complete.


t3otlom Prices.

Light Biwra Sogar 8&.17 Rw. for .l.OtfStandard ''A,M .. i,. 8c.Granulated " 9c..12 As. tot (1.00Bright Syrup. ...... SBc. rallortCurrants... .¦.-j . ,8c. lb.Arhackle's ana Levering'* Coffee 15C.Choice Green Coffee :,i ltWb0 Cakes Beet Soap fW. M*

We hare Joat received a Car-load «l

SALT,which we are selling at Cl^ Price*.

ttfe liave just feifiorfclcd our Mills Int# 4toller Mill, and arc now nreparea to furoUtithe pbblic with a MutU 8t>f*rri»,r Quality of

FLOURthan tbev can bar from any of oar cotnpoatOMin the Milling business. We still ExchangeFloor and Meal for Wheat and Corn. Whyhave bad bread when too can exchange youtWheat for ROLLER FLOUR, and make yon#wife and children smile when ther see the de¬lightful bread made from Superlative KolWiToar.

Thanking the pnblic for their past pairand being convinced that if they call and «x*amine our goods and prices, we can sell thentin the fntnre.


April IS. 188ft.


MYERSTOWN ITHE undersigned baa opened a atofe at tiitf

above named plsee, and will beep constant*ly In stock a general Hoe of

Dry Goods, Groceries,NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOES,

HATS AND CAPS,and In fact everything nsnaUy found in a well'regulated country store.

I am prepared to make to order Boots andShoes, and make a specialty of both

Home-Made and Ready-Madework. Repairing done neatly and promptly,and npon reasonable term*.All kinds of Country Produce taken hi ex¬

change for goods, and highest market pricepaid. .

D. C. ADAMS.MyerstcWn. May 4, lBBH-to.

Violin and Guitar Les¬sons.

SAVING been rollcited fcy tniay ttxtUc*loving persons tojrlre lea*ona on tbe Vlo-Hollar. Plate and vlolon-Cello, I bare coo-'

eluded to accept a Rmlted number of pupil* forthe above named lnstrtfraenfe. for term*please eaB on me at my Jewefrv Store on Mainstreet, or a4dre** me Lock Box No. *8, Charles-'town. Special Rates for Club* of roar.

fiespeetfally, E. BROWNOLD.Mareb Hi. 1886-

House and Lot for Sale*

Dwelling b«s a basement and cellar, two fooo*and kail on first toot. and three chamber*above. I would refer persons to V. M. Fiaoa,Real Estate Agent, in Charlestowu, or to

P. H. HCGHK8,1SS West Balto. street, Baltimore.

September 8,1885.TT'OR a big Roe Shad go laf May 7, >886. WALLS-