Spirit Animal Journeys...Visit BrightSpiritRising.com for more info on Spirit Animals! 3. Spirit...


Transcript of Spirit Animal Journeys...Visit BrightSpiritRising.com for more info on Spirit Animals! 3. Spirit...

Page 1: Spirit Animal Journeys...Visit BrightSpiritRising.com for more info on Spirit Animals! 3. Spirit Animals as Spiritual Guides If you seek spiritual guidance, noth ing helps like an

by Christie MichelsenBrightSpiritRising.com

Spirit Animal Journeys5 True Stories of Empowerment

Through Connecting With Animal Guides

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How Spirit Animals Help Us: Five True Stories

Animal guides can help us overcome all sorts of troubles, once we become attuned to them. In my own life, spirit animals have helped me find the inner wisdom and courage to leave a relationship that was no longer serving me, heal from emotional and spiritual trauma, and find and follow my life’s purpose. And more than once, they’ve kept me out of harm’s way! I’m not the only one by far to experience the transformative and protective power of spirit animals. In the following pages you will find true stories shared by ordinary people who explain in their own words how their animal guides helped them successfully deal with challenges in life. It is my hope that their experiences will inspire you to connect more deeply with your own animal guides and experience their incredible transformative power for yourself! Love & light,

Christie Michelsen BrightSpiritRising.com

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1. Spirit Animals as Healing Helpers Many people have experienced healing from animals. The news is full of stories of how flesh-and-blood animals help people heal from illnesses and trauma. Spirit animals, too, have healing energy. They can help us recover faster from physical, mental, and/ or spiritual hurts.

Rebecca explains how her totem animal helped guide her during her recovery from a seizure: “(After several experiences connected with bears) I did some research and I now believe that the black bear is my totem animal, telling me to relax, take some time to heal and help myself emotionally and spiritually. Upon doing so I can say I am beginning to feel better. Honestly because of the way I am, without that sign I would never have done what I should. I would have continued to put everyone else before me as if nothing had happened. Now I realize that sometimes you need to help yourself before you can help another. “I learned a few valuable lessons from my wonderful totem animal. I feel more spiritual and connected than ever.” Next time you’re feeling under the weather, call upon your animal guides. Listen to what they tell you (even if you think it’s strange or silly.) You will likely find that their guidance is right on the money.

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2. Spirit Animals as Guardians &

Protectors It’s hard to explain how something so intangible could have such a powerful protective effect, but many, many people over the ages have experienced first-hand the protective power of totem animals. As Taylor relates: “To put it as briefly as possible, I have had red-tailed hawks in my life for the past 7 or so years, they protected me, warned me, spent time listening to me, and kept me sane through a very insane part of my life. They were my constant night-time companions and somehow kept me out of harm’s way. I literally owe my life to them.” I have my own personal theory as to why totem animals are so good at keeping us from harm. Every animal species has developed powerful methods to protect itself and survive. The spirit animal carries these protective “super powers” for the benefit of every individual of that species. When we develop a relationship with the spirit animal, we also benefit from that protection. To fully benefit from their protective power, it is very important to keep a respectful attitude when working with spirit animals. Don’t try to control them or ask them to give power to projects that are not for the highest good. Instead, pay respectful attention to the messages you receive from them. And—always—give thanks.

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3. Spirit Animals as Spiritual Guides

If you seek spiritual guidance, nothing helps like an animal guide. They aren’t always subtle about it, either! As Leanne experienced: “I wanted to share with you that the rattlesnake is with me at the moment. It appeared in an animal spirit guide reading and also in my dream last night. Clearly a rattlesnake in my dream. I could see it and hear the tail rattle. “I wasn’t scared and it bit both my hands and with that my hands became swollen

and full of venom. I then was at the hospital and they were trying to treat it but there was nothing they could do and in the dream I would just lift my hands to the sky and release the surges of power. “The message seemed to be to be aware of what path I should take as it could take me off my spiritual path I am on now. It cautioned me to stay true to my journey and not get caught up in illusions of specialness or grandeur...” One important thing to do when working with spirit animals is to withhold judgement. Don’t dismiss an animal just because you don’t like it or it doesn’t seem noble or powerful. A rat or a mosquito is just as valid a guide as a wolf or eagle, and it may carry just the message you need to hear. Also, keep an open mind about how it appears and what it does or tells you - even if you really would rather run away. Don’t try to direct

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or second-guess its message. Instead, listen with an open heart and use your intuition to interpret its meaning. When it feels true to you, you’ll know it.

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4. Spirit Animals for Calming & Coping If you are a sensitive person, you may struggle just to cope with everyday life. Your spirit animal can help you find balance in this area. One of the most powerful things spirit animals do for us is to help awaken our awareness of ourselves, including our strengths, weaknesses and needs. Here is Jay’s experience: “I was curious about meditation so I tried one to find my spirit animal. It was a panda. I was surprised at why a panda but finding out its message has helped me cope and find out how to get what I need from life. Introspection, balance, tranquility, and solitude. The panda’s meaning really describes me and what I need to work on.” Jay found that simply learning about his spirit animal helped point out the things that were lacking in his life. Once these were brought to his conscious attention, he was able to take positive steps towards manifesting them in his life. You may also find that just spending time thinking about and mentally being with your animal is calming (in the same way that living animals and plants have been shown to calm and relax the people they are with.) Take some time every day to visit with your power animal. Even just excusing yourself and connecting with your totem for a few moments will help you to center and ground yourself before, after, or in the middle of whatever craziness you have to deal with.

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5. Spirit Animals as Helpers in Achieving Your Goals

Whether your goals are small or large, whether they relate to material goods or other achievements, you may find your animals helping you accomplish them— as long as they are in alignment with your highest good.

The key, as Ruth demonstrates below, is to do so humbly and respectfully. “I have a spirit totem that manifests into a buzzard when I go shopping. I meditate and pray to the Creator of what I need or want and when the time is right a buzzard guides me to the right shop or store to find my items.” If you work with spirit animals in this way, take the time to ground yourself beforehand. Ask them to guide you towards the highest good. Then listen and keep an eye out for the answer. Some people find that their animal actually speaks to them when they connect with it in meditation. Or your spirit animal may call your attention to something or someone that can help you. Or, you may discover your answer by observing your animal’s survival strategies in its natural environment: how can you apply its wisdom to your own life? Keep in mind that your spirit animals will not necessarily lead you exactly where you thought you were going, so stay open-minded and be willing to revise your goals as you progress along your journey. And always, give thanks.

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Get Empowered with Spirit Animals

Did you notice how each of these people connected with their spirit animal in their own way? And how the animal guides were able to deliver just the messages each individual needed at the time? Once you start honestly and respectfully connecting with your animal guides, you will find that things start to shift in your life. You may find that you start to:

Align your priorities with your higher purpose. Develop an inner knowing you can trust to carry you forward in a

positive, healthy direction. Heal deeply on all levels - physically, mentally, emotionally, and

spiritually. Stop struggling and watch your life become a joyous adventure. Effortlessly attract the people and things who will most help you

on your journey. Personally, Spirit Animals have helped me out of a toxic relationship, overcome depression, and create my own unique career path that is allowing me to fully utilize my gifts and step fully into my Purpose. Most wonderfully, they continue to guide me in an ever deeper and more beautiful relationship with Spirit. They can help you, too. If you’d like to additional guidance in connecting with your spirit animal guides, here are two suggestions:

1. Sign up for my free newsletter. I’ll send you totem animal meanings and other spiritual insights, and keep you informed of

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upcoming opportunities that will help you deepen your connection with Spirit and find and follow your Life’s Purpose! :-)

Join me here for free!

2. Book a Spirit Animal reading and/or healing session. My readings are different because I don’t use cards. Instead, I tune in directly to your energy and ask Spirit to send the animal most appropriate for you.

This way, your answer won’t be restricted to whatever animals happen to be in the oracle deck. It could be anything (literally: I once had a 5 lined skink show up!) coming through with the exact message you need to hear, right now. Angels, plant totems and other guides often chime in, too. (I ONLY work with beings of light.)

Readings are also great for people who already are connected with an animal but would like help communicating with it. In that case I tune in to both you and the animal and relay its messages to you.

Many people have reported feeling lighter, clearer, and more at peace after a spirit animal reading with me. It’s very common also to experience profound shifts and improvements in relationships, career, well-being, and other areas of life.

Book a Reading here

(Use code NEW20 for 20% off your first session)

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About the Author

Anne Christina (Christie) Michelsen has developed a deep connection with spirit animals and other spirit guides since childhood. They have helped her through many adventures in life, including raising two kids and several rescue dogs, and creating a successful career for herself as a freelance writer, designer and artist.

In 2011, Christie discovered energy healing. The following February (2012) she attained her Advanced Usui Reiki Practitioner (Reiki III) certificate. In the spring of 2015 she also became a certified Energy Scan Practitioner through the Academy for Invincible Healers and is now a Level 2 Practitioner.

Christie's work helps others connect with their own spirit animals and angels, overcome blocks and fears, and align with their highest potential. This has helped her clients find inner peace, achieve success in business, improve their relationships, and step into their purpose. Click here to read what others have said about working with Christie.

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Christie also creates spiritual art that carries the energy of the spirit animals and angels to support and accelerate your inner healing—including her Spirit Animal Awareness oracle card deck. Visit her online gallery, or contact Christie for more information on custom art, or to book her as a speaker.