Spider biodiversity patterns and their conservation in the ...

Systematics and Biodiversity 6 (2): 249–282 Issued 6 June 2008 doi:10.1017/S1477200008002648 Printed in the United Kingdom C The Natural History Museum Paulo A.V. Borges 1 & Joerg Wunderlich 2 1 Azorean Biodiversity Group, Departamento de Ciˆ encias Agr´ arias, CITA-A, Universidade dos Ac ¸ores. Campus de Angra, Terra-Ch˜ a; Angra do Hero´ ısmo – 9700-851 – Terceira (Ac ¸ores); Portugal. Email: [email protected] 2 Oberer H¨ auselbergweg 24, 69493 Hirschberg, Germany. Email: joergwunderlich@ t-online.de submitted December 2005 accepted November 2006 Spider biodiversity patterns and their conservation in the Azorean archipelago, with descriptions of new species Abstract In this contribution, we report on patterns of spider species diversity of the Azores, based on recently standardised sampling protocols in different hab- itats of this geologically young and isolated volcanic archipelago. A total of 122 species is investigated, including eight new species, eight new records for the Azorean islands and 61 previously known species, with 131 new records for indi- vidual islands. Biodiversity patterns are investigated, namely patterns of range size distribution for endemics and non-endemics, habitat distribution patterns, island similarity in species composition and the estimation of species richness for the Azores. Newly described species are: Oonopidae – Orchestina furcillata Wunderlich; Linyphiidae: Linyphiinae – Porrhomma borgesi Wunderlich; Turinyphia cavernicola Wunderlich; Linyphiidae: Micronetinae – Agyneta depigmentata Wunderlich; Linyph- iidae: Erigoninae – Acorigone gen. nov. with its type species Acorigone zebraneus Wunderlich; Clubionidae – Cheiracanthium floresense Wunderlich; Cheiracanthium jorgeense Wunderlich; Salticidae – Neon acoreensis Wunderlich. Other major taxo- nomic changes are: Diplocentria acoreensis Wunderlich, 1992 (Linyphiidae) is trans- ferred to Acorigone (comb. nov.), Leucognatha Wunderlich 1995 (Tetragnathidae) is not an endemic genus of the Azores but an African taxon and synonymous with San- cus Tullgren, 1910; Leucognatha acoreensis Wunderlich, 1992 is transferred to San- cus. Minicia picoensis Wunderlich, 1992 is a synonym of M. floresensis Wunderlich, 1992. For each species additional information is presented about its known distribu- tion in the islands, its colonisation status, habitat occurrence and biogeographical origin. Key words Araneae, Azores, biodiversity patterns, biogeography, cave species endemic, islands, new taxa, Macaronesian Islands, spiders Introduction Spiders (Araneae) are an important component of arthropod faunas (Wise, 1995), with their predatory behaviour being, for instance, of great relevance for biological control in agroe- cosystems. Members of this order play an important role in most terrestrial foodwebs, may be very abundant in sev- eral habitats and are among the most numerous arthropods from many samples in all kinds of habitats in the Azores (Borges & Brown, 2001, 2004) and elsewhere (Basset, 1991). Moreover, despite the importance of spiders in terrestrial eco- systems, in both species richness and abundance, this arachnid group is rarely considered in evaluating networks of protec- ted areas (but see Skerl, 1999; Cardoso, 2004; Borges et al., 2005a). Corresponding author. Due to the ability of many families of spiders to disperse over long distances using wind currents (‘ballooning’) these organisms easily colonise isolated island archipelagos like the Azores and should have disproportionally higher species di- versity. However, spiders are not a particularly attractive arth- ropod group for humans, and their current world and Azorean taxonomic knowledge are far from being satisfactory. For in- stance, in the Azores the rate of new species records and new species description indicates that only recently are we achiev- ing a satisfactory picture of the Azorean spider diversity (see more details below). The difficulty in spider biodiversity assessment in the Azores seems to be related to the absence of historical expeditions focusing only on this group of arthropods and on the high richness and variability in microhabitats they occupy. Historical investigations include the works of Denis (1964), that reported 70 species for the archipelago, and 249

Transcript of Spider biodiversity patterns and their conservation in the ...

Systematics and Biodiversity 6 (2): 249–282 Issued 6 June 2008

doi:10.1017/S1477200008002648 Printed in the United Kingdom C© The Natural History Museum

Paulo A.V. Borges1 ∗

&Joerg Wunderlich


1Azorean Biodiversity Group,Departamento de CienciasAgrarias, CITA-A, Universidadedos Acores. Campus de Angra,Terra-Cha; Angra do Heroısmo –9700-851 – Terceira (Acores);Portugal.Email: [email protected] Hauselbergweg 24,69493 Hirschberg, Germany.Email: [email protected]

submitted December 2005

accepted November 2006

Spider biodiversity patterns and theirconservation in the Azorean archipelago,with descriptions of new species

Abstract In this contribution, we report on patterns of spider species diversity ofthe Azores, based on recently standardised sampling protocols in different hab-itats of this geologically young and isolated volcanic archipelago. A total of 122species is investigated, including eight new species, eight new records for theAzorean islands and 61 previously known species, with 131 new records for indi-vidual islands. Biodiversity patterns are investigated, namely patterns of range sizedistribution for endemics and non-endemics, habitat distribution patterns, islandsimilarity in species composition and the estimation of species richness for theAzores. Newly described species are: Oonopidae – Orchestina furcillata Wunderlich;Linyphiidae: Linyphiinae – Porrhomma borgesi Wunderlich; Turinyphia cavernicolaWunderlich; Linyphiidae: Micronetinae – Agyneta depigmentata Wunderlich; Linyph-iidae: Erigoninae – Acorigone gen. nov. with its type species Acorigone zebraneusWunderlich; Clubionidae – Cheiracanthium floresense Wunderlich; Cheiracanthiumjorgeense Wunderlich; Salticidae – Neon acoreensis Wunderlich. Other major taxo-nomic changes are: Diplocentria acoreensis Wunderlich, 1992 (Linyphiidae) is trans-ferred to Acorigone (comb. nov.), Leucognatha Wunderlich 1995 (Tetragnathidae) isnot an endemic genus of the Azores but an African taxon and synonymous with San-cus Tullgren, 1910; Leucognatha acoreensis Wunderlich, 1992 is transferred to San-cus. Minicia picoensis Wunderlich, 1992 is a synonym of M. floresensis Wunderlich,1992. For each species additional information is presented about its known distribu-tion in the islands, its colonisation status, habitat occurrence and biogeographicalorigin.

Key words Araneae, Azores, biodiversity patterns, biogeography, cave speciesendemic, islands, new taxa, Macaronesian Islands, spiders

IntroductionSpiders (Araneae) are an important component of arthropodfaunas (Wise, 1995), with their predatory behaviour being, forinstance, of great relevance for biological control in agroe-cosystems. Members of this order play an important rolein most terrestrial foodwebs, may be very abundant in sev-eral habitats and are among the most numerous arthropodsfrom many samples in all kinds of habitats in the Azores(Borges & Brown, 2001, 2004) and elsewhere (Basset, 1991).Moreover, despite the importance of spiders in terrestrial eco-systems, in both species richness and abundance, this arachnidgroup is rarely considered in evaluating networks of protec-ted areas (but see Skerl, 1999; Cardoso, 2004; Borges et al.,2005a).

∗Corresponding author.

Due to the ability of many families of spiders to disperseover long distances using wind currents (‘ballooning’) theseorganisms easily colonise isolated island archipelagos like theAzores and should have disproportionally higher species di-versity. However, spiders are not a particularly attractive arth-ropod group for humans, and their current world and Azoreantaxonomic knowledge are far from being satisfactory. For in-stance, in the Azores the rate of new species records and newspecies description indicates that only recently are we achiev-ing a satisfactory picture of the Azorean spider diversity (seemore details below).

The difficulty in spider biodiversity assessment in theAzores seems to be related to the absence of historicalexpeditions focusing only on this group of arthropods andon the high richness and variability in microhabitats theyoccupy. Historical investigations include the works of Denis(1964), that reported 70 species for the archipelago, and


250 Paulo A.V. Borges & Joerg Wunderlich

Figure 1 Map of the studied region, showing the nine islands of the Azores.

Wunderlich (1992), who listed 103 species and a few inde-termined taxa. Special sampling protocols and a standardisedsampling of different habitats are urgently needed for theadequate inventory of spiders and other arthropod groupsin the Azores. This contribution is part of a larger studyconducted since 1998 in the Azorean islands (Project BALA –Biodiversity of the Arthropods of the Laurisilva of theAzores) (see Borges et al., 2000a, 2005a) that aims tosurvey the Azorean arthropod fauna using standardisedsampling protocols at different spatial scales covering mostprotected areas and native forests in seven of the nine Azoreanislands. For this current contribution we use as a startingpoint the last list of Azorean spiders (Wunderlich, 1992),and include data from recent field studies in pasturelands(Borges, 1999; Borges & Brown, 1999, 2001, 2004), cav-ernicolous fauna (Borges & Oromı, in press), native forestand grassland habitats (Borges et al., 2000b, 2005a), andfruit orchards (Santos et al., 2005). The recently publishedupdated list of Azorean fauna and flora (Borges et al., 2005b)also includes a revised list of Azorean spiders (Borges &Wunderlich, 2005) that is reproduced with some updates andadditional information (e.g. new records, habitat distribution,biogeographical origin) in Appendix 1 (which is availableas “Supplementary data” on Cambridge Journals Online:http://www.journals.cup.org/abstract_S1477200008002648)and will be the basis of our biodiversity pattern analysis.

Studies on island biodiversity and island biogeographicalpatterns for spiders are scarce globally (but see Baert & Jocque,1993; Real et al., 1999; Schoener et al., 2003). Therefore,we are trying to make some headway by investigating somebiodiversity patterns in the Azorean spider fauna.

The purposes of this work are: (i) to update all the tax-onomy data of the Azorean spider fauna, describing new taxa,listing new records for individual islands and revising nomen-clature; (ii) to investigate some biodiversity patterns concern-ing distribution between islands, habitats, colonisation status

and biogeographical origin; (iii) to estimate spider species rich-ness in the Azores; and (iv) to plan some suggestions for theconservation of Azorean spider diversity.

Materials and methods

Area of study: The AzoresThe Azorean Islands are volcanic in origin being located in theNorth Atlantic, roughly between the coordinates 37◦ to 40◦ Nlatitude and 25◦ to 31◦ W longitude (Fig. 1). This archipelagocomprises nine main islands and some small islets and islocated at the triple junction between the African–Eurasianand North-American plates, emerging from the Azores Plat-eau, a topographic and gravity high near the Mid Atlanticridge (MAR). The archipelago is situated over two tectonicplates: the westernmost islands of Flores and Corvo lie overthe American plate and are separated from the eastern islandsby the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR); the other seven main is-lands are located in a large triangular plateau with a com-plicated structure known as ‘Azores Plateau’ (Nunes, 1999;Franca et al., 2003). The distance between the Azores andthe European mainland is about 1584 km, calculated fromCabo da Roca (the most westerly point of the European con-tinent). The nine islands are divided into three groups: theoccidental group of Corvo and Flores; the central group ofFaial, Pico, Graciosa, Sao Jorge and Terceira; and the orientalgroup of Sao Miguel and Santa Maria, plus the Formigas islets(Fig. 1). The largest island is S. Miguel (757 km2), and thesmallest is Corvo (17 km2). S. Maria is the southernmost island(37◦N, 25◦W), and Flores is the westernmost one (31◦W). Themost northerly one is Corvo (39, 7◦N). The distance betweenCorvo and Santa Maria, the islands farthest apart, is about615 km. Corvo lies approximately at the same distance fromthe Iberian Peninsula and from Newfoundland. All the in-formation concerning the longitude (long.), latitude (lat.), area,

Island spider diversity 251

maximum altitude, distances from the mainland and geologicalage of each island are given in Table S1 in Supplementary Ma-terial.

The acceptance of the Plate Tectonic Theory and theconfirmed volcanic origin of these islands, made the Azores atotally oceanic archipelago. The eastern part of every Azoreanisland is geologically the oldest. This is a consequence ofthe particular seismovolcanic mechanisms of this archipelago(Nunes, 1999; Franca et al., 2003).

Located at a mean latitude of 38◦30′ and surrounded bythe Atlantic Ocean, the Azores enjoy the benefits of a mildand agreeable climate. The warm Gulf Stream is responsiblefor quite similar temperatures at sea level in the southeast-ern as well as in the northwestern islands. The same can besaid of humidity levels in the different islands (Agostinho,1966). A marked oceanic climate with low thermal amplitudeand high precipitation and humidity are characteristic of thisarchipelago.

Discovered by the Portuguese navigators in 1432, theAzores seem already to have been vaguely known, as indic-ated on older maps. The present Azorean landscape has beenstrongly modified by its human inhabitants, and only in smallareas, where the soil or climate was too rough, have primit-ive conditions remained unchanged. The population exceeded300 000 in the 1960s, but nowadays only about 260 000 peoplelive in these islands (DREPA, 1988). S. Miguel, Terceira andFaial are the most densely populated islands.

According to the recent list of Azorean vascular plantsby Silva et al. (2005), there are 947 species and subspecies(68 endemic; 7.2% of endemism) in the Azorean vascularflora, but only about one 28% of those are indigenous to thearchipelago. The relative importance of introduced taxa by set-tlers is high in most plant groups. In fact, the percentage ofintroduced species is one of the highest in a worldwide compar-ison, even if one considers exclusively oceanic islands (Silva& Smith, 2004). The predominant native vegetation form is‘Laurisilva’, a humid evergreen broadleaf and microphyllous(hereafter short-leaf) laurel type forest that originally coveredmost of Western Europe during the Tertiary (Dias, 1996). Re-cent studies, however, support a more recent origin, explainedby insular evolution from an ancestral herbaceous condition(Emerson, 2002). Dominant endemic trees and shrubs includeshort-leaf Juniperus brevifolia (Seub.) Antoine (Cupressaceae)and Erica azorica Hochst. Ex Seub. (Ericaceae), the broadleafspecies Ilex perado Ait. ssp. azorica (Loes.) Tutin (Aquifo-liaceae), Laurus azorica (Seub.) Franco (Lauraceae) and theshrub Vaccinium cylindraceum J. E. Sm. (Ericaceae). This typeof forest is characterised by reduced tree stature (usually upto 5 m, rarely reaching 10 m), shaped by the shallow soil andsinuous terrain, which is raised up to tree tops at some points,and lowered five to six metres below at others. A high crownfoliage density and thus low canopy openness, as well as aparticularly dense cover of moss and liverwort epiphytes istypical of these forests. Some bryophytes also cover leaves inhigher altitude humid forests.

In spite of a dominance of non-native habitats in these is-lands (e.g. pastureland, fruit orchards, exotic trees plantations),in the last ten years NATURA 2000, a European Commission

conservation management scheme, was launched coveringabout 13% of the area of Azores islands. Selected areas werechosen both for the protection of selected species of birds (Spe-cial Protection Areas – SPAs; Portuguese ZPEs; n = 15) andfor the protection of habitats and (non-bird) species (SpecialAreas of Conservation – SACs; Portuguese SICs; n = 23).

Spider sampling and databasesSince 1994 spiders were sampled in a standardised way in dif-ferent habitats. Data from semi-natural pastures and intensivepastures were collected on three islands (Terceira, Pico and S.Maria) in the years 1994 and 1995 by means of pitfall trapsand a ‘Vortis’ suction sampling machine (see details in Borges,1999; Borges & Brown, 1999, 2001, 2004). The bulk of ourdata comes from project BALA (Biodiversity of the Arthro-pods from the Laurisilva of the Azores), in which from 1999to 2005 arthropods were collected by means of pitfall trapsin the native forests of seven islands (Corvo and Graciosa ex-cluded) (see details in Borges et al., 2005a), but also in naturalgrassland and some exotic tree plantations (Ecucalyptus spp.,Acacia spp., Pittosporum undulatum and Cryptomeria japon-ica) (Borges et al., unpubl. data).

Another habitat surveyed was the canopy of both nat-ive and endemic trees (see Ribeiro et al., 2005; also BALAproject) and of fruit orchards (see Santos et al., 2005; projectINTERFRUTA). In the case of project INTERFRUTA dataare only available for one island (Terceira). For the canopyarthropod sampling a modified beating tray was used, whichconsisted of an inverted cloth funnel pyramid, 1 m wide and 60cm deep (after Basset, 1999). A plastic bag was placed at thetip where arthropods, leaves and small branches were collec-ted. For each selected plant, a branch was chosen at random,the beating tray placed beneath and the branch hit five timeswith a beating stick (for more details see Ribeiro et al., 2005;Santos et al., 2005).

Finally, cave fauna was investigated since 1987 in allislands (except Corvo) using not only pitfall traps but alsodirect search (see details in Ashmole et al., 1996; Borges &Oromı, 1994, in press).

All data are organised in several databases, one for thecave fauna, one for the pasture fauna, one for the fruit orch-ard fauna and finally a large database for BALA data thatincludes both pitfall and canopy samples. Data on new recordsand taxonomic notes from pasture sampling have already beenpublished (see Borges et al., 1999), and the same applies par-tially to cave fauna (Wunderlich, 1992; Ashmole et al., 1996;Borges & Oromı, 1994, in press).

The new taxa and records presented in the current workcome mainly from BALA project. All additional materiallisted and reference to new records is indicated by a SITECODE that is composed of several letters and numbers as in-dicated previous to the list of Additional Material per taxonin Table S2 (which is available as ‘Supplementary data’on Cambridge Journals Online: http://www.journals.cup.org/abstract_S1477200008002648). For the geographical locationof transects within reserves (UTM coordinates) see Table S3in Supplementary Material.

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Data analysisSpider species were classified in one of three colonisationcategories: natives, endemics and introduced. Native speciesarrived by long-distance dispersal to the Azores and are alsoknown in other archipelagoes and on the continental main-land. Endemic species are those that occur only in the Azores,as a result of either speciation events (neo-endemics) or ex-tinction of the mainland populations (palaeo-endemics). Intro-duced species are those believed to be in the archipelago as aresult of human activities, some of them being cosmopolitanspecies.

One way to examine patterns of distribution is to plot thefrequency histogram of species distributions, that is, a species-range-size distribution (Gaston, 1994). To test the occurrenceof mainly rare species or/and also a large proportion of com-mon species we applied the Tokeshi (1992) statistical test forbimodality that permits the calculation of the probability un-der the null hypothesis of the presence of larger numbers ofspecies in the two extreme classes (rare and common) (seeTokeshi, 1992 and Barreto et al., 2003 for more details).

In addition to the species distribution analysis we alsoanalysed two other important components of rarity, namelyabundance and habitat affiliation. Taking into considerationthat the sampling effort was not the same for all investigatedhabitats, we used relative abundance within each habitat to getan estimate of the abundance of each species. Thus, for a par-ticular habitat we totalled the number of specimens capturedfor a species and than divided it by the total number of spe-cimens sampled of all species. With this procedure we couldrank species from abundant (common) to scarce (rare) withina particular habitat.

Concerning habitats, in addition to habitat affiliation wealso investigated habitat frequency distribution of the spiderassemblage and tested the hypothesis that there is a gradient ofendemic species richness with regard to habitat disturbance. Inorder to investigate these three patterns, we organised habitatsin a gradient of land-use considering eight different land-uses(habitats) with data on individual islands pooled:

(1) Canopy–Laurel – canopy of native or endemic forest treesand shrubs (data available for all islands except Corvo andGraciosa) (see details on plants sampled in Ribeiro et al.,2005).

(2) Soil–Laurel – epigean soil communities of native forestsampled with pitfalls (data available for all islands exceptCorvo and Graciosa).

(3) Natural Grassland – epigean soil communities of nativehigh altitude grassland sampled with pitfalls (data avail-able for all islands except Corvo, Faial, Santa Maria andGraciosa).

(4) Caves – lava tubes and volcanic pits communities both atentrances and deep inside (data available for all islandsexcept Corvo and Flores).

(5) Exotic Forest – epigean soil communities of exotic forestssampled with pitfalls (data available only for one island,Terceira).

(6) SN Pasture – epigean soil and grass and herb dwell-ing communities of semi-natural managed high altitude

grassland sampled with pitfalls and a Vortis machine(data available from three islands, Terceira, Pico andSanta Maria).

(7) Pasture – epigean soil and grass and herb dwelling com-munities of intensively managed high altitude grasslandsampled with pitfalls and a Vortis machine (data availablefrom three islands, Terceira, Pico and Santa Maria).

(8) Fruit Orchards – canopy samples of four types of fruitorchard (bananas, orange trees, apple trees and peachtrees) (data available only for one island, Terceira) (seedetails on plants sampled in Santos et al., 2005).

To evaluate the similarity between land-use types in en-demic spider species composition we used hierarchical, ag-glomerative cluster analysis. From among the various avail-able methods we chose the Wards method (with 1– Sorensensimilarity), also known as minimum variance or error sumsof squares clustering, in which, in each iteration, all possiblepairs of groups are compared and the two groups chosen forfusion are those which will produce a group with the low-est variance (Software CAP.- Community Analysis Package v.3.0; Pisces Conservation Ltd; www.pisces-conservation.com)(see Henderson & Seaby, 2004).

There is a need to estimate biodiversity in order to con-serve as much as possible of the remaining biodiversity. How-ever, some of the available techniques to extrapolate speciesnumbers have major statistical problems. For instance, one ofthe methods, ‘extrapolation from rates of scientific taxonomicdescription’ (see Dolphin & Quicke, 2001; Cabrero-Sanudo &Lobo, 2003), could not be applied to our data since samplingeffort was not constant through time in the Azores. Anotheroption is the use of the ‘geographical distribution of species inbetter known taxa’. In this case the ratio of species richness ofthe target taxonomic group to that of a well-known taxon is cal-culated in a well-known area, and later is applied to the globalnumber of species of the well studied taxon in the area of in-terest (see Dolphin & Quicke, 2001). One problem associatedwith this method is related to the potential differential ratesof speciation of indicator taxa in different geographical areas.In our study we examine beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera), but-terflies and moths (Lepidoptera) as well-known representativetaxa, and the Canaries as the biogeographical area for compar-ison. We selected the Canary Islands, because they belong tothe same biogeographical area as the Azores (Macaronesia),and a comprehensive list of their arthropod fauna is available(Izquierdo et al., 2004). The endemic number of species for theColeoptera and Lepidoptera of the Azores was obtained fromthe recent list of Azorean fauna and flora (Borges et al., 2005b,c; Karsholt & Vieira, 2005). The ratio estimates for endemicAraneae with Coleoptera and Lepidoptera in the Canaries is,respectively, 0.24 and 1.17.

To have an independent estimate for the potential Azoreanendemic spider species richness, we also apply an incidence-based non-parametric estimator, Jackknife1 (see Colwell &Coddington, 1994): Smax = Sobs + a (n−1/n), where Sobs is thenumber of known species, n is the number of samples (n = 9islands in our case) and a the number of species only found inone sample (island) (the so-called ‘uniques’).

Island spider diversity 253

The Jackknife1 estimator was chosen, because it is con-sidered the most robust with incidence (presence/absencedata) at larger scales (see Hortal et al., 2006). The estim-ator was computed using the Software Species Diversityand Richness version 3.0 (Pisces Conservation) (see Hende-rson & Seaby, 2002). We also applied to the endemic spe-cies dataset (see Appendix S1 in supplementary materialon Cambridge Journals Online: http://www.journals.cup.org/abstract_S1477200008002648) an accumulation curve with is-land order randomised 100 times to obtain a mean species ac-cumulation curve. The same number of 100 randomisationswere also computed to obtain the Jackknife1 estimate gener-ating confidence intervals for the estimated species richness.

All regression analyses were performed with ordinarylinear least-squares (OLS) regression. Log10 transformed geo-graphical variables and numbers of species were used forseveral reasons: (a) to overcome non-constant variance, andnon-linearity of the data; (b) because higher r2 values wereconsistently obtained when using the log-log model; (c) theresiduals appeared to show no pronounced patterns in the log-log model; and (d) the biological and ecological interpretationsare available from the fitted intercept and slope.


Description of new species and remarks onselected taxaOONOPIDAEOonopidae are tiny six-eyed and frequently pale spiders; theyare easily overlooked. Only a single species of this familyhas been reported from the Azores, Oonops domesticus Dal-mas, 1916, (see Wunderlich, 1992, p. 16). The MediterraneanOrchestina pavesii (Simon, 1873) is known from the CanaryIslands. A new species of this genus is described below.

Orchestina furcillata Wunderlich sp. nov. (Fig. 2)

MaterialHOLOTYPE Male: Azores, Sao Miguel, Atalhada (Transect2), August 1999, pitfall sample ET22 (P.A.V. Borges et al.,leg.); deposited at the University of the Azores (‘Arruda Fur-tado’ Collection).

Diagnosis (male; female unknown)Pedipalpus (Figs 2c, d): the tibia is the thickest article, theembolus is long, bent and furcate.

Description (Male)Measurements (in mm): Body length 1.0, prosoma: Length0.47, width 0.35, leg I: Femur 0.42, patella 0.12, tibia 0.38,metatarsus 0.4, tarsus 0.3, tibia IV 0.35, femur IV 0.5, its width0.12.

Colour pale yellow brown with black surroundings of theeye lenses.

Prosoma: Thorax higher than the caput, thoracal fissure absent,6 large eyes (Fig. 2a), median eyes largest. Chelicerae slender,labium concave apically (Fig. 2b). – Legs: sequence of lengthIV/I/II/III, fairly slender but femur IV strongly thickened as in

Figure 2 Orchestina furcillata Wunderlich sp. nov., Male; (a)anterior part of the prosoma with eyes; (b) labium, ventralaspect (hairs are not drawn); (c) r. pedipalpus, retrolateralaspect (only few hairs are drawn); (d) embolus withconductors of the r. pedipalpus, proventral aspect;bar = 0.05 mm in Fig. d, 0.1 mm in the remaining Figs.

all congenerics. Bristles are completely absent. All metatarsibear a single trichobothrium, its position on I–II in 0.94, on IVin 0.55. – Opisthosoma oval, most parts are covered with shorthairs but long hairs are present around pedicel and spinnerets. –Pedipalpus: See above. The tibia bears two trichobothria. Atiny thin and pointed structure exists ventrally on the embolarfurca.

EcologyThe only known male specimen plus a juvenile specimen werecollected in pitfall traps (with Ethylene Glycol) in a nativeforest dominated by the endemic tree Ilex perado Ait. ssp.azorica (Loes.) Tutin (Aquifoliaceae) with the soil covered bythe exotic and invasive plant Hedychium gardnerisheffard exKer-Gawl. (Zingiberaceae).

RelationshipsAccording to the structures of the embolus O. arabica Dalmas,1916 from the Arabic Peninsula is most closely related; inarabica the pedipalpal tibia is more slender and the embolusis shorter.

DistributionAzores: Sao Miguel.

TETRAGNATHIDAETetragnathidae is a spider family characterised by the longchelicerae, represented in the Azores with four species, threeof which are human introductions. The only native species isthe endemic Sancus acoreensis (Wunderlich, 1992).

Sancus Tullgren, 1910 and Leucognatha acoreensisWunderlich, 1992

According to Kuntner (pers. comm.), Leucognatha Wun-derlich, 1992 is a junior synonym of Sancus, and Leuco-gnatha acoreensis Wunderlich, 1992 from the Azores must be

254 Paulo A.V. Borges & Joerg Wunderlich

called Sancus acoreensis. The only other congeneric species,S. bilineatus Tullgren, 1910, occurs in East Africa, at MountKenya. Sancus acoreensis is widely spread all over the Azores,mainly in native habitats, but has not been reported by Denis(1964) just like many other currently known endemic species.While one cannot exclude the possibility of a historical humanintroduction, this species may be considered as a genuinelyAzorean endemic species.

DistributionAzores: Flores, Faial, Pico, Terceira, Sao Miguel and SantaMaria (new to Sao Jorge).

LINYPHIIDAELinyphiidae are small spiders buiders of sheet webs. This isthe spider family most richly represented in the Azores; 36species are reported, 3 species are reported from the subfamilyLinyphiinae, 11 from Micronetinae and 22 from Erigoninae.We give two keys to selected taxa of this family.

DeterminationIn the small to tiny Erigoninae the number of leg bristles isreduced: femora, tibia laterally and metatarsi lack bristles, incontrast to the Linyphiinae and most Micronetinae (in Mi-croneta, and some Agyneta species of the Micronetinae also,femoral and metatarsal bristles – in some species even lateraltibial bristles – are absent as in the Erigoninae). Several maleErigoninae possess outgrowths or lobes of the prosoma; anepigynal scapus is absent in this subfamily.

Key to the Azorean genera of the subfamilies Linyphiinaeand Micronetinae:

1 Femoral bristles absent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2– Femoral bristles present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2(1) Metatarsi with a dorsal bristle.(T. cavernicola) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Turinyphia

– Metatarsal bristles absent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33(2) Male: Tibia of the pedipalpus apically with a transverse

row of long and bristle-shaped hairs. Female: Epigynalscapus narrow posteriorly. (M. viaria) . . . . . . . Microneta

– Male: Pedipalpal tibia without such hairs. Female:Scapus wide posteriorly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Agyneta s.l.

4(1) Male: Embolus very long and thin, strongly sclerotised(black). Female: Posterior epigynal margin with an out-growth (parmula), anterior epigynal outgrowth (scapus)absent. (M. johnsoni) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Microlinyphia

– Male: Embolus wide, weakly sclerotised (transpar-ent). Female: Epigyne with a larger free opening(Porrhomma) or with a large scapus as in Fig. 8c(Lepthyphantes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

5(4) Metatarsal bristles absent. Lateral cheliceral stridulat-ory files absent but stridulatory files of coxa I present(Fig. 3b). Male-pedipalpus (Fig. 3d): Paracymbiumtooth-less. Female: Epigyne with a distinct free opening,scapus absent. (P. borgesi, a forest spider with small eyes,Fig. 3a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Porrhomma

– Metatarsal bristles present. Lateral cheliceral files

Figure 3 Porrhomma borgesi Wunderlich sp. nov., Male: (a) positionof the eyes; (b) r. coxa I, retrolateral aspect. Note the fieldof stridulatory files; (c) paracymbium of the r. pedipalpus,retrolateral aspect; (d) r. pedipalpus, prolateral aspect;Female: (e) epigyne; (f) dorsal aspect of the vulva.bar = 0.2 mm in Fig. a, 0.1 mm in the remaining Figs.

present, coxal files absent, paracymbium with atleast one tooth, epigyne with a large scapus as inFig. 8c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lepthyphantes


This holarctic genus is new to the Azores and the Macar-onesian Islands. Numerous species of Porrhomma are cavedwellers; frequently they are weakly pigmented and possessreduced eyes. P. borgesi sp. nov. is weakly pigmented andpossesses reduced eyes but it is a forest dweller that occursalso in a volcanic pit (see Fig. 3a). The epigean P. pygmaeum(Blackwall, 1834) is one of the rarer species which have largeeyes. The stridulatory files of coxa I (usually weaker on II) isan apomorphic character of Porrhomma; such files are stronglyreduced or even absent in P. pygmaeum. The absence (loss) ofstridulatory cheliceral files is another apomorphic character ofthis genus.

Porrhomma borgesi Wunderlich sp. nov. (Fig. 3)

Derivatio nominisThe species is named after Paulo Borges who discovered thisand many other new species in the Azores.

Island spider diversity 255

MaterialHOLOTYPE Male: Azores, Terceira, Misterios Negros B(Transect 8), September 1997, pitfall sample ET12 (AlvaroVitorino & P.A.V. Borges, leg.); same locality, but June 1997,1 male paratype (Alvaro Vitorino & P.A.V. Borges, leg.); La-goa do Pinheiro (Transect 10), August 1999, pitfall sampleTU09, 1 female paratype (Catarina Melo & P.A.V. Borges,leg.); Caldeira da Serra de Santa Barbara (Transect 60), July2001, pitfall sample TU19, 1 female paratype (P.A.V. Borgeset al., leg.); Algar do Carvao, 25th November 1999, 1 subad.male paratype (Fernando Pereira & P.A.V. Borges, leg.). Allmaterial is deposited at the University of the Azores (‘ArrudaFurtado’ Collection).

DiagnosisPale spiders, eyes distinctly reduced (Fig. 3a), position ofthe trichobothrium on metatarsus I in 0.4, femoral bristles:I-II bear a dorsal one, I an additional prolateral one. Male-pedipalpus (Figs. 3c–d) as in P. pygmaeum, embolus fairlybent and slender, velum indistinct, tip of the embolus near tothe dorsal apophysis.

DescriptionMeasurements (in mm): Body length 1.7–1.8 (2.0 in the fe-male), prosoma: length 0.9–0.95, width 0.6–0.65, largest dia-meter of an posterior median eye 0.02, leg I: femur 0.65, patella0.22, tibia 0.65, metatarsus 0.55, tarsus 0.42, tibia IV 0.7.

Colour yellow to light brown, without darkenings. – Pro-soma: caput fairly convex, with few hairs, thoracal fissure in-distinct, eyes (Fig. 3a) small to tiny, widely spaced, posteriormedians largest, lenses of the anterior median eyes absent oralmost absent. Chelicerae fairly large, stridulatory files ab-sent, anterior margin with 3, posterior margin with 5 teeth. –Legs only fairly long, IV longest, stridulatory files of coxa I(Fig. 3b) well developed. Bristles long, all tibiae bear 2dorsally, I an additional distal-lateral pair, II a single distally-retrolaterally; femora: see above; metatarsi bristle-less. Tricho-bothrium absent on metatarsus IV, its position on metatarsus Iin 0.4. – Opisthosoma oval. – Male pedipalpus (Figs. 3c–d) asin P. pygmaeum (see above), patella with a thin dorsal bristle.Epigyne (Fig. 3e) with a well visible vulva structures, widthof the opening almost 0.1 mm. Vulva (Fig. 3f) (very similarto P. pallens) with large introducing ducts which are touch-ing medially and widely separated primary and secondaryreceptacula.

EcologyMost specimens were collected by means of pitfall traps, loc-ated deep inside very humid laurel forests on Terceira, Pico andSao Miguel. One specimen was captured in a volcanic pit (Al-gar do Carvao at Terceira). In most sites the terrain is basaltic,with a system of cracks and deep holes and the forest floor iscovered by a dense carpet of mosses and ferns with little lightreaching the ground. However, some specimens were also col-lected in high altitude natural grassland and in a Cryptomeriajaponica plantation in Terceira.

RelationshipsAccording to the chaetotaxy as well as the relatively short legs,P. pygmaeum (Blackwall, 1834) and P. pallidus Jackson, 1913

(both have a palaearctic distribution and are epigeic species)are the most strongly related species. In contrast to P. borgesiboth have strongly reduced stridulatory files of the coca I-II. P.pygmaeum has large eyes and is well pigmented, its pedipalpalstructures are identic, the vulva is different; in P. pallidus,which also has a pale colour and reduced eyes, the embolus isless bent and the vulva is very similar.

DistributionAzores: Terceira, Pico and Sao Miguel.

Turinyphia Van Helsdingen, 1982

Revised diagnosisLeg bristles: Femoral and patellar ones absent, tibia I withlateral and dorsal but without ventral ones, usually all metatarsiwith a dorsal bristle (according to Schenkel, 1938 it is absentin T. maderiana), thoracal fissure strongly reduced to absent.Bulbus small, lamella characteristica absent, embolus sickle-shaped, epigyne simple, with an unfolded scapus.

Type speciesLinyphia clairi Simon, 1884.

RelationshipsA member of the Linyphiinae. In Plesiophantes Heimer, 1981,which JW (see also Wunderlich, 1987) regarded as a seniorsynonym of Turinyphia, a bristle of femur I, a basal hook ofthe chelicerae and a lamella characteristica are present, andthe embolus is more slender (see Wunderlich, 1995, p. 413).In Frontiphantes Wunderlich, 1987 (Madeira) a long thoracalfissure and a prolateral bristle of femur I are present.

DistributionPalaearctic: Southern Europe (T. clairi (Simon, 1884)),Madeira (T. maderiana (Schenkel, 1938)) and Azores (T.cavernicola Wunderlich sp. nov.); Japan: T. yunohamensis(Bosenberg & Strand, 1906). Turinyphia species – like Fron-tiphantes and Plesiophantes – may well be relict taxa andpalaeoendemics; most species survived in mountain areas, sev-eral species survived on islands.

Turinyphia cavernicola Wunderlich sp. nov. (Fig. 4)


HOLOTYPE, male and 3 juv. paratypes: Azores, Terceira,Algar do Carvao, 25th November 1999 (F. Pereira & P.A.V.Borges leg.); same locality but 19–25 November 1999, 5 juv.paratypes (F. Pereira & P.A.V. Borges leg.); same locality but10–16 August 1999, 1 juv. paratype (F. Pereira & P.A.V. Borgesleg.); same locality but 29 December 1999 to 5 January 2000,5 juv. paratypes (F. Pereira & P.A.V. Borges leg.). All materialis deposited at the University of the Azores (‘Arruda Furtado’Collection).

Derivatio nominisThe species is named after its preferred cavernicolous habitat.

256 Paulo A.V. Borges & Joerg Wunderlich

Figure 4 Turinyphia cavernicola Wunderlich sp. nov., Male; (a)patella and tibia of the r. pedipalpus, dorsal aspect; (b–c)paracymbium of the r. pedipalpus, retrodorsal andretrolateral aspect; (d) embolus of the r. pedipalpus,ventral aspect; bar = 0.05 mm in Fig. d, 0.1 mm in theremaining Figs.

Diagnosis (male; female unknown)Pale spiders with long legs and large eyes. Male pedipalpus(Fig 4): tibia with a single trichobothrium only, paracymbiumwith a tooth-shaped distal hook, embolus basally wide.

Description (male)Measurements (in mm): Body length 2.0, prosoma: length0.95, width 0.85, leg I: femur 1.8, patella 0.35, tibia 1.7, meta-tarsus 1.75, tarsus 1.05, tibia IV 1.5.

Colour of prosoma and legs pale, yellow, sternum andopisthosoma (more distinct distally) medium grey; black pig-ment around the eye lenses. – Thoracal fissure absent, eyeslarge, posterior row recurved, posterior median eyes separatedby 0.4 diameters. Chelicerae slender and slightly diverging,lateral files fairly distinct, anterior margin with 3 large teeth,posterior margin smooth. – Legs long and slender; bristlesthin, femora, patellae and tarsi bristle-less, tibiae with 2 dorsalbristles, I with an additional distal pair, II–IV bear a retrolat-eral one in the distal half. Trichobothrium on metatarsus IVabsent, its position on metatarsus I in 0.15. – Opisthosomaslender, covered with short hairs. – Male pedipalpus (Fig. 4;see above) patella short, with a longer bristle, tibia fairly short,with a single trichobothrium.

EcologyAll specimens are known from a single volcanic pit, Algar doCarvao in Terceira. The species builds webs across small holesin volcanic basaltic rock.

RelationshipsIn T. maderiana and T. clairi the tibia of the male pedipalpusbear 3 trichobothria; in T. clairi the pedipalpal tibia is longerthan the cymbium, in T. maderiana metatarsal bristles areabsent, in both species the paracymbium is elongated basally.Embolus of T. maderiana: Fig. 5.

Figure 5 Turinyphia maderiana (Schenkel, 1938) from Madeira,Male, embolus and conductor (distally) of the r.pedipalpus, ventral aspect; bar = 0.05 mm.

DistributionAzores: Terceira.


We regard Agyneta in a wide sense, including Meioneta Hull,1920. The intraspecific body colour is very variable in thisgenus. Four species of this genus were reported earlier fromthe Azores, a fifth species is described below.

Key to the Azorean species of Agyneta:

1 Position of the trichobothrium on metatarsus I nearthe end of the article, in c. 0.9. A widely spreadspecies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. decora

– Position of the trichobothrium on metatarsus I in thebasal half . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2(1) Genital organs as in Fig. 6, cymbium not elevated. . . . A.depigmentata sp. nov.

– Genital organs different, cymbium elevated (e.g.Fig. 7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

3(2) Male: lamella characteristica wide, dorsally stronglyconvex. Female: pedipalpus: femur and patella light incontrast to the black tarsus and tibia. A widespreadspecies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. rurestris

– Male: Lamella characteristica more slender. Female:pedipalpus unicoloured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

4(3) Male: basal cymbial outgrowth undivided, lamella char-acteristica fairly slender, apically claw-shaped. Fe-male: epigynal scapus wider than long. A widespreadspecies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. fuscipalpis

– Male: basal cymbial outgrowth bilobed (Fig. 7), lamellacharacteristica slender, apically not claw-shaped. Fe-male: epigynal scapus as wide as long (see Wunderlich,1992: Figs. 376, 378) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. rugosa

Agyneta (Meioneta) depigmentata Wunderlich sp. nov.(Fig. 6)

MaterialHOLOTYPE, male and 3 juv. paratypes: Azores, Flores, MorroAlto Este (Transect 8) July 1999, pifall sample T29 (ClaraGaspar & P.A.V. Borges leg.); same locality and date but pifallsample T27, 1 female paratype (Clara Gaspar & P.A.V. Borgesleg.); Ribeira da Fazenda (Transect 4) July 1999, pitfall sample

Island spider diversity 257

Figure 6 Agyneta depigmentata Wunderlich sp. nov., Male: (a) tibiaof the r. pedipalpus, dorsal aspect; (b) cymbium of the r.pedipalpus, prolateral aspect; (c) lamella characteristica ofthe r. pedipalpus, retrolateral-ventral aspect; (d) female,epigyne; bar = 0.1 mm.

TU03, 2 females paratypes (Clara Gaspar & P.A.V. Borgesleg.); same locality and date, but pitfall sample ET10, 1 malewithout opisthosoma paratype and 3 juveniles (Clara Gaspar &P.A.V. Borges leg.); same locality and date, but pitfall sampleTU11, 1 female paratype and 5 juveniles (Clara Gaspar &P.A.V. Borges leg.). All material is deposited at the Universityof the Azores (‘Arruda Furtado’ Collection).

Derivatio nominisThe species name is based on its pale (depigmented) colour.

DiagnosisPale (depigmented) spiders, position of the trichobothrium onmetatarsus I in c. 0.4. Male: pedipalpus (Figs. 6a–c): no cym-bial outgrowth, bulbus small, lamella characteristica three-pointed. Female: epigyne small, as in Fig. 6d, only slightlyprotruding.

DescriptionMeasurements (in mm): body length: male 1.1, female 1.7;prosoma (male, female): Length 0.65, width 0.55, leg I (male):femur 0.65, patella 0.2, tibia 0.68, metatarsus 0.53, tarsus 0.42,tibia IV 0.7; female: tibia I 0.68, tibia IV 0.7.

Colour pale (depigmented), eye region, sternum and opis-thosoma ventrally dark grey, female pedipalpus yellow. Pro-soma with an indistinct thoracal fissure, eyes large, as in A.rugosa Wunderlich, 1992. Male chelicerae diverging but notexcavated medially; anterior margin with 4–6 teeth, posteriormargin with few small teeth. Female pedipalpus slender. Legsslender, bristles as in A. rugosa except the retrodistal one onmetatarsus IV which is absent. Trichobothrium on metatarsusIV absent, its position on metatarsus I in 0.4–0.43. Male pedip-alpus (Figs. 6a–c): cymbial outgrowth absent, paracymbiumtoothless, bulbus small, lamella characteristica three-pointed.Epigyne as in Fig. 6d, scapus small, fairly wide and onlyslightly protruding.

RelationshipsIn the European A. (Meioneta) mollis (O. Pickard-Cambridge)the lamella and the epigynal scapus are slender/narrow.

Figure 7 Agyneta rugosa Wunderlich 1992, Male: (a) tibia andcymbium of the r. pedipalpus, dorsal aspect; (b) cymbiumof the r. pedipalpus, prolateral aspect; bar = 0.1 mm.

EcologyThe spiders live in native Juniperus brevifolia forest with thesoil covered with dense Sphagnum spp. mire, in the higheraltitude central plateau of Flores island. It is also commonin high altitude natural grassland dominated by native andendemic vascular plants and also bryophytes.

DistributionAzores: Flores.

Agyneta rugosa Wunderlich, 1992 (Fig. 7)

MaterialAzores: Faial, Cabeco do Fogo (Transect 2), September 1999,Pitfall sample TU03; 1 male (P.A.V. Borges et al. leg.). De-posited at the University of the Azores (‘Arruda Furtado’ Col-lection).

Remarks(1) In contrast to the type material, the colour of the speci-men from Faial is pale light grey, and a light spot above thespinnerets is absent. (2) Male pedipalpal tibia and cymbium:see Figs. 7a–b. (3) The species may be more closely related toEuropean than to North American species.

EcologyCollected in a pitfall trap with TURQUIN attractant in a sec-ondary Juniperus brevifolia – Erica azorica native forest.

DistributionAzores: Sao Miguel and Faial (new to Faial).

Lepthyphantes (Palliduphantes) cf. schmitzi Kulczynski,1899 (Fig. 8)

MaterialAcores: Flores, near Santa Cruz, 2 female JW leg. in VII, coll.JW.

RemarkThe determination of the Azorean specimens is unsure (seeWunderlich, 1992, p. 22). JW does not want to exclude thepossibility that these females are members of an as yet undes-cribed endemic Azorean species. Epigyne in three aspects: seeFigs 8a–c.

258 Paulo A.V. Borges & Joerg Wunderlich

Figure 8 Lepthyphantes ? schmitzi Kulczynski, 1899, Female,epigyne, ventral (a) posterior (b) and lateral aspect (c);bar = 0.2 mm.

DistributionAzores, all islands except Corvo (new to Sao Jorge and SantaMaria).

LINYPHIIDAE: ERIGONINAEAcorigone Wunderlich gen. nov

DiagnosisMale with a stridulatory organ between coxae IV and lung cov-ers as in Diplocentria Hull, 1911 (similar to Fig. 9). Prosomalow (clypeus short), chelicerae large, anterior margin with longteeth (Fig. 10b). Sequence of the tibial bristles 2/2/2/1. Tricho-bothrium on metatarsus IV present (A. zebraneus sp. nov.)or absent (A. acoreensis, new combination). Male pedipalpus(Figs 10c–f): tibia with a ventral apophysis, cymbium withdistal bristles, embolus short. The epigyne (Figs 10g–j) is awide plate.

Type speciesAcorigone zebraneus gen. nov. et sp. nov. Further species:Acorigone acoreensis (Wunderlich, 1992).

Figure 9 Diplocentria bidentata (Emerton, 1882) (Linyphiidae:Erigoninae) from Europe, left lung cover (L) withstridulatory files and a stridulatory tooth on the left IV coxa(Z) similar to the Azorean genus Acorigone Wunderlichgen. nov. Taken from Wiehle (1960, fig. 787).

RelationshipsAccording to the genital structures Erigone Audouin (cosmo-political) and Eperigone Crosby & Bishop (Nearctic Region)may be most closely related. In these genera stridulatory filesof the lung covers are absent, the clypeus is long, denticles ofthe prosomal margin, the chelicerae and the pedipalpal femurare usually present at least in Erigone, and there is usually apedipalpal patellar outgrowth in Erigone. In Diplocentria Hull– in which stridulatory files are present on the lung covers (Fig.9) as in Acorigone – the shape of the paracymbium and the bul-bus structures are quite different to Acorigone; apparently theircoxal-opisthosomal stridulatory organs evolved convergently.


Acorigone zebraneus Wunderlich sp. nov. (Fig. 10)

MaterialHOLOTYPE male: Azores, Sao Jorge, Topo (Transect 12),August 2000, pitfall sample TU05 (P.A.V. Borges et al., leg.);same locality and date, but pitfall sample TU25, 1 female para-type (P.A.V. Borges et al., leg.). Deposited at the University ofthe Azores (‘Arruda Furtado’ Collection).

Derivatio nominisThe species is named based on markings of the opisthosoma,displaying a distinct yellow dorsal pattern with dark greystripes.

DiagnosisProsomal length 0.7–0.75 mm, trichobothrium present onmetatarsus IV, its position on metatarsus I in 0.9, male-pedipalpus as in Figs 10c–f, epigyne as in Figs 10g–j.

Island spider diversity 259

Figure 10 Acorigone zebraneus Wunderlich sp. nov.; Male: Figs (a, c–f), Female: Figs (b, g–j); (a) dorsal aspect of the body; (b) anterior aspectof the prosoma; (c–f) r. pedipalpus, dorsal, ventral, retrolateral and prolateral aspect; (g–h) ventral aspect of the epigyne showingits variability; (i) posterior aspect of the epigyne; (j) outline of the epigyne; bar = 0.5 in Fig. a, 0.2 mm in Fig. b, 0.1 mm in theremaining Figs.

DescriptionMeasurements (in mm): Body length: male 1.25, female 1.4;prosoma: length in male 0.7, in female 0.75, width in male0.5, in female 0.55, leg I male (female): femur 0.6 (0.62),patella 0.2 (0.22), tibia 0.5 (0.6), metatarsus 0.52 (0.53), tarsus0.32(0.33), tibia IV 0.7 (0.72).

Colour: Prosoma and legs yellow to yellow brown, eye fieldand sternum dark grey, opisthosoma dorsally with distinct yel-low and dark grey stripes (Fig. 10a), ventrally predominantlyyellow.

Prosoma: The male prosoma is somewhat deformed (Figs 10a–b), long, margin smooth, thoracal fissure indistinct, eyes fairlylarge, posterior row straight, anterior medians smallest, pos-terior medians separated by almost one diameter. Cheliceraelarge, lateral files fairly distinct, anterior margin with 5 largeteeth, posterior margin with 4–5 teeth. – Female pedipalpuslong and spiny. – Legs fairly long, hairy. Sequence of the thindorsal tibial bristles 2/2/2/1. The male oax IV bears a distinctand pointed stridulatory outgrowth. Position of the metatarsaltrichobothrium on I in 0.9, on IV in 0.81–0.84. – Opistho-soma oval, scarcely covered with short hairs. Lung covers

very large, basally with stridulatory files in the male. Female:the epigyne (Figs 10g–h) is a wide plate, its posterior mar-gin is bulging. Epigyne variability is shown in Fig. 10h. Malepedipalpus (Figs 10c–f): patella slightly longer than wide, tibiawith two trichobothria, pointed disto-apically, with two ventralapophyses; cymbium with two prodistal bristles, paracymbiumshort, embolic division with three projections, embolus small.

EcologyAll specimens were collected with pitfall traps in high altitudenative forest dominated by Ilex perado ssp. azorica, Juniperusbrevifolia and Vaccinium cylindraceum. The forest ground isdominated by native grasses and bryophytes.

RelationshipsIn the smaller A. acoreensis (Wunderlich, 1992) (see below),the opisthosoma is unicoloured, the posterior eye row is pro-curved, a trichobothrium on metatarsus IV is absent, its po-sition on metatarsus I is in c. 0.5, most leg articles (exceptfemora, especially tibiae) are dark grey in both sexes, the gen-ital structures are different.

260 Paulo A.V. Borges & Joerg Wunderlich

Figure 11 Acorigone acoreensis Wunderlich sp. nov., Female,epigyne, ventral (a) and posterior (b) aspect;bar = 0.1 mm.

DistributionAzores: Sao Jorge.

Acorigone acoreensis (Wunderlich, 1992) (comb. nov.)(Fig. 11)

1992 Diplocentria acoreensis Wunderlich, Beitr.Araneol., 1: 387, figs. 446–448.

Revised diagnosisProsomal length c. 0.55 mm, trichobothrium on metatarsus IVabsent, its position on metatarsus I in 0.5–0.61, legs dark greyin both sexes; male pedipalpus: see Wunderlich (1992: Figs447–448), epigyne: Figs 11a–b.

First description of the female and additional remarkMeasurements (in mm): body length 1.15, prosoma: Length0.57, width 0.4, leg I: femur 0.38, patella 0.14, tibia 0.3, meta-tarsus 0.25, tarsus 0.24. Eyes and cheliceral teeth as in themale. A stridulatory outgrowth on coxa IV and files on thelung covers are absent. – Except for the femora, all leg articles(especially the tibiae) are dark grey in both sexes. The epigyne(Figs 11a–b) is an almost triangular plate, the posterior marginis strongly sclerotised, the receptacula seminis are visible asdark spots.

EcologyThis species is very common both in forest floor and canopysamples in native Laurisilva forests. In canopies it was sampledon several plants: Erica azorica, Ilex perado ssp. azorica, Ju-niperus brevifolia, Laurus azorica, Vaccinium cylindraceumand Myrsine africana.

RelationshipsSee above.

DistributionAzores: Terceira and new to Flores, Faial, Pico, Sao Jorge andSao Miguel.

Minicia Thorell, 1875

In the Canary Islands there exists a radiation in the genusMinicia. The previously known Macaronesian species weredescribed/revised by Wunderlich (1987, 1992).

Species from the Canary Islands:

M. gomerae Schmidt, 1975: La Gomera, La Palma and prob-ably El Hierro.

Figure 12 Minicia floresensis Wunderlich, 1992, Male: (a) prosoma,lateral aspect; (b) r. tibia I, tetrolateral aspect (hairs notdrawn); (c–d) r. pedipalpus, tibia and cymbium, dorsaland retrolateral aspect; (e) r. embolic division, apicalaspect; bar = 0.2 mm in Figs a–b, 0.1 mm in the remainingFigs.

M. grancanariansis Wunderlich, 1987: Gran Canaria.M. tenerifensis (Wunderlich, 1979): Tenerife.

In the Azores two species from Flores (Minicia floresensisWunderlich, 1992) and Pico (Minicia picoensis Wunderlich,1992) were described, but specimens recently collected onother islands (Terceira, Sao Jorge and Sao Miguel) showedthat there is only one species in the Azores with some intra-and inter-population variability.

Minicia floresensis Wunderlich, 1992 (Fig. 12)

New synonymsMinicia picoensis Wunderlich, 1992: Pico

1992 Minicia sp. indet. 2 sensu Wunderlich, Beitr.Araneol., 1: 393–394).

DiagnosisTibiae I–II bear two rows of ventral bristles, which are stronglydeveloped in the female but weak in the male (Fig. 12b). Se-quence of the dorsal tibial bristles 1/1/1/1 (rarely tibia I with 3dorsal bristles). Metatarsus IV with a trichobothrium, its pos-ition on I in Opisthosoma usually with dorsal mark-ings. Male: prosomal lobes present, they are species-specific.Male pedipalpal tibia with three apophyses, cymbium witha long and pointed outgrowth which is directed backwards

Island spider diversity 261

retrolaterally (Figs 12c–d). Apical aspect of male embolic di-vision from a male from Terceira is shown in Fig. 12e. Femaletibia I may bear 3 to 6 pairs of long ventral bristles.

This is a highly polymorphic species with some intra-and inter-population variability in the male pedipalpus.

EcologyThe spiders live in the vegetation near the ground (e.g. Callunavulgaris), but also in canopies of medium sized specimens ofErica azorica, Ilex perado ssp. azorica, Juniperus brevifolia,Laurus azorica, Vaccinium cylindraceum and Myrsine afric-ana.

DistributionAzores: Flores, Pico and new to Sao Jorge, Terceira and SaoMiguel.

Oedothorax fuscus (Blackwall, 1834)

2000 Oedothorax fuscus, – Acoreana, 9 (2): 131

EcologyThe spiders may be frequent on wet meadows near water(photobiont-hygrophil). However, they are more frequent insemi-natural and managed pastureland where they may bevery abundant. Occasionally some specimens could be foundin canopies of native and exotic trees as aeronautics.

DistributionPalaearctic including the Azores: Santa Maria, Terceira,Pico and new to Flores, Faial, Graciosa, Sao Jorge andSao Miguel (see also Appendix S1 which is availableas ‘Supplementary data’ on Cambridge Journals Online:http://www.journals.cup.org/abstract_S1477200008002648).

Walckenaeria Blackwall, 1833

Several endemic species of the genus Walckenaeria occur in theCanary Islands (see Wunderlich, 1992), but only the EuropeanW. unicornis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1861) has been recordedin the Azores (Pico) (see Wunderlich, 1992, pp. 24–25). Belowthe first endemic species of this genus is reported from theAzores, a species, which erroneously was believed to be amember of the genus Savigniorrhipis; its male is describedhere for the first time.

The sequence of the tibial bristles in Walckenaeria isusually 2/2/1/1 but 2/2/2/2 in some species from the CanaryIslands; in W. grandis the sequence is 1/1/1/1 as in W. cyprusen-sis Wunderlich, 1995 from Cyprus, W. aebea Millidge 1983from North America and in some African species. Distinctopisthosomal markings as in W. grandis (Fig. 13b) are quiteunusual in Walckenaeria.

Walckenaeria grandis (Wunderlich 1992) (comb. nov.)(Figs 13a–d)

1992 Savigniorrhipis grandis Wunderlich, Beitr.Araneol., 1: 396, fig. 489 (female).

MaterialHOLOTYPE male: Azores, Terceira, Lagoinha, Serra de SantaBarbara (Transect 6), June 1999, pitfall sample TU11, (ClaraGaspar & P.A.V. Borges leg.); same locality and date but pit-

Figure 13 Walckenaeria grandis (Wunderlich, 1992), Male: (a)prosoma, lateral aspect; (b) opisthosoma, dorsal aspect;(c) tibia of the right pedipalpus, dorsal aspect; (d) r.pedipalpus, retrolateral aspect (only three cymbial hairsare drawn); bar = 0.5 mm in Figs a–b, 0.1 mm in Figs c–d.

fall sample T17, paratype (Clara Gaspar & P.A.V. Borges leg.);same locality and date but pitfall sample TU11, 1 female para-type (Clara Gaspar & P.A.V. Borges leg.); Sao Jorge, Topo(Transect 12), August 2000, pitfall sample TU23, 1 male and1 female paratype (P.A.V. Borges et al., leg.). Deposited at theUniversity of the Azores (‘Arruda Furtado’ Collection).

DiagnosisSequence of the tibial bristles 1/1/1/1, opisthosoma with trans-verse dorsal stripes (Fig. 13a), position of the metatarsal Itrichobothrium in 0.6–0.65.

Description (of the male)Measurements (in mm): body length 1.7–2.1, prosoma: length0.85–1.0, width 0.65–0.75, leg I: femur 0.8, patella 0.25, tibia0.65, metatarsus 0.5, tarsus 0.4, tibia IV 0.8.

Colour: Prosoma and legs light to medium brown, opisthosoma(Fig. 13b) dorsally grey with dark grey transverse stripes, vent-rally light grey. – Prosoma similar to the female, without a lobe.Legs fairly long, all tibiae with a single short dorsal bristle,their position on I-II in the basal half. The large tarsal clawsbear long teeth as in other congeneric species. All metatarsibear a trichobothrium, its position on I is in 0.6–0.65. – Opis-thosoma (Fig. 13b) oval, covered with short hairs. – Pedipalpus(Figs 13c–d): patella fairly short, tibia with three trichobothria,the embolus describes a spiral of medium size.

Female: see Wunderlich (1992: 396, fig. 489).

EcologyAlthough it occurrs in native forest floor, it is also frequent inhigh altitude natural grassland dominated by Azorean endemicgrasses. The species was also collected in Juniperus brevifoliacanopy.

RelationshipsIn the not closely related W. vigilax (Blackwall) from Europe,a prosomal lobe is absent; the pedipalpal tibial apophysis andthe epigyne of W. vigilax are similar to W. grandis, but thesequence of the tibial bristles is 2/2/1/1, the position of the

262 Paulo A.V. Borges & Joerg Wunderlich

Figure 14 Argenna lucida (Simon, 1874), Male, r. metatarsus I,proventral aspect. Number (0–3) and position of the shortventral spines are quite variable; bar = 0.1 mm.

metatarsal I trichobothrium is near the middle of the article,the opisthosoma is dorsally uniformly dark grey and the spiralof the embolus is larger than in W. grandis.

DistributionAzores: Terceira and new to Flores, Pico and Sao Jorge.

DICTYNIDAEArgenna Thorell, 1869

JW regards Altella Simon, 1884 as a synonym of ArgennaThorell, 1869 (see Wunderlich, 2004: 1429), the Argennalucida-group; see Platnick (1998: 641) (sub Altella).

RemarkIn JW’s opinion – according to its genital structures – Altellalathysoides Denis, 1937 from Algeria is a member of LathysSimon ,1884 (comb. nov.)

Two species of the Argenna lucida group from the CanaryIslands (Tenerife) are known from the female sex only: A.media (Wunderlich, 1992) and A. pygmaea (Wunderlich, 1992)(both sub Altella) (comb. nov.).

Argenna lucida (Simon, 1874) (comb. nov.) (Fig. 14)

In both sexes all tibiae bear a short dorsal-basal bristle as wellas a long and strong mid-ventral bristle on tibia III (at leastin the female there may be a pair of such bristles); the malemetatarsus I bear 0, 1 or 1.1 short proventral spine(s) (Fig. 14).

EcologyIt is found exclusively in Sphagnum spp. bogs at medium tohigh altitude on the Azores.

DistributionEurope, including the Azores: Terceira (new to the Azores).

CLUBIONIDAECheiracanthium C. Koch, 1839

Some recent authors place Cheiracanthium in the Miturgidae,but I (JW) agree with Deeleman-Reinhold (2001, p. 85),who regards this genus as a member of the Clubionidae (ac-cording to Deeleman-Reinhold (2001) as a member of theEutichurinae).

In Cheiracanthium the thoracal fissure is strongly reducedor even absent, leg I is distinctly the longest, the cymbium has aretrobasal cymbial spur (Figs 15d and 16b), a small hook existson the male coxa I (Fig. 15a). The structures of the bulbus arevery similar or even identical in several species, e.g. in thespecies which are described below; the male chelicerae andthe vulvae are more different.

C. erraticum (Walckenaer, 1802) and C. mildei C.L.Koch, 1864 were known from the Azores, C. canariense Wun-derlich, 1987 is endemic to the Canary Islands, C. albidulum(Blackwall, 1859) is endemic to Madeira, C. floresense sp.nov. and C. jorgeense sp. nov. occur as island endemics in theAzores. These species are most closely related to the EuropeanC. seidlitzi C.L. Koch 1864; in C. seidlitzi the bulbous struc-tures are as in C. floresense and C. jorgeense, but the cheliceralhump is more slender in C. seidlitzi and in a more distal posi-tion (comp. Figs 15b and 17).

Below the differences are presented in a key to relatedspecies.

Key to the west-palaearctic males of Cheiracanthiumwhich possess a medial-basal cheliceral hump:

1 Opisthosoma dorsally unicoloured . . . . . . . . . .C. elegans– Opisthosoma dorsally with a redbrown longitudinal

band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22(1) The opisthosomal band consists of patches in the pos-

terior half. Retrolateral apical branch of the tibial apo-physis longer than the prolateral branch . . . . . . . . . . . . C.pelasgicum

– The opisthosomal band is usually contiguous. Both ap-ical branches of the tibial apophysis equal in length (Fig.16b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

3(2) Medial cheliceral hump in a more basal position (Figs15b–c). Azores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

– Medial cheliceral hump in a more distal position,more slender (arrow in Fig. 17a). Vulva (Fig. 17b).S-Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. seidlitzi

4(3) Dorsal cymbial surface concave (Fig. 15d). Epigyne/vulva (Figs 15f–g) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. floresense

– Dorsal cymbial surface straight (Fig. 16b), cymbial out-growth thicker (Fig. 16b). Female unknown . . . . . . . . .C.jorgeense

Cheiracanthium floresense Wunderlich sp. nov.(Fig. 15)

MaterialHOLOTYPE male and 5 juveniles paratypes: Azores, Flores,Caldeira Funda, 13. VII. 1999, Ilex perado ssp. azorica sampleIL07 (Clara Gaspar & P.A.V. Borges leg.); same locality anddate, but Ilex perado ssp. azorica sample IL10, 1 female and 4juv. paratypes (Clara Gaspar & P.A.V. Borges leg.). Depositedat the University of the Azores (‘Arruda Furtado’ collection).

Derivatio nominisThe species is named after the island Flores where it is anexclusive endemic.

DiagnosisOpisthosoma with a long dorsal redbrown band which may befragmented in the distal half in juveniles and widened in the

Island spider diversity 263

Figure 15 Cheiracanthium floresense Wunderlich sp. nov.; (a) male, ventral aspect of the l. coxa I. Note the coxal hook (arrow) which exists inmales of Cheiracanthium; (b) male, retrolateral and slightly dorsal aspect of the r. chelicera (the shape is as in C. jorgeense sp.nov.); (c) male, anterior aspect of the chelicerae, (not all teeth are observable); (d) male, retrolateral and slightly dorsal aspect oftibia and cymbium of the r. pedipalpus; (e) ventral aspect of the male pedipalpus; (f) female epigyne; (g) ventral aspect of the vulva(the arrow indicates to the introducing opening); bar = 0.5 mm in Figs a–e, and 0.2 mm in Figs f–g.

distal half in the male. Male chelicerae (Figs 15b–c) with ablunt medial-basal hump of various shapes. Male pedipalpus(Fig. 15d–e): tibia with a long apophysis which is dividedapically (both ‘branches’ are equal in length), cymbium with aconcave dorsal margin and a long retrobasal outgrowth, bulbusas in jorgeense sp. nov. (Fig. 16b). Female: epigyne (Fig. 15f)with an oval opening, a triangular inner part; the introducingducts surround the receptacula seminis more than 1 1/2 times(fig. 15g).

DescriptionMeasurements (in mm): Body length: male 6.6–8.2, female8.3–9.5; prosoma: length male 3.3, female 3.3–4.2, width male2.5, female 2.5–3.0; leg I (male): femur 4.8, patella 1.6, tibia5.2, metatarsus 5.0, tarsus 2.25, tibia IV 3.3; free observabledorsal part of the male chelicerae 2.75; female: tibia I 4.0, tibiaIV 2.8.

Colour: Prosoma orange to yellow brown, chelicerae darkeneddistally or apically (male), sternal margin darkened, femalepedipalpus darkened distally, legs yellow brown, tips of themetatarsi and tarsi darkened, opisthosoma: see above. – Pro-soma: eyes small and widely spaced, male chelicerae basallywith a blunt medial hump and variable diverging as in Figs

15c and 16a; teeth of the female furrow margins: 3 on the an-terior margin, 2 on the posterior margin, similar in the male. –Legs hairy and slender, in the male the tibia is especially longerand more slender than in the female. Bristles: femur I–II 1 pro-laterally (in the female absent on II), III–IV a distal pair andfew addionally, tibia I bears a ventral pair in the distal half,II may bear a proventral bristle and additionally a prolateralone in the distal half, no ventral bristles on tibiae III and IV,metatarsus I with a ventral pair in the basal half as well as ap-icals, metatarsus II a retroventral bristle or a pair in the basalhalf as well as apicals and occasionally a prolateral one in thedistal half. Numerous bristles are present on legs III–IV. Coxalhook: Fig. 15a. – Opisthosoma slender, with short hairs. –Genital organs: See the diagnosis.

RelationshipsIn C. seidlitzi C.L. Koch, 1864 of S-Europe the cheli-ceral hump is more slender and in a more distal position(Fig. 17a), the structures of the bulbus are identical. Epigyneand vulva (Fig. 17b) are distinctly different, the opisthosomalcolour is quite similar. C. jorgeense sp. nov. is most related,see below.

264 Paulo A.V. Borges & Joerg Wunderlich

Figure 16 Cheiracanthium jorgeense Wunderlich sp. nov., Male: (a)anterior aspect of the chelicerae (teeth not observable);(b) retrolateral and slightly dorsal aspect of the r.pedipalpus; bar = 0.5 mm.


Very common in native forest in the canopies of Ilex peradossp. azorica, Juniperus brevifolia, Laurus azorica, Vacciniumcylindraceum and Calluna vulgaris.

DistributionAzores: Flores.

Cheiracanthium jorgeense Wunderlich sp. nov.(Fig. 16)

MaterialHOLOTYPE male and 2 juv. paratypes: Azores, Sao Jorge,W Santo Amaro forest, July 1999 (JW leg.). Deposited atUniversity of the Azores (‘Arruda Furtado’ collection).

Derivatio nominisThe species is named after the island Sao Jorge where it is anexclusive endemic.

Diagnosis (Male; female unknown)Opisthosoma with a long dorsal redbrown band. Male cheli-cerae (Fig. 16a) with a blunt medial-basal hump of variableshape. Pedipalpus (Fig. 16b): tibia with a long apical apophysiswhich is divided apically (both ‘branches’ are equal in length),cymbium with a concave dorsal margin and a slender retrobasaloutgrowth. Bulbus as in Fig. 16b (see also C. floresensis).

Description (Male)Measurements (in mm): body length 5.5, prosoma: length 2.7,width 2.00; leg I: femur 3.5, patella 1.2, tibia 4.1, metatarsus3.9, tarsus 1.8, tibia IV 2.5, free observable dorsal cheliceralpart 1.8.

Colour: prosoma orange brown, chelicerae apically darkened,sternal margin darkened, legs yellow brown, with the tips ofmetatarsi and tarsi black darkened, opisthosoma yellow grey,dorsally with a long dorsal band. – Prosoma: eyes small andwidely spaced. Male chelicerae (Fig. 16a) basally–mediallywith a blunt hump, distally divergent. The chelicerae bear4 teeth of the furrows (the number may be intraspecificallyvariable). – Legs slender, bristles and hook of coxa I as in C.floresense. – Opisthosoma slender, with short hairs. – Male-pedipalpus: See the diagnosis.

Figure 17 Cheiracanthium seidlitzi C.L. Koch, 1864 from Crete (coll.JW); (a) male, r. chelicera, retrolateral and slightly dorsalaspect. The arrow indicates to the cheliceral hump; (b)female, vulva, ventral aspect; bar = 0.5 mm and 0.2 mm.

RelationshipsIn C. seidlitzi C.L. Koch, 1864, of Southern Europe, the cheli-ceral hump is more slender and in a more distal position (Fig.17b). The structures of the bulbus are identical in both spe-cies, the opisthosomal colour is quite similar. In the mostclosely related C. floresense sp. nov. the cheliceral hump isas in C. floresense, the bulbus structures are identical in bothspecies but the surface of the cymbial margin is concave inC. floresense, and the cymbial outgrowth is more slender. Thepedipalpal tibial apophysis is as in C. floresense.

EcologySeveral juveniles of Cheiracanthium sp. (probably C. jor-geense) were sampled in native forest, mainly in canopies ofIlex perado ssp. azorica, Juniperus brevifolia and Vacciniumcylindraceum.

Distribution Azores: Sao JorgeGNAPHOSIDAE

Leptodrassus albidus Simon, 1914 (Fig. 18)

2000 ?Leptodrassus albidus,–Borges et al., Acoreana, 9(2): 133.

MaterialAzores, Santa Maria, S. Barbara (sown pasture, 290 m alti-tude), 3–10.V.1994, 1 male, same locality but 19–26.X.94,1 male (P.A.V. Borges leg.). Deposited at University of theAzores (‘Arruda Furtado’ collection).

RemarksThis species is characterised by its genital structures (Fig. 18);Figs 18a–b are taken from Italian specimens. In the Italianmale (Fig. 18b) the embolus is straight and more blunt thanin the single Azorean male and the conductor is wider (Fig.18c). The shape of the pedipalpal tibial apophyis and the me-dian apophysis are identical. The weak differences of embolusand conductor may represent intraspecific variation. Epigyne:Fig. 18d.

EcologyIn the Azores: pastures.

Island spider diversity 265

Figure 18 Leptodrassus albidus Simon, 1914; Figs a–b, d from Italy,(c) from the Azores; (a–b) l. male pedipalpus, retrolateraland ventral aspects; (c) embolus and conductor of the l.male pedipalpus, ventral aspect; C = conductor,E = embolus); (d) Epigyne; bar = 0.1 mm in Fig. c, 0.5 mmin the remaining Figs.

DistributionSouthern Europe, Azores (new to this archipelago): S. Maria.

Zelotes tenuis (C. L. Koch, 1866)

2000 Trachyzelotes sp. nov., –Borges et al., Acoreana, 9:133 (wrong det.).

MaterialAzores, Santa Maria, Fontinhas (semi-natural pasture, 430 maltitude), 26.X-1994, 1 male (Suction sample) (P.A.V. Borgesleg.); Casas Velhas (semi-natural pasture, 360 m altitude),24.X.1994, 1 male and 1 female (Suction sample) (P.A.V.Borges leg.); Fontinhas (semi-natural pasture, 430 m altitude),3-10.V.1994, 1 male (pitfall sample) (P.A.V. Borges leg.)(In JW collection); Santo Espırito (sown pasture, 300 m alti-tude), 7-14.VII.1994, 1 female (pitfall sample) (P.A.V. Borgesleg.); Casas Velhas (semi-natural pasture, 360 m altitude), 7-14.VII.1994, 1 female (pitfall sample) (P.A.V. Borges leg.).Material deposited at University of the Azores (‘Arruda Fur-tado’ collection), if not otherwise noted.

RemarksIn this species the body colour is very variable: from lightyellow grey to dark brown. The genital organs are identical tothe drawings given by Levy (1998, pp. 78–81).

EcologyIn the Azores: pastures.

RelationshipsJW has with him both sexes of an undescribed closely relatedspecies from one of the Canary Islands, Tenerife.

Figure 19 Neon acoreensis Wunderlich sp. nov.; (a) femur of the l.male pedipalpus, retroventral aspect; note the ventraldepression; (b) r. male pedipalpus, ventral aspect; (c) r.male pedipalpus, retrolateral aspect; (d) female, vulva,dorsal aspect; bar = 0.1 mm.

DistributionMediterranean, Azores (new to this archipelago): Santa Maria;USA: California.

THOMISIDAEUp to now three Azorean species of the genus Xysticus C. L.Koch, 1835 have been reported.

Xysticus cribratus Simon, 1885

RemarkThe species was reported from Terceira by Ashmole et al.(1996, p. 20).

DistributionPalaearctic, Sudan; Azores: Terceira.

SALTICIDAEUp to now no endemic Azorean species of the family Salticidaehas been described. No other species of the holarctic genusNeon Simon, 1876 is known from the Macaronesian Islands.

Neon acoreensis Wunderlich sp. nov. (Fig. 19)

1964 Neon reticulatus,–Denis, Bol. Mus. Mun. Funchal,18 (68): 74 (subad. male).1992 Neon ?convolutus,–Wunderlich, Beitr. Araneol., 1:

37, 521, fig. 854 (female).

2000 Neon sp. nov.,–Borges et al., Acoreana, 9 (2): 133.

MaterialHOLOTYPE male: Azores, Santa Maria, S. Barbara (sownpasture, 290 m altitude) 9.V.94 (Suctiob sample) (P.A.V.Borges leg.); Sao Jorge, Pico do Arieiro (Transect T05), July

266 Paulo A.V. Borges & Joerg Wunderlich

1999, pitfall sample ET10, 1 male paratype (Borges et al., leg.);Sao Jorge, Faja dos Cubres, 1 male paratype JW leg in VIII(coll. JW – SMF); Flores, Ribeira da Fazenda (Transect T04),July 1999, pitfall samples ET14 and ET18, 1 female and 1 juv.paratypes (Clara Gaspar & P.A.V. Borges leg.); Flores, samelocality, but pitfall samples TU19, 1 female paratype (ClaraGaspar & P.A.V. Borges leg.); Flores, Encosta da CaldeiraFunda (Transect T07), July 1999, Juniperus brevifolia sampleJU07, 1 female paratype (Clara Gaspar & P.A.V. Borges leg.);Flores, Caldeira Funda (Transect T12), July 1999, Erica azor-ica sample ER09, 1 female paratype (Clara Gaspar & P.A.V.Borges leg.); Faial, Cabeco do Fogo (Transect T02), September1999, pitfall sample TU01, 1 female paratype (Borges et al.,leg.). Material deposited at University of the Azores (‘ArrudaFurtado’ collection), if not otherwise noted.

Derivatio nominisThe species is named after the Azorean archipelago.

DiagnosisMale: pedipalpus (Figs 19a–c): tibial apophysis short, tegu-lar apophysis fairly large, smooth, embolus slender, slightlybent. Female: epigyne see Wunderlich (1992, Fig. 854); theintroducing openings are directed sidewards; vulva: Fig. 19d.

DescriptionMeasurements (male/female in mm): body length 1.5/2.0, pro-soma: length 0.75/0.9, width 0.6/0.65; leg I (male): femur 0.3,patella 0.22, tibia 0.28, metatarsus 0.21, tarsus 0.19, tibia IV0.3. Female: tibia I 0.3, tibia IV 0.35.

Colour very variable: Light yellow to black brown, with blacksurroundings of the eyes, opisthosoma yellow, and almostwithout grey markings, to grey, legs weakly to distinctly an-nulated, leg I except the tarsus fairly darkened, the three distalfemale pedipalpal articles are darkened. – Prosoma about 1.25times longer than wide, thoracal fissure indistinct, clypeus nar-row, with few long medial hairs, chelicerae small, their mar-gins smooth. – Legs stout, tibia I thickened. Bristles: male:all femora bear 3 thin dorsal bristles, tibia I 3 ventral pairs,tibia II ventrally 1 or 1.1, metatarsi I-II 2 ventral pairs; III andIV: only apical metatarsal bristles. All metatarsi bear 2 tricho-bothria, all tarsi bear a single trichobothrium, their positionnear the middle in the basal half on I-II, in the distal half onIV. Male pedipalpus (Figs 19a–c): see above; femur ventrallyexcavate; the origin of the tegular apophysis is near the baseof the embolus. Epigyne: see Wunderlich (1992: Fig. 854), theintroducing openings are directed sidewards. Vulva: Fig. 19d.

RelationshipsNeon reticulatus (Blackwall, 1853) is most closely relatedbut is larger (body length 2.0–3.2 mm), the tegular apophysispossesses tiny ‘denticles’. According to the genital structuresNeon convolutus Denis, 1937 (North Africa) is not stronglyrelated to N. acoreensis.

EcologyWidely distributed in several native habitats like the forestfloor and canopy of several endemic trees, but also in naturalgrassland, semi-natural pasture and Sphagnum spp. bogs.


Agelenidae 5 5Anyphaenidae 1 1Araneidae 7 1 6Clubionidae 7 2 1 4Corinnidae 1 1Dictynidae 4 1 1 2Dysderidae 1 1Filistatidae 2 2Gnaphosidae 9 9Linyphiidae 36 11 4 21Lycosidae 2 1 1Mimetidae 3 3Nesticidae 1 1Oecobiidae 2 2Oonopidae 2 1 1Pholcidae 1 1Pisauridae 1 1Salticidae 11 1 3 7Scytodidae 1 1Segestriidae 1 1Sicariidae 1 1Tetragnathidae 4 1 3Theridiidae 15 3 1 11Thomisidae 3 1 2Zodariidae 1 1

Total 122 23 12 87

Table 1 The number of endemic (END), native (NAT), introduced(INTR) and total spider species per family in the Azores.

DistributionAzores: Flores, Faial, Pico, Sao Jorge, Terceira, Sao Migueland Santa Maria (new record to Pico and Sao Jorge).

Overall diversity and biogeographical notesA total of 122 species of spiders (Araneae) belonging to 90 gen-era and 25 families are reported from the Azores (Table 1; Ap-pendix S1 in supplementary material). The family Linyphiidaeis the richest in species (36 spp.; 30.0%). However, membersof 20 European families are absent: Leptonetidae, Telemidae,Palpimanidae, Eresidae, Hersiliidae, Uloboridae, Theridioso-matidae, Anapidae s. l., Pimoidae, Oxyopidae, Zoropsidae,Argyronetidae (= Cybaeidae), Amaurobiidae, Titanoecidae,Liocranidae, Cithaeronidae, Zoridae, Trochanteriidae, Philo-dromidae and Sparassidae (= Heteropodidae). Not a singlespecies of the infraorder Mygalomorpha has colonised theAzorean islands. This faunal disharmony is also evident whenone considers that only very few taxa of certain families, whichare diverse in genera throughout continental Europe, can befound in the Azores: Dysderidae, Oonopidae, Pholcidae, Lyc-osidae, Zodariidae, Corinnidae and Thomisidae.

As shown in Appendix S1 in supplementary material,in addition to the eight new species described above, eight

Island spider diversity 267

Figure 20 Relative contribution of endemic (END), native (NAT) and introduced (INTR) species with regard to spiders (Araneae), beetles(Coleoptera; data from Borges et al., 2005c), butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera; data from Karsholt & Vieira, 2005) and vascularplants (data from Silva et al., 2005) of the Azores.

Figure 21 Species richness of endemic (END), native (NAT) and introduced (INTR) spider species in the nine islands of the archipelago.

species are new records for the Azorean islands (marked with∗). For 61 previously known species, many new records areadded for individual islands (a total of 131 new records). If weadd those records to that of the 16 new taxa (8 new recordsplus 8 new species), a total 206 new records for individualislands are given, which represents a 52% increase in data onthe species distribution on the nine islands. Detailed data onthe 206 new records is available upon request from the firstauthor and is available in the database of the Insect Collectiondeposited at the University of the Azores (Dep. Agriculture)(‘Arruda Furtado’ Collection).

Most of the species (c. 71%) were probably introducedas a consequence of human activities (Table 1). This meansthat the indigenous fauna consists of only 35 species, of which66% are endemics.

In the Azores the proportion of exotic species in the spiderfauna is comparable only to the high proportion of exotic vas-

cular plants (see Fig. 20). The diversity of introduced speciesis particularly high in spiders (Araneae), while among butter-flies and moths (Lepidoptera) the indigenous fauna dominates.Beetles (Coleoptera) have 40% of indigenous species (nativesand endemics), which show a similar proportion to the overallarthropod assemblage (see also Borges et al., 2005d).

The overall richness per island is shown in Fig. 21, fromwhich it becomes obvious that the islands with the greatest hu-man populations (Sao Miguel, Terceira) are also those richestin spider species. The bias in sampling could explain in partthis pattern, which could also have other biogeographical ex-planations. In fact, the indigenous spider species richness iswell explained by the area of the islands (Fig. 22) (model: logS = 0.34 + 0.41 log Area; R2 = 0.83; p = 0.0005). The slope(z) of the species-area relationship (SAR) is within the upperlimit of the range of empirical values in SAR curves in oceanicislands (average z = 0.35; see Rosenzweig, 1995), which could

268 Paulo A.V. Borges & Joerg Wunderlich

Figure 22 Relationship between the logarithm of species richness of indigenous spiders and the logarithm of island area.

be a consequence either of a presumed dispersal limitation, orof species interactions and consequently a lack of suitable localadaptations. Other alternatives are: (i) the low sampling effortin the small islands which elevates artificially the slope of theSAR; (ii) the historical extinction of many indigenous speciesin small islands (e.g. Corvo, Graciosa, Santa Maria) erodedby major land-use changes in historical times, which resul-ted in a current poor representation of native forest in thoseislands.

Endemic AraneaeA total of 23 species (= 19%) are Azorean endemics (Table 1).Endemic genera are Acorigone Wunderlich gen. nov. and Sav-igniorrhipis Wunderlich, 1992 (both Linyphiidae: Erigoninae).The 23 endemic spider species comprise 43% of the Azoreanendemic arachnid fauna (there are 53 endemic species ofAcari, Pseudoscorpiones and Araneae in the Azores; Borgeset al., 2005d) and 9% of the Azorean endemic arthropod fauna(total = 267 spp.; Borges et al., 2005d).

The spider fauna of some, mainly tropical, regions isstill not well studied, and therefore some apparently endemicAzorean taxa may be discovered in the future in other partsof the world. An example is the genus Sancus Thorell, 1910from Kenya, an older synonym of Leucognatha Wunderlich,1992, which was described from the Azores. A second ex-ample: a revision of numerous species of the genus Orchestina,which has a cosmopolitan distribution and is sorely needed,and Orchestina furcillata sp. nov. from Sao Miguel may bea species introduced by humans. Two species were originallysupposed to be Azorean endemics: Zelotes oceanus (Simon)proves to be a synonym of the Mediterranean Trachyzeloteslyonneti (Savigny & Audouin), and Achaearanea acoreensis(Berland) was discovered later in Madeira, in North America(Colorado) and in Portugal (the Azores and Madeira are bothPortuguese). On the other hand, there may be more endemicAzorean spiders in caves and in laurel forests (see also below).

Linyphiidae, especially members of the subfamily Erigo-ninae, are the most frequent aeronauts. Remarkable is the factthat there are no endemic species of the family Gnaphosidaeand the genera Dysdera, Pholcus and Oecobius in the Azores(but there are non-endemics of these taxa) although they arerich in species in the Mediterranean, and there are distinct ra-diations of these genera in Madeira and in the Canary Islands.

Denis (1964, p. 69) reported 6.4% endemic spider spe-cies in the Azores; now we know 23 species (= 19% of theAzorean spider fauna) in 10 families and 19 genera, whichare endemic to the Azores; their number and percentage hasmore than tripled. Most of the endemics were collected anddescribed during the past decades (see also below). Eleven ofthese endemic species (about 48%) (see Table 2) are membersof the family Linyphiidae. Interestingly, in the three familieslisted in Table 2 the percentage of endemics within the familyis somewhat similar (between 20 and 30%).

Only a single endemic Azorean species is known in eachof the families Oonopidae, Tetragnathidae, Araneidae, Dic-tynidae, Lycosidae, Pisauridae and Salticidae (see Table 1;Appendix S1 which is available as ‘Supplementary data’on Cambridge Journals Online: http://www.journals.cup.org/abstract_S1477200008002648). This stands in stark contrastto the spider fauna of the Canary Islands (see Izquierdoet al. 2004) in which Araneidae comprises 4 endemic species,Dictynidae 8 endemic species, Lycosidae 16 endemic species,and Salticidae 12 endemic species. Families particularly rich inendemic taxa in the Canary Islands (Dysderidae, Gnaphosidae,Oecobiidae, Pholcidae) have no endemic counterparts in theAzores.

Colonisations and radiations in the AzoreanislandsNumerous species have been introduced by humans and theysuccessfully colonised the Azores within the past 500 years(previously no humans were known to have settled in the

Island spider diversity 269

FamilyTotal numberof species %


% endemicsin thefamily

% of theendemicspecies

Linyphiidae 36 29.51% 11 30.56% 47.83%Theridiidae 15 12.30% 3 20.00% 13.04%Clubionidae 7 5.74% 2 28.57% 8.70%

Table 2 The families with at least two endemic species.

Azores). These species are known from different regions ofthe world, several are even cosmopolitan, and have certainlybeen transported frequently by planes and ships from oneisland to others. In contrast to these species (see below) theancestors of the Azorean endemics were ‘natural colonisers’.

(a) Natural colonisations and ‘dispersal success’ (con-cerning indigenous species): how many successful natural col-onisations took place in the Azores? There are 23 endemicspecies (of 19 genera and 10 families) known in the Azores(Appendix S1 which is available as ‘Supplementary data’on Cambridge Journals Online: http://www.journals.cup.org/abstract_S1477200008002648). The two endemic species ofAgyneta are not closely related, so we assume two colonisa-tions of this genus. There are three ‘radiations’/splittings oftwo species each within a genus (Acorigone, Cheiracanthium,Rugathodes). Thus there were apparently at least 20 (23–3) nat-ural colonisations by spiders in this archipelago within the pastc. 8 million years (roughly the oldest age of this archipelago).That means that on average only 2.5 successful colonisationsoccurred every million years. In the Canary Islands, Wunder-lich (1995, p. 389) found about double the number of colonisa-tions, the highest number in El Hierro, few in Fuerteventura. Inthe insect order Coleoptera Borges (1992) found on average,concerning indigenous species, one successful colonisationper 41 237 years = c. 24 in one million years. That means,concerning these mostly flying insects, more than 24 success-ful colonisations occurred every one million years, almost tentimes more than in spiders. Of course, we have to take into con-sideration that the worldwide number of described species ofbeetles is about ten times higher than the number of spider spe-cies. So the ‘spreading (dispersal) success’ of flight for beetlesmay have been almost the same as that of the ballooning forspiders in these isolated islands, and apparently the spiders’‘aeronautic spreading success’ is quite remarkable (see alsobelow)!

We have to consider that we do not know the number ofextinct endemic species of earlier Azorean colonisations, andsome more species may be discovered (see also below); sothere really may have been more than 19 natural colonisations.The following facts support the assumption that probably nu-merous endemic Azorean spider species became extinct as aresult of the competition of introduced spider species duringthe past centuries. In fact, several of the non-endemic spe-cies are frequent and/or widely distributed in the Azores (seebelow). An intrageneric competition between endemic and in-troduced species has not yet been studied, but may be involvede.g. for the genera Agyneta (Linyphiidae) and Cheiracanthium(Clubionidae).

(b) Speciation and ‘radiations’: Speciation, sibling spe-cies: in certain closely related Azorean spider species thestructures of the bulbi show only slight or even no differ-ences; these species may be called ‘sibling species’. As poin-ted out by Wunderlich (1972, p. 422), especially in the familyLinyphiidae, closely related species exist in which the bulbusor even the whole pedipalpus is identical, but non-genitalic(somatic) structures and the female genitalia are different. Inthe following we discuss one genus of the family Linyphiidae(Porrhomma) and one genus of the family Clubionidae (Cheir-acanthium):

(1) The structures of the whole pedipalpus of the Azorean Por-rhomma borgesi are identical with the pedipalpal struc-tures of the European P. pygmaeum but there are cleardifferences in the size of the eyes, the colour of the bodyand the distinctness of the coxal stridulatory files.

(2) The bulbi of the two Azorean species of Cheiracanthium,C. florescense and C. jorgeense (female unknown) as wellas the European C. seidlitzi are identical, but the shapeof the cymbium, the male chelicerae as well as the epi-gyne/vulva, at least in C. floresense and C. seidlitzi, aredifferent.

There are few and only weak ‘radiations’ in Azoreanspiders, if we compare them with radiations in the CanaryIslands (see Wunderlich, 1995). We know only three cases ofclear radiation within the same genus:

– Rugathodes Archer, 1950 (Theridiidae): the cavernicolousR. pico in Pico and Faial and the free-living R. acoreensisin most islands, including Pico and Faial. Both are sisterspecies (see Wunderlich, 1992, pp. 415–417). Probably thestem specimen(s) arrived on the older islands (Santa Mariaand Sao Miguel), later R. acoreensis spread to other islands,and a population adapted as a cave-dweller (R. pico);

– Acorigone Wunderlich, gen. nov. (Linyphiidae: Erigon-inae): A. acoreensis (Wunderlich, 1992) on Flores, Pico,Faial, Sao Jorge, Terceira and Sao Miguel and A. zebraneusWunderlich sp. nov. on Sao Jorge. In this case Sao Miguelcould well have been the ‘catcher’ of the stem specimen(s);later a stem population has probably been drifting to occi-dental islands. Acorigone acoreensis is a species restrictedto the laurel forests (both in soil and canopy) and has prob-ably spread between the islands through ballooning;

– Cheiracanthium C. L. Koch, 1839 (Clubionidae): C. flore-sense Wunderlich sp. nov. on Flores and C. jorgeenseWunderlich sp. nov. on Sao Jorge. Where did the stemspecimen(s) arrive? Sao Jorge is the larger island and issituated east of the distribution of their stem species and is

270 Paulo A.V. Borges & Joerg Wunderlich

probably most closely related to C. seidlitzi C.L. Koch 1864in southwestern Europe. Most populations of the Cheir-acanthium taxa in the Azores were found in the canopiesof Ilex perado ssp. azorica, Laurus azorica and Vacciniumcylindraceum, usually rolling the leaves to build the web.Probably the common and aggressive Cheiracanthium er-raticum (Walckenaer) led to the extinction of the endemicCheiracanthium taxa in the other islands.

(c) Spider colonisers which were introduced by humans:plants and animals have been introduced from many parts ofthe world to the Azores by humans over hundreds of years,and the Azorean fauna and flora contains numerous exoticspecies, the percentage of introduced vascular plant speciesbeing one of the highest at world level, even if one considersonly oceanic islands (Silva & Smith, 2004) (see also below).We assume that most of the non-endemic spider species (if notall) were transported to the isolated Azores by humans (seeWunderlich, 1992: 194f , 1995, p. 390). Our assumption isbased on the following findings:

(1) in the family Gnaphosidae (9 Azorean species) which con-tains only very few aeronauts we find not a single endemicspecies, and most species occur in a limited number of is-lands;

(2) the pronounced aeronautic Linyphiidae (36 species) com-prises the highest number of Azorean endemics: 11 species(= 30%);

(3) several introduced Azorean species like Dysdera crocotaC. L. Koch, 1838 (Dysderidae) and Pholcus phalangioides(Fuesslin, 1775) (Pholcidae) are known to having beentransported by humans all over the world, and are widelydistributed in the Azores (see below; d3);

(4) in contrast to the Azores certain members of Dysderaand Pholcus colonised Madeira and the Canary Islands along time ago and radiated there (the origin of Dysderacrocota – as well as that of the whole genus and family –is the Mediterranean area; the origin of Pholcus phalan-gioides is unknown). If ancestors of these species cameto the remote Azores a long time before humans, thesespecies would probably have created endemics or evenradiations there, as they did in the other Macaronesianarchipelagos which are nearer to the mainland. Ancestorsof Dysdera crocota caused the evolution of D. lanzetoten-sis Simon, 1907 in the Canarian island Lanzarote whichis only about 100 km away from the mainland (Africa).Dysdera crocota occurs in all Azorean and all other largerMacaronesian islands. However, an undescribed endemicDysdera species is known from Pico island (P. Oromı,pers. comm.);

(5) not a single endemic spider species of the Azores showsa close relationship to nearctic species in contrast tothree non-endemic Erigoninae (see below) which certainlycome from North America and were introduced only re-cently (see below);

(6) most probably some species colonised the Azores onlyrecently and are likely to have been transported by humans,e.g.:

− Oedothorax fuscus (Blackwall, 1834) (Linyphiidae:Erigoninae) was not reported by Denis (1964). Denis stud-ied collections up to the year 1957 and was still not foundby either J. Wunderlich or P.A.V. Borges before 1990, butit was reported by Borges et al. (2000, p. 132) as being‘very common in managed pastures’ in three Azorean is-lands (Terceira, Pico and Santa Maria). This palaearcticspecies is now known to occur in most Azorean islands,but it is unknown in Madeira and the Canary Islands (seeIzquierdo et al., 2005);

− Erigone autumnalis Emerton, 1882 (Linyphiidae: Erigon-inae) was also not reported by Denis (1964) or earlierauthors visiting the Azores, but it was found by Wunder-lich in the year 1987 on four Azorean islands, and later byBorges (1999), and found to be very common in pasture-land. A few years later this nearctic species was reportedon the mainland of Europe (Switzerland);

− Eperigone Crosby & Bishop, 1928 (Linyphiidae: Erigon-inae) is apparently an autochthonous genus of NorthAmerica. Several species of this genus are currentlyspreading – e.g. E. trilobata (Emerton, 1882) to Europeand South Africa few decades ago and some have alreadya cosmopolitan distribution. E. bryantae Ivie & Barrowsand E. fradeorum (Berland) were not reported from theAzores by Denis (1964) or earlier authors but were collec-ted on several Azorean islands by Wunderlich in the year1987.

− Achaearanea acoreensis (Berland, 1932) (Theridiidae):see above and below.

Apparently these species colonised most if not all of theAzorean islands during a few decades in a fast dispersal, jump-ing from one island to the others (‘island hopping’), transportedby humans and travelling as aeronauts. This human influencecould be easily observed in the positive correlation betweenintroduced species richness and the human population in eachisland (regression model: log S = 0.62 + 0.24 log human pop-ulation; R2 = 0.80; p = 0.001) (Fig. 23). In spite of the fact thatother geographical factors (e.g. area, habitat diversity) couldalso explain part of the observed variation in exotic spiderspecies richness (Borges, unpublished data), human popula-tion in each island is also a nice surrogate of both commercialactivities and habitat disturbance.(d) Origin of the colonisers and their ancestors:(d1) Origin of selected endemic Azorean taxa:

Remarks: close relationships of certain Azorean endemics, e.g.of both endemic genera, are still uncertain or even unknown;in the following we discuss the relationships of selected taxa(see also Wunderlich, 1992: 213):

− Orchestina furcillata Wunderlich sp. nov. (Oonopidae):the most closely related species may be O. arabicaDalmas, 1916 which occurs in Arabia.

− Gibbaranea occidentalis Wunderlich, 1989 (Araneidae):most closely related is G. gibbosa (Walckenaer, 1802)from Europe.

− Porrhomma borgesi Wunderlich sp. nov. (Linyphiidae):the most closely related species are the epigaeic palae-arctic P. pygmaeum (Blackwall, 1834) and P. pallidum

Island spider diversity 271

Figure 23 Relationship between the logarithm of introduced spider species richness and the logarithm of human population.

Jackson, 1913 which are not known in the MacaronesianIslands.

− Turinyphia cavernicola Wunderlich sp. nov. (Linyph-iidae): the most closely related species are T. clairi (Imon,1884) from Southern Europe and T. maderiana (Schen-kel, 1938) from Madeira. Madeira may have been a ‘step-ping stone’ for the ancestor of this cave-dwelling Azoreanspecies. An epigean Azorean species of Turinyphia is un-known.

− Agyneta rugosa Wunderlich, 1992 (Linyphiidae):probably the European A. equestris (C.L. Koch)and A. gulosa (C.L. Koch) are most closelyrelated.

− Lepthyphantes acoreensis Wunderlich, 1992 (Linyph-iidae): L. todillus Simon, 1929 (South France) and L.speculae Denis, 1959 (Libanon) are most closely related.

− Typhochrestus acoreensis Wunderlich, 1992 (Linyph-iidae): most closely related is T. hesperius Thaler, 1984from the Canarian island Tenerife. This species lives athigh altitude (Canadas and Teide, up to 3050 m) and caneasily balloon from this high area to distant regions whichare far away.

− Minicia floresensis Wunderlich, 1992 (Linyphiidae): mostclosely related to the Azorean species is M. candida Denis,1946 from Southwest France (see Wunderlich, 1992, pp.245, 391).

− Lasaeola oceanica Simon, 1833 (Theridiidae): mostclosely related is Lasaeola testaceomarginata (Simon,1881) from South Europe.

− Rugathodes acoreensis Wunderlich, 1992 and R. pico(Merrett & Ashmole, 1989) (Theridiidae): most closelyrelated are R. madeirensis Wunderlich 1987 from Madeiraand R. bellicosum (Simon, 1873) from Europe and Russia(see Wunderlich, 1993).

− Pardosa acoreensis Simon, 1883 (Lycosidae): mostclosely related is P. proxima (C. L. Koch, 1848) fromEurope and the Canary Islands.

− Pisaura acoreensis Wunderlich, 1992 (Pisauridae): mostclosely related are P. quadrilineata (Lucas, 1838) fromMadeira and the Canary Islands and the palaearctic P.mirabilis (Clerck, 1757).

− Cheiracanthium floresensis Wunderlich sp. nov. and C.jorgeensis Wunderlich sp. nov. (Clubionidae): closely re-lated is C. seidlitz C.L. Koch, 1864 from the Mediter-ranean.

− Neon acoreensis Wunderlich sp. nov. (Salticidae): the hol-arctic Neon reticulatus (Blackwall, 1853) is closely re-lated.

To summarise:

(1) There are no convincing nearctic or neotropical relation-ships in the Azorean endemic spiders, although the Azoresare situated midway between Europe and North America;

(2) Most of the 14 groups (at least 13) of spiders which are tre-ated above show relationships to Western Palaearctic taxa.

(3) Madeira – for Rugathodes and probably in Turinyphiaand Pisausa – and the Canary Islands – for Typhochrestusand probably in Lepthyphantes, Pardosa and Pisaura mayhave been ‘stepping stones’ between the Western Palae-arctic genera to those in the Azorean areas and taxa.

(d2) Origin of the Azorean Macaronesian endem-ics (see list in Appendix S1 which is available as‘Supplementary data’ on Cambridge Journals Online:http://www.journals.cup.org/abstract_S1477200008002648):

− From Madeira or from the Canary Islands: Oecobiussimilis (Oecobiidae), Microlinyphia johnsoni (Linyph-iidae), Macaroeris diligens (Salticidae) and Theridionmusivivum (Theridiidae);

− From the Canary Islands: Lathys dentichelis (Dictyn-idae), Bianor wunderlichi (Salticidae) and Trachelas mac-rochelis (Corinnidae);

− From Madeira: Entelecara schmitzi, Lepthyphantesschmitzi, Lepthyphantes miguelensis (Linyphiidae),

272 Paulo A.V. Borges & Joerg Wunderlich

Clubiona decora (Clubionidae) and Macaroeris cata(Salticidae).

These species are reported as native (see Appendix S1which is available as ‘Supplementary data’ on Cam-bridge Journals Online: http://www.journals.cup.org/abstract_S1477200008002648), but we can not discharge the hypothesisthat some of them are in the Azores as a consequence of hu-man interference. Some of these species occur mainly in nativeforests, like Lathys dentichelis (Dictynidae), Lepthyphantesmiguelensis (Linyphiidae) and Macaroeris cata (Salticidae)and should have arrived by long-distance dispersal long be-fore human colonisation. For instance, L. miguelensis (Linyph-iidae) is the most common and frequent spider in the pitfallsamples in native forests from the archipelago, being replacedin non-native habitats by the introduced ecologically relatedspecies L. tenuis (Linyphiidae). The same pattern occurs withLathys dentichelis (Dictynidae) that is common in the can-opies of most endemic and native trees but is replaced byNigma puella (Dictynidae) in the canopies of many introducedtrees.(d3) Origin of other non-endemic (introduced) species:

Numerous species possess a wide or even cosmopolitandistribution; they are not listed below.

− North America (Nearctic) (see above: spiders which areintroduced by humans), 5 species only:

THERIDIIDAE: Achaearanea acoreensis was apparently in-troduced from North America, probably in the first decades ofthe 20th century;

SALTICIDAE: Phidippus audax was recently collected inSanta Maria by the local naturalist Dalberto T. Pombo andis probably a recent introduction from North America;

LINYPHIIDAE: Erigone autumnalis, Eperigone bryantae andEperigone fradeorum.

− Holarctic, 7 species:

TETRAGNATHIDAE: Tetragnatha extensa; ARANEIDAE:Araneus angulatus, Neoscona crucifera; LINYPHIIDAE:Erigone atra, Microctenonyx subitaneus, Microneta viaria;GNAPHOSIDAE: Micaria pallipes.

− Western Palaearctic and Palaearctic (most often Europe),49 species:

FILISTATIDAE: Filistata insidiatrix, Pritha nana; OONOP-IDAE: Oonops domesticus; SEGESTRIIDAE: Segestriaflorentina; TETRAGNATHIDAE: Metellina merianae;ARANEIDAE: Zygiella x-notata (introduced also toAmerica), Agalenatea redii, Argiope bruennichi, Mangoraacalypha; LINYPHIIDAE: Agyneta decora, A. fuscipalpis, A.rurestris (introduced also to Greenland), Erigone dentipalpis,Erigone promiscua, Lepthyphantes tenuis (introduced todifferent regions), Oedothorax fuscus (introduced to NorthAfrica), Walckenaeria unicornis; MIMETIDAE: Ero aphana,Ero flammeola, Ero furcata (introduced also to North Amer-ica); THERIDIIDAE: Achaearanea simulans, Argyrodesnasicus, Argyrodes rostratus, Enoplognatha mandibularis,

Neottiura bimaculata, Steatoda nobilis (known from North-Africa); DICTYNIDAE: Argenna lucida (= Altella lucida),Nigma puella; AGELENIDAE: Tegenaria pagana, Tegenariaparietina, Textrix caudata, Lycosoides coarctata; LYC-OSIDAE: Arctosa perita; ANYPHAENIDAE: Anyphaenaaccentuata; CLUBIONIDAE: Cheiracanthium erraticum,Clubiona terrestris; GNAPHOSIDAE: Leptodrassus albidus,Scotophaeus blackwalli (also introduced to North America),Trachyzelotes lyonneti, Zelotes aeneus, Zelotes longipes,Zelotes tenuis; THOMISIDAE: Xysticus cribratus, Xysticusnubilus; SALTICIDAE: Chalcoscirtus infimus, Heliophanuskochi, Menemerus semilimbatus, Salticus mutabilis, Synagelesvenator.

Patterns of biodiversity and conservation remarksIn the Azores the current number of 122 species is aboutone quarter of that known from the Canary Islands (S = 477;Izquierdo et al., 2004), and if we consider the endemic speciesthe proportion is even smaller (23 species in the Azores andabout 306 in the Canaries). For the Madeira archipelago, about161 species are listed (about 55 endemic; 34%) (Cardoso &Crespo, in press).

Arachnids (that include spiders) in the Azores make upabout 14% of the total Arthropod species number in contrastto the 8% in the world (Fig. 24). If we consider the endemicspecies, that proportion is even higher (20% in the Azores) butcomparable to the Canaries (Fig. 24). This indicates that arach-nids are better at dispersing to islands than other arthropods.Aeronautic spiders may have been drifting to the Azorean is-lands by means of wind currents, but spiders and egg sacs mayhave been transported to the Azores also in the plumage andhairs of birds and bats (see Wunderlich, 1992, 1995). There-fore, arachnids in general and spiders in particular make upa relatively important component of the Azorean arthropodbiodiversity.

A complete census of species in an area is rarely feasible,except for highly conspicuous and closely studied taxa suchas birds and vascular plants. Assessment is therefore usuallybased on samples of the population, but the species count thendepends on sampling efforts (Colwell & Coddington, 1994).The absolute rate at which the existing species inventory isgrowing in the Azores may be assessed by considering therate at which new species are being described. The cumulativediscovery curve for the endemic species of spiders presen-ted in Fig. 25 illustrates the considerable time taken to ac-quire this knowledge, as measured by the number of publisheddescriptions of endemic species. There is a clear sigmoidalcurve, with a lag in the earliest phase of species discovery.By 1990 only 17% of the listed species had been recorded,and in 2000 only 65% of the species had been described. Toreach 90%, the descriptions included in this paper need to beincluded (Fig. 25). This reflects in part the recent interest inthe Azorean fauna by foreign entomologists and to a greaterextent the laborious work performed at the University of theAzores with regard to attracting collaborative work. The cre-ation of the Arthropod collection, ‘Arruda Furtado’ (Dep. Ag-riculture, Terceira), while gathering many type specimens ofAzorean endemic arthropod species, was also an important

Island spider diversity 273

Figure 24 Proportion of the main groups of arthropods in the world (according to Hammond, 1992), the Canaries (data from Izquierdo et al.,2001) and in the Azores. End = endemics.

Figure 25 Cumulative spider endemic species discovery curve in the Azorean archipelago. Data points are plotted cumulatively by decade andrepresent the number of species (S) added to spider fauna based upon data of scientific description.

step towards the development of the Azorean entomologicalscience.

However, the 23 species of endemic arthropods currentlyknown in the Azores is a poor estimate of the estimated number,29.22 (±2.59), as established when using the incidence non-parametric estimator Jackknife1 (Fig. 26), or 44.38 when ap-plying the ‘ratio method with Lepidoptera as indicator group’(see Table 3). However, when applying the ‘ratio method withColeoptera as indicator group’ the estimate obtained (16.09) islower that the currently observed number of Azorean endemicspider species. This implies that the rate of speciation amongAzorean beetles was lower than in spiders and consequentlymore species of endemic beetles should have been expected

taking into account the patterns observed in the Canary Is-lands. The estimates derived from the Araneae-Lepidopteraratio (Table 3) are probably an overestimation, due to a higherrate of speciation of Canarian spiders. Therefore, we considerthe estimate derived from Jackknife1 as our conservative es-timate of the potential number of endemic spider species inthe Azores. The incidence-based estimator used considers theisland endemics as ‘uniques’, and the result obtained impliesthat only about 79% of Azorean endemic spiders have alreadybeen discovered. This pattern could be explained by the re-cent efforts in surveying the Azorean arthropod species andthe lack of knowledge about the distribution of some current‘uniques’.

274 Paulo A.V. Borges & Joerg Wunderlich

Figure 26 Accumulation curve (average of 100 random curves) (smooth line) and predicted number of endemic spider species (S) (± 1 s.d.)using the incidence-based non-parametric estimator Jackknife1 with 100 randomisations.

Number of endemic species Ratio of endemic Araneae to

Geographical area Araneae Coleoptera Lepidoptera Coleopteraa Lepidopterab

Azores 23 66 38 0.35 0.61Canaries 306 1255 262 0.24 1.17Azores Predicted – a 16.09Azores Predicted – b 44.38

Table 3 The numbers of endemic species of Araneae, Coleoptera and Lepidoptera in the Azores and the CanaryIslands, plus the ratio of endemic Araneae to Coleoptera and Lepidoptera and the estimated number ofAraneae in the Azores (see text for further explanations).

These ‘unique’ species can be considered as the rarestspecies, since they occur on only one island. A total of sevenendemic species is known from only one island and two fur-ther species are known from only two islands. Therefore, nineendemic species (39%) are restricted, but the species-range-size distribution for the endemics shows a bimodal pattern(Fig. 27), in which to the left hand mode is added a right handmode generated by the widespread group of species that oc-curs in almost all islands. In fact, five endemic species (22%)are common, occurring in at least eight islands and generatinga significant right hand mode (Pr = 0.05), in addition to thesignificant left hand mode (Pl = 0.005) generated by the rarespecies. A ‘unimodal model’ was obtained for the introducedspecies (Pl < 0.0001; Pr > 0.05), while for the native speciesthe right and left modes are non-significant (Pl > 0.05; Pr >

0.05) (Fig. 27). This implies that most introduced species arealso restricted, which is explained by non inter-island spread-ing after their introduction to a particular island or inadequatesampling efforts in focal habitats altered by humans.

The lack of population studies and demographic monit-oring makes it difficult to characterise the threatened status ofAzorean endemic spider species. Despite this limitation, westill have some recent information from the standardised stud-ies performed in pastureland (Borges, 1999; Borges & Brown,

1999, 2001, 2004), native habitats (Borges et al., 2005a;Borges et al., unpublished data), exotic plantations (Borgeset al., unpubl. data) and fruit orchards (Santos et al., 2005).Habitat loss and invasive species are considered as the principalthreats to Azorean native fauna (see Martins, 1993; Borgeset al., 2006). Therefore, we may ask which Azorean en-demic spider species are most sensitive to habitat loss anddegradation.

To answer that question we could define eight possibleland-use types (‘Habitats’ in general terms) that have beensurveyed intensively for arthropods in the Azores since 1994(see Methods). A total of 81 of the 122 Azorean spiders weresampled in at least one of the eight land-use types. Remarkably,almost all indigenous species are included (22 endemics in 23possible and 11 natives in 12 possible). The 41 species not sam-pled are, almost all, introduced species associated with humanbuildings, gardens and other non-native particular habitats. InTable 4 we show the distribution of each endemic species withtheir relative abundance in the eight land-use types with theexception to caves where no abundance data are available.Most of the endemic species occur in only one or two land-usetypes (mainly native; see Table 4), but four endemic speciesoccur in at least five land-use types (Fig. 28). In Fig. 29 weshow that there is a clear separation between native habitats

Island spider diversity 275

Figure 27 Frequency histogram of species distributions showing the proportion of endemic (END), native (NAT) and introduced (INTR) spiderspecies known in the nine Azorean islands.

Figure 28 Frequency histogram of species distributions showing the number of endemic spider species known in the eight land-use types.

and non-native habitats in terms of endemic spider speciescomposition. Caves are included in the non-native habitatssince in spite of having two specialised species (Rugathodespico and the new Turinyphia cavernicola Wunderlich, sp. nov.)the other endemic spiders occur in entrances and are habitatgeneralist spiders.

When one looks for patterns of species richness in thisgradient of land-use degradation with complex native low-disturbed habitats (native forest canopies, native forest soil,natural grassland), medium disturbed habitats (semi-naturalpasture, exotic tree plantations) and highly disturbed habitats(intensive pasture, fruit orchards), one observes that the propor-tion of spider endemic species decreases and the proportion ofintroduced spider species increases with the increase in hab-itat disturbance (Fig. 30a). The proportion of native species

remains more or less constant in this gradient. This pattern ismainly a consequence of the decrease of the absolute numberof endemic species with habitat disturbance, since the numberof non-endemic species remains more or less constant in thevarious habitats (Fig. 30b).

Moreover, the relative abundance of indigenous faunaalso decreases with the disturbance regime associated withthe investigated land-use gradient (Fig. 31). Notably, whenplotting the ratio of the abundance of endemic plus native(indigenous) species to introduced species, one notices a cleardominance of indigenous species in canopy communities (10×more specimens) (Fig. 31). In native forests epigean com-munities and natural grassland communities the indigenousfauna is only 2.77× and 2.49×, respectively, more abundantthan introduced fauna. In the highly disturbed semi-natural and

276 Paulo A.V. Borges & Joerg Wunderlich

Land-use types

Family Species Laur








































Lycosidae Pardosa acoreensis Simon, 1883 0.001 0.152 0.416 P 0.194 0.043 0.016Theridiidae Rugathodes acoreensis Wunderlich, 1992 0.066 0.026 0.002 P 0.013 0.000Araneidae Gibbaranea occidentalis Wunderlich, 1989 0.059 0.001 0.000Pisauridae Pisaura acoreensis Wunderlich, 1992 0.003 0.003 0.001Theridiidae Lasaeola oceanica Simon, 1833 0.009 0.000 0.002Linyphiidae Savigniorrhipis acoreensis

Wunderlich, 19920.306 0.005

Linyphiidae Lepthyphantes acoreensisWunderlich, 1992

0.000 0.046 0.008 P 0.006

Tetragnathidae Sancus acoreensis (Wunderlich, 1992) 0.042 0.002 0.000Salticidae Neon acoreensis Wunderlich, n.sp. 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.000Dictynidae Dictyna acoreensis (Wunderlich, 1992) 0.010 0.016Linyphiidae Acorigone acoreensis (Wunderlich, 1992) 0.012 0.003 0.002Linyphiidae Minicia floresensis Wunderlich, 1992 0.015 0.001 0.008 0.001Linyphiidae Walckenaeria grandis (Wunderlich, 1992) 0.001 0.003 0.003Linyphiidae Porrhomma borgesi Wunderlich, n.sp. 0.000 0.003 0.001 P 0.006Theridiidae Rugathodes pico (Merrett &

Ashmole, 1989)P

Linyphiidae Agyneta rugosa Wunderlich, 1992 0.000Linyphiidae Turinyphia cavernicola Wunderlich, n.sp. PLinyphiidae Agyneta depigmentata Wunderlich, n.sp. 0.049 0.041Clubionidae Cheiracanthium floresense Wunderlich,

sp. nov.0.003

Linyphiidae Acorigone zebraneus Wunderlich, n.sp. 0.001Clubionidae Cheiracanthium

jorgeense Wunderlich, n.sp.0.000

Oonopidae Orchestina furcillata Wunderlich, n.sp. 0.000

Table 4 The relative abundance of 22 endemic spider species in each of eight possible land-use types. For caves only the presence isrecorded. The rarest species are marked (see text).

intensive pastures and fruit orchards the spider communit-ies are dominated by specimens of introduced species(Fig. 31).

What is the role of each individual species in the above-described patterns, and which endemic spider species are trulyabundant or scarce, and which are habitat specialists or habitatgeneralists? The information concerning the most abundantspecies is summarised in Table 5.

There are some clear and very interesting patterns:

(1) The most abundant species in canopy habitats (native laur-isilva and fruit orchards) are only dominant in those hab-itats (‘canopy specialists’).

(2) Native forest canopy is the only habitat in which the dom-inant species are only indigenous species (endemic or nat-ive).

(3) Three habitats harbour at least four similar dominant spe-cies: epigean native (laurel) and exotic (plantations) forestcommunities and natural grassland.

(4) The four most abundant species in native forests and exoticforests are the same, two of the species are introducedspiders.

(5) The most abundant species in semi-natural and intensivepasture are the same, the only difference is the inclusionof the endemic Pardosa acorensis (LYCOSIDAE) in thesemi-natural pasture dominant species.

Island spider diversity 277

Figure 29 Dendrogram of land-use types (habitats) based on presence/absence of endemic spiders.

(6) The introduced Lepthyphantes tenuis (LINYPHIIDAE)and the endemic Pardosa acorensis (LYCOSIDAE) arethe only spider species that are common in at least four ofthe seven evaluated habitats (true generalist species).

(7) Two species, the native Lepthyphantes miguelensis(LINYPHIIDAE) and the introduced Oedothorax fuscus(LINYPHIIDAE), are the only species that are the topdominants in two different habitats.

The commonest of all the Azorean spiders listed in Table5 totalled 26 species, that is 21% of the Azorean known species.Of those 26 species 54% (14 species) are indigenous (i.e.endemic or native). Moreover, a total of seven endemic species(30% of the endemics) are truly common in at least one of thehabitats. But what about the other endemic species? Abovewe showed that some species are restricted to only one or twoislands. In Fig. 32 (see also Table 4) we show that the speciesthat occur on few islands tend to be habitat specialists, andspecies with wider distribution tend to occur in more habitats(r = 0.81; p < 0.0001). Therefore a group of eight endemicspider species is truly rare, both in distribution, abundanceand also in habitat specialisation (Table 4). Six out of theeight species are described as new to science in this paperbelong to this group of rare species, which comes as no surprisesince they were discovered after several years of standardisedsampling in seven of the Azorean islands in different nativeand non-native habitats. Those species are restricted to nativehabitats and are the true rare species in the known assemblageof 23 endemic spiders of the Azores.

For many of the endemic Azorean spiders adapted to nat-ural grasslands, years of pasture intensification in these islandshad no particular impact, since they could occur in semi-naturalpastures with low input in pesticides (see Borges, 1999). Thisis the case of the common Minicia floresensis Wunderlich,Lasaeola oceanica Simon, Rugathodes acoreensis Wunder-

lich, Neon acoreensis Wunderlich and Pardosa acoreensis Si-mon. Some endemic spiders seem to be also adapted to non-native habitats, occurring mainly in native forests but also fre-quently in exotic plantations and fruit orchards (see Table 4)These preferences are displayed by Pardosa acoreensis Simon,Rugathodes acoreensis Wunderlich and Dictyna acoreensis(Wunderlich).

However, all the other remaining endemic spidersare mainly adapted to native habitats like volcanic caves(Rugathodes pico (Merrett & Ashmole), Turinyphia cav-ernicola Wunderlich), natural grassland (Pisaura acoreen-sis Wunderlich, Walckenaeria grandis (Wunderlich), Typho-chrestus acoreensis Wunderlich) and Laurisilva forest(Lepthyphantes acoreensis Wunderlich, Savigniorrhipisacoreensis Wunderlich, Acorigone acoreensis (Wunderlich),Acorigone zebraneus Wunderlich, Agyneta depigmentataWunderlich, Porrhomma borgesi Wunderlich, Agyneta rugosaWunderlich, Cheiracanthium floresense Wunderlich, Cheir-acanthium jorgeense Wunderlich, Orchestina furcillataWunderlich).

In their natural environment the greatest threats to spidersare habitat destruction and pesticides. As a consequence ofthe impact invasive plants that are altering the soil cover andstructure in the Azores, species like Lepthyphantes acoreen-sis Wunderlich, Acorigone zebraneus Wunderlich, Agynetadepigmentata Wunderlich, Porrhomma borgesi Wunderlichand Agyneta rugosa Wunderlich could be at risk of havingits main habitat seriously reduced.

As showed by Borges et al. (2006) invasions of alien arth-ropod species are a current and future environmental threat inthe Azores, creating a pattern of biotic homogenisation that isof great contemporary concern. However, inconclusive evid-ence suggests that non-indigenous species are limited to thosesites under anthropogenic influence located mainly in mar-ginal places, but the rate of expansion of those species to high

278 Paulo A.V. Borges & Joerg Wunderlich

Figure 30 (a) Frequency histogram of species distributions showing the proportion of endemic (END), native (NAT) and introduced (INTR)spider species known in the nine Azorean islands; (b) Number of endemic (END) and introduced (INTR) spider species in eachhabitat.

Figure 31 Relative abundance of indigenous spider species in each habitat.

Island spider diversity 279

Figure 32 Scatter plot relating the number of habitats and the number of islands from which each the 23 Azorean spider endemic species areknown.

altitude core pristine sites has still to be tested (Borges et al.,2006).

The 23 currently known Azorean endemic spider speciesare probably the survivors of 500 years of major humanhabitat alterations in the Azores. However, species adaptedto cave life are still in danger as a consequence of pasturedevelopment and consequent lava-tube destruction. Moreover,all the grassland species could be at risk if pollution,predominantly that coming from pesticides, increases as aconsequence of changing agricultural policy sometime in thefuture.

Species able to live in the canopies of native and en-demic Azorean trees (e.g. Rugathodes acoreensis Wunderlich,Neon acoreensis Wunderlich, Gibbaranea occidentalis Wun-derlich, Sancus acoreensis (Wunderlich), Dictyna acoreensis(Wunderlich), Savigniorrhipis acoreensis Wunderlich, Acori-gone acoreensis (Wunderlich), Pisaura acoreensis Wunder-lich, Cheiracanthium floresense Wunderlich, Cheiracanthiumjorgeense Wunderlich) are probably the species with a lowerrisk factor, since most of the canopy arthropod species arecomposed of native endemic taxa (Borges et al., unpubl. data).However, exotic plant species in the Azores are already threat-ening entire ecosystems, as is the case of Clethra arboreaAiton in Pico da Vara (Sao Miguel). The effects of this inva-sion on individual endemic spider species in Laurel forest atPico da Vara remain to be tested.

ConclusionsUntil recently the Azorean archipelago was characterised asharbouring few endemic spider species. However, in the pastdecade efforts in the survey of the arthropod fauna in remoteplaces (e.g. dense laurel forest in high altitude and inaccess-ible places) and unsampled habitats (e.g. tree canopies, lavatubes), have challenged this view. The Azores has a rich andgenerally unappreciated endemic arthropod biodiversity (seeBorges et al., 2005d), and we showed that the endemic spider

fauna is now an important component of Azorean biodiversity.Inventories have, to date, recorded 122 species of spiders, 23of which are endemic, including eight new species describedin this contribution. The species accumulation curve does notshow any evidence of saturation, and we estimated that onlyabout 79% of all the Azorean endemic spiders have alreadybeen discovered.

The slope of the SAR for the indigenous fauna is high,which probably implies some historical extinction in the smal-ler islands. What remains of the natural ecosystems in theAzores is now highly fragmented (Borges et al., 2006), but weshowed that, in spite of the dramatic land-use changes in his-torical times, the proportion of indigenous species is still highin native habitats, particularly in native tree canopies wherethe endemic spiders dominate in abundance.

Most endemic spider species are restricted to native forestfragments and natural grassland, but at least 30% of those spe-cies are dominant in abundance. About eight endemic speciesare quite rare, being restricted to one or two islands, restrictedto native habitats, and with small populations.

Invasive exotic spiders could be major agents of changein natural communities, since they could eliminate native orendemic relatives through competition. Therefore, the greatproportion of introduced species in the Azorean spider faunais of great concern.

Despite the historically widespread human destructionand influence on land-use changes of Azorean native habit-ats at low and middle altitudes, the canopies of native andendemic trees still common in high altitude protected nativeforests seem to be free of exotic species. Thus, canopy spidercommunities could be considered as unchanged and probablyopen a window to the once pristine spider communities in theAzores.

The greatest challenge facing the Azorean EnvironmentBureau is the maintenance and correct management of thecurrent pristine areas of native forests, native grasslands andcave systems, avoiding the destructive effects of invasive plants

280 Paulo A.V. Borges & Joerg Wunderlich

Land-use (Habitat) Species Col. RA

Laurel (canopy) Savigniorrhipis acoreensis Wunderlich E 0.31Lathys dentichelis (Simon) N 0.28Rugathodes acoreensis Wunderlich E 0.07Gibbaranea occidentalis Wunderlich E 0.06Xysticus cor Canestrini N 0.05Sancus acoreensis (Wunderlich) E 0.04

Laurel (soil) Lepthyphantes miguelensis Wunderlich N 0.38Pardosa acorensis Simon E 0.15Lepthyphantes tenuis (Blackwall) I 0.13Dysdera crocata C. L. Koch I 0.09Agyneta depigmentata Wunderlich E 0.05Lepthyphantes acoreensis Wunderlich E 0.05

Natural grassl. (soil) Pardosa acorensis Simon E 0.42Lepthyphantes schmitzi (Kulczynski) N 0.13Tenuiphantes miguelensis Wunderlich N 0.09Oedothorax fuscus (Blackwall) I 0.09Lepthyphantes tenuis (Blackwall) I 0.05Agyneta depigmentata Wunderlich E 0.04

Exotic forest (soil) Lepthyphantes miguelensis Wunderlich N 0.36Pardosa acorensis Simon E 0.19Lepthyphantes tenuis (Blackwall) I 0.18Dysdera crocata C. L. Koch I 0.09Agyneta decora (O. P.-Cambridge) I 0.05

SN pasture (soil/areal) Oedothorax fuscus (Blackwall) I 0.26Lepthyphantes tenuis (Blackwall) I 0.19Erigone atra (Blackwall) I 0.14Erigone dentipalpis (Wider) I 0.12Erigone autumnalis Emerton I 0.11Achaearanea acoreensis (Berland) I 0.06Pardosa acorensis Simon E 0.04

Intensive pasture (soil/areal) Oedothorax fuscus (Blackwall) I 0.39Lepthyphantes tenuis (Blackwall) I 0.12Erigone autumnalis Emerton I 0.12Erigone dentipalpis (Wider) I 0.11Achaearanea acoreensis (Berland) I 0.09Erigone atra (Blackwall) I 0.08

Fruit orchards (canopy) Nigma puella (Simon) I 0.32Clubiona decora Blackwall N 0.20Entelecara schmitzi Kulczynski N 0.16Metellina merianae (Scopoli) I 0.08Macaroeris diligens (Blackwall) N 0.08Steatoda grossa (C.L. Koch) I 0.04

Table 5 The commonest spider species (>4% in relative abundance, RA) in the various habitats (land-use types). E –Endemic; N – native; I – Introduced.

and animals. We know which species are rare, where theyshould be preserved, but an effort to acquire information ontheir basic biology is urgently needed.

Supplementary MaterialThe following supplementary material is avail-able for this article on Cambridge Journals Online:http://www.journals.cup.org/abstract_S1477200008002648.

Table S1 Physical features of the Azorean islands.

Table S2 Additional Material per taxon.Table S3 UTM coordinates, altitude, month and year of

sampling and habitat of the studied transects in the Azores.Appendix S1. Distribution of the Azorean spider species

by the nine islands.

AcknowledgementsThe biological investigations that form the basis for this manu-script have been facilitated by the support of many organisations and

Island spider diversity 281

individuals. First and foremost, we would like to acknowledge thecontinuous support of Eduardo Carqueijeiro, ‘Director Regional doAmbiente’ (Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e do Mar do GovernoRegional dos Acores). The entomological scientific expeditions tothe various Azorean islands over the past years were made possibleby the generous support of Manuel Loureiro, ‘Director dos ServicosFlorestais’ (1998–2000), through the Project ‘Reservas Florestais dosAcores: Cartografia e Inventariacao dos Artropodes Endemicos dosAcores’ (PROJ. 17.01 – 080203).

We wish to thank Regina Meneses for her kind review of our Eng-lish. We also want to thank P. Cardoso and J. Hortal for comments onearlier versions of this manuscript.

Thanks are also due to C. Aguiar, J. Amaral, G. Andre, A.Arraiol, C. Gaspar, S. Jarroca, C. Melo, F. Pereira, H. Mas i Gisbert, A.Rodrigues, A. Santos, A. Serrano, L. Vieira and A. Vitorino for theirvaluable contribution to field and/or laboratory work.

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