Spermatogenesis and Fertilization

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  • 8/9/2019 Spermatogenesis and Fertilization



    FERTILIZATIONRoxanne Jeen L. Fornolles

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    Steps of Spermatogenesis1 SPERMATOCYTOGENESIS

    Process of differeniaion ofs!er"ao#onia ino !ri"ar$s!er"aoc$es.

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    % MEIOSISRed&cion di'ision o red&ce(e di!loid c(ro"oso"al co"!li"en of!ri"ar$ s!er"aoc$es o for" (a!loids!er"aids

  • 8/9/2019 Spermatogenesis and Fertilization


    ) For"aion of S!er" T(e (ead co"!rises (e condensedn&cle&s of (e cell *i( onl$ a (inc$o!las"ic and cell "e"+ranela$er aro&nd is s&rface.

    On (e o&side of (e anerior %,-of (e (ead is (e acroso"e *(ic(conains a n&"+er of en$"es

    si"ilar o (ose fo&nd in l$soso"esof (e $!ical cell. T(e ail of (e s!er" called (e

    fla#ell&"/ (as - co"!onens0 Axone"e T(in cell "e"+rane co'erin#

    (e axone"e od$ of (e ail

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    Hormonal Factors Tat Stim!lateSpermatogenesis"1. Tesoserone2 essenial for #ro*( and di'ision

    of (e esic&lar #er"inal cells.

    %. L&einiin# 3or"one2 si"&laes (e Le$di#cells o secree esoserone

    -. Follicle Si"&lain# 3or"one2si"&laes (eSeroli cells.

    4. Esro#ens2are !ro+a+l$ also essenial fors!er"io#enesis

    5. Gro*( 3or"one2 is necessar$ for conrollin#+ac6#ro&nd "ea+olic f&ncions of (e eses.

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    Mat!ration of te Sperm in teEpi#i#$mis)Afer (e for"aion in (e se"inifero&s &+&le/

    (e s!er" re7&ire se'eral da$s o !ass (e 8"lon# &+&le of (e e!idid$"is.

    )Afer (e s!er" (a'e +een in (e e!idid$"is for

    192%4 (o&rs/ (e$ de'elo! (e ca!a+ili$ of"oili$.

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    Storage of Sperm in te Testes

    ) T(e eses of (e (&"an ad&l for" &! o 1%:"illion s!er" eac( da$.

    )A s"all 7&ani$ can +e sored in (e e!idid$"isand "os are sored in (e 'as deferens.

    ) ;&rin# (is i"e/ (e$ are 6e! in a dee!l$s&!!ressed/ inaci'e sae +$ "&li!le in(i+ior$

    s&+sances.) Con'ersel$/ *i( a (i#( le'el of sex&al aci'i$

    and e

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    )Afer e

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    P$siolog$ of te Mat!re Sperm

    ) T(e nor"al "oile ferile s!er" are ca!a+lefla#ellaed "o'e"en (ro( (e fl&id "edi&"a 'elociies of 124 "","in.

    ) T(e aci'i$ of (e s!er" increases "ar6edl$*i( increasin# e"!era&re/ +& so does (e rae

    of "ea+olis".) Life ex!ecanc$ of e

  • 8/9/2019 Spermatogenesis and Fertilization


    F!nction of te Seminal %esicles

    ) T(e se"inal 'esicles secree a "&coid "aerialconainin# an a+&ndance of fr&cose/ ciric acid/and o(er n&riens s&+sances/ as *ell as lar#e7&aniies of !risa#landins and fi+rino#en.

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    F!nction of te Prostate Glan#

    ) T(e !rosae #land secrees (in/ "il6$ fl&id (aconains calci&"/ cirae ion/ !(os!(ae ion/ a

    cloin# en$"e / and a !rofi+rinol$sin.)A sli#(l$ al6aline c(aracerisic of (e !rosaic

    fl&id "a$ +e 7&ie i"!oran for s&ccessf&lferiliaion of (e o'&" +eca&se (e fl&id of (e

    'as deferens is relai'el$ acidic o*in# o (e!resence of ciric acid and "ea+olic end!rod&cs of (e s!er"/ and conse7&enl$/ (el!so in(i+i s!er" ferili$.

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    ) Se"en/ *(ic( is e

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    &apacitation of Spermato'oa IsRe(!ire# for Fertili'ation of te O)!m)Al(o( s!er"aooa are said o +e ="a&re>*(en (e$ lea'e (e e!idid$"is/ (eir aci'i$ is

    (eld in c(ec6 +$ "&li!le in(i+ior$ facorssecreed +$ (e #enial d&c e!i(elia.

    ) T(erefore/ *(en (e$ are firs ex!elled in (ese"en/ (e$ are &na+le o ferilie (e o'&".

    ) 3o*e'er/ on co"in# in conac *i( (e fl&ids of(e fe"ale #enial rac/ "&li!le c(an#es occ&r(a aci'ae (e s!er" for (e final !rocess offeriliaion.

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    ) C(an#es0

    1. T(e &erine and fallo!ian &+e fl&ids *as( a*a$(e 'ario&s in(i+ior$ facors (a s&!!resss!er" aci'i$ in (e "ale #enial d&cs.

    %. C(oleserol is conin&all$ added o (e cell&lar"e"+rane co'erin# (e s!er" acroso"e.

    -. T(e "e"+rane of s!er" also +eco"es "&c("ore !er"ea+le o calci&" ions.

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  • 8/9/2019 Spermatogenesis and Fertilization


    ) Nex/ (e enire acroso"e re!idl$ dissol'es andall (e acroso"al en$"es are released.

    )?i(in "in&es/ (ese en$"es o!en a!enerain# !a(*a$ for !assa#e of s!er" (ead(ro( (e ona !ell&cida o (e inside of (eo'&".

    )?i(in ano(er -: "in&es/ (e cell "e"+ranesof (e s!er" (ead and of (e ooc$e f&se *i(eac( o(er o for" a sin#le cell.

    )A (e sa"e i"e/ (e #eneic "aerial of (es!er" and (e ooc$e co"+ine o for" aco"!leel$ ne* cell #eno"e222Fertilization.

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    -$ Does Onl$ One Sperm Enterte Ooc$te.

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    ) Tex+oo6 of Medical P($siolo#$ +$ G&$on and3all 1%(ediion

    ) Co"!re(ensi'e G$necolo#$ 5(ediion +$ @a/Len/ Lo+o and Gers(enson

    ) Cell iolo#$ and 3isolo#$ RS 4(ed.

    ) E"+r$olo#$ RS -rd


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