Spelling word L7


Transcript of Spelling word L7

Page 1: Spelling word L7


Page 2: Spelling word L7

1. earth: Corn grew in the rich earth.

Page 3: Spelling word L7

2. peer: Microscopes let us peer at cells.

Page 4: Spelling word L7

3. twirl: I will twirl the rope for Susan.

Page 5: Spelling word L7

4. burnt: A burnt smell filled the air

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5. smear: I got a smear of paint on my shirt.

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6. further: Practice will further your skills.

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7. appear: They appear to be happy.

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8. worthwhile: Winning made my effort


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9. nerve: Lori had the nerve to dive in.

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10. pier: Marco tied his boat to the pier.

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11. squirm: The dog may squirm under the fence.

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12. weary: The weary hikers rested.

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13. alert: Rangers stay alert for fires.

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14. murmur: I listened to the murmur of water.

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15. thirsty: Drink water if you´re thirsty.

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16. reverse: To get home, reverse the direction.

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17. worship: We visited a temple of worship.

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18. career: Journalism may lead to a career.

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19. research: Scientists do research in labs.

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20. volunteer: People who volunteer are not
