SPECTRUM Report Gateway User Guide...

SPECTRUM ® Report Gateway User Guide (5141) r9.0

Transcript of SPECTRUM Report Gateway User Guide...


Report Gateway User Guide (5141) r9.0

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<$SPECROOT> Navigate to <$SPECROOT>/app-defaults

Element Convention Used Example

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Chapter 1: Introduction 9 About Report Gateway ......................................................................... 9 Round Robin Databases ........................................................................ 9 Report Gateway Operation .................................................................... 10 Sync_SRG ................................................................................... 11

Chapter 2: Installation, Configuration, and Uninstallation 13 General Recommendations and Requirements .................................................. 13 Report Gateway Requirements ................................................................ 13 Install Report Gateway........................................................................ 14 Report Gateway Upgrades..................................................................... 16 Report Gateway Configuration................................................................. 16

SSLogger Configuration ................................................................... 16 Prerequisites ............................................................................. 18 Set Up Report Gateway on a Stand-alone Windows Computer................................ 18 Set Up Report Gateway on a Stand-alone Linux or Solaris Computer ......................... 20 Initial File Creation........................................................................ 22 Configure Data Grapher ................................................................... 22

Core Report Gateway Files .................................................................... 24 Report Gateway User Interface Security........................................................ 25

Configure Report Gateway User IDs and Passwords ......................................... 25 Implement Advanced Security ............................................................. 26

Uninstall Report Gateway on Linux and Solaris.................................................. 32 Uninstall Report Gateway on Windows ......................................................... 32

Chapter 3: Report Gateway Configuration 35 The SRG.conf File............................................................................. 35

SSLogger and SRG.conf ................................................................... 35 SRG.conf Configuration File Example ....................................................... 36

Configuration Parameter Definitions............................................................ 38 SSLOGGER FILE .......................................................................... 39 REMOTE LOCATION ....................................................................... 39 REMOTE COMPUTER ...................................................................... 39 FTP USER NAME .......................................................................... 39 FTP PASSWORD .......................................................................... 40 MODEL FILE .............................................................................. 41

Contents 5

SSLOGGER DAT .......................................................................... 41 GLOBAL STEP............................................................................. 41 UNIQUE STEP............................................................................. 42 <data source name (attribute name)> & <data source type>:heartbeat:min:max ............ 42 RRA:CF:xff:steps:rows .................................................................... 43 xff ....................................................................................... 43 TIME OVERLAP ........................................................................... 44 COPY FILES .............................................................................. 44 TO LOCATION ............................................................................ 44 SSLOGGER FILE TIMEOUT ................................................................. 44 STALE RRD TIMEOUT ..................................................................... 45 ENABLE GLOBAL TREND................................................................... 45 ENABLE UNIQUE TREND................................................................... 46 TREND SCOPE ............................................................................ 46 TREND FORECAST ........................................................................ 47 FORECAST SCOPE ........................................................................ 47

OneClick and Report Gateway on the Same Host................................................ 48

Chapter 4: Creating Graphical Reports 49 Open the Report Gateway User Interface....................................................... 49 Generate and View Reports ................................................................... 49

View Top N Reports ....................................................................... 51 Save a Report Tree ....................................................................... 51

The Report Template File...................................................................... 51 Title Tag ................................................................................. 54 Vertical Label Tag......................................................................... 54 Change Report Size Tags .................................................................. 54 Set Watermark Coordinate Tags ........................................................... 55 Add Y-Axis Boundary Tags................................................................. 55 Change Color Scheme Tags................................................................ 55 Add a Horizontal Rule Tag ................................................................. 56 Add Strings to a Legend Tag............................................................... 56 Define Data Source Tags .................................................................. 56 Custom Calculation Definitions............................................................. 57 Display CDEFs and Data Source Tags....................................................... 57 Trend Data Tags .......................................................................... 58 Time Tag................................................................................. 58

Adhoc Reports................................................................................ 58

Chapter 5: Report Gateway and Service Performance Manager 61 Report Gateway for Service Performance Manager (SRG_SPM) .................................. 61

6 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

Installation and Setup ........................................................................ 62 Recommended Data Logging Configuration Parameters...................................... 62 Data Miner Prerequisites .................................................................. 62 Configure Report Gateway for Service Performance Manager on Windows .................... 63 Configure Report Gateway for Service Performance Manager on Linux and Solaris............. 64

Chapter 6: Report Gateway and Quality of Service (QoS) Manager 67 Report Gateway for QoS Manager (SRG_QOS).................................................. 67 Installation and Setup ........................................................................ 68

Recommended Data Logging Configuration Parameter....................................... 68 Data Miner Prerequisites .................................................................. 68 Configure Report Gateway for QoS Manager on Windows .................................... 68 Configure Report Gateway for QoS Manager on Linux and Solaris ............................ 70

Add Traffic Class Reports...................................................................... 71

Chapter 7: Troubleshooting 73 Data Does Not Exist for TREND SCOPE ......................................................... 73 Graph Data is Blank Even Though Trend_<rrd> File Was Built ................................... 73 Cannot Find a List of Valid Data-Source Names to Use for UNIQUE TREND Values................. 74 Broken Image Links Appear in Report Preview .................................................. 76

Start and Stop the Apache Server on Solaris and Linux...................................... 76 Start and Stop the Apache Server on Windows.............................................. 76

Appendix A: SRG_SPM.conf File Example 79 SRG_SPM.conf File Example................................................................... 79 Configuration Parameter Definitions............................................................ 80

SPM EXPORT DATA FILE................................................................... 80 REMOTE LOCATION ....................................................................... 80 REMOTE COMPUTER ...................................................................... 81 FTP USER NAME .......................................................................... 81 FTP PASSWORD .......................................................................... 81 RRA...................................................................................... 82 COPY FILES .............................................................................. 82 TO LOCATION ............................................................................ 82

Appendix B: SRG_QOS.conf File Example 83 SRG_QOS.conf File Example................................................................... 83 Configuration Parameter Definitions............................................................ 84

QOS EXPORT DATA FILE................................................................... 84

Contents 7

8 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

REMOTE LOCATION ....................................................................... 84 REMOTE COMPUTER ...................................................................... 85 FTP USER NAME .......................................................................... 85 FTP PASSWORD .......................................................................... 85 RRA...................................................................................... 86 COPY FILES .............................................................................. 86 TO LOCATION ............................................................................ 86

Appendix C: Configuration Examples 87 SSLogger Models File (First Configuration Example)............................................. 87 sslogger.dat File (First Configuration Example) ................................................. 88 SRG.conf File (First Configuration Example) .................................................... 89 SSLogger Models File (Second Configuration Example) .......................................... 91 sslogger.dat File (Second Configuration Example)............................................... 91 SRG.conf File (Second Configuration Example) ................................................. 92 SSLogger Models File (Third Configuration Example) ............................................ 93 sslogger.dat File (Third Configuration Example)................................................. 94 SRG.conf File (Third Configuration Example) ................................................... 94

Index 97

Chapter 1: Introduction

This section contains the following topics:

About Report Gateway (see page 9) Round Robin Databases (see page 9) Report Gateway Operation (see page 10) Sync_SRG (see page 11)

About Report Gateway Report Gateway creates Round Robin Databases (RRDs) based on SSLogger configuration and data files.

The SPECTRUM SSLogger tool is a SPECTRUM command-line application that works in tandem with the SpectroSERVER. The SSLogger tool polls network devices and logs the polled data to files that are suitable for import into databases and reporting systems. Because SSLogger records data to flat files with hexadecimal notation, these files can become very large and difficult to analyze without efficient means of archiving and reporting.

CA provides an end-to-end solution to this problem with Report Gateway, by building a gateway to convert and archive raw SSLogger data into RRDs. Report Gateway uses SSLogger as its data-collection engine, RRDtool as a means of efficient SpectroSERVER data storage (RRD creation), and SRG's browser-based interface to graph the resulting data sets.

Note: RRDtool is an open-source application (available under the terms of the GNU General Public License) installed with Report Gateway. This and other referenced open-source products are not designed, developed, or supported by CA.

Round Robin Databases A Round Robin Database (RRD) is a system of storing and displaying time-series data, such as network bandwidth, router CPU, average server load, and so on. An RRD stores data in a compact way that does not expand over time, and can present useful graphs by processing the data to enforce data density.

Chapter 1: Introduction 9

Report Gateway Operation

Report Gateway Operation Report Gateway creates round robin databases based on the SSLogger configuration and raw data files. Once SSLogger is properly configured and running, the Report Gateway only needs READ access to (or access to copies of) the SSLogger configuration and raw data files.

Report Gateway reads the SSLogger configuration files (the model and sslogger.dat files) to convert hexadecimal model handles and attribute IDs to model names and attribute names respectively, before creating and populating the RRDs. This is done so that all data sources (attributes) in the RRDs have understandable names instead of hexadecimal values. Report Gateway also reads the Report Gateway configuration file at runtime (SRG.conf). This file can be used to customize RRD database configurations. Report Gateway calls RRDTool when creating, updating, and/or accessing any RRD.

When Report Gateway is run for the first time, it creates an RRD for each device or port listed in the SSLogger models file. On subsequent runs, it simply updates the existing RRDs, or if any new models or data sources are found in the models, sslogger.dat, SRG.conf file, and/or in the SSLog.log raw data file, Report Gateway dynamically creates/adds the new RRD/data source to the appropriate RRD.

Scheduling Report Gateway to update all RRDs with new SSLogger data can be done on Windows, Linux, and Solaris by setting the on_rotate_execute parameter in the SSLogger.dat file. You can also schedule Report Gateway updates by using a cron job on Solaris and Linux or by setting up a scheduled task on Windows. At the end of each RRD update, Report Gateway records information to a series of log files (.SRG_history) indicating the work completed and any error messages. This verifies which SSLogger files have been archived into RRDs.

Report Gateway can perform trend calculations based on historical data. That is, Report Gateway can mine historical data from specified data sources or RRD files, average the retrieved values, and store the results in newly created RRD files. This trend data can be graphed with current, real-time data for quantitative analysis and comparison based on historical trends.

10 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)


Chapter 1: Introduction 11

Sync_SRG Sync_SRG is a command line tool developed to dynamically synchronize models and data collected by SSLogger within OneClick. Sync_SRG also lets you administer the models, about which you want to collect statistical data, through the Global Collection mechanism. Because Report Gateway and the Report Gateway UI is primarily based on the contents of the SSLogger models file, keeping this file current helps ensure that all Report Gateway reports are current. This is much easier than having to manually edit the models file or use SSLoggerConfig every time you collect stat data against new models.

Chapter 2: Installation, Configuration, and Uninstallation

This section contains the following topics:

General Recommendations and Requirements (see page 13) Report Gateway Requirements (see page 13) Install Report Gateway (see page 14) Report Gateway Upgrades (see page 16) Report Gateway Configuration (see page 16) Core Report Gateway Files (see page 24) Report Gateway User Interface Security (see page 25) Uninstall Report Gateway on Linux and Solaris (see page 32) Uninstall Report Gateway on Windows (see page 32)

General Recommendations and Requirements We recommend installing OneClick and Report Gateway on the same stand-alone computer to avoid excess load on the SpectroSERVER. This also provides a single location to store and archive old SSLogger data files. This computer must have access to the SPECTRUM SSLogger computer as well as the SSLogger raw data files.

Report Gateway Requirements This section lists the requirements for installing Report Gateway on a dedicated computer. For more precise system requirements specific to your service assurance needs, please contact your CA technical representative or authorized CA Channel Partner.

The following table shows Report Gateway requirements on Solaris:

Component Requirement

Operating System Solaris 9 or 10

Processor UltraSparc Series 400MHz or higher

Free Hard Disk Space 10 GB

RAM 512 MB

Chapter 2: Installation, Configuration, and Uninstallation 13

Install Report Gateway

The following table shows Report Gateway requirements on Linux:

Component Requirement

Operating System Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Version 3, Update 6 or greater

Processor 800 MHz Pentium III

Free Hard Disk Space 10 GB

RAM 512 MB

The following table shows Report Gateway requirements on Windows:

Component Requirement

Operating System Windows 2003 Server

Processor 800 MHz Pentium III

Free Hard Disk Space 10 GB

RAM 512 MB

Install Report Gateway You can install Report Gateway on Solaris, and Linux, and Windows.

To install Report Gateway

1. Download the Report Gateway installation kit from http://support.concord.com.

2. On Solaris and Linux, log in as root and ensure that the root user has display permissions (use xhost to set permissions). On Windows, log in as administrator or as a user in the administrators group (you cannot be a Domain Administrator).

3. Run the following command from the directory you downloaded the Report Gateway kit to:

■ On Solaris and Linux: Type install.bin and click ENTER to start the installation.

■ On Windows: Double-click Install.exe to start the installation.

The Introduction page appears.

4. Click Next and on the License Agreement page that appears, accept the agreement, and click Next.

The Choose Install Folder page appears.

14 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

Install Report Gateway

5. Enter, or browse to, the location where you want to install Report Gateway, and click Install.

Note: Spaces are not allowed in directory names. The default directory for Solaris/Linux is /usr/SPECTRUM and the default directory for Windows is C:\win32app\SPECTRUM. This guide refers to the installation location as <srgRoot>.

The SPECTRUM Report Gateway Port Number page appears.

6. Enter the HTTP port number to be used by Report Gateway's Apache Web server and click Next.

Note: The default port number is 80. If you already assigned 80 to another application such as another web server, you can change the default setting to any port number greater than 1024 (excluding 8005, 8008, and 8443, which are reserved).

The SPECTRUM Report Gateway Configuration page appears.

7. If you want to access a particular OneClick server using the links provided in Report Gateway, enter the name of the OneClick server host and the HTTP port number its Tomcat Web server uses, and click Next.

The Ownership of Files (Linux and Solaris only) page appears.

8. In the User ID field, enter the ID of the user who installed SPECTRUM (the initial SPECTRUM user) and click Next.

The installation runs and the Install Complete page appears.

9. Click Done.

Report Gateway is installed.

Note: If you installed SPECTRUM and SSLogger on one computer of a given platform (for example, Solaris) and you want to install just the Report Gateway components on a separate computer running a different operating system (for example, Windows), contact Support for the necessary SRG.exe file.

Chapter 2: Installation, Configuration, and Uninstallation 15

Report Gateway Upgrades

Report Gateway Upgrades When you upgrade Report Gateway, the files template, access.xml, SRG_Configure.conf (all found in <$SPECROOT>\WebApps\Report_Gateway), and httpd.conf (found in <$SPECROOT>\WebApps\Report_Gateway\Apache\conf) are backed up to preserve any customization you might have done with Report Gateway. The backup files let you restore your custom configuration. The backup files, stored in the same directory as the original files, are named with the upgrade date and time included. For example, if you upgraded Report Gateway on the morning of December 03, 2007, the backed up Template file is named Template.200712030807.

Note: We recommend you install new versions of Report Gateway to the default location. However, if you must install the newer version of Report Gateway to a different location, do the following:

■ Manually copy the backup files to the same directories in the new Report Gateway location.

■ Uninstall the previous version of Report Gateway.

Report Gateway Configuration The following components are required to complete an end-to-end implementation of Report Gateway:

■ A properly configured and running SSLogger.

■ A properly installed and scheduled Report Gateway using RRDTool.

■ A properly installed and configured Report Gateway user interface.

■ A properly installed and configured Sync_SRG.

SSLogger Configuration

You can use the file sample.dat (found in <$SPECROOT>\SSLOGGER) that is included with SSLogger and comes pre-configured, to collect attributes.

The following table shows the attributes collected:

Model Type Attribute

Rtr_Cisco avgBusy1, avgBusy5, MemPoolUsed, MemPoolFree

XPedSwRtr CPU_Utilization_1

RstoneSwRtr CPU_Utilization_1

16 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

Report Gateway Configuration

Chapter 2: Installation, Configuration, and Uninstallation 17

Model Type Attribute

Gen_IF_Port ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifSpeed

CAT_IF_Port ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifSpeed

Serial_IF_Port ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifSpeed

FrameRelayPort ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifSpeed

DLCI_Port ReceivedOctets, SentOctets

The default Report Gateway Template file contains sample reports that include the attributes for the model types listed in the table. No modification of the Template file is necessary if these are the only attributes you set for collection in SSLogger. Otherwise, use the following settings to configure SSLogger using the sslogger.dat file:

■ The recommended minimum poll interval for all attributes is 300 seconds. Polling data for more than 5 minutes frequently may result in degraded SpectroSERVER performance. Set all attributes to poll at the same interval, that is, 300 seconds.

■ Configure SSLogger to create a new log file every five minutes. Do this by adding the following line to the end of the sslogger.dat file:

Rotate_log_interval: .05

Note: The Rotate_log_interval must be less than or equal to the lowest value of both UNIQUE STEP and GLOBAL STEP for trending to work properly. For more information on Rotate_log_interval, see the SSLogger User Guide (5071).

■ Ensure that SSLogger is configured to collect Device and/or List attributes as described in the SSLogger User Guide (5071).

Note: Report Gateway does not support Port level attributes as described in the SSLogger User Guide (5071). To log specific ports and associated attributes, add the required port model handles to the SSLogger models file. See the sslogger.dat and model files examples.

■ Whenever possible, configure SSLogger to collect single-instance attributes for each model type. For example, instead of collecting ifInOctets and ifOutOctets at the device level (i.e. at the Rtr_Cisco model type), simply collect these attributes on the port model level (e.g. Gen_IF_Port or Serial_IF_Port). Doing so lets you take advantage of the parent-child logic built into Report Gateway, without having to define attributes in your Template file with specific instances.

■ You should limit statistics collected on device model types to general device statistics such as CPU and memory utilization. All other attributes can be collected on port or application models.

Report Gateway Configuration


When running Report Gateway on a different host than the SpectroSERVER (as recommended), FTP access may be required to the SpectroSERVER computer running SSLogger. FTP access is necessary only when mapping or mounting a remote directory is not possible, or when the SpectroSERVER and Report Gateway are running on different platforms.

Set Up Report Gateway on a Stand-alone Windows Computer

You can set up Report Gateway on a stand-alone Windows computer.

To set up Report Gateway on a stand-alone Windows computer

1. Edit the SRG.conf file and set all flags relevant to your environment. See Configuration Parameter Definitions (see page 38) for details of configuration parameters in the SRG.conf file.

2. If you want to encrypt your FTP password using DES 64-bit encryption, run the following command:

command prompt> SRG.exe encrypt

The password in the SRG.conf file is encrypted and the following changes occur in the SRG.conf file:

■ Unencrypted: FTP PASSWORD = sample_password

■ Encrypted: FTP PASSWORD (encrypted) = 52616e646f6d49562c0316685f967726a6d8cc5b547708eb

18 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

Report Gateway Configuration

3. If you want to encrypt your FTP password using FIPS 140-2 compliant AES 128-bit encryption, run the following command:

command prompt> SRG.exe FIPSencrypt

The password in the SRG.conf file is encrypted and the following changes occur in the SRG.conf file:

■ Unencrypted: FTP PASSWORD = sample_password

■ Encrypted: FTP PASSWORD (FIPSencrypted) = \uFD72\u4A5C\u443C\uE34C\u47A0\uFC84\uFF23\uFD2C\u8AA3\uFCE9\u13D5\u20AA\u0F12\u1DA5\u949A\u2B7E

Note: If you are using the FIPSencrypt method, you must set JAVA_HOME in the SRG.conf file or in your environment. If Report Gateway and SPECTRUM are installed on the same computer, you can use the <$SPECROOT>/Java/jre path for JAVA_HOME.

4. Once configuration is complete and SSLogger has collected data for over one hour, test your Report Gateway configuration by running it at the command prompt:

command prompt> cd <$SPECROOT>\SSLOGGER\SRG

command prompt> SRG.exe

Note: If errors occur in the Report Gateway output, eliminate them before proceeding to the next Step 6. Typically, errors occur due to configuration issues.

After fixing configuration parameters, remove all history and RRD files by entering the following commands:

command prompt> cd <$SPECROOT>\SSLOGGER\SRG

command prompt> del .*

command prompt> del *.rrd

5. Retest Report Gateway by repeating Step 4.

6. After SSLogger has collected data for a minimum of one full hour, schedule SRG.exe to run every hour to update all RRDs with data collected by SSLogger by doing the following:

a. Ensure that the Windows Task Scheduler service is started, and then double-click the Scheduled Tasks icon in Control Panel.

b. Double-click the Add Scheduled Task icon to open the Scheduled Task Wizard, and click Next. Browse to find your SRG.exe file.

Chapter 2: Installation, Configuration, and Uninstallation 19

Report Gateway Configuration

c. Set the task to run daily and click Next twice until you are at the user name/password screen.

d. Click Next, select the option Open Advanced Properties, and click Finish.

e. In the Task tab, enter the full command line in the Run field. Your command line should look like the following:


f. Select the Schedule tab and click Advanced. Select the Repeat Task check box and set it to repeat every 1 hour, changing Duration to 24 hours. Click OK to close the Advanced Schedule Options dialog box.

g. Click OK.

Report Gateway is set up.

Set Up Report Gateway on a Stand-alone Linux or Solaris Computer

You can set up Report Gateway on a stand-alone Linux or Solaris computer.

To set up Report Gateway on a stand-alone Linux or Solaris computer

1. Edit the SRG.conf file and set all flags to your specific environment. See Configuration Parameter Definitions (see page 38) for details of all configuration parameters in the SRG.conf file.

2. If you want to encrypt your FTP password using DES 64-bit encryption, run the following command:

shell> ./SRG encrypt

The password in the SRG.conf file is encrypted and the following changes occur in the SRG.conf file:

■ Unencrypted: FTP PASSWORD = sample_password

■ Encrypted: FTP PASSWORD (encrypted) = 52616e646f6d49562c0316685f967726a6d8cc5b547708eb

20 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

Report Gateway Configuration

3. If you want to encrypt your FTP password using FIPS 140-2 compliant AES 128-bit encryption, run the following command:

shell> ./SRG FIPSencrypt

The password in the SRG.conf file is encrypted and the following changes occur in the SRG.conf file:

■ Unencrypted: FTP PASSWORD = sample_password

■ Encrypted: FTP PASSWORD (FIPSencrypted) = \uFD72\u4A5C\u443C\uE34C\u47A0\uFC84\uFF23\uFD2C\u8AA3\uFCE9\u13D5\u20AA\u0F12\u1DA5\u949A\u2B7E

Note: If you are using the FIPSencrypt method, you must set JAVA_HOME in the SRG.conf file or in your environment. If Report Gateway and SPECTRUM are installed on the same computer, you can use the <$SPECROOT>/Java/jre path for JAVA_HOME.

4. Once configuration is complete and SSLogger has collected data for over one hour, test your Report Gateway configuration by running it at the command prompt:


shell> ./SRG

Note: If errors occur in the Report Gateway output, eliminate them before proceeding to Step 6. Typically, errors occur due to configuration issues.

After fixing configuration parameters, remove all history and RRD files by entering the following commands::


shell> rm .*

shell> rm *.rrd

5. Retest SRG by repeating Step 4.

6. After SSLogger has collected data for a minimum of one full hour, schedule Report Gateway to run every hour to update all RRDs with data collected by SSLogger. This can be done through a cron job, as follows:

a. Navigate to /var/spool/cron/crontabs and edit the appropriate cron file for the user that will be running Report Gateway. For example, add the following line to the bottom of the 'root' file:

05 * * * * cd <srgRoot>/WebApps/Report_Gateway/SRG;


b. Save the file and reset the root cron by entering the following command:

shell> crontab root

Report Gateway now updates all RRDs at five minutes past every hour.

Report Gateway is set up.

Chapter 2: Installation, Configuration, and Uninstallation 21

Report Gateway Configuration

Initial File Creation

The first time Report Gateway is executed, it creates RRDs, inserts data into the RRDs, and generates a series of history files, all in the local directory.

Important! When Report Gateway is configured and running normally on a scheduled basis, these files should not be edited or removed. Doing so can corrupt Report Gateway.

The history files include the following:


Contains the name of the raw SSLogger log file (or group of files) read by Report Gateway since the last run of Report Gateway. This file is overwritten at each scheduled run of Report Gateway.


Contains a history of raw SSLogger log files converted in RRD format with date and time stamp.


Contains post-converted data used to update all RRDs. This file is overwritten at each scheduled run of Report Gateway.


For every RRD created by Report Gateway, a corresponding "." (dot) file is created. These files contain the data sources configured for each RRD. Report Gateway references these files to determine when a new data source (attribute) is found and to dynamically insert the new data sources into the RRD.

Configure Data Grapher

You can set up the Report Gateway graphical reporting utility on Windows, Linux, and Solaris platforms.

To configure the Report Gateway graphical reporting utility for Windows, Linux, and Solaris

1. Open the SRG_Configure.conf file, located in the <srgRoot>/WebApps/Report_Gateway directory.

2. Using the ampersand (&) as the delimiting character, set the SRGDIR variable to the correct path to the directory containing your RRD files, the full path and name of the SSLogger models file, and the desired name for the branch.

22 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

Report Gateway Configuration

For example:

<Path to RRD Directory>&<$SPECROOT>/SSLOGGER/

models&<branch name>

3. If you have configured multiple instances of Report Gateway for a distributed SPECTRUM environment, add another SRGDIR variable immediately below the first one.

4. If you have SRG_SPM configured, uncomment the SPMDIR variable and set the appropriate path to your SPM RRD files and desired branch name.

Important: You can either mount the SpectroSERVER computer to gain access to the SSLogger models file or copy the file to the dedicated Report Gateway computer. If you copy the file to the dedicated computer, keep it synched up with the file on the SpectroSERVER host.

The graphical reporting utility is set up.

Graphical Reporting Configuration Settings

he following table shows the graphical reporting configuration settings:

Variable Name


WEBDIR Root Apache directory.

OUTPUTDIR Destination directory for all report images. Assumes the root path of WEBDIR.

LOGO Location of watermark image to be used for all reports. Assumes the root path of WEBDIR. Any image reference here must be in .png format.

OPACITY Opacity setting for watermark image. A value of 0 is invisible while a value of 100 is completely opaque (solid).

XPOS X-coordinate (in pixels) for the location of watermark image on report.

YPOS Y-coordinate (in pixels) for the location of watermark image on report.

TEMPLATE Location of Template file used for report formatting.

ACCESSXML Location and name of Top N report template.

WEBSERVER Host name of the Report Gateway system. If an HTTP port other than 80 is used, set the port number here as well, for example, Spectrum:8080.

ONECLICK Hostname of the OneClick Web server.

Chapter 2: Installation, Configuration, and Uninstallation 23

Core Report Gateway Files

24 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

Variable Name


SRGDIR Full path to directory containing all RRDs, full path and name of the models file, and desired name of branch - all delimited by the ampersand. If multiple instances of Report Gateway are running on the Report Gateway system, simply add an instance of each using additional SRGDIR variables.

SPMDIR Full path to the directory containing all SRG_SPM RRDs and the desired branch name - delimited by an ampersand.


Full path to the directory containing all SRG_QOS RRDs and the desired branch name - delimited by an ampersand.

Core Report Gateway Files The following table shows the core files that make up Report Gateway:

Component Description

SpecRRD.pm The perl-module that is the brains behind the Report Gateway front-end.

GD.pm The perl-module that enables the image watermarking feature.

CGI.pm The perl-module that enables execution of perl-cgi code.

RRDs.pm The perl-module that interfaces with RRDTool.

main.cgi Creates new report trees or loads from a previously saved tree.

srg_reports.cgi Generates the report tree from which to select reports.

zoom.cgi Called by srg_reports.cgi and generates detailed report information.

expand.cgi Called by srg_reports.cgi and generates daily, monthly, yearly reports.

Template The main template file for creating reports.

access.xml The .xml file used to configure top-n reports, custom groups, and access.

SRG_Express.conf The central configuration file for all directory paths, settings, etc. for Report Gateway.

Report Gateway User Interface Security

Report Gateway User Interface Security Report Gateway lets you set multiple levels of user security, using Apache authentication. You grant partial or full access to the interface by setting access tags in the access.xml file located in <srgRoot>/WebApps/Report_Gateway.

Note: The user security described in this guide is completely independent of OneClick user security.

Configure Report Gateway User IDs and Passwords

Only users with valid Report Gateway user names and passwords can access the Report Gateway user interface. The following procedure explains how to set up this basic aspect of user security, without modifying the access.xml file.

You can configure Report Gateway user IDs and passwords.

To configure Report Gateway user IDs and passwords

1. Create a password file that contains all required user names and encrypted passwords by doing the following:

a. Navigate to the <srgRoot>/WebApps/Report_Gateway/Apache/cgi-bin directory from a command prompt.

b. Run the following command to create the password file and add a user name:

command prompt>..\bin\htpasswd -c .htpasswd <new user>

c. Enter a password for the user.

Repeat Steps b and c for each user that requires Report Gateway access.

Important: Do not use the -c option in adding subsequent users, because it recreates the .htpasswd file instead of appending the new user and password to the existing file.

2. Edit <srgRoot>/WebApps/Report_Gateway/Apache/conf/httpd.conf by adding the following lines to the bottom of the file:

<Directory <srgRoot>/WebApps/Report_Gateway/Apache/


AuthType Basic

AuthName "SPECTRUM Report Gateway Login"

AuthUserFile <srgRoot>/WebApps/Report_Gateway/Apache/


Require valid-user


Chapter 2: Installation, Configuration, and Uninstallation 25

Report Gateway User Interface Security

3. Save the httpd.conf file, restart Apache for the changes to take effect and for users to be prompted for a password (see Stopping and Starting the Apache Server).

SRG User IDs and passwords are configured.

Implement Advanced Security

You can implement advanced Report Gateway user security by modifying the access.xml file, located in <srgRoot>/WebApps/Report_Gateway.

Important: You must have implemented basic security (that is, configured users and passwords) before you can complete the steps in the following examples.

Advanced Report Gateway user security lets you restrict the report tree options available to the user from the main.cgi page.

Note: By default, all report tree types are available on the left side of the Report Gateway Tree Builder page.

26 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

Report Gateway User Interface Security

The following procedure describes how to disable all but the Top N reports from the Report Tree Builder page.

To disable all but the Top N Reports from the Report Tree Builder page

1. Open the access.xml file for editing.

2. Locate the <custom-reports> tag in the file:





<user name='userA'/>

<user name='userB'/>








<user name='userA'/>

<user name='userB'/>








<user name='userA'/>

<user name='userB'/>








<user name='userA'/>

<user name='userB'/>






Chapter 2: Installation, Configuration, and Uninstallation 27

Report Gateway User Interface Security



<user name='userA'/>

<user name='userB'/>




Each block of XML represents a report tree listed on the Report Tree Builder page.

3. Replace all instances of userA with one of the users you configured in the section Configure Report Gateway User IDs and Passwords (see page 25) and save the changes.

4. Open http://<hostname>:<portnumber>/cgi-bin/main.cgi in a web browser and log in to Report Gateway as the user from Step 3.

5. Report Gateway displays only the Top N Reports option.

<Deny> and <Allow> Tags

The <deny> and <allow> tags can be used interchangeably. For example, you can allow access to all users by default and then restrict access for a select few users. If you want to deny access to all users by default, and then grant access to particular users, simply change the value in the <default> tag to deny and use the <allow> tag to grant access.

28 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

Report Gateway User Interface Security

Example: Denying and Allowing Access

The following example illustrates how to deny and allow access.

Note: The changes are in bold.





<user name='userA'/>

<user name='userB'/>








<user name='userA'/>

<user name='userB'/>




Example: Restricting Custom Groups

By default, a user can view any reports configured in the Custom Groups report tree. The following procedure demonstrates how to restrict access to custom report groups.

1. Open the access.xml file for editing.

Chapter 2: Installation, Configuration, and Uninstallation 29

Report Gateway User Interface Security

2. Locate the <custom-groups> tag in the file:

<!-- BEGIN: Define custom report branches -->





<user name='userA'/>

<user name='userB'/>



<branch name='Test Branch1'>

<group name='Core Routers'>

<model name=''


thumb='{MNAME} CPU Utilization'/>

<model name=''


thumb='{MNAME} CPU Utilization'/>



<branch name='Test Branch2'>

<group name='Edge Routers'>

<model name =''


thumb='{MNAME} CPU Utilization'/>

<model name =''


thumb='{MNAME} CPU Utilization'/>



<branch name='Test Branch3'>

<group name='Branch Routers'>

<model regex ='^10.253.180'


thumb='{MNAME} CPU Utilization'/>

<model regex ='AMT-BRANCH.*'


thumb='{MNAME} CPU Utilization'/>




<!-- END: Define custom report branches -->

30 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

Report Gateway User Interface Security

3. Place <access> tags after each branch declaration and use the <deny> tag to restrict access (see additions to the XML in bold).

<!-- BEGIN: Define custom report branches -->





<user name='userA'/>

<user name='userB'/>



<branch name='Test Branch1'>




<user name='<user name>'/>

<user name='userB'/>



<group name='Core Routers'>

<model name=''


thumb='{MNAME} CPU Utilization'/>

<model name=''


thumb='{MNAME} CPU Utilization'/>



<branch name='Test Branch2'>




<user name='<user name>'/>

<user name='userB'/>



<group name='Edge Routers'>

<model name =''


thumb='{MNAME} CPU Utilization'/>

<model name =''


thumb='{MNAME} CPU Utilization'/>



<branch name='Test Branch3'>

<group name='Branch Routers'>

<model regex ='^10.253.180'


Chapter 2: Installation, Configuration, and Uninstallation 31

Uninstall Report Gateway on Linux and Solaris

thumb='{MNAME} CPU Utilization'/>

<model regex ='AMT-BRANCH.*'


thumb='{MNAME} CPU Utilization'/>




<!-- END: Define custom report branches -->

4. Save the changes and log in to Report Gateway as a user denied access in Step 3.

5. Select the Custom Groups check box and click Generate Report Tree.

Access to custom report groups is restricted.

Uninstall Report Gateway on Linux and Solaris You can uninstall Report Gateway on Linux and Solaris platforms.

Note: Java is required to run the Report Gateway uninstallation program.

To uninstall Report Gateway on a Linux or Solaris platform

1. Log in as root and ensure that the root user has display permissions (use xhost to set permissions).

2. Navigate to <Install_Dir>/UninstallerDataSRG and open the UninstallerDataSRG.lax file.

3. Locate the following line:


4. Change this line to point to where you have installed Java.

For example, lax.nl.current.vm=/<location of Java>/bin/java OR lax.nl.current.vm=/opt/jdk1.5.0_06/bin/java.

5. Run UninstallSRG and follow the instructions provided by the uninstallation wizard.

Report Gateway is uninstalled.

Uninstall Report Gateway on Windows You can uninstall Report Gateway on Windows platforms.

Note: Java is required to run the Report Gateway uninstallation program.

32 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

Uninstall Report Gateway on Windows

Chapter 2: Installation, Configuration, and Uninstallation 33

To uninstall Report Gateway on Windows platforms

1. Log in as Administrator or as a user in the administrators group (you cannot be a Domain Administrator).

2. Open the Windows Control Panel and double-click Add/Remove Programs.

3. Select SPECTRUM Report Gateway from the list of programs, click Change/Remove Programs, and follow the instructions provided by the uninstallation wizard.

Report Gateway is uninstalled.

Chapter 3: Report Gateway Configuration

This section contains the following topics:

The SRG.conf File (see page 35) Configuration Parameter Definitions (see page 38) OneClick and Report Gateway on the Same Host (see page 48)

The SRG.conf File The configuration file, SRG.conf, contains the following customization options:

Location of SSLogger Files

Identifies the location of all related SSLogger files including:

■ SSLogger.log raw data files

■ models file

RRD Configuration Files

Contains configuration parameters used for creation of each RRD. For detailed information on Round-Robin-Archives (RRAs) and Data-Source (DS) types, review the RRD manual at http://people.ee.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/rrdtool/manual/rrdcreate.html and the tutorial at http://people.ee.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/rrdtool/tutorial /rrdtutorial.html.

Data Collection Options

Lets you define backup areas to store data and basic conversion options.

Trend Analysis Options

Lets you configure Report Gateway trending options.

SSLogger and SRG.conf

If you added attributes to the SSLogger data file, you must also add the attributes to the SRG.conf file. If you only added models to the model file and did not add attributes to the SSLogger data file, Report Gateway is automatically updated.

Chapter 3: Report Gateway Configuration 35

The SRG.conf File

If you make changes to the data file and/or model file on the computer running SSLogger, you must restart SSLogger and copy the updated files over to the computer running Report Gateway.

SRG.conf Configuration File Example

The following is an example of an SRG.conf configuration file:

# SRG Version 1.2


# Location of SSLogger configuration and raw data files


# Specify the directory path for the location of raw SSLogger log

# files. If the SSLogger log files exist on a remote computer, set

# this path to the remote SSLogger directory.


# If the SSLogger log files exist on a remote computer, set REMOTE

# LOCATION = Yes and enter the appropriate FTP parameters. If the

# SSLogger files are local, set REMOTE LOCATION = No and the FTP

# parameters will be ignored.


REMOTE COMPUTER = computer_name or IP

FTP USER NAME = anonymous

FTP PASSWORD = [email protected]

# Specify the location and the name of the SSLogger model file.

MODEL FILE = /usr/Spectrum/SSLOGGER/models

# Specify the location and the name of the SSLogger sslogger.dat

# file.

SSLOGGER DAT = /usr/Spectrum/SSLOGGER/sslogger.dat


# Configuration files that pertain to RRD (Round Robin Database)


# Global step count (in seconds) utilized for all RRD's. Unless an

# RRD specific step count is specified below, all RRD's will be

# created with the

# GLOBAL STEP. To use a step count unique to RRDs (or model

# types), enter the Model Handle from the SSLogger models file

# with its unique step count,

# delimited by a colon.

# Example:

# UNIQUE STEP = 0x12345af:60

# UNIQUE STEP = 0x67899eb:180

36 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

The SRG.conf File


# List the data source type for each model attribute specified in

# the sslogger.dat file.

ifInOctets & COUNTER:600:U:U

ifOutOctets & COUNTER:600:U:U

# Configure the RRA (Round Robin Archive) as desired for data

# collection.










# Options for data collection


# Determine the amount of time allowed for SSLogger poll responses

# (in seconds).


# Set COPY FILES = Yes to automatically copy all raw SSLogger files

# to a desired directory location for archiving. Used only if

# source directory is local (REMOTE LOCATION = No).



# The number of days before deleting SSLogger files (0 = Disabled)


# The number of days since a .rrd file was last updated before deleting the .rrd




# Options for trend analysis


# Enable trending for all RRD's and data sources. CAUTION: Enabling

# this parameter could significantly decrease SRG response time.


# Enable trending for specified RRD's and data sources. If set to

# true, specify the UNIQUE TREND rrd data sources below.


# UNIQUE TREND = Rtr_Cisco_192.168.180.1 : ifInOctets_1

# UNIQUE TREND = Rtr_Cisco_192.168.180.1 : ifOutOctets_1

# If trending is enabled, specify the trend scope.

TREND SCOPE = 7d 14d 21d 28d

# Enable trend forecasting and forecast scope.



Chapter 3: Report Gateway Configuration 37

Configuration Parameter Definitions

Configuration Parameter Definitions Each variable parameter in the preceding SRG.conf configuration file is explained in the following sections:

■ SSLOGGER FILE (see page 39)

■ REMOTE LOCATION (see page 39)

■ REMOTE COMPUTER (see page 39)

■ FTP USER NAME (see page 39)

■ FTP PASSWORD (see page 40)

■ MODEL FILE (see page 41)

■ SSLOGGER DAT (see page 41)

■ GLOBAL STEP (see page 41)

■ UNIQUE STEP (see page 42)

■ <data source name (attribute name)> & <data source type>:heartbeat:min:max (see page 42)

■ RRA:CF:xff:steps:rows (see page 43)

■ xff (see page 43)

■ TIME OVERLAP (see page 44)

■ COPY FILES (see page 44)

■ TO LOCATION (see page 44)


■ STALE RRD TIMEOUT (see page 45)

■ ENABLE GLOBAL TREND (see page 45)

■ ENABLE UNIQUE TREND (see page 46)

■ TREND SCOPE (see page 46)

■ TREND FORECAST (see page 47)

■ FORECAST SCOPE (see page 47)

38 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

Configuration Parameter Definitions


This parameter indicates to Report Gateway where to look for the SSLogger output data files.



SSLOGGER FILE = C:\win32app\Spectrum\SSLOGGER

Note: This location can be a mapped or mounted network drive.


This parameter specifies whether the directory specified for SSLOGGER FILE is local or on a remote system.





This parameter specifies the name or IP of the remote host computer, if REMOTE LOCATION = Yes. If REMOTE LOCATION = No, this parameter is ignored.


REMOTE COMPUTER = spectrum.aprisma.com




This parameter specifies the FTP user name having access to the REMOTE COMPUTER, if REMOTE LOCATION = Yes. If REMOTE LOCATION = No, this parameter is ignored.


FTP USER NAME = anonymous

Chapter 3: Report Gateway Configuration 39

Configuration Parameter Definitions


This parameter specifies the password for the FTP USER NAME having access to the REMOTE COMPUTER, if REMOTE LOCATION = Yes. If REMOTE LOCATION = No, this parameter is ignored.

Important! By default, this password is not secure or encrypted. Report Gateway supports 64-bit or 128-bit encryption of this password.


FTP PASSWORD = [email protected]


Encrypt the FTP Password Using DES 64-bit Encryption

To encrypt the FTP password, run the following command after configuring SRG.conf:

command prompt> SRG.exe encrypt

For example, the FTP PASSWORD parameter will change to the following:

FTP PASSWORD (encrypted) = 52616e646f6d49562c0316685f967726a6d8cc5b547708eb

Encrypt the FTP Password Using FIPS 140-2 Compliant AES 128-bit Encryption

To encrypt the FTP password, run the following command after configuring SRG.conf:

command prompt> SRG.exe FIPSencrypt

For example, the FTP PASSWORD parameter will change to the following:

FTP PASSWORD (FIPSencrypted) =



40 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

Configuration Parameter Definitions


This parameter specifies the location and the name of the models file required by SSLogger. Report Gateway uses this file to convert models handles to model names from the raw SSLogger data before building and populating data into RRDs.


MODEL FILE = /usr/Spectrum/SSLOGGER/models

MODEL FILE = C:\win32app\Spectrum\SSLOGGER\models


This parameter specifies the location and the name of the .dat file required by SSLogger. Report Gateway uses this file to convert attribute handles to attribute names from the raw SSLogger data before building and populating data into RRDs.


SSLOGGER DAT = /usr/Spectrum/SSLOGGER/sslogger.dat

SSLOGGER DAT = C:\win32app\Spectrum\SSLOGGER\sslogger.dat


This parameter specifies the base interval, in seconds, with which data will be fed into all RRDs. This parameter should match the poll interval of all attributes in the sslogger.dat file.




If for a particular model or group of models in the SSLogger models file, sets of attributes are polled at different intervals than the rest, individual step counts can be configured.

Chapter 3: Report Gateway Configuration 41

Configuration Parameter Definitions


Model handles not configured with a UNIQUE STEP retain the GLOBAL STEP setting. The values in this parameter include <model handle>:<step in seconds> as listed in the SSLogger models and sslogger.dat files, respectively. We recommend that only experienced users use UNIQUE STEP.


UNIQUE STEP = 0x12345ab:600

UNIQUE STEP = 0x67891cd:1800

<data source name (attribute name)> & <data source type>:heartbeat:min:max

This section of the SRG.conf file identifies the data source name, data source type, heartbeat (in seconds), and min/max fields [required by RRDTool] for each attribute used in the sslogger.dat file. Data source names (attribute names) are limited to 19 characters and those exceeding 19 characters have to be shortened by editing the sslogger.dat file prior to running Report Gateway.

The possible data source types are COUNTER, GAUGE, DERIVE, and ABSOLUTE. See the RRDTool documentation at http://www.rrdtool.com for a complete description of RRD-specific variables.


ifInOctets & COUNTER:600:U:U

ifOutOctets & COUNTER:600:U:U

locIfInPktsSec & GAUGE:600:U:U

locIfOutPktsSec & GAUGE:600:U:U

cpu_busy_5 & GAUGE:600:U:U

You can determine the data source type of an attribute (data source) as follows: If the attribute is reading a 32/64-bit counter, the data source should be configured as a COUNTER. If the attribute is reading an integer, float, or any value that can go up or down on each poll, the data source should be configured as a GAUGE. For cases where DERIVE or ABSOLUTE might be used, see the RRDTool documentation at http://www.rrdtool.com.

The heartbeat defines the maximum number of seconds that may pass between two updates of the data source before the value of the data source (attribute) is assumed to be unknown. The rule-of-thumb is to set the heartbeat to twice the GLOBAL STEP.

42 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

Configuration Parameter Definitions


Round-Robin-Archives (RRAs) are used to configure the data compression and granularity for each RRD. It is recommended the default RRAs be used unless RRA functionality is fully understood. See the RRDTool documentation at http://www.rrdtool.com for details.


The x-files-factor (xff) defines what part of a consolidation interval may be made up from UNKNOWN data while the consolidated value is still regarded as known. When using Report Gateway, there is no reason to change the default value of 0.5.










The following table provides an explanation of data storage capability and granularity set for each RRD, assuming the GLOBAL STEP = 300:

Round-Robin-Archive (RRA) Configuration Setting

Sample Count Storage Period

RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:600 600 samples of 5 minute Avgs ~2 days

RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:700 700 samples of 30 minute Avgs ~2 weeks

RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:775 775 samples of 2 hour Avgs ~2 months

RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:797 797 samples of 1 day Avgs ~2 years

Chapter 3: Report Gateway Configuration 43

Configuration Parameter Definitions


This parameter is used for advanced tuning of the input data stream based on the logging interval (step). It is recommended that this value be left at the default of 10 seconds.




Report Gateway automatically copies raw SSLogger files from the SSLOGGER FILE location to a specified directory for archiving. This parameter can only be used if SSLOGGER FILE location is local.

Note: Mapping or mounting a network drive of the remote SPECTRUM SSLogger directory is virtually the same as a local drive. Therefore, setting COPY FILES = Yes automatically pulls all raw SSLogger data files from the remote computer and stores them to the specified local destination, as long as the drive remains mapped or mounted.





This parameter specifies local destination to copy the raw SSLogger files, if COPY FILES = Yes. If COPY FILES = No, this parameter is ignored.


TO LOCATION = d:\SSLogger_Backup

TO LOCATION = /local/driveA/SSLogger_Backup


This parameter specifies the number of days to wait before deleting SSLogger files. A value of 0 disables automatic file deletion.




44 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

Configuration Parameter Definitions


This parameter specifies the number of days since a .rrd file was last updated before deleting the .rrd file. A value of 0 disables automatic file deletion.





Global Trending is disabled by default. Setting this variable to True enables the trending functionality for ALL data-sources for all existing RRDs. That is, the number of existing RRD files will double as Global Trending generates a new Trend_RRD file for each existing RRD. The following naming convention is used for the new RRD files containing the calculated trend results: Trend_<current_rrd_name>.rrd.

Note: With many RRD files and/or data-sources, setting ENABLE GLOBAL TREND to true will add significant workload to SRG. SRG runtime will be significantly increased as a result. CA recommends that setting ENABLE GLOBAL TREND = true be done only for a small Report Gateway deployment of less than 10 RRD files.

If enabled, this functionality can be disabled at any time by simply setting this variable to "false". CA recommends that Report Gateway trending be enabled by using the ENABLE UNIQUE TREND functionality.




Chapter 3: Report Gateway Configuration 45

Configuration Parameter Definitions


Unique trending is disabled by default. If set to True, Report Gateway requires a list of unique data sources to be used for trend analysis. Because this is a small subset of all RRD files and data-sources, Report Gateway response time is minimally impacted. The data-source list to include for trend analysis uses the following naming convention:

UNIQUE TREND = <rrd file name without file extension> : <data-source name>



#UNIQUE TREND = Rtr_Cisco_192.168.180.1 : ifInOctets_1

#UNIQUE TREND = Rtr_Cisco_192.168.180.1 : ifOutOctets_1


UNIQUE TREND = Rtr_Cisco_192.168.180.1 : ifInOctets_1

UNIQUE TREND = Rtr_Cisco_192.168.180.1 : ifOutOctets_1

If enabled, this functionality can be disabled any time by simply setting this variable back to False and commenting out each UNIQUE TREND item with a "#" character. For the previous example, on the first run of Report Gateway after setting ENABLE UNIQUE TREND = True and using the two data-sources listed, Report Gateway retrieves historical data based on the TREND SCOPE specified. The retrieved values will be averaged, and the results will be recorded to a Trend_Rtr_192.168.180.1.rrd RRD file. This new Trend RRD file contains two data sources, ifInOctets_1 and ifOutOctets_1 which store the trend data for each value, respectively.

To determine a valid data source name (see page 74) to add to the UNIQUE TREND list, DRRAW, Cacti, or RRDTool can be used.


This variable specifies historical scope or how far back to retrieve data used for trend calculations. If ENABLE UNIQUE TREND = False and/or ENABLE GLOBAL TREND = False, TREND SCOPE is ignored.


TREND SCOPE = 7d 14d 21d 28d

At every SRG update interval, SRG will retrieve the values for each data-source

(listed as a UNIQUE TREND) at the current time for exactly 1-week ago, 2-weeks

ago, etc., up to 4-weeks ago. The values retrieved will be averaged and stored to

the appropriate Trend_<rrd_file_name>.rrd file.

TREND SCOPE = 7d 14d 21d 28d 35d 42d 49d 56d

46 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

Configuration Parameter Definitions

Using this trend scope causes Report Gateway to retrieve 8-weeks (2 months) worth of history data to include in trend averaging.

Note: The Rotate_log_interval must be less than or equal to the lowest value of both UNIQUE STEP and GLOBAL STEP for trending to work properly. For more information on Rotate_log_interval, see the SSLogger User Guide (5071).


This parameter is disabled by default. Enabling trend forecast causes Report Gateway to predict the future trend based on calculations conducted from historical data. By default, the length of the forecast period (FORECAST SCOPE (see page 47)) is set to eight hours, which instructs Report Gateway to predict the trend up to eight hours into the future.





If TREND FORECAST = True, FORECAST SCOPE is used to specify the forecast period. If TREND FORECAST is disabled (False), this variable is ignored. By default, FORECAST SCOPE is set to eight hours.

Note: The FORECAST SCOPE value must fall between the lowest and highest TREND SCOPE values.





Important: The trend forecast functionality can only be used with the DRRAW front-end graphing utility or any utility which allows custom x-axis scaling. Cacti does not include functionality to display data beyond the current time, which is required when trend forecasting is enabled.

Chapter 3: Report Gateway Configuration 47

OneClick and Report Gateway on the Same Host

48 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

OneClick and Report Gateway on the Same Host It is possible to run OneClick and Report Gateway on the same computer. To do this, you must set Apache (Report Gateway's web server) and Tomcat (OneClick's web server) to use different HTTP port numbers. (The OneClick/Report Gateway installation wizard provides the opportunity to assign the HTTP port number.)

Chapter 4: Creating Graphical Reports

This section contains the following topics:

Open the Report Gateway User Interface (see page 49) Generate and View Reports (see page 49) The Report Template File (see page 51) Adhoc Reports (see page 58)

Open the Report Gateway User Interface To open the Report Gateway user interface (the Report Tree Builder page), enter the following URL in a Web browser:


Note: <hostname> is the name of the host on which SRG is installed. <portnumber> is required only if Report Gateway's Apache Web server is set to use something other than port 80, the default HTTP port.

The Report Gateway user interface opens. The column on the left of the Tree Builder page lists the tree branches available for customization. The text box next to each report branch lets you enter a Perl regular-expression filter. Any model type or model name that passes the filter is included in the report tree.

All previously saved report branches are listed on the right side of the page. See Save a Report Tree (see page 51).

Generate and View Reports Once Report Gateway has been running long enough to create RRD files, you can generate and view graphical reports.

Chapter 4: Creating Graphical Reports 49

Generate and View Reports

To generate and view reports

1. Select the By Landscape check box in the Tree Builder page and click Create Report Tree.

Report Gateway displays the tree structure.

Note: You can click the Report Tree Builder link on this page to return to the Tree Builder page.

2. Expand the By Landscape branch of the directory tree to view the list of landscapes configured in the SRG_Configure.conf file. Continue to expand the branches, and then select a device or port model.

Report Gateway displays a preview of the report as defined in the Template file.

3. Click the Zoom View button to display the default 24-hour graph for the selected model.

Note: The Zoom view lets you enter a custom start and end time, in the following formats.

Start End

5/23/04 8:00 5/23/04 17:00

5/23/2004 8:00 5/23/2004 17:00

20040523 8:00 20040523 17:00

8:00 17:00

8:00 am 5:00 pm

-1 month Now

-2 days -1 day

Now +1 day

4. Click Update and Report Gateway generates a new report for the time range specified.

5. Click the Expand View button to display graphs containing daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly data for the selected model.

Report generation and viewing is complete.

50 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

The Report Template File

View Top N Reports

Top N Reports are configured in the access.xml file, located in the <srgRoot>/WebApps/Report_Gateway directory.

To view Top N reports, select Top N Reports on the Report Tree Builder main page, and click Create Report Tree.

Report Gateway displays the Top N Reports tree. Expand the branches to see the available on-demand Top N reports.

The following table shows the default Top-N Reports:

Top-n Report Type Default Model-Types Included

CPU Utilization Rtr_Cisco, XPedSwRtr, RstoneSwRtr

Total Traffic Gen_IF_Port, Serial_IF_Port, CAT_IF_Port, SSR_PortIf

%Port Utilization Gen_IF_Port, Serial_IF_Port, CAT_IF_Port, SSR_PortIf

IF Speed Gen_IF_Port, Serial_IF_Port, CAT_IF_Port, SSR_PortIf

Save a Report Tree

You can save report trees to make favorite reports readily accessible.

To save a report tree

1. Select the report tree configuration in the left column.

2. Enter a tree name in the Save Report Tree field and click Save.

Report Gateway saves the report tree and lists it on the right-hand side of the page.

The Report Template File Unlimited customization of reports can be achieved using the Template file (found in <srgRoot>/WebApps/Report_Gateway).

Chapter 4: Creating Graphical Reports 51

The Report Template File

Examples: Customize Reports

The following examples show how reports are customized.


# Default color choices #









COLOR | BLACK | 000000

COLOR | RED | FF0000



COLOR | DRKGRAY | 999999










# Example-1 #



TITLE | {MNAME} CPU Utilization: Basic

VLABEL | Utilization (%)

DATASRC | avgBusy5 | A={avgBusy5}:AVERAGE

GRPITEM | null | LINE2:A#{RED}:CPU 5-minute \n

DATASRC | avgBusy1 | B={avgBusy1}:AVERAGE

GRPITEM | null | LINE1:B#{BLUE}:CPU 5-minute \n


COMMENT | SPECTRUM Powered Solution\c

TIME | Last Updated: {time}\c


# Example-2 #


TITLE | {MNAME} CPU Utilization: custom size & added GPRINTS in legend

VLABEL | Utilization (%)

HEIGHT | 150

WIDTH | 400

COMMENT | Min Avg Max\n

52 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

The Report Template File

DATASRC | avgBusy5 | A={avgBusy5}:AVERAGE

GRPITEM | null | LINE2:A#{RED}:CPU 5-minute

GRPITEM | null | GPRINT:A:MIN:%8.2lf %s

GRPITEM | null | GPRINT:A:AVERAGE:%8.2lf %s

GRPITEM | null | GPRINT:A:MAX:%8.2lf %s\n

DATASRC | avgBusy1 | B={avgBusy1}:AVERAGE

GRPITEM | null | LINE1:B#{BLUE}:CPU 5-minute

GRPITEM | null | GPRINT:B:MIN:%8.2lf %s

GRPITEM | null | GPRINT:B:AVERAGE:%8.2lf %s

GRPITEM | null | GPRINT:B:MAX:%8.2lf %s\n


COMMENT | SPECTRUM Powered Solution\c

TIME | Last Updated: {time}\c


# Example-3 #


TITLE | {MNAME} CPU Utilization: custom colors, area/stack instead of lines

VLABEL | Utilization (%)

HEIGHT | 200

WIDTH | 500



COMMENT | Min Avg Max\n

DATASRC | avgBusy5 | A={avgBusy5}:AVERAGE

GRPITEM | null | AREA:A#{RED}:CPU 5-minute

GRPITEM | null | GPRINT:A:MIN:%8.2lf %s

GRPITEM | null | GPRINT:A:AVERAGE:%8.2lf %s

GRPITEM | null | GPRINT:A:MAX:%8.2lf %s\n

DATASRC | avgBusy1 | B={avgBusy1}:AVERAGE

GRPITEM | null | STACK:B#{BLUE}:CPU 5-minute

GRPITEM | null | GPRINT:B:MIN:%8.2lf %s

GRPITEM | null | GPRINT:B:AVERAGE:%8.2lf %s

GRPITEM | null | GPRINT:B:MAX:%8.2lf %s\n


COMMENT | SPECTRUM Powered Solution\c

TIME | Last Updated: {time}\c


# Other Mtypes--add any valid Spectrum mtype #









Chapter 4: Creating Graphical Reports 53

The Report Template File

The sample Template file builds three different reports for every Rtr_Cisco model-type. Each report includes the attributes avgBusy5 and avgBusy1:

■ Example-1 is a very basic report, displaying only these two attributes with a simple legend.

■ Example-2 customizes the report size and adds GPRINT statements to the legend (which includes Max, Min, and Avg for each attribute).

■ Example-3 adds a custom color scheme to the report.

Title Tag

The TITLE tag defines the report title as follows:

TITLE | {MNAME} CPU Utilization (%)

The {MNAME} entry automatically inserts the appropriate model name in the report title.

Vertical Label Tag

The VLABEL tag defines the vertical (y-axis) label for reports as follows:

VLABEL | Bytes/sec

Change Report Size Tags

You can customize the report image size using the tags, WIDTH and HEIGHT, as follows:

HEIGHT | 200

WIDTH | 500

This entry generates a report 200 pixels long and 500 pixels wide.

54 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

The Report Template File

Set Watermark Coordinate Tags

By default, the XPOS and YPOS settings in the SRG_Configure.conf file are used to set the x and y coordinates of the watermark overlay on the report image. However, if the MARKX and MARKY tags are defined in a report template, the default settings are overridden. This is useful when different report templates are configured with different dimensions.

MARKX | 374

MARKY | 287

This entry locates the watermark image with x-position at 374 pixels and y-position at 287 pixels.

Add Y-Axis Boundary Tags

Set the y-axis boundary using the upper-limit and lower-limit (ULIMIT and LLIMIT) tags. If the RIGID tag is also employed, the boundaries will not auto-adjust. Without the RIGID tag, if data exceeds the upper-limit, the upper-limit will automatically increase within the data range.

ULIMIT | 150000

LLIMIT | 100000


Change Color Scheme Tags

You can create reports with custom color schemes using the following tags in the Template file. Use only the tags you want to modify:








Each tag represents a different area of the graph.

Chapter 4: Creating Graphical Reports 55

The Report Template File

Add a Horizontal Rule Tag

A horizontal rule can be added as a visual aid in the graph. The horizontal rule is a thin line that crosses the y-axis at a defined point. The following tag line can be added to any report template to define a horizontal rule.

GRPITEM | null | HRULE:<desired y-axis value>#{RED}:<desired label>

Add Strings to a Legend Tag

Use the COMMENT tag to add strings to a legend. Additional characters can be used to format the string. For example, adding \n to the end of a comment string creates a new line for the next comment. Adding \r right-justifies the string and \c centers the string. The following is an example of the Comment tag:

COMMENT | Spectrum Powered Solution\c

Define Data Source Tags

Use the following tag line to define a non-list attribute data source:

DATASRC | attributeName | A={attributeName}:AVERAGE

DATASRC | avgBusy5 | A={avgBusy5}:AVERAGE

Use the following tag line to define a list attribute data source:

DATASRC | attributeName_instanceID | A={attributeName_instanceID}:AVERAGE

Use the following tag line to define a specific instance ID:

DATASRC | cpmCPUTotal5min_3 | A={cpmCPUTotal5min_3}:AVERAGE

DATASRC | cpmCPUTotal5min_5 | B={cpmCPUTotal5min_5}:AVERAGE

DATASRC | cpmCPUTotal5min_15 | C={cpmCPUTotal5min_15}:AVERAGE

DATASRC | ifInOctets_1 | D={ifInOctets_1}:AVERAGE

Use the following tag line to define all instance IDs:

DATASRC | cpmCPUTotal5min_* | A={cpmCPUTotal5min_*}:AVERAGE

DATASRC | ifInOctets_* | B={ifInOctets_*}:AVERAGE

Note: The number of instance IDs reported on at a time is limited by the number of defined colors.

56 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

The Report Template File

Custom Calculation Definitions

Custom Calculation Definitions (CDEFs) are very powerful in RRDTool once reverse-polish-notation (RPN) is learned. Any equation or calculation can be applied to data sources and graphed in a report. Ideally, you determine the algebraic equation for the calculation, convert the equation to RPN notation, and use it as the CDEF.

The sample template syntax below defines two data sources (ifInOctets_1, ifOutOctets_1) and sets them to variables A and B respectively. The CDEF is then defined; a variable named cdefA is the sum of variables A and B (defined by DATASRC). The result of cdefA is then plotted on the graph using the GRPITEM tag. The sum of in/out octets is represented by an AREA, colored BLUE, and labeled CURRENT Total Bytes in the legend. Because the GRPITEM tags were not created for the two data sources A and B, they are not plotted -- only the result of cdefA is plotted.

DATASRC | ifInOctets_1 | A={ifInOctets_1}:AVERAGE

DATASRC | ifOutOctets_1 | B={ifOutOctets_1}:AVERAGE

CDEF | null | CDEF:cdefA=A,B,+

GRPITEM | null | AREA:cdefA#{BLUE}:CURRENT Total Bytes

Display CDEFs and Data Source Tags

Use LINE and AREA tags to display CDEFs and data sources in the graph as follows:

GRPITEM | null | LINE1:A{color}:legend[:STACK]

GRPITEM | null | LINE2:A{color}:legend[:STACK]

GRPITEM | null | LINE3:A{color}:legend[:STACK]

GRPITEM | null | AREA:A{color}:legend

Note: If you use "*" for multiple instance IDs, you can use {*} anywhere in the legend and the instance ID is replaced.

Chapter 4: Creating Graphical Reports 57

Adhoc Reports

Trend Data Tags

If trending is configured in the SRG.conf file (see page 35), trend data can be compared to the current data and plotted by specifying all data sources involved. When setting the variables C and D, the string TREND: is used in the DATASRC definition. This tells Report Gateway to retrieve ifInOctets_1 and ifOutOctets_1 from the Trend_*.rrd file instead of the current file.

DATASRC | ifInOctets_1 | A={ifInOctets_1}:AVERAGE

DATASRC | ifOutOctets_1 | B={ifOutOctets_1}:AVERAGE

DATASRC | ifInOctets_1 | C={TREND:ifInOctets_1}:AVERAGE

DATASRC | ifOutOctets_1 | D={TREND:ifOutOctets_1}:AVERAGE

CDEF | null | CDEF:cdefA=A,B,+

CDEF | null | CDEF:cdefB=C,D,+

GRPITEM | null | LINE2:cdefA#{BLUE}:CURRENT Total Bytes\n

GRPITEM | null | LINE2:cdefA#{RED}:TREND Total Bytes

Two CDEFs are defined, totaling in/out octets of current and trend data. Each CDEF is plotted (using GRPITEM tags) in the report as BLUE and RED lines respectively.

Time Tag

The TIME tag adds the last update time to the report as follows:

TIME | Last Updated: {time}\c

Adhoc Reports Adhoc reports let you plot attributes (data sources) from multiple RRD files in a single report. For example, you can plot the CPU utilization of three different routers in a single report. This differs from the standard reports defined by the Template file, which report on a single RRD that represents a single model.

The Report Gateway installation creates a Custom_Reports directory (<srgRoot>/WebApps/Report_Gateway/Custom_Reports). This is where all custom adhoc reports are saved. The directory includes a sample adhoc report (Sample) by default. SRG includes any adhoc report files it finds in this directory in the Custom Reports report tree. Each report file name serves as the corresponding branch name.

The format of the sample Adhoc Report File is almost identical to the contents of the Template file. The only difference is, you must explicitly define the absolute path and location of the RRDs and data sources you want to include in each custom report (contrast the DATASRC entries in bold in the sample adhoc file with those in the sample Template file's Example-1).

58 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

Adhoc Reports

You can include multiple report definitions in a single adhoc file (as you would in the Template file), or create independent adhoc reports by creating multiple report files in the Custom_Reports directory.

Example: Create an Adhoc File

This example shows a sample adhoc file:








COLOR | BLACK | 000000

COLOR | RED | FF0000


COLOR | DRKGRAY | 999999









Chapter 4: Creating Graphical Reports 59

Adhoc Reports

60 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)


TITLE | Juniper Routers

VLABEL |Milliseconds


WIDTH |500

MARKX | 430

MARKY | 290


COMMENT | Min Avg Max\n

DATASRC | C:\win32app\SPECTRUM\SSLOGGER\SRG\Rtr_Cisco_10.253.180.100.rrd-

>avgBusy5 | A={avgBusy5}:AVERAGE

DATASRC | C:\win32app\SPECTRUM\SSLOGGER\SRG\Rtr_Cisco_10.253.190.1.rrd->avgBusy5

| B={avgBusy5}:AVERAGE

GRPITEM | null | LINE2:A#{BLUE}: CPU-Rtr_Cisco_1

GRPITEM | null | GPRINT:A:MIN:%8.2lf


GRPITEM | null | GPRINT:A:MAX:%8.2lf \n

GRPITEM | null | LINE2:B#{RED}: CPU-Rtr_Cisco_2

GRPITEM | null | GPRINT:B:MIN:%8.2lf


GRPITEM | null | GPRINT:B:MAX:%8.2lf \n


COMMENT | SPECTRUM Powered Solution\c

TIME | Last Updated: {time}\c

Chapter 5: Report Gateway and Service Performance Manager

This section contains the following topics:

Report Gateway for Service Performance Manager (SRG_SPM) (see page 61) Installation and Setup (see page 62)

Report Gateway for Service Performance Manager (SRG_SPM)

Service Performance Manager provides dynamic response-time testing of your network and can log and export response-time test data. Report Gateway for Service Performance Manager (SRG_SPM) can create RRDs based on the data contained in the Service Performance Manager data log files. Because Service Performance Manager test result data files are written in a file format different from that of SSLogger, SRG_SPM converts the Service Performance Manager data to RRDs.

Note: For more information about Service Performance Manager, see the Service Performance Manager User Guide (5093).

Once Service Performance Manager is configured and running, the SRG_SPM only needs READ access to or a copy of the Service Performance Manager log data files. SRG_SPM reads the raw SPM log files to create and populate the RRDs with data. Other than the SRG_SPM configuration file (SRG_SPM.conf), no other configuration files are required. SRG_SPM calls RRDTool when creating, updating, or accessing an RRD.

The first time SRG_SPM runs, it creates an RRD for each configured test found in the Service Performance Manager log files. On subsequent runs, SRG_SPM simply updates the pre-existing RRDs, or, if any new tests are found, SRG_SPM creates new RRDs.

SRG_SPM dynamically adapts to changes in configured Service Performance Manager tests. Some of the supported adaptations include:

■ Auto-creation of new RRDs

■ Test interval updates

■ Test name changes

■ Threshold violation interval changes

■ Source and destination configuration changes

Chapter 5: Report Gateway and Service Performance Manager 61

Installation and Setup

Scheduling SRG_SPM to update all RRDs with new Service Performance Manager data can be done through a cron job on Solaris and Linux, and a scheduled task on Windows, such as SRG. At the end of each RRD update, SRG_SPM records information to a series of log files (that is, SPM_history) indicating the work completed and error messages. This verifies which Service Performance Manager export files have been archived into RRDs.

Installation and Setup This section describes setup procedures for running the Report Gateway for Service Performance Manager on Windows, Linux, and Solaris. SRG_SPM setup slightly differs from Report Gateway and requires less manual configuration.

The major components required to complete an end-to-end implementation of the Report Gateway for Service Performance Manager are the following:

■ Data Collector: SPM with Data Logging Enabled

■ A properly configured Report Gateway for Service Performance Manager, using RRDTool

■ A properly installed and configured Report Gateway user interface

Recommended Data Logging Configuration Parameters

The following data logging configuration parameters for Service Performance Manager are recommended:

■ Configure Service Performance Manager data logging with the following setting:

spm-log-file-cycle-time=5 minutes

■ Configure the SPM data logging feature to write the log files to the same directory where SRG_SPM.exe exists; that is, <srgRoot>\WebApps\Report_Gateway\SRG_SPM.

Note: For complete data export setup instructions, see the Service Performance Manager User Guide (5093).

Data Miner Prerequisites

If you are running Report Gateway for Service Performance Manager on an independent computer, it may require FTP access to the OneClick server. FTP is only necessary when there is no other means to transfer raw Service Performance Manager data files to the SRG_SPM computer.

62 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

Installation and Setup

Configure Report Gateway for Service Performance Manager on Windows

You can configure Report Gateway for Service Performance Manager on Windows.

To configure Report Gateway for Service Performance Manager on Windows

1. Edit the SRG_SPM.conf file (located in <srgRoot>\WebApps\Report_Gateway\SRG_SPM) and set the parameters specific to your environment. See the SRG_SPM.conf file example (see page 79) for details on all configuration parameters in the SRG_SPM.conf file.

2. Once configuration is complete and Service Performance Manager log files are generated in the same directory as SRG_SPM.exe, test your SRG_SPM configuration by running it at the command prompt:

command prompt> cd <srgRoot>\WebApps\Report_Gateway\SRG_SPM

command prompt> SRG_SPM.exe

The first time SRG_SPM is executed, it creates RRDs for all test results included in the Service Performance Manager log files, inserts data into the appropriate RRDs, and generate a series of history files—all in the local directory. These history files are as follows:


Contains the current list of RRDs generated by SRG_SPM.


Contains a history of SPM log files in RRD format with date and time stamp.


Contains post-conversion data used to update all RRDs. This file is overwritten at each run of Report Gateway.

Note: When SRG_SPM is configured and running normally on a scheduled basis, the history files should not be removed or edited because doing so corrupts the SRG_SPM configuration.

To retest SRG_SPM after modifying or changing configuration parameters, first remove all .<SPM history files> and *.rrd files:

command prompt> cd <srgRoot>\WebApps\Report_Gateway\SRG_SPM

command prompt> del .*

command prompt> del *.rrd

command prompt> SRG_SPM.exe

Chapter 5: Report Gateway and Service Performance Manager 63

Installation and Setup

3. Run SRG_SPM.exe on a scheduled basis to update all RRDs with new data collected by SPM. The schedule interval is typically the same interval as the spm-log-file-cycle-time configured in Step 1 under Recommended Data Logging Configuration Parameters (see page 62). Do the following to run SRG_SPM.exe on a scheduled basis:

a. Ensure that the Windows Task Scheduler service is started, and double-click the Scheduled Tasks icon in Control Panel.

b. Double-click the Add Scheduled Task icon to open the Scheduled Task Wizard, and click Next. Browse to find your SRG_SPM.exe file.

c. Set the task to run daily (for now) and click Next twice until you are at the user name/password screen.

d. Click Next, select the check box to open Advanced Properties, and click Finish.

e. In the Task tab, enter the full command line in the Run field as follows:


f. Select the Schedule tab and click Advanced. Select the Repeat task check box and set it to repeat every 1 hour, changing Duration to 24 hours. Click OK to close the Advanced Schedule Options dialog.

g. Click OK.

Note: You can also schedule the event using an NT service ID such as srg_spm_service. Doing this will remove the DOS box messages from your screen during the execution of the scheduled event.

Report Gateway for Service Performance Manager is configured.

Configure Report Gateway for Service Performance Manager on Linux and Solaris

You can configure Report Gateway for Service Performance Manager on Linux and Solaris.

To configure Report Gateway for Service Performance Manager on Linux and Solaris

1. Edit the SRG_SPM.conf file and set the parameters specific to your environment. See SRG_SPM.conf file example (see page 79) for details on all configuration parameters in the SRG_SPM.conf file.

2. Once configuration is complete and Service Performance Manager log files are generated in the same directory as SRG_SPM, test your SRG_SPM configuration by running it at the command prompt:

shell> cd <srgRoot>/WebApps/Report_Gateway/SRG_SPM

shell> ./SRG_SPM

64 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

Installation and Setup

Chapter 5: Report Gateway and Service Performance Manager 65

The first time SRG_SPM is executed, it creates RRDs for all test results included in the Service Performance Manager log files, inserts data into the appropriate RRDs, and generate a series of history files—all in the local directory. These history files are as follows:


Contains the current list of RRDs generated by SRG_SPM.


Contains a history of SPM log files converted in RRD format with date and time stamp.


Contains post-conversion data used to update all RRDs. This file is overwritten at each run of Report Gateway.

Note: When SRG_SPM is configured and running normally on a scheduled basis, these history files should not be removed or edited because doing so corrupts the SRG_SPM configuration.

To retest SRG_SPM after modifying or changing configuration parameters, first remove all .<SPM history files> and *.rrd files:

shell> cd <srgRoot>/WebApps/Report_Gateway/SRG_SPM

shell> rm .*

shell> rm *.rrd

shell> ./SRG_SPM

3. Run SRG_SPM on a scheduled basis to update all RRDs with data collected by SPM. The schedule interval is typically the same interval as the spm-log-file-cycle-time configured in Step 1 under Recommended Data Logging Configuration Parameters (see page 62). Do the following to configure SRG_SPM to run on a scheduled basis through cron job:

a. Navigate to /var/spool/cron/crontabs and edit the appropriate cron file for the user that runs SRG_SPM. For example, add the following line to the bottom of the 'root' file:

05 * * * * cd <srgRoot>/WebApps/Report_Gateway/SRG_SPM;


b. Save the file and reset the root cron by entering the following command:

shell> crontab root

SRG_SPM will now update all RRDs at 5 minutes past every hour.

Report Gateway for Service Performance Manager is configured.

Chapter 6: Report Gateway and Quality of Service (QoS) Manager

This section contains the following topics:

Report Gateway for QoS Manager (SRG_QOS) (see page 67) Installation and Setup (see page 68) Add Traffic Class Reports (see page 71)

Report Gateway for QoS Manager (SRG_QOS) QoS Manager provides enhanced IP fault and performance management of networks configured for QoS. Report Gateway for QoS Manager (SRG_QOS) can create RRDs based on the data contained in the QoS data log files, which in turn supply a historical view of the QoS performance on your network. Because QoS log files are written in a file format different from that of SSLogger, SRG_QOS converts the QoS log data to RRDs.

Note: For more information about QoS Manager, see the QoS Manager User Guide (5165).

Once QoS Manager (with data logging enabled) is properly configured and running, the QoS Report Gateway needs only READ access to or a copy of the QoS log data files. SRG_QOS reads the raw QoS log files to create and populate the RRDs with data. Other than the SRG_QOS configuration file (SRG_QOS.conf), no other configuration files are required. SRG_QOS calls RRDTool when creating, updating, or accessing any RRD.

Important! SPECTRUM QoS Manager does not support nested policies. Using nested policies causes erroneous QoS report generation.

When SRG_QOS first runs, it creates an RRD for each QoS class configured for each interface found in the QoS log files. On subsequent runs, SRG_QOS simply updates the pre-existing RRDs, or if any new classes or interfaces are found, SRG_QOS creates new RRDs.

Scheduling SRG_QOS to update all RRDs with new QoS data can be done through a cron job on Solaris and Linux or a scheduled task on Windows, just like SRG. At the end of each RRD update, SRG_QOS automatically removes the raw QoS log file it just read.

Chapter 6: Report Gateway and Quality of Service (QoS) Manager 67

Installation and Setup

Installation and Setup This section describes setup procedures for running the Report Gateway for QoS Manager on Windows, Linux, and Solaris platforms. SRG_QOS setup differs slightly from Report Gateway setup and requires less manual configuration.

The major components required to complete an end-to-end implementation of the Report Gateway for QoS Manager are the following:

■ Data Collector: QoS Manager with Data Logging Enabled

■ A properly configured Report Gateway for QoS Manager, using RRDTool

■ A properly installed and configured Report Gateway user interface

Recommended Data Logging Configuration Parameter

The following QoS data logging configuration parameter is recommended:

Hours Per Log File Cycle = 1

Note: For complete data export setup instructions, see the QoS Manager User Guide (5165).

Data Miner Prerequisites

If you are running the Report Gateway for QoS Manager on an independent computer, it may require FTP access to the OneClick computer. FTP is only necessary when there is no other means to transfer raw QoS data files to the SRG_QOS computer.

Configure Report Gateway for QoS Manager on Windows

You can configure Report Gateway for QoS Manager on Windows.

To configure Report Gateway for QoS Manager on Windows

1. Edit the SRG_QOS.conf file (located in <srgRoot>\WebApps\Report_Gateway\SRG_QOS) and set the parameters specific to your environment. See the SRG_QOS.conf file example (see page 83) for details of all configuration parameters in the SRG_QOS.conf file.

68 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

Installation and Setup

2. Once configuration is complete and QoS log files are generated, test your SRG_QOS configuration by running it at the command prompt:

command prompt> cd <srgRoot>\WebApps\Report_Gateway\SRG_QOS

command prompt> SRG_QOS.exe

The first time SRG_QOS is executed, it creates RRDs from the QoS log files and inserts data into the appropriate RRDs.

Note: SRG_QOS cannot access log files that QoS Manager uses. For example, you cannot run SRG_QOS on a log file that is being generated by QoS Manager. If no other QoS log files exist and a new log file is in the midst of being generated, running SRG_QOS generates an error stating that no new data exists. In addition, if you intend to run SRG_QOS as a scheduled process, the time between executions should be greater than the setting you have chosen for Minutes Per Log File Cycle in the QoS Management Configuration. This helps ensure that the log files are completed and closed before SRG_QOS attempts to access them.

3. Run SRG_QOS.exe on a scheduled basis to update all RRDs with new data collected by QoS. The schedule interval is typically the same interval as the Hours Per Log File Cycle parameter configured in Data Collector: QoS Manager with Data Logging Enabled. Do the following to run SRG_QOS.exe on a scheduled basis:

a. Ensure that the Windows Task Scheduler service is started, and double-click the Scheduled Tasks icon in Control Panel.

b. Double-click the Add Scheduled Task icon to open the Scheduled Task Wizard, and click Next. Browse to find your SRG_QOS.exe file.

c. Set the task to run daily (for now) and click Next twice until you are at the user name/password screen.

d. Click Next, check the box to open Advanced Properties, and click Finish.

e. In the Task tab, enter the full command line in the Run field as follows:


f. Select the Schedule tab and click Advanced. Select the Repeat task check box and set it to repeat every 1 hour, changing Duration to 24 hours. Click OK to close the Advanced Schedule Options dialog box.

g. Click OK.

Note: You can also schedule the event using an NT service ID such as SRG_QOS_service. Doing this removes the DOS box messages from your screen during the execution of the scheduled event.

Report Gateway for QoS Manager is configured.

Chapter 6: Report Gateway and Quality of Service (QoS) Manager 69

Installation and Setup

Configure Report Gateway for QoS Manager on Linux and Solaris

You can configure Report Gateway for QoS Manager on Linux and Solaris.

To configure Report Gateway for QoS Manager on Linux and Solaris

1. Edit the SRG_QOS.conf file and set the parameters specific to your environment. See the SRG_QOS.conf file example (see page 83) for details of all configuration parameters in the SRG_QOS.conf file.

2. Once configuration is complete and QoS log files are generated in the same directory as SRG_QOS, test your SRG_QOS configuration by running it at the command prompt:

shell> cd <srgRoot>WebApps/Report_Gateway/SRG_QOS

shell> ./SRG_QOS

The first time SRG_QOS is executed, it creates RRDs from the QoS log files and inserts data into the appropriate RRDs.

3. Run SRG_QOS on a scheduled basis to update all RRDs with data collected by QoS. The schedule interval is typically the same interval as the Hours Per Log File Cycle configured in Data Collector: QoS Manager with Data Logging Enabled. Do as follows to configure SRG_QOS to run on a scheduled basis through a cron job:

a. Navigate to /var/spool/cron/crontabs and edit the appropriate cron file for the user that will be running SRG_QOS. For example, add the following line to the bottom of the root file:

05 * * * * cd <srgRoot>/WebApps/Report_Gateway/SRG_QOS;


b. Save the file and reset the root cron by running the following command:

shell> crontab root

SRG_QOS will now update all RRDs at 5 minutes past every hour.

Report Gateway for QoS Manager is configured.

70 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

Add Traffic Class Reports

Add Traffic Class Reports A report for Traffic Class rates for the Class-Default traffic class is provided by SRG_QOS out-of-the-box with no additional configuration required. However, if you want to access Traffic Class rate reports for traffic classes other than the Class-Default traffic class, modify the <srgRoot>/WebApps/Report_Gateway/Template file using the following procedure. If you try to access these reports without modifying the Template file, an error message is generated.

Note: For more information on the syntax of the Template file, see The Report Template File (see page 51).

To add traffic class reports

1. Open the <srgRoot>/WebApps/Report_Gateway/Template file using a text editor.

2. Locate the following section of the Template file:

3. Copy and paste this section onto the end of the Template file.

4. Locate the line in the file that says <QoS_class-default> and change it to reflect the name of the traffic class you are creating the report for. For example, if the traffic class name is MyQoS_TrafficClass, change it to <MyQoS_TrafficClass>.

Chapter 6: Report Gateway and Quality of Service (QoS) Manager 71

Add Traffic Class Reports

72 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

5. Locate the following lines:

DATASRC | CMPrePolicyPkt | A={CMPrePolicyPkt}:AVERAGE



These lines show the attribute value and calculation for that attribute value that is used in the traffic class report.

6. Change the attribute names (CMPrePolicyPkt, CMDropPkt, CMNoBufDropPkt) to reflect the attributes appropriate for your traffic class. The attributes appropriate for your traffic class depend on the type of behavior used by your traffic class as shown in the following table:

Traffic Class Behavior Attribute Names

Queueing QueueingDiscardPk


Random Early Detection REDTransmitPkt




Policing PoliceExceededPkt


Traffic Shaping TSStatsDelayedPkt



For example, if your traffic class contained Queueing behavior models, you would change the lines in the previous step as follows:

DATASRC | QueueingDiscardPk | A={QueueingDiscardPk}:AVERAGE

DATASRC | QueueingCurQDepth | B={QueueingCurQDepth}:AVERAGE

7. Save and close the Template file.

The traffic class reports are added.

Chapter 7: Troubleshooting

This section contains the following topics:

Data Does Not Exist for TREND SCOPE (see page 73) Graph Data is Blank Even Though Trend_<rrd> File Was Built (see page 73) Cannot Find a List of Valid Data-Source Names to Use for UNIQUE TREND Values (see page 74) Broken Image Links Appear in Report Preview (see page 76)

Data Does Not Exist for TREND SCOPE Symptom:

With trending enabled, how does Report Gateway handle historical data retrieval if data does not exist for the set TREND SCOPE?


When historical data is retrieved by Report Gateway, if it receives a value of NaN (Not a Number), it does not include this value in the average. For example, consider an existing RRD that Report Gateway has been storing data for two weeks. With TREND SCOPE = 7d 14d 21d 28d, Report Gateway attempts to retrieve data at this specific time 7-days ago, 14-days ago, 21-days ago, and 28-days ago. The first two scope values (7-days and 14-days ago), Report Gateway retrieves values 1.65k and 2.54k, respectively. However, because SRG has only been running for two weeks, there is no data 21-days ago or 28-days ago; Report Gateway retrieves NaN values for both.

When Report Gateway calculates the average trend value, it excludes the NaN values from the calculation, therefore, it will record (1.65k + 2.54k)/2 = 2.095k into the Trend rrd. Once a third week has passed, Report Gateway averages 3 values, and finally, at the end of 4 weeks, the entire TREND SCOPE will be valid and all 4 values will be averaged.

Graph Data is Blank Even Though Trend_<rrd> File Was Built Symptom:

I just finished setting up Report Gateway and it has been running for a couple of hours. I also enabled unique trending using the default TREND SCOPE (7d 14d 21d 28d). The Trend_<rrd> files were built but when I try to graph data from this RRD, I get nothing -- the graph is blank.

Chapter 7: Troubleshooting 73

Cannot Find a List of Valid Data-Source Names to Use for UNIQUE TREND Values


Because Report Gateway has only been running for a couple hours, no data exists beyond this time. Therefore, all four values retrieved by Report Gateway for each TREND SCOPE instance are NaN, no calculation can be made, and the Trend_<rrd> files is not updated with any data. Once Report Gateway has been running for 7-days, data will begin being calculated and recorded to the Trend_<rrd> files.

Cannot Find a List of Valid Data-Source Names to Use for UNIQUE TREND Values


I cannot find a list of valid data-source names to use as my UNIQUE TREND values.


Use RRDTool. RRDTool is located the Report Gateway directory. For example, if you want to analyze trend data for ifInOctets and ifOutOctets on port interface 1 of Rtr_Cisco_192.168.180.1, do the following to determine the exact data-source names for these attributes:

1. Open a shell or command prompt window and navigate to your Report Gateway directory.

2. Execute RRDTool using the info parameter to generate a list of available data-sources in a given rrd file as follows:

shell> cd <srgRoot>/WebApps/Report_Gateway/SRG

shell> rrdtool info Rtr_Cisco_192.168.180.1.rrd

This outputs all of the information about this RRD file.

Scroll to the top of the output to see the data-sources listed inside the ds[ ] notation.

74 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

Cannot Find a List of Valid Data-Source Names to Use for UNIQUE TREND Values

The following is an example of the output:

filename = "Rtr_Cisco_192.168.180.1.rrd"

rrd_version = "0001"

step = 300

last_update = 1071267641

ds[ifOutOctets_14].type = "COUNTER"

ds[ifOutOctets_14].minimal_heartbeat = 600

ds[ifOutOctets_14].min = NaN

ds[ifOutOctets_14].max = NaN

ds[ifOutOctets_14].last_ds = "0"

ds[ifOutOctets_14].value = 0.0000000000e+00

ds[ifOutOctets_14].unknown_sec = 0

ds[ifOutOctets_1].type = "COUNTER"

ds[ifOutOctets_1].minimal_heartbeat = 600

ds[ifOutOctets_1].min = NaN

ds[ifOutOctets_1].max = NaN

ds[ifOutOctets_1].last_ds = "1916366351"

ds[ifOutOctets_1].value = 2.7752654000e+06

ds[ifInOctets_1].type = "COUNTER"

ds[ifInOctets_1].minimal_heartbeat = 600

ds[ifInOctets_1].min = NaN

ds[ifInOctets_1].max = NaN

ds[ifInOctets_1].last_ds = "3664191506"

ds[ifInOctets_1].value = 9.4875544557e+06

ds[ifInOctets_1].unknown_sec = 0

Therefore, you can verify that the desired data-sources exist on port interface "1" and can include the following as UNIQUE TREND variables:

UNIQUE TREND = Rtr_Cisco_192.168.180.1 : ifInOctets_1

UNIQUE TREND = Rtr_Cisco_192.168.180.1 : ifOutOctets_1

Chapter 7: Troubleshooting 75

Broken Image Links Appear in Report Preview

Broken Image Links Appear in Report Preview Symptom:

When running Report Gateway, I get a broken image link (identified by a small red "x") when viewing the report preview, or, when I view the Zoom or Expanded report, I see no report images at all.


This indicates that there is a problem with the data source name in the Template file defined for the model type you are trying to view. Typically, this is a result of a typo or an invalid data source defined for the model type template in the Template file. Verify the available data sources by running the rrdtool.exe info <RRD-name.rrd> at a command prompt. The top of the output will list all valid data sources for the given RRD.

Note: The most important troubleshooting tool for Report Gateway is the Apache error.log file. View the file (located in <srgRoot>\WebApps\Report_Gateway\Apache\logs) to check for errors that might aid in troubleshooting efforts.

Start and Stop the Apache Server on Solaris and Linux

You can start and stop the Apache server on Linux and Solaris.

To start or stop the Apache Server on Solaris and Linux

1. Navigate to <srgRoot>/WebApps/Report_Gateway/Apache/bin.

2. Run one of the following commands:

apachectl stop

apachectl start

The Apache server is started or stopped.

Start and Stop the Apache Server on Windows

You can start and stop the Apache server on Windows.

76 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

Broken Image Links Appear in Report Preview

Chapter 7: Troubleshooting 77

To start and stop the Apache Server on Windows

1. Open Administrative Tools from the Windows Control Panel and double-click Services.

2. Select Spectrum Apache in the list of services and click Stop Service or Start Service.

The Apache server is started or stopped.

Appendix A: SRG_SPM.conf File Example

This section contains the following topics:

SRG_SPM.conf File Example (see page 79) Configuration Parameter Definitions (see page 80)

SRG_SPM.conf File Example The following is an example of the SRG_SPM.conf file:


# Location of SPM log files


SPM EXPORT DATA FILE = /usr/Spectrum/SPM_Data

# If the SPM Export Data files exist on a remote machine, set

# REMOTE LOCATION = yes and enter the appropriate FTP parameters. # If the SPM

Export Data files are local, set REMOTE LOCATION = no # and the FTP parameters

will be ignored.


REMOTE MACHINE = <host name or IP>

FTP USER NAME = anonymous

FTP PASSWORD = [email protected]


# RRA consolidation functions that apply to each RRD







# Options for data collection


# Set COPY FILES = yes to automatically copy all raw SPM Export #Data files to a

desired directory location for archiving. Used #only if source directory is local



TO LOCATION = /usr/SPM/Backup

Appendix A: SRG_SPM.conf File Example 79

Configuration Parameter Definitions

Configuration Parameter Definitions Each variable parameter in the example SRG_SPM.conf file example is described in the following sections:










This parameter notifies SRG_SPM where to look for the Service Performance Manager log files.

Note: This location can be a mapped or mounted network drive.


SPM EXPORT DATA FILE = /usr/SPM_ReportGateway



This parameter specifies whether the directory specified for SPM EXPORT DATA FILE is local or on a remote system.




80 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

Configuration Parameter Definitions


This parameter specifies the name or IP of the remote host computer, if REMOTE LOCATION = Yes. If REMOTE LOCATION = No, this parameter is ignored.


REMOTE COMPUTER = spectrum.aprisma.com




This parameter specifies the FTP user name having access to the REMOTE COMPUTER, if REMOTE LOCATION = Yes. If REMOTE LOCATION = No, this parameter is ignored.


FTP USER NAME = anonymous


This parameter specifies the password for the FTP USER NAME having access to the REMOTE COMPUTER, if REMOTE LOCATION = Yes. If REMOTE LOCATION = No, this parameter is ignored.


FTP PASSWORD = [email protected]


SRG_SPM supports 64-bit encryption of this password. To encrypt this password, simply run the following command after configuring SRG_SPM.conf:

command prompt> SRG_SPM.exe encrypt

The FTP PASSWORD parameter will be changed to the following:


FTP PASSWORD (encrypted) = 5823fg73th46ui46lstt00895dkls

Appendix A: SRG_SPM.conf File Example 81

Configuration Parameter Definitions

82 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)


This parameter is used to configure the data compression and granularity for each RRD. It is recommended the default RRAs be used unless RRA functionality is fully understood. See the RRDTool documentation at http://www.rrdtool.com for details.


SRG_SPM automatically copies SPM data files from the SPM DATA EXPORT FILE location to a specified directory for archiving. This parameter can only be used if SPM DATA EXPORT FILE location is local (REMOTE LOCATION = No).

Note: Mapping or mounting a network drive of the remote SPM data directory is virtually the same as a local drive. Setting COPY FILES = Yes automatically pulls all SPM data files from the remote computer and stores them to the specified local destination, as long as the drive remains mapped or mounted.





This parameter specifies local destination to copy the SPM data files, if COPY FILES = Yes. If COPY FILES = No, this parameter is ignored.


TO LOCATION = d:\SPM_Data_Backup

TO LOCATION = /local/driveA/SPM_Data_Backup

Appendix B: SRG_QOS.conf File Example

This section contains the following topics:

SRG_QOS.conf File Example (see page 83) Configuration Parameter Definitions (see page 84)

SRG_QOS.conf File Example The following is an example of the SRG_QOS.conf file:


# Location of QOS log files


QOS EXPORT DATA FILE = /usr/Spectrum/QOS_Data

# If the QOS Export Data files exist on a remote machine, set

# REMOTE LOCATION = yes and enter the appropriate FTP parameters. # If the QOS

Export Data files are local, set REMOTE LOCATION = no # and the FTP parameters

will be ignored.


REMOTE MACHINE = <host name or IP>

FTP USER NAME = anonymous

FTP PASSWORD = [email protected]


# RRA consolidation functions that apply to each RRD







# Options for data collection


# Set COPY FILES = yes to automatically copy all raw QOS Export #Data files to a

desired directory location for archiving. Used #only if source directory is local



TO LOCATION = /usr/QOS/Backup

Appendix B: SRG_QOS.conf File Example 83

Configuration Parameter Definitions

Configuration Parameter Definitions Each variable parameter in the SRG_QOS.conf file example is described in the following sections:










This parameter notifies SRG_QOS where to look for the QOS log files.

Note: This location can be a mapped or mounted network drive.


QOS EXPORT DATA FILE = /usr/QOS_ReportGateway



This parameter specifies whether the directory specified for QOS EXPORT DATA FILE is local or on a remote system.




84 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

Configuration Parameter Definitions


If REMOTE LOCATION = Yes, this parameter specifies the name or IP of the remote host computer. If REMOTE LOCATION = No, this parameter is ignored.


REMOTE COMPUTER = spectrum.aprisma.com




If REMOTE LOCATION = Yes, this parameter specifies the FTP user name having access to the REMOTE COMPUTER. If REMOTE LOCATION = No, this parameter is ignored.


FTP USER NAME = anonymous


This parameter specifies the password for the FTP USER NAME having access to the REMOTE COMPUTER, If REMOTE LOCATION = Yes. If REMOTE LOCATION = No, this parameter is ignored.


FTP PASSWORD = [email protected]


SRG_QOS supports 64-bit encryption of this password. To encrypt this password, run the following command after configuring SRG_QOS.conf:

command prompt> SRG_QOS.exe encrypt

The FTP PASSWORD parameter will now be changed to the following:


FTP PASSWORD (encrypted) = 5823fg73th46ui46lstt00895dkls

Appendix B: SRG_QOS.conf File Example 85

Configuration Parameter Definitions

86 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)


Round-Robin-Archives (RRAs) are used to configure the data compression and granularity for each RRD. It is recommended the default RRAs be used unless RRA functionality is fully understood. See the RRDTool documentation at http://www.rrdtool.com for details.


SRG_QOS automatically copies QOS data files from the QOS DATA EXPORT FILE location to a specified directory for archiving. This parameter can only be used if QOS DATA EXPORT FILE location is local (e.g. REMOTE LOCATION = No).

Note: Mapping or mounting a network drive of the remote QOS data directory is virtually the same as a local drive. Setting COPY FILES = Yes automatically pulls all QOS data files from the remote computer and stores them to the specified local destination, as long as the drive remains mapped or mounted.





If COPY FILES = Yes, this parameter specifies local destination to copy the QOS data files. If COPY FILES = No, this parameter is ignored.


TO LOCATION = d:\QOS_Data_Backup

TO LOCATION = /local/driveA/QOS_Data_Backup

Appendix C: Configuration Examples

This section contains the following topics:

SSLogger Models File (First Configuration Example) (see page 87) sslogger.dat File (First Configuration Example) (see page 88) SRG.conf File (First Configuration Example) (see page 89) SSLogger Models File (Second Configuration Example) (see page 91) sslogger.dat File (Second Configuration Example) (see page 91) SRG.conf File (Second Configuration Example) (see page 92) SSLogger Models File (Third Configuration Example) (see page 93) sslogger.dat File (Third Configuration Example) (see page 94) SRG.conf File (Third Configuration Example) (see page 94)

SSLogger Models File (First Configuration Example) The following is an SSLogger models file example:

0x180598c;; 0x3f20000; VH_Switch

0x1800c72;; 0x3cb0003; RoamAboutAP

0x1800c76;; 0x3cb0003; RoamAboutAP

0x1802123;; 0x2c60022; XPedSwRtr

0x18020a1;; 0x2c60022; XPedSwRtr

0x18086e9;; 0x21b0015; 6H202_24

0x180790c;; 0x21b0015; 6H202_24

0x180067c;; 0x21b0015; 6H202_24

0x1800c66;; 0x3cb0003; RoamAboutAP

0x1800c62;; 0x3cb0003; RoamAboutAP

0x18079fc;; 0x3cb0003; RoamAboutAP

0x18024a8;; 0x3cb0003; RoamAboutAP

0x1808813; amt-ns2; 0x116008c; Host_Sun

0x18087ef; amt-nsm; 0x116008c; Host_Sun

0x18087cc; amt-ns4; 0x116008c; Host_Sun

0x18087c6; amt-ns3; 0x116008c; Host_Sun

0x180000d; SSPerformance; 0x10421; SSPerformance

More information:

SSLogger Configuration (see page 16)

Appendix C: Configuration Examples 87

sslogger.dat File (First Configuration Example)

sslogger.dat File (First Configuration Example) The following is an sslogger.dat file example:

group: device_port_info

ifInOctets ; 300 ; 0x0 ; 0x100cd ; .1

ifOutOctets ; 300 ; 0x0 ; 0x100d3 ; .1

group: CPU_info_XPedSwRtr

CPU_Utilization_1 ; 300 ; 0x0 ; 0x2c604d6 ; .0

group: VNM_stats

os_disk_util ; 300 ; 0x0 ; 0x11f8c ; .0

os_cpu_util ; 300 ; 0x0 ; 0x11f96 ; .0

vnm_cpu_util ; 300 ; 0x0 ; 0x11e56 ; .0

vnm_mem_proc_size ; 300 ; 0x0 ; 0x11e8b ; .0

vnm_active_threads ; 300 ; 0x0 ; 0x11e49 ; .0

vnm_timer_latency ; 300 ; 0x0 ; 0x11ed6 ; .0

vnm_notif_latency ; 300 ; 0x0 ; 0x11e95 ; .0

vnm_poll_latency ; 300 ; 0x0 ; 0x11e99 ; .0

vnm_log_latency ; 300 ; 0x0 ; 0x11e7b ; .0

mtype: SSPerformance


mtype: VH_Switch


mtype: RoamAboutAP


mtype: XPedSwRtr



mtype: 6H202_24


mtype: Host_Sun


Rotate_log_interval: 1

More information:

SSLogger Configuration (see page 16)

88 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

SRG.conf File (First Configuration Example)

SRG.conf File (First Configuration Example) The following is an SRG.conf file example:

# SRG Version 1.2


# Location of SSLogger configuration and raw data files


# Specify the directory path for the location of raw SSLogger data # files. If

the SSLogger data files exist on a remote computer, set # this path to the remote

SSLogger directory.


# If the SSLogger files exist on a remote computer, set REMOTE


# and enter the appropriate FTP parameters. If the SSLogger files

# are local, set REMOTE LOCATION = No and the FTP parameters will be

# ignored.





# Specify the location and the name of the SSLogger model file.

MODEL FILE = /RRD/ReportGateway/models

# Specify the location and the name of the SSLogger sslogger.dat

# file.

SSLOGGER DAT = /RRD/ReportGateway/sslogger.dat


# Configuration files that pertain to RRD (Round Robin Database)


# Global step count (in seconds) utilized for all RRD's. Unless an

# RRD specific step count is specified below, all RRD's will be

# created with the GLOBAL STEP. To use a step count unique to

# RRDs (or model types), enter the Model Handle from the

# SSLogger models file with its unique step count,

# delimited by a colon.

# Example:

# UNIQUE STEP = 0x12345af:60

# UNIQUE STEP = 0x67899eb:180

Appendix C: Configuration Examples 89

SRG.conf File (First Configuration Example)


# List the data source type for each model attribute specified in

# the sslogger.dat file.

ifInOctets & COUNTER:600:U:U

ifOutOctets & COUNTER:600:U:U

CPU_Utilization_1 & GAUGE:600:U:U

os_disk_util & GAUGE:600:U:U

os_cpu_util & GAUGE:600:U:U

vnm_cpu_util & GAUGE:600:U:U

vnm_mem_proc_size & GAUGE:600:U:U

vnm_active_threads & GAUGE:600:U:U

vnm_timer_latency & GAUGE:600:U:U

vnm_notif_latency & GAUGE:600:U:U

vnm_poll_latency & GAUGE:600:U:U

vnm_log_latency & GAUGE:600:U:U

# Configure the RRA (Round Robin Archive) as desired for data

# collection.










# Options for data collection


# Determine the amount of time allowed for SSLogger poll responses

# (in seconds).


# Set COPY FILES = Yes to automatically copy all raw SSLogger files

# to a desired directory location for archiving. Used only if

# source directory is local (REMOTE LOCATION = No).


TO LOCATION = /RRD/SSLogger_Backup

# The number of days before deleting SSLogger files (0 = Disabled)


90 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

SSLogger Models File (Second Configuration Example)

SSLogger Models File (Second Configuration Example) The following is an SSLogger models file example:

0x4005bf; DRR; 0x21000c; Rtr_Cisco

0x400492; Los_Colinas; 0x21000c; Rtr_Cisco

0x400491; Las_Vegas; 0x21000c; Rtr_Cisco

0x400490; Mandalay; 0x21000c; Rtr_Cisco

0x40048f; Etiwanda; 0x21000c; Rtr_Cisco

0x4003b3; Osceola; 0x21000c; Rtr_Cisco

0x4003b2; Indian_River; 0x21000c; Rtr_Cisco

0x4003b1; Shell_Deer_Park; 0x21000c; Rtr_Cisco

More information:

SSLogger Configuration (see page 16)

sslogger.dat File (Second Configuration Example) The following is an sslogger.dat file example:

group: network_stats

ifInUcastPkts ; 300 ; 0x0 ; 0x100ce ; .1

ifOutUcastPkts ; 300 ; 0x0 ; 0x100d4 ; .1

locIfInPktsSec ; 300 ; 0x0 ; 0x2100e1 ; .1

locIfOutPktsSec ; 300 ; 0x0 ; 0x2100e3 ; .1

group: cpu_stats

cpmCPUTotal5min ; 300 ; 0x0 ; 0x210a6b ; .0

mtype: Rtr_Cisco



Rotate_log_interval: 1

More information:

SSLogger Configuration (see page 16)

Appendix C: Configuration Examples 91

SRG.conf File (Second Configuration Example)

SRG.conf File (Second Configuration Example) The following is an SRG.conf file example:

# SRG Version 1.2


# Location of SSLogger configuration and raw data files


# Specify the directory path for the location of raw SSLogger data

# files. If the SSLogger data files exist on a remote computer, set

# this path to the remote SSLogger directory.


# If the SSLogger files exist on a remote computer, set REMOTE

# LOCATION = Yes and enter the appropriate FTP parameters. If the

# SSLogger files are local, set REMOTE LOCATION = No and the FTP

# parameters will be ignored.





# Specify the location and the name of the SSLogger model file.

MODEL FILE = C:\ReportGateway\models

# Specify the location and the name of the SSLogger sslogger.dat

# file.

SSLOGGER DAT = C:\ReportGateway\sslogger.dat


# Configuration files that pertain to RRD (Round Robin Database)


# Global step count (in seconds) utilized for all RRD's. Unless an

# RRD specific step count is specified below, all RRD's will be

# created with the GLOBAL STEP. To use a step count unique to

# RRDs (or model types), enter the Model Handle from the

# SSLogger models file with its unique step count,

# delimited by a colon.

# Example:

# UNIQUE STEP = 0x12345af:60

# UNIQUE STEP = 0x67899eb:180

92 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

SSLogger Models File (Third Configuration Example)


# List the data source type for each model attribute specified in

# the sslogger.dat file.

ifInUcastPkts & COUNTER:600:U:U

ifOutUcastPkts & COUNTER:600:U:U

locIfInPktsSec & GAUGE:600:U:U

locIfOutPktsSec & GAUGE:600:U:U

cpmCPUTotal5min & GAUGE:600:U:U

# Configure the RRA (Round Robin Archive) as desired for data

# collection.










# Options for data collection


# Determine the amount of time allowed for SSLogger poll responses

# (in seconds).


# Set COPY FILES = Yes to automatically copy all raw SSLogger files

# to a desired directory location for archiving. Used only if source directory is




# The number of days before deleting SSLogger files (0 = Disabled)


SSLogger Models File (Third Configuration Example) The following is an SSLogger models file example:

0x2600086;; 0x21000c; Rtr_Cisco

0x2600019;; 0x2c60021; RstoneSwRtr

0x260008f;; 0x220013; Serial_IF_Port

0x2600090;; 0x220013; Serial_IF_Port

More information:

SSLogger Configuration (see page 16)

Appendix C: Configuration Examples 93

sslogger.dat File (Third Configuration Example)

sslogger.dat File (Third Configuration Example) The following is an sslogger.dat file example:

group: device_info_1

avgBusy5 ; 300 ; 0x0 ; 0x2100cd ; .0

locIfCollisions ; 300 ; 0x0 ; 0x2100f3 ; .1

locIfOutBitsSec ; 300 ; 0x0 ; 0x2100e2 ; .1

locIfInBitsSec ; 300 ; 0x0 ; 0x2100e0 ; .1

mtype: Rtr_Cisco


group: device_info_2

Load ; 300 ; 0x0 ; 0x10019 ; .0

ifOutErrors ; 300 ; 0x0 ; 0x100d7 ; .1

ifOutOctets ; 300 ; 0x0 ; 0x100d3 ; .1

ifInErrors ; 300 ; 0x0 ; 0x100d1 ; .1

ifInOctets ; 300 ; 0x0 ; 0x100cd ; .1

mtype: RstoneSwRtr


group: serial_port_info

MonHardErrorRate ; 300 ; 0x0 ; 0x1157c ; .0

WAMonPacketRateOut ; 300 ; 0x0 ; 0x115a4 ; .0

WAMonPacketRateIn ; 300 ; 0x0 ; 0x115a3 ; .0

mtype: Serial_IF_Port


Rotate_log_interval: 1

More information:

SSLogger Configuration (see page 16)

SRG.conf File (Third Configuration Example) The following is an SRG.conf file example:

# SRG Version 1.2


# Location of SSLogger configuration and raw data files


# Specify the directory path for the location of raw SSLogger data

# files. If the SSLogger data files exist on a remote computer, set

# this path to the remote SSLogger directory.


94 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

SRG.conf File (Third Configuration Example)

# If the SSLogger files exist on a remote computer, set REMOTE

# LOCATION = Yes and enter the appropriate FTP parameters. If the

# SSLogger files are local, set REMOTE LOCATION = No and the FTP

# parameters will be ignored.



FTP USER NAME = spectrum

FTP PASSWORD = aprisma

# Specify the location and the name of the SSLogger model file.

# MODEL FILE = /local/ReportGateway/models

# Specify the location and the name of the SSLogger sslogger.dat

# file.

SSLOGGER DAT = /local/ReportGateway/sslogger.dat


# Configuration files that pertain to RRD (Round Robin Database)


# Global step count (in seconds) utilized for all RRD's. Unless an

# RRD specific step count is specified below, all RRD's will be

# created with the GLOBAL STEP. To use a step count unique to

# RRDs (or model types), enter the Model Handle from the

# SSLogger models file with its unique step count,

# delimited by a colon.

# Example:

# UNIQUE STEP = 0x12345af:60

# UNIQUE STEP = 0x67899eb:180

Appendix C: Configuration Examples 95

SRG.conf File (Third Configuration Example)

96 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)


# List the data source type for each model attribute specified in

# the sslogger.dat file.

avgBusy5 & GAUGE:600:U:U

locIfCollisions & GAUGE:600:U:U

locIfOutBitsSec & GAUGE:600:U:U

locIfInBitsSec & GAUGE:600:U:U

Load & GAUGE:600:U:U

IfOutErrors & COUNTER:600:U:U

ifOutOctets & COUNTER:600:U:U

ifInErrors & COUNTER:600:U:U

ifInOctets & COUNTER:600:U:U

MonHardErrorRate & GAUGE:600:U:U

WAMonPacketRateOut & GAUGE:600:U:U

WAMonPacketRateIn & GAUGE:600:U:U

# Configure the RRA (Round Robin Archive) as desired for data

# collection.










# Options for data collection


# Determine the amount of time allowed for SSLogger poll responses

# (in seconds).


# Set COPY FILES = Yes to automatically copy all raw SSLogger files

# to a desired directory location for archiving. Used only if

# source directory is local (REMOTE LOCATION = No).



# The number of days before deleting SSLogger files (0 = Disabled)



data source type • 42 A DATASRC • 56 defining access

data points display format • 57 allowing • 28 non-list attributes for data sources • 56 denying • 28 report title • 54 access.xml and advanced security • 26 vertical (y-axis) label • 54 adding

horizontal rules • 56 E last update time • 58 strings to a legend • 56 ENABLE GLOBAL TREND • 45 traffic class reports • 71 ENABLE UNIQUE TREND • 46 trend data • 58 error.log file • 76 y-axis boundaries • 55 F adhoc reports • 58

Apache files starting • 76 report template • 51 stopping • 76 SRG.conf • 35, 36, 89, 92, 94

AREA • 57 SRG_QOS.conf • 83, 84 SRG_SPM.conf • 79, 80 C SSLogger type • 35

FORECAST SCOPE • 47 CDEFs • 57 FTP password color schemes • 55

AES 128-bit encryption • 18, 20 COLORTAG • 55 DES 64-bit encryption of • 18, 20 COMMENT • 56 encryption • 18, 20, 40 configuration parameter definitions (Report

Gateway Configuration) • 38 FIPS 140-2 compliance • 18, 20 security • 18, 20, 40 configuring

FTP PASSWORD • 40 Data Miner • 18 FTP PASSWORD (QOS) • 85 FTP password • 40 FTP PASSWORD (SPM) • 81 passwords • 25 FTP USER NAME • 39 Qos Manager Report Gateway • 68, 70 FTP USER NAME (QOS) • 85 Report Gateway • 16

security • 25 G SPM Report Gateway • 63, 64 users • 25 GLOBAL STEP • 41

COPY FILES • 44 global trending • 45 COPY FILES (QOS) • 86 GNU General Public License • 9 COPY FILES (SPM) • 82 graphical reporting configuration settings • 23 custom calculation definitions • 57 GRPITEM • 57 custom reports • 51


heartbeat • 42 data collection options • 35 HEIGHT • 54 Data Miner • 18 historical data • 73 data source name • 42, 76 history files • 22

Index 97

.conf file • 35 horizontal rules • 56

.conf file examples • 36, 89, 92, 94 HRULE • 56 advanced user security • 26 I configuration file (SRG.conf) • 10 core files • 24 installation requirements • 13 first execution • 22

L for QoS (SRG_QOS) • 67 for SPM (SRG_SPM) • 61 LINE • 57 graphical reporting utility • 22 Linux installing • 14 configuring Qos Manager Report Gateway

on • 70 running • 68 running with OneClick • 48 configuring SPM Report Gateway on • 64 scheduling RRD updates • 10 setting up SRG on • 20 system requirements • 13 SRG requirements for • 13 uninstalling • 32 LLIMIT • 55 upgrading • 16 location of • 35 user interface • 49

M report template file • 51 report trees • 51

MARKX • 55 reports MARKY • 55 adhoc • 58 model file • 10 custom • 51 MODEL FILE • 41 generating • 49

N sizes of • 54 traffic class • 71

non-list attribute data sources • 56 viewing • 49 with custom color schemes • 55 P round robin databases (RRD) • 9

round-robin-archives • 43, 82, 86 password configuration • 25 RRA (QOS) • 86 passwords • 40 RRA (SPM) • 82 port level attributes • 16 RRD configuration files • 35 prerequisites • 62 RRDTool • 9, 16

Q running • 62

S QOS configuration parameters • 84 QOS EXPORT DATA FILE • 84

security • 25 Qos Manager Solaris about • 67

configuring Qos Manager Report Gateway on • 70

configuration for Report Gateway • 68 prerequisites • 68

configuring SPM Report Gateway on • 64 running • 68 setting up SRG on • 20

R SRG requirements for • 13 SPECTRUM Report Gateway (SRG) • 9, 16 REMOTE COMPUTER • 39 SPM • 61 REMOTE COMPUTER (QOS) • 85

logging configuration parameters • 62 REMOTE LOCATION • 39 SPM configuration parameters • 80 REMOTE LOCATION (QOS) • 84 SPM EXPORT DATA FILE • 80 REMOTE LOCATION (SPM) • 80 SRG.conf file examples • 36, 89, 92, 94 Report Gateway

98 Report Gateway User Guide (5141)

Index 99

SRG_QOS .conf file example • 83 about • 67 configuration file (SRG_QOS.conf) • 67

SRG_SPM.conf file example • 79 SSLogger

configuration files • 10 information • 9, 35 models file examples • 87, 91, 93 SSLogger, minimum poll interval • 16

SSLOGGER DAT • 41 SSLOGGER FILE • 39 SSLOGGER FILE TIMEOUT • 44 sslogger.dat file examples • 88, 91, 94 STALE RRD TIMEOUT • 45 Sync_SRG • 11

T tags

allow • 28 AREA • 57 COLORTAG • 55 COMMENT • 56 DATASRC • 56 deny • 28 GRPITEM • 57 HEIGHT • 54 HRULE • 56 LINE • 57 LLIMIT • 55 MARKX • 55 MARKY • 55 TIME • 58 TITLE • 54 TREND • 58 ULIMIT • 55 VLABEL • 54 WIDTH • 54

Template file • 76 TIME • 58 TIME OVERLAP • 44 TITLE • 54 TO LOCATION • 44, 82, 86 TO LOCATION (QOS) • 86 TO LOCATION (Report Gateway Configuration)

• 44 TO LOCATION (SPM) • 82 Top N reports • 51 TREND • 58

trend analysis options • 35 trend data • 58 TREND FORECAST • 47 TREND SCOPE • 46, 73 Trend_<rrd> file • 73 Trend_RRD • 45

U ULIMIT • 55 UNIQUE STEP • 42 unique trending • 46, 73 user configuration • 25

V vertical (y-axis) label • 54 VLABEL • 54

W watermark coordinates • 55 WIDTH • 54 Windows

configuring Qos Manager Report Gateway on • 68

configuring SPM Report Gateway on • 63 setting up SRG on • 18 SRG requirements for • 13

X x-files-factor • 43 xhost • 14

Y y-axis boundaries • 55