Specifications for the real world — Using Specification by Example and Gherkin

Specifications for the real world Specification by Example and Gherkin Kamil Nicieja [email protected]

Transcript of Specifications for the real world — Using Specification by Example and Gherkin

Page 1: Specifications for the real world — Using Specification by Example and Gherkin

Specifications for the real world Specification by Example and Gherkin

Kamil Nicieja [email protected]

Page 2: Specifications for the real world — Using Specification by Example and Gherkin

Kamil Nicieja

1. a product manager

2. co-founder & CEO at Ada


3. author of “Writing Great Specifications”

Page 3: Specifications for the real world — Using Specification by Example and Gherkin

Specifica.on is

1. a document

2. which contains requirements

3. and so is created as a result of the analysis phase

4. only to expire quickly after production release

Page 4: Specifications for the real world — Using Specification by Example and Gherkin

Why care?

Page 5: Specifications for the real world — Using Specification by Example and Gherkin

An analysis issued by Great Britain's Health and Safety Executive suggests that

44% of system failures may have their root cause in an inadequate


Bell Labs and IBM studies have determined that 80% of all defects are

inserted in the requirements phase.

Why care?

Page 6: Specifications for the real world — Using Specification by Example and Gherkin

An analysis issued by Great Britain's Health and Safety Executive suggests that

44% of system failures may have their root cause in an inadequate


Bell Labs and IBM studies have determined that 80% of all defects are

inserted in the requirements phase.

Commercial organizations across the European Union lost 142 billion EUR on

failed IT projects in 2004 alone, mostly because of poor alignment with

business objectives or business strategies becoming obsolete during delivery.

Why care?

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We’re doing something wrong.

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Specification anti-patterns

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Specification anti-patterns


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Specification anti-patterns

Over-specification Hand-offs

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Specification anti-patterns

Over-specification Hand-offs


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Specification anti-patterns

Over-specification Hand-offs


Page 13: Specifications for the real world — Using Specification by Example and Gherkin

Specifica.on is

1. a document

2. which contains requirements

3. and so is created as a result of the analysis phase

4. only to expire quickly after production release

Page 14: Specifications for the real world — Using Specification by Example and Gherkin

Specifica.on is

1. a document communication process

2. which contains requirements

3. and so is created as a result of the analysis phase

4. only to expire quickly after production release

Page 15: Specifications for the real world — Using Specification by Example and Gherkin

Specifica.on is

1. a document communication process

2. which contains requirements

3. and so is created as a result of the analysis phase

4. only to expire quickly after production release

“Organiza2ons which design systems are constrained to

produce designs which are copies of the communica2on

structures of these organiza2ons.”

—Melvin Conway

Page 16: Specifications for the real world — Using Specification by Example and Gherkin

Specifica.on is

1. a document communication process

2. which contains requirements

3. and so is created as a result of the analysis phase

4. only to expire quickly after production release

Page 17: Specifications for the real world — Using Specification by Example and Gherkin

Specifica.on is

1. a document communication process

2. which contains evolves requirements

3. and so is created as a result of the analysis phase

4. only to expire quickly after production release

Page 18: Specifications for the real world — Using Specification by Example and Gherkin

Specifica.on is

1. a document communication process

2. which contains requirements

3. and so is created as a result of the analysis phase

4. only to expire quickly after production release

“A complex system that works is invariably found to have

evolved from a simple system that worked. A complex system

designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up

to make it work. You have to start over with a working simple


—John Gall

Page 19: Specifications for the real world — Using Specification by Example and Gherkin

Specifica.on is

1. a document communication process

2. which contains evolves requirements

3. and so is created as a result of the analysis phase

4. only to expire quickly after production release

Page 20: Specifications for the real world — Using Specification by Example and Gherkin

Specifica.on is

1. a document communication process

2. which contains evolves requirements

3. and so is created as a result of the analysis phase

4. only to expire quickly after production release

Page 21: Specifications for the real world — Using Specification by Example and Gherkin

Specifica.on is

1. a document communication process

2. which contains evolves requirements

3. and so is created as a result of the analysis phase

4. only to expire quickly and continues after production release

Page 22: Specifications for the real world — Using Specification by Example and Gherkin

Specifica.on is

1. a document communication process

2. which contains evolves requirements

3. and so is created as a result of the analysis phase

4. only to expire quickly and continues after production release

5. with short, concrete, and easy to maintain documentation

Page 23: Specifications for the real world — Using Specification by Example and Gherkin

Meet Specifica.on by Example and Gherkin

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Meet Specifica.on by Example and Gherkin

Having conversations about


Page 25: Specifications for the real world — Using Specification by Example and Gherkin

Meet Specifica.on by Example and Gherkin

Having conversations about


Writing acceptance tests for


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Having conversations about


Capturing conversations in


Writing acceptance tests for


Meet Specifica.on by Example and Gherkin

Page 27: Specifications for the real world — Using Specification by Example and Gherkin

Given Mike, a member of our team

And that it isn't 2 PM yet

When Mike chooses 2 PM as a start time for his meeting

Then he should be able to save his meeting

Capturing conversations in Gherkin

Gherkin specifications are written through scenarios. Analysts, designers,

programmers, and testers can all write the scenarios.

Page 28: Specifications for the real world — Using Specification by Example and Gherkin

Given(/^Mike, a member of our team$/) do

@mike = User.new

@mike.save(name: "Mike")


Given(/^that it isn't (\d+) PM yet$/) do |arg1|

# We subtract 1 from arg1 because we need to make sure

# that time is frozen before arg1

Timecop.freeze Time.parse("January 1st, 2016 #{arg1.to_i - 1} PM")


When(/^Mike chooses (\d+) PM as a start time for his meeting$/) do |arg1|

time = Time.parse("January 1st, 2016 #{arg1} PM")

@meeting = Meeting.new

@meeting.save(start_time: time)

@mike.meetings << @meeting


Then(/^he should be able to save his meeting$/) do

expect(@mike.meetings.first.saved?).to eq true


Gherkin scenarios can even be

automated by developers and


Automated acceptance tests make

sure that the specs stay up to date.

Page 29: Specifications for the real world — Using Specification by Example and Gherkin

Ability: Screening tenant leads

SCREENING is the process of evaluating a tenant lead before

signing a lease in order to choose the best candidate.

A TENANT LEAD is a potential tenant who applied to live in

an apartment managed by our rental platform.

Scenario Outline: Screening leads based on credit score

TENANTS PIPELINE is a list of verified tenant

leads a landlord can choose from.

Given a tenant lead:

| name | credit used | total debt |

| Simona Jenkins | <used> | <debt> |

And that the lead waits in the queue to the tenants pipeline

When the tenant lead has a <score>

Then we should <result> the lead to the tenants pipeline


| used | debt | score | result |

| 40% | $202,704 | credit score of 499 | reject |

| 41% | $202,704 | credit score of 500 | accept |

Some Gherkin specifications can be

quite complex and use tables or

dynamic attributes.

Page 30: Specifications for the real world — Using Specification by Example and Gherkin

Ability: Screening tenant leads

SCREENING is the process of evaluating a tenant lead before

signing a lease in order to choose the best candidate.


Func.onal requirements

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Business Need: Security

Scenario: Activating two-factor authentication


Non-func.onal requirements

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The specification suite creates

an up-to-date map of


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Long-term benefits

1. Better requirements

2. Less rework

3. Business-readable acceptance tests

4. Living documentation

Page 34: Specifications for the real world — Using Specification by Example and Gherkin

“Writing Great Specifications” Using Specification by Example and Gherkin by Kamil Nicieja

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