Species: Ocelot

Species: Ocelot Taxonomic group: Mammal I eat: rodents, birds, snakes, lizards, other small mammals (including monkeys), insects Photo credit: Danleo http://en.wikipedia.org/w iki/Ocelot


Species: Ocelot. Taxonomic group: Mammal I eat: rodents, birds, snakes, lizards, other small mammals ( including monkeys), insects. Photo credit: Danleo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocelot. Species: Jaguar . Taxonomic group: Mammal - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Species: Ocelot

Page 1: Species: Ocelot

Species: OcelotTaxonomic group: Mammal

I eat: rodents, birds, snakes, lizards, other small mammals (including monkeys), insects

Photo credit: Danleo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocelot

Page 2: Species: Ocelot

Species: Jaguar Taxonomic group: Mammal

I eat: deer, tapirs, peccaries, sloths, capybara, giant otter, fish, birds, reptiles, caiman

Photo credit: US Fish & Wildlife Service http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaguar

Page 3: Species: Ocelot

Species: BatTaxonomic group: Mammal

Depending on species I eat: insects or fruit or nectar

Leaf-nosed bathttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leaf-nosed_bat

Page 4: Species: Ocelot

Species: CoatiTaxonomic group: Mammal

I eat: fruits, ground-dwelling invertebrates, lizards and mice

Photo credit: Steven Wallinghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coati

Page 5: Species: Ocelot

Species: AgoutiTaxonomic group: Mammal

I eat: fruit and seeds

Central American agoutihttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_American_Agouti

Page 6: Species: Ocelot

Species: Red Howler monkeyTaxonomic group: Mammal

I eat: leaves, fruit and flowers

Gron KJ. 2007 November 26. Primate Factsheets: Red howler (Alouatta seniculus) Taxonomy, Morphology, & Ecology . <http://pin.primate.wisc.edu/factsheets/entry/red_howler>. Accessed 2010 December 30.

Photo credit: Roy Fontaine

Page 7: Species: Ocelot

Species: Capuchin monkeyTaxonomic group: Mammal

I eat: palm nuts, seeds, insect grubs (e.g. bruchid beetles), fruit, leaves, arthropods

Photo credit: Roy Fontaine


Page 8: Species: Ocelot

Species: Blue-grey tanagerTaxonomic group: Bird

I eat: fruit (e.g. figs, Cecropias and palms), nectar and insects


Page 9: Species: Ocelot

Species: Purple-throated carib (hummingbird)Taxonomic group: Bird

I eat: nectar

Photo credit: Charles J Sharp


Page 10: Species: Ocelot

Species: Blue and yellow macawTaxonomic group: Bird

I eat: fruit (including palm nuts), seeds, nectar

Photo credit: Luc Viatour www.lucnix.be


Page 11: Species: Ocelot

Species: keel-billed toucanTaxonomic group: Bird

I eat: fruits including Cecropia and fig berries. Also insects, spiders, lizards, snakes and nestling birds and eggs


Page 12: Species: Ocelot

Species: Lesser Antillean Iguana Taxonomic group: Reptile

I eat: insects, fruit and leaves

Photo credit: Hans Hillewaert


Page 13: Species: Ocelot

Species: Boa ConstrictorTaxonomic group: Reptile

I eat: mammals (including small cats), birds, lizards


Page 14: Species: Ocelot

Species: Coral snakeTaxonomic group: Reptile

I eat: lizards and other snakes


Page 15: Species: Ocelot

Species: Leaf cutting antTaxonomic group: Insect

I eat: Sap and fungus (home-grown)


Page 16: Species: Ocelot

Species: Bruchid beetlesTaxonomic group: Insects

I eat: seeds


Page 17: Species: Ocelot

Species: Owl butterflyTaxonomic group: Insects

I eat: rotting fruits


Page 18: Species: Ocelot

Species: Palm treeTaxonomic group: PlantsSource of: fruit and seeds (oil)


Page 19: Species: Ocelot

Species: Figs Taxonomic group: PlantsSource of: fruit (figs)A keystone species

Ficus aureahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_fig

Page 20: Species: Ocelot

Species: Cecropia speciesTaxonomic group: PlantsSource of: fruit, leaves and buds

Red Cecropia, Cecropia glazioviiPhoto credit: Eurico Zimbres http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Cecropia_glazioui.jpg

Page 21: Species: Ocelot

Species: Neon tetraTaxonomic group: Fish

I eat: insects on the surface of the water, small live prey and plant material (omnivore)

Photo credit: Aleš Tošovskýhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neon_tetra

Page 22: Species: Ocelot

Species: Pearl headstanderTaxonomic group: Fish

I eat: small live prey and plant material (omnivore)


Page 23: Species: Ocelot

Species: Poison dart frogsTaxonomic group: Amphibian

I eat: insects

Dendrobates azureus (top) and Dendrobates leucomelas

Photo credit: Adrian Pingstone http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poison_dart_frog