SPECIES INFORMATION FOR SELECTED TREES … · Sporadic in Pacific Spirit Park . Rhamnus purshiana...

SPECIES INFORMATION FOR SELECTED TREES OF PACIFIC SPIRIT REGIONAL PARK VANCOUVER, B.C., CANADA Taken from E-Flora BC (http://www.eflora.bc.ca/ ) and The Illustrated Flora of B.C. (Douglas, G.W., D.V. Meidinger, and J. Pojar (editors). 1998-2002)

Transcript of SPECIES INFORMATION FOR SELECTED TREES … · Sporadic in Pacific Spirit Park . Rhamnus purshiana...




Taken from E-Flora BC (http://www.eflora.bc.ca/) and

The Illustrated Flora of B.C.

(Douglas, G.W., D.V. Meidinger, and J. Pojar (editors). 1998-2002)

Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don

western red cedar



General: Large tree, up to about 60 m tall; mature trees generally fluted and buttressed at the base; branches tend to spread, or droop slightly and then upturn; the branchlets spray-like, strongly flattened horizontally; bark ridged and fissured, readily tearing Leaves: Scalelike, somewhat overlapping, closely pressed to stem, in opposite pairs; glossy yellowish-green, turning brown and shedding with age. Cones: Seed cones green when immature, brown, egg-shaped, and 8-10 mm long when mature; pollen cones minute and reddish, numerous. Notes: This is the provincial tree of BC.

Very common in Pacific Spirit


Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirbel) Franco




General: Tree up to 70 (occasionally to 90) m tall; rounded to flattened crown when older, young trees with pyramidal crown; bark very thick, rough, dark brown. Leaves: Needles (1.5) 2-3 (3.5) cm long, spreading around twig or turned upward, obtuse to abruptly sharp-pointed tip; color varies from yellow-green to dark-green in var. menziesii to blue-green in var. glauca, lower surface with two longitudinal bands of white stomata. Cones: Seed cones drooping, yellowish- to purplish-green when young, turning reddish-brown, soon deciduous; 6-10 cm long in var. menziesii, 4-7 cm in var. glauca; scales with 3-lobed tip, the centre one the longest; pollen cones yellow to reddish, 6-10 mm long. Notes: Two varieties are recognized in BC 1. Cones mostly 6-10 cm long, the bracts straight and appressed toward the cone tip; leaves deep (yellowish) green; primarily coastal var. menziesii (coast Douglas-fir) 1. Cones mostly 4-7 cm long, the bracts appressed to spreading or reflexed; leaves more bluish-green; primarily interior var. glauca (Beissn.) Franco (Rocky Mountain Douglas-fir)

Very common in Pacific Spirit


Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.

western hemlock


General: Tree to 50 (60) m tall; narrow crown, with noticeably drooping leader (growing tip); young twigs covered with mix of short hairs and longer hairs; bark rough and scaly, strongly furrowed and ridged in older trees, dark brown to reddish-brown. Leaves: Needles somewhat flattened, rounded at tip, 8-20 (25) mm long and characteristically unequal in length, spread unevenly at right angles to the branches to form feathery, flat sprays; glossy and yellow-green on upper surface, almost entirely white-stomatiferous on the lower. Cones: Seed cones maturing from green to brown, 1.5-2.5 cm long, oblong-egg-shaped; pollen cones yellow, 3-4 mm long. Notes: Hybrids with T. mertensiana have been reported (T. x jeffreyi [Henry] Henry) but are considered rare; some reports may be at upper elevations of its range where T. heterophylla may take on some characteristics of T. mertensiana, e.g., leaves less 2-ranked and stomatal bands on the lower leaf surfaces less distinct.

Very common in Pacific Spirit


Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.

Sitka spruce


SPECIES INFORMATION General: Tall tree, up to 90 m tall; bark greyish-brown to purplish, scaly, thin; young twigs glabrous; main branches of tree noticably long and horizontal with drooping branchlets. Leaves: Needles sharp, flattened; standing out in all directions; pungent. Cones: Seed cones 5-9 cm long, reddish-brown to yellowish-brown, scales rounded and finely irregularly toothed at tip; pollen cones red. Notes: Hybridizes with P. glauca and P. engelmannii (see notes under P. glauca and P. engelmannii).

Not common in Pacific Spirit


Abies grandis (Dougl. ex D. Don) Lindl.

grand fir



General: Tall, straight tree, up to 80 m tall; bark greyish to light brown, with resin blisters, smooth to shallowly ridged, becoming flaky; branches flattened and spray-like. Leaves: Needles flat, rounded and usually notched at the tip; dark green and shallowly grooved above, having two distinct whitish bands of stomata below; definitely spreading horizontally, 2-4 (5) cm long. Cones: Seed cones erect, yellowish-green to green, 6-11 cm long, 3.5-4 cm thick, the bracts deciduous; pollen cones yellowish.

Rare in Pacific Spirit Park

Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa L.

(Populus balsamifera)

black cottonwood



General: Dioecious tree up to 50 m tall; not colonial; branches brown the first year, turning grey later; twigs smooth or sparsely hairy. Leaves: Alternate, deciduous, simple, narrowly to broadly egg-shaped or lanceolate, 5-20 cm long, 3-12 cm wide, the bases tapered to heart-shaped or squared-off smooth, finely toothed and hairy on the margins, the teeth often tipped with a callous gland, lower side whitish or pale green and brownish; leaf stalks 2-10 cm long, often with a pair of glands near the blade; buds finely hairy with fringed scales. Flowers: Borne in catkins; male catkins 2-3 (5) cm long, soon deciduous, with 8-60 stamens; female catkins 8-20 cm long. Fruits: Capsules, broadly egg-shaped, carpels 2-3, smooth or hairy, nearly unstalked. Notes: Two subspecies occur in BC. The hybrids P. angustifolia James x P. balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa (P. x brayshawii Boivin) and P. balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa x P. nigra L. var. italica DuRoi are rare in BC 1. Ovaries and capsules smooth; leaves pale green and brownish beneath ssp. balsamifera1. Ovaries and young capsules hairy; leaves whitish beneath ssp. trichocarpa (T. & G.) Brayshaw

Common in Pacific Spirit


Alnus rubra Bong.

red alder


SPECIES INFORMATION General: Deciduous shrub or tree, up to 25 m tall; axillary buds with stalks; bark scaly, often lichen-covered, yellowish-brown or grey-splotched with white. Leaves: Alternate, deciduous, smooth, coarsely to irregularly toothed, the teeth pointing outwards, leaf margins rolled under, brownish in the fall. Flowers: Inflorescence of male and female catkins which open before the leaves enlarge; male catkins with stalks. Fruits: Small nutlets, with narrow-winged margins; female cones 1.5-2.5 cm long, egg-shaped.

Very common in Pacific Spirit


Acer macrophyllum Pursh

bigleaf maple; Oregon maple


SPECIES INFORMATION General: Large, deciduous, spreading tree up to 30 m tall; branches greenish barked, smooth; older bark greyish-brown, ridged and often covered with lichens and mosses. Leaves: Opposite, 10-30 cm wide, deeply 5-lobed, tips abruptly sharp-pointed, dark green above and paler green below, turning yellow in fall, stalks with milky juice when cut. Flowers: Inflorescence racemose with male and female flowers on the same plant; numerous on short stalks, appearing with or before the leaves; petals greenish-white, Fruits: Winged, in pairs, 3-6 cm long, yellowish-brown, hairy, pairs attached in a V-shape.

Common in Pacific Spirit


Prunus emarginata (Dougl.) Walp.

bitter cherry



General: Shrub or small tree, 2-15 m tall, sometimes thicket-forming, smooth to densely hairy throughout; bark reddish-brown or grey, with horizontal lenticels. Leaves: Alternate, deciduous, elliptic to egg-shaped or lanceolate, 3-8 cm long, finely round-toothed, rounded or blunt to sometimes sharp-pointed at the tip, wedge-shaped to pointed at the base, densely hairy (at least below) to smooth; leaf stalks 5-12 mm long, usually lacking small glands at the top. Flowers: Inflorescences short, rounded to flat-topped clusters, at the ends of short spur-shoots, of 3 to 10 stalked flowers; corollas white, saucer-shaped, the petals 5, egg-shaped, 5-7 mm long, often hairy on the lower surface; calyces smooth to coarse-hairy, 5-lobed, the oblong lobes about 2 mm long; ovaries superior; stamens about 20. Fruits: Fleshy drupes with a large ellipsoid stone (cherries), egg- to globe-shaped, 8-12 mm long, bright red to purple; seeds 1. Notes: The more typical tree-like plants from coastal areas have been given the varietal name mollis (Dougl.) Brew.

Sporadic in Pacific Spirit


Rhamnus purshiana DC. cascara



General: Deciduous shrub or small tree up to 10 m tall with yellow- to brownish hairs, bark silvery-grey. Leaves: Alternate, egg-shaped to broadly elliptic, the blades 6-13 cm long, finely toothed with 10-12 conspicuous pairs of parallel veins, the veins short-hairy; stalks 5-23 mm long; stipules lacking. Flowers: Inflorescence an axillary, stalked cluster of 8-25 male and/or female flowers; petals 5, greenish, hooded, 3-4 mm long; hypanthium lined with a thin disc; calyces 5-lobed, the lobes triangular, finely hairy. Fruits: Berries, 6-10 mm long, black to purplish-black; seeds 3. vol4_6

Sporadic in Pacific Spirit
