!.. SPECIAL SALE. ... ,JUNE 19, 20 AND 21. ,,. BABY CARRIACES, AS YOU START FROM HOME We have the finest ispla of Baby Carriages in 20 Pieces of White Apron Goods for bo per TO MAKE YOUR PURCHASE OF the city, comprising over So STYLES at prices that Yard, worth 10o, SPRINC W RAPS, SUITS, ETC. cannot be discounted in eastern markets. We have 18 Pieoes White Marseilles for 10o per Yard, uphoall g rades, only genuine, eed being used in all bodies, Remember to come first to our place. You will thereby save lots of time, trouble upholstered in Cretonne, Damask, Silk, Plush China worth 200. and expense. We quote a few bargains in this line this week. Silk, Satin, Damask and Silk Noveltie 20 Pieces White Cheok Apron Goods for All wool, 8 row Capes,. In black and tan. Worth $5,0 This week $8.00. Prices 6.50 to X45, 2c, worth 25o per yard. Navy Blue Eaton Suits, stylish and well fitting, from $4to $8.50. S4 wNavy Blue Blazer Suits, the latest style, from $8.50 to $8.50. Remember this is The Aqua-Crystal Spectacles. For Three Days Only, June 10, 20 and 21. Mackintoshes and Cossamers. Misses' Combintion Circular, with care in fancy stripes, all sizes. Worth $8.0 ____This week $1.75. " Ladies' Inverness Gossamers, in fanoy stripes, Worth $3.50. This week $2.50 Can be bought at our store and a saving o UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS Ladle.' Maekintosbee Inverness style, in hobecks, plaids and stripes. Worth $6.58. Ladies' Mackintoshes Inverness style, indrab and tan mixtures. Worth $6.00. 25 to 50 Per Cent We ofer a large eaortment of Umbrellas and Parasols, in all stees this week, at This week $4.00. Can be made by buying from us. A full assortment goestly edued prie dles' erne. Mackintoshes, in navy blue, black and tan. Worth $8.50. This One lot oonsiatingof Silk. Gondola,Serge and Alepaca. with best quality Parsgo' eeak on6k .W. of all qualities carried in stock, and a perfect fit as- Frames, Fanoy Silvered and Natural Wood bandles. Worth $2.00 to $2.•0., sired. The Aqua-Crystal are the best in the market. This week only $1.0. Ladies' extra fine Invernes Mackintosbes, in black, navy blue, brown and tan, with Also flol lines of Umbrellas and Parasols, in all grbdes, from $1.00 to $4.50 lined capes. Worth $17.50. This week $12. BU Y N O OTH ER. THE LARGEST LINE IN THE CITY. Ladies. Imported IverneMss Macklntoshts, in fanor grey and tan, invisibleplaids. T B I- I 22, 24 and 26 S. nMain S w~ i ' " GORGEOUS IN GEMS. Jewels of England's Aristocratle Damem at the Queen's Receptlon. At the'last drawing-room of Queen Vie- toria there was a carnival of jewels. One reckless woman, the marchioness of Tweeddale, was a rayed in a white skirt, whose many seams were outlined with die- mnonds and emeralds. The duehess of Devonshire was a blaze of gems and so was the duchess of Bucoleuah. The marchioness seems to have been the only one who sewed up the seams of her skirt, so to speak, with jewels, but there w a quite a goodly number whose bodice seams were outlined with diamonds. One lady wore a long string of diamonds seross bIer breast, like an order. Jeweled hooke upon which to hang their fans were worn by most of the guests. A quaint and beautiful fancy was the I lacin of a diamond in the heart of a rose worn in the hair or on the bodies. There it nestled like a great dewdrop-provided it was not lost in the cruh,. Necklaces in pIrdfusion were worn, and ensh was the passion for display that these were often supplemented by a baud of velvet studded with stare. Birds, butterflies, and flowers of jrewels were quite common, and the veils were kept in place by long earrings formed into pine, but with the pendants free to flash out kaleidoscopio, prismatic colors. The bodices were fastened at the bask with diamonds, and one waist had a fringe of diamonds across the front. Jeweled girdles were also worn. The turquoise was represented whenever it would harmonize with the color of the gown. Emeralds were muoh worn and the present supremacy of mauve or heliotrope had brought the amethyst out in force. Eleetrlo Bltters. This remedy is becoming so well known end so popular as to need no special men- tion. All who have used Eleetrio BItteCk sing the same song of praise. A purermed- lsine does not exist, and it iauearanteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other afeetions caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers. For care of headache, constitation and in- digestion try Electrie Bitters. Entire sat- isfeaction guaranteed, er money refunded. Prieo, 50oe, and $1 per bottle, at . . Par- shen's drug store. Fast Time to htleage and St. Louie-A New Schedule. Upon May 7, the Miannseolie & Bt. Loout railway, "Albert Lea route," will inaugurate a new time schedule between St. Paul, Min- neapolis, Chicago and St. Louis, whilh, for speed, comfort and convenienen eannot be excelled. The "Cannon Ball Express" for Chclago will leave St. Paul 6:26 p. ., Minneaseolie 7:00 p. m., arriving at ChObago 11 a. m.. re- torning leaving Chicago at 4:00 a. m. dail.. The "St. Louis s8pecal" will leave ~t, Peal 6:26 p. m.. Minneapolis 7:00 p. i., daily, arriving at Quincy 10:26 a. m., Han- nibal 11:16 a. m., St. LouiL 8:00 p. m. Breakfast snd lunch served in dining ear. returning leave St. Louis 12x80 p. m. This is the quickest time over all eompotitors by three hours. Train No. 3 for DIe Moines, Chiceso and Eansts City will leave St. Paul at 9:.0 a. en., Minneapolis 10:80 a. m., arriving at Des Moles 9-J0 p. m., Kansas City 8:80 e. a. ' his is the qunlckest and best train from BLS Paul or Minneapolis to Kansas COtyand the southwest. Train No. 8 leavian as above is also the feastest train for Denver and Colorado points ~ bywo hours. Train No. for Menkato, Waseee senad Albert Lea will leave tit. Paul at 4:86 p. m., Minneapollr at 8:10 p. m. Train No. 14 for edwood Palls, Mian., Watertown, N. D., and intermediate sta- tions will leave 8t. Paul 7:80 a. m., Minse- apelis 8:80 a. m. Luxurious service will be found upon every train, the equipment being of the latest improved pattern. Pullman gas lighted elopers, frs chair ears, ste You Wiar Tne BesT. TRY THllS. EXPERIMENTS ARE DANGEROUS. DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. TRY NO EXPERIMENTS. MAKE NO DE1EAY8. u3SE OREGON KIDNEY Te! IT WILL. CURE YOU Of Back-ache, Inflammation of the Bladder or Kidneys, Diabetes, Loss of Flesh, Dropi- cal wellings, Constlpation and allconmpainta arising from a morbid condition of thi Uri- nary Organs. The Celebrated French Cure. Warmted id I"APUHRODITIEII or mone to cure I5rNlUUI/l funded. Is BOLD ON A ,d @UARANT[E, i to ounre any form I. of nervous dise- i, ease or any dis- ordereo thegen- Mtive organs of either sex, w other arietng BEFORE from the eanes- Air , live useof timulntt, Tobaccoi or opium, throh yothl oton over indul ., " oe O O~Power, ,akefulnae, Bearin down Painsin the back. LSenalmeLndW• ,syeterls Nervous Pros- tration, Nocturnal Emissions; Leuoorrhoea Dissness, Weak Memory Loss of Power anti Impotency, whioh if neglected often lead to pr mature old age andinsanlty Price $1,00 a bboxesfor $5.00. Sent by l onreceipt Z- W .tITTUN GUARANTE1 is given for evrl .OO order rceived, to refund the money it a Permanent eurats not effeoted. We hbave thousands of testimonials from oldand young of both ems, who have been permanently cured by the use of Aphroditilne. Circulart froe Mention paper. Address m brc . . ebsea %&O d. &ishot Manhood Restored. Dr, E. 0. yWst's lerve and Brain Treatmaent. a ee "eo_.Ne s ocpsaretraf0 n nauped by alechol hee /s.Wk_•o .onens, M1ental Denrejeio, !Brai r insanity, misry de- -g ne.r.•at ees d isee oeerenss. Lea i ,Wakne e luvolnuce irrceos.. Ppeemacrrbue, cause by r-ebertlon of -i re"-lm. ev-indanrno. A months •eo. s au eor.mnteto s eunfa if noet etike me on the Itouch, Lever end oew. tee a Consati on. ana, S m ild, " to ; ". 3;PE r U W s_- aAPB atB , vi 60 igYtM Montala Central Railway TIME TABLE. In Effect June 19, 1898. ARRIVE AT RmLA. No. 24. Atlantle Sxoree. eastboond. 12:05 p. m No. '238. Pat a I xpree. westbound... l:80,p. m No. 2. Butto Looal.................. 8:10 p. DIPART FRONM WELUHA. No. 1. Butte Local................... 8:50. m No. 24. Atlantic Expres,.ea tbornd.. 12:15 p.m No. 23. lacific Exprme, westbound... 1:40 p.m ATLANTIC EXPRESS. (No. 24. I ally.) In Ilelena's beet and popular train for ST. PAUL. MIxIIAPoIe, DULUTH, UHIOAGo. and New YORR. Leave Helena at 13:15 p. m., anrriv t. Paul at 8:55a.m., the seoond moraing, and thi at 981 p. m. the tame night, making immoedite oouneotlons for all poineast and south. For further information, maps, rate, etc., call at No. 6 North Main Street. Belenm. Or write the undersigned L O. STE9BINS, O. W.'rrT . Traveling Faeaenger Agt. City tket At. B. H. LAN Gl, General Tioket Agent. Spoiane Falls & Noriterf Ralay RAIL! 3XCEPT SSUNDAT. fd0. .. Lave. .. .peasae ... Arrive 5:10sa Commencing March 27, peasen. gers leaving Spokane on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays connect same afternoon at Northport with Steamer for Trail Creek, Robson, Nelson, Balfour, Pilot Bay, Aine. worth, Kaslo and Slocan, and Pas. sengers arriving from the north on those days go 'direotly through to Spokane, arriving at 5:50 p. m. Daily service via this line will commence about April 10, when passengers will go through the same day. / HOVEY & BICKEL b Civil and Mining ENGINEERS ROOMS 24, 2b ,.......e QUIIGtNESS S e AND e r NEATNESS Are two things which every. body wants when he gives an order for Job Prirting. The Independent meets these requirements in every re. speot. It has just added NEW AND FAST PRESSE NEW AND BEAUTIFUL TPB, To its already fine plant, and is ppared to execute any ordelom a Cirous Poster to a Welbing Card, without de- lay. Work for Mining Compaies Is a specialty on which we pride ourselves. We are al. ready doing the work for the big Companies of Montana and Idaho, but we still have room for more. Artistic Work, Low Prices, No Delay. Write us for estimates. THE [NDEPENDENT, t•sLNAo, ONT. r~wrr6ro~n I THE FASTEST TRAIN To HWORES FAITHE Be sure and ask for your tickets via the Minneapolis & St. Louis Ry. "Albert Lea Route," the only line which will place you within 10 blocks of the World's Fair Grounds. Connections made at Engle- wood, thus avoiding long and tiresome rides from the city. Two magnificent trains run from St. Paul and Minneapo- lis, passing through tfe heart of Iowa, and in close proximity to the U. S.Arsenal at Rock Island and a grand view of the Lower Mipsissippi River. DON'T pay the same price and put up with inferior service. Ther'+ " ST. LOUIS Is the Finest Train to AND PEORIA The South.n SPECIAL" This is a solid train to St. Louis, I * * making the run in 20 hours, and is the ONLY DINING CAR ROUTE. Direct Line to KANSAS OITY, ST. JOSEPH, ATOHISON, o @ 0 LEAVENWORTH, OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS, and to LINOOLN, Neb., TOPEKA, DENVER, etc. Connections in Union Depots, both at Chicago and St. Louis. FREE CHAIR CARS nqu'ire for rat''es, et.. f your "nerest TO CHICAGO. C. M. PRATT, o. T. a p. A., W. H. TRUESDALE, Mnneapole, MinnI SRECEIVEn. $P.NISH NERVE GRAINS CURED HIM. | _ Spru ll Nerove tarlrwn* t te wond-rtulremcdy is old wt a writteh n iM AN unrantec to cure all n-rvous d•eaes slucht as \Weak Memory.l.oxof lBran Pow. I er, HIeadache,Wakefulnesn. l.o.t Mahluohd, Nightly Fmiaion,,Nervousness,Las. situde.alldrainsand loen of o•wer .f the (enetutive Organs in either .cr caused by over exertiotn, youthful l rrortor eceoive axe use f tobacco, oplu mor stimultants IM whI'h son lIrad to Infirmity, Co•sumption and Inanity. Put tp coavenient to carry in vest pocket. 41 prr pa:ckge by mail; 6 for $5. With every =$ order we fe.r. .. .•,' i ,•,' n nr.' t o , y ort r err d l.ta uy.a Circular Noee. AddreDa L DAISHi AIVs ORa'" o. ;tw tort. For sats W Helens by FOPS A O'CONNOI. Damoomt, Room No. 1, Power Blook. oeutomoe llos 811. Helena. Montana. . GYPSY CURE, Will poritivelr cUra Got- orrha and gleet. or money refndeo. No 1ur t ltion- orbraes No. 9 for gleet. Will not canee strioture. Bold by all drugglst. Eugene Meyer, 0 BOLE AGENT. R1L1ENA, MOITANA Pennyroyal Pills. Dr. P err's laltable are the safest and best ultorfor ladies; nothing unplesaat. ,and .awa8s efctuaol. Advice frees. Pkages $1 1- . E•• " TH C2ON (U. Drsts I TABULES : REGULATE THE 8TOMACH, LIVERANoBOWEL8 AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. RIPAN8 TALD.EfS are t6h best Ne4l. f ese. okewe ,. 1.dlpsaUee. $Iorieem , I cHe dL heCoreetipUesln epopeiekve0N t Llerorb . Douhlueo a, I lC•rem p luleaI Lyeetery lrouvoe lre JBr et l a l0 l ie. erdere of the ltomsed, Liver and Iewela. the ni e dolcate conatitutton, Ar, Jleaa t to take, et., seeetued, ad C fo t e llt t. May bo ebstled by applieeUe to useares THE ONLY KEELEY INSTITUTE -IS AT- Boulder Hot $pr ; 1


Page 1: SPECIAL SALE.SPECIAL SALE. ...,JUNE 19, 20 AND 21. BABY CARRIACES, AS YOU START FROM HOME We have the finest ispla of Baby Carriages in 20 Pieces of White Apron Goods for bo per TO


,JUNE 19, 20 AND 21. ,,.


We have the finest ispla of Baby Carriages in 20 Pieces of White Apron Goods for bo per TO MAKE YOUR PURCHASE OF

the city, comprising over So STYLES at prices that Yard, worth 10o, SPRINC W RAPS, SUITS, ETC.cannot be discounted in eastern markets. We have 18 Pieoes White Marseilles for 10o per Yard,uphoall g rades, only genuine, eed being used in all bodies, Remember to come first to our place. You will thereby save lots of time, troubleupholstered in Cretonne, Damask, Silk, Plush China worth 200. and expense. We quote a few bargains in this line this week.Silk, Satin, Damask and Silk Noveltie 20 Pieces White Cheok Apron Goods for All wool, 8 row Capes,. In black and tan. Worth $5,0 This week $8.00.

Prices 6.50 to X45, 2c, worth 25o per yard. Navy Blue Eaton Suits, stylish and well fitting, from $4to $8.50.S4 wNavy Blue Blazer Suits, the latest style, from $8.50 to $8.50.

Remember this isThe Aqua-Crystal Spectacles.

For Three Days Only, June 10, 20 and 21. Mackintoshes and Cossamers.Misses' Combintion Circular, with care in fancy stripes, all sizes. Worth $8.0

____This week $1.75.

" Ladies' Inverness Gossamers, in fanoy stripes, Worth $3.50. This week $2.50

Can be bought at our store and a saving o UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS Ladle.' Maekintosbee Inverness style, in hobecks, plaids and stripes. Worth $6.58.

Ladies' Mackintoshes Inverness style, indrab and tan mixtures. Worth $6.00.25 to 50 Per Cent We ofer a large eaortment of Umbrellas and Parasols, in all stees this week, at This week $4.00.

Can be made by buying from us. A full assortment goestly edued prie dles' erne. Mackintoshes, in navy blue, black and tan. Worth $8.50. ThisOne lot oonsiatingof Silk. Gondola,Serge and Alepaca. with best quality Parsgo' eeak on6k .W.of all qualities carried in stock, and a perfect fit as- Frames, Fanoy Silvered and Natural Wood bandles. Worth $2.00 to $2.•0.,sired. The Aqua-Crystal are the best in the market. This week only $1.0. Ladies' extra fine Invernes Mackintosbes, in black, navy blue, brown and tan, with

Also flol lines of Umbrellas and Parasols, in all grbdes, from $1.00 to $4.50 lined capes. Worth $17.50. This week $12.

BU Y N O OTH ER. THE LARGEST LINE IN THE CITY. Ladies. Imported IverneMss Macklntoshts, in fanor grey and tan, invisibleplaids.

T • B I- I 22, 24 and 26 S. nMain S

w~ i ' "


Jewels of England's Aristocratle Damem atthe Queen's Receptlon.

At the'last drawing-room of Queen Vie-toria there was a carnival of jewels. Onereckless woman, the marchioness ofTweeddale, was a rayed in a white skirt,whose many seams were outlined with die-mnonds and emeralds. The duehess ofDevonshire was a blaze of gems and so wasthe duchess of Bucoleuah.

The marchioness seems to have been theonly one who sewed up the seams of herskirt, so to speak, with jewels, but therew a quite a goodly number whose bodiceseams were outlined with diamonds. Onelady wore a long string of diamonds serossbIer breast, like an order. Jeweled hookeupon which to hang their fans were wornby most of the guests.

A quaint and beautiful fancy was theI lacin of a diamond in the heart of a roseworn in the hair or on the bodies. Thereit nestled like a great dewdrop-provided itwas not lost in the cruh,. Necklaces inpIrdfusion were worn, and ensh was thepassion for display that these were oftensupplemented by a baud of velvet studdedwith stare. Birds, butterflies, and flowersof jrewels were quite common, and the veilswere kept in place by long earrings formedinto pine, but with the pendants free toflash out kaleidoscopio, prismatic colors.

The bodices were fastened at the baskwith diamonds, and one waist had a fringeof diamonds across the front. Jeweledgirdles were also worn. The turquoise wasrepresented whenever it would harmonizewith the color of the gown. Emeraldswere muoh worn and the present supremacyof mauve or heliotrope had brought theamethyst out in force.

Eleetrlo Bltters.This remedy is becoming so well known

end so popular as to need no special men-tion. All who have used Eleetrio BItteCksing the same song of praise. A purermed-lsine does not exist, and it iauearanteed todo all that is claimed. Electric Bitters willcure all diseases of the liver and kidneys,will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum andother afeetions caused by impure blood.Will drive malaria from the system andprevent as well as cure all malarial fevers.For care of headache, constitation and in-digestion try Electrie Bitters. Entire sat-isfeaction guaranteed, er money refunded.Prieo, 50oe, and $1 per bottle, at . . Par-shen's drug store.

Fast Time to htleage and St. Louie-ANew Schedule.

Upon May 7, the Miannseolie & Bt. Looutrailway, "Albert Lea route," will inauguratea new time schedule between St. Paul, Min-neapolis, Chicago and St. Louis, whilh, forspeed, comfort and convenienen eannot beexcelled.

The "Cannon Ball Express" for Chclagowill leave St. Paul 6:26 p. ., Minneaseolie7:00 p. m., arriving at ChObago 11 a. m.. re-torning leaving Chicago at 4:00 a. m. dail..

The "St. Louis s8pecal" will leave ~t,Peal 6:26 p. m.. Minneapolis 7:00 p. i.,daily, arriving at Quincy 10:26 a. m., Han-nibal 11:16 a. m., St. LouiL 8:00 p. m.Breakfast snd lunch served in dining ear.returning leave St. Louis 12x80 p. m. Thisis the quickest time over all eompotitors bythree hours.

Train No. 3 for DIe Moines, Chiceso andEansts City will leave St. Paul at 9:.0 a.en., Minneapolis 10:80 a. m., arriving at DesMoles 9-J0 p. m., Kansas City 8:80 e. a.' his is the qunlckest and best train from BLSPaul or Minneapolis to Kansas COtyand thesouthwest.

Train No. 8 leavian as above is also thefeastest train for Denver and Coloradopoints ~ bywo hours.

Train No. for Menkato, Waseee senadAlbert Lea will leave tit. Paul at 4:86 p. m.,Minneapollr at 8:10 p. m.

Train No. 14 for edwood Palls, Mian.,Watertown, N. D., and intermediate sta-tions will leave 8t. Paul 7:80 a. m., Minse-apelis 8:80 a. m.

Luxurious service will be found uponevery train, the equipment being of thelatest improved pattern. Pullman gaslighted elopers, frs chair ears, ste

You WiarTne BesT.






IT WILL. CURE YOUOf Back-ache, Inflammation of the Bladderor Kidneys, Diabetes, Loss of Flesh, Dropi-cal wellings, Constlpation and allconmpaintaarising from a morbid condition of thi Uri-nary Organs.

The Celebrated French Cure.Warmted id I"APUHRODITIEII or moneto cure I5rNlUUI/l funded.


,d @UARANT[E,i to ounre any form I.

of nervous dise- i,ease or any dis-ordereo thegen-Mtive organsof either sex,w other arietng

BEFORE from the eanes- Air ,live use of timulntt, Tobaccoi or opium,throh yothl oton over indul

., " oe O O~Power,,akefulnae, Bearin down Painsin the back.LSenalmeLndW• ,syeterls Nervous Pros-

tration, Nocturnal Emissions; LeuoorrhoeaDissness, Weak Memory Loss of Power antiImpotency, whioh if neglected often lead topr mature old age andinsanlty Price $1,00 a

bboxesfor $5.00. Sent by l onreceiptZ- W .tITTUN GUARANTE1 is given for

evrl .OO order rceived, to refund the moneyit a Permanent eurats not effeoted. We hbave

thousands of testimonials from oldand youngof both ems, who have been permanentlycured by the use of Aphroditilne. Circulartfroe Mention paper. Address

m brc . .ebsea %&O d. &ishot

Manhood Restored.

Dr, E. 0. yWst's lerve and Brain Treatmaent. aee "eo_.Ne s ocpsaretraf0

n nauped by alecholhee /s.Wk_•o .onens, M1ental Denrejeio,

!Brai r insanity, misry de-

-g ne.r.•at ees d isee oeerenss. Leai ,Wakne e luvolnuce irrceos..

Ppeemacrrbue, cause by r-ebertlon of-i re"-lm. ev-indanrno. A months•eo. s au eor.mnteto s eunfa if noet

etike me on the Itouch, Lever end oew.

tee a Consati on. ana, S m ild, " to

; ". 3;PE r U W s_-aAPB atB

, vi 60 igYtM

Montala Central RailwayTIME TABLE.

In Effect June 19, 1898.

ARRIVE AT RmLA.No. 24. Atlantle Sxoree. eastboond. 12:05 p. mNo. '238. Pat a I xpree. westbound... l:80,p. mNo. 2. Butto Looal.................. 8:10 p.


No. 1. Butte Local................... 8:50. mNo. 24. Atlantic Expres,.ea tbornd.. 12:15 p.mNo. 23. lacific Exprme, westbound... 1:40 p.mATLANTIC EXPRESS.

(No. 24. I ally.)In Ilelena's beet and popular train for ST.

PAUL. MIxIIAPoIe, DULUTH, UHIOAGo. andNew YORR.Leave Helena at 13:15 p. m., anrriv t. Paul at8:55a.m., the seoond moraing, and thi at981 p. m. the tame night, making immoedite

oouneotlons for all poineast and south.For further information, maps, rate, etc.,call at

No. 6 North Main Street. Belenm.Or write the undersigned

L O. STE9BINS, O. W.'rrT .Traveling Faeaenger Agt. City tket At.B. H. LAN Gl, General Tioket Agent.

Spoiane Falls &Noriterf RalayRAIL! 3XCEPT SSUNDAT.

fd0. .. Lave. .. .peasae ... Arrive 5:10sa

Commencing March 27, peasen.gers leaving Spokane on Mondays,Wednesdays and Fridays connectsame afternoon at Northport withSteamer for Trail Creek, Robson,Nelson, Balfour, Pilot Bay, Aine.worth, Kaslo and Slocan, and Pas.sengers arriving from the north onthose days go 'direotly through toSpokane, arriving at 5:50 p. m.Daily service via this line willcommence about April 10, whenpassengers will go through thesame day.

/ HOVEY & BICKELb Civil and


ENGINEERSROOMS 24, 2b,.......e


NEATNESSAre two things which every.body wants when he givesan order for

Job Prirting.

The Independent meets theserequirements in every re.speot. It has just added


To its already fine plant, andis ppared to execute anyordelom a Cirous Poster toa Welbing Card, without de-lay.

Work for Mining CompaiesIs a specialty on which wepride ourselves. We are al.ready doing the work for thebig Companies of Montanaand Idaho, but we still haveroom for more.

Artistic Work,Low Prices,

No Delay.Write us for estimates.


r~wrr6ro~n I


HWORES FAITHEBe sure and ask for your tickets via

the Minneapolis & St. Louis Ry. "AlbertLea Route," the only line which will placeyou within 10 blocks of the World's FairGrounds. Connections made at Engle-wood, thus avoiding long and tiresomerides from the city. Two magnificenttrains run from St. Paul and Minneapo-lis, passing through tfe heart of Iowa,and in close proximity to the U. S.Arsenalat Rock Island and a grand view of theLower Mipsissippi River. DON'T paythe same price and put up with inferiorservice.

Ther'+" ST. LOUIS Is the Finest Train to

AND PEORIA The South.n

SPECIAL"This is a solid train to St. Louis,

I * * making the run in 20 hours, and is theONLY DINING CAR ROUTE.


Connections in Union Depots, both at Chicago and St. Louis.

FREE CHAIR CARS nqu'ire for rat''es, et.. f your "nerest

TO CHICAGO. C. M. PRATT, o. T. a p. A.,

W. H. TRUESDALE, Mnneapole, MinnI


$P.NISH NERVE GRAINS CURED HIM.| _ Spru ll Nerove tarlrwn* t te wond-rtulremcdy is old wt a writteh niM AN unrantec to cure all n-rvous d•eaes slucht as \Weak Memory.l.oxof lBran Pow.I er, HIeadache,Wakefulnesn. l.o.t Mahluohd, Nightly Fmiaion,,Nervousness,Las.

situde.alldrainsand loen of o•wer .f the (enetutive Organs in either .cr causedby over exertiotn, youthful l rrortor eceoive axe use f tobacco, oplu mor stimultants

IM whI'h son lIrad to Infirmity, Co•sumption and Inanity. Put tp coavenient tocarry in vest pocket. 41 prr pa:ckge by mail; 6 for $5. With every =$ order we

fe.r. .. .•,' i ,•,' • n nr.' t o , y ort r err d l.ta uy.a Circular Noee. AddreDaL DAISHi AIVs ORa'" o. ;tw tort.

For sats W Helens by FOPS A O'CONNOI. Damoomt,

Room No. 1, Power Blook. oeutomoe llos 811.Helena. Montana.

. GYPSY CURE,Will poritivelr cUra Got-orrha and gleet. or moneyrefndeo. No 1ur t ltion-orbraes No. 9 for gleet.Will not canee strioture.Bold by all drugglst.

Eugene Meyer,0 BOLE AGENT.


Pennyroyal Pills.Dr. P err's laltable are the safest and bestultor for ladies; nothing unplesaat. ,and

.awa8s efctuaol. Advice frees. Pkages $11- . E•• " TH C2ON (U. Drsts



RIPAN8 TALD.EfS are t6h best Ne4l.f ese. okewe ,. 1.dlpsaUee. $Iorieem , IcHe dL heCoreetipUesln • epopeiekve0Nt Llerorb . Douhlueo a, I lC•rem p luleaILyeetery lrouvoe lre JBr et l a l0 l ie.erdere of the ltomsed, Liver and Iewela.the ni e dolcate conatitutton, Ar, Jleaa t totake, et., seeetued, ad C fo t e llt t.

May bo ebstled by applieeUe to useares



Boulder Hot $pr ; 1