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RICHARD C. RAMER Special List 301 Thirty-One Recent Acquisitions

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R I C H A R D C. R A M E R

Special List 301

Thirty-One Recent Acquisitions

2 r i c h a r d c . r a m e rR I C H A R D C . R A M E ROld and Rare Books

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May 7, 2018

Special List 301Thirty-One

Recent Acquisitions

Items marked with an asterisk (*) will be shipped from Lisbon.

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Special List 301Thirty-One

Recent Acquisitions

*1. AGUAS, José Neves. Bibliografia de Jaime Cortesão. Edição comemorativa do Primeiro Centenário do Nascimento de Jaime Cortesão. Lisbon: biblioteca Nacional, 1985. Série Bibliográfica. Large 8°, original illustrated wrap-pers. As new. 221 pp., (1 l.), ISbN: none. $35.00

Updated version of the author’s Bibliografia de Jaime Cortesão. Contribuição para um inventário completo. I parte: Portugal, Lisbon: Arcadia, 1962.

*2. BRAGA, Mário, ed. Aquilino Ribeiro (1885-1963). Catálogo da Exposição Comemorativa do Primeiro Centenário do Nascimento. Lisbon: biblioteca Nacional, 1985. Catálogo, 16. Large 8°, original illustrated wrappers. As new. 298 pp., (4 ll., 1 blank l.), 16 ll. plates, printed on both sides. ISbN: none. $35.00

FIRST and ONLy EDITION. Introduction (pp. 7-9) by the editor.

Important, Dynamic Review

*3. Contravento. Letras e Artes. 4 issues. Lisbon: Editorial Contravento, Lda., 1968-1971. Large 4° (23.9 x 23.5 cm.), twenty-first-century crimson Oasis morocco by Invicta Livro, spine with raised bands in six compart-ments, gilt lettering in second and fourth compartments from head, gilt logo at foot, “contravento” in large gilt letter on front cover with black leather inlay design to its right, marbled endleaves, red silk ribbon place marker, original illustrated wrappers bound in. much illustra-tion throughout. In fine condition. Ticket of Livraria Manuel Ferreira, Porto, in upper outer corner of front wrapper verso of first number.

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60; 70 pp., (1 l. advt.), 7 x 8.5 cm. errata slip loosely inserted; 69 pp., (3 pp. advt.); 68 pp., (2 ll. advt.). Text in two and three columns. 4 issues bound together. $1,200.00

FIRST and ONLy EDITION—4 issues—A COmpLETE RUN. This interesting and dynamic review was edited by Fernando pinto Ribeiro and published by Eduíno de Jesus, with an editorial board consisting of J.m. pereira miguel, Virgílio de Sousa (for the first number only), and Eduíno de Jesus. Artur Bual was the graphic editior. It appeared during the later years of the corporatist dictatorship, in August and December of 1968, April 1970, and December 1971, and was subjected to the somewhat confused and amusing censorship of the regime in its waning years; for more on this see Daniel pires, Dicionário da imprensa periódica.

The review reproduced in color on its front covers paintings by Artur bual, João Vieira, Fausto Boavida, and Gil Teixeira Lopes. Among the illustrators whose work appeared in the interior were Abel dos Santos, Almada Negreiros, Amândo Silva, Ângela Carmarinha, António bouça, António Dacosta, Arnaldo Figueiredo, Artur bual, Artur José, Carlos Caixa, Carlos Marques, Dorita Castelo Branco, Eduardo Malta, Fernando Grade, Figueiredo Sobral, Francisco Relógio, Frantisek muzika, Hélder bandarra, Hilário Teixeira Lopes, Isabel Ljinhas, J.M. Pereira Miguel, João Abel Manta, João Magalhães Silva, José Régio (a self portrait), Juan Soutullo, Júlio Gil, JúlioRezende, Luís Gonçalves, Luís Osório, Luísa Queiroz, manuel baptista, manuela madureira, maria Emília Araújo, Maria Fernanda Amado, Mário de Oliveira, Nuno de Siqueira, Pinho Dinis, Pires Vieira, Querubim Lapa, Renato Torres, Rocha de Sousa, Serge Lifar, and Silva Ribeiro.

Included were articles on theater by Luiz Francisco Rebello, Fernando midões, Alfredo Cortês, Duarte Ivo Cruz, and Jorge Listopad, cinema by Lauro António, Luís Andrade de pina, and Edgar Gonsalves preto, dance, including ballet, by Tomás Ribas, music by Álvaro Cassuto, Francine Benoit, and Jorge Peixinho, and the plastic arts by Eduíno de Jesus, António Valdemar, Eurico Gonçalves, and Fernando de pamplona.

In the realm of literature, especially poetry, there were contributions by both experimental poets and more traditional ones, including Vitorino Nemésio, António de Sousa, Tomás de Figueiredo, Cabral do Nascimento, Alain Bosquet, Alba de Castro, Ana Hatherly, Anabela martins, Ângela Roma, António Carlos, António manuel Couto Viana, António porto-Além, António Ramos Rosa, Armando Ventura Ferreira, Carlos de Redzitzky (in the original French), Cecília de brito, Fernando pinto Ribeiro, Frederico berna, Herberto Hélder, Jaime Salazar Sampaio, João maia, João Rui de Sousa, Jorge de Sampaio, José Enes, José palla e Carmo, José Saramago, Luís Amaro, Luís Ribeira Sêca, maria Alberta menéres, m.S. Lourenço, Natércia Freire, Norberto Ávila, Salette Tavares, Sebastião Diniz, Vasco miranda, Virgílio de Sousa, and yvette Centeno. The Chinese poet Yao Hsin Hsien was represented in translation by Emanuel Félix.

Texts of literary criticism were by António Quadros, Armando Ventura Ferreira, Artur portela Filho, barahona Fernandes, David mourão-Ferreira, Eduardo prado Coelho, Eduíno de Jesus, Eurico Gonçalves, João bigotte Chorão, João de Castro Osório, João Palma-Ferreira, Jorge de Sena, Jorge Peixinho, José de Almeida Pavão, Luiz Francisco Rebello, miller Guerra, and Natália Correia. milton moniz wrote on “Robert browning—Enigma Literário”. A significant article by E.M. de Melo e Castro (second issue, pp. 11-25), is titled “Ver Ter Ser: poemas concretos e objectos do mesmo autor”.

❊ pires, Dicionário da imprensa periódica literária portuguesa do século XX, II, i, 183-7; Dicionário das revistas literárias portuguesas do século XX, pp. 119-20. Rocha, Revistas literárias do século XX em Portugal, pp. 591-2, 668.

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*4. CORTE-REAL, Jerónimo. Sucesso do segundo cerco de Diu. Códice Cadaval 31—A.N.T.T. Introdução de Martim de Albuquerque. Lisbon: INApA, 1991. História da Cultura portuguesa. Folio, publisher’s leath-erette, illustration tipped to cover. As new. 24 pp., (44 ll. facsimiles, 2 ll.). ISbN: 972-9019-40-1. $140.00

Reproduces the full-page illustrations and the leaf at the beginning of each canto of the Segundo cerco de Diu from the sixteenth-century manuscript that was illuminated by the author himself, and is now preserved in the Torre do Tombo. The Segundo cerco, one of the most famous epic poems in Portuguese, was first published in 1574.

*5. Cronos. Revista bimestral de cultura. Ano I, Julho-Augusto 1949, N.º 5 ONLY. Rio de Janeiro: n.pr., 1949. Small 4°, original illustrated wrap-pers, stapled. In good condition. 32 pp., 1 plate, illustrations in text. mostly in 2 columns. Ano I, Julho-Augusto 1949, N.º 5 ONLY. $50.00

FIRST and ONLy EDITION of this single number of a brazilian literary review. There is a section titled “poetas Novos de portugal” (pp. 15-18), with poems by Francisco Arcos, Fernando Condesso, Francisco Caldas, Vasco Rodrigues Lobo, Jorge basto, and Angelo Veloso. There are very short stories by maria Clara pinheiro Guimarães, Adriano Kury, pedro Luiz masi, and Aluízio Valle. Also included are articles on music and art, with illustrations.

*6. DOMINGOS, Manuela D. Bertrand: uma livraria antes do terramoto. Com o fac-símile. / Bertrand: une librairie avant le tremblement de terre. Accompagné du fac-similé. Catalogue des livres, qui se vendent à Lisbonne, chez les frères Bertrand … 1755. Lisbon: ministério de Cultura / biblioteca Nacional, 2002. Fac-similados. 8°, original illustrated wrappers. As new. 83 pp., (2 ll.), 123, (1) pp., (1 l.). One of 500 copies. ISbN: 972-565-299-1. $30.00

*7. DOMINGOS, Manuela D. Livreiros de setecentos. Lisbon: biblioteca Nacional, 2000. Estudos. Large 8°, original illustrated wrappers. As new. 228 pp., (1 l.). One of 1,000 copies. ISbN: 972-565-270-3. $30.00

FIRST and ONLy EDITION. Introduction by Diogo Ramada Curto.

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Dense Compilation about the New World

8. ENS, Gaspar. Indiæ Occidentalis Historia, in qua prima regionum istarum detectio, situs incolarum mores, aliaque eo pertinentia, breuiter explicantur. Ex variis autoribus collecta, opera & studio Gasparis Ensi. Cologne: Apud Gulielm. Lützenkirchen, 1612. 8°, contemporary calf (somewhat worn, neatly rebacked), spine with raised bands in five compartments, fillets in blind, old [?] beige leather lettering-piece in second compartment from head with short-title lettered in blind, text-block edges rouged. Allegori-cal engraved title page. Woodcut initials. Light browning throughout, as usual, due to paper quality. In good to very good condition. Early ink manuscript inscription on outer blank margin of title page. Small blue on silver printed ticket of Green Dragon bindery of C.A. and W.W. Carpenter, Jr., Shrewsbury, mA tipped on to lower inner corner of rear pastedown (presumably did the rebacking). (4 ll.), 370 [i.e. 375] pp. many pages wrongly numbered. $1,000.00

FIRST EDITION of this densely printed compilation. It includes an abridgement of De bry’s Petit voyage, excerpts from Linschoten translated to Latin, and much more.

book I describes the voyages of Columbus (pp. 12-40), Ojeda, pizzaro, Ancisus, balboa, Ioannis Grialvi, Cortez, and Diego de Almagro. It ends with the story of Atabalpa (i.e. Atahualpa, the last Inca Emperor; pp. 85-102).

book II (pp. 103-173) includes descriptions of the Terra Australis, Chile, peru, La plata, brazil (pp. 129-134), peru, Nueva Castilla, Venezuela (Cumana and Cubagua), Hispaniola, Cuba, Jamaica, yucatan, Honduras, Nicaragua, and New Granada. In North America, it describes California (pp. 170-1), Coronado’s Quivira and Ania (pp. 171-4), Canada, Virginia, Norombega (roughly New york), New France, Labrador, and Estotilandia.

book III (pp. 174-312), on the history and geography of the New World, is translated from Linschoten. It includes chapters on Florida and the Caribbean, Mexico, Yucatan, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, panama (Nombre de Dios), Cartagena, Venezuela (Cumana, maracaibo, Cubagua), Trinidad, and the Rio de Orellana. brazil is described on pp. 210-229 (including Indians, animals, birds, plants). An excerpt from Maffei on brazil occupies pp. 229-240.

Book IV (pp. 313-367) describes the animals and plants of the New World. The final few pages (pp. 367-370) list the Inca rulers.

Gaspar Ens was one of the editors of the De bry’s voyages, and “was well read in the history and bibliography of the New World” according to Sabin. The present volume includes on the chapter “brasiliae descriptio” (pp. 129-34).

❊ Alden and Landis 612/46. borba de moraes (1983), I, 288. palau 79881. Sabin 22656. Leclerc 193. JCb (3) II, 83.

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*9. LOPES, Graça Videira, ed. Cantigas de escárnio e maldizer dos trova-dores e jograis galego-portugueses. Lisbon: Estampa, 2002. Obras Clássicas da Literatura Portuguesa, Literatura Medieval, 143. Large 8°, original illustrated wrappers. Almost as new. Overall in fine condition. 651 pp., (1 l.). ISbN: 972-33-1788-5. $65.00

New, critical edition, including extensive commentary, copious notes (pp. 551-602), a bibliography (pp. 603-14), and indexes.

Campaigns of Nader Shah, 1736-1741 With Details on Persia and the Mughal Empire

10. [MAÑER, Salvador José]. Vida de Thamas Kouli-Kan, desde su nacimiento hasta su entrada triunfante en Hispahan, despues de sus victorias empressas contra el Gran Mogol, y la Grande Buckaria. Compuesta por Mr. Le-Margne [pseud.]. madrid: En la Imprenta del Reyno for Juan del Castillo, 1741. 8°, contemporary vellum (remains of ties), vertical ink manuscript title on spine, text block edges sprinkled red. Typographical headpiece and woodcut initial on p. 1. Light browning, some soiling and marginal dampstaining. Darker stain in lower outer corner of leaves L1-m1. paper flaw at lower margin of leaf P1, touching a few letters on final 3 lines, but with no loss of text. About a quarter of rear free endleaf torn away. Still, overall in good condition. Two lines of an old ink manuscript inscription at top of rear free endleaf recto. Old ink manuscript inscription, apparently a signature, “Vicente Jph.” [rest illeg.] repeated in lower blank margin recto of leaves A8, D4, K6, and O4. Old ink manuscript note in margin of p. 74: “Aqui enpiesa la vida de Cauli Can.” Old ink manuscript note in margin of p. 87: “principio de hamaj [?].” (3 ll.), 230 pp. $1,200.00

FIRST and ONLy EDITION of this biography through early 1741 of Nader Shah (Tahmasp Qoli Khan, b. 1688 or 1698), who ruled persia from 1736 to 1747 and was known as a second Alexander the Great due to his military genius. Mañer does not seem to have been an eyewitness to these events, but he was a critical historian. On pp. 88-89, for example, he comments: “Es verdad, que à los principios corriò assi la noticia; per como todas las Relaciones posteriores, que de varias partes he adquirido, refieren el caso en la forma que lo tengo dicho, no he podido resolverme à informar de otra suerte à mis Lectores ….” He also includes in translation or in paraphrase at least half a dozen substantial letters from or to Nader Khan, such as a letter of instruction to his second son dated 1738 (pp. 145-147) and the Grand mughal’s insulting reply to a letter from Nader Khan (pp. 154-157). The only printed source mentioned by Mañer is a brief comment on p. 186 regarding Voulton’s description of the mughal campaign (published as Verdadeira, e exacta noticia dos progressos de Thamas Kouli Khan, Lisboa Occidental, 1740, with 19 pp.).

Mañer’s account begins with a lengthy description of the Persian Empire: its geogra-phy, customs, religion, and political history, with emphasis on rulers and rebellions during the early eighteenth century (pp. 1-74). Then he briefly describes Nader Khan’s birth and

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childhood (pp. 74-75) and his battles against mughal forces beginning in 1729. In 1736 he became shah of persia (p. 102), and by 1737 was putting down a rebellion in Kandahar.

Mañer pauses to describe the Mughal Empire: rulers since 1369 (with brief comments on their reigns), provinces, geographical features, and religious sects (pp. 117-137). The battle of Karnal in February 1739 and the campaign leading up to it are described on pp. 137-178. Nader Shah moved his troops to Delhi, which is described on pp. 193-196, includ-ing the diamond-encrusted peacock Throne of the mughal rulers that became the peacock Throne of the shahs of persia. (Legend has it that when Nader Khan saw one of its huge diamonds, he exclaimed, “Koh-i-noor!” [mountain of light]: but the earliest reference to the famous gem by that name is 1739, and Mañer does not mention the incident.)

After a conspiracy to assassinate him was discovered in Delhi, Nader Khan loosed his soldiers to pillage the city (p. 201). He then moved his troops to Agra (described on pp. 205-209), returning to Isfahan in June 1740 (p. 210). In late 1740 he set off to conquer bokhara (in modern Uzbekistan; described on pp. 281-226), returning to Isfahan in January 1741. Mañer ends with speculation that Nader Shah’s next campaign may be against the Turks.

As a military leader under Sultan Husayn, last of the Safavid rulers of persia, Nader Shah (1688 or 1698-1747) drove out invading Russians and Turks; then he deposed Husayn and reigned as shah himself. Having conquered enormous territories in the Middle East, he was briefly the most powerful ruler in the region. After his assassination in 1747 by Persian nobles, his empire disintegrated. Although Mañer clearly admires Nader Shah for consolidating the strife-torn persian Empire, he admits that as a ruler, he was despotic and cruel.

There are several book-length biographies of Nader Shah, all except one published anonymously. Their relationship to this one is not clear. They are:

1. The biography often attributed to Jean-Antoine Du Cerceau and Tadeusz Jan Krusinski seems to have first appeared as Histoire de Thamas Kouli-Kan, sophi de Perse, in Amsterdam, 1740 (OCLC 11969023), and to have been promptly translated into English as The history of Thamas Kouli Kan, Sophi of Persia. Translated from the French, London: printed for J. brindley, 1740 (OCLC 723463160) and to Italian, as Istoria di Thamas-Kouli-Kan, Sofi di Persia. Tradotta dal Francese, London (i.e., Venice?), 1740-1741 (OCLC 12086995 and 731620676). The same work, attributed to Du Cerceau, seems to have appeared again as Histoire de Thamas Kouli-Khan nouveau roi de Perse, paris, 1742 (OCLC 731063862). This one has been digitized: unlike our work by Mañer, its text is organized in strictly chronological order with running heads for each year, beginning with 1499 and ending with 1739. The work appeared yet again as Histoire de Thamas Kouli-Kan, roi de Perse, nouvelle edition, paris, 1743 (OCLC and others, attributed variously to Du Cerceau or André de Claustre).

2. An apparently different anonymous work was published as A genuine history of Nadir-Cha, present Shah or Emperor of Persia formerly call’d Thamas Kouli-Kan.... Translated from the original Persian manuscript into Dutch, ... and now done into English. With an introduc-tion by the editor, London: printed for and sold by J. Watts, 1741. OCLC 838340453 notes: “Dedication signed by the translator: J.m.” Another edition was published in Dublin: printed and sold by Ebenezer Rider, 1742, with the title A genuine history of Nadir-Cha, present Shah or Emperor of Persia, formerly call’d Thamas Kouli-Kan. With a particular Account of His Conquest of the Mogul’s Country: Together with several Letters between Nadir-Cha and the Great Mogul, and from Nadir-Cha to his Son. Translated from the original Persian manuscript into Dutch, by Order of the Hon. John Albert Sechterman, President of the Dutch Factory at Bengal, and now done into English. (OCLC 642154916).

3. James Fraser wrote The history of Nadir Shah, formerly called Thamas Kuli Khan, the present Emperor of Persia. To which is prefix’d a short history of the Moghol emperors. At the end is inserted, a catalogue of about two hundred manuscripts in the Persic and other oriental

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languages, collected in the East. We have seen listed only the two distinct editions that are both described as the second: London: for the author by W. Strahan, 1742 (OCLC 79809785); and London: for A. millar, 1742 (OCLC 723150058).

As far as we can determine online, none of these seem to be the direct source of the Vida, which is credited by Aguilar Piñal and others to Salvador José Mañer.

Mañer (1676-1751), a native of Cádiz, set out for Caracas as a youth to make his fortune working in commerce, but spent more time in study than in commercial pur-suits. Returning to Spain, he became a journalist and author. He engaged in a heated polemic with benito Jerónimo Feijoo and supporters of Feijoo over that author’s Teatro crítico universal.

There is a typescript of an English translation of the Vida de Thamas Kouli-Kan by Laurence Lockhart at the School of Oriental and African Studies of the University of Lon-don. Lockhart published “De Voulton’s Noticia,” Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London 4:2 (1926), pp. 223-245. In the article, he states that this biography is “almost contemporary” with that of Voulton and “very rare”. He also notes that Le margne drew some from Voulton’s account in describing Nadir Shah’s Indian campaign.

❊ Aguilar Piñal, Bibliografia de autores españoles del siglo XVIII, V, 390, 2689. palau 150413. OCLC: 645046501 (Universidad de Salamanca, Universidad de Sevilla); 562203845 (British Library); 20170710 (Biblioteca Nacional de España); 56139624 (Washington State University); 1006000782 (University of London); 319828268 (National Library of Scotland); 989303679 (Universidad de Santo Tomas-philippines); 69053392 (Universiteit Leiden); 257563480 (no location given). CCpbE locates seven copies, at the biblioteca pública del Estado en Córdoba-biblioteca provincial de Córdoba, Universidad de Zaragoza, biblioteca de Castilla-La mancha-biblioteca pública del Estado en Toledo (2 copies), Universidad Complutense-Madrid (2 copies), and Universidad Pontificia Comillas-Madrid.

*11. MENDES, Paulo. O Marquês de Pombal e o Perdão aos Judeus: Inquisição, legislação e a questão do perdão aos Judeus com o novo enquadramento jurídico pombalino. Lisbon: Theya Editores / Carcavelos: Instituto Europeu de Ciências da Cultura, 2017. 8°, original illustrated wrappers. As new. 207 pp., substancial footnotes, ample bibliography. ISbN: 978-989-8814-65-4. $38.00

FIRST and ONLY EDITION of this exceptional thesis presented for the degree of mestre em Ciência das Religiões at the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tec-nologias, under the supervision of prof. José Eduardo Franco. The main objective is to address the issue of the forgiveness to the descendants of converted Jews under pombal. Jews were present at the formation of portugal. However, the trajectory of this minority in portugal was not always peaceful. At the time of D. manuel I, the Jews who converted to Christianity were called New Christians, a clear demonstration of inequality with other Christians. With the implantation of the Inquisition in Portugal, the New Christians with Jewish background became the main target of persecution, inquests, indictments and convictions. Father António Vieira defended the Jews and the New Christians, in addition to proposing the restructuring of the Portuguese Inquisition. The main part of this work deals with the pombal era, with emphasis on the several legislative documents enacted under D. José. These documents which benefited the New Christians brought a new legal framework arising from the promulgation of the Law of Good Reason, an important part of modern portuguese law.

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*12. Modus curandi cum balsamo. Edição fac-similada. prefácio de José V. de Pina Martins. Lisbon: Biblioteca Nacional, 1988. 8°, original printed wrappers. As new. 32 pp., (5 ll.). One of 1,000 copies. ISbN: none. $18.00

*13. MUCZNIK, Lúcia Liba. Judaica nas coleções da Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, séculos XIII a XVIII. Lisbon: biblioteca Nacional de portugal, 2014. Colecção Catálogos. 4° (21.6 x 19.2 cm.), original illustrated wrappers. As new. 179 pp., profusely illustrated, some illustrations in color, bibliography, indexes. One of 1,000 copies. ISBN: 978-972-565-511-6. $45.00


*14. OLIVEIRA, César. Guerra Civil de Espanha. Lisbon: biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, 1986. Série Bibliográfica. Large 8°, original printed wrappers. As new. 46 pp., (1 l.), XV pp. illus. ISbN: none. $20.00

FIRST and ONLy EDITION. The introduction by César Oliveira (pp. 7-10) is fol-lowed by the bibliography (pp. 11-46). The unnumbered leaf contains a list of 15 posters, followed by images of the posters.

Diatrabe Against the Jesuits

15. PALAFOX Y MENDOZA, Juan de. Al Rey Nuestro Señor. Satisfacion al Memorial de los religiosos de la Compañia del Nombre de Iesus de la Nueva España. Por la Dignidad de la Puebla de Los Angeles. Sobre la execucion, y obediencia del breve qpotolico de N. Santissimo Padre Innocencio X. Expedido en su favor q XIIII de Mayo de M.DC.XLVIII y passado repetidmente, y mandado executar por el Supremo Consejo de las Indias. En el qual deteminò su Santidad veinte y seis decretos sacramentales, y Iurisdiccionales, importantes al bien de las almas. [Puebla de Los Angeles? Madrid?]: n.pr., 1652. Folio (27.6 x 20.1 cm.), late eighteenth- or early nineteenth-century half mottled sheep over marbled boards (minor wear to corners; somewhat older smooth spine gilt neatly laid down), crimson leather lettering piece, short author-title gilt. Small typographical vignette on title page. Woodcut initial. In very good condition overall. printed ticket of Sr. D. Juan m. Sánchez, Alcalá, 101, madrid in upper outer corner of front pastedown. Another printed ticket of Sánchez, red on faded white, with item number, price paid, and

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“México—1652—Rarissimo” in ink manuscript, in upper outer corner of rear pastedown. (1), 157 ll. A-b2, b-Z4, Aa-Qq4, Rr2. $3,800.00

FIRST EDITION? There are two other editions of the same year. One is also undated and without indication of place of printing or printer; it is similar, but with a different setting of type, and foliation skips from 77 to 80, followed by 77, again skipping to 80, while the final leaf 157 is wrongly numbered 158. The other, with 315 pp., bears the imprint Madrid: por Gregorio de Mata a costa de Antonio Riero y Texada, 1652.

Palafox y Mendoza, energetic and beloved bishop of Puebla, was known as “the second Las Casas” because of his staunch defense of the Indians. As a direct consequence of his battles with the Jesuits, he was eventually transferred to the inconsequential See of Osma in Old Castile, where he died in 1659. His actions were finally vindicated by three papal briefs.

❊ Alden & Landis 652/156. medina, bHA, 1173. palau 209717. Sabin 58280. Streit II, 1873. Heredia 6831. JCb iii, II, 421. Leclerc 1224.

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Seventeenth-Century Letters to and from Sugar Plantations of Bahia

16. PANTOJA, Manuel Brandão, and André Aguilar Pantoja. Three letters concerning the sugar trade in Brazil. Manuscripts on paper: three letters with 22 leaves ([1648?]-1650); an eighteenth-century archive of 7 genealogical documents on the Gouvea, Brandão, and Pantoja families; and a typescript transcription of the 3 letters (about 50 pp.). Unbound, preserved in an archival folder. Folio (32.2 x 33.1 cm.), modern gray archival fold-ing case. Occasional minor staining. Final page of third letter with repaired loss affecting several words. Weakness along folds of some of the genealogical material. Remarkably well preserved for archival material from this period. At least one (possibly two) of the letters are autograph letters signed; the other one (or two) in a secretarial hand with autograph signature. $4,500.00

Apparently unpublished letters to and from seventeenth-century brazil, provid-ing rare contemporary insight into the working of the sugar industry at bahia during a volatile moment when the region was under renewed threat from Dutch forces operating under the aegis of the West India Company. The correspondence between the brothers manuel brandão pantoja and André Aguilar (or Aguillar) pantoja dates from 1648[?] to 1650, and concerns the estate of their relative pedro de Gouveia de mello. It provides details regarding sugar plantations and mills (collectively known as engenhos) and the principal “sugar men” operating in the Recôncavo region, including Jewish traders who had recently fled from the Inquisition.

In this collection: 1. Letter from manuel brandão pantoja to his brother André Aguilar pantoja. bahia,

ca. 1648-1649. (4 ll.);2. Letter from André Aguilar pantoja to manuel brandão pantoja. Lisbon, 18 October

1649. (14 ll.); 3. (4 ll.) letter from manuel brandão pantoja André Aguilar pantoja. bahia, 20 July

1650. (4 ll.); 4. Archive of 7 genealogical documents on the Gouvea, brandão, and pantoja

families, including 3 genealogical charts and copious notes. Eighteenth century, with later additions;

5. Typed transcription of the three letters.In 1650, sugar accounted for 90% of Brazil’s total exports, and the commodity was

increasingly in demand in European markets. but by this time the industry had begun to shift away from brazilian sugar to plantations in Dutch, French, English, and Span-ish holdings in the West Indies. The reasons for the shift are poorly understood, largely due to lack of surviving documentation concerning the sugar trade. According to Stuart Schwartz (p. 86), “It is really not until the beginning of the eighteenth century that the documentary record begins to improve”. (See also Edel, especially pp. 33-7.) The present letters are especially important documentary evidence for a key period of economic and cultural transition in colonial brazil.

These extensive manuscript letters, running in typescript transcription to nearly fifty pages, offer important details on the production of sugar and the social, economic and political context experienced at the time by the owners of large sugar plantations. Included are mention of attacks by the Dutch by sea, through piracy, and on land, through arson and other subversive actions. As a competitor of Dutch-controlled sugar plantations in pernambuco, “bahia became a prime target in the Luso-Dutch

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struggle. Punitive expeditions entered the bay in 1634 and again in 1648, capturing ships, burning engenhos, and causing panic in the countryside” (Schwartz, p. 76). In these letters, the brothers pantoja allude to the 1648 capture of the island of Itaparica in baía de Todos os Santos and to the creation of the Companhia Geral do Comércio do brasil (1649), which was intended to counter the West India Company’s depredations and to promote the portuguese sugar trade.

A passage concerning the importation of European textiles serves as a reminder that such goods formed one leg of the triangular trade, and that the sugar industry was long the primary driver for the importation of slave labor from both Dutch and portuguese outposts in West Africa: “The sugar industry was dependent upon slave labor. Slaves planted, tended, cut, and transported the cane crop; they kept the mills running …. The growth of the brazilian slave trade paralleled that of sugar production” (Land, pp. 87-9). Toward the end of the seventeenth century, when the brazilian sugar industry faltered in the face of West Indies competition, this slave labor was largely transferred to minas Gerais to work the newly discovered deposits of gold and diamonds.

Collected with these three letters is a small genealogical archive, including three family trees that relate to the Gouvea, brandão, and pantoja families. These were appar-ently drawn up in the late eighteenth century.

❊ F.R. Aguier, et al., The Making of the West Indies. W.R. Aykroyd, Sweet Malefactor; Sugar, Slavery and Human Society. R.S. Dunn, Sugar and Slaves: The Rise of the Planter Class in the English West Indies, 1624-1713. m. Edel, “The brazilian Sugar Cycle of the Seven-teenth Century and the Rise of the West Indian Competition,” Caribbean Studies (1969), IX, i, 24-43. C. Goslinga, The Dutch in the Caribbean and on the Wild Coast, 1580-1680. E.O. von Lippmann, História do açucar desde a época mais remota até o comêço da fabricação do açucar de Beterraba. R. Sheridan, “The plantation Revolution and the Industrial Revolu-tion, 1625-1775,” Caribbean Studies (1969), IX, iii, 5-25. D. Watts, The West Indies: Patterns of Development, Culture and Environmental Change since 1492. Stuart b. Schwartz, Sugar Plantations in the Formation of Brazilian Society. Bahia, 1550-1835. J. Lang., Portuguese Brazil: The King’s Plantation.

17. PASQUAL [or Pascual], Antonio Raymundo. Descubrimiento de la Aguja Náutica, de la situacion de la Amerérica, del Arte de Navegar, y de un Nuevo Método para el Adelantamiento en la Artes y Ciencias. Disertacion en que se manifiesta que el primer Autor de todo lo expuesto es el Beato Raymundo Lulio, Martir y Doctor Iluminado. Con un apéndice de la enseñanza pública, de los progresos de la literatura, y otros puntos históricos pertenecientes á Mallorca. Madrid: En la Imprenta de Manuel Gonzalez, 1789. 4°, con-temporary vellum (5 cm. of outer edge of front cover slightly gnawed near lower corner), horizontal ink manuscript short author-title on spine, text block edges lightly sprinkled red. Occasional light toning. Overall in very good condition. (4 ll.), 320 pp. $1,200.00

FIRST and ONLy EDITION of this treatise seeking to show that the medieval Catalan thinker Ramón Lull (or Llull; 1232?-1316), a native of palma, majorca, had discovered the use of the magnetic compass in navigation, and that Lull’s theories regarding the existence of a Western continent influenced Columbus. There are some curious notices regarding the early majorcan cosmographers, and others with respect to the benedictine brother bernardo boil, who, with twelve companions, accompanied Columbus on his

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second voyage, with the aim of converting the Indians. boil is supposed to have said the first mass in the New World.

Fray Antonio Raimundo pascual (1708-1791) was a majorcan Cistercian brother. He wrote at least six works that were published in his lifetime, four of which dealt with Llull.

❊ Aguilar Piñal, Bibliografia de autores españoles del siglo XVIII, VI, 1968. palau 214290. Sabin 58993. British Library Eighteenth-Century Spanish STC p35. JCb III, ii, 3314.

Earliest Illustrated Work on Brazilian Natural History Most Important Scentific Work Completed in Brazil

During the Seventeenth Century Only Illustrated Work on Brazilian Natural History

Until the Nineteenth-Century Expeditions

18. PISO, Willem, and George Marcgraf. Historia naturalis Brasiliae …. 2 parts in 1 volume. Leyden: F. Haack, and Amsterdam: L. Elsevier, 1648. Folio (37.7 x 26 cm.), contemporary morocco (small defects to head and foot of spine, corners; split of 4 cm. to front outer joint at head; similar split of 3 cm. to rear outer joint at foot; a few other minor binding defects; overall sound), spine gilt with raised bands in seven compartments, citron leather lettering piece with short title gilt in second compart-ment from head; front cover has eight-pointed star design in gilt with red straight-grained morocco inlay. Lovely, elaborately engraved title. Illustrated with numerous woodcuts. Elegant woodcut headpieces and initials. Internally a large, fresh copy, in fine condition. Overall very good to fine. Old ink manuscript inscription in upper blank margin of engraved title page, “Bibliothèque N.º 26”. Ink manuscript ownership inscription of a benedictine monastery, dated 1664, on second leaf recto. bookplate apparently removed from front pastedown. (6 ll., including the engraved title page), 122 pp., (1 l.); (4 ll.), 293, (7) pp. 2 parts in 1 volume. $12,500.00

FIRST EDITION of a lovely work extremely important for a number of reasons. It is the earliest illustrated work on brazilian natural history and the most notable scientific work completed in Brazil during the seventeenth century. Until the results of the nineteenth-century expeditions were published, it remained the only illustrated work on brazilian natural history. The Historia contains records of the first astronomical observations made in brazil plus valuable ethnographic and linguistic information about northeastern Brazil and its inhabitants. Finally, it is one of the most finely printed and beautiful works of braziliana published by the Dutch.

The part of the Historia naturalis, “medicina brasiliensi,” was the work of Willem piso (or pies, or pisonius). piso, born in Leyden in 1611, practiced medicine in Amster-dam until he took the position of physician in pernambuco to the Count of Nassau, governor of Dutch Brazil. Piso also seems to have been head of a scientific mission that was sent to Brazil by the West India Company at Nassau’s request. Piso was the first to separate yaws from syphilis, and he introduced the therapueutic herb ipecacuanha

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into Europe. His treatise is illustrated with woodcuts of herbs and poisonous snakes. It also contains representations of a sugar cane press in operation, a distillery, and other interesting scenes. The “medicina” was edited by Joannes de Laet, and appeared while piso was still in brazil.

The remainder of the Historia naturalis was the work of George marcgraf, a brilliant scientist born in Liebstadt in 1610; he died in Africa in 1644. He, too, traveled to brazil under the protection of the Count of Nassau, and apparently worked closely with piso. (piso was, in fact, accused of plagiarizing marcgraf.) marcgraf’s notes, all in cipher, were given to Laet for publication. They appear as the section of the Historia naturalis titled “Historiae reum naturalium brasiliae.” It consists of three books on plants, one each on fish, birds, and insects, and one on quadrupeds and reptiles. The eighth book, composed by Laet but based on marcgraf’s outline, describes the northeastern region of brazil and its inhabitants. Laet includes a description of the Tapuia Indians taken from Jacob Rabbi, a Tupi vocabulary taken from Father Anchieta, and a description of the route of the expedition under André de Leão in 1601. Many of the numerous woodcuts throughout the text (possibly by the Dutch artist Albert Eckhout) are based on Marcgraf’s drawings. marcgraf also made important astronomical observations, including that of the solar eclipse in 1640, from the Count of Nassau’s observatory in Recife. Due to his premature death, his astronomical observations were not published.

The elaborately engraved title page is set in a tropical forest, with an Indian warrior and female Indian with a leafy headdress at either side, and a river god at the foot. The scene is full of wildlife, including monkeys, snakes, birds, a ring-tailed lemur (?), and aquatic life. In the center distance, a group of Indians dance beneath a roof.

❊ borba de morais (1983) II, 675-7. Alden & Landis 648/128. Sabin 63028 and 7588. Nissen, Botanische Buchillustration 1533. Willems, Les Elsevier 1068. Hunt botanical Library 244. JCb (3) II, 375. Lilly Library, Brazil 46.

*19. PORTUGAL, Biblioteca Nacional. Bibliografia tauromáquica. Impressos e manuscritos. Lisbon: Biblioteca Nacional, n.d. (1982?). Série Bibliográfica. Large 8°, original printed wrappers As new. 47 pp. ISBN: none. $40.00

Facsimile reprint of a work first issued in 1927.

*20. PORTUGAL, Biblioteca Nacional. Cesário Verde, 1855-1886: catálogo da exposição comemorativa do primeiro centenário da sua morte. Lisbon: Biblioteca Nacional, 1986. Catálogo, 18. Lge. 8°, original printed wrap-pers. As new. 142 pp., (2 ll., 1 l. advt.), 4 ll. plates, printed on both sides. ISbN: none. $25.00


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*21. PORTUGAL. Biblioteca Nacional. Cinquentenário da morte de Jaime Batalha Reis (1847-1935) e de Luís de Magalhães (1859-1935): exposição. Lisbon: Biblioteca Nacional, 1985. Folio (29.3 x 21 cm.), original illus-trated wrappers. As new. (3 ll.), 53 pp., (2 ll.). One of 500 copies. printed from a typescript. ISbN: none. $20.00

FIRST and ONLY EDITION. This exhibition catalogue consists of three parts: I. Correspondence between Jaime batalha Reis and Luís de magalhães; II. Works by and about batalha Reis; III. Works by and about magalhães.

*22. PORTUGAL, Biblioteca Nacional. Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa. Edgar Allan Poe em Portugal. Lisbon: biblioteca Nacional, 2009. 8°, original illustrated wrappers. As new. 84 pp., (1 l.), illus. (some illus. in color), footnotes, index of names. One of 750 copies. ISbN: 978-972-565-448-4. $18.00

FIRST and ONLY EDITION. Catalogue for an exhibition held at the Biblioteca Nacional de portugal. It contains an interesting and amply annotated introduction, “poe em portugal” (pp. 9-34), by margarida Vale de Gato. The catalogue was compiled by Gina Guedes Rafael.

*23. PORTUGAL, Biblioteca Nacional. Santa Clara e as Clarissas em Por-tugal. VIII Centenário do nascimento de Santa Clara (1193/1194-1993/1994). Lisbon: Instituto da biblioteca Nacional e do Livro, 1994. Catálogo, 44. 8°, original illustrated wrappers. As new. 124 pp., (1 blank, 1 l.), 4 color plates, illustrations in text. One of 1,000 copies. ISBN: 972-565-149-9. $20.00

FIRST and ONLy EDITION. The main work of editing, compilation, research and annotation is by Father Francisco Leite de Faria. Additional cataloging and revision of the text is by Manuel Alves, with the collaboration of Ana Maria Almeida Martins and maria do Amparo bispo.

*24. PORTUGAL, Instituto dos Arquivos Nacionais / Torre do Tombo. Guia de fontes portuguesas para a história da Ásia. preface by José mattoso (volume I). Fernanda Olival, ed. (volume I). preface by bernardo Vas-concelos e Sousa (volume II). Isabel Castro pina, maria Leonor Ferraz de Oliveira Silva Santos, and paulo Leme, eds. (volume II). 2 volumes. Lisbon: Comissão Nacional para as Comemorações dos Descobrimentos

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portugueses / Fundação Oriente / Imprensa Nacional, 1998-1999. Guia de Fontes para a História das Nações. Ásia, 1-2. 8°, publisher’s buck-ram. As new. One of 800 copies (volume I); 1 of 500 copies (volume II). 143, (1) pp.; 123, pp., (1 l.). Each volume has an analytical index. ISBN: 972-27-0903-8; 972-8107-39-0; 972-27-0959-3; 972-8107-47-1. 2 volumes. $120.00

FIRST and ONLy EDITION. major reference work, indispensable for any researcher or reference library with interest in portuguese and/or Asian history.

*25. RAFAEL, Gina, and Luís Farinha Franco, eds. Joaquim Heliodoro da Cunha Rivara, 1809-1879. Lisbon: Biblioteca Nacional, 2009. 8°, original illustrated wrappers. As new. 74 pp., (1 l.), illustrations, extensive foot-notes and bibliography. One of 1,000 copies. ISbN: 978-972-565-449-1. $25.00

FIRST and ONLY EDITION. Texts by Luís Farinha Franco and Everton V. Machado.

*26. ROSARIO, Fr. António de. Frutas do Brasil, numa nova, e ascetica Monarchia, consagrada à Santissima Senhora do Rosario. Introduction (pp. [9]-25) by Ana Hatherly. Lisbon: biblioteca Nacional, 2002. Fac-similados. Large 8°, original illustrated wrappers. As new. 25 pp., (1, 12 ll.), 208 pp., illus. One of 500 copies. ISbN: 972-565-343-2. $35.00

LImITED EDITION: one of 500 copies. Facsimile reproduction of the first edition, Lisbon: António Pedrozo Galram, 1702,

which is very rare, as is the second, Rio de Janeiro: plancher, 1828. plancher published a third edition in 1830, which is also rare. borba de moraes writes, “The Frutas do Brasil are sermons written in an allegorical style using analogies and parables, as done by monks since medieval times. The fruits of Brazil are employed as symbols used in parables.… It is curious to note that at the beginning of the nineteenth century the sermons of the Frutas do Brazil were considered humorous.” Fr. Antonio do Rosario was born in Lisbon in 1647, and as a Discalced Augustinian used the name Fr. Antonio de Sancta maria. In 1686 he became a Franciscan and served as a missionary in pernambuco and in bahia, where he died. Fr. Antonio wrote in the style of Gongora, but after moving to brazil switched from using ancient Greek images to Brazilian fruits, flowers, birds, and rivers. This “Brazil-ian gongorism,” as Borba calls it, influenced writers such as Rocha Pitta and Botelho de Oliveira. Gerald moser (paraphrased by borba) stated that Antonio do Rosario “was the author who introduced Brazilian flora into imaginative literature by way of religious and moral allegory.” His other works include Carta de marear, Lisbon 1698.

❊ See borba de moraes (1983), II, 748-50.

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27. SALZEDO [or SALCEDO] CORONEL, [José] García de. Rimas de Don Garcia de Salzedo ... al Ex.mo S.or Don Enrriquez de Aragon, de Car-dona y Cordoua, Duque de Segorue y de Cardona, Marqu.es de Comares. Madrid: Por Juan Delgado, 1627. 8°, contemporary vellum (remains of ties), vertical ink manuscript title on spine, yap edges, text block edges sprinkled red and brown. Engraved architectural title page. Woodcut initial on ¶3 recto. Typographical tailpieces. In very good to fine condi-tion. Two lines of old ink manuscript notations in upper outer corner of front pastedown endleaf; single old ink manuscript jotting at center of front free end leaf. Engraved title, (16), 162 ll. $2,800.00

FIRST and ONLy [?] EDITION of this volume of Golden Age Spanish poetry. The work begins with a dedication by the author on leaves ¶3 recto-¶6 recto. This is followed on leaves ¶6 verso-¶¶5 verso of an introduction by Don Augustin Collado del Hierro. There are two decimas in praise of the author by p. Fr. Diego Niseno on leaf ¶¶6 recto and verso, while leaves ¶¶7-¶¶8 recto contain 4 decimas in praise of the author by Don Gabriel bocangel y Unçueta. Leaf ¶¶8 verso contains a sonnet in praise of the author by Don Jorge de Tobar y Valderrama.

The main text contains a total of 37 sonnets, “Isis y Anaxarete”, a poem of 92 octavas dedicated to the Duque de Feria (ll. 34 recto-57 recto), several canciones, including one to the Duque de Lerma (ll. 81 recto-83 verso), silvas, including one to the Conde-Duque de Olivares (ll. 92 verso-94 verso), a panegyric to a portrait of the Conde-Duque in 36 octavas (ll. 105 verso-114 verso), several elegies, including one on the death of Luis de Gongora (ll. 98 verso-103 recto), as well as romances, epigrams and a madrigal.

The poem “Ariadna” in 85 octaves, dedicated to the Conde-Duque (ll. 126 recto-147 recto), had appeared separately in a rare volume published in 1624.

An elegy to Don Agustin Collado del Hierro (ll. 63 recto-68 verso) is responded to by Collado del Hierro with a similar composition (ll.69 recto-78 verso). A silva by the author to Collado del Hierro follows (ll. 79 recto-80 verso). An elegiacal address to the author by Don Gabriel bocangel y Unçueta (ll. 83 verso-87 verso) is replied to in kind by Salzedo Coronel (ll. 88 recto-92 recto). “Seneto [sic, i.e., Soneto] XXXII” (l. 57 verso) is also addressed to bocangel. “Soneto XXVI” (l. 23 verso) is addressed to manuel Gallego, author of the Gigantomachia.

José García de Salcedo Coronel (Sevilla, 1592-madrid, 1651) was a Spanish military officer and Golden Age poet. He was a captain in the guard of the Duque de Alcalá, Vice-roy of Naples and Governor of Capua. Upon returning to Spain, he became caballerizo of the Infante Cardenal Fernando de Austria. Salcedo Coronel was one of the principal defenders of the work of Luis de Gongora: his laudatory, annotated Obras de don Luis de Góngora, comentadas, appeared in 3 volumes, 1636-1648. Salcedo Coronel’s poetry was praised by Lope de Vega, Juan de Jáuregui and Luis Vélez de Guevara.

The finely engraved architectural title page contains at top center the arms of Don Enrique de Aragon, de Cardona y Codova, Duque de Segorue y de Cardona, Marques de Comares. On pedestals in front of columns supporting an arch, dressed in full armor are Don Ramon borel, Conde de barcelona, and (on the right) his brother, Don Armengol de Cordova, Conde de Urgel. A motto runs the length of the ribbons whose ends these two figures grasp: “Quos tempus separavit, virtus coniunxit” (“Whom time separated, virtue joined”).

❊ palau 287007. Gallardo 3788. moreno Garbayo, La imprenta en Madrid (1626-1650) 317. Goldsmith S149. Jerez p. 94. HSA p. 494 (the Jerez copy). Salvá 949. Heredia

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1993. See also, Ward, Oxford Companion to Spanish Literature, p. 521 (giving incorrect dates for the publication of the various volumes by Salzedo Coronel). OCLC: 37016391 (University of California-berkeley, University of maryland); 504599894 (british Library); 254273388 (Staatsbibliothek zu berlin); 804751512 (Univeritat Rovira i Virgili biblioteca); 433661001 (Biblioteca Nacional de España); 433661008 (Biblioteca Nacional de España). CCpbE locates two copies, at the biblioteca de Castilla-La mancha-biblioteca pública del Estado en Toledo, and Real Academia Española-Madrid.

28. SANTOS, Júlio Eduardo dos. Exposição bibliográfica de Afonso Lopes Vieira. Originais do poeta e escritos sobre a sua vida e obra. Lis-bon: Grupo “Amigos de Lisboa”, 1962. Large 8°, original illustrated wrappers (slight nick to spine). In very good condition. 56 pp., (2 ll.), frontispiece portrait. $50.00


*29. SILVEIRA, Pedro da. Os últimos Luso-Brasileiros: sobre a participa-ção de brasileiros nos movimentos literários portugueses do realismo à dis-solução do simbolismo. Lisbon: biblioteca Nacional, 1981. Série Estudos e Ensaios. Large 8°, original illustrated wrappers. As new. 66 pp., (3 ll.). ISbN: none. $20.00


*30. VIEIRA, P. António, S.J. (1608-1699). Clavis porphetarum chave dos profetas. Livro III. Edição crítica, fixação do texto, tradução, notas e glossário de Arnaldo do Espírito Santo segundo projecto iniciado com Margarida Vieira Mendes. Translated from the Latin, and with notes and glossary, follow-ing the critical edition of Arnaldo do Espírito Santo, by p. João pereira Gomes, S.J. Lisbon: Biblioteca Nacional, 2001. Textos. Large 8°, original illustrated wrappers. As new. 232 pp., (1 blank l., 1 l., 1 blank l., 1 l.). printed in red and black. One of 1,000 copies. ISbN: 972-565-322-X. $35.00

FIRST and ONLY EDITION. Awarded the Primeiro Prémio de Tradução Científica e Técnica em Língua portuguesa, 2001, by F.C.T. / União Latina.

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31. [WAR OF THE AUSTRIAN SUCCESSION]. Resposta a huma carta, que certo cavalheiro escreveu a hum seu afeiçoado Austriaco, querendo saber, se o Principe Carlos havia repassado o Rheno. Por hum anonimo. Lisbon: Na Offic. de Luiz Joze Correa Lemos, 1744. 4°, unbound. Woodcut vignette with face of a cherub on title page. Uncut and partly unopened. A few small, light stains to title page. Overall in good to very good condition. 14 pp., (1 blank l.). $400.00

FIRST and ONLY EDITION of this skilled exercise in rhetoric, signed Lisbon, Sep-tember 27, 1744. The author begins with a discussion of valor, the definition of success, what it is to have virtue, and divine providence (p. 4). This sets the stage for what the anonymous author will develop on the determination of a just war and the atrocities suffered by the French. In the introductory pages, the author draws erudite references to mythology, with quotations in Latin from Ovid, Livy, Polybius, and Tacitus (pp. 4-7), expressing metaphorical allusions to the current situation of the War of the Austrian Suc-cession, more specifically of France’s disadvantages. The author uses the word “coward” or “cowardly” throughout with relation to the virtues of the Queen of Hungary (maria Theresa). This sentiment ultimately defines the author’s opinion of the queen, but is concealed in erudition and intricate syntax.

The author cleverly uses anaphora when describing the Hungarian troops “correm os Hungaros (porque ao valor anda unida a celeridade) correm, ardendo nos seus nobres peitos o marcial espirito, de que sao dotados. Correm desprezando os perigos da vida, para conservarem sem susto, que póde infundir-lhes alma. Correm a alentar o clarim da fama, para que nem introduzam os inimigos intercadencias nos seus brados. Correm a fazer se retirem os contrarios a golpes dos seus alfanges; assim como aos rayos do Sol se retîram cobardes as sombras” (pp. 6-7).

Virulent criticism of the Hungarian kingdom begins most clearly when the author questions whether its subjects are engaged in a just war. The author does not believe it was necessary for the Queen of Hungary to begin a war in Alsace. “meu Senhor, o Deus dos exercitos pertendeu estorvar a Guerra, no sentir de Tertuliano, quando disse ao Apostolo S. Pedro, que embaînhasse a sua espada. Querendo que os Catholicos sem causa gravis-sima nunca acendêssem o fogo da guerra…. Veja V. Senhoria, se tem a Serenissima Rainha motivos para fazer a Guerra na França, sendo huma potencia, que quando lhe julgavamos frias as cinzas, vaporizam as máximas hum Vesuvio de incendios” (pp. 8-9).

The author recalls how much the French have suffered in Germany, their armies commanded by maréchal belle-Isle, and the losses the French suffered in bohemia and Austria (p. 9). The descriptions of the losses become more gruesome, with accounts of the number of French forces killed and taken prisoner since 1742.

In the final pages (pp. 10-14), the author tells of Prince Charles’ approach to the Rhine and the standoff with the French (pp. 10-12). The conclusion ultimately shows the author’s ironic tone toward the situation of prince Charles passing the Rhine and entering Alsace. For example, the author leaves it up to Mars to decide if the glory was greater for the prince’s troops to have arrived in Alsace, or to have passed the Rhine (p. 13), and he continues, “Esta a verdade de hum sucesso, que immortaliza dos Austríacos a fama. Estas as ventagens, com quem andam cobardes as competencias” (p. 13).

Charles Alexandre, duc de Lorraine (1712-1780) was one of the principal military commanders during the War of the Austrian Succession. He was defeated by Frederick the Great at the battle of Chotusitz in 1742 and the battle of Hohenfriedberg, later in

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1745. In the same year he married maria Theresa of Austria’s sister. He was later named governor of the Austrian Netherlands and Grand master of the Teutonic Knights.

The War of the Austrian Succession began in 1740, with the death of Emperor Charles VI. It included several small conflicts: the War of Jenkins’ Ear (which began in 1739), King George’s War in North America (1744-1748), and two Silesian wars, finally ending in 1748 with the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, which mostly returned territories to the status quo ante.

❊ Not located in Innocêncio or Fonseca, Pseudónimos. Not located in Coimbra, Mis-celâneas. OCLC: 68690581 (Houghton Library-Harvard University, Newberry Library). porbase locates four copies, all in the biblioteca Nacional de portugal (there is a link to a photo of the title page of one, presumably the best, with significant worming). Not located in Copac. KVK (51 databases searched) locates only the copies cited by porbase.

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