Special Features - Grad 2015

Saluting the Class of 2015 George Elliot Secondary School Calendar Proudly Serving Winfield, Oyama, Okanagan Centre and Carrs Landing since 1951 Lake Country www.lakecountrycalendar.com Supplement to the Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, June 17, 2015 GRAD CLASS OF 2015 GEORGE ELLIOT SECONDARY SCHOOL



Transcript of Special Features - Grad 2015

Page 1: Special Features - Grad 2015

Saluting the Class of 2015 ∙ George Elliot Secondary School

CalendarProudly ServingWinfield, Oyama,Okanagan Centreand Carrs Landing

since 1951

L a k e C o u n t r y


S u p p l e m e n t t o t h e L a ke Co u n t r y Ca l e n d a r We d n e s d ay, J u n e 1 7 , 2 0 1 5




Page 2: Special Features - Grad 2015

Saluting the Class of 2015 ∙ George Elliot Secondary School

X2 | Wednesday June 17, 2015 - GESS 2015 Graduation Lake Country Calendar

11845 Oceola Road, Lake Country250-766-2808 • timhortons.com

From your morning classto your last day in high school...

Every Cup Tells a Story®

Proud to have been part of your story and to support

the GESS Dry Grad!

All the best in your future endeavours

Cooper’s Village Hwy. 97 Win� eld 250-766-9009

With special congratulations to our

“Graduating Employees”

Shae McManusAlison MacFarlane

Paige HerleBen Reilly

Rachel Abrahams

Congratulations 2015


Page 3: Special Features - Grad 2015

Lake Country Calendar GESS 2015 Graduation - Wednesday June 17, 2015 | X3

Saluting the Class of 2015 ∙ George Elliot Secondary School

my fellow graduates. I am deeply, hon-oured to stand in front of you all today, representing the class of 2015. I’m sure that everyone here tonight has high hopes for this class. But among our parents, in our communities, and even among us, there are some common assumptions made about our generation.

One common assumption is that our generation doesn’t have drive. Some of us have been working for years now and many of us have plans to follow our passions. There are about a dozen graduates here, including Aydan Corrigan, Dominick Siemens, and Jarrod Raisenen that have begun college early and will soon be Red Seal Tradesmen. We have top achieving science students like Lucas Andrew or Jenna de Jonge working towards a future as tomorrow’s doctors and researchers. We have innovative minds like Trevor Pearson and Tim Offenwanger who I’m sure will be among the next great engineers. There are those such as Julia Anderson and Makena Geen, individuals who will dazzle the world with their creativity. Among us there are those such as Max Morgan and Michael Burnham who’s hard work has paid off in athletic scholarships, and nearly all of our Pursuit of Excellence hockey players have committed to play for universities or the Jr. Hockey leagues! And I certainly look forward to one day seeing athletes like Joella Koblishke and Sarah Potomac representing our country in World Championships or Olympic Games in their respective sports. And what about graduates like Connor Perez or Jeremy Dejong, who have obtained their Junior Firefighting certification, or Nick Hipsey, another junior firefighter who is pas-sionate about a future in law enforcement. So I’d say that we are an ambitious group.

Another assumption that I think is com-mon in our society is we are still too young to have already made a positive difference. But think back to all of the service awards given

earlier this night. Many of us were involved with mentoring younger students through LINK and peer tutoring, and volunteering around the school. Madison Docksteader travelled to Nunavut to provide aid. Kyla Cassan travelled to Nicaragua to volunteer. Charlie Smith traveled to Uganda last sum-mer to teach and give aid to the children. And that’s not even to mention our girls from Little Women for Little Women in Afghanistan, including Cassy Hinchliffe, Haley Smith, and Amber Coles. Few grad classes can say they created an organization that’s raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for education in a third world country, starting in 4th grade! I think the impact that we’ve made is pretty obvious.

And I think it’s a very commonly held assumption that teenagers in general take a lot for granted. However, I think I can speak for all of us when I say we are very aware of all of the help we’ve needed to get here. On behalf of the class of 2015, thank you teachers for always being there when a student needed help. Thank you coaches, for your devotion to the athletes in your care. Big thank you to the Lake Country Coffee House. I’d also like to thank Ms. Newell for the countless hours she has worked to make our grad the best it could be. And thank you to the moms and dads in the crowd, we’ve relied on you so much for so many things, and despite how it may sometimes seem, we are incredibly grateful to you. There are so many people that helped us get to this point, and I know firsthand how appreciative our class is.

Something graduates commonly assume as we sit here in these super comfortable chairs, wearing these very fashionable robes, is that we are supposed to have our futures all mapped out. We even had to complete an assignment called “M.A.P.” in order to gradu-ate! To many of you it may seem like every-body else does have it figured out. I mean I

just named a bunch of people following their passions or making a difference in the world. I myself am going to UBCO next year to study engineering and it might seem like I’ve got my future all planned out. However, although I do have a plan, that doesn’t mean I have it all figured out. I’m simply taking my best guess, taking a step forward. I don’t know exactly where that step will take me, but I don’t believe I need to know. I think that if you find a direction to begin on and never stop moving forwards, you will find yourself at a destination you can be proud of.

And I’d like to bring up another common assumption, that it’s best to go to univer-sity and get a degree. But look at Kavan Kozakovich, who’s moving to California to pursue his talent as a DJ. There’s no organized program waiting for him, he’s just up and leaving, throwing himself head first into the real world, and that takes incredible courage. Like Kavan, some of us may not have a path that fits into a neat little package but we all have something in us, the power to keep moving forwards and beat our own path if we have to. We are all, every one of us, strong, and talented.

Another common assumption is that as valedictorian, I’m going to stand in front of you and quote some famous person’s “words of wisdom.” However, I’ve found that this grad class has plenty of wisdom to share with one another. Inside the back cover of my grade 11 yearbook, on the right hand side near the top, there is written: “When life knocks you down, just chill for a bit and maybe take a nap down there. RK.” Now while I’m sure that Mr. Killingsworth was just making a joke, I don’t think that means that it’s bad advice. Sooner or later, life is going to get rough, regardless of the path you follow. But when that happens I think you need to remember to slow down, chill as Ryan put it, and realize that the means to succeed are still

v a l e d i c t o r i a n

Tyson MerawGood evening, ladies and gentlemen, teachers, administration and of course...

…continued on page x4

Page 4: Special Features - Grad 2015

Saluting the Class of 2015 ∙ George Elliot Secondary School

X4 | Wednesday June 17, 2015 - GESS 2015 Graduation Lake Country Calendar

May your lifelong

love of learning and community involvement

keep your hopes and dreams

on track.

Congratulations GRADS of 2015

Mayor & Council and District of Lake Country Staff

Sienna Allaire Julia Anderson

Lucas Andrew Monnique Bain

within you. These days there is so much advice and information read-ily available to us, but the reality is that some of the greatest wisdom is far more close to home than Albert Einstein, Oprah Winfrey, or some random guy on the internet.

Before I finish up, I’d you all to think back to grade 8, and how you felt in those early days of high school. We had no idea what we were in for. We didn’t know not to mess with Mrs. Middleton, granted we learned pretty quick. We didn’t know we had to answer more ques-tions in order to enter Mr. Wellwood’s classroom than we did once we were actually inside it. We didn’t know that Mr. Penner kept an impressive collection of road kill in the freezer in his classroom, or that you should almost never take what Mr. Frehlick says literally. We didn’t know that lots of our teachers could be found in their class-rooms helping outside class time. I actually saw Mr. Mackenzie at 7-11 the other day, did you guys know he actually leaves the school sometimes?

The point is everything was incredibly uncertain, and graduation was a concept that seemed so distant that we couldn’t even fully grasp its full significance. There’s a certain tightness in the chest, a nagging uncertainty that I’m sure we are all familiar with. But isn’t that the same feeling we have now, except now that distant and uncertain future is adulthood? And along with all of the things we have yet to “figure out,” we also don’t know about all of the good times that are yet to come. It’s common for students to assume that if we don’t start mapping it out now we can’t make it, but it’s also common for people to assume that we aren’t passionate, don’t

VALEDICTORIAN… from page x3

Two locaTions To serve you beTTer!

Wishes the GESS 2015 graduating class

all the best in the future!

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contribute, or haven’t started “real life.” And we have proven that every single one of these assumptions are, without any shadow of a doubt, wrong! We are not a common grad class, we never have been, and we never will be.

Thank you!

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Lake Country Calendar GESS 2015 Graduation - Wednesday June 17, 2015 | X5

Saluting the Class of 2015 ∙ George Elliot Secondary School


Visit us at the Oyama General Store

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Congratulations on your outstanding achievement!Wishing you all the best in the wonderful career you have chosen.

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Joshua Becker Breanna BerndsenBraeden Battye Aidan Beckett

Dillion Biesick Cody Bonthoux Jessica Brandow Harman Brar

Page 6: Special Features - Grad 2015

Saluting the Class of 2015 ∙ George Elliot Secondary School

X6 | Wednesday June 17, 2015 - GESS 2015 Graduation Lake Country Calendar

“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going” ~ Beverly Sills~ Beverly Sills

Garth Donhauser250.212.2838

[email protected]

Halle Chlopan Amber Coles Dallas Comeau Jessica Conneely

Victor De Feo Jenna De Jonge

Aydan Corrigan Jamie Culham

Keaton Canuel Kyla CassanRobert Bruce Michael Burnham

Page 7: Special Features - Grad 2015

Lake Country Calendar GESS 2015 Graduation - Wednesday June 17, 2015 | X7

Saluting the Class of 2015 ∙ George Elliot Secondary School

ON-LINE ORDERINGwww.canadian2for1pizza.com

CongratulationsGrads of 2015!

From all of us to all of you

The Old Fashioned Way

250-766-5004 • #2-10051 Hwy. 97Winfield Shopping Centre

Jeremy Dejong Madison Docksteader James Dolman Andre Dominguez

Kelsi Edgelow Daniel Edmeades Ethan Elliot Lucas Ewert

Evan Farkas Sarah Fletcher

Zachary Flowers-Johnson Draven Frank

Page 8: Special Features - Grad 2015

Saluting the Class of 2015 ∙ George Elliot Secondary School

X8 | Wednesday June 17, 2015 - GESS 2015 Graduation Lake Country Calendar

Steven Galigan Anika GatzkeMadeline Fraser Ashley Furgason

Your bike will

love us!

Congratulations Class of 201 5

3175 Woodsdale Road250-448-1926 • www.lakecountrycycle.ca

CongratulationsGrad Class of 2015!

We are so proud ofyour accomplishments.

The Staff & Studentsof Davidson Road


Makena Geen Carla Goodwin

Dylan Gubler Claire Halston

Nathan Harmel Austin Hayhurst

Page 9: Special Features - Grad 2015

Lake Country Calendar GESS 2015 Graduation - Wednesday June 17, 2015 | X9

Saluting the Class of 2015 ∙ George Elliot Secondary School

A Classy Class of 2015!

“Your friendly little convenience store that has it all”

3191 Woodsdale Road, Win� eld 250-766-4677


Best Wishesto the

GESS Grads!

Shayla Hayward Paige Herle Colton Hills Cassandra Hinchliffe

Nicholas Hipsey Jarod Hovde Madison Hurdle Brittany Isnardy

Page 10: Special Features - Grad 2015

Saluting the Class of 2015 ∙ George Elliot Secondary School

X10 | Wednesday June 17, 2015 - GESS 2015 Graduation Lake Country Calendar

Ryan Killingsworth Lauren Kim

Kael Jokela Alex KabisDesjaray Jackson Braya Jmaeff

T: 250-766-2666 • F:250-766-2608

Wishing the GESS 2015 Grad ClassCongratulations

Special Congratulations to graduating employee Michael Burnham

Win� eld

We knew you could do it, right from


The staff atÉcole Peter Greer


Congratulations to all the grads,

especially our former students.

Makyla King Jacob Kneller

Joella Koblischke Quinn Komant

Page 11: Special Features - Grad 2015

Lake Country Calendar GESS 2015 Graduation - Wednesday June 17, 2015 | X11

Saluting the Class of 2015 ∙ George Elliot Secondary School

Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2015!

Remember, the best is yet to come!

1-415 Commonwealth Road, Kelowna BC 250-766-4255

Visit www.sweetlife.com

Katherine Kowalchuk Konnor Krebs Ally Larson Tai Le

Juliya Leonov Alexandra LutsenkoTirra Lemoine Amelia Leonard

Ally Macdonald Alison Macfarlane

Michelle Machalka Brendan MacRitchie

Page 12: Special Features - Grad 2015

Saluting the Class of 2015 ∙ George Elliot Secondary School

X12 | Wednesday June 17, 2015 - GESS 2015 Graduation Lake Country Calendar

The GESS Class of 2015 gathered together on Friday, June 5 to receive their hard earned graduation diplomas. Many deserving students also won scholarships and bursaries for their continued education.


Winfield & DistrictMinor Hockey Association


We’re proud of all the members in our association and it gives us great pleasure to recognize those GESS students who have played hockey here in Lake Country. Best of luck & congratulations to the following players:

James DolmanAndre Dominguez

Lucas EwertBrendan MacRitchie

Nathan HarmelRJ Salel

Brandon WilsonBlake Sebastian

Page 13: Special Features - Grad 2015

Lake Country Calendar GESS 2015 Graduation - Wednesday June 17, 2015 | X13

Saluting the Class of 2015 ∙ George Elliot Secondary School

Congratulations to all the grads of 2015!

106-3121 Hill Road, Lake Country250-766-5670

With a special congratulations

to this year’s Lake Country

Chamber of Commerce Business Bursary

winner Marlu Sennekela!

106-3121 Hill Road, Lake Country

Other students will be remembered through the years as recipients of the various awards that recognize exem-plary achievements

during their high school careers.

Congratulations Leah!

GRAD 2015

Go con� dentlyin the directionof your dreams.

Live the lifeyou have

imagined.Henry David Thoreau

Dr. Derek Townsend, Inc.& Associates

Page 14: Special Features - Grad 2015

Saluting the Class of 2015 ∙ George Elliot Secondary School

X14 | Wednesday June 17, 2015 - GESS 2015 Graduation Lake Country Calendar

Frank 250-212-8456Shop Phone: 778-480-5622

Tuesday - Friday 9:30-6Saturday & Sunday 9:30-4

Closed Mondays#13, 11852, Hwy 97N

Lakewood Mall (beside Tim Horton’s)

All the Best to the Graduating Class of 2015!

‘Your Community Barber Shop’Traditional Old World Service for the Modern Man


Win� eld Shopping Centre • 4 - 10051 Hwy 97, Lake Country


Congratulations George Elliot Secondary

Graduates of 2015!

Jessica McGean Shae McManus

Justin Madsen Kyle Martin

Taylor McRae Tyson Meraw

Dario Miller Brandon Mitchell

Page 15: Special Features - Grad 2015

Lake Country Calendar GESS 2015 Graduation - Wednesday June 17, 2015 | X15

Saluting the Class of 2015 ∙ George Elliot Secondary School

from all the

Staff & Students

At Oyama Traditional School we strive for

personal excellence and foster traditional values of citizenship, responsibility

and respect.

Citizenship • Responsibility • Respect

no photos available:

David FossenBraeden Harke

Kavan KozakevichNicholas LawrenceMarylottie Reiner

Maxwell Morgan Taylor MorinMackenzie Moore Brhette Mortell

Cody Murray Tianna Newman Mark O’Shaughnessy

Dallas Otto

Timothy Off enwanger

Jayce Otteson

Page 16: Special Features - Grad 2015

Saluting the Class of 2015 ∙ George Elliot Secondary School

X16 | Wednesday June 17, 2015 - GESS 2015 Graduation Lake Country Calendar

Trevor Pearson

Sarah Potomak

Conor Perez

Jared Poyner

Alima Pauline-Gall Olivia Paulson

“ The world is but a stage.....

go play your part!”Congratulations!

Creekside Theatreat George Elliot Secondary Schoolwww.creeksidetheatre.com

391 Tilley Road / corner of Jim Bailey Roadwww.bodyzinmotion.com • 250.766.0611

Get Fit for Summerwith

Bodyz in Motion

Congratulations Class of 2015!

Page 17: Special Features - Grad 2015

Lake Country Calendar GESS 2015 Graduation - Wednesday June 17, 2015 | X17

Saluting the Class of 2015 ∙ George Elliot Secondary School

Wishing You Congratulations

and Life-long Success!10564-B Powley Crt.

(Third Floor)Winfield, BC


Tara Raby Jarrod RaisanenMarcus Presznyak Megan Raisanen

Morgan Rattliff Logan Redl Ben Reilly Jeffrey Reynolds

Teya RoodDavid Robertson

Annika Rose Darienne Rysz

Page 18: Special Features - Grad 2015

Saluting the Class of 2015 ∙ George Elliot Secondary School

X18 | Wednesday June 17, 2015 - GESS 2015 Graduation Lake Country Calendar

Richard Salel Gaige Saunders

Benjamin Schlidt Rylee Schorn

Mikaela Schellenberg Taylor Schilling

Blake Sebastian Marthinus Senekal

Acacia Service Laura Shukla

#101, 9685 Hwy 97Lake Country, BC


With Special

Congratulations to our




Jamie CulhamCassie Hinchliffe

Congratulations to the Class of 2015

Norm Letnick, MLA Kelowna-Lake Country#101-330 Highway 33W, • 250-765-8516

[email protected]

Norm Letnick,

Here’s to new


The future holds so

many possibilities.

Dream big and rise

to the challenge!

Page 19: Special Features - Grad 2015

Lake Country Calendar GESS 2015 Graduation - Wednesday June 17, 2015 | X19

Saluting the Class of 2015 ∙ George Elliot Secondary School

2015Winfield Shopping Centre

250-766-4574Open 7 Days a Week 8am-9pm

Best Wishes for all that you do in the future!

Dominik Siemens Charlie Smith Hayley Smith Harkreet Somal

Natalie Stanwood Patrick Steed Kain Stevenson Breanna Stienstra

Felicia Storey Emily Takken

Alexander Tammie Lillian Tonner

Page 20: Special Features - Grad 2015

Saluting the Class of 2015 ∙ George Elliot Secondary School

X20 | Wednesday June 17, 2015 - GESS 2015 Graduation Lake Country Calendar

Leah Townsend Joshua Ufimzeff Tess van Donkelaar Kathryn Vogel

Danielle WoodBrandon Wilson

Garrett WatsonMadison Wallace

Corbin WelshSeth Weintz

Royal LePage Kelowna/Lake Country250.766.3300 or 250.860.3355

Congratulations Madison Docksteader!All the best for a bright future from:Her Dad (Chris), Pat Z., Shawn, Ken, Aly, Colin, Don, Joanne and Petrina.

Congratulations,GESS Class of 2015.

Ruff N’ It Doggy Spa15130 Hwy 97, Oyama • 250-548-3244

Professional grooming since 1998

Congratulationsto the

GraduatingClass of


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Lake Country Calendar GESS 2015 Graduation - Wednesday June 17, 2015 | X21

Saluting the Class of 2015 ∙ George Elliot Secondary School

Jalen ZummackZachary ZornMerek Zimmerman


[email protected]

John Mandoli B.Sc., B.Ed., M.A.Licenced REALTOR®


“ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

Page 22: Special Features - Grad 2015

Saluting the Class of 2015 ∙ George Elliot Secondary School

X22 | Wednesday June 17, 2015 - GESS 2015 Graduation Lake Country Calendar

Lake Country Husky10550 Hwy 97N

Lake Country, BC250-766-4448

Wishing you all a safe and happy graduation!

Congratulations on your accomplishment.

Have a Safe & Happy Graduation

Lake Country RCMP Detachment



Melanie NewellGRAD SPONSOR



Photos by Lifetouch Photography, Cassie McKenzie and Dakoda Petrovich.

Special thanks to Melanie Newell and Kevin Nickel.

Page 23: Special Features - Grad 2015

Lake Country Calendar GESS 2015 Graduation - Wednesday June 17, 2015 | X23

Saluting the Class of 2015 ∙ George Elliot Secondary School

CONGRATULATIONSto the Graduating Class of 2015

We Are Proud of You!From the staff of George Elliot Secondary School:


SHAW, BruceBECK, Jason



KOMANT, JulieBOAL, Jennifer


BROWN, Daphne


AVISS, TracyDEAN, Haley










MacKENZIE, StevenMADDOX, Tyler








NEWELL, MelanieNICKEL, Kevin

OWENS, MeganRIGBY, Brandwyn



De FEO, Silvana RYGA, SergeiFORTIN, Stacy



YUKICH, DavidSPARE, DanielleSTEWART, KeithDenouden, VickiSQUARE, Jane

Goodwin, Sheila

Congratulations George Elliot Secondary School Graduating Class of 2015G R A D U AT I O N B U R S A R Y & S C H O L A R S H I P R E C I P I E N T S

Al Jones Memorial/Oyama Fire� ghters BursaryJulia Anderson

Camp Hatikvah Leadership BursaryEthan Elliott

Capri Insurance BursaryKelsi Edgelow

Capri Insurance BursaryTrevor Pearson

Centenary BursaryHarman Brar

COBSS Vocational/Technical AwardDavid Fossen

Davidson Road Elementary PAC BursaryMadi Hurdle

Evtushevski Family ScholarshipLeah Townsend

George Elliot Memorial BursaryAcacia Service

GES Grad Legacy BursaryJessica Brandow

GES Grad Legacy BursaryMikaela Schellenberg

GES Grad Legacy BursaryDylan Gubler

GES Grad Legacy BursaryAlex Kabis

GES Grad Legacy BursaryJoella Koblischke

GES Grad Legacy BursaryMorgan Rattli�

GES Grad Legacy BursaryMakyla King

GES Grad Legacy BursaryHalle Chlopan

GES Grad Legacy BursaryTim O� enwanger

GES PAC BursaryAlex Kabis

GES PAC BursaryLauren Kim

GES PAC BursaryRichard Salel

Gyro Club Of Kelowna BursaryClaire Halston

Hank Grenda Memorial AwardBrandon Mitchell

Hans Peter Schae� er Memorial BursaryMichael Burnham

Interior Savings Credit Union BursaryMichelle MachalkaJosie Evans Award

Hayley SmithLake Country ArtWalk Fine Arts Award

Julia AndersonLake Country Chamber Of Commerce

Business BursaryMarlu Senekal

Lake Country Family Practice Associates AwardCharlie Smith

Lake Country Garden Club BursaryAmelia Leonard

Lake Country Garden Club BursaryBen Reilly

Lake Country Museum Arnold AwardLauren Kim

Lake Country Optometry BursaryLucas Andrew

Lake Country Youth Soccer Association AwardHarkreet Somal

Lake Country Youth Soccer Association AwardLeah Townsend

Lance & Michelle Marshall ScholarshipHayley Smith

Letnick Family AwardKyla Cassan

Lions Club - Lake Country/Win� eld BursaryJamie Culham

Lions Club - Lake Country/Win� eld BursaryDarienne Rysz

Lions Club - Lake Country/Win� eld BursaryTaylor Schilling

Market Place IGA - Lake Country Jessica McGean

Market Place IGA - Lake CountryMichelle Machalka

Nor-Val Event Rentals BursaryLaura Shukla

Nor-Val Rentals BursaryDavid Fossen

Oceola Fish & Game Club BursaryEthan Elliott

OVPCC ‘True to You’ AwardAmelia Leonard

Oyama Traditional School BursaryMadi Hurdle

PEO Sisterhood Bursary Kelsi Edglow

Peter C. Greer AwardTaylor McRae

Peter Greer Elementary PAC BursaryEvan Farkas

Rotary Club of Lake Country BursaryHarman Brar

Rotary Club of Lake Country BursaryLauren Kim

Rotary Club of Lake Country BursaryMichelle Machalka

Rotary Club of Lake Country BursaryTaylor McRae

Rotary Club of Lake Country BursaryTyson Meraw

Rotary Club of Lake Country BursaryTaylor Schilling

Rutland Volunteer Fire Department BursaryLauren Kim

Scouts Canada - Central Okanagan Area Award Julia Anderson

Sharon Porter Memorial BursaryTyson Meraw

St. George’s Masonic Lodge #41 BursaryHayley Smith

Tri Lake Animal Hospital BursaryHayley Smith

Tyler Weston Citizenship BursaryMarlu Senekal

Win� eld Auxiliary to KGH Foundation BursaryKyla Cassan

Win� eld Oldtimers’ Sports Assoc/Les SchaeferNathan Harmel

Win� eld Oldtimers’ Sports Assoc/Les SchaeferBrandon Mitchell

Win� eld United Church BursaryTaylor Morin

Wood Lake Publishing BursaryClaire Halston

Over $40,000 in bursaries and scholarships were presented to deserving

students June 5th at the GESS graduation ceremony.

Page 24: Special Features - Grad 2015

Saluting the Class of 2015 ∙ George Elliot Secondary School

X24 | Wednesday June 17, 2015 - GESS 2015 Graduation Lake Country Calendar

If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can

dream it, you can become it.William Arthur Ward


I used this quote underneath my

graduation picture 25 years ago.

Today, more than ever, I know about

the importance of dreaming to

achieve success and happiness in

your life! I personally know many

of this year’s graduates, through my

community involvement and having

taught them dance, and am very

proud of all of you!

Congratulations to the class of 2015!
