Speakers Briefing FEICA Izmir v2

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Transcript of Speakers Briefing FEICA Izmir v2

  • 7/27/2019 Speakers Briefing FEICA Izmir v2


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    Speakers BriefingFEICA welcomes your contribution to the European Adhesive & Sealant Conference andEXPO in Izmir, Turkey from 11 until 13 September 2013.

    In order to help you prepare and have your presentation run smoothly, please read these

    briefing notes carefully ahead of time.

    Conference website


    Conference Secretariat

    Marion Krmer, Event Coordinator | [email protected] Hanke, Registration Office | [email protected]


    Kristel Ons, Communication & Event Manager | [email protected]

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    All Speakers are required to register online.As a Speaker you are entitled to register FREE ofcharge. Please select the option Speaker Registration which includes admission to all

    Conference Sessions and the Expo, all scheduled meals and coffee breaks.

    The Welcome Cocktail on Wednesday 11 Sep. and the Gala Dinner on Thursday 12 Sep. 2013are NOT included into the free Speaker Registration. Should you wish to attend either of theseevents, please select the option Speaker Extra, charged at 300.

    To register, please visit the conference website and complete theonline registration form.

    If you wish to stay at the Swisstel Grand Efes in Izmir (Conference Venue), please register

    urgently. Room booking at the Swisstel Grand Efes is only possible together with your

    conference registration.


    Your abstract, biography and photo will be published in the Final Programme distributed to alldelegates. To ensure the organisation runs smoothly, we will need your material by 31 May atthe latest.

    The bio should be in a descriptive style (no bullet points), written in 3rd person singular andcontaining no more than 100 words. Please confirm your name, include a headshot

    photograph of print quality (at least 300 dpi). Your final abstract should not exceed 200 words(excluding the bio) and have no graphics or bullet points.

    Please send your final presentation, in line withthe guidelines as described further, by 30 June 2013.

    Please email your material to

    [email protected]

    All Speakers are requested to bring a copy of their presentation on a USB stick with them to



    All Breakout Presentations are scheduled for a presentation of30 minutes duration plus 15minutes Questions & Answers.

    It is extremely important to keep the program to time; out of respect for the other speakers

    and to allow delegates a chance to move between Breakout rooms.The Moderators are instructed to cut you off if the time limits are not respec ted.

    Final Abstract by 31 May 2013

    Final Bio & Photo by 31 May 2013

    Final Presentation by 30 June 2013

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    Please rehearse your presentation with slides in advance to ensure your presentation fitswithin the allotted time.

    Your PowerPoint Presentation

    The Conference language is English.

    Limit your total presentation to 25 slides, General company introduc tion, if any, should be limited to max. 1 slide,

    Keep the content of your slides to main points only,

    Keep any diagrams or charts simple,

    NO company or brand names in the title of your presentation,

    Limit the use of brand names on slides to an absolute minimum, the audience will not

    appreciate being given a sales pitch,

    Prove your point by being positive, do not speak adversely of your competitors.

    The FEICA Review Committee will ask you to adapt your presentation if the style is toocommercial.

    All Conference proceedings will be made published for delegates only (password needed)after the Conference onwww.feica-conferences.com.

    FEICA shall be extremely vigilant in asking you to strictly comply with the Anti-trust & EU

    competition law. You are kindly requested to obey the following rules:

    DONTmention prices your company may or will charge customers.

    DONT mention discounts, terms of condition of sales, warranty terms, profits or profit

    margins, market shares, bids or the intention to bid, rejection or termination of customers,

    market sales territories.

    DONTmention any proposal or any activity which may have the effect of producing an

    adverse economic impact on some competing companies.


    Changes to the time schedule may occur, please check the conference websitewww.feica-

    conferences.com regularly to ensure you have the latest information.

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    Where to go when?

    All Speakers are strongly encouraged to arrive a day prior to their allocated Session. Please

    go to the Registration Desk to collect your badge and Conference material.

    All Speakers need to attend the Technical Checkbefore the start of their Session (see

    Programme) to get familiar with the use of the microphone (clip-on) and

    pointer/presentation controls. All final presentations will be loaded into the system before the

    start of the Conference but please bring a copy of your presentation on a USB stick with you

    to the Technical Check.

    Please take the opportunity to meet your Moderator and the other Speakers in your Session.

    Please be in your allocated room no later than 15 minutes before the start of your Session. A

    row of seats in front will be reserved for the Speakers.

    Set Up & Equipment

    The room will be set up in lecture style with the Moderators desk in front to one side and alectern to the other side. Your presentation will be shown by means of a beamer on a screenbehind you but you will have a monitor on the floor in front of you. The clip-on microphoneand remote presentation pointer/controls allows you to move away from the lectern if youwish to do so.

    Technicians will be present in all Breakout rooms during the presentations. In the unlikely event

    of a technical problem, you should continue with your presentation or as directed by theModerator.

    Overhead slides projector will not be available.


    Date and Venue

    September 12 - 13, 2013Swisstel Grand Efes IzmirGaziosmanpasa Bulvan No: 135210 Alsancak, Izmir


    Travel Information

    Thetravel informationsection of the conference website lists an overview of the direct flightsto Izmir. Travel by train, bus and taxi from the airport to the conference venue is also listed.Please check with your Travel Agency for any VISA requirements to enter Turkey for your

    country of origin.

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    Conference Secretariat

    Marion Krmer, Event CoordinatorEmail: [email protected]: +49 211 695 560 04Gabriele Hanke, Registration OfficeEmail: [email protected]


    Kristel Ons, Communication & Event ManagerEmail: [email protected]: +32 2 792 75 17 (direct) +32 2 676 73 20 (general)

    If you have any special requirements or need additional information, please contact theConference Secretariat.