Speaker Rev Jabez Chia - Mt Carmel › wordpress › wp-content › uploads › 2019 › 02 ›...

Speaker Rev Jabez Chia For internal circulation only 3 February 2019

Transcript of Speaker Rev Jabez Chia - Mt Carmel › wordpress › wp-content › uploads › 2019 › 02 ›...


Speaker Rev Jabez Chia

For internal circulation only

3 February 2019


Some of my most distinct memories as a child are of attending church services with my mother. Back in the 70s, there wasn’t the practice of including children in adult worship services. How I got to sit in the pews with my mother involved cajoling, begging and perhaps even the shedding of a tear or two during the 20-minute drive to church from home. Though I don’t recall now, I guess it must have started with curiosity. What were the adults doing at the service in the big and grand sanctuary upstairs? Or perhaps it was the rousing strains of “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name” or “To God be the Glory” that echoed through the corridors while we children were holed in a kindergarten classroom downstairs. Whatever it was, every few months or so, I begged for permission to skip Sunday School to attend the main service.

Ask me now and only fragments of what I encountered remain. I remember feeling very grown-up sharing the Broadman Hymnal or the Hymns of Faith with my mother, and occasionally even having a copy of my own to hold. I remember hearing, and then memorising, the Gloria Patri and Doxology. I remember not understanding the scripture readings as they were read in the King James Version, but feeling awed at how lyrical scripture sounded when it was read aloud formally. And I remember finding it hardest to sit still during the sermon and harbouring thoughts of regret because I could have been playing in the courtyard by then if I

had gone to Sunday School instead.

So, what was it that made me ask to go back time and again? I remember feeling moved every time we stood and sang an opening hymn which was a rousing call to worship our Almighty God. The music, and more importantly, the lyrics resonated deep within me, even though I didn’t fully understand half of them. I remember sneaking peeks at the adults around me, and particularly at my mother as she sang with conviction choruses like “This is my story/ This is my song/ Praising my Saviour/ All the day long”. I remember also peeping during corporate prayer to see if everyone had indeed closed their eyes and clasped their hands. And I remember being filled with a sense of hope and assurance when the collective “amen” sounded. Now, upon reflection, I believe it was what I experienced in the pews that kept me going back again and again.

At Mt Carmel, we have had, for many years, the practice of having our primary school children worship with their parents at the main services once a month for the first segment of the service until the offering is taken, before they are dismissed to go to their Sunday School classes. At the Saturday Evening Service, the children join the service on the first Saturday of each month while at Sunday services, it is the fourth Sunday of the month. From this


weekend, the children will join us at the main services on the first weekend of each month, whether on Saturday or Sunday. On Sundays, this will coincide with the youth being in the main service as well.

So, if you are reading this now during the worship service on Sunday, you will probably be feeling the difference. You are probably sitting a little closer than usual to your neighbour. Look around you and the sanctuary will be a little more packed. And you may see a few little heads bobbing up and down in front of you.

Welcome to our monthly church family worship service. It is a little change, but we are hoping to gradually effect a difference. As of now, we are only including the primary school children and not the preschoolers.

We are making a deliberate move towards inter-generational worship, of the kind that we hitherto only experience twice a year at our annual Maundy Thursday and Christmas Eve Services. We are coming together, once a month, as a church family, to worship God the way Christian communities worshipped for centuries, before Sunday School and separate Youth Services came about. We are sending a signal to everyone, young and old, that worshipping together as a church family is important and meaningful to us as a community.

Worship – our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving to God – is passed on by modelling. When children see their parents and other adults praying, praising, listening and responding, they imbibe it. They also learn that it is an attitude and a discipline. We worship

God for who He is and what He means to us. We worship when we are full of joy and thanksgiving. We worship when we don’t feel like it, or when we are tired and down. And occasionally, like at a family dinner, the children may fidget or get distracted. At such times, let us remember that Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt 19:14)

When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child and reasoned like a child. If you had asked me then if worship was enjoyable or interesting (in the adult service or in Sunday School) I would likely have said “so-so”. But now, many years later, by the grace of God, I have grown to treasure the time I have to worship privately and communally with my extended church family. My personal experience probably mirrors my children’s and many of yours too.

As a church, we are now intentionally exploring ways for us to grow as an inter-generational community. Worship will be an integral part of it. We can expect to see more youth, families, and other inter-generational groups take part in our monthly “inter-gen” service as we sing, praise, rejoice, give thanks, and intercede together.

So the next time you see a child in the pew sneaking a peek at you – smile, we are worshipping our God together as a church family.

Chai Chor Tiang


Next Wednesday (6 February) No Prayer Meeting as Chinese New Year 2nd Day.


The Philippines: Bomb attacks by terrorists on a Roman Catholic cathedral in the volatile south have left at least 20 people dead and more than 100 wounded. Pray for the victims’ bereaved families as they mourn the sudden loss of their loved ones. Pray for restoration of calm and confidence among the much-shaken local residents with stronger law and order by the authorities.

Singapore: As Singapore commemorates the bicentennial (1819-2019), it’s timely to remember and give thanks to God for His blessings for the past two centuries. Pray for Singapore’s future and wellbeing, that it will be sustained according to God’s will.


Children Ministry: KidSparks celebrates its 13th anniversary this weekend. Thank God for enabling this outreach ministry to our neighbourhood kids to thrive. We have about 20 students who come for Reading and Tuition classes every Saturday and most stay on for worship and Bible lessons during SES. Pray that the seeds of faith that are planted in the hearts of these children will continue to grow and bear fruit. Pray also for strength for the faithful crew of teachers and assistants, some of whom have served tirelessly for many years.

Rhoda Fellowship: We celebrated our 8th anniversary last Sunday with our regulars as well as friends and employers. Thank God for bringing in new ones and especially leaders when some of us return to the Philippines. Please continue to pray for us to grow in our faith, be diligent and responsible to our employers, and to be equipped to serve our Lord.

Overseas Missions Ministry (OMM): -

1. Ps Eman and Vidya (India) request prayers for Mt Carmel Villivakkam:

For the nine leaders in charge of the various church ministries, that they plan well and encourage more members to be involved in the ministries.

For members to open their houses for the weekly Wednesday cottage prayer meeting.

For God to bless their children Chriswin and Gemwin with life partners.

2. Ps Sokha (Cambodia) requests prayers for herself and Mt Carmel Andaut:

For God to heal her completely from prolonged back pain, which is hindering her pastoral ministry.

For the Mt Carmel congregation to experience God’s love and power so they can grow in their faith.

Personal: As we spend this CNY with family and relatives, may we bear witness for the Lord in our word and deed.



The Holy Communion is open to all who have confessed Jesus in baptism.

If you are visiting and are regularly partaking Communion in the church where

you come from, you are welcome to join us too.

The facilities manager, Mr Yip will be on leave on 7-8 Feb. For any building

facility related issues required urgent follow up action, please contact Ah Jia

@9050-6876 for assistance.

The pastors and admin team of Mt Carmel would like to thank you for all the

well wishes received, both in cards and emails. We wish members and

friends a very blessed Chinese New Year!

Please note that the Church office will be closed from Chinese New Year’s

Eve (4 Feb) afternoon till Wednesday (6 Feb).

Date Speakers Topic Text

10 Feb Rev Daniel Chua A Healthy Church Member

is a Gospel Witness

17 Feb Rev Oh Boon Leong A Healthy Church Member

is an Authentic Friend 1 Samuel 18-20

24 Feb Rev Daniel Chua A Healthy Church Member

Seeks Discipline

3 Mar Rev Peter Teo A Healthy Church Member

is a Growing Disciple Matthew 16:21-28


Please make all cheques, including those for the Development Fund, payable to Mount Carmel BP Church Ltd (payee name must be stated on the cheque).

Please note that NO receipts will be issued for cheques received by the Church below $5,000 except upon request.

All offerings and pledges to Mount Carmel BP Church Ltd are not tax-deductible.

NEXT SUNDAY 10 February 2019



Ushers Eld Albunus Ng & Team West Coast CG

Refreshment Ayer Rajah CG

Worship Leaders Dn Adrian Wong

Congregational Prayer Eld Kelvin Teo

Musicians Week 2 Band

Welcome Corner Tan Choon Kiat/John Chua Dn Jonathan Lum/Sunny Yap

Scripture Readers Joyce Go Airika Takeguchi

AVA Crew Peh Chee Siong/Peter Go John Tan/Francis Tay

Librarians Baet Yeok Lin/Baet Kwee Chin


(1) Start with a New Heart

(2) Secure in the Love of the Father – 2:22-23

(3) Serve One Another – 3:14b-15, 18-19

(4) Stay on Course in the Light – 1:5-10, 5:4-5

1 John 2:6-10; 2:22-23, 3:14b-15; 3:18-19; 5:4-5


Welcome! A warm welcome to all

newcomers and visitors with

us today. We hope that you

will have a meaningful time

of worship this morning. Do

join us for tea at the fellowship

hall after the service.

Worship Leader Dn Ben Koh

Speaker Rev Jabez Chia

Prayer Soh Keng Taan & Vivienne Andrew Ong & Janelle

Holy Communion Rev Daniel Chua

Scripture Readers Alicia Tan Gwen Hwarng

Ushers Susannah Siew & family Grace CG

Refreshment Clementi Woods CG

AVA Yu Ta Wen Lee Sin Yee Chan Wen Hui Christie Phua

Thanksgiving Flowers Albert Eio & Lina Yan & Catherine Lim Yong Kelly, Glen and Chelsea Ng Ting Yun

Worshippers are invited to come forward to the front

pew for personal prayer with our elders/pastors.

Our God

My Lighthouse

The Lord’s Prayer

Gloria Patri

Psalm 103

10,000 Reasons His Mercy is More Amazing Grace (my chains are gone)

Everything I Am Doxology

1 John 2:6-10; 2:22-23; 3:14b-15; 3:18-19; 5:4-5

A Healthy Church Member is Genuinely Converted

I Claim the Cross - by Choir

The Life I Live

Three-Fold Amen

For a digital copy of this bulletin:


For recordings of past sermons, visit www.carmel.sg