Speak May/June Magazine 2013

May / June 2013 St Peter’s Church, Elworth www.stpeters-elworth.org.uk


Church Magazine for St Peter's, Elworth.

Transcript of Speak May/June Magazine 2013

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May / June 2013

St Peter’s Church, Elworth www.stpeters-elworth.org.uk

Page 2: Speak May/June Magazine 2013


Welcome to the May/June edition of Speak magazine.

The church has had a busy couple of months, with different things and the amazing

success of the new children’s group, xplore.

As you will see we have a new section called ‘About us…’ and every month we will

have a delve into the lives of church family members whether it is individuals,

couples or families.


Bethany Jones Editor

We are committed in love to worshipping God:

• By proclaiming the Gospel in word and


• By encouraging growth

• By serving others

• By leading people into a personal relationship with


July/August 2013 edition 16th June 2013

We welcome your submissions for inclusion in the magazine.

Please ensure that material is preferably emailed to

[email protected]

or dropped in to the church office.

Thank you.


Vision statement


Magazine deadline

Vicar: Revd David Page 01270 762415

[email protected]

Church Office: 01270 762213 [email protected]

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David’s page…

The Hope cont inues

As the Christian Church, we have, once more, celebrated the Easter message that Jesus died and rose again. But is that the final message of the Jesus story? The answer to this question is an emphatic no! Yes, sin was defeated and new resurrection life assured, but the mission continues, and will continue, until the final day when God’s Kingdom will be fully established for ever.

In May we celebrate the continuation of the Jesus story, with His return to heaven (Ascension Day, May 9th) and the coming of His Holy Spirit into the world (Pentecost Sunday, May 19th). Both of these events remind us, disciples of Jesus, that we are part of the same mission, sharing the Hope of Jesus in what seems a hopeless world.

There is widespread scepticism whether the ascension of Jesus was a literal historical event. However, there are two good reasons why we should reject this view point. Firstly, because of the reliance that Luke (the recorder of this event in the Bible) places on the testimony of eye witnesses. Five times in this very brief account, at the start of the Book of Acts, Luke stresses that the ascension took place visibly and was verified by eye witnesses. Secondly, the visible ascension has a readily intelligible purpose. It is not that Jesus needed to take a journey into space! The ascension communicated to the disciples that the time for a change had come. No longer would Jesus be merely physically present with them, He would soon come into their very being to transform them and their mission. As recorded at the end of Matthew’s gospel, they were not to be passive observers, but active witnesses to the message of Jesus.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Matthew 28 : 19 – 20

This is also the message of the ascension to us today that we are not to be passive onlookers, but active witnesses, sharing the Gospel of Hope. The coming of the Holy Spirit, the promised gift of God for all who trust in Jesus, also reminds us that it is Jesus who equips us and is with us when we share in His mission. The important message of Pentecost is that the Holy Spirit is within Jesus’ people. The Holy Spirit is not in worldly objects but is in us, so that we may continue to be faithful disciples.

So, let us continue to spread the message of Hope, that Jesus has conquered sin and that all who trust in Him can share resurrection life, now and for ever.

David PageDavid PageDavid PageDavid Page.

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What’s on...

St Leonard’s Church Warmingham

invite you to

Warmingham Wakes 2013

Saturday 4th May

from 2.00pm

at Church House Farm, Warmingham (by kind permission of Mr J and Mrs E Richardson)

The Wakes Queen’s Procession leaves the village hall at 1.45pm

Opening Ceremony and Crowning 2.00pm

The Famous Duck Race 4.00pm

Maypole Dancing performed by Warmingham School

Children’s Fancy Dress

Dog Show

Stalls: Cakes, books, white elephant, tombola, plants, raffle and many more.

Sideshows and rides.

Delicious afternoon teas and refreshments, ice cream

Warmingham Wakes 2013

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What’s o


Food, Fellowship and Study

Testimony and Testament series and the next breakfast will

be on:

Saturday 11th May

in the Church Hall, 8.00am-9.30am.

Time together

An opportunity for any who have been bereaved to share

‘Soup and a Roll’ and a chat

Thursday 9th May 2013

12.00noon – 2.00pm

St Peter’s Church Hall

Men’s breakfast

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What’s on...

Walk for water

Saturday 22 nd June

Ladybower and its two linked reservoirs in the Peak District’s Derwent valley provide to millions of homes in the East Midlands fresh, clean water - something in short supply in south-west Uganda. Watsan (water & sanitation), a small Christian charity, a kind of offshoot of Water Aid, seeks to provide clean water and effective sanitation as part of the practical mission of two Anglican dioceses. Watsan is arranging a sponsored Walk for Water round the Derwent reservoirs

on Saturday 22nd June. Several from our local churches are considering join-

ing the walk, which consists of one or two ‘circles’ of twelve miles each.

Leaflets with more details are available in the foyer of the hall; or speak to

Andrew Bailey. More walkers – and sponsors – welcome!

We shall be holding a mid-morning Birdsong and Flower Walk along Salt Line Way and Borrow Pits on Saturday 25th May. For more information on the above please ring 764076 or 761189.

A ROCHA news

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What’s o






started on Friday 19th April and we were delighted to welcome

46 children in our first week. Some of these children already come to

church, some had been to the Space Academy holiday club whilst

others are children that we are making contact with for the first time.

As a team we were expecting about 15-20 children initially, so felt

completely blessed to have had so many to kickstart this project. I

would like to express my thanks to all those from the church family

who came along to help.

Each session follows the same structure. There is a short time

as the children arrive that is led from the front and allows the children

to come up and tell us a little about their week or perform song or

dance. This is followed by a time spent doing an activity. For our first

week we played team games during this time; in subsequent weeks

we’ll be doing cookery, a puppet workshop, pottery and many other

exciting activities. After a quick refreshment break, we converge back

in the hall to sing Christian children’s songs and have a bible story.

We are hoping to have even more children joining us in the coming

weeks and would appreciate any support you felt able to give. That

might be to come along once a term, it might be to help out each

week. You may also have a special talent or particular skill and could

come along one week to lead our activity time. If you are not able to

join us on a Friday evening we would very much appreciate your

support in prayer. Please pray for all of the team who lead : that

we would stay in good health, that we would be inspired with new

ideas and that we would be able to build a good rapport with the

children. Please also pray that would act as a means of

reaching the wider community through conversations with parents and


Steve Noble

xp lorexp lorexp lorexp lore

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What’s on...

Junior church anniversary serv ice

Traditionally, on the last Sunday in June, the Junior Church holds its anniversary service at St Peter’s at 10.30am. I think this date may have been chosen many years ago as the feast day of St Peter is the 29th June and so this would seem an appropriate date for a celebration, as the church in Elworth is named after this saint. However, readers of this article may know differently!

At this service all the children who have attended Junior or Youth Church throughout the past year are presented with a Christian book. This is a wonderful opportunity for children to have a book that has been especially chosen for them, often featuring a Bible character or a well-known Bible story. For the young people of Youth Church, the book may have a slightly different focus in that it addresses some of the issues which young people experience in their daily lives.

Please pray that these books will be received, read and understood by all those to whom they are given.

Helen Jones

SLC Main Concert Sandbach Ladies Choir main concert this year is on

Saturday 29th June Wesley Centre, 7.30pm

In aid of St Luke's Cheshire Hospice

Tickets are £5.00 including refreshments and can be obtained from either Carolyn Barker or Diane Noble.

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About u


Col in and Ela ine Eastwood

Colin and I grew up in the church in Blackpool. We were in the choir and Sundays were full; 8.00am, said Communion, 10.00am Sung Matins (Holy Communion fourth Sunday), 2.00pm to 3.00pm we taught in Sunday School, 6.30pm sung Evensong. So Sunday was special. Looking back over the years, we can truly say with the hymn writer, “Through all the changing scenes of life, in trouble and in joy”, we have felt that God has been with us. We experienced a number of churches as we have moved house through the years, but we have never found such fellowship, friendship and sense of mission as we have at St Peter’s. Over the years I have found prayer to be more and more important, because everything needs to be underpinned by it:

Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labour in vain.

So my prayer is that our country will see revival, renewal, and that pews and chairs will be filled with praising people. As for Colin and me, we say:

“We trust in you, O Lord; We say, ‘You are our God’; Our times are in your hands.”

Elaine Eastwood

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Focus on… horticulture

Churchyard Maintenance

John Stables and I try to keep the churchyard presentable as a place where the relatives and friends of their departed loved ones are laid to rest. The last few months have seen the trees at the rear of the churchyard cut to prevent them from becoming dangerous to the adjoining properties. Also the large trees at the front of the grounds next to the footpath have been pollarded, which apart from the safety issue also lightens the front of the church and churchyard. We have also been making improvements to the two pathways in the centre of the churchyard by edging and repairing them, again they were becoming a safety hazard to people visiting graves. Weather permitting we cut the grass, trim hedges, and generally tidy the churchyard two mornings a week, usually Tuesday and Saturday. The first Saturday of the month (usually May till October) we welcome any of the church family who feel they can assist in any way to come and join us. We have a few regulars, they know who they are and we are very grateful for their input as they have been a great help in landscaping the car park area and planting small plants and shrubs, but it would be nice to see a few more joining in. We can usually arrange tea and coffee mid-morning if John or I can find the kettle.

Bill Morrison

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Focus o

n… h


Elworth C of E primary school have started an exciting

long term garden project to commemorate the

Queen's Diamond Jubilee.

An elected children's committee have pulled together the ideas from the

school as a wish list and the children's dream for their garden.

The children's ideas consist of an outdoor classroom, sensory area, water

feature or pond, vegetable and fruit growing area, willow structures, wildlife

and conservation areas and miscellaneous planting areas.

The PTA have been working hard with the school to raise funds since October

and the first stage took place on Saturday 20th April. We will be building a

large planter for each class and a plastic bottle greenhouse.

We believe that the garden will enhance the children's learning and

development opportunities and will be of benefit to the local community in the


We are looking for help and support in any way you feel you are able to, from

advise and expertise to practical planting and horticulture. If you are willing to

help please contact the school on [email protected].

Elworth C of E

How does your garden grow?

Nicely cut lawns? Pruned shrubs and trees?

St Peter’s churchyard is no exception. Just take a moment to walk through, stop awhile and experience it for yourself.

Some have assisted in bulb planting to make a glorious array of snowdrops, daffodils, crocuses and maintain borders. There’s still more to be done – can you and a friend or two give say one hour a week to weed, mow or strim. Keep the churchyard looking great as well as helping in praise of our great Creator.

Jubi lee Garden

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Church life

Space Academy: review

Four days of action packed fun! Our holiday club, ‘Space Academy’ launched us into the story of Daniel and his friends as they experienced life in Babylon (so alien to them, it was like living on another planet)!

We had prayed that the children would come along and they did in abundance with nigh on fifty children each day. As one of the leaders, it was wonderful to observe the children taking part in a whole host of activities ranging from an alien warm up to craft and games, and most importantly story time when the children listened to how Daniel and his friends were able to trust God in every situation.

Space Academy concluded with a parent/carer evening with fancy dress for the children. The evening provided a fabulous opportunity to share hot dogs together and to find out what the children had been up to during the week.

It was a real privilege to serve the Lord in this way. Thank you to everyone who helped in any way. Can’t wait for next year.............

Cathryn Houghton

Monday 8th - Thursday 11th Apr i l

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Church life

Small Groups provide an opportunity for people to

make friends, grow in their faith and discuss life

together in a smaller setting than the Sunday Service.

They are informal, friendly and supportive, providing

an ideal setting in which to meet new people. Groups

run throughout the week.

For further details contact the

Church Office on 01270 762213

Smal l groups

Space Academy: report

Space Cadet Bethany, 8, writes:

My favourite part of Space Academy was the games. The reason why it was the games is because they were so much fun!

The second week of the Easter Holidays was one of the busiest. It was when the St. Peter’s Church, annual holiday club took place – Space Academy 2013. As a young leader, I was able to see the club in two different lights: as a leader, and as a young person.

This made it very interesting, because I knew which ideas to suggest because I am a similar age to the cadets; I knew what they, and I, would enjoy, and as a leader I could also help those ideas become real.

The best thing about Space Academy was seeing the smiles on all those little faces, and watching the children participate in all of the amazing activities, which the team organized so skilfully. Overall, It was a roaring success.

Lydia Houghton, 12

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Church life

Church speak

At a meeting for leaders at St Peter’s, one group recognised we all use

a lot of – often bewildering - Church-speak! I was asked to try to

unravel over the next few issues some examples of Church-speak for

readers of SPEAK, particularly those relating to church services.

Absolutions and Affirmations of Faith, Collects, Confessions and Creeds – there’s plenty to go on! These are all technical terms – church-speak, if you like - describing elements which may be included when we come together to worship God. Worship and Liturgy are the big terms which embrace the others. Worship includes praising and thanking God, owning up to our failures, asking his help for those in need, listening to his words of grace and challenge through the reading and explanation of the Bible.

Liturgy tends to have a narrower meaning and refers to the form and structure of our worship together: it’s one method of doing worship. Liturgy will usually include ‘set’ forms of prayers. This can seem to restrict freedom in worship, but can be liberating in providing words that have stood the test of time, penetrate deeply into our hearts and minds, and surface in times of need. Liturgy, because it is structured, helps maintain a balance in the elements of worship noted above, rather than relying on the whims of the leader. It can specially bind the congregation together through responses and prayers said by everyone together.

At St Peter’s the freer worship at 10.30 has liturgical elements like a shared ‘confession’ and ‘affirmation of faith’. The more structured liturgical forms at 9.00am and 6.30pm include the freedom of the personal contributions of the prayers for others.

Andrew Bailey

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Church life

The big Bible event : report

The Big Bible Event took place at Chester Cathedral on Saturday 20th April. St Peter's was privileged to participate and developed a mobile zone or 'Zoom' as it became known. The theme this year was the gospel of Luke - various zones took parts of the gospel to tell the story of Jesus through Luke's eyes, from nativity to resurrection.

The event was aimed at primary-aged children and therefore the zones were filled with craft, drama, games and storytelling activities. It was Zoom's job to ensure everyone knew where they were going between the zones, to alert folk to specific timed events and to answer any questions. And so, myself, Michelle Walker, Dave and Katie Mulroy, Diane Noble and Sharron Bull (ably helped by Matthias Puppet and Derek the Donkey), donned disciple costumes and armed ourselves with clues to the zones and beautiful scrolls. We six (eight) were the seventy-two, sent out by Jesus to spread the Good News - a small, but effective team.

The day saw a constant flow of excited children, thrilling activities, songs and prayers. There were plenty of tourists, too, many of whom commented on how vibrant the cathedral looked with so much going on: a very special witness to our living God who delights in the play of his children.

Elizabeth Morris

Do your shopping online and raise funds for St


Visit www.easyfundraising.org.uk and

select ‘St Peter's Church, Elworth’ as your

favourite cause.

You can access many well known High Street names through

easyfundraising, and when you make a purchase, the retailer pays a donation

to St Peter's. It’s that simple!

Page 16: Speak May/June Magazine 2013


Feel like you’re drowning in debt?

Call Lifeline Debt Advice and

let them be your lifeline...

Has the ‘credit crunch’ had an impact on your finances?

Are you struggling to balance the budget each month?

If so, then Lifeline Debt Advice can help.

Many people are tempted to ignore the bills and final

demands which drop with increasing regularity through the

letterbox, hoping that the problem will go away.

Unfortunately all too often it doesn’t and the situation

soon becomes unmanageable.

Lifeline Debt Advice has trained advisers who operate

out of the Wesley Centre in Sandbach.

Our aim is to help anyone who has money or debt problems

and the service is totally free and confidential.

If you are in need of help please call us on

01270 750358

to arrange an appointment.

(If no-one answers leave a message and we will get back to you.)

Consumer Credit Licence No: 618245/1

Church life

Page 17: Speak May/June Magazine 2013


The Coffee Stop Café is open on Friday mornings,

9am - 12noon, in St Peter’s Church Hall.

The café offers excellent value for money

with toast and toasted teacakes also available.

Warm drinks, juice, children’s drinks and sweet treats

from 70p.

It also offers a warm friendly welcome from its volunteer staff,

so why not give it a try?

is open Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays

10.00am - 11.30am

Tea, Coffee and Hot Chocolate — 50p

There are magazines and leaflets available for you to look through or to

take away.

FairTrade goods are available for purchase, our receptionists are happy to

help if you have any queries about these, or anything else that happens

throughout the week.

Church life

The Cof fee Stop Café

The foyer

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Saturday 11th May Sunday 19th May

Men’s Breakfast Pentecost

Church Hall, 8.00am—9.30am

Sunday 19th May Sunday 16th June

CTS United Service Environment Sunday

St Peter’s, 6.30pm

Sunday 30th June Sunday 30th June

Junior Church Anniversary Service Missions Service

10.30am 6.30pm

Saturday 13th July Sunday 21st July

Men’s Breakfast Elworth School Leavers’ Service

Church Hall, 8.00am—9.30am 10.30am

Sunday 8th September Saturday 14th September

Commissioning Service Men’s Breakfast

Church Hall, 8.00am—9.30am

Sunday 29th September Sunday 3rd November

Harvest Shoebox Sunday

Saturday 9th November Sunday 22nd December

Men’s Breakfast Carol Service

Church Hall, 8.00am—9.30am

Church diary

There will be a United Service at St Peter’s on

Sunday 19th May at 6.30pm with churches in Elworth, Sandbach

and Wheelock.

Refreshments will be served after the service in the church hall.

You can now like us on Facebook, just search for

‘St Peter’s Church, Elworth’

For more information, please speak to

Bethany Jones

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Junior Church runs concurrently with the 10.30am service at St Peter’s and is for

3 to 14 year olds, split into various groups:

Lego (3 to 6 years)

Adventurers (7 to 11 years)

Youth Church (11 to 14 years)

We join in sadness with the families of the late:

Stan Fisher; Reginald Brandreth; Gerald Hadfield;

Nancy Lightfoot; Nellie Littlemore; Robert Proudlove;

John Rankine; Vera Rowbottom; Pete Stroud

St Peter’s Church is open every Tuesday morning between 10.00am and

11.00am for prayer and reflection. In addition to the regular Tuesday mornings, it

will also be open when events, either local or national, lead to a need for quiet

contemplation and prayer.

Whilst every care has been taken in the compilation of this magazine, we cannot

guarantee that inaccuracies will not occur. The Editors are responsible for content

selection and reserve the right to amend articles and withhold items as deemed

necessary. Articles submitted after the deadline date may not be included in that

edition of the magazine and the Editors’ decision is final. Should you have any

concerns regarding the content in the magazine or wish to submit an article for

inclusion, please contact us by email on [email protected] or phone

the Church Office on 01270 762213.

Bethany Jones and Diane Noble, Editors

St Peter’s PCC, Elworth - Registered Charity Number 1130803

From the registers

Opening times

Junior church

Editorial disclaimer

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St Peter’s


St Peter’s





St Peter’s





All Age


All Age










All Age










All Age Holy

Communion (Methodist)

CTS United






All Age


All Age










All Age










All Age










All Age

Holy Communion (Anglican)









All Age








Junior Church

Anniversary Service





Sunday services for May and June