Spatial data infraestructure ID-Patri

Spatial Data Infrastructure of Cultural Heritage 30 June 2014 Emilio Abad Vidal Senior Technician GIS CESGA


“An SDI is a standardized system composed of a set of computing resources whose aim is to visualize and manage Geographic Information available online.” “This system enables, through a simple Web browser or services, users can find, view, use and combine Geographic Information according to your needs.”

Transcript of Spatial data infraestructure ID-Patri

  • 1. Spatial Data Infrastructure of Cultural Heritage 30 June 2014 Emilio Abad Vidal Senior Technician GIS CESGA

2. Spatial Data Infrastructure of Cultural Heritage Spatial Data Infrastructure of Cultural Heritage IDEPATRI by Emilio Abad Vidal is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional License. 3. An SDI is a standardized system composed of a set of computing resources whose aim is to visualize and manage Geographic Information available online. This system enables, through a simple Web browser or services, users can find, view, use and combine Geographic Information according to your needs. Spatial Data Infraestructure (SDI) 4. An SDI is a standardized system composed of a set of computing resources whose aim is to visualize and manage Archaeological Information available online. This system enables, through a simple Web browser or services, users can find, view, use and combine Archaeological Information according to your needs. Spatial Data Infraestructure (SDI) 5. Archaeological Information looks a lot like Geographic Information 6. GEPN and SDI Primary need to provide the research group a system that allows all members to contribute and have accessible information, and agreed on a COMMON BACKGROUND 7. REQUIREMENTS 8. Need for updated information The Archaeological Information is highly changeable The Archaeological Information is costly, therefore it must be able to be reused the largest possible number of times 9. Need for updated information A company or researcher generates its own data in constant flux 10. Need for updated information But everyone do the same 11. Need for instant information Information needs to be available on demand immediately, which means saving time and effort This implies that information distribution centers must have agility in delivery 12. Need for instant information ? Since the generation of data to its availability uncertain situations are created 13. Need for instant information 14. The ubiquitous access as a solution The information is in the hands of who produces or distributes (institutions, organizations, companies, universities, ...) and more rapid, broad and ubiquitous access is being performed via Internet networks 15. The ubiquitous access as a solution 16. ARCHAEOLOGICAL INFORMATION IN SDI SPIRIT Principles Establishment of agreements between data producers to maintain basic information considered Using standards in the creation of archaeological information Technological agreements to achieve interoperable information Establishment of policies, partnerships and agreements to increase data availability 17. In Europe in 2001 appears INSPIRE (INfraestructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe) Its function is to establish principles and mechanisms for the creation of a European SDI level to harmonize information between member countries from national, regional or local scales data. 18. In 2007, Directive 2007/2/EC of the published European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007, published in the Official Journal of the EU (OJEU) on 25 April 2007. 19. In 2010, Law 14/2010 is published on 5 July incorporated into Spanish law Directive 2007/2/EC ensuring compliance 20. Directive 2007/2/EC - Data Types Fuente: Carlos Fernndez Freire CCHS - CSIC 21. 2009 - 2012 22. 2009 - 2012 Desenvolvemento dun modelo de datos Arqueolxico para a Idade de Ferro en Galicia Programa Sectorial de Investigacin Aplicada, PEME I+D Suma. Tecnoloxa Sociedade e Cultura (SEC), financiado por el programa PGIDIT de la Direccin Xeral de I+D, Consellera de Economa e Industria de la Xunta de Galicia (proyecto 09SEC002CT) 23. 2013 - 2014 24. Protected Site Inventory Context Analysis Ceramics Anthracological Carpology Carbon 14 ... Intervention Record field 25. A common data model 26. Interfaces and standardized procedures for data creation 27. Light viewer 28. FEATURES Navegation Identification Query 29. AVAILABLE INFORMATION 30. AVAILABLE INFORMATION- Identify / Location 31. AVAILABLE INFORMATION Predesigned querys 32. AVAILABLE INFORMATION - Multiescale 33. Intervention in A Rocha Castle 34. Anthracological Studies Mara Martn Integration of multiple interventions 35. Opportunity to test a complete system Data creation Treatment of geographic and alphanumeric data From Data to Information Generating results through Reports From sites and intervention to Museum 36. Documentation process that ensures TRACEABILITY from the FIELD to MUSEUM 37. Intervention in A Rocha Castle REQUIREMENTS Fieldwork. Direct documentation on the Site. Different teams with different physical locations. Shared information. Preparation of monthly reports. Preparation of final report. Access via the Web. 38. Intervention in A Rocha Castle Approach new challenges demands a hot job 39. Intervention in A Rocha Castle PROCESSES Take direct data on the site Readings with total station. ETRS89 Stratigraphic contexts Gathering materials Analytical evidence Study materials Study samples 40. Intervention in A Rocha Castle PROCESSES Restoration Structures Materials Reporting and memories (Trapped information) 41. Intervention in A Rocha Castle TOOLS 42. Intervention in A Rocha Castle TOOLS 43. Intervention in A Rocha Castle TOOLS 44. Intervention in A Rocha Castle WORK FLOW Stratigraphic record Record of evidence Drawing field Photographic record Field documentation 3 G 5.500 RED 45. Intervention in A Rocha Castle WORK FLOW Shared access Creating information 3 G RED Ceramic analysis Restoration Context Samples Graphic record 46. Intervention in A Rocha Castle WORK FLOW Shared access Final Products WMS 47. Intervention in A Rocha Castle RESULTS DATA SHEETS STRATIGRAPHIC CONTEXT 48. Intervention in A Rocha Castle RESULTS DATA SHEETS MATERIALS 49. Intervention in A Rocha Castle RESULTS INVENTORIES OF MATERIALS 50. Intervention in A Rocha Castle RESULTS DATA SHEETS NUMISMATIC 51. Intervention in A Rocha Castle RESULTS REPORTS RESTORATION 52. Intervention in A Rocha Castle RESULTS THEMATIC MAPS 53. Intervention in A Rocha Castle CONCLUSIONS COLLABORATIVE WORK 54. Intervention in A Rocha Castle CONCLUSIONS COLLABORATIVE WORK WORKING FULL CYCLE 55. Intervention in A Rocha Castle CONCLUSIONS COLLABORATIVE WORK WORKING FULL CYCLE SHARED DATA 56. Intervention in A Rocha Castle CONCLUSIONS COLLABORATIVE WORK WORKING FULL CYCLE SHARED DATA SYSTEM TESTED 57. Intervention in A Rocha Castle CONCLUSIONS COLLABORATIVE WORK WORKING FULL CYCLE SHARED DATA SYSTEM TESTED 4 MONTHS OF WORK FIELD 58. Intervention in A Rocha Castle CONCLUSIONS COLLABORATIVE WORK WORKING FULL CYCLE SHARED DATA SYSTEM TESTED 4 MONTHS OF WORK FIELD 4 WEEKS OF LABORATORY 59. Intervention in A Rocha Castle CONCLUSIONS COLLABORATIVE WORK WORKING FULL CYCLE SHARED DATA SYSTEM TESTED 4 MONTHS OF WORK FIELD 4 WEEKS OF LABORATORY 60. LIGHT VIEWERS ACCESSING INFORMATION 61. STANDARD SERVICES SDI ACCESSING INFORMATION 62. CONNECTION TO THE SPATIAL DATABASE ACCESSING INFORMATION