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SPARK Issue 1 Summer 2009


A fun, creative summer project

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SPARK Issue 1

Summer 2009

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CONTENTSSpark Your Style

Page 4-10“Eco Chic” By Avanthi HulugallePhotographs by Maddie Cordoba

Models: Shannon Kazan and Eva Perry

Spark Your TransformationPage 11

“Rebagz” by Avanthi Hulugalle

Spark Your CreativityPage 12

“The Resourceful V-Neck”Model: Emily Greenwood

Photographer: Maddie Cordoba

Spark Your VitalityPage 13

“ The Color of Health” By Avanthi HulugallePhotograph by Maddie Cordoba

Spark OhmPages 14-15

“Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Avanthi HulugallePhotograph by Maddie Cordoba

Model: Shannon Kazan

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Letter from the editor

Spark! I have always wanted to work on a magazine, the bustling business of setting trends and spreading information. So this summer in-between my junior and senior year of high school with a Spark of curiosity, I decided to start my own. The problem was I had no idea where to begin and how to live up to what “regular” magazine present. I figured I would connect my new found interest in being eco-friendly to my love of fashion. After spending time reading about it I discovered easy ways to be eco friendly and chic. Being a junior/senior I realize the importance of taking care of myself. I hear from just about everyone, the importance of healthy living. Being healthy consists of more then just the foods we eat. It also consists of what we do, how we exercise, reduce stress and relax.

The more I learn about how to eat right, relax and wear eco-friendly clothes, the more there is to learn. Spark magazine is from my Spark of awareness to yours. Spark your style, Spark your inner and outer goddess, Spark a commitment to look at our world differently.

The next issue will Spark your conscience. It will deal with Fair Trade, 10 reasons to Recycle, Vegan foods and Eco beauty.

I would like to first thank, Marty Stevens-Heebner of Rebagz. She was wonderful to interview and I enjoyed talking to her about her company Rebgaz.

My friend and incredibly talented photographer Maddie Cordoba took all the pictures and the lovely Emily Greenwood, Shannon Kazan, and Eva Perry captured the essence of what I wanted to show with their stunning poses. Thank you all for your support, your time and your endless patience.

Avanthi HulugalleSummer 2009

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Eco Chic doesn’t mean wearing burlap and looking frumpy. There are many ways to join in the green revolution without compromising your fashion

sense. Reduce the amount of clothes you buy from department stores.

Reuse your old clothes by selling them back to places like crossroads or swap with friends. Recycle old clothes and revitalize it to be something new. A

little creativity and reminders from the three R’s can help you be eco chic.


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Thrift Thrift StoresStores

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Sell your old clothes back and get something new at


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Focus: Rebagz

Rebagz handbags have change the way we reuse materials. Transforming things that ordinary would be just tossed away like juice packs and nylon rice bags and creating them into cute handbags, totes wallets etc. Marty Stevens-Heebner, the creator of Rebagz started her designs by making

jewelry; as a designer she wanted to further her designs to make handbags and was looking for fabrics. She found these such fabrics on a trip to the Philippines. She discovered rice sacks and a company that was weaving

recycled plastic juice packs. The variety of colors and designs of her bag are just as gorgeous and her personality and commitment to fair trade and

creating a more eco fashion, friendly world. “Eco-fashion isn‘t just a beige-and-itchy niche anymore. Companies like ours are showing the world that

there are so many beautiful things out there that deserve a second life rather than a slow toxic death in a landfill somewhere”


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Fruits and vegetables come in terrific colors and flavors but their true beauty is all the nutrients inside. The U.S. Dietary guidelines recommend eating at least three to five servings of fruit and four to eight servings of vegetables daily. However surveys have

shown on the average person in the United States eat 1.6 servings of fruit and 3.2 servings of vegetables and in teens even less. A key to eating fruits and vegetables is to

eat a variety of colors giving you multiple valuable nutrients. Here’s some fruits and vegetables that are grown in California. Buying fruits that are grown locally helps reduce the amount of carbon emission. An even better way to buy fruits and vegetables is from

your local farmer’s market.

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Blueberries One of the only true blue foods has high antioxidants but also proven to improve coordination, balance and short term memory.

Strawberry:There fruits are grown almost year round in California, so all year you can have these delicious fruits with high vitamin C (helps keep skin and heal cuts) and fiber (decrease risks of coronary artery disease).

Grapes California grows 97% of the nation’s table grapes. Helps reduce high blood pressure

CucumbersThis vegetable is 96%water and a high sourceof vitamin A and C.Vitamin A helps protectagainst infections andkeeps your skin and eyeshealthy

CarrotsThe brightness of thecarrot tells you it’s agood source of vitamin A

CornCorn or maize asthe Native American’sused to call it, has shown toprevent cardiovascular diseaseand lower the risk of lung cancer.

It smells like teen spirit

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Teenagers have competitive and busy schedules juggling school, sports and friends with very little downtime. In addition, since most of us live in the city or sub urban areas there isn’t much pure peace and quietness. Aside from the physical benefits, yoga teaches teens how to

maintain balance in their lives and to manage stress. You learn to breathe while not being plugged into anything but

your emotions. Yoga instructors say that through yoga teens create a positive body image and self-reliance. From

personal experience, yoga has helped me in numerous ways, while learning to focus, I felt more and more

confident. That confidence was exemplified in my school work, sports and everyday life.

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Yoga has physical, mental and spiritual benefits. For athletes yoga increases flexibility and is vital in

preventing injury while increasing game performance. Mentally, yoga provides techniques of calming the body

for important and stressful situations like tests. The practice of yoga also helps to improve self discipline

while enhancing concentration. Spiritually, yoga is known to help create a connection with the natural world. Teens gain more compassion and learn to trust their intuition

through the practice of yoga.Gain self confidence and strength

Breathe deeperStretch longerReach higher

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